aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports...

a J%^W f W^^^*''* -; 'Z^^^^^^^pss^x^^wr^s^mfm ' *m^ Afr MJDL Dix,—21 From Summit JMENTY31GHTH_YEAR ISO. 52. 12 NATI08AL ARMY r AMBUUNCE CO. 33 lENUEAVESlMMITi 1 N J 0 Y I N C WORK Crowds See Men of - This > ~~±?""'*' ""«!»»«•«•« »° »« in-ntm •*• A * A Att * r> K Jr. HERALD correspondent with : |h&tnCt Off TUT Qfflin _ Ambulance Company 33 offers his ^~ jggrrjCCT m janayering alt- IctterCcon- Teerntng-camp or fcrmyTTie, by peraonaT letter or through_ihese columns if question is typical* Hcre '« Syracuse we are getting our first suggestion of what the big Kuns \esteroay morning 40 per cent, of'and volley rifle firing Vlll be like the draft ««otafor Local District No. The practicing of artillery and in- 3 or 73 m.enleft Summit on a special fantry near us gives us little thrills a-, train hound for Camp Dix Wrights- we realise * hat must be going on town, N. J. Owing to the fact that it "across the pond"" ~where we are all was impossible for the local exemption Toping to go at a very early date - board to furnish the list of the select-' A deviation from what is usuallv ed men last Friday for publication, < considered drill Is the u« e of games comparatively little was known by such as soccer, rugby, ihre* deep and the general public of the departure of hot hand, which take the place of af- these men from Summit. The rush of ternoon drills and are excellent for work piled on the local exemption hardening muscles. So far the Corn- board kept the members, Mayors'pany has been vleter-nnrs-in baseball Franklin and Evans and Dr. Dengler, games againt>t the Fourth Artillery very busy preparing the necessary ( with a score of ten to three, and forms and other details In connection against the Second Battalion giving with the men'B departure. Otherwise us a score of eight- to three. Louis M>me sort of a celebration might have Corrado has 1 held up the boxing title been worked out. for us by defeating a picked man in However there were perhaps a the Fourth Artillery, thousand' persons at the railroad sta-' At the New York State Fan we aie lion to bid the new members of the giving exhibitions of first aid and am- NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n i h e occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with . the least detract from the sincerity of impatience. The names of contestants the Bend-off. and the awards will be announced The 72 men including 21 from Sum- later. mit reported under orders at the City Rumors fly here like gnats, and the «all here —Wednesday afternoon at. latest _one that has tak* n the fancy of three o'clock. After receiving neces- most of the men. states that we are to .^ry instructions all those men who leave for Oswego J.efore the end of could'- return from their homes by 8 the week for more training in the o'elock Thursday morning were al- hospital there We ha\e been busy lowed to return to their homes for the carrying patierrtsfrom the fair ground night. Hospital to Oswego to clear the Promptly at 8 o'clock yesterday grounds for the fair, morning, the 72 men appeared at the Equipment seems to be the one de- City Hall. The roll was called. The tail holding us back, and to date we men were happy, and gave vent to have received only our mess kits, their feelings by singing and cheering though we- are measured from heat to They were in charge of acting cap- foot for all our uniforms and other tain Parker of Weslfteld-and acting" paraphernalia. lieutenant Whiting of Summit- Both The comfortable socks sent to us of "these men have had some previous by Summit people have almost passed military training. Before leaving the their stage of usefulness, and—we are— hall brief words of-farewell were ad- all hoping that more, may come our dressed to the men by Mayor Frank- way from the same source. Many of lin and Rev.,Dr. W: V. Mallalieu, pas- the boys have said - "If the people tor bf the Methodist Episcopal church- would only—tuck a note In -what-they FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER ?1, nil. ^v 12.00 PER YEAR. -tot Mewfcernof th* State-Stmtfe- DAVID-ARMSTRONG - CHARLES L. MORGAN i—"si-is—e— »»>>»»>l»iii <l a»| t t>>i t> i CANDIDATES AT PRIMARIES NEXT TUESDAY Polls Opea fr«M Kr.PlBI.H AN. a. m. to t p. m. DEMOCRAT. WIUJAM RUNYON lvr *™»**r •' th* S*a> Senate.— For Member of the (itMeral JLsa*m- V *** ' or **•** My. Vol* fof_TM!*e._-^-— TETTETCK R. BEARD8LEY FRANCIS V. DOBBINS ~ " For Member «f tie Ueaeral Amen- One. ARTHUR N. PIERSON WILLIAM R. STRICKLAND -ARTHUR E. WARNER For Shcrlff^Yote for ELIAS F APPLEGATK JOHN H. COSK PETER H. MEISEL JOSEPH H. NE1LL JAMES E WARNER SAMUEL p T WILBUR For Surrogate.—Vote for 0»e. CHARLES N CODDINC PETER J. OLDE GEORGE C. OT-fO C ADDISON SWIFT For Coroner. For Major. RUFORD FRANKLIN For Coiincilman-Mt-I.arge. ' HARVEY E MOLE For Councilman. WILLIAM F. RUSSELL. 1st Ward HERBERT J LYALL. 2nd Ward For ni> Clerk. FREDERICK C KENTZ For Freeholder. JOHN >L_L'AI>Y. 1st Ward ~ WM I MeMANE. 2nd Ward For Constable. JOHN J GANNON. 2nd Ward For Uimritj Committee. JOHN Vv CLIFT. 1st District Ward MARSHALL W GREENE. 2nd Dis- trict, 1st Waid SCHUYLER M. CADY, 3rd District. 1st Ward ALLAN HAY. 1st Distiict, 2nd Ward M S. SHERWOOD. 2nd Ward. -^vHH*¥—W". DENNIS 2nd Ward. My.—Tote for Three. FRANCIS A. GORDON EDWARD A McGRATH WALTER H. TAVKRNER For Sheriff. HOWARD G. LAPSLEY For Surrogate. 1 EROY A. GIBBY For Coroner. I EDWARD RAYNE For Major. „ For Counctlnan-at- Large. COWARD G PRINGLK For Oouncllmau. For Cltj Clerk. For Freeholder. For Constable. IOHN J Ward. For Count} Committee. LANE, 2nd Distiict 1st Is. (No petitions hied for the other Districts) 2nd Sid District District, ••••<•• » > « » »•.* i« t t • >• • > n » ^ • • • • . • • • « t ^ » '•••*' • • »•< "THE FOUR-MINUTE DENi WATER CO. WET IN SUMMIT APElCATIOJ^ "The Four Minute Men.- a nation- I ltilitJ^^r^mmlcc.^rt D, wide organization of volunteer speak- WM,, » I '^*^' | MHU»&lfMr|li ers is to be inaugurated in Summit in' ~ " * the near-future hy-the-N.-D^ <X- This national movement w a s HtartT ed in June for the purpose of assist- ing the \arious departments ot the government in the work of national de- fense dunng the continuance of the war. by presenting messages on sub- jects of \itnl iiupoitanc n c to motion- picture theatre audiences during the intermission Decision:—Up to Qiyio /Hake Valuation of Plant —Report to Council \. The application of the ('bauuon. wealth Water Conipan>, of Summit, to suspend the general rules an* The Hubject matter in regulations louirrn.ug water con- I prepared, and the speaking is" dire*, ted panics as far as it is concerned, was I from Washington, undei the authority denied Tuesday by tu«y S t a t e Utility Of the Government. * Commission This action —brourftt. i The men secured in Summit to speak forth a comprehensive report on th* | at tfie Ljru* Theatre are Muyoi Ru-, *h»le situation by the public utilities foid Franklin, Thomas M IVbevoise. voiiiinittee of the Common Council mX. the meeting or (hat btnlv Tuesday night The lo.iiKil toiiturred in the mt-iuiatjoii of the lOinmittee was us follows "Your louimittee therefore recom- mends that this report be received and pli.ecd on tile and" (hat vour com- mittee be directed in u subsequent re- port, to be made at as early a date am possible, to recommend, after an in- vestigation, what method of pr f >iedur» it is moat advisable. to_ follow in - or- der to tuke advantage, (or the City of recom- whtch Judgc_Eugeiic G llav. and In Willis : Fletchei Johnson, of New Piovidence One night of eat h wetk one of these 'men in tu.n will sptak for fum min- utes from-the Lvric stage This will jio( lt«' a t.aidship AH the speak^i» as their tinn will come only once a month Mi Hen E Chapm, of Ncwaik. i*t the New Jeisev State Chairman. TIw Font Minute Men organization is a division of the Comniittee7m Pub- lic Information. Vteated by executive oidei <»f the PreMdent *>f the United '] States The wo.k is .U i barge of a Directoi. Wm MiCornmk Blair. The Summit, of the granting, by the Board State chairman and local organiza-, 0 ' Public Uttlitv Commissioners of It* lions and speakeis are governed by application for the making of valua- istandaidi^td insM uctlon* issued l»y tions and appraisals and (h*- e s t a b - the Directoi in Wa.shiiv^toii lishmeiit of rates and that your Com- 1—The privilege or speaking m motiuiu-mittee be further directed to take up 'picture theatres d.ui-mg the- mtermis-' with the Board of Public Utility Com- sion is held b\ agreement with the mlHslonefs the uiU'atMn as to whether owneis and managers who grant this the Commonwealth Water Company pel mission as a inattci of patiiotic should relmhurse its < u«tomers for fiMTVKc to the government such (harges for meters, service oatt- The inst.m tions stat« Ihe atti- nectioi.s, etc , TO it has made duriac , tude of the s.pcnkci toward his audi- eiu e should be that he is privileged, , as one of the community, to piesint a message of national mipoitance. upon wlmh the governmeiit deems It wise - that the public should lie Informed. * * • The speakci has a nMit to assume thai tlie people u> his audience are e-ageilv intt tested JII_ JJie _mcssag« the period when the February, HIT orders have been suspended, that is to say, between Februafv, 1917 and Sep- tember 17. 1917. the date when th« suspension was revoked " . The coun<'Hs committee conslstina^ of Messrs Prlnglc. Topping and Hoaa* ton made the report unanimously and. summarized the decision of the UUIf— SI MMII Ml MCJPAL RAND. SUMMIT TAX KATE TO BF fcUtt. Headed by an escort of Summit po- send, it would be__E0od fun to write Hoe under Chief Brown, and the mem- and thank them for it^ bers of the local exemption-board, the For forty-five minutes our boys Final Uonc'ert; New Officer* F.lerted; fountj Hoard Fi\e» Rates Few I>e- draft men marched in double file from stood beside the road while retreat, Plans for -Ne\t Season. | «*a«en Hh«wn. the city hall to .ihe railroad depot. Waited, to watch the* Ninth and ~. n . . , r , Pnn ^ r » r. u . , ,. »mM th.-rhMTs or friends and rela- Twentv-third reitimentB nass in full Tne f ' rUl anrt " nal ontna,r <"oncer> Garwood borough. Mountainside SSi^^lonr irifdSalk A equipment on theTr way to F?anee of the season by the Summtr Municipal borougk and Scotch Plains township the defim.e tives gathered along the IMUWUL A equipment on their; h ^^ to ni ™^ B*i>4 w — h,W u** vnd** evetttog. mtt ^ th« ™tv municipalities to show Picture md _ equipment on special train partially-filled with draft and we certainly ...r^i™ ..... r »v.»t-n an( , men from Dover, Morristown and oth- hoarse. Later in Svraeuse some of us er points west pulled into Summit at watthed* the train loads of them haul th n S.50 and the men from this district out. Many a longing look-wai cast at provi<)U concerts whuh he brums them, and are loval ties Commission's decision a* follows: Amei leans icadv to icspond to the (I) The Water Company on Decem- needs of the nation so far as thev l'«'r 7, 191S. informed the Ma>or and mav be able He will never take the, Common Count ll of Summit that It attitude that he is intrudlnK upon an | would tile a new and amended ached-' cvekungs pleasuic at .the thcatie and| ule of rtt,, ' s aH '* ,,on ** tht " !**>•»M o * must beg theli indulgence He haH a Public Utility t'oiiimissiona settled lt» supreme light to >»c th* ic. and should proposed gener.il rules and regttla- feel this to the utmost Hut, under tions and its poll* v eon. cmnig owner- dellnite agreement with Ihe motion ^'"P- **id maintenaiit •• of meters and iistry, that light expiies n. as the temperature was rather decreasen in "their new tax "rates" ac-1 emictiy four minutes, jover, Morrisiown «..u »,»- ..oa,»e. ..au . ... P ,™w » ..... • o. u» - , lh audienr «. w l l f i s i^ h tly smaller cording to figures fixed by the Count* m ,». ^ ,est pulled mto^SummU at wa Uhe£jh C _ tnunJIoadHi^ofj_hein_hat,l ^ haR b<ipn tho oasp aurll f B the Tax ^ ^ „n . Tuesday and wh" h - « The infention wan were approved to-day. this district out joined their new comrades of the Na- the fortuuates already on the way. f(M . |he |>an< , to , a slx t . on( . ertK# „„, tional Army. also many looks were cast at (lie nun ^ |hp st>ason ^ , aU , am , „ , , , mnd had One peculiar feature of the send-ofl fortunate trrFtaj m Sv.acuse bv those ^ &j} oxtra mC( . rt at t , K . ,. 1Iu . uln was that not an American flag was in ^ t h e train. School, and also plaved wlun A.nbu- evidence until Mrs. M. B- Twomhly On account of the told * oat her it CQ Nf| ;J3 h , ft f()r s ^ ra< . UM . t , h( . came down to the station with a large is quite an adventure to take a bath ^.^ of , he ](an(1 f,,^ lh;U t i lrv flag and it stood out in the crowd an One imdttsses with gi«at cate and inspiration to the drafted men as well tiepidatum. skms out to ttir - shower as the host flf people bidding them shed, shoves mon v\ootl into the stove farewell. Mrs. Twombly's thought- that heats the water, and sits shiver- ing in a-lubber pon?ho foi a ffvv min- utes waiting for (he water to g« t just a litile hotter The water .i- warm as nia\ tine be, (h< poiMho pufls and blow tin nun aside. and_iubs and fulnoaa was appreciated by everyone. Another kind and thoughtful act wi« -the presentation-of nmall po*.ket new testaments, to each man by Se< - retary S. J. UobbitiH of the Y M C A and DfT John Uurllng The testaments rinses, and s h i v u s ba< k-rrrto tin *pon- /are neatly bound "in a khaki colored cbo avain. and aftei-a quick splint ""binding, an4 snitatMv inscribed on the ba( k U»-the teiit. cluubs into warm —iwst page. - - < loth* s again It is a f.reat adVentuie- This lot of-men brings th*»-district's and afford? much conversation and a quota at Camp Dix to 81, whu h in- MmnuciiMiratc amount of piais* cludaa^ aent a. fejv weeks ago. The Aic vsc btisv"- U-e-+lunk we ;..c ami —wen' from Sumniit, New ISrovidonw, here is ."¥<• schedule we follow: First Murray Hill and Berkeley Heights, mil. a.4f.; nijirch. .">.'..., assenlljlv. <". who left yesterday were: tm mimitis plii.snal dirtt, messj-all. Joseph - C . Lee, 23^ MornfcrfLSMU(.y; r «I -"• M^ u ''- : ' d,ltH - t ' , " , *' l,,; ''~' : I.OU1S J. Starrace^lOS Park avemu*"assembly, 7.30: recall. 11 X»- sergean<s FriU Un«J*«man T Summit; Urovannl. call, 11.15. nifss call. 1J: tat.gue call -Colaheito,- >'w Pr-nvidettee^^^^k^K diill.1lril*nJl, I l«: asMinblj. II.., Dehisco. Berkeley Height?. LdJuis recall, 4; gua.d nmtmT.^J^ awpmbiy, George Baldwin, 708 Springfield ave- nueT~<*arl Umis Huhsamen, Murray HilU; Michael J. McCann, S.^H«hart avenue; Harold barter, Y. M. C A Summit; Rocco Monico, Uerkcley Heights; John Sanfel.ce. 42" Railroad avenue; Wm. Sturm, Murray Hill; —John B- Collins, H>2- Morns avenue; Wm. J. Hennessy, "r-Fttnumr-ar*^""*; Joseph E. Jolrnson. Murray ~ Hill. Bernard A. penziger, Heeknian Ter- race; Thomas J. McGowan. «'. Cedar -treet; Geo. Wm. Brewster, bi Or <hard street; Ed. L Whiting, :!•"> Val- lev View avenue; Jo^.'W. S wen son, 2.Y Van Dyke place; John C. Conant. Sum- mit/Luciano Colabello. Murray I-THl- Kugene J. McCabe. 54 Railroad ave- nue; John J. McCabe, 54 Railroad ave- nue; David J. Flood, 5 Cedar street, ~ Ixiuis J. GaFgTitlo, -Mountain a*emie, f avenue/jos F. Hart, 72 P_^rk avenue -™ n " U( 1(1 k , „, hn ^ ;„ , 1I11M . min - have given good scrv ic< f<»r the money donated by the citi/tns to orirani/*' and equip the organization That the band has won u pcimancnt pla* < in tho hearts of SuminiCs eitizins has bitn cvidtTiced by the l«ig<> aiuluiui.,s present at Uie con* tit-, and bv th* * n- t'oniniunit) Market Anniversar*. The Summit rate as fixed by"* the To mojurow. Saturday, the Siiinmii CouiKy Hoard is $2 ;i.t, an Incredse ot (omiuuni:v Market will *elebrat*> it-, 1U p o i n t s , of that amount .34 N for -n ond montli . (t r existent «> in tm-r- county tax. 25 for State., schools, and lindsi. and (o mark the event e.i* U 10 for Stale roads, leaving $1 G4 for stall .- in have some one art.tie on the local budget, the net amount of '•ale at a spe* lal pro *• lor the dav j- thiisiasni shown o\*r tin phivii.g of the band At a meeting of lb* l'viuiiw Coiir^ miltte on Tu«-sdav t-.tmng a unani- mous vote tif thanks' \\ is Livtn to Haiidnia-tci W .1 Wiikbt uimn the ^oct-eis-v\hi<Trhap^atten*l*Ml bis rniirta with tlje band. Mi \\ tight bavin- un- _dt 1 takui_,Lht__ V_ w i k. w. it boot an > l e- uiiineratKin. 'lb* m« mbins <d ibeJsind which it $J1(I..(IH .{<;, an increase ot ?H'i,0SO.5a The tntal fax*"* to be rals eil In Summit (his vear IM $:W0.^14 L'V ami the TAUV of $2 .U will provide a fractional e\tess ot |41tiMi4 for ton tlJlKeiU.lC'-, The total net valuation ol taxable propeitv in Summit is $1:7 0O«.52!». the foiiiih ltiirbc-t in tin- countv Eluabeth i- tirst with a valuation oi *77,57.J.ir,J. Plamheld v,. ( oiitl, «L1I $.12,719,017, ami Uintleii -township third liiub n valuanoii <>l 51 "..l!4<;,:i". t due ro""the latt of the Io*ation ot the Standard Oil fat torv and stor.igi itaiiks in its tiTfilory. 1.20; '* -Hi-; mess. * all, a^scnitdv. -i#\r*, 1 1. r it treat, first call, *.>ll to tiuaixw*-. Kolb)wnrg ar»'-4lM' w i t s — t o r bu'li alsji playelTTlw- tonc^MTs—w iiHrnit_ p< .-- this- and la^t v.-ur Claik town^lnp, sonally reitiv.ne anvthiiu tmmn lallv $121. old 99; Cranford $2.2.s, t>M tl» W*, foi their st_L>.u% __ Kli/.abeth $.10';. tiltl $r"99; Kauwood TOwu'ng to (hit f^^iitTii tht"-**-< 11 KITV hriroutQ- t- 1'* «H _$2 os"; HilNnb- of the bantl. Mi. J- M*n>t*. of Chatham, $2-01, old $19V K e i u l w o r i h ^_' 17^"TDd rrasJiiicouu'a. numbci _ni thi^\aiH»iial $1 N,',, Gi^'xund, $ 1 M, old $199," Un- Tm s-rhty den ^wn^hlp-^l M, old jM"4TT _ l^ndpn I lit- s. ason is ^rtnviiiK late Manv *.f the near bv grown < oni.notlitit'-* art- bccojH-itig -cart er-" but It is the pur- pose to ktep tin market- opt n as long as thtie is aiivihing to st>11 l-'our hundred and sew nt\ live market )>ask ft-- ll i\c hceii pun li.isi'd li\ marketers and llii r.~ art in.w twelve men and utimt n s, llmg in th*' in.irki • 1*« i who tome rroju this (own. Stottli iiLilun. Wt -i tn-l'l. Th7tTfi.im~ Mailisim Ilerkt li \ IlingUt-, l.oiiV-Hill and .Muirav II-ill .tint Tln.i JS a_ waiting list ot wouldriij s^l4«4i in lb*' bunds TH- the t i i . i i i i u tet In 111'' IWfTTiioll llS-slIUe till - lh. InllllW llVg" III.tl k i I apfiTt >~x Till, rn lormigh t"2 •% f>To r swle $1 Mi. old *I Ml. Little of Note has Iiappuiid at Svraeuse (his «t_t\ on acto.mt of (lie "huge sick list o*tasiontd h> Hie vat- ( i n a n n n s "tnTTing their elTt-(T~"a"iid tho ttmsetnitnt It t up m tltf woik "At the Nt w Ytnk Stat* Fan we had a ilemoiistraliojL anibulaiicc. «>tnl .. gioni> ol in* n w i n ^tin down ta<b nmrning ami .lUtnmonl to deMionstiat* tin va.ious "no man s land * an its. "banda»«s tt'i hioktn limbs and othti things of ptattital unptntante in tht war atmss the s*a It was our honoi as to be detailed to "ilie e n n i g e n t j am- bulance at Qui fj.ii ^iouim\_ and $2^, Mountain Mew Ur-OV Itb'tti e (own^hip $2-4*',. Tdil $S-17; New l*ro\i tleiice Borough $J "*."., ojd *2<;:i. IMaiu- liebi $2 Ob. old *1'M. Kahwiiv, $2 'A Army, it was n*-«-rss.iij e\oning: to_«l*«t a nj w-ant uuib* m fttf ihe-wffi(c. and Mi .Sli'iw iva tinted to fiTT the vataTitv Mr MatKt.bnie w a s « l e c l c d a^- l i l i a m n 'Mi Mullt n. tht v MiAie-diuiMiuu of tht luntl is iit^n caHed bv I'm It Sam io_»hi bis 1 "Ini" for "frttdom and hiihiannv." Several oth*-r n» mb« is t-t \U+- l^.ntl ar<- „t 111* i nt *iiLa-*d upon w n xm- si im imii wink foi tin i.im l ei n in bm it l- hop* d Uiat wb.'i ihi wmk i~ lmisl.nl (h«'V "w ill 11 ui ii pla* t s m (he band. Rtbtarsals havt b**n st.iii.d ""oTl T divided iiMlsi* fot nevt season, ami tin np«i- follows. ' ^ (one will be < onsidt i at.U (iilai-td, 1 Clark, $1.2J'i«.ss. (lit plavtis inttntl in laiilitnlH at- 4.M',, Kliz.ibetli $77 ol'd $2 J4 , lloseHe-4-'. •$a.;a, old nil! $1 9->; *2 2.". old 1 $2 l.i Itoselli- i k $.' 2S. oJtl $2 (19. SiiiiuiiK $2 17, Scott h IM.iin* $1 S7 ^pritigfit-hi ^l 7 r ». i.bl *1 «J9. ''.ii' .minimis ,,_ pi <. JI u < i h;i\i In i-n sold in ll lt'i liushil'J appb's,>,7^9 bu^lwr* st i UMC-IHMIIS " i u - bushel? lima beans. J '',,',U i abhagf'- T*lfl baskets loiliato* -. 4 J .*';'. bulit lies nt beet" Ti 121 b u m t o - •'.."trots 'Mini) i iiMii.iber* J.'.tiim ear's Mini. - *1" b'lS'Kl'C? p. aehrt 1, b'i4 lb** fowl M»»j- hrnrternt- ami 22.V 4itts4od-s ».f |iMtatui"- s.mii i»r whitli WCTI' rroin 'lie \ 1> <• g . i n b n s _ - lit addilH'ii '<> I" in.ii^' i lia•• iNn •-i>ld linn! plain-" service pipes (2) The Water Compaijv, however, when the Kebruarv, Ii>17 rules and regulatitins were promulgated did not "llje a new- ,iiii| aim-tnhd schetlult* of rates." hut applied To the Hoard for at Tuspetitirm of ">ittd regulatlon« (:'.) On He* ember 21. 191*".. the City of SiLituiii' ri'iiio-^it tl thu It*»artl to iu- stitute an appropriate proceeding la» dt'tertiiiin i.ur and r^.i-iinable rates and rules inr* iiiruishuig water an*l nieter«, 1>V tin ('onnimnw ealth Water ( omp.im to private t.ni-umery and cspi i i.illx fin" a di t< ruination of tha value of the propirtv. of said t'tini- panv, tanj^LhJ' aU'l lii'anisil.le. used and u-cful m -nmdiJJjJj * H ' T tnr th« -aid n'j i nii-.|il« led .i- a ur.i' and this ipplit alum wa- r'U<-*'d upon the \pi ll S> l'H7 In .iriii_g_ 14 1 The VS . .tt• i ( otiipanx i 1 inn-; bat thi Hoard -Imuld- ina ( ntori •• (•• geu- ral nib's un.ii. Mav v- lius wh>'ti~Th>i t4tiiir,t<i w th 11 v iti^t.ei • xpsres. ^wW»*M rntitr.it t it i* « la »n«st it, a l»ar to tin orders ol the Hoard . " L±i.*Xlui_UuArd limls t_h t t ti t e-e . mt- -ii.n** ri-lvrr*d (o .bf >'."t pr> lloaTTfTFiTTii liviui. j u - ' iiid * ,: - r.l'es - © " Mil 1 hi lizard tTiii^ ^vni -m^ TT-rjne*t)t IFI- Siiinmn; ;_ M O ' nhre isot,aMe but thai tin- lii'^riX i f " - I t lo'ild Imr Utt- - dofTaTTe^ Illf^T U -'tlgjf Lou aJ.pr.liSJll and v^tfii.iltoii "XI boTit" • ^pTi T.vT~Ifmrf-"' tion's fo u-j woikiuiTTiiir* • tor ilt^t^—- •••;» the -.Mtiahb) " i " luregulllg Mil low ers h moils warertri-ss. Intro's, pears gi'aprs., w^itertnt;!!!'! OH I $1 \ 9 ; Wc-ttn Id *2 24. to tin ir iiW*' I mon $2 2<i obi $2 or. ~" , The net valuation of taxable prop ert\-ln the uninrv l- $191,171 192 4o among ilie muiiiclpaliti* •* as al- (bough the w»lv was snntaniish to b«guin«ts it" vw»s va^dv interesting; TTTfrnrrm it nd prat tit «s and tinhavi *" -iv* __Horough, $t'.74.Mi Summit a musical oigan ..iimn ILJUIIIV -<;24. Keiulworih. of ^TilVbraiTtifiil cltyr —-% - us The Summit nameg or men m the new'army now appear in the honor roll on page 9 of this issue. k* pt b»s> a to tin hospital- Tht is wound *&S rVATTG1> AT 0M T K. -Sure Aeeded 4<»r Ambulance "Sit. SS. " "7 and t IK dow n wiIe in^ cases m cases were all nnnm. such ed tmut.s ami old pt.iple fetling a b.i weak from o\* . e\« it* mt nt We a-i'e awaiting ««iuipmrnt with- great Inuitst ^n.l MMKI-IJ a routine wo rlt»n t wail foi Iht I all Meeting. .\. \ r M o n d a v at i 3»» p Hi Uo Worn. i irt Auxiliary ol Hie Y M '< _\ j^old Us lir.-t fall buiints, nit md i u r rr Wi1* llv alio! llc\sj^i s o n ' b e i nil.lint ti e hopes for -olH*J»*iU* *iHt''li*M "t get- "line .it whole-ale prit.'i s growing out ot In Cuv. r s niti ri l ill tin tjiles 'ion .mil tie di-uiand lor HIIIII -UI'I autln nt I ^v-.(.it. of iiilyTru.rinn rbroimb the uitreasing nutnlu r ol tiiniti• ip 'I ni.rk't-- ttliere art now- jn i'i tlii— St.id i and Hie awakening thi liiivint-' puhlii i/e th it tin \ hav 1% with no .rail'' iiiTorinaiii.ii bat eu I.unlet, tow'tl'shlp. lightens lln ho.in' available for them borough $1 .".22 M r Van \ \ \ t k f<>r Hw N I> «» food _ ....... ^SJPI.'Min; New , ,,ns. i vatlon fommi , '*"«* rejM«i- (ha: Vri.vTuTirry TlowTrih1-rrr-$^49:441-^- -?v*-w -p nTnf0 e"t-ermtt-(-«-i-- ,L V^4-i,-iJ. I'roviilt'tue borough $7. r >7,Sti7, l'lani mu te pun based bv r'lanlord, $7.4u'. JVl.t,9".2. I'anwood "UlllMde $"7S!» $s«'.9.s.".*i r.O; Cir pielal purpo-i ""md lint *h.' fund-* avaitable now fur u--'' ••! ih* lU.^rd wouti) nor aillnil of this HI.I- white it i- tin pulit v of the ito.tr-r to relieve iiiunii ipalit n - ,.^ far a*; pos~il.le ot ihe »-fp*i|sV. HI uia_kiiiK vajiia'ioli"*. tievrrrh'|li"=-- in this ins-.rii. t:n) nt till 1 * unit, if a prompt. d>'•'rntiitaTiott I to In in id' tin t -\ .; -Hi.niUlit siiouid a- nun tb. " I - K o t p n •>• uting Ute inn'*-.ih !•- TIII.I.V and proofs; llat 'lie Id) ird lia- HI aJipr.il-.al of the properti'-s .it the t omtnouwcalta Wat- ' . *T (iilnpaiiv ..- til Jailllarv 1 1911. or w ho In V Hi l o Teal been |.living tdind- wood, *2.09I.tl2.l'19r, $l."i.24i'..974; Linden I'm, Mountainside, Xtax__Laj:-m_ ea v Lie i iribT- •-«,' will ting and it Is earncMlv desife.l that i rirv' pi <UIls nit'iiibcr do b cr utmost to b* that T-S. A. Mobilization i amp. ^—Syraciiae. N 3il („. goes by -sov/'l urn*, nl _ S.i IT'i C.wvnne with longing We havt" s* nt a. this meeting M> that (he Auv.liary field. $32,719,017, tlahwav. $S.49r..sr,2. Hostile. $4.*9XS:',9, Iloselle Park T* 1 !">»;,a29-; Siimmii, $12.Smti.I77, Stotth $l.S14,79s »J1 , Springtit Id "" T21s.""^92J. West Clans. St i scant with A fair at hei.rts va. io'i L -loiip- 'fitVn'o-'pisnl l».*'i« 'HA -IK'lll lls'l ih. in otii own tln-s^also to September Vt. 1917. The Editor of the Summit Herald: Dear Sir:—We have just Teceived a communication from the Surgeon Gen- eral of-the Army hotifying us that the ,w.w.r-ilcies ^fihiB-or Organtartimi *f amlHUance *™J.™}?Zt *** rompanies have b*en changed, and _now permits an increase in Ih^num- ^' , ^^ nlil (L_it_=iv.'s -interest l*r W i T e C This leaves room ^ * >e€n *P4»*«o^» rounds to Oswt ^o-. amlwllances. and vvf ttei be a featbtr in onr t al'- _ " * ^f V uemral shaL* up in S*.rgean* i*-s hits resulted' from examinations and -rntrmtarv and as no new will be-able to plan the fall 'ami win- laien of work r^veryone must feel' a deep HCIIHC of gratitude lo "\ M. C A tor (be great and Indp- . rYt1 K r .-T"ri'^' r ' 'l liv 'bis nrcaniza= P r, ^ nt ;$1.491.r.44;:rmo,. ! field. $11.1¥6,13fi a' i}it < oiiiniuniiv Mark. t ni'j ,ir i ot no luini i^* • ipialir. 1 i*dl-»ll.»»C, il \< T\ ptita t-'ood In nnncom? . , tmn ti\ have to itrr-^i full lor'the men who have given up all frtr the taust- oi nghteousne-- and national honor Let u<. therefore, do more and vet more to support the 4-ur.her efforts of this great organiza- d'l'tig nH-Vi-i"w f'vr «ir men. ami bovs at home 'lun^heed us" The hearty *-orfip«>t-a ion of eTerv woman at sh^-by ^ugge-tiuu and. . . - t , wa teh for new- men with JhT-rhcrrons dPBlred _.. Ambulance Company Thirty-three for, - inew a i, im lmim mess kits whieh 0t , rSi>nal w ^ rk mav help the ior.es of rune men 5 feet 8 inches or tall e r.. piae^wMhe-onfis *™t_t9__Lh c _ r 4 Kh t e< »usneas hy_ serving the men and Ap^icamaniJty^ure full information J* e th J P are .. DUll> - : " they are light ^ J * ^ , . 6 wn-community ' from Dr. R. W. Molster. De Forest S£ d , ' easier to clean, and inspec- DO - Z u > » > , — ^Fenue, Summit. N. J. - r a t t a n , is easier to pass because the' M i8g Eliiabeth4-«d<leH, violinist, has ^S«wMFtoy youra,^ r T " ' nat ural aluminwnr shine is J I great reau med teaching^at her studios 39 «-j ARTHirit OWYNNE. - -Qaftrtermaster Sergeant. ' Ambulance Co. No. 53- ^ — -Oak" Ridfe avenue an3 Bernard*ville. '—' n- -T»^-> ^i ^ adv. 50-2 (Contlnaed on Page Ten.7 N.J. M-s^ Kli/abi'th HOM tlallgi.let ul Mr .md Mis lr.i'ik<"> Hove ot Mouu tain .iv'enue jiui llfrbert S KT^h, vv-er«r married Sat'ird >v lugjil a' tin home •WflUadi Connollv ^ntf Joseph 'ilviin ofthebrid' by It* v Vv" L J.^.it''«.r 1'leud >oii-\ttttto- Hobblng Snnimit * Homes. Kpi*-t tii>al ( hun h, Mur_ tlieii al.nii - vviiii h would ti* avaitabld to i'i- < .tv of siimiiiit or ilwir repre- sentat.vi-- but.'hat tin- apprai-al was mad' '\ |M'!- arid would no: tM' C«III- < In u e uju.li aSv"nr^*hi muniLipalt- !• -- ^ T l ' d. ' Thi" f in. 'Vv rit Summit rf*-"-" CTSI—w1TTr~mT~ imb p*-ndem ^iliini inn, Cie Hoard w i ' ri inb-r every a'ssiVfiin . po-.^il>ie ami -< • the matter down tor in armg as MIU;I as the eitjf i^ prepay 1 to -ub.nr its proofs i ^ > 'lii..' here are t. > ---urniount- ihli • oiiiplo ation* it the "mattt wli i'i i nijlil tit' he works •! on* tiy,CO- op.'.a'sui if t'ii re w.i-. an ••arn«'«t ef- toit t.> .|i _-n Inn 'b.i' s i), . there 1» no' sic h li" earn.*- effort to »oTE out" thi'v i I'uipl.t atiofs j v \ , i operation between fie num.i pall'-..- And • thft th» I'nard tan •* n^b' m an in.'. ,1-^.diHly to> -p*-ndent fat- of Summit, pleatletr noiv vult in liiioti of SU L"W' .-• - ,onii.anv Spe. lal Sessions Court last Fridav af- ^y Hill M.-< Ir-m- Itove s Isr er .. Sii[|imi| ]T ternoon to an aJaegatjon for breaking, *he bride, was the maid of honor, .md ^ entering and larceny, and will be t h * best man was Knbert I' \.illia.if - ,«,, Tha , Tht . (|U ,. s -,on aa to whether senenond to.d^y They were charged ««» of Murrav Mill t.M-Un B..v v a va ,, jatmn l>L-rtre p r o p e r t Y belong.-. with" robbing the homes of. Julius C nlererfif lhe_brjiP\ was the flower g.rl (| ^ ^ ,,, m pain Wvond the ciiyr Meyer 1 and Caxton Brown of,this < Ity A,non )t ' ^ ^T.^^J^t.!'.» f'V'i lmwt^ should in part'feticluded ii» 4 They totrlt Masonic Jewels from the Jr """ . „.. , .. ,, . . ^ , „ , jjii valuataao-uf the property used-ant* former's place and jewtiry and other - ^ ^ - '» «-*nn» at Svrat.-u>e - M r And - efu1 - |r 7wrni H hlR8 lhg wat<?T anp^y- valuablesjrom Brown. Mrs *»;? 11 *^'« / ^ ^ ' ^ »»«* ,'„ ,hal citv „ one that mtt.t te % ~ Thomas - J Mvnor, also of tmB-ritVqj^ ia * ar a i-*"«™ ih_eir^ed«hmtjtrip > enter**! a non.vult plea to a charge ot J " J •• "~, false pretense, being charged with' The HERALD'S official^all of hon-' o( , ound judgment as to bow mucla, passing a woftlilesi* cheek oi^ qeor«e or of Summit men In U.\ S. service., - tzzo. Sentence was set down Tar.40-, corrected to date, will bjfe found .on. ^=/ day. Lpage seven. <*&- l \ (Continued on Page Sii.) """"irn-fcnriiiiiriiriiirfHii'BfflL * J

