Akawa asks why I m scribbling down notes as I go, so I tell him … · 2020. 5. 22. · 18 BECKETT...

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Transcript of Akawa asks why I m scribbling down notes as I go, so I tell him … · 2020. 5. 22. · 18 BECKETT...

cARNA'S RebellioN 9

Akawa asks why I’m scribbling down notes as I go, so I tell him about my diary. He makes a noise like sucking air through his fangs. I’m told Decker is a hardliner, which is surprising for a Gangrel. I shouldn’t write anything down in his presence.


Decker: Carna invite you here thinking you’d arrive before she

went and left our flank open?

Beckett: We knew each other a long time ago. The French Revo-

lution hadn’t even happened. Yes, she invited me.

Decker: Sit, for God’s sake. You missed one of the Cardinals

barehand it just now. It would’ve stung even me.

Beckett: I don’t find much time to watch sports.

Decker: I’ve got to unwind a little before fixing for a big play.

Twenty years back I would’ve been watching one of these games

in the bleachers at the County Stadium, before going out with

my boys to scalp a Lupine. Now it’s all about Sabbat.

Beckett: Does Carna’s disappearance have anything to do with

the Sabbat baying at the door?

Parovich: It’s clearly more than a coincidence.

Decker: We been over this. The Sabbat was getting frisky before

Carna did her Houdini. Primogen always been overreaching. The An-

archs ain’t known right from left. Seizing Praxis ensured stability.

But then the Sabbat start striking us where we’re weakest, again

and again. One of the good old boys, a Malkavian named Jacob who’s

tight with Carna, keeps calling it a sign of Gehenna. “When Athens

falls, the depths shall rise,” is what he says, over and over.

Beckett: That’s not a passage I’ve read or heard before tonight.

Decker: Jacob keeps talking Jyhad. Lays it mostly at the feet of

Esau. I got to admit, I start to see the Jyhad in all of it. Jacob

says you’re another herald. It’s not like I ain’t heard of the

trouble that follows you around. We do talk up our rogues. I got

to admit I thought you’d be taller. You tell me: Why was that no

account Carna writing your name just about every place she could?

Beckett: I gather from a letter she sent me a couple of months

ago that I was important to her. Had she been acting strange —

stranger than usual, in recent months?

Decker: Primogen come in two forms. Controllers and controlled.

Parovich here has a cowboy’s grip on the Nosferatu of Milwaukee.

Carna’s different. She always been on the wires of her Clan.

That ain’t so different from most Warlocks, I guess, but lately

she got herself bowed up. Just ask the Primogen.

Beckett: This is the council?

Lucina: What’s left of it. One destroyed, two went east, a

fourth decided to start launching guerrilla attacks on the

Sabbat after discovering they were marshaling in Fond du Lac.

Of course, none of this happened until Carna decided to start

talking revolution.

Jacob and Esau

. Two M

alkavians w

ho love and loathe each other lik

e brothers. -ASample



Parovich: Traitorous bitch proclaiming the Tremere to be servants of ancients. She said she’d broken free from Tremere hegemony. Attempting to turn antitribu, I have no doubt.Lucina: For a long time the Sabbat have known where a number of us make our havens, and our most important kine resources. Their attacks have been nothing short of devastating. This behavior from Carna was enough for Jason to openly ask her whether her loyalty was to the Sabbat.Parovich: Frankly my dear, there’s no doubt in my mind that that’s the case.Lucina: Carna lashed out at Jason in response. They were at one another’s throats until that ignorant peon Scott staked Carna.Parovich: We should have ended her there.Decker: She was out of kilter, but one of the first things you learn is not to piss off or on the Tremere. They deal with their own. So Edward Scott, our former Brujah Primogen, delivered her to Victor. He done lingered long enough to hear the screams after Victor extracted the stake. They weren’t hers. Victor was scream-ing just long enough for Scott to know to hightail it. By the time he returned with a bunch of my Anubi in tow, Carna and her new arrivals were fixing to leave Milwaukee.Beckett: Did nobody try to stop her? Decker: The Anubi tangle with shapeshifters every week, and make good on their aims to defend Milwaukee from Sabbat, whenever they can. But these Warlocks? They just wanted out. Most of them hadn’t been here for longer than a month. Carna told Scott they were forming a new family. House Carna was going to exodus their way to the promised land, away from Tremere reprisals. You should’ve seen Scott when a bunch of his Anarch buddies upped and followed.



cARNA'S RebellioN 11

Beckett: But what triggered this change in Carna? How would a

Tremere break free from her Clan?

