Aizawl Doc

affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas Affordable Bamboo Housing in Earthquake Prone Areas An International Workshop Organised by: Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC) Government of Mizoran International Network for Bamboo And Rattan

Transcript of Aizawl Doc

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affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas

Affordable BambooHousing in EarthquakeProne Areas

An International Workshop Organised by:

Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC)Government of MizoranInternational Network for Bamboo And Rattan

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affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas

Affordable BambooHousing in EarthquakeProne Areas

At Berawtlang Tourist Complex,Aizawl, Mizoram, India

From 29th October to 11th November, 2001

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Bamboo is one of the oldest building materials availablein nature with which human could interact. It is used formany applications in the field of construction, particularlyin developing countries. It is strong and light weight andavailable in different sizes. It does�t need to be processedmuch before its use. It also does�t need to be finishedmuch in construction. It is also a fast growing plant whichis also planted commercially for production. In spite ofthese, the use of bamboo has been largly restricted totemporary structures and lower grade buildings due tolimited natural durability, difficulties in joining, a lack ofstructural design data and exclusion from building codes.

With diminishing wood resources and restrictions imposedon felling of trees the focus shifted on the need to identifya substitute material, which should be renewable, envi-ronment friendly and widely available. In this context bam-boo is ideally placed to become a principal engineeringand construction material for the future.

Taking all these factors into consideration, the Interna-tional Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing,China, the United Nations Industrial Development Orga-nization (UNIDO), the Cane and Bamboo TechnologyCentre (CBTC), Guwahati and the Government of

Mizoram jointly embarked upon this idea of organizing atraining workshop on affordable bamboo housing in earth-quake-prone areas.

The workshop is intented to transfer Latin American earth-quake-resistant and affordable bamboo housing technol-ogy to India and to adapt it to local needs. Two LatinAmerican consultants, Mr. Jorge Moran Ubidia (Architectand Director, Hoger de Christo Foundation/Lecturer, Uni-versity of Guayaquil, Ecuador) and Mr. Juan CarlosJaramillo (Architect, Armenia, Colombia) conducted theworkshop.

This document is a compilation of the workshop conductedat Berawtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram on �AFFORDABLE BAM-BOO HOUSING IN EARTHQUAKE PRONE AREAS� dur-ing 29th October to 12th November, 2001.

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1 Preface2 Acknowledgement ................................ 013 Introduction .......................................... 024 Workshop Agenda................................. 055 Inaguration........................................... 066 Presentation-resource people................. 087 Presentation-participants........................ 168 Presentation-treatment........................... 209 Construction of Model house................. 2110 Joints.................................................... 2511 Bamboo pole base casting.................... 2812 Introduction to machines....................... 2913 Assignment 1........................................ 3014 Visit to Traditional Mizo house............... 3815 Assignment 2........................................ 3916 Drawings of model house...................... 4517 Construction continue............................ 4718 Tools.................................................... 4919 Feed back............................................. 5020 Closing Function.................................... 5121 Construction continue............................ 5322 Group Photograph................................ 6323 Conclusion........................................... 6424 Refferences........................................... 66

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First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the role played

by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization

(UNIDO), the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan

(INBAR) and the Government of Mizoram for converting a dream

into a reality.

The workshop was attended by as many as 86 participants in-

cluding one each from Ecauador, Colombia, Germany, Nether-

lands, China and U.K. and two from Ghana. Other participants

from outside the state are Karnataka (1), Kerala (1), Maharastra

(1), Gujarat (1), Indian Army (1), Arunachal Pradesh (3),

Nagaland (1), Assam (20), Manipur (5), Tripura (2) and Mizoram

(40). The participants also represent various international, na-

tional and state level agencies such as TRADA, INBAR, BARNET,


Departments, LAD, RD etc.

I would be failing in my duty if I do not thank the following partici-

pants for their wonderful contribution; among them are Mr. Jorge

Moran Ubidia, Dr. Ralf Kwaschik, Mr. Juan Carlos Jaramiillo,

Mr. Fitri Mardjono, Mr. Don Lionel Jayanetti, Dr. Jagdeeshan,

Mr. T. P. Subramony, Mr. Bipul Das as indeed a host of others.

I would also like to extend my heartiest thanks to the Hon’ble

Chief Minister of Mizoram, Mr. Zoram Thanga, who was kind

enough to take time of his busy schedule and inaugurate this

workshop. I am also thankful to the Hon’ble Minister for Indus-

tries of the Govt. of Mizoram, Pu. K. Thangzualla, the Chief

secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Pu. H. V. Lalringa, the offi-

cials of the Industries and the Forest Departments of the Govt.

of Mizoram and my personal thanks to Mr. Thang Chuanga,

Project Manager (Bamboo), Department of Industries, Govt. of

Mizoram for having made this workshop possible.

I would like to place on record the wonderful contribution made

by the staff of the Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre,

Guwahati for their unstinted support and hard work rendered

before and after the workshop. I extend my personal thanks to

Shri Partha P. Majumdar, the Project Manager, Shri Anjal

Goswami, Trainer and Shri H. P. K. Singh, Trainer for their sup-


Last but not the least, I would like to express my sincere grati-

tude to all the participants for having put in their best possible

efforts in making this huge event a great success.01

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Bamboo, as such, does not need any introduction. It isamongst the fist materials available in nature with whichhuman ingenuity could interact. Much before tools to cuttrees were discovered, bamboo was cut and split by stonetools for multifarious uses. Lashed together by vines fromtrees, men made use of bamboos to make rafts, enablingthem to cross water bodies. The multitude of uses to whichbamboo could be put to ranged from mats on floors tobamboo walls plastered with mud onto thatched roofs onbamboo understructure. Bamboo gave humans the hol-low reed (flute) for music and its bending force made itsuitable for the bow. The original potter�s wheel was madeout of bamboo, rope and mud. Bamboo work, therefore,can be considered as the mother of all artisan skills. Allover the tropical and equatorial regions of the globe whereit grows, bamboo in its varied and multifarious forms isstill available in plenty and used on a huge scale.

Bamboo meets human needs in a thousand and moreways - from modest sewing needles to walls and roofs, instools and cots, as food and fodder, and from ladders tomountain bridges

Needless to say, bamboo is the oldest and most versatilebuilding material with many applications in the field ofconstruction, particularly in developing countries. It isstrong and lightweight and can often be used without pro-

cessing or finishing. In spite of these clear advantages,the use of bamboo has been largely restricted to tempo-rary structures and low-grade building due to limited natu-ral durability, difficulties in jointing, a lack of structuraldesign data and exclusion from building codes and manu-als.

Although India owns the most extensive bamboo forestsin the worls, this extraordinery good fortune does not seeto have dawned much wisdom upon our policy planners.With diminishing wood resources and restrictions imposedon felling of trees, particularly after the Supreme Courtimposed a ban on such activities, the focus shifted on the



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need to identify a substitute material, which should berenewable, environment friendly and widely available. Inview of its rapid growth rate, a ready adaptability to mostclimatic conditions and properties superior to most juve-nile fast growing wood bamboo emerges as a very suit-able alternative. It is in this context that bamboo is ideallyplaced to become a principal engineering and construc-tion material for the twenty-first century and beyond. Be-sides, bamboo constructions are easy to build, resilient towind and even earthquakes and are readily repairable inthe event of damage and that too at a very low cost.