Transcript of aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports...

Page 1: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

aJ%^WfW^^^*''* -; 'Z^^^^^^^pss^x^^wr^s^mfm

' *m^ Afr


Dix,—21 From Summit



Crowds See Men of-This > ~~±?""'*' ""«!»»«•«•« »° »« in-ntm •*• A * A A t t * r> K Jr . HERALD correspondent with

: | h & t n C t O f f TUT Q f f l i n _ Ambulance Company 33 offers h i s ^~ jggrrjCCT m janayering alt- Ic t terCcon-

Teerntng-camp or fcrmyTTie, by peraonaT letter or through_ihese columns if question is typical*

H c r e '« Syracuse we are getting our first suggest ion of what the big Kuns

\ e s t e r o a y morning 40 per cent, o f ' a n d volley rifle firing V l l l be like the draft « « o t a f o r Local District No. The practicing of artillery and in-3 or 73 m . e n l e f t Summit on a special fantry near us gives us little thrills a-, train hound for Camp Dix Wrights- w e realise * hat must be going on town, N. J. Owing to the fact that it "across the pond"" ~where we are all was imposs ible for the local exemption T o p i n g to go at a very early date -board to furnish the l i s t of the se lect - ' A deviation from what is usuallv ed men l a s t Friday for publication, < considered drill Is the u« e of games comparatively l itt le was known by such as soccer, rugby, i h r e * deep and the general public of the departure of hot hand, which take the place of af-these m e n from Summit. The rush of ternoon drills and are excel lent for work pi led o n the local exemption hardening muscles . So far the Corn-board kept the members , Mayors 'pany has been vleter-nnrs-in baseball Franklin and Evans and Dr. Dengler, games againt>t the Fourth Artillery very busy preparing the necessary ( w i t h a score of ten to three, and forms a n d o ther detai ls In connection against the Second Battalion giving with the men'B departure. Otherwise us a score of eight- to three. Louis M>me sort of a celebration might have Corrado has1 held up the boxing title been worked out. for us by defeating a picked man in

However there were perhaps a the Fourth Artillery, thousand' persons at t h e railroad s ta - ' At the New York State Fan we a i e lion to bid the new m e m b e r s of the giving exhibitions of first aid and am-NaUonal A r m y farewell . The lack of jhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n i h e occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

. the least detract from the sincerity of impatience. The names of contestants the Bend-off. and the awards will be announced

• The 72 m e n including 21 from Sum- later. mit reported under orders at the City Rumors fly here like gnats, and the « a l l here —Wednesday afternoon at. latest _one that has tak* n the fancy of three o'clock. After receiving neces- most of the men. states that we are to .^ry ins truct ions al l those men who leave for Oswego J.efore the end of could'- return from their homes by 8 the week for more training in the o'elock Thursday morning were al- hospital there We h a \ e been busy lowed to return to their homes for the carrying patierrtsfrom the fair ground night. Hospital to Oswego to clear the

Promptly at 8 o'clock yesterday grounds for the fair, morning, the 72 m e n appeared at the Equipment seems to be the one de-City Hall . The roll was called. The tail holding us back, and to date we men w e r e happy, and gave vent to have received only our m e s s kits, their f ee l ings by s inging and cheering though we- are measured from heat to They w e r e in charge of acting cap- foot for all our uniforms and other tain Parker of Wesl f te ld-and acting" paraphernalia. l ieutenant Whit ing of Summit- Both The comfortable socks sent to us of "these m e n have had some previous by Summit people have almost passed military training. Before leaving the their stage of usefulness, and—we are— hall brief words of-farewel l were ad- all hoping that more, may come our dressed to the men by Mayor Frank- way from the same source. Many of lin and Rev . ,Dr . W : V. Mallalieu, pas- the boys have said - "If the people tor bf the Methodist Episcopal church- would only—tuck a note In -what-they


- t o t Mewfcernof th* S t a t e - S t m t f e -



i—"si-is—e— » » > > » » > l » i i i < l a » | t t > > i t > i


Kr .P lBI .H AN. a. m. to t p. m.


W I U J A M RUNYON l v r *™»**r • ' t h * S * a > Senate.—

For Member of the (itMeral JLsa*m- V *** ' o r **•** My. Vol* fof_TM!*e._-^-— TETTETCK R. BEARD8LEY


For Member «f t i e Ueaeral A m e n -






For Coroner.


For Coiincilman-Mt-I.arge.


For Councilman. WILLIAM F. RUSSELL. 1st Ward

HERBERT J LYALL. 2nd Ward For n i > Clerk.


JOHN >L_L'AI>Y. 1st Ward ~ WM I MeMANE. 2nd Ward

For Constable. JOHN J GANNON. 2nd Ward

For Uimritj Committee. JOHN Vv CLIFT. 1st District


trict, 1st Waid SCHUYLER M. CADY, 3rd District.

1st Ward ALLAN HAY. 1st Dist i ict , 2nd


2nd Ward. -^vHH*¥—W". DENNIS

2nd Ward.

My.—Tote for Three .


For Sheriff.


For Surrogate. 1 EROY A. GIBBY

For Coroner. I EDWARD RAYNE —

For Major. „

For Counct lnan-at- Large. COWARD G PRINGLK

For Oouncllmau.

For Cltj Clerk.

F o r Freeholder.

For Constable.

IOHN J Ward.

For Count} Committee.

LANE, 2nd Dist i ict 1st

I s . (No petitions hied for

the other Districts)


S i d



• • • • < • • » > « • » • » • . * i« t t • >• • > n » ^ • • • • . • • • « t ^ » '•••*' • • »•<


"The Four Minute Men.- a nation- I l t i l i t J ^ ^ r ^ m m l c c . ^ r t D , wide organization of volunteer speak- W M , , » I ' ^ * ^ ' | M H U » & l f M r | l i ers is to be inaugurated in Summit in' ~ " * the near-future hy-the-N.-D^ <X-

This national movement was HtartT ed in June for the purpose of assist­ing the \ar ious departments ot the government in the work of national de­fense d u n n g the continuance of the war. by presenting messages on sub­jects of \ i tnl iiupoitancnc to motion-picture theatre audiences during the intermission

Decision:—Up to Qiyio /Hake Valuation of Plant

—Report to Council \ .

The application of the ( 'bauuon. wealth Water Conipan>, of Summit , to suspend the general rules a n *

The Hubject matter in regulations l o u i r r n . u g water c o n -I prepared, and the speaking is" dire*, ted panics as far as it i s concerned, w a s I from Washington, undei the authority denied Tuesday by tu«y State Uti l i ty Of the Government. * Commission This action —brourftt.

i The men secured in Summit to speak forth a comprehensive report on t h * | at tfie Ljru* Theatre are Muyoi Ru-, * h » l e situation by the public ut i l i t ies foid Franklin, Thomas M IVbevoise. voiiiinittee of the Common Council mX.

the meeting or (hat btnlv Tuesday night

The lo.iiKil toiiturred in the mt-iuiatjoii of the lOinmittee was us follows

"Your louimittee therefore r e c o m ­mends that this report be rece ived and pli.ecd on tile and" (hat vour c o m ­mittee be directed in u subsequent r e ­port, to be made at as early a date am possible, to recommend, after an i n ­vestigation, what method of pr f>iedur» it is moat advisable. to_ follow in - o r ­der to tuke advantage, (or the City of

r e c o m -whtch

Judgc_Eugei ic G l lav . and In Willis : Fletchei Johnson, of New Piovidence One night of eat h wetk one of these

'men in tu .n will sptak for fum min­utes from-the Lvric s tage This will jio( lt«' a t.aidship AH the speak^i» as their t inn will come only once a month Mi Hen E Chapm, of Ncwaik.

• i*t the New Jeisev State Chairman. TIw Font Minute Men organization

• is a division of the Comniittee7m Pub­lic Information. Vteated by executive oidei <»f the PreMdent *>f the United

'] States The wo.k is .U i barge of a Directoi. Wm MiCornmk Blair. The Summit, of the granting, by the Board State chairman and local o r g a n i z a - , 0 ' Public Uttlitv Commissioners of It* l ions and speake i s are governed by application for the making of v a l u a -istandaidi^td insM uctlon* issued l»y tions and appraisals and (h*- e s t a b -the Directoi in Wa.shiiv^toii lishmeiit of rates and that your Com-

1—The privilege or speaking m motiuiu-mittee be further directed to take u p 'picture theatres d.ui-mg the- mtermis- ' with the Board of Public Utility Com-

sion is held b\ agreement with the mlHslonefs the uiU'atMn as to whether o w n e i s and managers who grant this the Commonwealth Water Company pel mission as a inattci of patiiotic should relmhurse its < u«tomers for

fiMTVKc to the government such (harges for meters, service oatt-The ins t .m tions stat« Ihe atti- nectioi.s, etc , TO it has made d u r i a c

, tude of the s.pcnkci toward his audi-eiu e should be that he is privileged,

, as one of the community, to p ies int a message of national mipoitance. upon w l m h the governmeiit deems It wise

- that the public should lie Informed. * * • The speakci has a nMit to assume thai tlie people u> his audience are e-ageilv intt tested JII_ JJie _mcssag«

the period when the February, H I T orders have been suspended, that i s t o say, between Februafv, 1917 and S e p ­tember 17. 1917. the date when t h « suspension was revoked "

. The coun<'Hs committee conslstina^ of Messrs Prlnglc. Topping and Hoaa* ton made the report unanimously and. summarized the decision of the UUIf—

SI MMII Ml MCJPAL RAND. SUMMIT TAX KATE TO BF fcUtt. Headed by an escort of Summit po- send, it would be__E0od fun to write Hoe under Chief Brown, and the mem- and thank them for i t ^ bers of the local exemption-board, the For forty-five minutes our boys Final Uonc'ert; New Officer* F.lerted; fountj Hoard F i \ e» Rates Few I>e-draft m e n marched in double file from stood beside the road while retreat, P lans for -Ne\t Season. | «*a«en Hh«wn. the city hall to . ihe railroad depot. Waited, to watch the* Ninth and ~ . n . . , r , Pnn^r» r. • u . , , . »mM t h . - r h M T s or friends and rela- Twentv-third reitimentB nass in full T n e f ' r U l a n r t " n a l o n t n a , r <"oncer> Garwood borough. Mountainside ™ S S i ^ ^ l o n r i r i f d S a l k A equipment on theTr way to F?anee of the season by the Summtr Municipal borougk and Scotch Plains township the defim.e tives gathered along the I M U W U L A equipment on t h e i r ; h ^ ^ t o

n i ™ ^ B*i>4 w — h,W u** vnd** evetttog. mtt^ th« ™ t v municipal i t ies to show Picture md _ equipment on

special train partially-filled with draft and we certainly . . . r^i™ .....r»v.»t-n a n ( , men from Dover, Morristown and oth- hoarse. Later in Svraeuse some of us er points wes t pulled into Summit at watthed* the train loads of them haul t h n

S.50 a n d the men from this district out. Many a longing look-wai cast at p r o v i < ) U „ concerts

w h u h he brums them, and are loval ties Commission's decision a* f o l l o w s : Amei leans icadv to icspond to the (I) The Water Company on D e c e m -needs of the nation so far as thev l'«'r 7, 191S. informed the Ma>or a n d mav be able He will never take the , Common Count ll of Summit that I t attitude that he is intrudlnK upon an | would tile a new and amended ached- ' cvekungs pleasuic at .the thcatie a n d | u l e o f r t t , , ' s a H '* , , on ** tht" !**>•»M o * must beg theli indulgence He haH a Public Utility t'oiiimissiona settled l t» supreme light to >»c th* ic. and should proposed gener.il rules and regttla-feel this to the utmost Hut, under tions and its poll* v eon. c m n i g o w n e r -

dellnite agreement with Ihe motion ^'"P- **id maintenaiit •• of meters a n d iistry, that l ight expi ies n.

a s the temperature was rather decreasen in "their new tax "rates" ac-1 emictiy four minutes, jover, Morrisiown «..u » ,» - . .oa,»e. . . a u . ... P , ™ w ».....• o. u» - , l h a u d i e n r « . w l l f i s i ^ h t l y smal ler cording to figures fixed by the Count* m , » . ^ ,est pulled mto^SummU at w a U h e £ j h C _ tnunJIoadHi^ofj_hein_hat,l ^ h a R b < i p n t h o o a s p a u r l lfB t h e T a x ^ ^ „n . Tuesday and wh" h - — « —

T h e infention wan were approved to-day. this district out joined the ir new comrades of the Na- the fortuuates already on the way . f(M. | h e | > a n < , t o , a s l x t . o n ( . e r t K # „„ , tional Army. also many looks were cast at (lie nun ^ | h p s t > a s o n ^ , a U , a m , „ , , , m n d h a d

One pecul iar feature of the send-ofl fortunate trrFtaj m Sv .acuse bv those ^ &j} o x t r a „ m C ( . r t a t t ,K . , . 1 I u . u l n

w a s that not an American flag was in ^ t h e train. School, and a lso plaved w l u n A.nbu-evidence unti l Mrs. M. B- Twomhly On account of the told * oat her it CQ N f | ;J3 h , f t f ( ) r s ^ r a < . U M . t , h ( . came d o w n to the station with a large is quite an adventure to take a bath ^ . ^ o f , h e ] ( a n ( 1 f,,^ l h ; U t i l r v

flag and it stood out in the crowd an One imdt t s ses with gi«at cate and inspiration to the drafted men as well t iepidatum. skms out to ttir- shower as the hos t flf people bidding them shed, shoves mon v\ootl into the stove farewell . Mrs. Twombly's thought- that heats the water, and s i ts shiver­

ing in a- lubber pon?ho foi a ffvv min­utes wait ing for (he water to g« t just a litile hotter The water .i- warm as nia\ tine

b e , (h< p o i M h o pufls and blow •

tin nun aside. and_ iubs and

fulnoaa w a s appreciated by everyone. Another kind and thoughtful act

w i « -the presentat ion-of nmall po*.ket new tes taments , to each man by Se< -retary S. J. UobbitiH of the Y M C A and DfT John Uurllng The testaments rinses, and s h i v u s ba< k-rrrto tin *pon-/are neat ly bound "in a khaki colored cbo avain. and a f t e i - a quick splint

""binding, a n 4 snitatMv inscribed on the ba( k U»-the teiit. cluubs into warm —iwst page . - - < loth* s again It is a f.reat adVentuie-

Th i s l o t o f -men brings th*»-district's and afford? much conversation and a quota a t Camp Dix to 81, whu h in- MmnuciiMiratc amount of piais* c l u d a a ^ aent a. fejv weeks ago. The A i c vsc btisv"- U-e-+lunk we ;..c ami

—wen' from Sumniit, New ISrovidonw, here is ."¥<• schedule we follow: First Murray Hil l and Berkeley Heights , mi l . a.4f.; nijirch. .">.'..., assenlljlv. <".. who l e f t yesterday were : t m mimit is plii .snal dirtt, mess j -a l l .

J o s e p h - C . Lee, 23^ MornfcrfLSMU(.y;r«I -"• M^u''- :' d , l t H - t ' , " , * ' l , , ; ''~':

— I.OU1S J. Starrace^lOS Park avemu*"assembly, 7.30: recall. 11 X»- sergean<s Fr iU Un«J*«manT Summit; Urovannl. call, 11.15. n i f ss call. 1J: tat.gue call

- C o l a h e i t o , - > ' w P r - n v i d e t t e e ^ ^ ^ ^ k ^ K di i l l . 1 l r i l*nJ l , I l«: asMinblj . I I . . , Dehisco . Berke ley Height?. LdJuis recall, 4; gua .d nmtmT.^J^ awpmbiy , George Baldwin, 708 Springfield ave-nueT~<*arl U m i s Huhsamen, Murray HilU; Michael J . McCann, S.^H«hart avenue; Harold b a r t e r , Y. M. C A Summit; Rocco Monico, Uerkcley Heights ; John Sanfel .ce. 42" Railroad avenue; Wm. Sturm, Murray Hill;

— J o h n B- Col l ins , H>2- Morns avenue; Wm. J. Hennessy , "r-Fttnumr-ar*^""*; Joseph E. Jolrnson. Murray ~ Hi l l . Bernard A. penziger , Heeknian Ter­race; Thomas J. McGowan. «'. Cedar - treet; Geo. Wm. Brewster, bi Or <hard s tree t ; Ed. L Whiting, :!•"> Val-lev View avenue; Jo^.'W. S wen son, 2.Y Van Dyke p lace; John C. Conant. Sum­m i t / L u c i a n o Colabello. Murray I-THl-Kugene J. McCabe. 54 Railroad ave­nue; J o h n J. McCabe, 54 Railroad ave­nue; David J. Flood, 5 Cedar street ,

~ Ixiuis J . GaFgTitlo, -Mountain a*emie,

f a v e n u e / j o s F. Hart, 72 P_^rk avenue - ™ n " U ( 1(1 k , „, hn^ ;„ ,1I11M. m i n -

have given good scrv ic< f<»r the money donated by the c i t i / t n s to orirani/*' and equip the organization That the band has won u pcimancnt pla* < in tho hearts of SuminiCs e i t iz ins has b i t n cvidtTiced by the l«ig<> aiuluiui.,s present at Uie con* t i t - , and bv th* * n-

t'oniniunit) Market Anniversar*.

The Summit rate as fixed by"* the To mojurow. Saturday, the Siiinmii CouiKy Hoard is $2 ;i.t, an Incredse ot (omiuuni:v Market will *elebrat*> it-, 1U points , of that amount .34 N for - n ond montli .(tr existent «> in tm-r-county tax . 25 for State., schools, and lindsi. and (o mark the event e.i* U 10 for Stale roads, leaving $1 G4 for stall .- in have some one art.t ie on

the local budget, the net amount of '•ale at a spe* lal pro *• lor the dav

j- thiisiasni shown o \*r tin phivii.g of the band

At a meeting of lb* l ' v i u i i w Coiir^ mi l t te on Tu«-sdav t- . tmng a unani­mous vote tif thanks' \\ is Livtn to Haiidnia-tci W .1 Wiikbt uimn the ^oct-eis-v\hi<Trhap^atten*l*Ml bis rniirta with tlje band. Mi \ \ tight bavin- un-

_dt 1 takui_,Lht__ V_wi k. w. it boot an > l e-uiiineratKin. 'lb* m« mbins <d ibeJsind

which it $J1(I..(IH .{<;, an increase ot ?H'i,0SO.5a The tntal fax*"* to be rals eil In Summit (his vear IM $:W0.^14 L'V ami the TAUV of $2 .U will provide a fractional e \ t e s s ot |41tiMi4 for ton tlJlKeiU.lC'-, The total net valuation ol taxable propeitv in Summit is $1:7 0O«.52!». the foiiiih ltiirbc-t in tin-countv

Eluabeth i- tirst with a valuation oi *77,57.J.ir,J. Plamheld v,.(oiitl, « L 1 I $.12,719,017, ami Uintleii - township third liiub n valuanoii <>l 51 "..l!4<;,:i". t due ro""the latt of the Io*ation ot the Standard Oil fat torv and stor.igi itaiiks in its tiTfilory.


'* -Hi-;

mess. * all, a^scnitdv.

-i#\r*, 1 1. r

it treat, first call, *.>ll to tiuaixw*-.

Kolb)wnrg ar»'-4lM' w i t s — t o r bu'li alsji playelTTlw- tonc^MTs—w iiHrnit_ p< .-- this- and la^t v.-ur Claik town^lnp, sonally re i t iv .ne anvthi iu tmmn lallv $121. old 99; Cranford $2.2.s, t>M tl» W*, foi their st_L>.u% __ Kli/.abeth $.10';. tiltl $r"99; Kauwood

TOwu'ng to (hit f^^iitTii tht"-**-< 11 KITV hriroutQ- t- 1'* « H _$2 os"; HilNnb-of the bantl. Mi. J- M*n>t*. of Chatham, $2-01, old $ 1 9 V Keiulworih ^_' 17 "TDd rrasJiiicouu'a. n u m b c i _ni thi^\aiH»iial $1 N,',, Gi^'xund, $ 1 M, old $199," U n -

Tm s-rhty den ^wn^hlp-^l M, old jM"4TT_l^ndpn

I lit- s. ason is ^rtnviiiK late Manv *.f the near bv grown < oni.notlitit'-* art-bccojH-itig -cart er-" but It is the pur­pose to ktep tin market- opt n as long as th t i e is aiivihing to st>11 l-'our hundred and sew nt\ live market )>ask ft-- ll i \ c hceii pun li.isi'd li\ marketers and llii r.~ art in.w twelve men and utimt n s, llmg in th*' in.irki • 1*« i • who tome rroju this (own. Stottli iiLilun. Wt -i tn-l'l. Th7tTfi.im~ Mailisim Ilerkt li \ IlingUt-, l .oiiV-Hill and .Muirav II-ill .tint Tln.i JS a_ waiting list ot wouldriij s^l4«4i in lb*' bunds TH- the t i i . i i i i u t e t

I n 111'' I W f T T i i o l l l l S - s l I U e t i l l

- l h . Inl l l lW llVg" I I I . t l k i I

apfiTt >~x Till, rn

lormigh t"2 •% f>Tor

s w l e $1 Mi. o l d *I Ml .

Little of Note has I iappuiid at Svraeuse (his «t_t\ on acto.mt of (lie

"huge sick list o*tasiontd h> Hie vat-( i n a n n n s "tnTTing their elTt-(T~"a"iid tho ttmsetnitnt It t up m t l t f woik

"At the Nt w Ytnk Stat* Fan we had a ilemoiistraliojL anibulaiicc. «>tnl .. gioni> ol in* n w i n ^tin down ta<b nmrning ami .lUtnmonl to deMionstiat* tin va . ious "no man s land * a n its .

"banda»«s tt'i hioktn limbs and othti things of ptat t i ta l unptntante in tht war a t m s s the s*a It was our honoi as to be detailed to "ilie e n n i g e n t j am­bulance at Qui fj.ii ^iouim\_ and

$ 2 ^ , Mountain M e w Ur-OV Itb'tti e

(own^hip $2-4*',. Tdil $S-17; New l*ro\i tleiice Borough $J "*."., ojd *2<;:i. IMaiu-liebi $2 Ob. old *1'M. Kahwiiv, $2 'A

Army, it was n*-«-rss.iij e\oning: to_«l*«t a nj w-ant uuib* m fttf ihe-wffi(c. and Mi .Sli'iw iva t i n t e d to fiTT the vataTitv Mr MatKt.bnie was «leclcd a - l i l i a m n 'Mi Mullt n. thtv MiAie-diuiMiuu of tht luntl is iit^n caHed bv I'm It Sam io_»hi bis1

"Ini" for "frttdom and hiihiannv." Several oth*-r n» mb« is t-t \U+- l^.ntl ar<-„t 111* i nt *iiLa-*d upon w n x m -si im imii wink foi tin i . im l ei n in bm it l- hop* d Uiat wb.'i ihi wmk i~ lmisl.nl (h«'V "w ill 11 ui ii pla* t s m (he band.