Decker: I can tell you’re asking yourself as much as you’re

asking us. I guess she just grew tired of having her strings

pulled, found a loophole. She ain’t some fragile damsel needs

saving. Carna discovered a way to pull herself out the Jyhad,

and took it. Hell, if the Tremere weren’t so damn useful in

locating and screwing with Sabbat I’d be applauding her. You

hear tell of Gangrel making moves to ditch the Ivory Tower?

Beckett: Of course, though I’ve heard mixed rumors surrounding

the cause. You’re not considering it?

Decker: Me? Milwaukee’s a laughingstock as it is, to be the

city where the Camarilla Prince is a Gangrel and it was the

Tremere that done gone Anarch. Least I can do is go down with

my boots on.

Beckett: With regret, I’ve got nothing to offer you in your

war. I don’t mean to stay here for longer than I need to, and

it seems my reason for coming has rudely departed. I’m keen to

meet this Jacob, however.

Decker: No bigger player of this game than him, and he’s been

around for more than a few centuries. You stop off at the Caro-

line Hall at Mount Mary’s to rest out the day. Students ain’t

there while it’s undergoing work, but Carna made a haven in the

dorms. I’ll see if I can reach Jacob and send him your way.

Beckett: I appreciate your hospitality. I assure you I’ll cause

no trouble.


Decker: The benches are clearing. As if this city don’t have

enough shit to deal with. You don’t stick around to watch your

own home run, morons! You run! You run!


No small feat, even for one as old as Carna. This must all tie in to the Book. -A

Mount Mary University, Milwaukee, United States

It becomes apparent Milwaukee is a city where the Kindred have been fending off enemies for so long, they’ve adopted a strange resoluteness vis-à-vis the Sabbat. They’re on a war footing. In my experience Camarilla cities rarely possess this attitude. Perhaps it’s symptomatic of having a Gangrel Prince.

I suspect this is one of many havens owned by Carna. With Decker so keen on the Masquerade, the bedchamber’s been thoroughly scrubbed. Curiosity overtaking me, as it often does, I decided to have a brief wander for the last hour before sunrise.

The cleanup crew did a fine job with the dorm room, and even the library, but not the heretofore locked administrative offices. If a mortal had been on site, I’ve no doubt



The Book of the Grave-WarThroughout Beckett’s Jyhad Diary are multiple

references to the Book of the Grave-War. It’s the tome responsible for setting Beckett on his journey, and though he often finds himself veering off course and exploring tangents, his path is ever dictated by his hunt for the Book. This pilgrimage is rarely obvious to him, yet unerringly he’s drawn to the west coast, D.C., Berlin, and elsewhere in search of the Book.

Beckett is enticed by the Book’s fabled con-tent. Clues to the breaking of blood bonds and Clan ties are said to be written within. Its advice on the subversion of Gehenna and the Jyhad greatly appeal to the Gangrel. Supposedly, those who read the Book in its entirety are freed from

domination, with Carna as an example of a vam-pire completely enslaved to her Clan until she pored over the complete text.

When Beckett finally locates the Book — or a damaged version of it — in Berlin, he holds a pow-erful relic that acts as a beacon to other vampires. When it enters his ownership he at once becomes capable of emancipating Kindred far and wide, and the target of all who would see such freedom denied.

It would not be unfair to expect Beckett to rid himself of the Book soon after discovering it. If it entered the hands of a coterie of young vampires, the chronicle following would be un-like any other.



cARNA'S RebellioN 13

they would have been bewildered by the array of books and scattered paperwork. But I know the signs of research.

Carna’s exploration into the Book of the Grave-War has seen her studying Cults of Isis, ancient Egypt, and modern Berlin. I also found a draft letter in the trash.