Taking all these factors into consideration, the Interna-tional Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing,China, The United Nations Industrial Development Or-


ganization (UNIDO), the Cane and Bamboo TechnologyCentre(CBTC), Guwahati and the Government of Mizoramjointly embarked upon this idea of organising a trainingworkshop on affordable bamboo housing in earthquake-prone areas.

The rational behind holding the event in this region is tomake the people aware of the advantages of low-costbamboo based housing and also take into account thefact that this is seismically sensitive zone. The Workshopwill also focus on transfer of Latin American earthquake-resistant and affordable bamboo housing technology toIndia and to adapt it to local needs. In this connection,two Latin American consultants, Mr. Jorge Moran Ubidia,Director, Hoger de Christo Foundation and Mr. JuanCarlos Jaramillo, Architect, Colombia, conducted thisfor fifteen-day Workshop. At the same time, experts fromdifferent places participated in the workshop as resourcepersons

The Workshop was focussed on the practical aspects ofaffordable bamboo housing. It introduced the construc-tion systems and use of the bamboo in building houses inEquador and Colombia to the participants. The event washighly interactive and participants got an opportunity forhands-on learning experience.

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The Target group for the workshop was basically the localpeople, local authorities, designers, architechts, builders,development practitioners, policy makers,etc. from theNorth-east and from other parts of India as well as inter-ested overseas participants and technical assistance agen-cies.

This workshop is a success and helped participants andothers who closely involved in the field of bamboo.


Mizoram, a mountainous region that became the 23rdState od Indian Union in February 1987, has an area of21081 sq. km and is sandwiched between Myanmar in

the east and the south and Bangladesh and Tripura in thewest with its northern frontiers touching Assam andManipur States. The state capital is Aisawl. Mizoram liter-ally translated means �Land of the Highlanders�. The hillsare steep with an average height of about 900 meters. Itsgreen thick forest is rich in flora and fauna. Bamboo playsa very important role in the mizo society.

The venue of the workshop was at the scenic Berawtlangtourist complex, about eight kilometers from the city ofAizawl.


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Workshop Agenda:Monday, 29th October:Arrival and registration of participantsTuesday, 30th October:09.30 - 10.30 Registration of participants11.00 - 12.00 Inauguration14.30 - 15.30 History of the use of Guadua in Colombia andEcuador, Jorge Moran Ubidia and Juan Carlos Jaramillo15.30 - 16.30 Improved construction systems in Equadoreand Colombia, Jorge Moran Ubidia and Juan CarloseJaramillo16.45 - 17.45 Case study: Hoger de Christo FoundationEquadore, Jorge Moran UbidiaWednesday, 31st October:08.30 - 10.00 Works of Juan Carlos Jaramillo in Colombia10.15 - 11.30 India�s construction systems, Bipul Das11.30 - 13.00 Bamboos of NE India: Plantation, utilization,Dr. K. Haridasan and Kamesh Salam14.30 - 15.30 Status of seismicity in NE India and earthquakedisaster mitigation, Dr. R.P. Tiwari15.30 - 16.30 Design tool for bamboo building, Fitri Mardjono16.45 - 17.45 Activities of IPIRTI in the bamboo housing sec-tor, Dr, H.N. JagadeeshThursday, 1st November:08.30 - 10.00 India�s construction system, contributions byparticipants10.15 - 11.30 Discussion on advantages and disadvantagesof India�s construction systems, elaboration of proposals forimprovement, Moderators: Das, Salam, Moran, Jaramillo11.30 - 13.00 Natural and Chemical bamboo preservationmethods, preservation and discussion, Moran Jaramillo and

M/S Pest Control, Guwahati. Practical session on bamboochemical preservation by M/S Pest Control, Guwahati.14.30 - 16.00 Discussion and organization of afternoon prac-tical sessions, Moderators Moran, Jaramillo, Das16.00 - 17.45 Practical sessions: constructive system design,joints, constructive details, etc.Friday, 2nd November:08.30 - 13.00 Design session continued, Das Moran Jaramillo14.30 - 17.45 Presentation and Evaluation of previous ses-sion, discussion, Moderators: Das, Moran, JaramilloSaturday, 3rd November:08.30 - 16.30 Practical session on compounds, joints, etc.,1:1 scale, Das, Moran, Jaramillo16.45 - 17.45 Evaluation of previous sessions, discussions,Moderators: Das, Moran, JaramilloSunday,4th November:RestMonday, 5th November:08.30 - 16.30 Design session on complex architectural ele-ments16.45 - 17.45 EvaluationTuesday, 6th November - Saturday, 10th November:08.30 - 09.30 Activities of TRADA in the bamboo housingsector, Lionel Jayanetti and Paul Follet (Tuesday)08.30 - 17.45 Organization of groups for practical sessions.Parallel work on model house and on complex architecturalelements. Presentation of videos on special subjects. Field tripBamboo factorySaturday, 10th November:15.30 - 16.30 Closing function


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On tuesday, 30th October, The Hon�ble Chief Minister ofMizoram Mr. Zoramthanga had inaugurated the work-shop at Berawtlang. Mr. H.V. Lalringa, Chief Secretary of

Inaguration by Hon’ble Chief minister of Mizoram Mr. Zoramthanga

Guest of Honour, Hon’ble Minister of Industries, Mr. K. Thangzualla

Introductory speach, by Mr. Kamesh Salam CBTC, Guwahati

During the Inaugural function......

Mizoram, Dr. Ralf H.Kwaschik, INBAR, Dr. Juan CarlosJaramillo, Mr. L. R. Laskar, Secretary, Industries Depart-ment were attended the fuction


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During the Inaugural function......display of INBAR books, Chief minister observes the productsdisplayed, oppening song etc.


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History of the use of Guadua in Colombia andEcuador by Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. Juan Carlos

The bamboo has been always present in the AmericanHistory, but specially in Colombia and Ecuador. The ar-cheological and archeobotanical investigations have dem-onstrate some uses the man has given to this materialmore over than thousand years, by finding different in-struments and some houses ruins. The bamboo culturehas remarked the Colombian and Ecuadorian historythrough the times in differnt ways: it has been present inthe music, the popular traditions, the hunting, the fishing,the agriculture, the religion, the cooking, the recreation,the armory, and many other uses, many of them similar to Asia. In this speach he mentioned some historical ele-

ments from Equadore, that belong to the most remot times,and still today. In this special mention for the rural hous-ing, where the pragmatically knowledge given by the cen-turies is a real patrimony from the vernacular architecturefrom Ecuador. There is also a mention of the urban build-ing where the timber, initially used to build the Spaniardarmy boats transferred its use to the housing carpentergetting tied to the bamboo as a construction material.Finally there is demonstrated that the wrong way to con-struct with bamboo has become a symbole of misery antmarginality.