Rtbtarsa l s havt b**n st . i i i .d ""oTlTdivided iiMlsi* fot nevt season, ami tin n p « i - fol lows. ' ^ (one will be < onsidt i at.U ( i i l a i - t d , 1 Clark, $1.2J'i«.ss.

(lit p l a v t i s inttntl in laiilitnlH at- 4.M',, Kliz.ibetli $77

ol'd $2 J4 , lloseHe-4-'.

•$a.;a, old nil! $1 9->;

*2 2.". old1 $2 l.i I t o s e l l i -

i k $.' 2 S . oJtl $ 2 (19. S i i i i u i i K $2 1 7 , S c o t t h I M . i i n * $1 S7 ^ p r i t i g f i t - h i ^ l 7r». i . b l *1 «J9.

' ' . i i ' . m i n i m i s ,,_ pi <. JI u < i • h ; i \ i In i-n s o l d in ll l t ' i l i u s h i l ' J a p p b ' s , > , 7 ^ 9 b u ^ l w r * st i U M C - I H M I I S " i u - b u s h e l ? l i m a b e a n s . J '',,',U i a b h a g f ' - T*lfl b a s k e t s l o i l i a t o * -. 4 J.*';'. b u l i t l i e s nt b e e t " Ti 121 b u m to -•' . ."trots 'Mini) i i i M i i . i b e r * J.' .tiim e a r ' s M i n i . - * 1 " b'lS'Kl'C? p . a e h r t 1, b'i4 lb** f o w l M»»j- hrnrternt- a m i 22.V 4itts4od-s ».f | iMtatui"- s . m i i i»r w h i t l i W C T I ' r r o i n ' l i e \ 1> <• g . i n b n s _

- l it a d d i l H ' i i '<> I" i n . i i ^ ' i lia•• i N n •-i>ld l i n n ! plain-"

service pipes (2) The Water Compaijv, however ,

when the Kebruarv, Ii>17 rules a n d regulatitins were promulgated did not "llje a new- ,iiii| aim-tnhd schetlult* o f rates." hut applied To the Hoard for at Tuspetitirm of ">ittd regulatlon«

(:'.) On He* ember 21. 191*".. the City of SiLituiii' ri'iiio-^it tl thu It*»artl to i u -stitute an appropriate proceeding la» dt'tertiiiin i.ur and r^.i-iinable ra te s and rules inr* iiiruishuig water an*l nieter«, 1>V tin ('onnimnw ealth Water ( omp.im to private t.ni-umery and cspi i i.illx fin" a di t< ruinat ion of t h a value of the propirtv. of said t'tini-panv, tanj LhJ' aU'l lii'anisil.le. used and u-cful m -nmdiJJjJj * H ' T tnr th« -aid n ' j i nii-.|il« led .i- a ur.i' and th i s ipplit alum wa- r'U<-*'d upon the \pi ll S> l'H7 In .iriii_g_

14 1 The VS. .tt• i ( otiipanx i 1 inn-; bat thi Hoard -Imuld- ina ( ntori •• (•• g e u -• ral nib's un.ii. Mav v- l ius wh>'ti~Th>i t4tiiir,t<i w th 11 v iti^t.ei • xpsres. wW»*M rntitr.it t it i* « la »n«st it, a l»ar to tin orders ol the Hoard . "

L±i.*Xlui_UuArd l imls t_h tt t i te-e . mt-- i i . n * * ri-lvrr*d (o .bf >'."t pr>

lloaTTfTFiTTii liviui. ju- ' iiid *,:-r . l 'es - © "

Mil 1 hi l i z a r d t T i i i ^ ^vni - m ^ TT-rjne*t)t IFI- S i i i n m n ; ;_ MO' n h r e i s o t , a M e b u t t h a i t in - l i i '^riX if" - I t l o ' i l d I m r U t t - -

d o f T a T T e ^ I l l f ^ T U - ' t l g j f Lou a J . p r . l i S J l l and v^tfii.iltoii "XI boTit" • ^pTi T.vT~Ifmrf-"' tion's fo u-j woikiuiTTiiir* • tor i l t ^ t ^ — -

•••;» t h e - .Mtiahb) "i"

l u r e g u l l l g Mil low ers h moils

warertri-ss. Intro's, pears gi'aprs., w^itertnt;!!!'!

O H I $1 \ 9 ; W c - t t n Id *2 2 4 .

t o t i n i r

i iW* '

I mon $2 2<i obi $2 or. ~" ,

The net valuation of taxable prop e r t \ - l n the uninrv l- $191,171 192 4o

among ilie muiiiclpaliti* •* as

a l -

(bough the w»lv was snntaniish to b«guin«ts it" vw»s va^dv interesting;


it nd prat tit «s and t i n h a v i *" -iv* __Horough, $t'.74.Mi Summit a musical o igan ..iimn ILJUIIIV -<;24. Keiulworih. of ^TilVbraiTtifiil cltyr —-% -


The Summit nameg or men m the n e w ' a r m y now appear in the honor roll on page 9 of this issue.

k* pt b » s > a to tin hospital- Tht

is wound


-Sure Aeeded 4<»r Ambulance "Sit. SS. " "7

and t IK dow n w i I e in^ cases m cases were all nnnm. such ed t m u t . s ami old pt.iple fetling a b.i weak f rom o\* . e\« it* mt nt

We a-i'e awaiting ««iuipmrnt with-great I n u i t s t ^n.l MMKI-IJ a routine

wo rlt»n t wail foi Iht

I all

Meeting. .\. \ r M o n d a v at i 3»» p Hi Uo Worn.

i irt Auxiliary ol Hie Y M '< _\ j^old Us lir.-t fall b u i i n t s , nit

m d i u r

r r Wi1* l l v a l i o ! l l c \ s j ^ i s o n ' b e i n i l . l i n t

ti e h o p e s f o r -o lH*J»* iU* *iHt''li*M "t g e t -"line .it whole-ale prit.'i s growing out ot In Cuv. r s niti ri l ill tin tjiles 'ion .mil t i e di-uiand lor HIIIII -UI ' I autln nt I ^v-.(.it. of iiilyTru.rinn rbroimb the uitreasing nutnlu r ol tiiniti• ip 'I ni.rk't-- ttliere art now- jn i'i tlii— St.id i and Hie awakening th i l i i iv int- ' p u h l i i i/e th it tin \ hav 1% with no .rail'' iiiTorinaiii.ii bat eu

I.unlet, tow'tl'shlp. l ightens lln ho.in' available for them borough $1 .".22 Mr Van \ \ \ t k f<>r Hw N I> «» food

_ . . . . . . . ^SJPI.'Min; New , ,,ns. i vatlon fommi,'*"«* rejM«i- (ha: Vri.vTuTirry TlowTrih1-rrr-$^49:441-^- -?v*-w -pnTnf0e"t-ermtt-(-«-i--,LV^4-i,-iJ.

I'roviilt'tue borough $7.r>7,Sti7, l'lani m u te pun based bv

r'lanlord, $7.4u'. JVl.t,9".2. I'anwood " U l l l M d e $"7S!» $s«'.9.s.".*i r.O; C i r

p i e l a l p u r p o - i ""md l i n t * h . ' f u n d - * a v a i t a b l e n o w f u r u--'' ••! ih* l U . ^ r d w o u t i ) nor a i l l n i l o f t h i s H I . I - w h i t e i t i - t i n p u l i t v o f t h e i t o . t r - r t o r e l i e v e i i i u n i i i p a l i t n - ,.^ f a r a*; p o s ~ i l . l e ot i h e »- fp*i | sV. HI uia_kiiiK v a j i i a ' i o l i " * . tievrrrh'|li"=-- in this ins- .r i i . t:n) nt till1* unit, if a prompt. d>'•'rntiitaTiott I t o In in i d ' t in t - \ .; - H i . n i U l i t s i i o u i d a - n u n t b . " I - K o t p n •>• u t i n g U t e i n n ' * - . i h ! • - TIII.I.V a n d p r o o f s ;

l lat ' l i e Id) i r d l i a - HI a J i p r . i l - . a l o f t h e

properti'-s .it the t omtnouwcalta Wat-' . *T ( i i l n p a i i v . . - til J a i l l l a r v 1 1 9 1 1 . o r

w h o In V Hi l o T e a l b e e n | . l i v i n g t d i n d -

wood, *2.09I.tl2.l'19r, $l."i.24i'..974; Linden I'm, Mountainside,

Xtax__Laj:-m_ e a v L i e i i r i b T -

• - « , '

w i l l t i n g

and it Is earncMlv desife.l that i rirv' pi < U I l s

nit'iiibcr do b c r utmost to b*


T - S . A. Mobilization i amp. ^—Syraciiae. N 3il

( „ . goes by -sov/'l urn*, nl _ S.i IT'i C.wvnne with longing

We havt" s* nt

a. this meeting M> that (he Auv.liary

field. $32,719,017, t lahwav. $S.49r..sr,2. Hostile. $4.*9XS:',9, Iloselle Park T* 1 !">»;,a29-; Siimmii, $12.Smti.I77, Stot th

$l.S14,79s »J1 , Springtit Id "" T21s.""^92J. West

Clans. St i scant

with A fair at

he i . r t s va. io'iL - l o i i p -

'fitVn'o-'pisnl l».*'i« 'HA -IK'lll

l l s ' l

i h . in otii own tln-s^also to

September Vt. 1917. The Editor of the Summit Herald:

Dear S ir :—We have just Teceived a communication from the Surgeon Gen­eral o f - the Army hot i fy ing us that the ,w.w.r- i lc ies

^ f i h i B - o r Organtartimi *f amlHUance *™J.™}?Zt *** rompanies have b*en changed, and

_now p e r m i t s an increase in I h ^ n u m - ^ ' , ^ ^ n l i l ( L _ i t _ = i v . ' s -interest l * r W i T e C T h i s leaves room ^ * > e € n *P4»*«o^»

rounds to Oswt ^o-. amlwllances. and vvf ttei be a featbtr in onr t al'- _ " * ^f

V uemral shaL* up in S*.rgean* i*-s hits resulted' from

examinations and -rntrmtarv and as no new

will be-able to plan the fall 'ami win-laien of work r^veryone

must feel' a deep HCIIHC of gratitude l o "\ M. C A tor (be great and Indp-

.rYt1Kr.-T"ri'^'r' 'l liv 'bis nrcaniza=

P r , ^ n t ; $ 1 . 4 9 1 . r . 4 4 ; : r m o , . ! field. $11.1¥6,13fi

a' i}it < oiiiniuniiv Mark. t ni'j ,iri ot no luini i * • i p i a l i r .

1 i*dl-»ll.»»C,

il \< T\

p t i t a



nnncom? . , tmn ti\ have

t o

itrr-^i full lor ' the men who have given up all frtr the taust- oi nghteousne - - and national honor Let u<. therefore, do more and vet more to support the 4-ur.her efforts of this great organiza-

d'l'tig nH-Vi- i"w f'vr « i r men. ami bovs at home ' lun^heed us" The hearty *-orfip«>t-a ion of eTerv woman

at sh^-by ^ugge-tiuu and. . . • • - t , w a t e h for new- men with JhT-rhcrrons d P B l r e d _.. Ambulance Company Thirty-three for , - i n e w a i , i m l m i m mess kits whieh 0 t , r S i > n a l w ^ r k m a v help the i o r . e s of rune m e n 5 feet 8 inches or ta l l e r . . p iae^wMhe-onf is *™t_t9__Lhc_r4Khte<»usneas hy_ serving the men and A p ^ i c a m a n i J t y ^ u r e full information J * e t h J P

a r e . . D U l l > - : " they are light ^ J * ^ , . 6 wn-communi ty ' from Dr. R. W. Molster. De Forest S £ d , ' e a s i e r to clean, and inspec- DO- Z u — > » > , — ^Fenue, Summit . N. J. - r a t t a n , is eas ier to pass because t h e ' M i8g Eliiabeth4-«d<leH, violinist, has — ^ S « w M F t o y y o u r a , ^ r T " ' n a t u r a l aluminwnr shine is J I great r e a u m e d teaching^at her studios 39

« - j

ARTHiri t OWYNNE. - -Qaftrtermaster Sergeant . '

Ambulance Co. No . 53-

^ — -Oak" Ridfe avenue an3 Bernard*ville. ' — ' n - - T » ^ - > ^ i ^ adv. 50-2 (Contlnaed on Page Ten .7 N . J .

M - s ^ K l i / a b i ' t h H O M t l a l l g i . l e t u l M r . m d M i s l r . i ' i k < " > H o v e ot M o u u tain .iv'enue jiui l l frbert S KT h, vv-er«r married Sat'ird >v lugjil a' tin home

•WflUadi Connollv ^ntf Joseph 'ilviin o f t h e b r i d ' by It* v Vv" L J . ^ . i t ' ' « . r

1'leud > o i i - \ t t t t t o - Hobblng Snnimit * Homes.

Kpi*-t tii>al ( hun h, Mur_

tlieii al.nii - vviiii h would ti* avaitabld to i'i- < .tv of siimiiiit or ilwir r e p r e -sentat.vi-- but.'hat tin- apprai-al w a s mad' ' \ |M'!- arid would no: tM' C«III-< In u e uju.li aSv"nr^*hi muniLipalt-

!• -- ^ T l ' d . ' Thi" f in. 'Vv rit Summit rf*-"-"

CTSI—w1TTr~mT~ imb p*-ndem ^iliini inn, Cie Hoard w i ' ri inb-r every a'ssiVfiin . po-.^il>ie ami -< • the matter down tor in armg as MIU;I as the eitjf i prepay 1 to -ub.nr its proofs

i ^ > 'lii..' here are t. > ---urniount-ihli • oiiiplo ation* it the "mattt wli i'i i nijlil tit' he works •! on* tiy,CO-op.'.a'sui if t'ii re w.i-. an ••arn«'«t ef-toit t.> .|i _-n Inn 'b.i' s i), . there 1» no' sic h li" earn.*- effort to »oTE out" th i 'v i I'uipl.t at iofs j v \ , i operation b e t w e e n f i e n u m . i p a l l ' - . . - A n d • t h f t

th» I'nard tan •* n^b' m an in.'.

,1-^.diHly to>

-p*-ndent fat-of Summit, pleatletr noiv vult in l i i iot i of SU L"W' . - • - ,onii.anv Spe. lal Sessions Court last Fridav af- ^ y Hill M.-< Ir-m- Itove s I s rer .. S i i [ | i m i | ]T

ternoon to an aJaegatjon for breaking, *he bride, was the maid of honor, .md ^ entering and larceny, and will be t h * best man was Knbert I' \ . i l l i a . i f - ,«,, T h a , T h t . ( | U , . s - ,on aa to w h e t h e r senenond to.d^y They were charged ««» of Murrav Mill t.M-Un B..vv a v a , , j a t m n l > L - r t r e p r o p e r t Y be long . - . with" robbing the homes of. Julius C nlererfif lhe_brjiP\ was the flower g.rl ( | ^ ^ , , , m p a i n Wvond the ciiyr Meyer1 and Caxton Brown of , this < Ity A , n o n ) t ' ^ ^ T . ^ ^ J ^ t . ! ' . » f'V'i lmwt^ should in p a r t ' f e t i c l u d e d i i» 4 They totrlt Masonic Jewels from the J r " " " . „.. , .. , , . . ^ , „ , jjii valuataao-uf the property used-ant* former's place and jewt iry and o t h e r - ^ ^ - '» «-*nn» at Svrat.-u>e - M r And - e f u 1 - | r 7 w r n i H h l R 8 l h g w a t < ? T a n p ^ y -va luab le s j rom Brown. Mrs *»;? 1 1*^'« / ^ ^ ' ^ »»«* ,'„ ,hal citv „ one that mtt.t t e % ~

Thomas - J Mvnor, a l s o of tmB-ri tVqj^ i a * a r a i-*"«™ ih_eir^ed«hmtjtrip>

enter**! a non.vult plea to a charge ot J " J • • "~, false pretense, being charged with' The HERALD'S off ic ia l^al l of h o n - ' o ( , o u n d judgment as to bow mucla , passing a woftlilesi* cheek oi^ qeor«e or of Summit men In U.\ S. service . , -tzzo. Sentence was set down Tar.40-, corrected to date, will bjfe found . o n . ^=/ day. Lpage seven.

<*&-l \

(Continued on Page S i i . )

""""irn-fcnriiiiiriiriiirfHii'BfflL * J

Page 2: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

_ w "im •', \*x '—is: :^r-#--pl. -^rzfz i^S-WOi

For Asgembly Nomination

*«**a*r»t No Mis Were PMMvM tor Iks Ma4»-

M ^ l M N rmllro^ n k ! • » « * » -meat bowl* at tlM Um* sfpafetai last weak. The bond* bear interest at

.441 p«f«Mt. and ar* of th# long torn atrial order. Bond sstesmeii pi e m i t suggested that wltft tha bond marks* In I t i p w a t randltlohlt might b« necessary to allow » — E c i r i r t

Next TweBday, September 25th

ARTHemET . . . /

/ Keep your mind on this name and put a cross before it.

t *" K t - ^ 0 ^ * *

combined offer of three bondsman to | veil -as many an they could in oat

week, WAS accepted by the Madison

balance at private sale.

/ *


P.ml nir li\/ A'nlnir K W^ner Campaign Conrfhittee/


• 0 B


B jjajaaiajaje >

_ ^


PETER J. OLDE Of Elizabeth.

A I . a u \ c r l>y [>r<>iV -.ii >n.

.ibk- ami well <|uahlied to till the

< ill ire ctl'irientlv. ^ A D D I S O N ^ W P I 1

1;,iidnrs(.'«| l»v the Mayor and

ncarK all <>\ the R

City (dTiL!al> of El izabeth , and

hundreds m" other "prominent

"TJefrtiblie.'lns throughout U n i o n

County.; - " ' . - '

I'letlges himself- to .-.(Itvote",

hih entire t ime to the duties of

the , c iff ice .am] wil l not be a

hjjttre-head or inake the- office

'Republican Candidate.™







CHARLES N. CODDING EDUCATION Mr. Coddrrtg graduated froni j ^a l e4Jmyer s l t y in the. class**of

1886. He entered the Columbia Law ScliooT^fcnd was graduated in 1888, with "the Degree of Bachelor of Laws, and was admitted to the Bar in the same yearsr •••"•- ••'•• .•'••"»*""":•. •' *•• :! ™ •


Mr. Codding in addition to ,h|s University and Law School education^ has been a practicing lawyerjfor T H I R T Y YEARS, and has, had a wide and extensive experience in all branches of the1 law,

EXPERIENCE including the highly technical praetfeeln the the Surrogate is-the Chief officer.

m's Court, of wl

epubliean p r i m a r y Election, September 2 5 l N P D V | - p _

Qualified-" by Experience. \ . \ Former JudKe Eliza-be Mi District Court, " T O T h ©

aild I'ro-UM'utor of PU*ais, of R I'liion County; j p y g L J Q

I ' . i M i".,r S l i t . . .

COSE FOR SHERIFF ;i sidi'-is^uc.


l \ ih t f i' ft) UM<r L a n i i . j i g u Lunimi l t rC,


M r r ^ e d d i n g represented Union County in* the New Jersey Legislature In 1894 and 1895,. He was prominent in the anti-race track

J, «• legislation~of that time and introduced the famous anti-race track ~ amendment to the constitution which was adoptedby the people and

^ is now part of our fundamental law. «• , -'— .

Mr. Codding; succeeded Governor Stokes as Deputy : Clerk of the Supreme Court of New_Jersey, to which position he was first com­missioned by Governor Vorhees and thereafter by Goverfiors Murphy

> and Stokes.—Hiyexecutive ability in this position was recognized by-the bench and bar of New Jersey, and was repeatedly the subject of approval by the press of the^State. . :;

= •-"' '—•--


Paid for by Henry W. Evans Committee..

. 1 ( N O W U N D E R - S H E R I F F )


_ _ 'September 25, for the ~



^John H. Cose, whdOU a. candidate #9? the nomination of Sa^trifMn Union county at ^tee-prtnrwtertr»t Tue^ay;

•hapent •onje tifte in this district during the past week, renewing acquaintances (OCmfti,J„tfttfifly Ala farnpalgk »hrfff y#ars ago and making ymaBy\ new friend a. Tie fym.1; largo fnlln^jlng tfiroughout th»Lflounty^anji cal wise acres is considered the strong, eat candidate of the Ave men who « e seeking th,e shrievalty honorT In.com-tMttng for the nomination in 1914. Mr. Cose was defeated by the, present sheriff, George C. Otto, at. Elisabeth, by approximately only 300 votes. He carried more municipalities than did

Sheriff 1 ^ IJnio l ip^ ' Jf™3*^^ . *^le7aS6wg fhe'wwkT has made good as - . - • " " '

V~^^~UndetggM%rlff and deaervea ^ promottOT^^""^ : ...,S

A Man with C<niffiget y For two years FREEHOLDER a i A S F. APPLE-

GATE, Republican Candidate for the SHERIFF NOMIN­ATION, has fought for the interests of the taxpayers of Union County.

Apptcgate is the man who demanded and g o t a new busi­ness deal. - ^ - . -—__—z.~— , =——— _^-——

_ __ He i t the Republican member of the Board of Freeholders who could not be shaken off in his campaign for a show-down on the County's financial affairs,— - *

He got -that" show-down. —- • : -j^_rr*

Thrjuigh his teal, through^liis persistency, through his stick-to-itiveness. he has been^ largeh/ responsible for the free­holders' policy^of economy which for the first time in years has resulted in a lower tax rate.

Applegate is the type of man who can be entrusted with the responsibilities of the office of Sheriff. He will not waiver, wilt or welch. ^

,** Vote for Appkgate .] ^lh the Republican Primaries next

Tuesday\ Sept. 25th. _ ' - - ^ - * & | Paid for by Elias F- Applegate Campaign Committee.

the successful candidate and j o l l e d 4Bor(|~4hah--400—^votes- over-the^ ne i t nearest competitor. In the tBree-years I intervening iiia strength has greatly increased and indications point to a successlul wind-up of his campaign next Tuesday. T

Mr. Cose was born In this sUte forty-onw years ago and (or the past thirty-five years has been a resident of Plainfteld- He.haa always been a staunch Republican, although his ser­vices heretofore have not been reward­ed with aay remunerative office. He

member of TJonp

Always a Republican. JASES E, "vTABHEB has made good as Under-Sherlff, He will, beyond question, stake rood as Saeriff of Uaioi € * u t y r witli three years' experience under Sheriff George C. Otto (who by law GMWWt J>u*«B^A^Wf) to guide him, during walch una every kind of service that aajMaa^thtte=tet-of. Sheriff has been ^ e ^ a ^ e 4 ^ " ^ ~^"

Paid faf by Janet E. Warner Campaign Committee,

served several terms as a the Unioti' -County . Republican" , _ _ mittee, of the Plainfleld City Republi­can Conunittee and Is now completing his second term as a member of the Plainfleld Common-Council- 'He was elected at large and for the past two years has acled as Chairman of the Plainfleld Fire Board, .pnju of tne most important chairmanships in the tJottm*itnianie body

Mr. Cose is highly popular in his home town and has a large -following throughout this State, principally, be­cause or his activities in the order of Elks. He has acted as Grand Lodge delegate on several occasions, in a past district deputy, a past exalted ruler of Plainfleld lodge and at the

Association, having been elected at the ' convention in Long Branch two weeks

-nA, '/

ago. Mr7"t*a3F-iB^eiTgage,iJrin tEe ?Tni= tractiitg husiness in Plainfleld'and has been v e n • successful. _Hjs campaign slogan is "A Business man, not - a Politician," an apt designation that has found favor with the voting popu­lation of this county that has to 'bear the burden Of taxation)

„»aul for by J. H. Cose Committee.


Xfes Seatt's Mnslc Classes to _8**>a*

Miss Phoebe H. Scott, ass her sister^ Miss rwwnfhy R. Scott, will begin, her fall season early in October, Miss Dorothy Scott will teach begin­ners the rudiments of music In class­es, using the Effa Ellis Perfleld Meth­od which has become so famous through the West and which has gain­ed such a strong foothold In N£w York City and its vicinity -during, the last ceupleref years

A musical foundation is laid for the child by the teaching of. notation, rhythm, harmony, sight singing and melody, .building through this inner feeling,-reasoning, and drill. Classes will be held at 23 Edgemont avenue.

p_fea<HH-tiine-re-a irtiatee-ol--the-State- ^u"jmh. and, on Wood Crest aVenue, Mlllburn,'for the Short Hills and MiH-burn pupifs. -^ The^Missea fSeott wi ir also take a limited number of violin and flute ou-PUS.

A-^erteroI"recIUls nave-b*en ptaa. ned for the winterV"among them piano, ->rgan and-the Vlnney -Quartet. J.he jcllist of which is an artist pupil of Willeke of the Knelsel Quartet. There vill also be talks ttti music historv.


FULL W1IGHT is-fs«lPanteed if yon buy lea „ us. We serve all our customers with absolute fat™tag and

rvmk ICB The office will ht, jtaja_-4i%-Kttr

that Is so popular among bousejc^Vj

never used Ous* Coal aaad »* E «J at once.

up. or any Inattentton.

SUHHrr & i A M $ 0 i ICE eOMPAlY -— Nianufacturers-aiflr Dealers in H Y G I E N E I C E „ r . n n

. A l s o Dealerrtxi COAL AND WOOD Office and Factory: Park and Ashwood Arofc, Simimlt; T"L 3»

Branch Office: Railroad A v e , MaAson, N « v Jersey j - - ~ - ^ — » j , - .

Page 3: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

Ends Saturday Night at 6 O'clock

t JMiCall! Last Chance ia share on everything you need.

the merchandise advertised, beforer all the merchandise to be adver­

tised in tine Newark papers Friday; all the merchandise now displayed under

Anniversary Sale signs:—ALL of thi^ merchandise goes back to regular

prices Saturday night at 6 p . m, , . '—"'•

• ;•' I t is a fact that much of .this merchandise is selling close to wholesale

today. It is a fact that these prices can not come soon again; It is a fact

that this is the last chance you will have to share throughourtRe store at the

Anniversary Sale prices;' =rr

T Bui you must act now; tM Sale ends

_ Saturday at 6 pun.

Surety Coupons return you 2 per centron "" Except on Groceries and Vi0bla$

you Si

Charles -V Codding, one of Union county's ablest and best tratned at­torneys is a candidate for the Repub-Mfn nomination for Hnrrngatf the commendation from the press mad those familiar wi th ' the requi rement^ of tbe office carries the weight that

con-prave the most formidable tenders for the office: J , . —

Mr. Codding has taken for his slo­gan, "fitted by education, training and experience" and each of these con­tentions is fortified, by an incontro­vertible record. He w i t born in OoilinaviHe, Conn„ December 22/18<$i, a n d i s SS y e a r s nt a g e t i e Wtted f o r

college at Phillips Andover academy, Aniiuver, Mass., and entered Yale Uni­versity, graduating—in, the class of isSti, wi th . the degree ^ f Bachelor of Arts, Two years later he was gradu­ated from the Columbia University Law school with tfce^egree ot-Bache-ly t of Laws, Tie, was admitted so the Bar of-Kew Jersey »ihe same year, and took up his residence in WestfleM where he has made his home ever sinver- * '•'".''_--.

Mr. Codding wa» elected to the Leg­islature in 1893-and "l894. He-waS" ap­pointed by Gowernpr Voorhees as ac­tive managing bead of the office of clerk..of the New Jersey supreme coirrt;~iTIcf"was reappointed by XSaver-iiors Murphy and Stokes, serving thir­teen years in thai capacity. Me is a meriiber of the law firm of Codding * Oliveri of Eliiabeih and a director of the West field Trust. <!o. H#-i#~ajnem-bgr_of_ Atlas Lodge. F. and A. M„ the


HoyaJ Arcanum. Loyal Association Mepta>onhs and Westneld Golf-Club.

• Mr. ,<>dtiiikg ha» for twewy-flwe years beenN;hairnian of the Republi­can CommitilK. of Westneld. oiie of the 8trongholds\of Republicanism in Ijiion County. Heshas been a mem­ber of the County Republican Com­mittee'-for quarter of IK century, and for elf ht years was its chairtuan. He was the county chairman when Union county was changed from *spe"mo-uratic to a Republican county. >%.

Frederick S- Taggart, who had been spoken of for the Surrogaieship in a.

Practical: Wedding £m Let your wadding gift fee something for the home, wherejtirvill (>rove~a constant reminder of your good taste and judgment; This shop cpntairir jtf.wide variety of suitable pieces, such as


Fancy Chairs^) Chaise$fLonguf$ Carved Tables

^Wsmidors -J$0ming-Idble»

Screens ."^.v-CoMJumers

-Day Beds Serving Wagons Rag$^=^ Muffin Stands

^ArmMocken—^ ' M w f t CaWn*«J

Piano Benches SmatMxtbies* Folding Tables Floor Clocks Floor Lamps fable Lam pi B_o^kxasesrz—zrz. Wooden Beds Brass Beds Ivorv Beds White Beds , Bud Vases Cnr4mns, Tnhle Centers Bureau St

WriHitg'Bureaut bourtiies ——••—

Gilt Mirrors ~ Nest-of-TabJes Umbrella Stands— Candle Stands

\Xhime Gongs-* BooZMocKs ~ ~Cedar Chests Coffee T''~i\s

. SLind:i-ilh_-l ray's „. 'Pedestals' ' Portieres _ . .-:

_• Art-Matters'"^ • ^ Kiiehenetds _.••••

pays a «f M

- "•"•"•" 3coMVENIE^f ^HARdfi A C Q Q F P J T S ~v ; ' Vusinssr Hours. J ttf t 'Daily. Including 6*turduy. ,

letter to an Elizabeth paper-warm tribute to the ability i'odding. He says:

"The office of gurrogate needs to be administered bv a lawyer of ability awl experience one™conversant with ailmin^stratiTe detail, and one whose personMwy and standing Inspire* con.-.. tiilence in those who must needw~deal with him in his office. The. enfrance (if Charles X. Codding, of ^Westneld, as a candidate for Surrogate has ' as r • i u r « 4 smch » c a n d i d a t e . H i s ' l o n g residence in the county, his ability as

lawyer.; his standing-and- pleasing personality, coupled with his experi­ence in the Snpreme^CourtiWerk'ft of-Bee in Trenton, give "him'^"mness for the Rurrosa*e»hi|i not possessed by any of the.oiher._ciiuJi!late.s..-_SIr.'Cod-

|ding 's ayailabiHty at "th'is lime and the withdrawal .of Mr. Parrot from the rac«- IfSW *w;it)i other reasons) caused me to dvci*'. not 10 enter the contest and tof iv i - to Mr. CiMlding. as a can-dldate^fnr f]i*' Surroeate of Union countv Kill h KiipiKir* as*. I rthi able."

