Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities...

Air Pollution

Transcript of Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities...

Page 1: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Air Pollution

Page 2: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms of life, and materials

Six Criteria Pollutants: Dirty Half Dozen Ozone Particulate Matter Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen Oxides Sulfur Dioxide Lead

(7.) CO2

Page 3: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Primary pollutants: potential pollutants that have been directly added to the air by natural events or humans activities

Page 4: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Types of Primary Pollutants

1) Particulate matter: dust, particles

Page 5: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

2) NOx and N2O: nitrogen oxygen compounds

NOX - nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

* form acid precipitation and photochemical smog and nitrogen loading (increase of nitrogen in water systems)

* Comes from the burning of biomass and fossil fuels.

* Has a role in reducing stratospheric ozone.

N2O - nitrous oxide

* Important in the greenhouse effect and causes nitrogen loading.

* Comes from nitrogen based fertilizers, deforestation, and biomass burning.

Page 6: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

3) Sulfur compounds: SOx

- results from the burning of substances with sulfur – fossil fuels

- react with water to form H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)

- Sulfur oxides can injure man, plants and materials. At sufficiently high concentrations, sulfur dioxide irritates the upper respiratory tract of human beings because potential effect of sulfur dioxide is to make breathing more difficult by causing the finer air tubes of the lung to constrict.

Page 7: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

4) CFCs: chloroflurocarbons

- used as propellants in aerosol cans and Styrofoam (banned in US in 1978) and as a coolant (Freon) in refrigerators and air conditioners

- enters atmosphere and works its way up to stratosphere where it depletes ozone

- contributes to photochemical smog in troposphere

Page 8: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

5) Carbon Monoxide: poisonous

6) Carbon Dioxide: natural

- increased levels from burning fossil fuels

Page 9: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

7) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs):

- easily evaporated (volatile) gases from certain solids or liquids

- Ex: methane, benzene, toluene, xylene

Problems: Short term and and long-term health effects such as asthma and cancer

- reacts with NOx to form tropopheric ozone which can damage respiratory systems and crops

Page 10: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

VOC’s continued

- Concentrations are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors.

- emitted by a wide array of products including paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials and furnishings, office equipment such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless copy paper, graphics and craft materials including glues and adhesives, permanent markers, and photographic solutions

- also released by trees

Page 11: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Secondary Pollutants

- harmful chemicals formed in the atmosphere when a primary pollutant reacts with normal air components or other air pollutants

1) Tropospheric Ozone: reaction of VOCs and NOx

Page 12: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Secondary Pollutants

2) Photochemical smog

(brown-air smog) a mixture of primary and secondary pollutants formed under the influence of sunlight

nitrogen and oxygen in air react at high temperatures found in automobile engines and boilers in industrial plants to produce colorless nitric oxide which reacts w/ oxygen to form NO2.

Page 13: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Photochemical Smog cont.

NO2 causes the brownish haze over cities on sunny afternoons.

worst on hotter days - can irritate eyes and respiratory tracts

present in virtually all cities

Page 14: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Photochemical Smog cont.

photochemical oxidants: NO2, O3 and PANs (peroxyacyl


react with (oxidize) certain compounds in the atmosphere that normally aren’t oxidized by reaction with oxygen  

irritate the respiratory tract, damage plants

Page 15: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Secondary Pollutants

Industrial smog (both primary and secondary mixed)

(gray-air smog) consists of sulfur dioxide, suspended droplets of sulfuric acid, and a variety of suspended solid particles

Page 16: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Secondary Pollutants

- when burned, carbon in coal & oil is converted to CO2 and CO. Unburned carbon ends up in the atmosphere as suspended particulate matter (soot). Sulfur dioxide (colorless, suffocating gas) and sulfur trioxide (SO3) cause sulfuric acid

rarely a problem in today’s developed countries but bad in countries where large quantities of coal are burned with inadequate pollution controls

Page 17: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Factors influencing the formation of photochemical and industrial smog

population density

- amt. of industry

- the fuels used in industry, heating, and transportation

local climate and topography

- hills, mountains, and cities reduce air flow and allow pollutants to build up at ground level

Page 18: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Factors influencing the formation of photochemical and industrial smog

temperature inversion / thermal inversion: a layer of dense, cool air trapped under a layer of dense, warm air preventing upward-flowing air currents from developing

o prolonged inversions cause air pollution in the trapped layer to build up to harmful levels

o L.A. is the air-pollution capital of the US because they have ideal conditions for photochemical smog and frequent thermal inversions

Page 19: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.
Page 20: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Factors influencing the formation of photochemical and industrial smog

“dilution solution” to air-pollution: to reduce local air pollution and meet government standards without having to add expensive pollution control devices.