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Colombia is located in the western hemisphere, in theNW corner of the South America, has a coast in the At-lantic Ocean at North and in the Pscific Ocean at occident.The colombiam territory in general is formed by a moun-tainous region. A significant proportion of the urban struc-tures of the towns and cities, included the departmentalcapitals in the coffee axis, were built with differentbahareque and guadua constructive techniques. It meansthat the bahareque and the guadua have been intimatelybound to the urban historical growth of this importantColombian region, and even today in spite of the repeatedevents that have caused big destruction�s, many of thesestructures still up as a silent witness of the step of the yearsand as real examples of seismicresistant structures. However with the economic prosperity achieved by the coffeebusiness, these technologies stayed in the fields, and be-gan to show up in the cities new imported technologiesthat broke the urban structures and it began to hide thereality of the bahareque houses behind false facades madewith bricks or many other materials. The new widespreadtendency slowly change the physiognomy of the cities andthe bahareque and the guadua began to be consideredas poor�s technology.

In this new stage the biggest concern have been centeredin the immunization and preservation of the material. Theimmunization is essential as the guadua is a susceptibleto insects attack material like the termites. The preserva-tion has as an object to modify the chamical constitutionof the stems making them not attractive for the biological

agents or avoiding their development. The cut should bedone during the five days of bigger darkness of the lastquarter of the moon in the first hours of the day beforethe dawn (among 1:00 o�clock am. and 5:00 am) beingleft to ferment inside the bamboo forest for space of 20days as minimum. The Guadua presents three kinds ofwater inside: the Hygroscopic, the Molecular one, andfree one. Rhis last one is found among the cells and it isthe one that more easily gets lost, the hygroscopic is inthe waslla, and only gets lost by artificial drying processes,and the molecular humidity gets lost only by the total com-bustion. The ideal humidity average to work is 12%, as afact the drying is a good immunization.

The most useful drying methode in colombiais the naturalone that consists on cutting and leaving stopped the bam-boo cane inside the bushes during twenty days, at thistime it losses the freee water content, and then they are


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cutted into peieces and taken out of the guadual, and leftapproximately one month in vertical position using bigand light structures to chieve their relative humidity stabi-lization. since four years it was brought from Japan a dry-ing system adapted with smoke. The process consists onintroducing the guaduas in a closed space that can be anoven, where an incomplete combustion takes place toproduce the smoke, and in presence of water vapor, it isleft for a three weeks period of time.

The immunization system most commonly used in colombiaare those with chemicakl products, which are not acceptedby the developed countries. Compoud as the borax, bo-ric acid, the copper pentacloratum and formal amongothers are the must useful. The Immunization for injectionthat consists on applying 5 cm. of poison on each knotusing syringes, it can be done before or after the structureis built. The Boucheri method consists on making pass theimmunizing through the guadua fibers from one side toother.

besides the housing construction the guadua has beenused for furniture, musical instruments, paths, construc-tion and agricultural equipment, rural aqueducts, crafts,fences, stables, habitat for animals, sales places, kiosksamong many other.

The modern technology of bamboo began in Americawith the investigation and books written by Oscar Hidalgo,Jules Janssen, Walter Liese, Dr. Lionel Jayanetti and Follet

Improved construction systems in Equador andColombia, Jorge Moran and Juan Carlos.

The lecture contains some construction experience thathad been made with bamboo at the ecuadorial coast. Bythe use of air chamberswithin the walls and ceilling, suit-able ventilated, it eliminates the thermal conductivity ef-fects, producing comfor inside the construction. The cli-mate protection must be done as a clear design concept,and avoid the influence of the rain and humidity againstthe construction. Finally all the construction systems mayguarantee the earthquakes and strong wends preventing.The admissible coefficients of the differnt components fromthe building must be higher than the efforts they must re-sist under adverse conditions. Because of its lowest weight,this constructions will better resists on earthquakes, per-haps some of the components may fall down as the wallsmortar, the house will remain standing up and his habi-tants will be safe, some very good examples of this arethere in Colombia and CostaRica.

Seismic cultureThe nature and especially the earthquakes have shownthem the necessity to evaluate their own circumstanceswith their own elements, under their own culture and theerror of simply import just to be up to date. The last earth-quake of January 25th 1999 in the Colombian coffeeaxix, evidenced the fragility of the bad constructions builtwith seemingly stronger materials and that had desplaced


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the use of the guadua and the wood in urban centerslocated in areas of high seismic risk.

The foreign technologies that were imported in the past,and the constructions built without controls were reas-sessed and studied in the year of 1984, due to the trag-edy when a great intensity earthquake destroyed the his-torical city of Popayan, located in south Colombia. In thatmoment the National government approves a law thatrules for all the constructions to be build in the country,how ever in the one was�t included inside their articulatea norm for bahareque constructions. It was evidencedthe resistance and long-lasting of the bahreque construc-tions, that were silent witness of the disasters happened intheir surroundings, and they remained stand up in spiteof the destruction power showed not only in the past earth-quake, but of the repeated earthquakes that have strickenthem through their long existance years, being finallyable to call the attention of architects and engineers andto get now a space to be kept in mind as a material withexcellent physical mechanical properties of great adapt-ability and that it allows to create constructive seismic-resistant systems.

Juan Carlos adds his experience in sonstruction in Co-lombia with guadua as a hobby than a job. By his ownexperiments and investigation works with guadua is fun-damentally to prosecute the use of this material in a me-dium social stratum where it can be acequible to a biggerquantity of the population, without falling into folkloric

examples, but basig on the magnificent example that mas-ters like Simon Velez has carries out for high strata.

The social Interest house was designed by the architectSimon Velez who donates this design to several entitieslike the INBAR, The National Federation of Coffee Grow-ers of Colombia and the Government of the Quindio,searching for dignify the social interst housing. The de-sign comes out of a perfect 5x5 mts. square that has anappendix in of 1.5 mts. at the back where the stairway iscentered to ascend to the second floor, and in the front asa symmetrical balnce stands out a generous balcony inthe second floor that sconforms the access porch.

Life Park Auditorium in northern Armenia capital of theQuindio department in Colombia. Taking advantage ofa natural depression of the land in this place was de-signed the auditorium. In front of this natural flight of stepswas built as an acostic shell a space that seems to befloating over the water and that seems to be a very lightstructure that does�t break up with the landscape that leanson in autochthonous and characteristic materials from theplace and that allows a permanent visual through it andtowards all the places of the park. The structure basicallyis a sample of propping up guadua that gives the sensa-tion of great eave that makes it seem much lighter than itreally is.

Service station also made using the same structural con-cept that were used for the acoustic shell for life park.


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To guide the visitors the departmental Government in-tends to build some small places for the tourists informa-tion that were strategically located in all the access roadsto the department, and because of their architecture theymust were very outstanding and easily identifiable; as ananswer to this two young architects making a show oftheir creativity proposed a traditional construction withbowed brick walls in whose cover should be present theguadua and the mud tile as a regional identity symbol,getting a good sample of new architecture built withautochthnous materials.

The Sun Door is a country house built on a traditionalsystem with confined brick using the guadua as structuralelement of the covers and in the columns of the corridorsand the open spaces only. It is an EL plant constructioncompletely introverted because of some security consid-erations made by the owner, since it is a house just for theweekends, it has a social open area that can perfectly beused independent from the other house activities, or tobe integrated when it will be required with the dining roomand kitcken area of the house.