My beautiful dreadful Myca Vykos

You have never read my words before, yet my hope is you know my

name and afford it respect. I possess the original Book of the Grave-War and the one true way

to Golconda. I do not send this letter to mock or threaten. I invite you

to remain in your stronghold of Washington D.C. where I might bring

them to you in two several months hence. I will not remain in Milwau-

kee overlong, but must be free to travel without interference.

Your curiosity likely sets you to wonder: Why is one of the hated

Tremere proffering ancient Noddist tomes to the most perverted debased

Fiend in this hemisphere?I have been am

Mount Mary University, Milwaukee, United States

It’s my belief Carna planned to double cross myself to Vykos, or vice versa. Vexingly, I do not know why. What I know from my encounter with Jacob (I woke to find him sitting at the foot of my bed) is that Vykos is one of the parties responsible for the attack on Milwaukee.

My suspicion is if Carna did send a finished letter to Vykos, she didn’t expect it to start a war. She rallied her new troops and fled, with the Book of the Grave-War. This city is being attacked full bore by the Sabbat for something that’s already slipped through their fingers.

Pathetic, really.




[RECORDING BEGINS]Jacob: My boys handle technology for me. I struggle to keep up. Not like Esau. The bastard has a penchant for the sublime.Beckett: I was hoping you might know something about Carna, and a book she unearthed.Jacob: Oh, the delightful Carna. She’s buggered off. Can’t say it came as much of a shocker, but I miss her. She was a wonderful agent in the eternal game.Beckett: Why were you not surprised by her departure? Everyone else in the city seems to have been caught unawares. Tremere turning to the Anarchs isn’t commonplace.Jacob: I don’t think Carna is an Anarch. Not as such. Carna was used, passed around by her Clan, and frankly had enough. She en-joyed the little junkets I sent her on, before having to return to the kennel with that ghastly Victor and the monstrous Mortius. You know, Mortius was in with Esau? I believe him consumed. Deserved it, the wretch.Beckett: I hate to pull you back on point, but —Jacob: Carna! Oh, she was a precious bird trapped in a smelly cage. Reminded me of a childe of mine. Once, I was pursuing activities out in the City of Angels. You know it? Yes. I met such a beauty. Despite my age, she was attracted to me! I never saw one so vi-vacious, yet such delicate depths, my lad. Such delicate depths. She called me “daddy”. She’s Baron of Santa Monica, now. Such a delight. Esau had to go and ruin it by Embracing her sister.

[LENGTHY PAUSE]Jacob: Carna is a free spirit. She believes she’s found the one true way, but she’s hardly the Master of Ravens. Not too far from Anarch, though I doubt it’s an organization representative of her views. I miss her, though. So many uses. A bishop on the board, as it were. But the game is changing. Now we’re playing backgammon.Beckett: You’re quite effusive for a vampire of your purported age. I’ve met more than my share of ancient Kindred, but not many speak so openly of their manipulations or pawns.Jacob: Don’t mistake candor for weakness, my lad. I’ve spent a millennium playing with an open hand. Esau plays with his closed. He denies the Jyhad exists. We’re both still extant, both still dogging one another. Jerusalem, Athens, Tunis, Milwaukee. Once we’ve done the full circuit and get back to Jerusalem, we might shake and make up.Beckett: Decker quoted you on the subject of Gehenna. You see the coming war as one of its portents.Jacob: Esau and I have witnessed Gehenna at least three times. Athens is mentioned in the Book, you know? When Athens falls, the depths shall rise. The Book says so. The Sabbat are knocking at the door. Don’t you know how many Methuselahs are buried beneath Athens? I daresay I put a couple there myself—Beckett: I have to interrupt. Two things. Athens isn’t besieged by Sabbat. Milwaukee is. Secondly, if you’ve seen the original Book I’d be grateful to know where. Carna invited me here to view it, but with her gone —



cARNA'S RebellioN 15

Jacob: Foolish! Milwaukee was known as the German Athens! The

spilling of sweet vitae in these streets will wake the Methu-

selahs, and up from the depths they’ll come. I’m already plan-

ning on Phoenix. Don’t tell Esau if you see him. I’d love to

see his face when he realizes I’ve done a runner.

Beckett: For pity’s sake, Jacob.