»*TIIi:,S1.H k l l i r VT Tilt:

MPONSETWQEK Sale Beginning Saturday, Sept. 22nd

iven meters


l i ly

i 8 jipt^t^im THitaiii



S H E W F F I S S A L E — I n Chancery of New Jer . »ey. Between NatBSH R. b « * ( l w * t « u t o f

»nd Trustee of the S r t a t e «*"«• RosUng EyjC. dc tMled , complainant, and Mary OrMt French, ( t a b . , defeadaiiu. f i . f». tor • * « of mortgaged premiies. . , , .

By Tirtne of the ahsve-itatrf "Wfit of fteri faelM to m» directed I i h a * 4 * p o i e for sale by public Vendue, at the Shefiffi ^office >n the Court Mouse, in the c i ty . of lIi»a>e|Bj

\\%DSKgDAs/) T H E t S N T H D A V , O F 0C-T O i f i K , A. D„ 191?,

at Two d'eloek in the iftfrnooft of said day, All t ra f f i ' c r pay^ri «»* 1and» awd gremiieti

TeewefintfMhe "Sarred front pi Uie€«ing ef i m e ap, tnst t the iubMHber, . - *- r.v....,,

. " ' " ' • " ' M I N K I ? McDKhStOTT; ' . ' . . " -Exeeutrw.

Mcpermott ft Enrifht, Ptoctpri,» 75 ^Iontg#mery Street, Jersey Citv, N, J,

4 1 4 L ? w -_. J Fees, $1 J.10


situate, lying and being in the Townihip ot

d'istrirt of t i t ]

SpnngiieTd in the'-Cttinf? « f ^ * « t e i • #iid-HS**te-of .New J e n e y . . - " r_. , . . . . . . . .

B E G I j i N I N i ; at a point on, the easterty side of B a n k Ht t r Avenue dtitanj: twelw hun­dred f W X n feet southwesterly from thm. » u t h -east comer of Battle Hill Avenue and Morns Avenue and running (! ) a ! o w " W d * « e S* iraid Afenne south ^ tonty- f ight (281 dfi£resi thirty (JO) minutes west HBfty (SO) feet thence t2) south •ur tyone (61) d e p e e s thirty «30) minute* eas t one hundred Bfty-nve arid

' iS^JOOJlSSM) f e e t j ^ e n e e ^ ) 2 ? l ! ! l J * " H t

fifty (SO) fe*l |" tBenee f«) North a i s t W n e degrees, thirty {30} tninates Weft, oftl^hun

iS/\m, tiSS.lS). feet te_ the eaiterly side of „BatUe Hill Avenue and place of B 8 0 I H N I S C . . .* „ ' • j

Being lots numbered ^forty-nine ( 4 ! ? ' _ f n j fifty <Sp) 7**. shown on Map- of Spnngtield Sirfeir t w b e r t y ipf Willtom Flewer, Inc. , Springfield, N . j . „ % « . « -- . 7 . - i . G E O R G E C. OTTO; a

NejIJogft of Kc»ris(rj Board and JFrt» mnry Eieftion,

Natice is 'hereby jriveTrtltiat" Registry Hid F.lettipri n n faeii iuiti ii^fA* nf Jhp__f*jt£2I!ll.STrmtgiT 'wiH"ineeM>n

TUESDAY, S K P T H ^ n s j ^ T C T r o r T y t ? , — "at 1U a. m.^f t tire puWiiiK |i!.n,t> iTam^l beiaw for the purpeie n£ registtrrfiig tiie legal voters in each • district and immediately, thefeaiter shall make shouse tv linitse ettivass. Berspnal registfMitin'.i* ,not'*ret!«ifeil in' rnunicipiiiitiei under 10,000 inhabitants, "v^-

Tfritice" is ' aJJFO''givtri -thftt *ai f u m y Klfftit»i^tlitv;^fii!}jt£iiitier 2Sth,

from " a. oi, to 9~j>.' m.. fur i?Ve rufpSi£~Bf conducting said PrimaTv K ing up registry li*ts_of -all district and adding nanuf

The Boards will alsrt meet 'on Tuesday: T3«-tober 30 s 1917, from 1 t« 9 p. m.^ i t polling pWeej^for the,purpose ^jf revisiag anil corrwi* ing the ori^aT^tefTsleW.

fur the purpose ceiiyii and for* m*k' legal voter* in tach tlieretfi a* required

i A t i d C E B S - T O _ B K NOMIN-ATijiJ t l i o M . ..;.';; TH1C SECOND' VvTvltTJT-7-'.

A mernber of the C»nimuititw.anci,1, sn sjrve f 'Cjtliree 'years, , A Freeholder, to serve' f^T~t^rte ^ears.

A Constable, to Serve for three vetas. line member of the respective" piiliSieal

1'iHiiitv Cdtnmittec 'from_carh fki'tiuM district, i i l 'FICKHS T O Bft N O M I N A ! Kt) I X . T U l i

COUNTY areT— ^=_ riirre* members of the General AssetnMy to

^.rve fnr the term of one year*eaUi?~ A State Senator. ' • . - • -A Sherifff .. A Surrogate. . 4 Notice U heTeliy given that tile foUoiringJ

4»1a<te5^Fia°Te~tieett—desjgntted for--th*—iR*etu»g» A"f The .'Boards and for. the holding 'of the Pri-ftiury THecTfnil '~~

st .vei i - in ME VmtmMc Hl«rj Without ItalHy !«»'B«"^. ~

N«xt Frf.hiv, >»'n:-iiil»t'r .1'S. touiL

will^prHstnif: 'Tli^^^W'r^HrttlJ•rw.nh-*-clprfiil KttiiU ji!.-t*iis. --TJii*!4 is uii-jQQiHStitmalily •;;.« j;rt-al«wt iiH-tUTr* J*IIH < •"TUM'Uf**.u n^.i-xaijjjii." jtrt sirnjtHtj

iisil i t j^wljl d(J iTSire-to r t t fWi£.-' f O T ^ I i T ^ t v l t t i f r j ^ H T P S

\rniy"iSan"iu$: rtS*r^uJct«r# Miwwti, •.».

9*lu». suppqffilial, JJSI i 'one_ji»f__unwPitaJw (Ustinetion, tuWia<titifr Walter;"".Sttflpr, tas "Th*»_ Sj.-!«k*^t. !*«?<) IJolatULV, 'Damt^' jafWlt. Etisi'ti** Borden, Mllli- ' (•t>rvt _Fi«lii>?r, S3** Tiilfour,V MM ;

War*!. "Tli» film k«*r" contains n o bat-1 tla 5ceti»>s. nan*4 *>f ih«" irucsofiitf il«- j 4alls:.usu.»liy found in war njclnres. Tt is Ani*'r!i:*n in pvery' KI«IH'H" sfml • will he- t>f MiHTt'-t to everj* OIK-, WHIMR" of oH. man, woman or <*hil<l, t,,ht'.-,.fal­low -who has enliMfd ai t* thp timid one. T h u plrttire will he^ wnwrnber-e j as limp »» th# nyrir stan«ts. I t shows the AtrosKlw, hop#»«. f*ars, joys. soTrow.* of too**? whtf^so to" war and those who slay hwWtiJi. I t i« thr ma^thp^'V'e of in*' Mifon...Kf'St'fvprt seatFtop* *ht* bis offftii^B arc sinw on role as advertised. ~ '"'".-"" '• • -

Otfcer Blr KralT*-^ ^

.Mjdiefiriiil color clfisi^^iind resiiienco^o the step a p ^ l

• both to mother at her work anft ^children at play. Thick, darabTe, waterproof, sanitary y JUJd_easiIy

"1VJ" kept clean. "Lies tTat"wiliiouf - tacking, and wont curl.

100 PER CENT WATERPROOF On"Sale Durjn^*tk»inonitF8tlAii SSKTbily.

49cTPer Square YairdL MR. Ft"TCI.ING comes'to us directly from the .manu­

facturers to properly introduce _



X .

met?? WARD—1;W6T-PiilUfMM*laee,.-Hose Compaay No

lluililinf, Summit 1 qifafters.

Avenue, eprr*er. Muhicui I'.ajiik Street • ; 'F ' l*STA?AR.n—SECON'D*.DlSTRiq i t : .

B*HVt4*—vHttj-^-i'^^nft^Elafjtj^SiaM^UL Builkiing. Springfieiii .Avenue, - . ' , - •" "~" ~ '"" ~ ~" F IBST"WARB-^TTf lRP DISTBICTi

fo i l ing Place, Old, Citjr Ifali Jiiuldinf.^aunr mil ^veirat , •;,....-. ' . '_• "* ' . ' "

S F C O N n W J A S l > — F I R S T D I S T R I C T .Ptjlnie-Plirornllffij^'.^nd I^ddff Bm!ding. o»

— » ^ * . - L E A V I ' t f , ' S o l f . •e 17 •' <*H - > ^ J | W H l Fees 9t*M

the original ref isters, T H jtltl'mg therete the names of all perions eirtitlert to the rigHc] ©f suffrafi"iri each .eleetwn district I t the n u l election %rt(a'»hall-appear in^person brtare them or ihall be sbown— by the written affidavit o( some *oter in such eleoti/in district to bit n e f a l

Voter therelfl, ' • - • ' " " _ ' • ' A t the |iiiinary eltptiorr J»tr-*rpieAht£.Jlthi^.

If 17, candidates" ml] m chosen for the> follew^ I n f offiees* ,IU,• V . . . • ' — . "

I fyrrp-rrvr^tt-mv— « t t U X ATPD FROM


..PnHInf J l M ^ - - A m a Sales R o a m ^ f M...H

E ^ T A T l Of A N N A M . J f c i V A j l D W g O j

•f U o t J n l r . A. D.. 1917,

of the n « | « i * ^ » * d , M ^ , _ ,

or •JBius-

T H S C l T y AT LARCE: yqr, to »er»e for two years._

Cguncjh^n ' fPlarge, -to i t rve tar two yeari. A CE^Oerk, to set** ftr "tbrnffw^it —

OTnCESS W l L ' B t ^ O M i ^ A T i a ^ R O J I

for fwt

Apt»r, No. J iO Park; Arenue^ , ~: ' :

JSRCOND WARD^-THIRD niSTRTCTr ' Poll inf 'Pl ice, Hose Company No. 2 BuiiiiiH

corner P a r t and Ash wood Avenue, -"-. Dated September 5th. 1-917. " -." '

FREDERICK C. -KENTZ,—_ _ . _ _ ! l J City C l f r t

Hylana. Marc MacDerniott and^Little Bobby Vonoolly in "Ijutriiue*," ihfS s tory vfBl*sr» :'around*.-Mtt-le Grand poke pftye«l. by Master Hpbby (!oir-

fnelryv ar-pait, whica-*» -plays—wftto-• naturalness an<l charm Jttat put» him | in the siellar chrss.'l •'<Tblipt«E 12 of "The Secret Kingdom" , and Hujhle Ma«k In "Jiinip» and-JealquBy" will also b»^httitB UH tUiM da>'a; program^-•* Tuesday. S*pienibefr 15th'/ trfesirff-ible .Marguerite <'jark in "Little Lady


Eileen,*" a tender, appealing atw ra-mantic story with this dainty star in a cbarminu «Ji»racterization. that will l « e rOo»j4n-ydur memocy,

jVednesdaT, ^ p t e m o e r 26. "Youth," a j y « o r y ^ e g with; a l j fhe speed j f




Your Entire Family Wasfr CoHected. Washed and Rfctrtmed-

^"Imh^irrimrRrroxyrcENTST^ ;" i;a«h person"5-wanh U KTpl anil »ahh««l s«paratt l \ \\l\\ not gt\c

«s a trial,and be ••••minci'd'' Our i.\p«-i i«n< <• of years tstiarantets you HatiHraetliHl.-Wc ln\ite-inspection. " - - "

The Millar Fteam I^aund'ry also Attn* RottiJh Dry T^Mndt-rinF, all clothes wanned, dried an»J mangled for 7 cents per pound.


T H a FIRST W A R D : A B e * b t r o f T h t Conimon'CQUIKII,- to. ser*t

A &«ho ld«f , to i « m fer th« f -yea r s . ••-;• A Constable, to seffe Iw'tWrterf****, A Jastic* o f tte M M , t$


^ O I L E R S '-Strictly Fr«fc T«5>le Eg«s

There are no lagRlnr nio-. ments. no ^draKKinn interrato in -this

Tennessee rlfeF~dani eon-' ^ PoDular C*rlyl«4

w»ll : ls tA-Vt^Trmry beat,, "Jnarr Elridge is ekaniiBg, Don't miss thU.

T>ur»da*. SepteBrter 27, Blanche ^ i B w e e t ^ s tBVTeBtral flWre In a moit

jXBtMTBiBK fpmcstJe drama. r ^t%m Dupe,- produced, ay l « n e L. LaaJty for t«# Paraaaovnt profjram.


rmanem Hair Wavinii-

We make up. your combings, if you have a sufficlent^umntltj, la ta any kind of hair piece: ' 1.

_ Tr»«ii«rmaU«i> 0 « r Specialty.


J •'!


Page 4: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with
Page 5: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

=-fci.=^ - , - - .^ ^

NOTB WTlECm "Q»dV detail - n r i f a

ntw*Teaahre bridge party of tour

awa. McUetmott to Mr. and Mra •asac Jaackfo, of Bensonhurst. L . i„ wao a re about to return to their home

At the Y. ML a A.-final* of th» »"»wr tournament • • «

"TO won . , » ^ 3 - ^ . I J l

j-rederich H. 'LoT«iberg. of Norwood" f ™ * ! ' 5 * ^ ' N e w . Y*>rh City


Arrivals a t The Beechwood thU week include: Mr. H, F. Eldredaje. g ^ J g y Mj^LJjTJL J . C- Poughflr IT: M / * - f«*nPanche r , Mr. R. Roberti

THE gUMMlt HBKA1.D. yI^IDAY. SEPTEMBPt t t . IW77 • ' • ' i• j i r fi » i - n -

PERSONAL Lieut O R . C . U

Dodge, Ltfua?^

Assessor" Norman 8. Garls baa been spendlug a week a t Mlllbrook, War-


•venue. haa b o w transferred from the * j e r ' J - t ¥ e r » > 0 0 1 - Eng.; —rth N.-Y. Regiment to t i n Aviation ^ ^ J - . Weatbury, L. I.; ^ Corps U". S T ^ T W M I haa been s e a r f ^ ^ . " * ; * * « "• H

Jo Toronto University for b i s prelim- M r s r J - ^Unllan, M i ^ J inary t raining. , .

J. L.I and Mrs '

Miss Bertha Haas baa rented her »uaa~on DeEoreit avanira-i

rooms on Springfield avenue

d Philadelphia, Pa

It was 1

^rahle; Hymn sheets (or those Jtif.

"Who" desi re to~jtrtB*in

. _ .. Mr. and Mm. W. E. P. Moore, of Ho-i, Mr. and7 b a r * avenue, have_r«turned from-thelr

B. Gllflllan, I summer home on Cape Cod, Mass.

— _ Wilson H a l l od r will enter the N,_y, i d to-day that the- pur-.! Homeopathic Medical College next


Among those who nlayaft In t he l*th Amateur Senior ^Oalf Anaoclatloa tournament at Apawamls tbia week were Rollo Ogden and J ineraon Chum-berltn, of Summit, and Auguatua D.

Walter Crann ot Co. C of-the 54th U. 8. Infantry,-at Feet Oglethorpe. Oa.. waa in Summit the first of*the week visiting relative* and renewing ofahac»=

t h e r e Will b e a n 7 f « ^ ™ ^ ™ « chaser of . the handsome residence of! Tuesday on the square aouij i of the depot Sun- o a p L WynVH, Lawrence J r on Beech day night at f o clock If the weather woojM-oad is Mr. H E * Snodgrass, of! H e r b e r t Jagels and Lloyd King en-

i>xaT4L_ Mf SnoderiflB w i l l - ^ e ^ t h l a w e e h t D t f freshman c l a n at , e possession by the middle of oc - r B i " ' t , ^ 6 u t i [ *~

tober, Mrs., Lawrence and her-ch.il-' d « n « p e c t to take a smaller TmUsV n u 7 l ! i ! r omerM V ^ h l S „V?'W, T ' the Oranws to live T\ * • e u t e r e u Washington, and Lee me uranges to live University, Lexington, Va; in The Young People's s e r v i c w l n she, o r apartment

Summit Metnojist E p ^ c o p r f church 1 d t t r i n i t o e : t i m e C a p t . L a w p e n c e l 8 a t _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ will be resumed this Suatlay evening i. ( a e f r o a l w l t n hJ»-eommandf; Ainbui-| Mrs. Fwd W. Clift, of J52 Beekman

N o ' 83. Iroad, has been siumdlnp a week visit-a t 7.15 o'clock In the^Tarish Mr, John D, Tbiepattyer^ Jr™v.

House,*] i n e e < Company will. be. j "

l a y e i

' j - -•—

_H. Health Offii TBai reeeived^ff

Officer Thomas J etfmmIsgroTilirtbe arlny

corps, with the rank of first Mr. Duffield has received

ii ... . , • J«B Wl*tives at Riverside Conn.

On Fr iday 'eveningr October A, tbe.j sanitary Baptist^church will Bold a wcwpiionilieutenant

,jp tUr-lectUTe room for their new) pas- jao notice when he wi i rbe called, but ^ t ^ and *hii wife, TOy"^ and Mrk S-]ln me announcement: from the sur-j>Bayflham.-Hiley. - A cordial iaTHatlon .geon generars office, it was stated . H extended to all^ — jihat hts commission dated •from' Sep-

] t ember - lL Assistant Health Officer

^ff i?: a n d ~ M i « r r : ITowilTd Daly^^nd family, of Woodland avenue, have re« nirnt*cl fnnii a stay at Beaver River, N . . Y . . " "; - (.

The a t l t e -Pir«m»D*s CoBv*niIon|pnUi P. xichols is likely, to be called tosa. will be held a t Atlantijj City to-dayi ;in the draft army early-next month, aiid to-morrow. The delegates from J The Health board will have to act the Summit dppartment in atten^anoe

The jtov, 1). \VH¥isher.-..nastoi: of the Fomitaln Baptist Church, inis returned from a ' t w o jweoks' vacatlnir at Saja-

Mias Dorothy Lane, daughter of Mr, «oon on the matter of selecting s u e a n d Mrs. John J, Lane, has returned c*a*ors for these_officials. . •'• , i l o the-Collpge ©f St, .Elizabeth ;at Con-

— •.— ; vent, . " - ' Mr. Alexander Maeki,-of Summit,^ ______— -

who has been connected with the rall-L M r - a n t l Mrs. II, U,. Siiodgrass and way mail -service for over thirty-eight.;f.amM>:. of j h c Boulevard, have return-years, has-reaigned his position with o J f r o u» t n < ? ! t summer home at Lake i»e P. , L. & W, at Hoboken, and in- George

ii ifflB^i^laMrm w e l l a i m e d rest. About eighteen years «go, Mr. Mack was transferred from the Central Rail­road of New Jersey, after h^ had created * a transfer office in Jersey

"TTrT^Bntl~5tTSr^Job_r-K—BtiBfe- of H^?*tr, -fe* the purpose of establlahlug John street, gave a farewell party on a similar office-, for the D,,__L, &. W. the 13th i n s i . i n h o n p r j o f ^ | h e l r ^ w i J R a i l r o a d at Hoboken depot,, in which William, who expeeti to sai l soon t o r t position he remained until he resigned

s i

are Chief Xfrby W. Dennis. Messrs. T J. Scott, John Ericson, and Tbos. F . White, • .

Messrs R. S. Shapter, 8. fc Mullen, A: M.7one# and-J , Ou,Cbry«tal «aJoy«d A&tato^41irip T n e s a a y t o th.e;-afi-—on field^•tiiWMelit'^i^i!*^ markable flight of one of t h e army aeroplanes", reaching a-height of _S,"WN> f e e t . - ' . ' . . , • - ' • ' - • '

France, AbouV »«ty- t tv^ guesia w*re present. An Orchestra from J*r>*-y Citv furnished the music.

from the department, Mr. Mack, has a l*^ j - led a very a< tiv'u life and ranks a* Commissary of Subsistence, Fir^t Lieuteiidiit. T.jth Hegtment, State Na-

Friends of .Miss I. Prae tonous L.ud tional Guard, and has been live times Miss Pollock, with Base Hospual Xo. W t - t e d as Worshipful Master of City 5, one of the Harvard Units which was Uwige Xo. 40S F. & A. M-, of New York subject to an a i r raid in France re- jH, . has been a resident of Summit for uently, will be pleased to !«*ara t—aiLrt^r seventeen years and is leaving they are safe and well according io a i l i^ ueek to .spend the winter with his •.able despatch received h«-re ih:- 1 j jughier in Brooklyn. Ills main

!'•" M r,: and M m "AT ¥7 H i n ; of SunSnlt: i avenue, have returned from Egypt, Mass., where they have been for; sev­eral weeks. ~* _ ,

i MJss Attalie Howe, daughter of- Dr. and Mrs. Ji Edward Rovfe of, the Boulevard, has registered at Welles-"ey College,

The Mioses Mildred Whiting, Edjth and I lmmc McClay, and Dorothy Hol­land, returned this week to Mt, Holy-okr COIU'KC.

quaintancea. -Mr. Crann la a plumber


Rev. Dr. Walker Gwynne and his daughfter-la^law, Mra. Arthur-Gwynne, left this morning to spend the week­end with Mr. Arthur Gwyftae, qoarter-maater sergeant of Ambulance Com* paiiy No; 3a"at Syracuse, N. Y ^ Mr. Lee QWynne and ^ I s mother,~Mrs, t a l k e r Qwynne, spent last week-end at Syracuse,

Ton Are Working ~~r%r,r- T ^ r f

b u t a r e y o u s a v i n g ?

- ^ T h e W o r k e r w h o s a v e s n a u g h t h a a w o r k e d in

Mr. and Mrs, J. ,C, Armstrong and | son, Carborn, ^ n d Mrs, P. II. Fair-1 child, wHl, return to Summit to-j iiiBWow, after spending the suriimerJ ut IJAlley Island; Maine, Miss -M. ;*C.j Firirthild, who has.been with them all summer, will stop off at Springfield,j "MH8H., for a two weeks* visit .with.' CD^MliJjefore returiiing to Summit, "I

.-jaingTwyie the worker whcLsaves^as he-earns can_ rest from his labors later-—and live!

Which do you prefer?

Our Savings Department pays 3*4ffc interest, and we will welcome your account. _._,


':':"'"" Sffid fi% Booklet, •'How Doc 'it Benefit Me?f '

Kiiiiore McKee, son-of'Mr. «nd Mrs. Oliver McKee, of Whlttredge road, has liien commissioned a first lieutenant! Sanitary Corps, detailed t o special > duty in social and moral hygiene work in rcaitiQivment and adjacent commun-itii's. Lieut, McKee was 'examined' and commissioned September 13th and is now awaiting,orders, expecting to; report to Washington for short pre-! liniinary training, 1

Mr and Mrs. C, E. WiUever and fam­ily, of Beauvolr avenue, have retiiTned fioni TTTPTr" summer stay at Port Mur­r a y N\ J ,


»The Woman's Chn^iian T«-nipt-rani*' fnion will hold its ,first fail meeting Friday, September 2§th, a t 3.30 p . m at the home of Mrs. J . Barling. ~^S Springfield avenue. Report of County Convention and outline of work for the coming year. All members are urged to be present.

-JrniHds will wish Jnm many u--efuli><'-'i; and happiness.

vear.«, of


Mr. Bernard T, Ellis, of Baltimore, is.-spending o^V££jL_wiih_j[ljL.jia.!,e,nts1 Mr and Mrs. T. H, Ellis, of-Sl-O-Spring^-field avenue w '• '

Mr, and-Mrs: Howard H. Burras and faiiiijy returned tol Summit Wodiies-, day from Pocpno Manor, I'af, w'here »they. have been for the summer. Their home htere at 767 Bprlngheld .avenue, j» occnpiled by Mr. Thos. O; Kinkead ^nd family- of ,^BrsSy:^Mtyi ihtitTowirir to the illness of Mr, a n d ^ r s . Bur-ras^lit t le daughter, they have return­ed enrller than expected and are oc­cupying the P. N. Cowperthwalte hmisOr on -the--Boulevard lor a tew weeks, * " •• ,

Cicorge Frederick llln^hnm. —. 'Ah.Little. Falls, N, Y„ on Tuesday

occurred the death qT~George Fred-i e rkk Bingham, 73 years of age, a; resident of Norwood avenue, Summit,1

for the 'past seven years, ' The funeral' service was held this" morning from Trinity, church, New York, where Mr. Bingham attended services during his, '"fi'sid'erice" lii that city, R e v ^ W ; O. Kiiirtolvlng, rector of Calvary church, Summit, JWKL Rev, j>r, McVonnis, ot 3Huit4^jifflcMfMn""-" """* • - — - • — — ~ ™

The enroitment of the public schools so far this term is about i44S, an in­crease of 50 over that on Xovfmb*r 1st last year. In the high school the enrollment la 2SS an-iner—ae.of abont

The Indications a re that by November 1st the *nrdHtaent ; will- 'be far In ad-

janjc£ pjLJa*t year^ _

Mr. A, W. Burneti, of 43 DeFpTest, avenue, left this week* on a Western business trip, to be absent until the

J_ the Summit Methodist Episcopal [tnd Pf X < J ^ » l b c r

church Sunday, the pastor, Rev.'W, V Mrs, George F. Wilcoxson and Mr, -Mallali#u,rD.D:, wlii p reach-as7^ (oJ - i a r i e | ^g T - r3 r r j rpe t^ iB tn« ied^ea te r>r lows: 11 a; m., "The God in Whom^Ve ; d a y f r o m A r k y i r i e i N, Y, to tb,eir home Believe;"., 8 p . -m„ "Honoring Our o n xorwood avenue" SiresT^ Sunday school, 9.45 a. m

_ Mr. and-Mrs, Perey W. Biough, of Sunset Drive, have been spending the past two •weeks in Denver, Colorado,

Men's Bible Classr 10 a. m. . , - ___.

The services at Calvary Church on over November l ^ ^ ^ f p a n d a r . Septemher 23. will be w f o H ^ , , , ^ M r s B r 0 1 1 | j n . B b r o t h e r , -

hjw»; Holy Communion, 8; Morning | . . - -^_-

The Summit Garden Club .reports that t h e twenty-nve garden* which'

„wtre entered in their contest for the best plot IS feet square were splendid­ly, worked by the owners, some of whom became so interested ikat she gardens^ were"1^wsWera^ly ~ laCTeaied in siae. Within the next few weeks the club will award t h e p r a e s .

Kent Place in respome to receni re­quests la considering adding » Secre­tarial Course to its Graduate Depart­ment. As this course must be li_died loeJ«J i t .pnni la_aad canaoi .be; opened for less, t han ftve- H i^ o«*t«_L*tka_. anyone interested In this TocatSbnal training communicate with the school as early a s possible.

An - examination - afternoon of the head of a dog which

bit the two-year-oW-cbHd-of atr. and Mrs. T h o m a s , E. Parail of 45 Rus-ell

; ^ p U c j , showed i h a t - - b a - a a i a i a l MM*. mad.fr 'The ^ifnT^ts tak ing tfe-r-anti-rabrc treatmeBt^ Th«' dog .whirh, be^

TSnged to a neighbor r was shoe by a policeman.

"Rally Day" will be obsened m the Sunday school of "the Methodist church on Sunday, September 3*Hh. It is ex­pected the scholars will b r in r one o r more new scholars into the school to Increase the membership. The coni-mittee ia ar ranging for a special p ro­gram of interest, and the parents of the children will be invited *o-*e pres­ent. -

Miss Olive Christie, daaeh te r of Mr. ,and Mrs. J ames H. Chxirtte, save dance a t he r home, M Ne~r England avenue last Saturday evening, in honor

-of ber brother . James -Christie, who

Prayer and Sermon", 11; Evensong, 5. j Mrs, Franklin Day, of New England T ^ e j e c t o j w i U preach at ^^^ a week as the service. ! guest of Mr. and Mrju James Lane

There will be a Litany on Friday, 'Allen, at their summer home on Cape SepteaZ»er-2&»..a! A30, ^_id a Ceiebra- Qod. tion of the Holy Communion.on Sat­urday. t]w-4#ia-, the Feast of St, Mich­ael *nd AH Ahgeli, at 9 a, m.

Miss Minerva EIHs, daughter of Mr, and 'Mrs . -T . H, EIHs, of 610 Spring-

"—™~ ~~ ""• , j ' I Held iTvenue, has entered the Mary A, Cemtml P r e i t b v t e ^ ^

day school, 9.45. Morning Worship, 11 M a g B

o'clock. Vespers, 4.15. Rev. Stanliyj ' ( _ White. D.D., of New York, will preach p Mlsr rjlisabeth Morgan, daughter of morning and afternoon. Wednesday j Mr. and Mrs. John D. Morgan, of evening* prayer meeting in the chapel a t S o'clock, led by Rev. George Irv­ing. ~ *-

•Tbe preachers for th« next two Sun-dayawffl^ba, September aft," Rev;"War- " ren W. Giles, D.D.; October 7, Rev. Clarence D. Ussher, M. D., of Van, Turkey. _ *-

Oq and after October H, Rev. Rock-made- last-JWdax-^weM -S-.- Bra«k-w444*-regularly o_teupJ^

t b e p u i p i t . His installation as pastor will probably takfi__plaee on Wednes­day evening. October 24. ^r^r^e^Ien 'e BIMa^ClaH. -hnfl-T-amneJ-ita meeUngT in the session room o t the-church oa Sunday mornings at, 1(L o'clock.