The Kinder Garden Los Cafeteritos arises after the 1999earthquake as a quick and economic solution to the ne-cessity of harboring 100 children with ages between the6 months of life and the 7 years. This project is built start-ing from prefabricated guadua panels that were made ina shop and latler on they were taken to the place to beinstalled. Those were installed then over a confined brick

wall built as a base wall with 60cm height as those ele-ments conformed the lowest diaphragm and give designprotection for the guadua.

School in Barcelona, a built project for the UNICEF in thelittle town of Barcelona Quindio to assist the children oftwo schools that collapsed during ther January 1999 earth-quake, they attended classes in some improvised class-rooms made with tents in a lot next to an interdepartmen-tal road with heavy vehicular flow. It uses also as founda-tion a floating base plate with outlying mooring beams,where rises the base wall in confined brick with concretecolumns and finished off on a 80 cm height by a mooringbeam, on which rests a guadua like beam complementthrough which the rods that serve as mooring soul to thevertical guaduas of the structure happens and they unitewith the horizontal one by fish mouth unions with ironsoul and filled with concrete in the interknits.

The Univerisity Great Colombia in Armenia has decidedto displace its architecture and agro industry faculties to arural lot located in the south of the city and has asked tothe atchitecture faculty to take to carry out the designs,beginning from base that will be the first university built inguadua. The designs are being developed by a group ofstudents by way of shop, and in this process we have alsoparticipated as advisory.

During this presentation they were also showing the slidesrelated to the subject. s


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India�s construction sys-tems, Bipul Das

Bamboos of NE India:Plantation and Utiliza-tion, Dr. K. Haridasanand Kameash Salam

India�s NE region consist ofseven states viz, ArunachalPradesh, Assam, Manipur,Meghalaya, Mizoram,Nagaland and Tripura. Ithas a total geographicalarea of 255082 Thisregion has a greater pro-portion of forests covercompared to many otherstates in India. Dr.Haridasan talk about the

Mr. Bipul Kumar das haspresented his work doneduring his study at M.S.University, Baroda for B-arch. course. In this he hadexplained about the systemof building construction withbamboo as the principalmaterial. This study wasbased on pure observationclubbed with reasoning andlogic.

He started with bamboo asa material for mankind asold as wood. sice man


came out of the cave and started the making of sheltersfor protection from natural calamities many materials liketimber, earth and stone have gained a considerableupliftment in their respective uses. The he talk about howbamboo is used in various places for various uses. Theabout bamboo and its growth, dofferent species, struc-tural aspects of bamboo, strength properties etc. Later hetalk about the construction system in NE india and laterthe improved construction system ha had developed dur-ing his study and the importance of that in todays context.

bamboo habitates in NE region, Species diversity, Distri-bution Farming potential, Utilization, Plantation, Conser-vation etc.

North east India which is known for a greater diversity offlora is also rich in bamboo diversity. Each state has adifferent composition of species constituting its bambooresource. Many of the species in the region are utilizedfor different purposes. There is also scope and potentialfor augmenting the economic utilization of bamboo re-sources. This may warrant farming and large scale plan-tation of desired species. It can also be seen in the region

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that some of the bamboo species are rare and endan-gered. Such species may require conservation efforts fortheir survival.

Mr. Kamesh Salam talk about the Industrial application ofbamboo. As a example he was showing the Chinese in-

dustries making bambooboards, floor tiles and walltiles. He was explaining wasthe organised system inchine right from plantationto the production likedevided job in between dif-ferent people and villages.They have system like some-body who do the plantationand provide quality bam-boo, then the other groupwill take care of transporta-tion, Then next group will dothe sixing and spliting, then

it has gone to the factory wher it is boiled ,treeted andthen applied glue on it then stacked together. After all thisthis will go to another unit to press it together to makeboards and other products. He was alo talking about theBamboo shoot-food products and the scope of that inIndia. he also mentioned the indian bamboo mat ply. Soin India we need to have an organised way of productionright from plantation to marketing. Now this is the time tothink about it.

Status of seismicity in NE India and earthquakedisaster Mitigation, Dr. R.P. Tiwari, Dept og Geol-ogy, Pachhunga university College, MizoramUniversity.Aizawl.

Dr. Tiwari talk about the occurrence of earthquake, howit happence and the NE regions earthquake. NE India isseismically one of the six most active regions of the world.It is placed in zone 5, the highest zone, of the seismiczonation map of India. The region has experienced 18large earthquakes during the last 100 years including thegreat earthquake of shillong (1897, M=8.7) and assam-Tibet border (1950, M=8.7). besides, several hundredsmall and microearthquakes have also been recorded inthe region. It is not the earthquake them selves that killpeople but the collapse of man made structures whichdoes most of the damage. There fore suitable buildingcodes should be recommended in the region and shouldin a plannes manner with available and suitable material


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Design tool for bamboo building, Fitri Mardjono,Indonesia.

Activities of IPIRTI in the bamboo housing sector,Dr. H.N. Jagadeesh

Dr. Jagadeesh was talkingabout the bamboo matboard and various uses ofit, then the treatment andpreservation of bambooand also the house theydeveloped and prototypedin bangalore.

IPIRTI has been associatedwith development of bam-boo based composites formore than two decades. Itis successfully developedand transferred the tech-nologies for manufacturingBamboo Mat Board andBamboo Mat veneer Composits.The Institute has alsodeveloped the technology for Eco-friendly roofing mate-rial from bamboo viz. Bamboo mat corrugated sheets. Inaddition, several housing applications of these materialhave also been evolved. Bamboo related R&D efforts haveculminated into evolution of bamboo based housing sys-tem wherein round/split bamboo/bamboo compositeshave been efficiently combined along with conventionalbuilding materials. A few demonstration houses have al-ready been constructed using this technique.

In the beginning he hadtalked about the problemsidentification and solvingthe problem by design pro-cess after looking at theconstraints and analysis ofthe problem of building de-sign practiced in Indinesia.

The he had talked the de-sign tools - software - theydeveloped for building thehouses. It is like you canchoose the place where youwant to make the house.


then see the material available and the soil,weather con-dition and select the design according to that .Later he mentioned abou the few truss structures they haddeveloped for different construction like building housesand bridges etc. The joints were made from sheet metaland nut and bolts.The important of the software is it provides all the infor-mation to manage build a house. And also it is very userfriendly. Right now in Indonesia there are lack of releventinformation provided the the designer. If a designer does�tknow more about the material and other aspects it is verydifficult to do design.

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Presentations by participants:

DipankerSocial Scientist

Here he mentioned the re-lation of nature and the hu-man beings that, there areso much there in nature, wehave to discover it. And alsoit is very important thet wehave to give more attentionto the traditional knowledgewhich is derived after a longexperiences living with na-ture and the material. healso mentioned the link be-tween material growth andspiritual growth


Participants from different places attended the presenta-tion session. All are from different background like Archi-tects, Engineers, Designers, Artisans, Government Offi-cials, Students, Interior Designers, Teachers, Scientists,Social workers, NGOs, Artists,etc. Since are from differ-ent back ground it was necessary to understand eachotherand working in a group to share the experiences andknowledge and learn more for a better out put. Thesepresentations gave tham a chance look at each othersworks and to understand what is happening around them.After the presentations by the core group another grup ofpresentations had happened by the participants. It wasmore like presenting their papers and share their experi-ences to others.