Jacob: Impatient, aren’t you? You know, these Methuselahs aren’t

what you’d expect. They were here long before we arrived on

our boats and upset the natives. It’s going to be a brave new

world for the Camarilla and the Sabbat. [laughs] But yes, the

Book. I’ve seen it. Only read snippets. I’m not some wretch-

ed Noddist. I read enough. I believe she took it with her.

Lovely Carna was so upset when you didn’t arrive immediately.

She studied it avidly. I saw the effect it had on her precious

mind. She grew hungry. I wasn’t going to stare at the thing

and go mad.

Beckett: You’re a Malkavian.

Jacob: [laughs] Anatole said you had a sense of humor! The boy

flip flops between Esau and I, but he’s a fun piece. There are

things more insane than Malkavians, my lad. Haven’t you met

our cousins in the Sabbat? You’re close to Aristotle, aren’t

you? And surprised I know so much? I play with an open hand.

Keeps the enemy off guard. Esau hates it. One of our antitribu,

as we’ve all taken to calling them, is supporting Vykos in the

coming siege. Has something to do with King Distilleries in

the docklands. Used them to house three Sabbat packs until I

tipped off Decker and his Anubi.

Beckett: Do you know for a certainty Vykos is involved in the

siege? I believe Carna was attempting communication with them.

Jacob: I know what my pieces relay. If they heard the Book is

in Milwaukee... Well, there’s your casus belli. That Book says

a lot about Methuselahs waking up, where they’ll do it, and

the subsequent effects. Carna translated that part. But don’t

worry too much. We contract, we expand, and the clock keeps

ticking. As long as you’re out of Milwaukee within the night

you should be fine.

Beckett: I’d intended on staying a while longer, to search the

Tremere Chantry if possible. Where might Carna have gone?

Jacob: I wouldn’t recommend it, my lad. The next Sabbat attack

is aimed at the havens of the most influential vampires in this

city and is due soon. Parovich has given them all the infor-

mation they need, the loathsome toad. And anyway, the Cult of

Isis — strange females — have already stripped the Chantry

bare. I didn’t even know they were pieces, but Esau may have

been clever there. Carna, though? Go west, young man. Now be

a chap and turn the recorder off.


Likely to be of errant bloodlines so far divorced from the 13 Clans that the blood has split, but worth monitoring.-A

I swear to you

, Beck

ett — I’ve never even spok

en with Jacob or E

sau, let alone discu


your sense of hu

mor, or lack

thereof. Don’t u

nderestimate this one du

e to his talkative

nature. H

is tendrils run deep. -A

Reach out to Smiling Jack and try to find out whether the Free States have received a wave of Tremere.-L




I found a burial chamber near the Hiawatha National Forest

four years ago, while chasing down a link to the reported

Abomination making its haven in Manistique.

It was unlike anything I’d excavated before. At first I was

sure it was some elaborate Native American sepulcher, for

a chieftain, wise man, or matron figure. They’re uncom-

mon, but do exist. The artifacts within were intricate,

and while not possessing real world value, were clearly

crafted by master artisans.

I discovered dried blood in a number of vessels, but most

important — cool, liquid blood in a vessel I’d compare to

a kylix. I had a taste, and it was vitae. Old vitae. I

fled from the tomb and resealed it to prevent myself from

drinking more. No exaggeration.

The blood not being coagulated reeks of Tremere magic, yet

this place clearly predates the Warlocks’ entry into the

Jyhad. I’ve never been able to find the tomb again, despite

marking its location.

Your friend Jacob may not be lying. Methuselahs of unfa-

miliar Clans indeed!




cARNA'S RebellioN 17

Milwaukee Intermodal Station, Milwaukee, United States

After the recording concluded, Jacob spoke on a number of topics. His interest in the dearth of magical energy at Marquette University rivals any Warlock. He believes it to be the catalyst for Carna’s break from her Clan.

Over and over he mentioned the Jyhad as an active game, citing the game’s champion to be Mithras, of London. I was quick to assure Jacob of the ancient Ventrue’s demise. His hysterics followed me out the University.

I’ve sent Cesare on an errand. I don’t know where Decker heads on his nights off, so I’ve had Cesare post a letter under the door to his executive suite at Miller Park. It explains my suspicion of Parovich as a traitor, the fullness of the coming Sabbat attack, and the scorched earth policies of this Cult of Isis. They’re clearly in someone’s employ.