Beechwood road jvi l l leave-next Tues­day to enter the Emma Willard School, at Troy, N. Y.

Mr.—and- Mrsr - Adrian have returned to New York after spending a pleasant two. weeks In Summit, a t MrB. McDefmot'*, on Sum­mit avenue.

JTr."Bpdr Mrs. Perry R. MacNeille and ramUy, of Ridge Crest, who have been spending the summer at Bailey

-Islandpylaine. returned "to=Strnmiit on "We_wradayr * —=—~-

—F^rstr-BapUst c h u r c h : The Rev. 3-bsynbam HHey, pastor. Services on Sundav. September 23, as follows: Bible School. Mr. W. R. Thomas, Su­perintendent, will meet at 9.45 a. m. The study of the International Lesson bv the Men's Bible Study Club will be conducted bv the_ pastor. Morning service at 11 oclock. Subject: "The Supreme Demonst.ration of Christian­ity/* Evening service at 8 o'clock.

—Cat: John" M. Morgan, U. S. A., sta­tioned at Camp Dix, Wrightstown, N. J„ visited^ his cousin. Mr."John D. Morgan. BeecTTwoda" ToadT -oyer Ia»l j glin^; cbapwiugraphy, week-end.

Mr. W. A. Evans and family, who have occupied' the J. C. Armstrong-house, Linden place, during the sum­mer, will leave today for their home in New York.

of Mrs. M. M,

returned Wednesday to Staunton Mil­itary Academy. Staunton. Va. About

some from New York. Philadelphia. Concord. Mass.. Morrttfow*. and Or­ange, —Several guests remained over -the week-end.

Charles WagenseiMfrropnetor of »»* Summit Model Bakery tor several years past, has sold h i s business to Williftm-FeiL of Brooklyn,

Andrew—4Jarr, son

meeting conducted by the pastor. Wed- Spartanburg, *> nesday evening a t 8 o'clock.

" St."John's English Lutheran church, comer Beechwood road and DeForest


Mr. and Mrs. C. N, Williams and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. DeCoster enjoyed a trip t o Syracuse over the week-end

^ ~ ' = " = - ^ = - ' * -^=^2JI T.._liminj 1 . w n n . Rgy, -J^ W. K n a p p ^ j a s t o r . l w h e r e Mr, and Mrs.<,William^'-son is Thirty p « ^ „ w e r e j » f f i B ^ T « l l - « - ^ ^ w i l l ^ l t h AmbuTance Co. No. 88: '-

Mr, Bingham, n native of Cleveland, hail lived most of his life In New York, lis1 waf engaged in the iiianufacture of proprietary medicines, having'been treasurer and managing director of the 1'urdue, 'Frederick CO.T for a nura-•b'"r ,©f years, " H e has not been at his ojjice for more than a year past. For several yearT lie ^ slifrbWd^froW "rliou-miitism, asthma, and catarrh; Early in the. summer he went to Saranac Lake and later to Little Falls, About^ five weeks ago he was taken seriously ill but recently he had rallied so that; his death was quite sudden. T MF, Bingham*lB survjyled by kis wife, • a son, Lee M. Bingham, and two daughters, Miss Alice t l , Bingham, of this city, and "Mrs, .'Arthur S* Jameson, of Brooklyn; * ~" — ^^


FERNS. Themostmtisfactoryptlantii^ for the home -Grejerns^

We have a wonderful selection to choose Worn,

THE ROSE SHOP 1oTlp#ipI"^MF=SMltt^^

Npiettdtd Program for Fall Reception.

The annuiti fall 'reception and eti-tertalnment to be given by the Y, M. C, A. will be Tieltt onrTrTuay^^'enTngT October Bth, beginning at 8 tfclouk, Open house-will be observed through-om^Uie evening aiyLthe entire build­ing will be open for inspection,, This is one of the few occasions during the year when the ladies are especially invited and It is expected that many

J. Sapartaslwill take-advantage .of tl»e_ opportun-" + i t y . '

The entertainment program will in­clude selections by the Edna White Trumpet Quartette of New York, and Rosani, the novelty e n t e r l a l n e r ^ r h e quartette has played-4a Summit -on a previous occasion and those who have already heard~Ihem will undoubtedly wish to hear them again, for They have

a-reputa t ion of-deHght4ng--their audl~j ences.. "

Rosani has entertained atr-tbe~Y. M-C. A._on" several-different _QccaslonB, and hts program which Includes Jug-

und -shadow-grapny is^^QtJicaried and novel that he Is classed as a unique entertainer.

During the evening* refreshments wliT be served by the Women's. Aux­iliary.

All friends of the Association, both ladles and gentlemen are cordially in­vited to spend the evening of October 5th as the guests of the Y. M. C. A.







Saturday, September 22-^DONALD BRIAN in THE SMfUULERS" - (Paramount Comedy) _

"T l l i i STAR SPANGLED BAN'NEHp (A -Story of Marine Corps * —-^Ll fe t^^e the r s ; — —_• - - - • -—— Regular Prices .


yyHykiM^UKMarc Macdermott and Little Bobby Connelly in

"iijmiGBE'*; _ 1XHE SECRET KLSffPOX/* j;plw»de 12^ "Shark's Nest," with

CHARLES RIfHMA> and H0K0THT KELLY. HughlrHfack i t r^Juaips and JealouN)*' _ Regular Prlees T t T , S n A y , n B E ^ E M B E R 26 - " Daniet Frohman presents

-MARGUERITE CLARK . in a Fanciful, Romantic PHotoplay _ ^ —

«UTTLE L/ilW Ett£0*^ Sydnev I>rew Comedy. Other Big Feataiea. ' Regalar Prices

. •

WEDNESftAJ, SEPTEMBER 2« .^XVllriamjA. Brady presents

preach on "Progressive Stages in the O^teUanLi fe ; " Sermon topic for the John F. Graydon son. Q( .Mr and

B r -r^e p r o m4«ed Land^Mts . Samuel Graydonj of RuthVen ' place,, left this, week to enter Dart-

— . " r mouth,' College. Mr. Graydon gradu-usual service ated in June ftom Summit "High

evening service or. The Wilderness:

The Mr.

transfer WagenseH expects

» All Sotth^-Church, I Sunday September 23, a t 11 o'clock., School.-1 Dr. Y>oan will preach. Subject • "The

a service and serni Con*0tatioa. -'•' "haker, who for the past ten years . conducted a business in Brooklyn!

.•o^-H^^jja^j^^—-^^ -smes c J S 9 ^ - t ' t ionai singing from 12.15 to_12.o0.

a»a-Mra—Paul R. Mac _Mullen, O r a t i o n o l t h e 130th Annlver->f 29 Woodland road. Mapleweod arei

a n ^ o , _the_Signing of the Constitu- receiving congratulations on the birth

to Summit for the present a t least- but tionai singing


of a daughter, Miriam, who arrived last Sunday. Mrs. Mar Mullen, before her marriage, was Miss Dorothy Car-

Lyric man; 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. W.


his plans fOT-rhe future haTe no; been — . ^ - science completed. L.\?™_:_ Beechwood road." Sunday Carman, of Hobart avenue, Summit

Subject.* "Matter " Sunday School

M ial_ meeting. Wed

resulting a s Jo l Iows : <1nb enp tonrna- J w s u a W ^ f


Rossig defeated R. C. r mr

ment. E. W. Porter, t—2, fr^4, t-^t; i a t*# nandfc | « T»P C. L." Lewis defentyd J- W. LsKas j l l „ e ~ 3 . « _ X 6 - 2 . This completes the jp raye r Meeting. mensj teuroaraenW for the nenaon aI - ;Waugh

Gospel HaB m.;

Sunday, Lord's Supper.

and MFB.iTTiarles R- Rard an-the - engagement of^ their

ter^ JJprothy, to- Lieutenant Ed­ward Willis, son of "Mr. and Mra-.Ed* waTd Willis, of New York, and grand-sdh, of Mrs. J . A. Davis. Lieutenant

thoug^t toe club" Vourtsr will probably J preach at « p . m *e u s^ i considerably a s Jong a s tbeJBeading, 8 P. m l e a t h e r will permit. ahug. S_p-

Sunday* School, 3 p. m , „„„, „_ 7JO p m.: Mr. David Willis is a graduate of Pomfret School

fromz=Keamcy N. T., %U1 and A member' of the Seventh Regi-^ ^ Wednesday Bibl#-ment of New Yorkr enlUted in, Com-

- F r i d a v Prayer Meet-' pany K and- tnuuiferred to and pro-• moted In the Machine Gun Companv. m


- Mo*** people who read at al l_ are Interested In new Action.

Each book by a popular writer Is an event in the literary world.

In selecting books a s gifts or . for pftMinnal reading there will be satisfaction in procuring

'something new^and perhaps out of the beaten path.

You will find such books in our line of new fiction.

New Copyrights, fl-Ao, H-SO,

l a s t Teat 's Copyright*, «0e,V-

ROGERS; PHARMACY -—* — • — ^ " • ' — r r - - ,

Cerwer^prlngaeld Avenue

8CM-TT, HKW J1BHEY. 74. - . - .

Carlyle Blackwell and Jam^lvidge _ _*ith Muriel Oslriche, Jonny HineB, in the charming story

"Y.0UTH" Paramount Plrtograph. , 0 t h e r Features. Regular Prices ^ • ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ • ^ ^ • ^ -

THCBSnAY, SEPTEMBER «7 Jesse L. I^sky presents

Blanche Sweet in "The Dupe' ' -Z A "Powerful and Thrilling "Paramount- Production. Mr. ana Mra. Sydney Drew in "The Matehm•kers. , , Other < omedle*

j A t e s t Hearst-Pathe News Pictures. Regular Prices ^


The PUy That Makes PatrioU

UTHE SLACKER" Tilth Wonderful Emily SteVenS.*** » Hnperh < a*t

Snrpa«Hlmr AllwTriuniphs on Stage or Screen «•- . Direct from the Strand TheatJY, >*w Yurk — — — — - r

, " A r i s * That Thrills the Spine of the"Sati«a > 0 B A T H E SCENES ' - - 3 M I H A B SCENES

- A Bi*. Throbbing Human Diama. that a as made ^ J < " " »° J 1 * ^ the problem confronting e*er> American Home- "The Slacker is for you- for you as an American; for you-as a Man or "Woman.

The Most Timely and patr iot ic Production yet^ffered to the public.

P 0 m 4R PRl f tS^Mat l t aee , LV and 25c» Children, l«e. Evening, _ _ _ ALL SEATS RESERYED._2ic

Reserved Seats * W OlTSATtr— ^ ^ r f ^ f c r t n e , SuumtL 1*44

Read HERALD Want Advs. ~%

\ %

Page 6: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with


Assistant Toachor with Mr. T. George Dodworth, II Ifcst Forty-ninth

Street, New Yorti^ •nm>wnr» ***** *** will'con*

Una* the Dodworth Classes for


- Summit, N. J. Commencing Tk«ra4»y» Oct. 18, lt_7.

mm reiwiB*w*ooM ON LARCH PLACE

Opea JUr tktotTUr « M t and


]Hfes f f c ^ s School

For Boys and Girls

Primary and Intermediate Grade*

• y e n s

Monday. Sept, 24th

3 Irving Ploco



STEVENS SCHOOL Hahake*. H. J , Stat* S t , ml Paifc Ave.

Preparca boy* for all colkcea. eapfctalhr for *h« beat •cientiic iiutkntioMr Expert-«nced faculty,- modern mttSo--. small c l a m } Open* September 17lb. Ccrtifkat*- accepted. For catalog or appttntiMiit, addrcsa B. F . Carter. Head Master.

^^^iatit^^Bigw^rygn>A V ********* 2l> m7'

Page One.)

school and that the officer at head-£m$AmU have the J J - — J ed seven « • * £ - £ £ 1 U 2 *


will resume after OCTOBER

LeiMMi la 8Jag1ag, Sight


t i l

at her residence studio _

* PARMLBY PL., Summit, N, J.

Mjss White is a nnpii of Arthur j j .

Woodruff,—Mme. Garrigue-Mott,

KAnhoid L. Herman, Oscar Seagle

Phone mt-U


23 E d g e m o n t A v e n u e ~

Effa El l i s Perfield, Classes for _ W j p n ^ ^

S ing ing , Me lody Bui id ingT

V I O L I N F L U T E -

MiUburn territory, where the main source of water supply exists, should be charged against the different man-idpallUes and that -this -queation necessarily arises and that the arbiter thereof must be the Board Itself.

(10) That the plea of, unusual finan­c i a l and industrial conditions brought

about, by the war and the necessary increased coats of labor and materials U pot an excuse for - the Common­weal th Water .Company Iff be-relie^ed from its public duties and that many of the Water Companies in the State •re equally inconvenienced by the adoption of the general rules • and regulations of their practices here 4iscusse<l and that several of them have to contend with the- identical questions involved here/ ' _ _ • i

(11) The Board therefore concludes that the request of the Commonwealth Water Company, to be relieved oLanx part or portion of the rules, regula­tions ami practiceB adopted by this Board to be followed by utilities sup­plying water for public use must be denied. Effect of Decision of the Board on Feb-

ruary, i847p Under the report of the Board of

Public Utility Commissioners above recited and attached hereto, the sus­pension of the application of the Feb-ruaryr 1917, rules and regulations to the Commonwealth Water Company is revoked and on and alter September 17, l»f7, these rules, and regulations became effective and the Common­wealth Water Company is therefore not authorized to matte farther chary

the~cbi!dren thaf'dwftFWn'l* *u"J* * £ children would not be home unti 1 o'clock and would save a multipllc fty of wlephon-/ inquiries from anxious Mothers to all «he, different schools.

On resolution the councir^nthorS^ tg at -a warrant. proY4g»»g.

WILUAM Ho CRAIG & CO High Grade Furniture Home

Furniture, Stoves & Rugs




Re-Opens Thursday, Sept, 27th, _ 1 _

Entranoa*—Norwood ATWMM and Kont PUco Ground*

H H r t H E f l B O l College Preparatory General Graduate

LOWER SCHOOL Intermediate Primary

Mrs. Sarah Woodman Paul) , Miss Anna Sophia Woodman) ^y1^18

T R U S T E E S Ol- KI.NT P L \ C E SC110£

tor The sale o~f lands for « » P a l dt | i " ^

On resolution the counclT authoriz­ed the city to J ^ » t h e J ^ w Jersey Stale League of "Municipalities. _J»«-_ organisation was formed for «M»vanc-lng the Interests of the communities of-the state, the establishment of a bureau of municipal information and the publication of a monthly paper of interest to city officials, and Is au­thorized byTaw. The Mayor was em-poivered^ toHreprese.lt the city^in all matters of the league and Information bureau. -•«/ ~\. ••

The election of J. J. Ayan as second assistant foreman of Union Hose Company was confirmed. . The-report of the Fire Chief for fires from April 22 to May ifi was received and filed.

On r«solutiqn llt.OOO was authorized to be borrowed on account of taxer and $2300, on account of DeForest "avenge sewer and Summit avenue storm sewer.

\ HERALD Want, Tor^^aleTFor Rent advertisements on Page S. They bring results. Have you-read thenjf

18 Maple St^- Summit, tk /.

ore* KYiinsefi. Telephone 1036-W

es for the installation and mainten­ance of meters and is under obliga­tion to comply with the February, 1917 order of the Board as to service connections, etc. A question will arise a s to' whether the Water Com­pany should not reimburse its cus­tomers for TTiarges made under these heads since February- iS lT .and dur­ing the period of the suspension by the Board-of the application thereof to the Water Company.

-The committee recommendation quoted above then followed.

Frank I, Crawford Sarmirl S ChiliN Franci* S 1'hrauci Ftuletua II Holt Carroll P^Basaett Thomas M. Debc\<>ne

Saralv \V. Paul Richard D Rickajd .\)l)*rl G Stherer

<."tijamih V. White Anna S Woodman IM il>p V. R. Van Wyck

SCHOOL SHOES Jail*l ine of Boys and Girls School

Shoes in tan and black. Also all the latest styles in Dorothy Dodd and other makes of high cut shoes In dark tan. Suede gray, etc.

Hosiery—Goodyear Rubbers.

-ft A. MILLKJAN Hosae of CJeod Shoes.

•I Maple SU, Husasait, N. J. PHONE 199-M,

TheBoyntcmi in Newport Ranges The standard of qualHy-materials and

hiffh-class workmanship in Square Pot Furnaces. Steam and Hot Water Boiler* is known to thousands of satisfied users. This same standard is maintained in Newport Ranges, and every one must comt up to it—te cveiy detail. J

— There's a Newport Range for youh home, for every home, Many models

, at various prices, your dealer will tell you more about them and explain their special points of superiority, such as the triangular revolving grates, the patented attachment to prevent burning out, the

' automatic dampers, etc Get his advice, " Don*t7 decide before yoi^ve seen

Newport Ranges. ~


Real Estate Insurance

Arrangements will be madet when desired, for luncheon and for supervUed exercise and study

. i n tho afternoon. _ _ _

t t • i I »n%a •_§_ • • a •» ^ — * » ' * • • • • • 7Z



New" Athletic Field Adjotniiig School Building. ._ = J . _ _ ^3rd iTear BegittB-Septemoer 27th. - —


JAMES HEARD, A. M, Principal.


Mr. Houston brought up the qnes-tion as-4o~the location of the center line of Morris avenue which the conn* ty Is now beginning to rebuild in the East Sumjmit section. Mr. Houston stated that the County Engineer had determined what he considered to .be the center, of the road and while the coun,ty was only planning to build a 22-foot atrip of roadway at this time, if, in the future this new center line was used and sidewalks laid It would cut in on the property of several own­ers below Ashwood avenue. He fur­ther stated that the county authori­ties were not concerned with prop­erty lines and Mr. Houston felt that the property owners -were entitled to know their proper lines. This road was turned over to the county and the property owners considered that the county_ should continue the road on the same lines as it was turned over to them, but the county is making a | sl ight'changein the curve in order to" make the road straighten It was said that the county was going ahead with this work rapidly and that if any action waB taken it must be taken promptly. On motion .the matter was referred to the city solicitor and act-

|Thg~ engineer to investigate and ,give such supervision as iirjfaeir judgment I ttoe-TfltirV "interest-reqiiirea."- 1"

Thfe Council received the official-communication from the County Tax Board, fixing the local- tax rate $2.33, other facts~of-which are given In de-_tall_iii another -column ofntlite issue-. On resolution of Mr. Phraser, $499.64 was added to the budget adopted by the city iir-erder to - make an even .rate. : . "_ _ ~ —


Oppmitm Union P lan ,



OFFICE: 25-27 MAPLE I T * SUMMIT, % J. Tel^oaa, 14S-li

EDWARD C. MURRAY, Manager. Telephone, 125-J



The Powerful Hand of


i i a I T « « • • • ! • i ^ a n * ^ ^ i - a ^ « r* »i« • a • ' « • • *

Carlton Bcabcm^ BEDFORD ROAD, SUMMIT, N. 3.

Boarding- aad Day School for Beys (Number Jlmlted to 60) Begias Klevrath Year Septessher 2ith, 1S17. — CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC and COMMERCIAL COURSES. ABLE INSTRUCTORS.(8)._ ALL_ATH LETIC3 under supervision of coac^e*

j Present -ouildrng ready for lnspectlon^Sept 15th: new b1UTrainir"con-ig senior dormitories, class rooms, recreation rooms and gym-

nasluxa, ready for .occupancy in theeftrly fall. For prospectmt write REVT^JAMES F. NEWCOMB, "

~rA-4*tter was received from ('mmty ; [ Eitgjneer— Bauer—o«T-the- chaag

street lines on_ Morris avenue near .Denman place. This was in reply to a letter sent br-tire Council -sugges the wj[dettiag of the street while the road w w being repaired. The engin­eer stated that the county authorities believed that the widening would be a benefit as it would help to straighten the road" at_the _foot of the hill, maltj_ ing it more safe for public travel but that it was customary for the munici­palities to arrange for and bear the expense of the widening. In report­ing on this matter Mr. White stated that City Solicitor Williams' Informal opinion was that it was the county's business -to attend to this widening and not the city's but that the solicitor would look-up the matter and-report in detail at the next meeting.

Mr. Houston jf or the Jay-and_ ordin­ance committee reported that tne com-


Tel. 1085. - Headmaster.



mittee was ready to get together with the council to arrange for the pub­lishing of a new ordinance book. Mr. Topping ra i se i the _noinL that—the" xe-vlslon of the ordinances had, to be

BRAIN^mdBRAWN^re right how at the highesfpremium ever known in^ur country.

done by law under the^direction of the city -solicitor and he thought that tfcia a%lnt shoold be born in mind before any work of publication of the •hooka

- O N - t i-. f - '

October 1, at 15 Franklin Place --a*B.

Miss Marsh will iiiso take a limited number of mth*BltaMe<liodo«Si^^^

F}}€ &|"eat < ' e T n a»*l cxerywh^-f* i. for resul t s . T i m e i«; precious . Eff ic iency m e t h o d s are necessary . In th£ l i o m e . office, store, factory,, f a r m — E V E R Y W H E R E -

luunan effort is to save labor and produce resul ts .


was considered < Mr. Topping for the fire and police committee submitted a report ~6tf util-fsfng'Ihe Are alarm signal for the use of the public schools on stormy days, when there was to be but one session of school. The report stated that the matter bad been before the Council before and there was'some objection as it -might be confusing for, the flre-

THBHT He thoagtatzttKt=the:=ifcet I h a t j the bell being sounded on a stormy day would only serve to furnish addl-

| t l ona \ teat that the^^ystem ^Iras-fa worl^ss order, and that the matter cOttld ho satisfactorily arranged with the fir* department. He Ttfcommead,-M'that *M a>e_aod police committee *rraii«a tor the secretary of theBoar4 DC aWhtcaUon to phone to polios-heosV •M>l«(a hjatew I t o*dock ott-the -tmy

Electr ic Service represent.-' tho best B«B8ible service, in the quickest

._PQSsLhl_e_wa.y_._at the leAsL-no-s««iblc cost.

W h o e v e r and wherever yoiv air5; whatever your work; jou can accomplinh

-more, and la»M»r less- With tlie help of Electrical Appliance*. m

T h e service w i r e s of th is great 'system are just outside >ear door, work-

muni'ty.—ready to serve you too."

A w o r d from y o u r ( a p h o n e call is sufficient) and a representative of Ihis

Y o u have but t o business — housekeeping.

tell us your


company will immediately" place before you • facts* and figures on how Electric Service can give you economies and re-

"ffieTcEanaTaJng or tiffing the soil, and we I_lief fr«m drudgery nereT"_,eal__ed-before^ will bring to your attention, instantly. " " _ , some' wonderful devtpp-or appliance for Air w© ask is^the o p p o r t u n i t y t o effecting an economy in your labor, prove this to your complete satisfaction, time and expens_. s .The final decision rests, e»tirely-with you.


-?1 SUMMIT. N.;J.

"/, ^ ^

• s , ' ' s W ? ^ W W # ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ » l ^ , , q ! ^ ^ s g p a » ' ! imm

Page 7: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with


• * • . — * '

7 ^ " ^

'^Wf**15*'* , ;# . - ' T 6 " ^ ^ W W « ^ - » B * ^ * *i-••••--*•,-

; m i * w '•


J / «

«*tsfT "%«-M^SIP. i * .

feif .*:**_ "• w.,i i. t< v V ^ t t




l^t f t t j fc&L^ .'fai-.JiU* ..••<>» - ! « i |w#4l ir 'Mi

r»-t I it T leral All Around Cleaner

^IMPORTED W DOMESTIC tobaccos —Blended.


Clew €««eb«y« • compaMtm791 facts and rat** ra-

latins; to tat proper usa of and re-»P»ctfor-our Mag m e a n l y appeared In the~NTT: Son and a* tbwe i t t u t£j*£gn{9&taUlL_ _ ofi^these points we reprlnOnem be-

flna; low:

Anniversaries, on which the •houtd be displayed «t foil ataff

January 3, Battle of Princeton; February IX. Lincohn'tnairthdayr F n V ruary 22, Washington's Birthday; April 1», Battle of Lexington; May 30, Memorial Day; June 14. Flag- Day; Jnne 17. Battle of Bunker Httl; July 4, Independence -Day; _ September ft. Lafayette's- .Birthday— October- ^ ^ i ^ j g n e New- YortHTefc-ptWne- C

"«j 11 «mm - ^ H » > . - ,


ef wsaUhsi i j Nearly Six Han***)

jars—to b» exact. a a a * Ubetty I*s*aa~-w*sT


phone Caenpanyand aAHataeT nles In Its operating territory, sabaerlpttona being- placed Arooghtk* Company on the weekly payment paan. —In addition, thousands ot were subscribed through h***^ before the weekly jtaymeat ptoa was announced by the Company, and •saw bjr employees woo wfebed to pay for their bond* earlier.


WW »*aia*ataa^aiaWa*W«4lllalalgaia*'aiaia>'aaia^<«wiaa^ajlia ift i -f i -P-am

- * *a


C o l u m b u s D a y ; O c t o b e r 1 9 . s u r r e n d e r | p l a c e d t h e o r d e r s f o r t h e t » « i d a s u b ­

l e t Y o r k t o w h ; N o v e m b e r 25,, E v a c u a - j s c r i b e d b y U H e m , * * ? * * * t h r o n C b l o r a t


HAY 10th, 1917 wy u r l a t a a a

P O t T E J L Secretary.


MELVILLE fl. RUTAN i r e n t o n , a n d o t h e r l e g a l h o l i d a y s o r ;

s p e c i a l o c c a s i o n s .

. I n p l a c i n g t h e flag a t h a l f s t a f f i t

s h o u l d f irst b e h o i s t e d t o t h e t o p o f t h e Btaff a n d t h e n l o w e r e d t o p o s i t i o n , a n d p r e l i m i n a r y t o l o w e r i n g f r o m h a l f

t lh- e n i p l o j c o s l i \ e . r e s p e c t i v e l y , a n d 1 t h u s t h e d i f f e r e n t <v> iumunHL-> r e v i v e d

c r e d i t f o r t h e a m o u n t * i n • T O n p u t i u f :

l h e i r t o t a l -

l u t h e K u - . t e r i t ii


PRODUCE • r o u p . c»>it>.L>ting o f

s t a f f - i t s h o u l d b e r a i s e d a g a i n t o t h e ' l f t e X e w Y o r k T e l e p h o n e t ' . n u p a u y a n d

t o p . O n M e m o r i a l D a y t h e f l a g s h o u l d A d u l a t e d t ' u u i p a n i e v t h e l t*- l | T e l e

Hv a t l u T T s t a f f f r o m s u n r i s e t o n o o n — H u m e t V i u p m t A t , r I V i t i ^ x l i : m i a a n d

A new combination-^

^r^Yw^^m^niw cigarette it more than just tasting, it deliver! unci important t h i n g t o

Che.terfielcU "reach ,w they let you know are smoking—^they

b e . i newbtcndof

a n d a t l u l l s i a f T f r o m n o o n t o w u n s e t

D u r i n g t i m e o f W a r it i s p r o p e r t o

d i » p l a \ t in- flag c o n t i n u o u s l y , b u t it i s

I ' o m i u i i \ , - t o t h e s p i r i t o l e c o n o m y

j . in l t o .i g r e a t e r r e ^ p v e t t o r t h e t l i ig

t o l o v r e i it at n i g h t a n d a s f a r a s p u s *

t j l b l e j n o i e c t it l r o m m c l e n i e i u

w e a t h e r rJ'ile thij; s h o u l d n o t b e h o i s t e d l i e

f o r e s u n r i s e n o r a l l o w e d t o r e m a i n u p

a f t e r s m i s V t . .

'1 t i e J1,.^ s h o u l d b e d i s p l a \ e d f r o m a

s t a f f o r n n l e w l i t ' i i c i c r p o s s i b l e W l i e n

it i s i w i i m o i i ' a w a i t o r t a s j v n e d J o t h e

s i d e 01 .i I n f i l l i n g o r . j i l a t r o f m . t h e

u n i o n tHu- b l u e H e l d o l s t a r s ) s h o u l d

b e a t ( h e u p p e r leTt h a n d t o r i i - e r w h e n

t h e s t r i p e s a r c h o r i z o n t a l , a n d l i t Uie.

u p p e r n>; ln h a n d c o r n e r u h c i i ; l n

s t r i p e s a r t * / v e r t i c a l , a s s e e n b y t h e

s p t j c l a t u i ' , , ,

r X l i e Jl:i(j s l i o u h l n e v e r h e a l l o w e d ' t o

f n n r h t l iu ^roniTCl - w f t r f r l i e i n ^ hnTHrnq"

o r l o w e r e d . - I t s ' l ' y l i l s s h o u l d M o a t '

f r e e l y a n d s h o u l d -.lie c h ' t i m l a t o m v

w h e n e v e r f o u l e d . '

T h e ii . i i;' . ' - l iuuld b e ' s a l u t e i l b y i i l l -

p r e s e n t w h i l e l i e l i i g h o i s t e d o r l o w e r ­

e d , a n d w h e n it I s p a s s i h g o n p a r a d e

o r In r e v i e w , f K e s p e e j a t o r s l i a u l d i

r i s e i f s l t t i t i K i l u l l if w a l k i n g ; a n d

i t a n d i n g a t " a t t e n t i o n , " s a l u t e w i t h

t h e r i g h t l i a n d i n a l l c a s e s , e x c e p t t h a t

a m a n In c i v i l i a n d r e s s a n d c o v e r e d <

s h o u l d u n c o v e r a n d h o l d , t h e h e a d - ]

d r e s s o p p o s i t e t h e l e f t s h o u l d e r w i t h

t h e r i g h t I t a J u L ^ - - J

A s s o c i a t e d r i i i u p j u i l e s i . a n d t t t c < b e $ a

p e a k e \ - r . » t o i i i a c Teler>h.»n^- <%>nt| iau\

a n d A H s n r t n l e d < " o n i j . a t i i e - l l . ) i « r m

p l o j e e s - u b ^ n U t l a t .»c»l i t f S v o t j fc>»

T h e t o t a l » H I > - » II;>'I»II%> . it t l u - » » . T U | .

p a y i u e i i i l ' l . m m a '.- tJv a l i - m t r - w n *

e t t l p l o x e e ^ <>f t h o l l e l f S \ - : . m t h r . i i j ib

o u t t h e I ' u i t e i l S t i i i e ^ , i- . , " t{'i«-^ t.ti

W e s t e r n K l e t i i . •'«>tii|>.t;:\ ;»;;. t , • (_

a b o u t S.l T . U . I M H I . a i . d t i n - v . i r f r : ; . »

T e l e j d i o n c . l i d T e l c ^ r a i u l i « ' . . ;»• . . . .T : , -

A s S o r l A t e d ( 'o i i ipi i i i i i -" . Lav I- t.i .• ; f N"-

WNMMNI t . f th,e I . iU-r f> U : t o m . . - -

f t r u i n r i o l u l o l ' a l ^ t n t _Ss T. »»•*•> \ j -

c l n d e t l In this , t i i u i . e i - i a - u l ^ i . u i U -

o f $,").00«> b y t h e T e j e n h o i i e S . » nLr> v •

X e w Y o r k i — T h e T c l e i d i o n e i : . - v i . ' '

N Y .