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Dr. T.K. Damodharan,Wood Scientist

Mr. Sukumar Haobam,Product Designer

Mr. David EliBamboo Rattan Enthusiast

Mr. Vaibhav KaleyArchitect

He had talked about thehousing system of Kerala, asouthern state of India, andexplained the trend which isbuilding very expensivehouses. He also mentionedthe traditional material andtechniques which can beadapeted for the new devel-opment and diversificationof the system. He also men-tioned about the treetmentof the bamboo and cane.

Mr. Sukumar talked aboutthe housing system ofManipur. The place, mate-rial, house plan structureand the joints of differentmaterial like stone andwood etc. Here more woodused as structuralmembers.He also men-tioned about the foundationlike puting wooden pole onto the stone like tennon andmortise joint.

Mr. David has talked aboutthe present scenario ofbamboo in Ghana. Therethey have only natural for-est bamboo, there is noplantations. For housingthey use whole bamboo forsuper structure. Half splittenbamboo for the roof struc-ture/roof. They also use re-jected roof tiles as a filler forthe bamboo reinforcedconcreet roof.

He talked about his experi-ence working in anerthquake affected area,Bhuj,Gujarat, recently.There he had used bambooand bamboo laminatedplyboard for the house con-struction. He mentionedabout longer time housing,semi structure and cost ef-fectiveness of his work. Italso should be a systemwhich ready for any time.


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Mr. Daniel L.A. OforiBuilding /Landscaping

Mr. Anil KumarOSD to Minister of Power

Mr. Harinarayan SaikiaTechnical officer

Ms. Mibi EteArchitecture Student

Talked about the Bamboo& Ratten Network ofGhana(BARNET) and theiractivities for the economicand social development.Basically creating aware-ness through axhibition ofchinese bamboo productsand sending the craftsmento china for training in pro-duction, plantation etc. Alsoplanning for large planta-tion of sellected species.

He talked abou the activi-ties of Maharashtra spe-cially goa region. here theyfocussing of generation ofsurplus economy throughvalue addition, wastage re-duction employment gen-eration for women likekerala, etc. He also talkedabout the plantation andthe need according to themarket and community de-velopment through this.

Here he had explainedabout what he doing in thefield as a technical officer.How to make things avail-able for the grass root levelpeople. Like there are somany axplorationshappenning in lab level andthe result is not reaching tothe land. He was also talk-ing about the plantationand how it has to be donein this level of people.

She had talked about thetraditional construction ofArunachal. Basically aboutthe construction and thespace planning. They makefree standing house, thepoles stay on stones. Theroof is mostly tatched. Thesmoke that comes from thefire place give treatment tothe bamboo and the concreat is introducedfor the pillars


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Mr. Sumit Kr. MajumdarCivil Engineer

Mr. C. ThanchuangaArchitect

Mr. Nehemiah PanmeiProject co-ordinator

Mr. K. RamachandranIndustrial Designer

Talked the experiments hehad tried for low coasthousing in Tripura. For theroof he had used reinforcedconcreat, like first tied themooli bamboo with G.I.wire and placed polythiensheet on top and thenchicken mesh and thencocreat on top of it. It issuccessful. He also talkedabout the cultivation ofbamboo from the nodes.

Talked the change of mate-rial used for construction inMizoram. Earlier there wereeverything was depend onwood and bamboo. Nowthere is problems gettingwood. So people go forconcreat, and it is expensivebecause the material hascome from out side. And thetransportation is difficult.There he suggest bambooas material for future.

He had mentioned his ex-periences in Chine duringhis visit and how he canapply this system here. Healso talked abou the INBARand UNIDO �s variousprogrammes which will helpfor the upliftment of thematerial in the north-east.According to him theavarness programmesshould start form the grassroot level people.

Talked about the bamboothouse they have designedat IIT Guwahati, and howthey are planning about theconstruction and space layout of the same. here theyhave used the bend bam-boo for the roof structure.The inside part is devided into two areas. At present thehouse is still in detailinglevel. They had made ascale model of the same.


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PresentationChemical Bamboo preservation method, Practi-cal session by M/S Pest Control, Guwahati.

Material required:Plastic sheet big sizePlastic tube as long as bambooMethyl Bromide - cylinderconnector

Method:Place the bambooor bamboo splitswhich needs totreat place on theplastic sheet. Putthe one end ofplastic (Nylon) tubeon bamboo, thencover the entirebamboo with plas-tic by folding theplastic from all thesides on th thebamboo spilts.Then the other endof the pipe conectto the gas (chemi-cal) bottle, so the

Chemcal (which is a gas)will pass through the tubeto the folded plastic sheetand collect there and go into the bamboo which kept

inside the plastic folds. thenit needs to kept for one dayand then remove it. By thetime this gas should go in-side the bamboo cells andgive a prevention from anyfungal or insect affection.During the process it shouldbe ensured that the plasticshould be closed very welland the chemical should nothave any contact with hu-man body. Also should usesafty masks and avoidbreathing the gas. It is verygangerous to the health.This is a very effective treat-ment for bamboo.

Various steps of the bamboopreservation process shownedduring the workshop.


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Construction of Model house

As a part of the workshop at berawtlang a housebeen built in Colombian - Ecuador techniquesdesigned by Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. Juan Carlos.This house was the main subject of the workshop.The house is designed specially for the earth quakeprone areas. In colombia and ecudore this tech-niques has been used for years since both thecountries are considered as high seismic zone. Metal rods casted with concreat

Half wall of bricks been made on thefoundation

concreat foundation been made (above)The place for pipe connection (below)

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The construction of house started during the beginning ofthe workshop. According to the plan they had started withmaking concreat foundation. Which is started belowground level and it ends just above the gound. There are

metal rodes comming outfrom the foundation for fur-ther construction and it toconnect with the foundation.Then a brick wall is con-structed above the founda-tion and it breackswhereever the iron rodscomes up. This place is leftto cast in concreat for sup-porting the pillar. Later thisis joined with an anotherrode structure which connectall the walls and pillars to-gether

The corner detailsconnecting thefoundation, halfwall and the tie.

Details of pillar constructionbetween two walls andconnection to the tie.

Putting up the bamboo pols.

Participants are observing theconstruction of pillars, guidingby the architects.

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1. Bricks placed on theground for a better qualityfloor2. Above the brick wall put-ting concreat tie for strongholding3. Pillar base made ofbrick, the rods comes out tofix the bamboo pols for pil-lar construction.4. Bamboo joint togetherfor the beems to be put overthe pillars for constructingthe roof and as a tie mem-ber for pillars.





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The construction progressed between the other assign-ments of the workshop. Participants shown very enthusi-asm working towards building this house.