I made it clear I wasn’t going to participate in this coming war, and I’m not.

That said, turncoats never fail to bait me.

CarnaTremere antitribu (House

Carna?); *1419, Marseilles

#1435. Childe of Bourdana.

Two centuries ago I encountered

her in Marseilles. Carna was a

troubled soul even then, but for many

months we spoke of the destination of

our kind. We held hands whenever we

walked through the gardens of Bouc-

Bel-Air, now named the Jardins

d’Albertas. They were her place of

privacy. I learned much from her

within that peaceful location.




I’d no idea I’d left such a lasting impression on her. Our courtship extended

only to discourse and light physical affection, but perhaps in our world that type

of undemanding relationship is treasured.

Carna was removed from Praxis of Marseilles by her Clan, due to several

public indiscretions with mortal men. She was appointed Regent of the

Milwaukee Tremere, and Primogen to boot, although those with whom I’ve

spoken say the political games of Kindred wearied her long ago.

Her discovery of Das Buch vom Grabkrieg within the University amplified

her desire for release. Its talk of liberty through diablerie, and throwing off the

chains of the elders, spoke to a part of Carna that since Embrace had been

shackled and tormented. She practiced rituals detailed within the Book. She

took lovers again, reveling in the joys of sex and intimacy. She opened her

mind to the possibility of Golconda, despite the dangers of following that path.

The question of whether she committed diablerie, and how this allowed her

to break free from her Clan, remains. For all intents and purposes, she could

be considered voluntarily Caitiff — yet it is no small thing to throw off a Clan’s

curse.Her behaviors since discovering the book are notably different from the

unsure, deprived, and nigh-somnolent personality she possessed for years before.

The magic in the Marquette University — or lack thereof — may play a larger

part still in how her point of view has shifted so violently in recent times. Some

of the madness of the writer is said to be in the ink of the original Book of the

Grave-War. If so, perhaps such script could drive a reader to insanity. In truth,

I can only speculate until I ask her myself.



19carna's rebellion

A City on the BrinkMilwaukee is in a tenuous position. The Ca-

marilla are weakened by the flight of the resident Anarchs, yet those Kindred who remain are stalwart in their defense of the city. The Sabbat’s recent hos-tilities have been cripplingly precise, implying their access to insider information. The Lupines continue to harass all Kindred on the outskirts, never abating in a war Kindred fail to understand. Prophecy — if understood correctly — alludes to ancient vampires rising from the depths if the Sabbat’s siege begins, spelling doom for Milwaukee and a new age for the waking Methuselahs.

At the center is Carna and the Book of the Grave-War. The former Regent of the Milwaukee Tremere appears to have broken the bond keeping her slav-ishly linked to her Clan. Other Kindred in the city argue it’s only her mind that’s broken. Long con-sidered introverted and utterly controlled by her clanmates, Carna’s successful rebellion sends shock-waves across Milwaukee.

The invitation received by Beckett to seek out the Book of the Grave-War lures him to Milwaukee, but when he arrives it’s no longer there. Beckett finds evidence that the Warlock at least planned to write to the Tzimisce Vykos. What end the potential clash between he and Vykos serves is unknown to Beckett, but the attentions of the Fiend and an army of Sabbat are now focused on Milwaukee.

Manipulating all is the Malkavian known alter-nately as Jacob or Esau. This elder wages a war with himself using the inhabitants of Milwaukee and be-yond as his agents, unaware his 1000-year foe is one of his multiple personalities. Even he doesn’t know how much of the escalating conflict is as a result of his schemes, one half of the Malkavian blind to the moves of the other. Esau laughs that he placed the Book in the Marquette University to be found by Carna, but Jacob would never know, just as Esau will never know Jacob wrote it in the first place, under the supervision of a vampire more adept in manipu-lation and control than any other.

Following are chronicle threads stemming from these flashpoints in Milwaukee, and activities in which a coterie may wish to become involved.