381 Spring reld A venae

t t




KKJ'UH ! u i i III! i"i*\rM V;M*V

THi: SI'MMIT T R I ' S T " S I ' M M I T , S I

M i ,

llt.ti 'U aiuf Mi Sl-.n'k^ ;ituL_ IU T i i i i ^ f ^ i i i i i * ! ii

riemniii! I,.*an^ U<iails = iu (Mtir^ Nnlt1?* a n d iiill* Overi l iat tN ^ I hit* ffum haiik5*. Hanking I r.uiM OiTirr risil r^!;i!e La^h uti haini

k H S u r Hi 1 >


JU>! t o* ! !*

Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Pies

- and PasLries




- W h e n t h e f l a g la c a r r i e d i n p a r a d e . w i t h a n y o t h e r f l a g It s h o u l d h a v e t h e p l a c e o f h o n o r , a t t h e r i g h t , i f a n u n i - l.-'i"iiil h e r o f flags a r e c a r r i e d , t h e flag s h o u l d e i t h e r p r e c e d e t h e o t h e r s o r b e c a r ­r i e d I n t h e c e n t r e a b o v e t h e o t h e r s o n a h i g h e r a ta f f . '

N o t h i n g . s h o u l d e v e r b e p l a c e d u p o n o r a g a i n s t t h e ^ a g i

N e i t h e i ' t h e f l a g , n o r a p f r t u r e o f It a h o n l d h e u s e d f o r a n y a d v e r t i s i n g p u r p o s e s w h a t s o e v e r ; - i i o r ^ a s t o y s , f a n s , p a r a s o l s , p a p e r n a p k i n s , s o f a c u s h i o n s ; n o r a s a - c o v e r f o r a , f a b l e , d e s k o r b o x ; i i o f i n a n y otli|.»r d e b a s ­i n g m a n n e r , ——-

It i s u n l a w f u l t o tra t i i I>1 »• u p o n , m u t i l a t e , o r o t h e r w i s e t r e a t ;the,' fl»K w i t h i n s u l t o r c o n t e n i p t : o r t o ' a t t a c h , t o it a n y i n s e r T p t l o n . o r n h j e V t wlirtts«»-e v o r , ~ " . •

T o s a l u t e w i t h t h e h a n d : l t a l s o t h e r i g h t h a n d ^ s m a r t l y , . u n t i l

t h e t i p , o f , t lu> . f o f e f i i i K e r f t o u c h e s lire. 4 f f i £ S E i i a r t o f t h e h e a i l d j U ' s s ( o r f o r e ­h e a d i f "the h e a d ^ls u n e n t e r e d ) a h o v e

* i g h t j e y e r - t l r m t r b " a m " t e n d e d a n d j o i n e d , p a l m t o thr> l e f t ,

t o t l a r n i i n c l i n e d a t a l m u t f o r t y - f i v e d e g r e e s , h a n d a n d w r i s t s t r a i g h t ; u't t h e s a m e t i m e l o o k t o w a r d t h e flag o r t h e p e r s o n s a l u t e d . T o c o m p l e t e , t h e s a l u t e : D r o p t h e i a r m s m a r t l y b y t h e a i d e , " - *

Next Deer »ummtrTrust Co.

s — J AM KS t . H Alt N t- K r ttJt KH t; KJt 1 ,

Wrapped iica

Although it- has been" understood U, ,S_. tnrn.ls liriir^ii^ tn Uftde* Sheriff Warner would Be-a can- y*^ rinuiatiun r oldate to meceed Sheriff Otto,. Jie.i T o t^ lT. s. hotj^irrtcr th»n.Lrt mad^ no rm^i : :aMn<'un^em*wt nnt ir «iy l inmhimi j;grt}WcI>g •_,>;: ho filed Ms flotninating petition with County Clerk Martin^- Mr:rAVarner believes the people of Union County


i t >l



High Grade Bakftd floods '

lit M l

-M* LvVlaE

T)efiiAn<l Ih^NtHits r I>emahil- ;CfTtifUat*?* CcrHiiirfl ihpeks . Jhit1. .1t> bank?*, v\c* I.*, iS...Liberty Lt.an l^ ii. f.ftlirrty I.i*an

K l i i i u \*

•i^J'.'i'u-f. p a i i v , ' i* : i

= * l i im^fK f1


I.I M i l l , I ! !i p j i - i : Iti

*t tlf|k*4#


J . 14 ! . '4 4.-BS 11

1M,04** *-M

FKE WOOF STMUtt Far HoatelMM ParvJtare.

C t e t t , S « p H « K , Locked Room* and S k i s " - — I Dcpout Boaek.

f.',---t 1

- - ' 1*11K W I ' B

i'i ik i t ' K


w-* K X I ' R K S S A N D T R U C K m C .

," A a t o B M b f l e S e r r l e e ,

L o c a l m o v i n g t o a n d - . T r ' o m c i t y . I n

c l o s e d p a d d e d v a n s . D e a d S t o r a g e f o r

A u t o m o b i l e s .

HOLl-AMrS KXIKKSH. > , j U_!ii!.'t : L'J I . ,

l l ' I I N !» I h >i

,1 A l l . » 1 : i n i t ^ N M A Y . .-.. V I I A S | i ~ F f . K R V | i W l l ' l . liT'NKI••'.

H* Saainlt Arena*. n;-m

Thfr t.-

u tiT*<

Kl H M T


RATIOSAl. BAAk. j "fit'TtTF-"

A T M M M 1 T , \ V J _ _ - -

i, an'i (K '^ fd j a i t s

jJi*-4."<tllHt?, -- " -J « 4 ; j ^

gBl^refer^f^r^.the imp^rian4-offiee-of - w ^

Mr, Warfter-wysr gained as Under Sheriff during Ihe whole of Sheriff Otto's term, in which

^ , Tfmlcls raw:223

. ii%ciiiHiHg £te>£d^^ riwn«l Hnpleclffd MIB,04/ , ,*t Total bonds , scan'* - - ;

•'' ities, • etc, •,..."...'... - ' " S t o c k s , " o t h r r i h i n F e d e r l T ^ K l "

s^rVp BanlT^Mnck ;r\ Stock .of Frtfer^t Brs^rr* Baftk.

(50 pcf cent,=ML ,«ii^scripti*>n>

Real ettate owned * ntitrr thati '.hanking hous^. . r " .,./,

I .swful tc*crvc with Fettcra! Bank Cz«h in vault and net amount*

due from national banks ',.'. i"T*"

N i t amounts diT* from bafck»-ati>l , ^trust companies , . = „ Cheek* on nlher hanks in t h e

same city or town a t _ r e p o « i n ^ , bank \ ,...,,.

Cash itemf ,.L. . " _ • y Bgfl«nit>tioti „,f>infl wa'th V, 5 .



L i * ' * i *

Did yo,, electricli«lit? Let u» p«t * awftcli in tejrour


wiring- motor. »nd tele-


latt to the ldt of a Sheriff has been de-


* i Mr. Warner's "basiness card" at eaadldttte foiL Sheriff says "He knows

i Under the jfromotton."

Mr. i Warner wm« norn^ in Morris fit EUamr

alCht years of agw'iatil Sffffew* h tme to aa moted to


iiilelit,ecJtTs Liheriy Lti.^ii "Tfiiplethwjl'' l . ibf rty"Tt,i«m

Uonftsr i i jf le.eo

13* .Ttohd*'


f tO,JO0,<j»3 pie<isW""pr

hnf\ -^ffif'f ,*4g^= pQ^it-%r ^pyrnm1

bo7j^w~jffe(lg*il;~vr •ecu-re, poSt iT MTings

, fjeptiSnT *. ; . i r.i.oocif .Seciifi t ie^. ijther, t h a n

bof idi {not

Harness, Blankets, Saddles,

Baby Carriage -4ifhe*to-ReHtredi-^^

Stnmnit, N. J.



' . f - I A B I L l T I E S , Capital . i l M k paid In . . . . . _^ ,_ t i j ; i Surpiu* fund ... , . . . , .:,

"UadMded profits . _ _ _ . 1 UM7.73 Lea* . euMeMf e s - '"*' '._••



iLp-tjaiywry - f ^ i j a i a f ^

5O.0O9 0 0

intefeM 1,24S.7S

Amount , c r t e d t „1..,.........

Amount reter*ed « c 4

ed feit t a n a ae>

for al l iBtfrtM

s j l j M S


Circulating notes ost^aadtna* _'_""' Met a a M u n l i « M t o Nat iona l

banks -—•_ „ . ^ _ J a , „ „ „ ^ ^ •_/ Sit i m o n n t i doe1 to bujlc* s o d

•"•"tankers - -^^;^. . ; - .^:.r_-:.~,^r^=I~--Indmrioa l def>o*it< s a b j t e t t o



-Certified e h e c i n » s e W Other time

• • f " - i - ~ -

S u t e o f N e s i 7 « T, Joha D . H o o d ,

. ( 1 U I U 2

• f j M W S & a r

rf aw

vorvfct -A§




remedy far <fck

-Sfc.i -

Page 8: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

S « w e » Connect ion* JUnit Old CH* **»» *•»<* - . „ _ _

P o l l i n g M»ot» * W ° *

" f u r n b k e d by Stree t I V " ptr tmcnt . - » " • * ?

Sale of Old Material and 5 * 1 * 0 1 , 0 Suppl ies

Return <ri Insurance pre­m i u m . .

Return o f deposit with Freeholder*

Jitney Tax



50.00 84.28

Proceed* of sale Bonds , .

Bil ls Payable, Rote* issued

24,100 00 School - 4 1 O . 0 4 t . 7 0

24,100.00 127.250.00


D I S B U R S E M E N T S , $19,716.63 City

Ro«.l I'ollLC l i r e Heal th

"Poor — Water Light 1 . i b i a i >

""Juint S r w t r M u n t e t i a n c e I ity Sew ITS

T*rk Intel f-t on Loans Hoard of l 'recholders Hoard of Commissioners

fui Sinking Fund I n t c r t i t on Itollil* . , Special Improvements



1—p»oawcT Avanrnt M M V O W X . j t « , 11in 1MMMH * i p * T »

T d ABTC*vf*wi»«ff T o L«««l Senrtaw



i r t » G f I « U > c A V « g | CURB AND

" T S J U M I H T fliii " ^ I ,—-accMMit - | 2 5 . 0 8 — - 7 3 . 4 3 5 W - » y w « — « " " i j y ^ B B » e B & .

Debit . J a n u a r y 1. 1 9 I S — T o Unco l l ec ted

balance* a s fo l l ow*:—

*«•"»* TO??.. __ . » •43jDI,'M A c c o u n t JflapcweiocJtt A*- ^ * * ~ « "

it* S ) , 4 t » . w

t"««*T *'

T o Improvement AiacM-m e n u confirmed f 1.410.04

T o addi t ion U 1916 U « e t * W 1 T o City a c c o u n t 1916

Franchise T a x " 5.93J.T4 T o 1916 T*ne» Assessed 146,464.43


•153 ,858 .72

A W M _. . Ovwlook ^toxd-WidcBiiit «nd Iav

provewent ' 457M0M

January lot . 1916—To Balance $25.08

S P R I N G F I E L D A V E N U E W I D E N I N G .

D e < * n u ^ J l»t , 1 9 1 6 - B J E C * 13.187.79 Diabnr*ewett t* .__ t < 1 , 0

J a n t m n - W . 1 9 1 6 - T o Balance » « J * T o AdVertls inc ** '" w

T 6 Purchase of I«and


P D 4 3 K ^ S C O 0 O l f T . U K .

1916 Appropriation _ Duborsespcnt s .

Paid to Overseer Salary Overseer Commitment of I s s a n c Burial Expense

U n e x p e n d e d Balance



82 .135.00 360.00 80.00


f2 ,684 .00 ' 216.00

t i o A A n n ' T o t a x Interest account x j , y w w , T o a M e M m e n t interest account

G A I N A N D L O S S A C C O U N T , 1916 C r e d i t

By addit ion* to 1916 Taxes By cont ingent on 1916 Taxes B y surplus account

$S0.63 35.92


Debit .

32 .121.05 13.062.68

8.025.92 6.600.00 2,684.00 4.J92.44 "9,090.80

.4 ,540 .95 1,000.00 6\588 85 1,145.75 3,327.00

75 00

21.857.50 29,252 Ofl 13,178 84

W A T E R A C C O U N T . 1916. Rece ipts .

191-j Kpj»ri»(tr£aiiira D: sbu rsement*.

i l j d r a n t rent*. t_jty Hall Fire houses

^Fountain Street dep' JLI.1 i.:*£

T o remissions account taxes T o t a x interest account T o assessment interest accou To sundry Special Improvement*


$441.39 1,418.99

832 08 562.14


-%nGMV 41 B .ard of Klucat'ion f..r B o n d s sold 24,100 00

B.1K V a U l e ' N " ^ l'»«l ,119"$5,?'E jjprrtnKer »1, \**\*r—Ba4**Ce»n hand-- ~ . £ Z i - i *

$320,632 75

!. I T Y A C C O U N T . Receipts .

I^Io \pp i p i u l i o n ^euc i < omit t MMIIH Rrnt <>U' *_'H IU11 anil Tcjlli'-.g

Plate*, I.i inor I.n_*.nse3 Other Licenses License Tags Budding Permits Tax Seaiclir-» Destroying AnimaU Jitney Tax. Poll T a t e s Return Premium un Insurance t>alc of Map"! And Blue P r i n t s Franchise 1 « - from Rece iver « t

Taxes ^_^__ , ' * Charge for—Mifpairirig !Jewer Stop-

718 00

•i2i> on 5,092.50 1.049 8>

15.00 261.00

19.00 2 0 0

84 28 1,119.00

45.50 4 10



. , / ' * ' i _ 19^72.97 I 1 raiiiij>rj-fi-nni Siieeiai IreprpyerBenti 1 ,98409 Kt-appropriatcd from 1915 Balance 213.41

| Disbursements Fewer Ctinnections Adveriising* Urdinance i and legal

ffotices t Printing, stationery and postage

"Publishing City Treasurer's report Fitf! . Supj'lirs . ^

-Ail'liti!!^ ncCiiiint^ Repairs City Hall- -^- : - —

/Al terat ion* ami _retiairi "Old City H a l l • • • • ' . " _

Mainu-'i.i'hre City 01111111 Legal ^cis'ii/i/'i , . . "

fla^c >--*$] kl jif'-iiiiinii. T;"«'ii<ur-»*- SinMi'-R

F ^ J . - »• .. .- -"7 .-A I'jigini^r SitpplH-^ and expenses

Tii^iir.'iniTv, i'ire ii^id Liatiility 1J . 1. •--..»• \ / ! S . ] tflall^JiL^



441.11 428.96 327.60 669.33 1«4.43 317.50 197.7!

94 ,500 0 0 _ _ _ _ _

, . „ . . . S U R P L U S A C C O U N T , 1916. 9 4 ^ 3 s 4 1 | Credit.

"7 ^ January 1. 1 9 1 6 - B y B a U n c e $19,439 30 7-60 J J Debit ,

1 Q ^ t l ' To Gain and Loss acdount *^' i5?'S-3 3 i December 3 1 , 191G—Balance 1 6 . 2 7 1 . 2 J

D«*.t-m"»e^ 31—1 i .expe^ded balance 9 f 3 9 2 4 4 .

107.56 $19,439.30

L I G H T A C C O U N T . 1916. Receipts .

191'. A;>propn»t i j i I>:»barsements.

S t i r e t l ighting City Hall Old City IT*n Fire bouses - — Street dent "• ir ' ir .g

t J t A n - B < » \ R J ) O F F R E E H O L D E R S ' A C C O U N T ,





• " Credit [ly deposit returned December 31 —Ralance

. $9,600 00

$8,682 i7 ~ Debit . '279.09 To Cash deposi ted with Freeholders

9 9 3 !

101 ^ I M P R O V E M E N T A S S E S S M E N T A C C O U N T 17.28 . 1916


L > t . t ! , , . , * 9 ' ? ^ ^ . Tanuary I . 1916—By 1 Balance of un-

. . - . ' . . I Lala^cc 509 2 0 ' - . . " n ^ j A s s e s s m e n t s $33.4Qfl 07 1,410 04

$9 ,600 0 0 Bv A s s e s s m e n t s contirrncd

L I B R A R V A C C O U N T . 1916. D c u i t , E h s I > u r , e , , , e , l t * - _ Col lect ions by Rece iver of T a x e s

l 'Ho Apprjprtat I ; .n $ 4 , 3 4 0 9 ^ December 3 1 , 1916—Balance uncol DisborSexoenta. l w t e d

Pa id to Trus tee s of Library $4,540 9S


$3,167 02


- $34,908.71 J O I N T S E W H R U A I N T E X A N C E A C C O U N T . —

1916. C I T Y ' S P R O P O R T I O N O F S P E C I A L ^ M Receipt*. „ . P R O V E M E N T S .

$1.000 0 0 , Credit. 1°J^ Appr.i-p: lati *n Disbursements .

T o Asses sments paid • inAnftA B y 1 9 1 6 appropriation $1 ,000 00 Debit .


SEWER MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT. 1916. j ' L K n S " 1 0 8 °f A^°" $3,408.34 Receipt* .

1916 Appropriat ion $7 ,000,00 , i , D » e v k f B » » T e i n P W A T K N O For work d > o e and H4 fcaaterial ' 1 A U B R E V S T R E E T S I B I W A L J H . j s u .

so ld

. Dt sbunea ieBia , Div i i io t j Aventie^Sjejrer repair 1'ttfOrnng sewage Labor and t e a n u _ _ Cleaning and Suihing; Repair* Cons truct ing S torm S e w e r -Construct ing Catch bas ins T o o l s and suppl ies Manhole head* and Borers Rent »f punming i n t u n



$773.04 3 ,428,25 1,340.95 - 7.85

74.88 496 .00 117.30 229.88

68 .50 50.00

2, 1916. .

Receipts , Tanuary 1st, 1916—Balance B y Asses sments

$ - _ U f f 54.15

Disbursements . T o City account



O R C H A R p S T R E E T S I D E W A L K • Receipts .

By assessments Deeembef 3 1 , 1916—Balance

23.20 31.21

— ' "-.,-—~~i ' Disbursements . • — - - ~ - _ ^ " t i - ' l l f l l i January l s u _ 1 9 1 6 — T o Balance s e x p r n d e d balance — 623 ao • ,"^*J -*--



S U M M I T A V E N U E P A V I N G .

R e c e i p t * December 31*t, 1 9 1 6 — B a U n c * » » » • « z. s - ~ DiibOTsemenUr — -T t r A d v e r t l s i n ^ -T o Legal Serv ice*


SUCCESSORS TO CAM, j . g a j ^

—$44.83 15.00


S U M M I T A V E N U E C U R B A N D G U T T E R S Receipts . ,

December 31st, 1916—Balance $»-*^ Disbursements . „

T o Advert i s ing -$9.4b


Receipts . By Assessments * 1 5 Q 0 0 Bv Cain and L o s s

4 per c e n t . M a y l a t , I M S — W r * ~ $ 1 0 ^ 0 0 . 0 0

4 per c e n t . , N o v . M , ~ l M 3 — S c w « r e . 65^100.0* 4 per cent . , M c h . l a t . 1 9 2 9 — S c h o o l i JS^OO-09 4 KndS1" JmVKr ^ 1 W 5 _ R e ' fy - i^L-Cht- •««_««„ t l | 4 per c e n t , J u n e 15 th . 1 9 2 7 — S e w e r t 8300 .D0; =" X w a i c a M ' i n T ^ i v T . - J ^ *

4 t f per c c s U j a n . l a t , 1 9 3 9 — S c h o o l * 60 ,000 .00 4 pet* f fnt- i T*W L *i^"ir^T^* • • S H U — — 4t5vv+vO 4 per . c e n t , J a l y l« t . 1 9 3 5 — S c h o o l * SfiW.H0 4W per cent . . Sept . l t t , "1940—Public

B u i l d i n g s , Roada a n d S e w e r * 72 .000 .00 4J4 per cent . , M c h . l r t . 1 9 3 6 — P a r k 40 .000 .00 4jL_/Per—ce_nt.L AUf . l j t j _ ^ » 4 1 — „ „ , , „

S « h o o h 1 9 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 4J4 per cent . , Apri l _ l»t , 1 9 4 2 —

School* 27 ,000 .00 4 per cent . , $2 ,000 a n n u a l l y — F i r e 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 4 per cent , , $5 ,000 a n n u a l l y — S p e c i a l

I m p r o v e m e n t 13,000.00 4VS per cent . , D e c e m b e r 30th . 1 9 4 5 —

School* 20 .000 .00 4 per cent . , J u n e 1st, 1946—School* 24 .100 .00


: • POST OFPI0B BUD0., autoffl L

T1«phom C o n n i e ^ '**


$689 ,100 .00


Disbursements . January 1st, 1916—To Balance



B E E C I I W O O D A N D B E L L E V U E S T O R M S E W E R .

" », Receipts . January 1st, 1916—By Balance Bv Assessments

Di sbursements . December 31st, 1916—Balance

$75 31 15 00

$90 31



- Receipts. By Assessments LVce,rn1>er 31, 1916—Balance

* Disbursements. January 1st, I91t>—To Balance


$77.27 217.55

$294 82

$294 82

C H A P E L S T R E E T S E W E R . Receipts .

By Gain and Loss account ~ $24 2.;

Disbursements . Tanuary 1st. 1916—To Balance $24 2

E A S T S U M M I T L A T E R A L SEWER-, S O . 1.-Receipts .

By Asses sments $103.60 December 31st , 1916—Balance (70S 62

I , Albert L e a c h , Treasurer of the City o f S u m m i t , N e w Jersey , hereby certify that the forego ing s tatement contain* -a full and true account of the receipt* and expend i ture* of said City from January 1st to D e c e m b e r 31st ,

Wi tnes s my hand this 16th day of January ,

1 9 1 7 A L B E R T L E A C H . Treasurer ,

SANITARY PLUMBWQ S t o o i u d Hot Water

Tta a r t 8he«t Motil Work

Jobbing PronpUy Attended t r Estimates Pi

I hereby certify that the balance of T w o ] .Hundred T w e n t y - t h r e e Dollar* and Thirty- ^ four Cents ( $ 2 2 3 . 3 4 ) as shown by the fore-1 go ing statement o f Albert Leach , City Treas-1 urer, wa*" on deposit tti the S u m m i t T r u s t j

.Company, S u m m i t , N . J. , to the credit o f the City of Summit , N . J. , on December 31st , | l»lf i . i

T H E S U M M I T T R U S T Ct ) . , By W m . S. Porter , ,

Treasurer , I

RECORD BUILDING. SUMMIT, N . l | Telephone 48R. %

EST. 1872



Disbursements . January l i t , 1 9 1 6 — T o Balance

$709 22

$709 .22

v E A S T S U M M I T L A T E R A L S E W E R , N O . 2. Reee ipt i ,

B y Asses sments $ 10,00 December 31st , 1916—Bala i i ee ** " 113.84

Di sbursements . J a n u a r y 1st, 1 9 1 6 — T o B a l a n c e



E S S E X R O A D A N D E A S T S T O R M S E W E R .

-• - Reee ip t i , December 31st, 1 9 1 6 ^ B » l » n c e

'"^ i lBurse tnent s , January l i t , 1 9 1 6 — T o Balance T o A d v e r t i s i n g



$10.68 1 54.61


, P A R K A V E N U E S I D E W A L K , N O . 3 . $7,212.14 R e c e i p t s , . _ ^

By assessment* * - • • ~ — — — W?«-71 December 3 1 . 1 9 1 6 ^ B a l a n e e


$80.20 -^— • D i ibUr iement i .

January l^t, 1916—To BaUnce

B A N K S T R E E T I M P R O V E M E N T , .Receipts,

$•543.60 IW Asses sments ' $685.81 . I 'O,1 3! '•( DisUitrsemenls.

aL;-^-^"viri«fy-?-*J-,-'-ul,''-—'''•• H-il"i"ce' $S15.6*i 5 00 "l 1 Viti- ace.Hint - . 170.17

" - ' D i sbursements . Tanuary 1st, 1916—To rialance T^v-A^ivertising -.- •- - =:

To 'Construct ion To Lrptal Serv ice

O A K R T D G E A V E N U E S E W E R . *——•• HeceipU.

By . City'* .proportion $65.60 By A s s e s s m e n t s ' 388.93 December 3 1 , l ^ U i ^ - B a l a n e e i 26 .89


Even the 3e«t of Wr i ter* at T imes Nod Wh i t * They Work .

Mini\ i! nut nuM-writera have had id lifwail tlii- in i-iiMunal treaklslinosts of the |>fii In iiuttniK down on pajier noni"-tliljit: very tUfYoreut from that Intendetl b y lt.s a i i t l i o i -

ltonders of Sir <Joorgo Trevelyan'rt "Life of .Mm a(ilu>" will rei-all the Ws-toriau'K horror ^ heu t6o late he dis-towered that lie had written In the Edinburgh lteview that "it would be unjust to estimate Goldsmith by T h e ^Viear of Wakefield' or S c o t f b j 'The LJie of Napoleon* when h t really In­tended^ to say that It would b% unjus t to estimate Goldsmith by W» ^HtatQry of Greece." There was, too, an amus-l n g a l l p rtf t h e pail par^rmtoA h y " f l i n

flftoOexn an* Bitttquc futnltiit;



The Picture ami Art SfciJ Oamei Water Colors Mature Pr in ts Artists ' Supplies Pramea and Pictures Books and Stationery Tally and Dinner Cards Kodaks, Photo Supplies V.'aterman Fountain Peni Greeting Cards for all occaelooi

WILSON H. HOFFMAN U 2 Sprlncfleld AT«, , Summit,H|


• $S81.42

4/7.37 .10.00



DcymilmT'=31M, 1016—Halanee _J -$2'iR/ir>

To "AitvjprtrsTn^':'i"----.=ii,!„ 7,SO

grave Sir Ar^hihald XHson In *lnclud.4J*?HR _ P O P D ; r _ U P n O lug Sir Peregrine Pickle instead of Sir Peregrine Maitlund HiU<)i)K.4be pall bearers at thp Duke ^ot Welltngtoii's fjjirerai.__^

Anotlier striding liiHtanee of the pen nun hitnkally •writing sometljUi^ not in-tended came under notice the other day on the title page of a reprint of a once famous book, Jane Poi'ler'rt "Heotttah Chiefs;*' TIIIH edition, published Rome •• ypdrHfago by aljyeTl' known" Txjiidbn j"™_. -ga.%

/house, dpwrilics Miss I'orter a« "an- ! thor of Ti i i le iitid l*V«»JMili<-»_y' 'Hense : ali d Sehslbljity.'* " .-tPV "TJoniitieKsf tlie'<"', Christian -name of "Jnnt>"..iuducod tho slip; All i-t'iiH'iiihi'r juiil nearly all-- • Charlotte Itronte was mio imtablo ex-et'ptlon—love .lane Ausleii;-not so in any renieinber Jane Porter.—AYostmlttster Gazotte. .

" —]tT T E 7 3 ji|Tr"ojirTjrBjjf ™|iy I'.ifxiitiiiliai;.]iiiTa(ice I f f i ap'p .. .-|iriatitius- LEaprn Str iate J '


H K ^ S S J C C i H - N T

.I.I;-,M,-I "i

,'TfriTi P-firmv. i... y.min-H.iMivl— j B

IU W, ss^-riut-l sypplies furni^Ii^

1 ' . ' - r j n r ^ ' **

-rt+rKNSy:>OD"' r L A C K T S l P R O V U M l i N T , '"

^ ^ _ . ^ . w,—. -•_.••"' . . . Hwrowftv—. „„.-,-t' -. „^^J^ai^<»^3WflHwnttf :r--4i«^4^94^

- ^ . y •" . - • • : - — - ~ 0 m

^ _



$.tj . U K o ?

9.02J.01 , 5 ,803.01

^ T a r v i a l i i i U -Asjihslt Sati'4 f''«r i l—iii i i c i n s

=*=?-—rKib.ir ri^iirfafiiig'

Cio^swrilk^ a'lVd "cnrtiiiig . rj,iH;ert«. gutter* a n l drains

7pno\v |0o\\r VV<*FU Maintc i iancf i4 horses . J»fijiittenaiife i*••-t roller Too!s*3nfl , Silfi|>lieS- ^ . RepAiring an<l shj«i»ening toel* Repair* City^Rarit Removing tree* and ttiDoisfi. PrintiiiR. sfatifinery and postage ^ r e i e l u , car tage 'and l ivery " ^ t w apparatus Water for ftoa-l Work Atlvertis ing

•JTeltpho'ne -^ . - r 7 AiitrtmnStTer-aniJ, miirttenafiee^ -

Salary Siipt. . . . . ^


2306.96 143J.2J

. 7 . t^a Irr-.M 208.50

_«S5.0'1 ^11.4J

: 221.4? 1 li.i.95

14,28 _1<)4.4J

29 .32 *7.Rfl.