After the concreat tie on the brick wall, bamboo polesplaced on the rods, as pillars of the house. These polesagain connected with another tie beems. All these werenot has been fixed properly with the concreat or bolts forthe ease of adjustments during the construction since bam-boo is not a very even material in sizes and in diameter.

Different views during the construction

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Various joints used for the construction of themodel house using hardwares.

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Various joints used for the construction of themodel house using hardwares.

An inser been putfor the joint

Drilled holes on the pillarto put concreat inside

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During the construction of pillars and the beams, there isanother work was going. Another group of people wasmaking the pannels for the wall. Here they were madewooden frames according to the sizes requires, which willfit in between the pillars. Then on the surface they hadplaced flatened bamboo which was treated early in MithilBromide for protecting from insects. It is fixed with nail tothe wood. The nail was not put in to the wood completely.Because it was required to tie the metal wire on top of it tohold the bamboo with the wood. After putting the nail onthe bamboo and wood metal wire tied at one end andcontinue taking to the nest nail and tied on to it and con-tinue like that. It helps to stop the splitten bamboo slip-ping off from the wooden frame.

This kind of pannels been prepares and kept aside to fixwith the pillars. The bamboo splits had been placed botheside of the wooden frame. So the middle part will be emptyeven after the construction of the houses. This will reducethe weight and also this will act as heat insulator. Herethe bamboo also used as a reinforce material for theplasterring. This methods been practiced in Colombia andalso in Ecuadore

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There are different kinds of foundation for the pole hasbeen made as a sample piece during the workshop. Thishas just made for an experience for the participats. Jorgeand Juan shown this because it is very important when aperson build a house has to be very care ful about howthe bamboo fixed to the ground. Here they shown differ-ent options for that. Buckets and PVC tubes been used asmould. They also shown how to fix the bamboo on to it.While casting itself they inserted rods which comes outfrom the concreat and them bamboo is fixed to it. Thisentire concreat block will go in to the ground.

Various kinds of foundationcasted in concreat for holdingbamboo pole in the ground.

Bamboo pole base

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As a part of the workshopbamboo machineries beenintroduced to the artisans toget a experience workingwith it during the process.The Machineries shownhere is made by M/s AnmolMachinery house,Guwahati, Assm, India.

These machines are specially designed for the Indian bamboos, which isdifferent from the bamboos from other countries. Specially the blade ismore harder here to make suitable for Indian bamboo. Mr. Vikas Goenkahad demonstrated the machines and explained the qualities and the ad-vantages of these machines.

There all kind of machinesbeen displayed and used,like cross cutter, sliver ma-chine, stick making ma-chine, stick sizing machineetc. During the workshopmost of the participats uti-lized these machines.

Introduction to Machineries

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After the presentations made by the participats The fistassignment been given to them. The task is design a houseusing bamboo as a primery material. Also cone has towork out the important joints been used that particularhouse designed by them.

First They all devided in to 8 teams. These teams hadbring out some concept and the joints. There was no con-strain of material. But the joint should be like that theyshould be able to made by next day. So one has to restrictto the minimum material and process. During theconceptualisation Mr. Juan and Mr. Muran guided theeach team.

Assignment 1

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Group Presentations.

Later own Each group has presented the work work to theothers. They had presented their ideas through drawingsand sketches. Some are made very detailed sketche. Somepeople worked out the house and the environment, andhow it is related to it.

The interesting part of it is most of the group has all kindof people in it. Like some arearchitect, designers, engi-neers, artisans, Governement officials etc. This is goodexperience for everybody to work together and under-stand , and share each others knowledge for this.

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After the presentations each group has to selectsome joints and had to make details and full sizedrawings which shows all the setails. Later it hasbeen presented again and finalised for making.

Some of drawing made during the assignment.

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Participants working on the joineries they developed

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Participants making the joineries they have designed

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Later each group had presented their work to theothers and discussion had happened on eachjoints they experimented on the basis of strength

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Mr. Jorge Moran, Mr. Juan Carlos, Mr. H.N. Jagdeesh,Mr. Bipul Das had given the feed back to the participatsduring their presentation of joints.

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There are many interesting ideas and concepts been cameout in this process. Some people tried to improve the

existing one and some came up with new concepts. Someverymuch applicable in the real situation.

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Visit to the traditional MIZO house

It was very important to everybody to seethe traditional system of building housesin the region. It was very interesting ex-perience for everybody to see a tradi-tional house where all different tech-niques been used to build house andhoe they divide the space in term of of

utilisation. The sliding doors and win-dows roof construction wall etc, wasvery important and and interesting todo detail study of it. They also deco-rated the houses with anumal skull andskins.

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Assignment 2

Here the participatns been divided into 4 groups and each group workedunder a guide. Each team got a subject work.

Here this group was given a tastk to designa temperory structure forgettogethers and meatings. The group has done 2 models and one of itbeen made in full scale during the workshop. This structure can be madein different sizes. The top material also can be changed according to thesizes and the requirments. This design is very simple and practical.

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The second group had made a kiosk in bam-boo and made a a scale model of it. It wasvery interesting geometrical form. The ma-terial used for this is Bamboo mat board andbamboo. The task is to design an informa-tion kiosk where one has to think about thediamensions and ergonomics principles.

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The third group made a busstop using method of trussconstruction. Here bamboo isused as tention cables. Thebamboo is split and joint to-gether to make it in standardsizes. It is a very strong struc-ture can be used for biggerbuildings also.

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Some drawings of the bus stop

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The 4th team concentrated on the gate

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The task was to make a gate in the workshopo site whcihshould be big enough to alow a bus pass through. Thiswas a very interesting structure made very simpley andvery fast. Here for the top part split bamboo been usedand for the pole hole round bamboo is been used. Thetope is worked out from pure geometry.

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Material used for the model house:

Cement ...................................... 50 sacsSand........................................... 8m3Stone.......................................... 5m3Bamboo : (4 mts. long)................ 100 unitsBamboo : (5 mts. long)................. 80 unitsSplited Bamboo .......................... 200 m2Chiken mesh............................... 200 m2Bricks.......................................... 12 m2Timber 2�x2� (3mts. long)............ 68 unitsWelded wire mesh (for the floor)... 42 m2

Ceramic tiles ............................. 11 m2Nails: 1, 1/2� ............................. 25 kg.Nails: 3�, 4�................................ 1 kg.Cinc sheets #8............................ 18 unitsCinc sheet #10........................... 18 unitsIron platin 2� x 1/8� (1mt. long)... 20 unitsRods (1mt. long).......................... 70 unitsNuts ans washers ........................ 300 eachIron #12 (6 mts long).................. 18 unitsIron #10 (6 mts long).................. 18 unitsIron # 6...................................... 85 Kg.


Drawings of the model house prepared by Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. JuanCarlos for the workshop in India

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Bamboo poles(ELEVATION)

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Side by side an another group was concentrating on the modelhouse during the assignments underthe guidance of Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. Juan Carlos

chicken mesh used for the reinforcement of mortar plaster- chicken mesh fixed on to the split bamboo wall and thenplastered on top.

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Inside view, after fixing the wallpannels made of wooden frameand flattened bamboo.

Out side view of the house whileplastering

a view of the wall from outside.