• Unwilling to wait for the Sabbat to strike his haven, the Ventrue Hrothulf has vowed to take the fight to the Sabbat. He makes headway into penetrating their territory in Fond du Lac and Sheboygan, where he’s discovered scores of vam-

pires preying on the kine, awaiting the command to drive south into Milwaukee. Hrothulf now re-turns to Milwaukee to form a guerrilla army of his own.

• Recognizing the severity of Milwaukee’s situ-ation, Decker is reluctantly forced to put out a call for aid to his longtime mentor Inyanga, the Gangrel Primogen of Chicago. Decker lacks pull where Inyanga has the ear of many of her clan-mates. He offers feeding rights and limited Em-bracing privileges to those who travel to Milwau-kee to stand and fight the Sabbat. The offer is tempting to many neonates. Decker knows such a tactic could backfire, but he’s coldly aware that a great number of these volunteers will perish when meeting the enemy.

• The few remaining free spirits in Milwaukee re-ceive word from Edward Scott, former Brujah Pri-mogen and “Black Prince” of the local Anarchs, that a rave is to be held in the Prince’s suite at Miller Park. When the first coterie arrives early, they discover a letter on the floor, addressed to Decker and accusing Parovich of feeding infor-mation to the Sabbat. The Kindred, now bearing the letter, have a decision to make. This letter pinpoints exactly where the Sabbat are going to hit, and how they know to do so. The ultimate recipient of this information could change the fate of the city entirely, and Akawa — a former Anarch, now loyal to the Camarilla — is about to investigate who triggered the alarm on the execu-tive suite.

• The packs in Fond du Lac are becoming restless. For months they’ve only been sent on hit-and-run raids of Milwaukee, before having to return via Lupine-infested towns and countryside. A month ago word travelled down via the Ducti that an invasion’s in the cards, the Archbishop of Washington D.C. supposedly orchestrating the assault. One pack has the order to enter the city, and rapidly assassinate the Tremere before finding a book in the Chantry to be brought to the Archbishop. As the pack sets out to perform its task, a fellow Cainite suggests this entire war may just be a cover to acquire one stupid book. That Cainite promptly disappears.

• The Kindred of Milwaukee have always been subject to the attacks of Lupines who make this




land their territory. Only in recent years has it become apparent most of the blazing hostilities were caused by the previous, insane Prince. Deck-er has run with the wolves on more than one oc-casion. Decker seeks vampires, favoring Gangrel, to meet and treat with the werewolves of nearby Menomonee Falls. Decker knows the Lupines want the King Distilleries operations in the dock-lands terminated — he doesn’t understand their hatred for the company — and is prepared to offer the werewolves the distilleries in exchange for them turning their attention to the attacking Sabbat. Such a mission to Lupine territory will require incredibly brave Kindred accompanying and backing the diplomatic queen of Milwaukee: the Toreador Primogen Lucina.

• An unknown vampire sits in the shadows, com-manding the Bahari Cult of Isis to first cleanse the Tremere Chantry, before turning their at-tentions on fueling the war between Camarilla and Sabbat. This vampire hears the whispering voices of forgotten vampires in Lake Michigan. She knows the letting of potent blood will cause them to wake. Another portent of Gehenna will come to pass, and her mistress will be happy in-deed.

• The Pyramid is troubled by talk of the travelling zoo of Tremere rebels known as House Carna. Representatives are being dispatched from as far away as Vienna on assorted missions. Some are to locate the missing native Tremere of Milwau-kee, Mortius and Victor. Others are to discover the truth behind rumors that Carna broke free from her bond. More are sent to track Carna her-self, and bring her back into the fold. Her cult consists of a sizeable number of followers. The Tremere don’t want House Carna any larger.

• Via the machinations of Jacob/Esau, word spreads fast that the mysterious Book of the Grave-War was, or still is, in Milwaukee. Practiced Nod-dists and amateur scholars alike hurry to reach the city before it’s consumed by war, prepared to risk their existences to find some clue as to its present whereabouts. The information it con-tains pertaining to Gehenna, and the secret of how to eradicate the blood bond without the vaulderie, entices a range of disparate visitors, who couldn’t be visiting Milwaukee at a worse time.

• Carna’s cult travels west in a convoy of motor-homes, supported by ghouls and loyal mortals. She has no clear destination in mind, but in-