12) ,00 S..M

•11.75 43.85


10.000 K r e S T H , T »

IS.1KW Funding IUn<i< A.flOrt Sci, „.• R.,ti'l,

,;•• JJ.IO'i S d i . «7 It.,!- !*


P O L I C B A C C O U N T , I f M , , R e e e i p u .

19!f . ,AppropTiatt«n' , $13,fl00.0(J By Unenpet tded .ba lance of 141J lapr—~*?

propfiation^ reaijBropriate4 ,• . "._ j ^ ^ l .

Disburseroent i . Salaries . >rf'

•• S o c i a l dfejr Special duty for Q u a r i n l l n e U i U f o i m s auil « 4 u i p u t n r n ~ ——

•Tf lephon# S e r r i e e . , , • Printtrif, S tat ionery and Postmge Trave l ing Kxpennen



9,030.60 2,IOO,2J -4^6 .90

330.76 21.40 49 .41

J 51.63 fTfty;

Me*l* f o f pn*oBers , " ,.* M e a l t . f o r Quarant ine officers Ammuni t ion -L_ H i i t ^ b a t t t H e i ~ C a r t l f » »HI4 —ft***f

37.75 *? ,50

lt?.3S 11.20

:'tt,irt ' t

S'l,|VVi~S.-|v,l.l! ]t .-> »«' , JT.OtiO >«-ti-wI--P.it-. U

fiil.i»i>0 • Sc^-tv! IL»n.'i 4il.iHH) fVif^ IJi . - ,^


'i;?uo on li.v*rriK>RNii I'LACt I M P R O V E M E N T , 4 .005 .00 ' -4 X ; ^ . Receipts, .-' • • • 1..215.0(1 By aist'ssbl^iits g , - ' . , $ 1 2 . 0 0 2.700.00 Hy Giiiu. gntKJLosn account . .. - 2SJ.10 1 .SflA.^m ;

J DisMjrsements . -400.00 2»bJKV - _ 720.00 I i i iuary l i t , f D l t i — T K B a l a n c e ^JO.OO" " 4i2.0fl

--- #267vHJ

Tn I; nr»' ».JT *ements. •

"an lj»uijf a s due '

J O H N S T H E K T H i M f c Q V E M E K T . .$'29,252.00. Receipts. \ '

'•'."•• " 13y ...a^^rimneata...,,- x , $119,38 $29.2*2 00 t'eceinber i 1st, 1910—.Balance \ - " 667 .74

- - - Disbursements . January. 1st , . 1916—To J J a l i n c e $ 8 S 7 . » . .

S I J f K I N t l F I N D A C C O U N T , 1 9 | 6 Reee ipt i . •

1"16 ArT'"ipr!a{j>>rt*. AceaanSi-72.000 Fu i n l i n e ' ft>rt?ff "• f l i i o n o ™ ro.OQiJ Fur.ilin«. l i i n d s 2 1 ( W 0 n M O R R I S A V E N t J E i M S g R O V E M K N T .

— 2 * ™ £ u t t l ! n * 5**n i}* •--- - 360,00 ' Receipts, ft.OOO Funding B^n i s ' . . . » *»'0l» Ref i in t l in j R.-.n.U

aJijOOO S e w e r B e n 4 » '-6S.OO¥ S e w e r -%mds

4.500 Schoflil R j n d s _ •' 5.000.'School R.7ii,I*

—3S-.ej30-rgrtfjjI DoaJ.i SO.OOO Si-HSo! Brtnd*

. WM0 School R o a d s W.0OO S e b w l i o n i s . 40 .000 Park R.?nd*

. 10.000 Fire Bond*

2, f»0.00 41y Asseajnlerits $134,30 180.00 * D i s b u r s e m e n t s . *

3 ; J O 0 . o a J - J j r n T i y - 4 « , - 1 9 1 A — T o BaOnce .^ — $ 2 # : 5 t U 1 M . 0 0 December 3 l s t , , I 9 1 6 — B i l i n c e $101 .78

100.00 145.00 P33.CI0'

1-S5f ffi OVERLOOK " ROAD WIDENING "AND S j S i ° ' IMPROVfllSNT.v "_' ' , - •

UMO Fcr id ine B o n d s 20 ,000 Scb*5l B o n d * 24,100 S c i w S B ^ n l s

'"0*M D ^ " 1 ? ^ ' 3 1 s t , - 1 9 l f = l f i a n c e ' - i f w - T - ' , • . • DisbuTsemenjs . .


400.00 6O2.S0

T u | iul( .base s « f land To L e f a l Service

$35 .26 600.00

25 .00

raid Bamti of Ca the S i n k i i i j F o n d

$21 ,§.",.50 $6*0 .26

JOT ^ r VASLK AYJmVt A M I E S I T E P A V I N G , ^ 2 1 . $ 57.50 ' R e e J i i t i .

-—-— -r- ; '• — i -1- D e e e m b t r _ 3 i s t o 1916—'Balance $8 ,376 .14 T A ^ ^ f W R E S T A C C O U K T , 1916 i -__ • ^ D t i b u r s e m e n t * . _

:" . _ "T^Rteeipfcfc. ' " - - • - • - | Tor Advert i s ing :~' ~~ -• z' . • f~ S4 .34 B y interest col lected by ReeerveV e f , . -j T» Construct ion 8 ,166 .80

T»)i«« . .c $ 1 , 9 0 8 . 0 1 ! T o l # g a l Serv ices ^S.OO


S U M M I T A N D M I , , U ! i ; H \ LDINT

^ KcCL-ipti, r , .

1 >*i.rmtirr .M's t . -nrrr-s j la lance . , " - ,f)(,4!s",-

.I.Tivn.-i/y 4»f t ».4*M~-T, j Italaiice-; ' ^ l i . n u . s ?

^K)»T S U M M I T O U T L E T S K W K R . \ ~ J, ." —; • 7 _ J t e « i p t i , ~ -M>v A s s c s s m e n u , ' • , $. if,a:M

3 o ; s s ? . i 4

iVften a jiipo shaii'ed like ibCMJivertHi !<HU>r V, in \j-lii-!i the iirnis are of ('iLlial lenclli. \< liiled with wat^r mid fit' h erul-oi" ill.- iiipe IN put into a wpii- — , w «.i rntc-TcssVl full • t i f ^ y i i t p r ^ ^ 3 ^ w a r r a ^ t c n inspector oT^U:\ h- « «>*! Wiirtl iniil^iir svdabt of the liquid in '< T^z.-^."'—^ ;, . - >

faa4&WW3tfae"n 0lht%'«nd if i\w water is at the Biimo j level- in the two vrsseis i t wllfwin.aljl.i-. at that level «J_X»IHI vessels; 'But'if-tlu I'e^'tiHrf+he'SvjifetHtfcMo vessel is lowe than hifho uUierfwtBK th^^imA-easejsid

7 ? w n ? r v ^ B t , 1 Of67-"To TS34a

. $21,027,14 . - . . . .,. , . , . , _ . . . . _ . . . .. ^ k ...

^^l-hliUJer-iterd-ta^ttertotoj^gaife- 'c $21,027,14:

^Mf>4^#¥fiWR?iHfei A C C O U N T S U N C H A N G E D D U R I N G VK \ i t

- - . - J , 1916. —'••••• ; Vntli f r « d i t B a l a n e e i , . a s f o l l o w s — Chestnut A v e n u e - S idewalk ' " "'SSF "»4 Sayre Street Si.d»walle S h a d j s i d e I m p r o v e m e n t E a s t Surnmit' L a t e r a i - S e w e F , N5~7a Ivlm Street S e w e r • Lafayette . A v e n u e S e w e r Springfield • A v e n u e Sewer E*t . N o 2 With Debit. Ba lances as f o l l o w i ' — Kailroail Averme S i d e w i l k -hajf^e-.Streel I m p r o v e m e n t South Street Grading "

, f iates Avent ie Sewer • * -| 8 5 7 12 "STountain A v e n u e Sewer , No,* 3 s Pumpiriir P l»»t and Main*

R i d g e d a l e - A v e n u e S e w e r -•

m 31,04 1 5.06 15,11 15.8,1

3,79 $ '4.16

- 1 * 5 7 1 74s60 10,71

742.47 ' 3 2 5 . 6 4



City Aceojint . - '' " j 727,99

-'-. ' 3,899^55 Road Account Police- Ac'courit'._ Water Account' Park A c c o u n t

Reappropriated for . 1916. i f fo l lows: City Aecflunt -. - : Road Account ... • Po l ice A c c o u n f ••'••' s

Park Account . _ " ' • ' Hea l lb aceouii l , EpIiTeittic of Intin,t-

30fivll 109,70 163729



•'•' 62 ,68 145,75

j l e ^ajalygj^ $3,350.00

A P P R O P R I A T I O N S ; J 9 I 6

Ry Rece iver of T a n e i - ^ ^ ^ J - . $145 3 0 8 79 ^ r Uneitpendeet balaaee* (191$ ap . 7*. '•

pronriatwn) , " ' . . ' 3 , 3 5 0 0 0

B y Gairi aadt L e w n ^ m a t " 1,418.99 i

$ 3 , 3 2 7 J 0 5 j

$3 ,327 .0»



T o City *77 T o Road, T o , Po l ice T o Fire T o He*l th T o P o o r T o W a t e r

N \ ' ^ • D e b i t $ 1 4 S j « l 4 7 i

"T * 5 . 0 0 0 . « 30.5O0.M

- 13,000.00 SiSM.OO


; —in Summit ind ?lcird^ 7

Let JOSEPH ZEIGNER - turniBb you with tstimitti.

Workmanship and satiiftetloi i guaranteed.


Surainit, N.1


t iECK


Magic of a Sip'rio

teiCflie water will run;,down £r6ni.lhe

tute.^ whirt fs' {Pall«d-tt^i{jhoji^-A«iptipn

a penci}, hiw whonLlt^fails or than any other iinjllai' jdienomCTipn ih—i yet some of the siphon's mnnlfes other similar ])henom«ion' in-nnture , j " a n d C l l f i l i W C l S ^ ^ f t S t i ^

i tnHotm i • ~ y ^ 7 , ' " ^ 1 7 "*"

seem to^ be 'u«> 1 < m\y AIM pea l , but - -arh mosjt iiieredible,—Stt.'NU'-hoTirit;

"•fOue hand red JHHI \y ago aiipeared w-hat L ^ R O M P T ' A l ^ D RELlAl By ton called *'tlie mmi^ perf evt ode w" the ianjeraKe," "Tho Burial of Sir Wij i Moore.)* It was the NeWryTelotfraph which, gave to the world thWanony-nious poem of Itov, Ghaplfi Wolfe, which won for Its author/but a poathii-inoug fame, for not untfU his death in 1823 was its ' real ruthorshlp ."made known, t-fluiiKh v^Moua had been the gneisea as to the writer? Tjiiit obacare enrate ^otl-BaUyeteg rnnat- h K « - ^ i t J>rotid.todegd.j.o


a u t h o ^ i f i e h poeti aa Campt Byroni-^l^ndon Chroniclo, .

6f th« Firefly, A BeientlHt wayA»tUat a temperatnre

^pproacbine L'.fMio dieffrees F. wouJd J»e necessary to make a. light equivalent to that omitted by'-an^ordinary firefly. r£ha j>n6rniou8 wmate.o_( ettetgy in jtii lndua-

^rl«K_method8 of i>rodueing l lg i t la a InattwSof common >knowledget *od the eiampleL of the flrtfy remains unlml-'tated by man. _* .- 7

Fountain Pan Tt«t«. ^ Fountain ^pen»7mre tested by an ln-

atrnment called a t micrometer, tf one pteee of U»e mechanism to out even a alx-hiindired tk^airtTJif an Inch tho ml-


Agent lor Park & igchnift*! tondlM:

434 SPRINGFIELD AVBB : Tdephone CpnnectiW



Furnaces fad Ranges Cle

Jobbing Promp^: A*

J7 Estimatei ffivW-f Tel; 299-K.

Morxia A j w ^ w r a ^

Page 9: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

* ^ ?S^E^T^"*#-"s-*^W*et

T^\T " ^ e < ^




Music Haft Its CKanns I n the wor ld -of Lov* and B^.iuty,

o n e day there entered MI'SIC,- iAir,_o£ f o r m and facf, ami hencefortb ;»11 itOWed^BCftr^i—to Tior ~Tn TiOjnaw-—fan. • h * had the ehartnH to >»)i>tlic Hie s a v a g e breast . W h e n M U M C t-ntt-nil

" t h e h e a r t s and .souls of morta l s , ^ M -cart-led w i t h her al l tin' IDM lnii «•- «»t B e a u t y , nil the thr i l l s of I , n \ t , .ill tin-f a s c i n a t i o n of her«elf M I M I in-*

- b e e n known to poften a mi>. r'.v ln'.nt," to r e v i v e a burg-l.ti's con'-i'ipmc, to * t a y a i^iurderer.'}, hand Stn> int1-* tf-fectert man, VAIH.IH .mil clifhi S P P c o m p l e t e s the- Home. unit"-, tin* t tiniH _ Mus ic ' s P.ilaoe in Ni-u Yvn k OtN IS, t h e JOHNT \VAX.\11 \ K l \ l : S T o l t K T h e r e In tin1 uomU-rlul Ambtoi lum, seating- 13.one in-o|)t(, on,. .-,OL h. jr thr flnent ar t i s t s . And in tlu- S.iloii--. ad­j o i n i n g , arc man) l o o m s spec ia l ly fitted -out for l>r!vat<- detnonstrationM of var ious nui'siL'.il liihtrnmentii. Ho-g-lnnlng Thuis i lay , September 2<»tli. w l l l . b e the h lpgcst opportunity mu^ic l o v e r s h a v e had m N e w York for y e a r s , because then b e g i n s the enor-

_ m o u s s a l e of pianos which will enable o n e t o g e t the Very best i n s t r u m e n t s a t e*trernely l ow prices

T h i s Important sa le Includes the en­t i r e Stock of Chlekerlnfj & Sons' Nt iv Y o r k reta i l piano bus iness . ' inc luding U p 'r ightPlanos , Grand Pionos, P layer a n d Reproducing: P i a n o s . about, four "hundred In all . Some are new, some

- u s e d r b u t -sell -great ly-reduced In prices.' T h e Chfckerlng piarlo, so m o d e s t l y p r e s e n t e d to the wor ld far back In tne l a s t century , h a s s i n c e occupied u n -

»dlstur**d Its pos i t ion of c o m m a n d i n g

'preeminence a n d Is to -day accepted a s * a B „ i d f » l — J B Q M M U - J I O O T S . - f^lclrrrtssr _ 1 b u i l t h i s first piano, it w a s a g r e a t { d e a l m o r e than t h e effort o f a n In­

exper ienced piano maker—tt w a s a work o f art In qnuslcal i n s t r u m e n t s . Hencefor th It w a s to h a r e a - m a n n i n g

pf» "muelc lsns and m u s i c IBIPSW. B e - ' s ides be ing a splendid m e d i u m for , ' '

• piece of furniture , a de l ight t o a l l t h e s e n s e s — a profitable Inves tment . ,

An epoch In the h i s tory of t h p J O H N WANAMAJCER STORE. Is. m a r k e d b y th i s great sale , for it m e a n s t h a t in -the- future all~tn>~ThTcKerfne b u s i n e s s wi l l be done in th i s e s tab l i shment . I t i s a s o r t of "elean-'Up'"'of the ir present stock, wh ich includes m a n y n e w In­s t r u m e n t s Just from the factory . I t wil l l a s t until evt'r^ p n n o 1* so ld .

Frfr-rr«Tsrc"--w;rT(i-nre not g i f t ed w i t h mu*u-al K*-"lLii» thrre fc= l l i e ChAcker-

kiiTpITTV; wT»'vnr~li.i s~ -trlUmphFft-• Uid ap.uii U-toW ill.' most cr i t i - -

1 of audioi'i-e- > r.. an t i fu l ton*.*


serve Corps.

7th B n i t a M t , X, T , Infaatry. X 2 Ma fad Lieutenant,

psay.—^—~~ l i t Sergeant, Machine


, i K ' > m

-Kenneth Gow, Qua Company

Paul H. Gadebusch, Sergeant • Gun Company.

> Roger Jones , Corporal, Machine

O. Terwilliger, t a d Lieut., Artillery, Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va,

iBflttig jrirjaasii. capwjnfi£JK& tlllery. Instructing. F U M y a r , Fa,

Oliver—McKee, Jr., 2nd f Cavalry, Camp Sevier,* 30th Divr

— c S , &., Greenville, 3 . C.

Maynard G. Bensley Harry H. Wilson J O B B T R , Adams


t | inl?t \ and p i ' i t u t .n ti-rti unite t o re-p imlnu 1 the • \ u t* icn-lit ion of Hie j i i t i s t In tlii-- u i> tin- fcit**t mus i . -U l i t i ' . n u i ' ' ot tin world will I f i-- ao -n *.~.il.le to j m i a s tin l.iinl. - ol j o u r lil>i .it ^ If .M-'U -VNI -11 j-vK " , , N e \ e n IUAK*' \ o i i r uw'i inti rpii t it u»ns.

In onli 'r to j i iumni . i i l . i t i ' tl.e new TTfuKt ili»« s u n k , the J>'1 • Wan i-in.tkt r Store have sune O M T tn«-ir o w n stoek of ntlif t "modi Is and --el.'cte.l 'i numlHi of pianos and p layer pianos and repric.-d them Tln-v have alFO put In (.ohdition i l l used pianos taken in exclnuiKe in the . regular course of b u s i n e s s T h o s e are included In the salo at very low- prices , b e g i n n i n g a t $rt6' for a used Upright .

Uet Music enter your heart ! You wil l feel bet ter for It H o w much more beaut i ful the world w-lll s e e m i M u s i c wil l lej.d you to sunshine , green fields*, blue skies , f ragrant flowers. Enter her Palace jus t once and you wil l become a Rlave, abject , w i l l i n g and a n x i o u s To pierce the filmy c loud of m y s t e r y which a l w a y s - s u r r o u n d s her in tang ib l e body.


We now offer SUPERIOR BUILDING SITES, *0-foot lots, "on De Bary Place; all connected to lot line with Sewe^ Gas

75 to 100 4ocjt frontage on Hobart Avenue.



X "The Hobart Development Co., Inc. -^__ 29 M A P I E S T R E E ^

Lester Bender, CornoBal Machine Qun Co.

B u g e n e J. Burner,'Ma~Culse-Gun Co. Allarii EggerB, Machtao Gun Co.— — —

i Rob. J. Muldowney, Machine <3un Co. Nicholas Kelly, Machine Gun Co. Thomas E. O'Shea, Machine Gun Co. Marctis B. Wilson,: Machine Gun Co, Edwawl-Jr O'ltourke, Serf eant Co. A Philip McDermott, CO. E, \ R. Cade Wilson, Jr., Co. K., Corporal. Oscar E. Hellquist, Go. P» Corporal.

-Theo^Preeniani Co;"6,' ^ ^_ J. Elvin Cooke, Co. D. Paul Wisuer. Andrew Barr, Co. I George H. Hodenpyl, Jr., Co, I. Wil l iam Drabble, Co.- B. Nicholas Krayeir, Co. E^_-'' -, • - , — ^ - _ Wm; B. Miles, Captain, Co. D., Depot

i Battal ion. iRobt . gSlMiEm, A ^ D e a o t ^ a l t a l l o n ^

Romeyjt==Berry i_Co. D., Depot Bat ;, talSon.

1st Bef inient , N.. Jf^InfUtTT. ;Wm. N. Teatera, Sergeant, Co. *fc^ jbayid P. Carter,^ Serjeant , * ^ ' JAdolph MTliiir, CorporiLr r , 7 ' Law'if^nce B. PtniiBgan, Corporal. ; H » i h J . 4%«mfl^bn. 1 Eugene IfItipatrlck., 'Martin J. Rudese. * ^Ardiie Van Arsdale. ; Q, M U s PblthowerrCo. C. George D r e w ^ i f s a m . Wil l iam Buonato. ^ a n j e l Braguto. Martin Connelly. Jose^h-^anTi l le , Clarence_MolL_ J. W. Well fc , Lduis Dyke. Lloyd Goodwin,

22nd Engineers , N. Y. N . G. Guy Bates, Captain and fi^gimintal

Adjutant. „ s^ -J' -D. Badgeley. Jerrti O'^onhell. Fred W. Jackson. Jack Bonis , Co. A. George Fajkenburg, Co. A, Frank Martin, Co. A. Frank Sharp, Co. A. ;

lHJLJDay r - l s t , i i t e t t t^Art l l l ery , In­structing Ft. Myer, Va.

J. Bobcrt Whitlock, 2nd L i e u t , In -fautry. Gamp^ Lee,r :B

Ci";: v, Horn, 1st Lieutenant, Camp House, Iowti.

T, I., A. Taylor, J j d L4eut.,; Infantry, Caitiji L>y. Petersburg, Va.

r T l n t n i i s r ^ S n CiHC^st Lieut.»~Ord^ •iiurtce/' . f-~ . :. -, .';: ~~'~~

Ei!w;ird/H. Twoiwuly, t'uptaitt, ltS04th Miu'hine .:Gn-n Hattalion, * " t i Dl^ vision, 'Camp Cpton. Yaphank, L, I.

i i - H n y i'mtiTWootl, ""1st Lieut., 2Hh l-H¥rH*pnrtanburfi, S^SL^,:

Hiirry, I. Dufl', and Lieutrr~jnfantry, • , I'uuiu^ Upttui, ^rttpjiank^ L, I.j,. ' Venmr M. Henry, l i t Lieut., Ordnance -,: IH'pt., Waahington, D. C. —; . Hulbert D, Bassett , 1st Lieut. Ord-

nunco Officers Reserve, Rock Island, 111.

Charles W. Dunn ' Oapiui S e r K e a n r °

James H . S r F a l r Sergeants , 1st Class

Charles R.=RivJeley Arthur Gwynpe

Harold F^DorpevaT Will iam E. Bet is Herbert D.Opprnhrlmef

SorBeanls PeForest Lyon

t Rohert-4?lH»npy | Alfred C. Arnnit

| Frank Tracy ^ . ' .Bugler ! Arthur H, Balieutiiie . i- • Frlvates


or your own agent.

Jolm sV'Heck, 2nd Lie i i t .TnglneoTi . Ea-l'l H. Lyall, Captam,. Engineers ,

0 . U, C.""-, ^cTifer^lfr^aclHnervFSi»d~ Lieut,, Coast-

An'illery, Fort Monroe.

II. S. Marine Corps,

JoKn \V, Kiggeri. '. , . , Corlii's Adauil; Corporal, U ~ S. S. •'-L7.-.-P(Minnylv.ahia. ' W- ?• ' "" . , Edmund F. Fisher; CorSv P a r Is Isr, I

V, St BeBtal Reserre Corps. Dr. CL R„Arreeland, 1st Lieutenant.

V, 8 , Signal Corps. Bert E- Underwood.- Mft}»r,4Jead-

War^ Photographic Board • Walter Warburton.Harry J. McOeehan

U, 8 . N « T F .

Guldo Forater, Ensign, on the Rhode Island,

John M. Reeves, Chief Yeoman, Walla**. A. Lauder, Special Duty,

S. S. Pennsylvania, _ _ ' Kuri l Begerye Corps. Thomas Green, Ensign, G. Talman Wlsner, Nawport, R. I. S, Watson Hopklni , Mewpqrt, R, I. Francis Hamill , Newport , R. h

Edward N. Guniuer, Robert R. Handvil lc Isaiah B. Hopwood Geo. M., Howie V. W. liOomirt ,"


John J. Louts Corrado Thomas^ J. Dal ton Andrew Dick i Addiaon DiiBofa^,

John Farley^ Clarence O, Fromer Paul "Fromer -Wiilarri IX, Gape R a l p h G o i i U l e .

J M w a w l UHl>ert ;

"^Rnhtirt Giiw. Jr . L e s l i e J , Ht i rre l ! Clart-nrp .1. J o l l r t t C h a r l e s K. Kti i i i i i Sutuuel: 11. H o l m 8itiii.li •'"' IJuto P h i l i p L. Law rene'e At-ihiir L i iu le . ' . Jaiues.M.'.. )..tmTsTey J im L o w e H t i s w i l l . v o n

-r".losepli MimsitiY Torresii._L, >larHh .._;

" KtiMstil Met iowi i i j I ' d w a n l H. Mi l l er " ilt'ri'r.yo B M o o r e

. t l i o . IJ. Mnnle — Kav i iumd A. -'NiiVnn"

Oscar W, John*!oh Nathaniel Ay-Austin Raymond H, BahriiiK AiieirRT Brtts ~r:—:

Frank G.Boye , Jr. Robert WTTtradslmw Andrew F. Bro.beig Arehle 1 . Bryan Walter S.-:Biiist :.f

( n o ; j i i w

-xrsTHTrr~" IV. Parker .liihn KrTat'terson

-KtN=m-44-• Pe±f» v»"-Jarob Perry Ruilolph PelerHon Ernest J, Ptuti i i l l Lestt'T-'M.' Ite.eviM jlt iwiml T..'Rem.iK -

Calrence W. Roaaell Allen D. Russell J. RqaneU, Jr. John I.. Severynse'' Robert Sneath

" "HaTTiKon" Snnr Herman D. Sors Fred P. Stahl Henrv-^tLr-^teven^ John C S< arles Martin Stolla

-B-itttrfloiifc&KHmiis _ -John D Tannenliaum

'Fr.iTik P. Tompkins I'dwarri P Thebaud. Jr. M a n j \ Ti . i i > J«">lin V.iii--iiii U ,ii". i A ^ a d i - l

Tt mk W :nl - u o i th . ^ r . I M w . i i d P W a r d ^ i e II W . h i : f i . i l 11 \ \ ilk.

I'd '.u' U \v illiani1! J o - T W i t h i " w _ < ba- (' \ \ i i^lit, Jrp

Mi n: v Tit nit lam'. - Ma< \ \ h inf iev i h.u li -. r . i t l<r- o n Hiihi 11 B B r o w n 1 ",u 1 i" St r a n t s 1 7 i . i \ r T U r r « d o r .a i i in id f lUj l . i - r t C 1 a s k \ -^-i-i«l -I laxelLi _ W llto.r M \ \ . i l ( U n I I . U M M i ; M i f luhl) \ l>.-ill t l i .n 1,. - It Mason. Jr. Y\ IU-II»H- U r, t. phena


Charles Siebert 4 08 Springfield Avenue r~^- Summit, N. J.

1081-1082 T27

The Old Reliable Grocer •*- ± --:'. ''?'

Best Goods


Wm. A, Swain, Co. A, Francis Murray, Co. A, . , .

Hoiadron A, W, Y. Cnralry. J j ! H. Hyde. Edwin P . Ross . Phil ip Drabble.

l i t k Infimtry, N. G. H« I .

John Gray.

Mth Beg-lnteHt, N. 0 , IT. T .

C. J. Brennah, Jr. 1s t S q u i r a n t H« J . CaTpirr.

Norman D. Smith, Troop C„ borporal, Mew Jer i«y C « w t ArttUeiy.

Walter E. Lotenberg, Go. TJ. W

Battery A, H, J. K, 0 , ^ Creighton-Thompaon. , :~.

Ross Apgar.- _.,-.~T... H J. Voegtlon. — A , . G. Van Wart*

23rd Reglnient, Bf. Y. Infantry. Robert W, Nicholson. f _ _ ^

1 3 U p e a n s y l f a n U Jnlnntry,

FirnjBD^Ploaa. " • " " • - . • 1st n i i n o l s Ia lantrr . "

F. F. Qulnay, Jr.V await ing orderi . Thomas Connors. Charies B.~Melsog. Ernest Brace, Brooklyn Navy Yard. Carroll Vre#land, Brooklyn Navy ^ ^ a r d V — — —

i p f i r r* a t ' r j B «

Joseph B; Llpsey. Av iaUoi Corps, U. ft. A r » y

Wil l iam A. Larned. Captain t j . S. R, at D r C . "~

it! Arthur H; Alemahder, o n w a r to ^Erance:

LAMES' and GENTS TAILORS 83 Summit Are., Summit, N. 4. Phone 309-H.

First Class Work Guaranteed-Moderate^Prkes


Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Promptly ------4 Attended To

jL A.


• ; • - • • — — —

i i i - . i ~ - * " ' •


1 Quart-at-T-,1^™-..- — — *f-50 £~Quai t al — £ - *-7S

3 Quart at...r.7....--„:-^...^^ - - 2.10

4 Quart a t ™T.—J__ .- 2 S 0

Frederick H. Retoaaer, Bnelneef• . FeUc« D6lenL Ininntry J o h n A n s u s t NOTICE. Patrick Fredorick A. ^ , Ore. : . - • - " „ _ , , / / Walter 4 t ^ q i « n g v ^ « f f e . COv-C* MUL

Infantry. Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. . a t E . J. Dminder.

Ansuat Brats . John Shoemaker. Ardlto Salvador*. Thomas R. Proctoi Clarence Hoffman. Harold Reeve. Fort Slocum. Ray Howard. Harry Howard. Salratore DelenL Wm. Kltchell . Wm. Derlne . Wm. Daom. Ruasel l-B. ' Adams. Alfred Peterson. Sidney Noah. Frank Cornelia.

• . L a w r e n c e J. Kenny. F1eld_ArtWery. [Tohit AugasUhowIci . rnfanttyr

Gamoel Burner, baker. Nicholas J. Kenny. Co. K, »th Infantry. Wm. E. Xambert . „ Joseph! L. Hemieenway.