Making the sun shade of thewindow

Plastering on the wall pannels Plastering on the sun shade

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Various tools and hardwares used during the con-struction of the house.

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Workshop feed back

Mr. Vinay Oberoi addressing the participants Participants writing the feedback.

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Closing function

Pu LalchamlianaHon,ble Minister of StateEnvironment and ForestDepartment , addressing theparticipants during the closingfunction

Pu Vanhela Pachuau, Secretary , E&F Mr. Kamesh Salam, CBTC

Mr. Vinay Oberoi, UNDP Mr. Juan Carlos, Colombia

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The participants and other guests

The participants and other guests

Distribution of Certificates

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Construction of roof

Different view of roof construction

Wooden members fixed to the bamboo Fixing of CGI sheets

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Various Stages of Construction

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Various Stages of Construction

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Various Stages of Construction

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Various Stages of Construction

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Various Stages of Construction

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Visit of Government Officials at the site

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Various Stages of Construction

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Various Stages of Construction

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Final Stages of Construction

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Say cheese................

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The workshop, �Affordable Bamboo Housing in EarthquakeProne Areas� was a first of its kind for the North East re-gion. For fifteen days, a diverse, enthusiastic and highlymotivated group of persons lived and worked togetherand shared experiences and knowledge.

The workshop participants came from seven countries andfour continents, twelve States of India � the largest contin-gent was naturally from the States of the North East, forwhom the subject of the workshop was of immediate andpractical relevance.

The workshop went far beyond its original objectives, andthe output significantly exceeded the expectations of theorganisers. It also succeeded in overcoming the consid-erable logistical and other difficulties that are a part ofany venture of this kind in the region.

The primary objective of the workshop was to demon-strate and transfer the technology and skills developed inLatin America for simple, sturdy, inexpensive bamboobased housing technology. This was carried out, and thelegacy, in addition to the bamboo house at Berwatalang,is a nucleus of people who have sufficiently familiarisedthemselves with the concepts not only to be able to buildsimilar structures in their respective locations, but to adaptthem to specific local needs. and places of work. In this

regard, the contributions made by Mr. Jorge MoranUbidia, Director, Hogar de Christo Foundation, Mr. JuanCarlos Jaramillo, Architect and Mr. Bipul Das, Architectwere invaluable and provided the starting point for dis-cussion, interaction and building activity.

The discussion during the workshop successfully coveredalmost all of the practical aspects of bamboo-based hous-ing. The participants were introduced to different con-struction systems, and to a range of technology, materialsand skills. The initial presentations led to lively discus-sions on the current construction systems in India, andtheir relative advantages and disadvantages. These inter-active discussions led into practical sessions on construc-tion elements, bamboo preservation, and adaptation ofnew designs.

The workshop also emerged as a platform for ideas andproblems to be shared and discussed, and for specificproblem solving.

It proved to be a highly instructive and enjoyable experi-ence, and the participants were delighted at the opportu-nity of getting the opportunity for hands-on learning.

The workshop was not only an interactive forum for archi-tects and other professionals, but for the local people,decision makers, media and construction agencies. It was


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a unique and educative experience for them all. The ex-hibition of various industrial bamboo products, which wasalso concurrently held with the workshop, was a majorattraction for the participants and the local population.

There is no doubt that the model bamboo house con-structed during the course of the workshop will pave theway for many more such houses to come up in the nearfuture not only in the North East but in other parts of thecountry as well .At the same time it will be a model housefor the government sponsored rural housing schemes inIndia.

The workshop was a success not just because of the factthat participants from other countries participated in it. Itwas a success because of the active support, cooperationand collaboration by the local people.


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RefferencesList of organizers

1. Dr. Ralf KwaschikSr. Information Specialist and Network AdvisorC/o INBAR, P.O. Box 100101 –80, Beijing100101, P.R. [email protected]

2. Mr. T.P. SubramonyResident ManagerINBAR – South Asia Office, New Delhi 110003,IndiaPh. 011-461941130

3. Mr. Kamesh SalamProject Co-ordinator,CBTC, opp. To Guwahati Tea Auction CenterG.S. Road, Dispur – 751006, Assam, Ph. [email protected]

4. Mr. Partha P. MajumdarProject ManagerCBTC – Accountsopp. To Guwahati Tea Auction Center, G.S. Road,Dispur – 751006, Assam

5. Mr. Vijayan Pillai K.D.Accounts Officer CBTC, opp. To Guwahati Tea Auction Center,G.S. Road, Dispur – 751006, Assam


6. Mr. C. ThanchuangaProject Manager,Industries Office, Khatla, Aizawl, [email protected]

7. Mr. LalnunziaA.C.F.PCCF Office, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram

8. Ms. LalrinkimiExtension OfficerIndustries Office , Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram

9 Ms. HunthianghlimiExtension OfficerIndustries Office , Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram

10 Ms. B. VanlalhuruaiiComputer Operator Ms. Hunthianghlimi ExtensionOfficerIndustries Office , Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram

11 Mr. VanlalhruaiaO/AIndustries Office, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram

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12 Mr. Laldingliana SailoO/AIndustries Office, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram

Resource Persons:

1 Mr jorge Moran U.Architect/Consulatant, Univ. de GuayaquilCatolica. INBAREcuador,[email protected], ph. 593-4-2384283

2 Mr. Juan Carlos Jaramillo P.Architect/Consultant, Univ. Gran Colombia.INBARAV. Bolivar 7N Apto 501Armenia-Colombia

3 Mr. Don Lionel JayanettiHead Trada International, Trada Technology,Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley, HP 14 $NDU.K. +441494569600

4 Mr. Fitri MardjonoPHD Student, Eindhoven University of Technol-ogy,T Hofke 107 5641 Ak EindhovenThe Netherlands

5 Mr. Bipul Kr. DasArchitect, Design NucleusBye Lane 11 West R.G. Baruah Rd, Guwahati.

6 Dr. H.N. JagadeeshConsultant, IPIRTINo.179(710),24th. B’Cross,III vlockJayanagar, Bangalore-560011

7 Dr. T.K. DhamodaranScientist, Kerala Forest Research InstitutePeechi, Kerala, 680653.

8 Dr. K. HaridasanScientist –SE, State Forest Reasearch Institute,Van Vihar, P.B. No. 159, Itanagar


1 Mr. Daniel L.A. OforiBuilding Landscaping Contractor, BARNETP.O. Box 7268,ACWLA – North Ghana

2 Mr. David EliBamboo & Rattan Enthusiast, BARNETP.O. Box Ds 1469, Dansoman – ACCRA, Ghana

3 Alexander BosjnakFaculty of Industrial Design,National Institute of Design, Paldi, Ahmedabad,380007

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4 Mr. Shanti Kumar ChakmaA.E., Kamalanagar, Cadc, Mizoram

5 Mr. Samuel Saithuamliana C/o Chairman, Relief&Rehabilitation Board,Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram

