Akmal Yusupov Presentation about sustainable development

G. Do you think that the lifestyle of the inhabitants of your town or city reflects behavior that is in line with the concept of sustainable development? In your opinion, what should be improved? Akmal Yusupov

Transcript of Akmal Yusupov Presentation about sustainable development

G. Do you think that the lifestyle of the inhabitantsof your town or city reflects behavior that is in linewith the concept of sustainable development?In your opinion, what should be improved?

Akmal Yusupov

How to improve the well-being of the population, without destroying the environment?

Key question of modern society?

Sustainable Development

Economicallocate resources efficiently for them to last long term

Ecologicaluse resources without a negative impact on the environment

Socio-culturaldevelop processes and structures that help to maintain a healthy community

Why is sustainable development important?


Increasing population and output

The word population is increasing as never before. The increase in population triggers a rise in output and consumption.

Depletion of non-renewable resources

The increase in consumption is triggering production. Higher production volumes require more resources. Some of these resources are non-renewable.

Poverty/Hunger/Lack of drinking water

21% of the population is in poverty. 790 million people don’t have enough food to lead an active life. 1.1 billion people don’t have acces to drinking water.

37 yearsLeft until oil is completely depleted

1.1 billionPeople don’t have access to drinking water

790 millionPeople don’t have enough food

Sustainable development goals

How to reduce the emissions?

How to reduce poverty?

Education◉ Free access to primary and

secondary education◉ Promoting literacy in rural

areas◉ Specialized secondary


Healthcare◉ Health insurance promotion◉ More accessible healthcare

Water and Sanitation◉ Water cleaning facilities◉ Conversion of sea water to

drinking water

Economic Security◉ Stable increase in GDP◉ Low inflation◉ Low unemployment

Extensive Investment◉ Susbsidize innovative

opportunities◉ Subsidize children education◉ Subsidize healthcare

Social Protection◉ Social Packages for elders

and those in need◉ Developed employment


UZBEKISTANThe heart of Central Asia

30 millionpopulation

171 billion USDGDP

449’000 sq. kmarea

4th largestgold deposits in the world

7th largestproducer of cotton

2’046 USDGDP per capita

Key issues

The Aral SeaRural


Sustainable Farming

Aral Sea

IssueThe once full Aral Sea has been depleted by non-sustainable water usage for farming. Sea salt and dangerous chemicals released are contaminating the air and the water of the are.

What has been done?• Aral Sea Basin Program

(ineffective)• JV “Aral Sea Operating

Company” to do geological exploration and exploitation of the potential oil and gas fields

• No actions to save the sea

Sustainable Farming

Issue21% of the country’s GDP comes from agriculture. Unsustainable use of land and water leads to low yields and shortage. Child labor use on the cotton fields.

What has been done?• Programs to improve the

irrigation and drainage infrastructure

• Introduction of Drip Irrigation

• Switch from cotton production to farming of food products

• Educational programs for local farmers

Rural Development

IssueLow development of the rural areas. High rates of illiteracy. Low life quality. Shortages of energy and resources. Low quality healthcare.

What has been done?• Introduction of micro

financing to finance small rural enterprises and entreprenuers

• Rural housing program to build over 200’000 new houses

• Rural enterprise financing by ADB


IssueEnergy shortages including shortage of electricity in the rural areas, gas and fuel shortages.

What has been done?• Development of

renewable energy sources (biofuel)

• ADB Samarkand Solar Energy project (7 months of sun on average per year)

• Wind capacity development in the Navoiregion

What can be done further?

Aral Sea◉ Analyze the experience of

Kazakhstan in refilling the Northern part of the sea

◉ Reduce water use for agriculture to refill the sea

Sustainable Farming◉ Reducing government

intervention in setting yield goals for farmers

◉ Spreading water usage minimizing technologies

◉ Farmer education

Rural Development◉ Make healthcare available in

rural areas◉ Improve literacy among rural

citizens◉ Increase the quota for rural

students at universities


◉ Promote solar energy usage for households

◉ Create a wind energy infrastructure

◉ Change the time zone (time offset) once a year

◉Reducing CO2 emissions

◉ Increase the emissions standards for cars on the streets

◉ Promote electric cars and offer discounts or incentives for their usage

◉Natural Resources Conservation

◉ Waste management and recucling plants

◉ Promote usage of reusable products

Thank you!References:

• http://www.uz.undp.org/content/uzbekistan/ru/home/post-2015/sdg-overview.html

• http://www.lse.ac.uk/publicEvents/pdf/2015-LT/20150204-Jeff-Sachs-PPT.pdf

• https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/869energyuzbek.pdf

• http://plancanada.ca/5-ways-to-end-poverty

• http://budgetngbayan.com/poverty-reduction-and-empowerment-of-the-poor-and-vulnerable/

• http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/ECA/2015/08/20/090224b083085829/1_0/Rendered/PDF/Uzbekistan000S0Report000Sequence014.pdf

• http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/linked-documents/44318-013-uzb-ssa.pdf

• http://www.undp.org/content/dam/uzbekistan/docs/Publications/environmentandenergy/The_Outlook_for_the_Development_of_Renewable_Energy_in_Uzbekistan/uzb_un_5_The_Outlook_for_the_Development_of_Renewable_Energy_in_Uzbekistan.pdf

• http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2015/06/uzbekistan-s-ambitious-wind-power-target-signals-new-energy-politics.html