- QMttjrniawlTr*s^T*" l"«> G«cpa>

Albert F . J^jnez. Captain. N e w York, C. Lelth Speiden. Captain,.Charleston,

B^C J-

Charles McCim., George Shea. A, Harold Cohipton,. - , *.„ Philip Edw. IReavey., T . - ' " s

Jesse Albert! De Cum h Behsonhurst, Brooklyn1. 1 _ _ _

Fort Myer, 2nd Camp. Stuart C. Adams, James B. Doeharty, Jr. ____ Joseph W. Greenej Jr. - •• • .'-Jjester J. Tempieton. ;

Atheistan Van Wairt, - ' . , . . ' Stephen G,- Kent. F r a n k l i n ^ . Peale .

, Pla«sbnr f f l Bnd Camp. — Wm; Warren Carman. __: ,?

American Ambnlanee In Frmaee, Alexander Beck, second enl istment. Clarence Bailey, second e n l i s t m e n t Henry Bird sail Marsh, Driving Am­

munition Wagon. Theo. Obrig

The superb beauty and splendid workmanship of our Monuments make them real memorials of lasting mag­nificence. As fall with, its Inclement weather Isn' t fa t j t fL you should order the 'monument now, if It H tlealred that It be erecWd this Biinimer.


ii (loesij'i jiiHt lake a iiM»tor truck to.. ( i i i iwiitutt^a-^JUSJMi M& V HVK-^ it takes a real,.'specially bfiill moving van iMTiiy. inoimted, tin ft reliable clutsHiH and then" nwmVd 1J}' expert, experienced iiieii workinn under cx-

Establishetl 1880

Eldest Real Estate and Insurance. Agency Summit; : .•:"'

Miss Praetori«*^fd Lieut, II, S. "Army? ^ No. 5. _Base'_ Hospital

M * Pollock, StPLTeul. TT Base Hospi ta l No. 5.

onald Walker, Harjes Corps F o i r e s t Nlcol, ^liirjes Corps. Gilmer Hadra. Harjes Corns... John GorSon "Speiden/

ST* "Army,


0pp . Depot Summit, N. J.


aetin« siipervTHion. -. O i m aEltVlt ' i : i» the one that takes

ALL the'trouble out of your, hands— and we dp the work at reasonable cost ,

Call liin and -inquire. s . •





Aatonobtle Service Whea R*qaire4 p Personal Altentioa Day asd Nbjht „;/



BT S . Newton. 1st Clans Sergeant . Camp Dlx, WeighUtown. N. J

Newton Adam», -«er« . -Quartermaater —TO*;, Can»p*t-pt«n, Yaphaak, L. I

William Henneaay.

> s t leant A m r * Camp Dix.

John F. Mines. 311th Inf., Co. A. Wm. G. Palermo, W i t h Inf.. Co. Joseph C. Lee. Louis J. Starrace. Louis J. Baldwin. Michael J._McCaniL _ Harold Carter,' — • John Sanfelice. John, B - CoHt«^= Bernard A. Bensiger. Wm. J. Hennessy. Thos. J. McGowan. Geo. Wm. Brewater. Edward L Whiting. Jon. W,„-9weB»on Xohn C. Conant. Eugene J. McCabe David J. Flood-Lonls J, Garguilo, Ardaehes M. G^alamerlan. John J. McCsbe. Jos F. Hart. F r i u Landesmao.




99 Union Plae*, Summit, N, J.

T«bf I M I M 386-J

A COLD BU$li£SS «0P^?ITIOIl---

Stpck ol fresh Garden and Flower Seeds. Lawn Seed, Gar­den and Lawn FertUiiera. Garden Tools, Lown Mowers and RoUataV Rakes, Hoes, Shovels and Fork*, Wheel-barrows, Cultivators, e tc Also Paints, Oil, Varnishes, etc.


Telephone 216V

^ * * ^ * * * * - » * * * * • » * - N f c < M " » « » * '

WOMEN'S & CHJLDRENS SHOP - Rendy-to-Wear Hei^chsUidiM

C. B., W. 4*frAMERICAN L A ^ ^ A N l H f E M O - ^ - - . "CORSBTS' -



Of-course you ar* going to t a t e oat FIRE ^l&SURANCK sonre d a y : — T h e graveyard Is full o t men who "are g o ­ing to." Remember delays are-danger­ous . ^Take o u t V p b l i c y wlth^us. We will treat you r i g h t

NICKS IROS. Opposite- Station, Summit, N. J.

Telepkene Call tJ Real Estate and Insurance



TeL *3» 5*9 Spriagfleld Aye.

srsuirr, H. J; —



• i i • ' I ,

& t e Tar i-f L . -~" " t^ -^4 . ^^-1t ' ~ . . . . . ^ I * - ^ . . . .. .it-H. n--iifnriiisitf-- II ifir""'i'iJBtiBi JrsM

Page 10: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with

'gtQgB&sgmes&Kassi J«i«f i^ fe&j rapsa «-H , - * -

~***f£i*ai:l ,•;, . ., j j . 1' .,,„, ,„if.. i P

T T T ' W ' v t i

.. COBB-

Mfwittm 3QM, SAtE—Bwmrig*. *»«*

rj. chicken


"Ste jeppfe »» M O W P R O V I D E t ttSiSTMAS MOftEY during •«»•

__»y_ •Turing- jalMcrwtkiU for the Journal wwt-^cowt-JtoWr 47 New Y*rk City.

PKOV1DE fw their re time,

Guard Park

O K L E m d X X K S n C E PAINTING gSFAUlMG. AsjMt tor Vrockwmy

* M T fis. £ DOMESTIC HELP of all kind* supplied, da*

ttTstMTTURE repaired juul pat in first-class

*»4 Cabincamkcr. 473 Springfield avenue N. J. TcL » J .

afisssass S 9 M , Mtt ainiirr HMtALD.,ramA3CgBCTjai8feJL^E

TI7SW»T». - J t

(Mar I t o n ; HHl Siattan.-

FOR SAlEr-Saxon Stx. 1916 Model, it condition; alto Ford Conpelet. 1917 sJtfdeL

:If-4tartfr; shock absorbers, and all im-Jonea. 47 Hillere^t!_^__

IJ8TRIJPTI0N. IT I I 1 I I M W I M I — 1 * 1 •U

YlfU^^lMSTSUCTION^Otie hour lesson 7; cents. L. P. Chudoha, 43 Beauvoir avenue.

52-4 a:

CEDDIS' NEW FIREPROOP GARAGE Car* wanted for storage. Garage open all night. All ealb promptly attended to.

Geodi*. 40-tf

MONEY TO LOAN—On first mortga from $1,500 to M.000.

Agency, llaols •trect. %'

and Mortgage . Estate ta pawn

to N H borrower. Send In your application EUGENE C PIERSON, S Union place.

N. I. »-»* •STORE FIXTURES MADE TO ORDER, . furniture repaired, refuraiihed and\ repolish-

t d , also all kinds of Carpenter work , . Satis-faction guaranteed, Frank W i x w a t , Summit , N . J., Phone ItWaR, • ! _ • ' - ' . 44.14

rroRAOE — Hoi^*g_ . Warehouse, only fireproof storage in

160 Broad

STORAGE AND MOVING-^The largest and equipped warebouse^ind storage ,kvJM;

> (SHa^aa!*** service, tn auto Railroad airentoe.-'.

T k W w a t i ' i Kkcaaajre.

Th« Wonwa'aTE^tcluaBge la open; and very attractive cons ignment* are be­ing received every day. W e nave some unusual ly pretty novelt ies , do l l s In baskets , painted "glass ware, and all

wardrobe. - ~w"e uvvite" our friends t c come and see the Exchange , and we would l ike our consignors to send their work as soon a s possible.—Adv.

• wag-—g—» tsai

l a Behalf of the Hfleat Majority.

The following letter from Summit was recently sent to the New York Times: '

You have a lways placed the ques­tion ofl^Woman Suffrage before yo readers with sucbnsaae and soundrjrj Boning, you have; «6 cons i s tent ly deal t with the fundamental pbjectlpna a s you s e e tbem, refusing to follow the emotional and superficial lean of many of the writers and speakers on the




(Continued from Page One.)

r piAcfc 'KALTV C O M P A N Y U J

* Npuce"» bereb wtth the 'terms- ol 17. 2», 3 9 T " "

aid in fooling the inspecting officers. From three to four thirty each after-

-grvert «at it*-the mortgage, bonds No*.

wd-W. of T»o Kent Place

« n r e t » e n r « » ^ ^ ^ r ^ r ^ V - in ™ ^ date interest on'aforesa.d ^ " ^ " V * * ^ , On presentation of; the »bove |o The Sumw.t Trust Company on or after October 15»h, 1917, p iy^nt ofViacip.1 and interest w.Il be

noon signal practice gives an .interest? lo„ flrtn, xhat hsn hfffn lagkJi»^ hgJgtQi fore, "some or the men are gett ing expert , others very good. S o m e of the men. are S e a s , Petersqn t A. Russe l l . Llnde, Stevens , Severynse , BaHent lne , S tephens . Plcoli.^Reeve, and Miller; a

f» divided i n t o ""three c l a s s e s , *i a r the first one may graduate t o t h e / s e c ­ond and third; thus giving a zest that might otherwise h e lack ing- The Morse and Continental oodes with nag instrument and he/Hograph are


sa r

of th i s COUD-* •© _ M , Joyjilly that you wil l

subject, that the ^j^£who8e _ rights^yoj defended have no fail them now

In the New York Times of Septem-ber^Tth, Mrs.^|uttrina' Trask begs with her n a i n e vgTSClousness that you do not use your "brilliant pen** 'against the ca '

A n b u l a a e e Men Mate HH at Syracowe urch.

Nathaniel Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L / A u B t i n . of New England avenue, Wrote to his parents here un­der date of Monday, giving an interest­i n g / a c c o u n t of a church service 4n

racuse attended by men of Ambul­ance Co. No. 38 of Summit. The letter in part fo'Hows*^~'"""V~~"_'7™"~^"™"~";

g ' H O t y Secretary ar id'Treasurer .

I F F ' S S A L E — I n Chancery of N e w Jet^ yty. B e t w e e n Haime Rubin, et ux. , c«ni-frrairt ,and Samwel Kati e t a U defcnd»rtt.

. f a r f o r - ^ a t e - o f mortgaged premises^ B y virtue of the *bo»Mtated writ of fieri

facias to m e directed J shall expose for sale by pttWie^ v e n d u e , at, the Sherift>_effJc.e >n the Court House , in the city of fcluabefh, N . J., on W E D N E S D A Y , T H E S E V E N T E E N T H D A Y

OF OCTOBER, A. D., 1917. at two o'clock in the afternoon of laid day^

.Ml that tract or pared of lands and prem-' lyirrg—and freiny _in the -Cjiftf -of

e County Of UTHTtilrTna^SniTeM)^

,'S Employment Office fur>4 white or colored. Si Railroad

Mtf one 77iR,-Swnmit, N. J.

UPHOLSTERY AND CABINET WOR! -•rFine Furniture- James Long's SonvMJO

Springfield avenue. Summit, N. T.'^'Plione 10S-J. / 46-tf

L<»ST—Friday. September pin with- "To ledo war One dollar reward if I5 M I T H E R A L D .

I . O S l - ^ A cameo 1 vine gold set I 130 M.

L O S T — O n Phone 4'

ih, a steel hut lut t lc axe hrad

n\ office of S l ' M

<t|>|u, old fjs l i ionrd grape Finder please te lephone

September I Reward

gentleman'^ vest

l-OCWB. Ht^t 'Nl*—niue knitted scarf in front of Trmrr

C o , Xucuday • . m. , owner may se ture same at H E K A L D office by paying advet t i l ing roTtr — — • - — — —

F O U N D — O n Amwuck Hil l , licit to s w c i t e i • Owner may have same by callunj at HI',RA1,1I office and paying advettfting cmt», 1 1 ' • ' I ' ^ t >_

WAHT8D. H E L P W A N T E D — G i r l for light howaeworV,

mornings or afternoon*', three tn family, 2H S h i d y m l e avenue .

W A N T E D — Five-noom h m n c ur a iar tmrut , about t i O a month A i l d i e t i " t . , " cate S U M M I T H E R A L D .

W A N T E D — W a s h i n g to fake home, good work, reasonable price. " H o m e , " care H E R A L D


re t i of us sat up In^the choir and led the s inging. There was an audience Of o v e r i',000 peop le present. They've certainly got » 4 i » e wire^^as a pastor,

she fcas recent ly made hiTJ T h e church. e w e s -its development ^o a large ex ten t ' to the Bil ly Sundayveam% palgn in ./Syracuse. During/"the cjtm-Trask admit s that s h e believed

tofore that "Woman's sphere i s a ucb^wjder^and"higher sphere t h a n

Suffrage could bring; that the mis ­sion of motherhood, whether personal or universal, is the most g lor ious mis­s ion that could be granted her."

But to her mind, the emergency of War seems to put aside this lofty ideal a s a "psychological objection."

One would think that the* terrible scourge of w a r should place a tenfold

At this critical moment, when men prominent in political life, headed by our good President himself, seemingly forget our numbers and our claim, may w e plead for the continued sup-p o r t j i n d Influence of your "brilliant pen."

ANNE C O R U E S ADAMS. Vice Pres. N, J- Asso . Opposed to

Woman's Suffrage. Summit, N. J„ September 11th.

" Yesterday -evening in response to %f ^ very cordjal Invitation about 26 ffFT lows went down to the Methodist church in Syracuse and took charge of the musical part of the evening service. We certainly g o j i a / # a r m re­cept ion . O n e otL tM„Mlf i iM^JMsrM Howie , of East Orange, )fi crack or­ganist . He played th^rorgair and the

paign I believe the church member­ship mcreasea-Trom 1,400 t o 2,000, Doctor Downey has taken a great in­terest in the work among the soldiers of Syracuse. Over 50 soldiers have affiliated themselves with h i s church. One of our fe l lows, Howard Renig, who sang tenor in one of the large New York churches , before he Joined the company, s a n g three so los . He made quite a hit, and to the surprise

value on this first and greates t d u t y Qf m a n y of the fe l lows the audience of Woman to her Country and to the race, "Unprecedented work of hand and head," ah, yes , there is al l that and more, for there will be aching and broken hearts for many- of- w»i and are we of the Silent Majority who have no time or thought to spare! for the s truggle to maintain our freedom from political responsibil i ty and strife, to have no champions to speak fof-tt* now-and -at the -polls?


WANTEI A .Ctrl or Woman for general house-ork; mutt he a good «artrc*.«,

niic who and iilisi.i would be

'>< lutely c lean and ncitt ^ ^ _ willing to l ive in quiet household in country. N o washing llunRarKin _ , i r l'olisli pre ferred. Wnges | J S ttt) Cull all d,t> O XvTwjjod avenue , Summit , N I,

WANTI-'D—-Single . Nrvi ^ ork IHIMIH-S< KOIUHL wants room and huaid »uJi Prt>tc»tant f , imil\ .

-Kinwmit—u f m i m i f i m m l u d M -HrcTitini a veruie; Jama,icaJ_J,_J_J_ !N_Y

S\LESL\PY necessary, fctrctt.

tt'VNTH) I-^ |'< rieiu e not S •«-. 1 : Maple


Trt« Ancisnt Scspter. The Hebrew wottl ' trans-luted- h'

"scepter" uriglmtlly monnt a nxl or n stoflT and WIIM the wand of a ruler. Ii was thence applied to tbe shepherd cn»ok (Leviticus sxvi i , :{'J; Mil all ~ 14).

It may be inferred that tbe-sweptet-of ejtrly~IIe4«revv -tlmeH-^vflSi—tw«*le-^f- • wotxl.-Tl»e ^iet+ter-r»f-t4»e Persian m*«> areh Is de«»crl^ed as "g"ldon"—that I"; probably of massive gold (E»tbe

applauded him and gave him an encore whetf he sang, "I'll Go Where You W ^ n t ^ i e t o Go." Renlg himself didn't know what to do., He evidently hadn't encountered any of the Billy Sunday spirit. He certainly does know how to sing. It g ives you a certain pride in the company when you h a v e men of that Bort in it,

"Doctor Downey spoke on the sub-Tect, "Soldiers in Christ:"" He said thatr it's a mighty comfortable f e e l i n g - o n the batt le field to know that there's someone beside you ready to he lp you out i n , a pinch. He pointed out then the necess i ty of keeping 'Christ near you at al l t imes. It was a mighty helpful service all the way through, and of course the fe l lows were all the more interested because of the part we had in It. After the Benedict ion an Invitation was given to become a Christian. There was no response, due I suppose to the novelty of the idea and because the majority of our bunch are already church members. After the service we were treated like celebrit ies . Everybody came down and shook hands with us and several of the fe l lows got invitations to come to dinner and spend the night. They a l ­most made us forget we were soldiers. About_ten machines called for us and took "us "TiacTi?* ~ " — — -

Summit in tue1 County N e w Jersey . '

B E G I N N I N G at the point o i intersect ion of the Northerly l ine of Franklin P lace and tba Easterly line of Summit A v e n u e , thence run­n i n g ( 1 ) Northerly along the Easterly l ine of Summit Avenue*>ighty-three f e e t ; thence ( 2 ) Fasterly on right angles to Summit A v e n u e i i inetv feet ; thence (J) southerly parallel to Summit A v e n u e , o n e hundred and four feet more or less JO the Northerly l ine of Frankl in P lace: thenc^ ( 4 ) Westerly a long the Northerly hue ot Franklin IMace to place of Beginning .

/ - " G E O R G E C. O T T O , Sheriff.

A T W O O D ' L . B E C O S T E R ; Sol'r.

r • • • • , - - : - - F e e t , | i G , S 4 JJ&SII


according to the old proberb, is next to Godliness.

A clean mind and a clean body ~ contribute greatly to


the greatest s ingle b less ing that w e c a n poss ib ly 'possess .


i s the natural result of c leanl i ­n e s s and


produces al l three .


sfraastfsit, N . J . 271


. ImpottCTiMJroccre OUT the Frtbtrtag fffirta-, f w FWDAY, _

,— ."; SATBtojfcY «M woiqfcaSi^^ _ ' St'vJAlt—Granulated S u g a r . 7 ihavJsV^ 3*4 ibs^ - ^ j _ —

- WH'P—Hancock B r a n d Chlckag. 8 o * p , per « „ l 2 _ dozen. t a - f ^ W h t t e l C i n g Brand Squab Soap , p e j e a n it**. ^ ' ~ dozen __ *_ ' _ * f£


Shredded Wheat , per p a c k a g e ._ ^ - — Q n a k e r ^ h r t a r ' D e r package . - ^ - . T - .. .--.-.-r^- 1«\. _ _, King G e o r e e Cereal , ner p a c k a g e ^a , " Hbiled oats, TlRtf-tt«; per lb ..-.: :^rnrzr^ ~ ^ ' ^ "

PRACKEBS—Spec ia l box assorted Sunsh ine T'ratV,^, ^ r

box „ •-...- —. 3^,

DATES—Dromedary Dates , new pack, per pk*. n , .

BEANS—White Rose Baked Beans , per c a n j ^ .

SABOTNES—California Sardines , H-lb= t ins . * ;*; i 4 . l b

t ins --,- • -^

KINti (»EOK(;E F L O t R .

Old Wheat Flour. Very spec ia l , per barrel . 1 4 ^ * ; t , ! . -TI , I 13fo% l arge sack, l^iS} smal l sack j ^

_ _ — • — • -

PREAMETTES—-More de l ic ious than Macaroni, p* r ,,ui k-age . - - — »!<-

PHOW PHOW— Heinz's Chow Chow, large jars . ea< h" ; > Delphi Rel ish, per jar _ ±\r

JAMS—Curtice Bros . ' J a m s , al l var ie t ies , each ~ •£%? ~

TEA ANO COFFEE—All 50c grades Tea , per lb l v Special Brand Coffee,, per lb. 2«r

PORK ANI> B E A N S — T a n e y Pea B e a n s for baking ptr >. 17c ; Marrow Beans , per lb . . is,-Salt Pork, p e r - l b . fc *««"

HOrSEHOLT» DEPABTMENT—C. M. D . Floor Oil .ail. P

cans^, special , 1.10; %-gal lon ^tins, 7 8 r ; quart t ins , each J.>

B P T C H E B WAX—1-lb. t ins , regularly 55c. special P»r: j - , | , , - titM*,.J-£gularly 1.10, specia l , each . K e f 4-lb, tins,'-regutarly 2 2t.

specia l , each „^.....'.. ...V„„,„;..^n.".^.......,V.„..„.„...,„....'.... .. I3ii

m i S T - 0 OIL—For al l household use s , c a n s and sprays <i;n-bined; regular ly 75c, special..,..„„.„_..„..,...,....„.......,w. „ _ ~ . ® c

' , • . 1 .. — = = . *o — ;

-__^_r"~ • '"^"-'—

Dr. Jackson H. Becker Dr. Jessie L Becker

T e l e p h o n e Market 13&7 459 High S t , Cor. Market St . , NEWARK, >'-1


W A N T E D — I n p n v a l r . Pi-.tt slant tanuli gent leman en caged in id iuatt . inal work comfortable, *nniiv an.l—jjiuct ri^iinv^ »U1

, am*H dSTudV--adi*4nt|ijt;"1t pvsslWf, in 1ioit*e-" " with e l c i t r u Uu'ds .i»'l t t l iphj i iu W o u l d

also want hfeakfant s "' l fue l l ing d inner , _ gojid-hmtif ciMiVtitg Ad-dti-is. J i o i j 5 5 . tare

H E R A L D * -~ - ;_ _

R ^ f i r J i R -WANTl ' .D—Splendid opnortinHtv for a jji i ing. m a n , ur a middte-agwl'cs.X'tts;

"ienceTThai i_ Hoard mi' p icmises \I desired <?«H." phnp«L3NtO?-W. Untot jv i l^ . or write F l o v d , ' l V o \ ~ 7 t . L'ni - i - l * ^iinllillf.inTii J.

W A N T E D O P K R A T ^ t S w - E K p e r i e n c e d o n „ i n -- TantsT~wIiite d r e & e s ; steady worlK It. "Xib-

- n U L a n FrankTin place-, corner Summit aye-. . ' ' I • ' T-JT3 . . . , - J H - •< * . = - * ^ - - ^ - r - — - ~ * v ~ r—^JT-» 1 ^ *

_ nue. «

Ancient Embroidery. - In Exodus the "embroiderer*1- Is- eoti trasted with the "cnnnlng workman ' The a r f o f embroidery by the loom wa extenslvuly—pxactined. by-the J ia t iau i i?_ autUjtiity. The EjO'l'tlans and Unit.11

lonians were not»sl for.it. Einhioidui -with the needle was n I'hrjt:iau l n \ e i loHitf a inter- date. . " ~—

W A N T E D — L e a r n e r s on infants ' white dresses . _ p a i d whi le learning, ft. Libman. 90 Frank-il foi-A- i i m l ] > l e n n a - t ie">^\i 1

a n place, c o m e r Summit a v e n u e . 44-tf



T w o X>£tyi Thmrsdatfam

\Clearly Explained. L-oft's.>o_ij what—hi -^

Iierlphni^h?> v - -

Went Summit A. A. < lo ses With Fine Record.

T h e West- Summit ^Athletie-Assoela-tion h a s just concluded a most "suc­cessful baseball season. In which i t

-frequently played teams supposedly much stronger than its own , but suc­ceeded in winning-fourteen out of the e ighteen games p l a y e d ^ " -"-ur"-

The. fo l lowing was tnV roster of -the. "leamS— Raymond -Ahern, r.f.;"" Fred Behre, r.f .rWalteir Behr, scorerr^iBeo-Blatt, l,f.; C. "Boin,. s corer ; George

"Mudniu, itM* simply ( irvtunlo if o M l i i l t .

•sonorti^iiy. eirciiui4*! ribluc nn-utnm 1 ideality W t in a "verbal iirMtunflTty.**

"ThnnU \ou . ^ir." F O R HFX-T 1 ' iuatr garage, 5^ T>e Fores t '

avenue , $5 iW pri moiilh Apply on prcm ises . if

~ _ _ _ _ — _ — i J j 1ST L E T — i J ' t , K ' I I K I M.niiitain and Division

aveniien; t i \ e loom 1 «it IRC 1le1.tin.1n. lour acrei . frmts W V Wrl.'.F T'> t>aklin. | TfTiact , N t « a f ^ , N .1 tl

10a. - G o n w j ^ ^A=h.j

- ^ = -

Announcement to Epicureans!

The services of His R o y a l H ighnes s Prince Ranji Smile , the celebrated

NICELY FURNISHED R O O M and excellent j Hindoo Epicurean, have been engaged table board. 32 Walnut street . ** • ' . ."X . . . .

T»> HE NT AppW " \

D e s k ro. t in 111 a IT . .ut R . " c a i c I I K K \ I . D

I ' f u f '


F0%r#AEfc for a period of t ime, and he^will be In

— „^^iAttendaTac«^n-the Restaurants of the .RJJBTfltT TREAT H O T E I r dnrifig

TmsTrcf sirnini 'Luncheon, Dinner, and Bupper, w h e r e

1\K*1 breed tor winter un vnv.r sto.'„ Phiiue S hav

$ ; 00 and %2 <«1. * egg* and to lnnld

rvt i i tngs , 3S5 T. W

F O R S \ I . E — S m a l l kiUtui) st. v e ; u«cd fine t tn. i -L, 'tS -\-pplv Ziu \ l o r i i i _ a v u i u e

-4frM-e-^sill he prppared and Berygd, hy

Ed'- Cook. c.f.; _'A. Gulzwfller, u m p f f i T George Hynes , catcher; John Hynesii t^t b.; A. E. Jackson , manager,; S. Lane, r.f.; J. l^awrence, p i tcher; WmT Miller. 1st te and catcher; A- Moll tor, c.f. and pitcher; R. Nelson, s .s .; "Ted" Reavoy, l.f. and pitcher; W. Rubsa-racn, a.s. and pitcher; Louis Schrumpf,-c f . ; John Shea, 2nd b . ; , H. Slebert. - S n d b . — - *• -, . - - i -*-

Qf the above Bulh, F. Behr. Bur­nett, Cook. Lane, Lawrence , Ne l son and Reayey have entered? either the army or ~navy of the United States. Other members of the associat ion who have also joineaVthe colors are G. Fal-•kenburg, ?»./Grayer, G. Rei l ley, F . Stahl and C, Thompson.

The offtcefs of the associat ion are: president." Robert B a r n e s ; ¥ le«-president. Wil l iam T y s o n ; .BfeClfliaOL and treasurer. Louis E. Stahl .- The

MR. FREMRKK WARDE IKSTROlKJ iT i r a^ IS^QWWPLETfe TO THE I r T l i W r c s t l l E T t t S .

THE-V^AR-OFr. AWSTmrnxmE wauRiZATioNDF (KIVER G(osiwrrtrs mm®

_ CLASSIC -1 _ _ T H R E E 5 H O W 5 DAILY

a J>

wATimfirzw ~=~ "EyENIrIG;^7-3tJT 9.0* NO ADVANCE IN PRICEJS

him Hindoo ftnd Curry D i s h e s , y Prince Ranji Smile is famous thrpugh-

i out the Restaurants of Europe and in 1 this country. . -

T O R S A L E O y i p . »,i'tiut t>t.!. uptight piano. porch aWwvtJg*. in 1 f a m e s small—mangle, mahogany w.inlr..tic, s cuu ig m u h m e AppK between 5 and '.. at 0 t l jk ki . lge a>rnttr

T O R S V L F , Fi>R IUV.fr h l e c t n r 111


%TW~i A S H — \ $i,(Vln IH-rfevt repair , tiatterie*

itl condit ion and l u \ e only V*"" t , » c i **«*.m.—A^r- nFnysTrcrl ^ r g a m . .\ddre*5-1 . _ I * ^ P r c u t . _ S j i i n m i . > 1 J. _ ^ ,

• n v r m- \T t r y VKi-i-<-vw^-P^^fTyfw-r»T •ean-nig I 'ncrs $1 00 to S2 0 0 per 16-quart tias^rt i . e n . l ing to Jfrade Fat toute Ttro».,

I Fruit and p o u l t r y '-Farm. Bal tu iro l R o a d , Trleptione ScS J . ^



-~ ulafly" anxious for

season was so prosperous financially that It w a s not- found necessary t o sol ic i t any contributions for the sup^ port of the associat ion.


PluaaMaff and Heat ing, Tinning







FnmaceB Cleaned and Bepalred

Best work at Reasonable Prices . ** Van J>j_ke W a c e ~ ^ I d - J U f e K

lf< >R S \ I . E - Brnwn willow l«nV carriage in ' «<KM! condi t ion; reasonable P h o n e J44-M 1

^ =L - _ _ ' - : —52JJ _1_ ^ - i — ' • — * * . • . . • . ^ . , ^ ^ ' .

, r"R S VLK 1416 Studebaker. seven pikaenger touring car; first-class condition; rttn only q.tWO -mite*." Apply—"X." V\ 2..." «are HERALD.

cajre and precision in the filling of ^"Prescription send-4tto

»JnC tOR SAtE—303 Takedown Savage. - cellent "condition; no reasotiahle oner -re-

hties*, ^AiMress C. IL Smith, *S Mountain avenue.

-'k. - > I * j b T 75 ^T-TOQ-rChy w a t e r ; eTectritT T»

%ttfatfsDni Start Ami


Cornice and Sky Light Makings i Statet T>lct Abestoe Shingle and

Composition Roofing Hot Air Heat ing

•—is - « r » » r r r # f ?- § i ¥ THE WON Dm ..., VOLCANO $C£N£

Corrugated Iron Work ' ~~ ~ Tinning^ Gotter and Leader Wofft



Matiiie&^J TPWCES

Balcony. v v , 25c, 50c

-Sywiiig—Main Floor

~ i *

Owing to the Numerous Demand for Seats Reservations Sbould be V ^ T«L^ rei^^QTTJrtown


_^2Sc ,50e , i5c


JP:* * - LC^TUSpt

Page 11: aJ%^Wf MJDL - DigiFind-It€¦ · NaUonal Army farewell. The lack ofjhyjance work, and the sports lo_.cume formality £n ihe occasion did not in later on in the week are awaited with




'V v-' / .





4 ™ F =

» 1






"J " f c : ' . . • • • » '

• i ) .v ' t , .