6 Mr. LalfakzualaC/o Chairman, Relief&Rehabilitation Board,Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram

7 Mr. TlanglianchhumaSDO, Distribution Sub Div. Ii (P&E)Aizawl, Mizoram

8 Mr. Thokchom BuddhabirArchitect, Chingamathak Thokchom LeikaiEdge Consultants

9 Mr. LalrinmawiaSub Divisional Officer TCAizawl Water supply projectMizoram

10 Mr. Malsawma SailoManaging Director, United Engineer’s Society,Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram

11 Ms. Elizabeth ZodinglianiProject Director, united Engineers Society,Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram

12 Mr. Peter LalzawmliamaProject Assistance, Zohandco, Aizawl, Mizoram

13 Mr. Anthony VanlaltluangaCultivatorH/No.6 mission VengEX-MNA

14 mr. C.N. TluangaO/S, Tuikual North, Aizawl, Mizoram

15 Navin GulguliaTechnical ExecutiveC/o United Impex Limited, Silchar

16 Mr. Lynda ParteiSDO (TC)PWD, Project Div –1

17 Mr. Lalnithanga PachuauP.S. to Chairman, R&R Advisory board, RamhlunVengali, AizawlEX-MNA, Mizoram

18 Mr. VanlalchhuanaE.E. PWD Aizawl building Div.Executive Engineer

19 Mr. K. BeingiachhieOfficer on Special Duty, Mara House,mamraAutonomous district council Zotlang, Aizawl


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20 Mr. Sambhu DebbarmaAsst Engineer, Rural, Dev. Dept. of TripuraC/o the Executive EngineerR.Div Dhadai, Tripura.

21 Vikas goenkaSales ExecutiveAnmol Mach. House, Burnihat , Guwahati, Assam

22 Mr. Alakesh BaruahAlakesh baruahAEI road, Chandmari, Guwahati

23 Ms. Mibi EteSchool of Planning and ArchitectureIP Estate 4-B, New Delhi

24 Mr. Harinarayan SaikiaTechnical Officer, N.C. Hills Community Re-sourceManagement SocietyHaflong 788819, Assam

25 Miss. Mibina SaikiaAsstt. Design & Production, Design NucleusGandhi-Basti P.O. Silpukhuri,Guwahati, India

26 Mr. Anil KumarOSD to Minister of Power15, Ashoka Rd. , NewDelhi , Government of India

27 Mr. Dipankar MahantaR.G. Baruah Rd., Nabin NagarJanapath , Guwahati

28 Mr. Sumit Kr. MajumdarProject Engineer, Centre for Social Works &Research (CSR)Agartala, Tripura

29 Mr. Thesar TachangSocial worker, Palin P.O. Palin Dist.Kurung Kumei (API)Future Generation, Arunachal

30 Mr. Byabang rockitPalin P.O., PalinMaster Co- ordinator committeeFuture Generation, Arunachal

31 ER. K. LalrinmawiaAsstt. Engineer, RCH ProjectThuampui, Aizawl

32. Mr. F. AilianaInstructor, Building Gentre, Zuangtui, Aizawl.

33 Mr. RosangzualaSecretary, Mizoram Bio – Science,Management Centre Society, Aizawl

34 mr. Dinesh Chandra ChakmaPresident, Mizoram Buddhist Dev. Welfare,Kamalanagar, Assam.


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affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas

35 Mr. LalbiaksangaExecutive Engineer, EE(P) Trandmission Cricle,P&E Dept.Aizawl, Mizoram

36 Mr. H. LalrinthangaPresident, YMA, Tlangnuam, Aizawl.

37 Mr. LalkhawingaihaCo-ordinator, Aizawl Building Centre Society,Chawlhhmun, Aizawl.

38 Mr. David LalmuanpuiaExecutive member, C/o F. Hrangvela&sons,Zidco Building, Upper Khatla, Aizawl.

39 Mr. R. LalchhanpuiaE.O.(IND) Rural Development Dept.Aizawl

40 Mr. John ZosanglianaE.O., Rural Dev. DepartmentChandmari, Aizawl

41 Ms. LalrinpuiaSocial Worker, Kanaan VengHNAM Chhantu

42 Mr. R. lalronghakaCo-ordinator, Aizawl Building Centre,Ramhlun South, Aizawl.

43 Mr. LalnumawiaNews Editor, Aizawl Thupuan,Treasury Square, Aizawl.

44 Mr. L.T. lalrinmawiaAsstt. Engineer, Directorate of Local Administra-tion,Thakthing Tlang, Aizawl.

45 Mr. C. LalremtluangaStaff Officer, industrial Department, Zidco, Aizawl

46 Mr. B. S. BhakuniD&PO,66 ENGR REGT, C/o 99 APO, Army

47 Mr. Sukumar HaobamDesign Consultant, Top Leikai, Singjamei,Imphal, 795008, Manipur.

48 Mr. Sharangajit LishamSecretary, Craft Society of Manipur, Imphal,Manipur.

49 Mr. Nehemiah PanmeiProject Co-ordinator, Tamenglong Bamboo &CaneDve. Org. (TAMBAC)Tamenglong, Manipur

50 G. Chetan SharmaArtist, Kakching Bazar, Manipur, (CBTC)


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51 Mr. Susanth C.S.Industrial Designer,National Institute of Design, Paldi , Ahmedabad,[email protected]

52 Mr. H. Ngurdawla,Forester, KhatleForest Department

53 K. RamachandranProfessor, Department of Design,IIT, Guwahati

54 Ranjib BaruahArchitect, C/o Designers Plenum,Ashianasarvodaya path,Byelane of G.S. Rd. Opp. Rajiv Bhavan,Guwahati- 781005, Assam

55 Mr. C.DarrikhumaForester, D.F.Os Officer, Aizawl

56 Ms. Lalrima WII KhiangteDev. Officer, Hudco, Aizawl, Mizoram.

57 Mr. Vaibhav KaleyDesigner, Aproop Nirman, Nagpur

58 Ms. Chhungi ZahauManager, Mizoram Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.,Head Office, Aizawl.

59 Mr. LalzakhamaSDO (TC), Store Div., Chhinga Veng,Aizawl, Mizoram.

Technical Staff

1 Mr. Anjal GoswamiCBTC, Opp to Guwahati Tea Auction Center/G.S.Road,Dispur, 751006 (Assam)

2 Mr. H. Priyo Km SinghCBTC, Opp to Guwahati Tea Auction Center/G.S.Road,Dispur, 751006 (Assam)

3 Mr. Arup Ali CBTC,Opp to Guwahati Tea Auction Center/G.S.Road,Dispur, 751006 (Assam)

4 Mr. Dushmanta GayanP.O. Bahhara, Vill. BaligoanSonitpur, Assam

5 Mr. Alok MahantaP.O. Barangabari, Vill. Napamua goan,Sonitput, Assam


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6 Mr. Arupjyoti GoswamiS/o Sjt Sarat Ch. Goswami,P.O. + Vill Ghahi , Assam

7 Mr. Sahid AliAnmol Machinery House, Guwahati.

8 Mr. Vijay SinghPCI Ltd, Guwahati

9 mr. Amarjit SinghCBTC Guwahati.


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PhotographySusanth C.S.Alexander BosjnakCBTC

Graphic DesignDeepa Vijayakumar

CompilationSusanth C.S.