Most coal-burning plants, ore smelters, etc.- use tall smokestacks to emit sulfur dioxide

o increases pollution downwind

Page 21: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Acid Rain

nitrous oxides are converted to nitric acid which falls as acid rain

sulfur dioxide from petroleum refining and burning of oil and coal causes acid rain as sulfuric acid

Page 22: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.


pH: a numerical measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution o levels less than 7 - acidic (natural precipitation)

o levels greater than 7 - basic/alkaline  

o typical rain in east US is now about 10 times more acidic (pH 4.3)

Page 23: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

What areas are most affected by acid deposition?

occurs on a regional rather than global basis because acidic components only remain in the air for a few days

- areas downwind from coal and oil burning power plants, industrial plants and urban areas

- ecosystems containing thin, acidic soils without natural buffering of acids are affected more

growing problem in China (40% of its land), former Soviet Union, India, Nigeria, Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia

Page 24: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

What are the effects of acid deposition?

medium-risk ecological problem, high-risk to human health

human respiratory diseases (bronchitis, asthma), damages statues, buildings, metals, car finishes

damages tree foliage, makes trees more susceptible to cold temps, diseases, insects, drought, fungi

especially harmful to fish and aquatic life

Page 25: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

What can be done to reduce acid deposition?

prevention1) reducing energy use & thus air-pollution by improving

energy efficiency

2) switching from coal to cleaner-burning natural gas

3) removing sulfur from coal before it is burned

4) burning low-sulfur coal

5) removing SO2 particles, particulates, and nitrogen oxides from smokestack gases

6) removing nitrogen oxides from motor vehicle exhaust (catalytic converter)

Page 26: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Acid Deposition Remediation

- acidified lakes can be neutralized by treating them or the surrounding soil with large amounts of limestone or lime. This is an expensive and temporary remedy.

Page 27: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Indoor Pollution

levels of 11 common pollutants are generally 2-5 times higher inside homes and commercial buildings than outdoors

health risks high because people spend 70-98% of their time indoors

greatest risk people - smokers, infants & children under 5, the old, the sick, pregnant women, people with respiratory or heart problems, factory workers

problems - causes dizziness, headaches, coughing, sneezing, nausea, burning eyes, chronic fatigue,

Page 28: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Sick Building Syndrome

flu-like symptoms from indoor pollution a building is “sick” when at least 20% of its occupants suffer

persistent symptoms that stop when they go outside

new buildings are more commonly sick because of reduced air exchange (air is recirculated inside) , chemicals from building materials

caused by mineral fibers, fiberglass, formaldehyde (extremely irritating gas)  

Page 29: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.
Page 30: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.


asbestos: several different fibrous forms of silicate minerals widely used since the 1940s for fireproofing and thermal insulation soundproofing, insulation of heaters & pipes, brake linings, etc

if breathed they can remain in the lungs for yearscause asbestosis: a chronic, sometimes fatal disease that eventually

makes breathing nearly impossible cause mesothelioma: an inoperable cancer of the chest cavity lining

cause lung cancer in those affected - asbestos miners, insulators, pipe fitters, shipyard employees, workers in asbestos-producing factories most asbestos factories have gone out of business or moved to other countries

Page 31: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Radon Gas

radon 222: a colorless, odorless, tasteless, naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the radioactive decay of uranium-238

- if inhaled can expose lung tissue to large amounts of ionizing radiation

- can lead to cancer

Page 32: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Impact of Pollutants on Human Health

1. lung cancer 2. asthma: typically and allergic reaction causing sudden episodes of

acute shortness of breath 3. chronic bronchitis: persistent inflammation and damage to the cells

lining the bronchi and bronchioles, causing mucus buildup, painful coughing and shortness of breath

4. emphysema: irreversible damage to air sacs or alveoli of the lungs leading to abnormal dilation of air spaces, loss of lung elasticity, and acute shortness of breath, reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen which impairs perception, things, causes headaches, dizziness, nausea, and can trigger heart attacks, damage fetuses

Page 33: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.


Page 34: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.
Page 35: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Impact of Pollutants on Plants

breaks down waxy coating that prevents water loss and damage from diseases, pests, drought, frost

interferes w/ photosynthesis & plant growth, reduces nutrient uptake, causes leaves to turn yellow & brown

conifers at high elevations are especially vulnerable

Page 36: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.
Page 37: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.
Page 38: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Impact of Pollutants on Aquatic Life

acid shock: causes by the sudden runoff of large amounts, of highly acidic water & aluminum ions into lakes and streams, when snow melts or after unusually heavy rains

decline in net primary productivity kill all fish – some are more sensitive than othersIndicator Species – species that are extra sensitive to

pollution (usually pH) that die early – when these die indicate problems

Page 39: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.
Page 40: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Impact of Pollution on Materials

costly cleaning needed

break down exterior paint on cars and houses

deteriorate roofing

deface irreplaceable marble statues, historic buildings, stained glass windows

$5 billion per yr. damage in the US

Page 41: Air Pollution. Air pollution: the presence of 1 or more chemicals in the atmosphere in quantities and duration that cause harm to humans, other forms.

Clean Air Acts (1970, 1977, 1990)

federal regulations enforced by each state require standards set for 7 outdoor pollutants

that specify a max level, averaged over a specific period, for a certain pollutant prevention of significant deterioration

national emission standards for toxic air pollutants