-•? i/flllig. POL XIV. &OVER, MORRIS COUNTY^ NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBEB 8,1883. NO. 1 PDBUSUEKS i.i> FBOPK1ETO113. )B.» on BlwiwsU Btrert wit floor to tin Jationil Union Bank' OF HUUSC1UFTIOS INVAHIA- BLT INADVANCE. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Go. DOVEU, N. 1. A. B. BERI CHKSTEB dealer.In DI1Y aoODBWJ I'ltOVIBJONS, LEATHEI 1 IJOOTB AKD BUOE8 Co fcl.r; W*, L.I.JC- (uii, HU.I in fael uvcrYtSiiiiiwtiiyll fceiitrullv tent iaa ccumry Blurt. ^ ttll fcmy li.-oitfl at low tare.. Oil and Io mjfck bo THE OL.MT. I) 11 Oili IB Cllli S7 O'> io ,,o| u on ai »i) 3" »» 12 W| W 2= 1 25 CO] 86 CM i s Dili n m ^5 1)1)1 ID Hi 82 Oil] i l 0 0 | ml 4r. on 1)7 Bl 1)7 OS WMI8I) BOBHTAOK ADDED F EIOKB 15UBNT8 FEU Coruor of Bkelswoll and Ruasoi SIB. DOVER. N. J. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. IIor§on mul Cftrri^RtK to Let. rAiioN riTNEK, ATTORNEY AT LMV, 1E0. 0. CUMMINb, M. J>.. 0EHK11AL rlUCTITIONElt, |1D SPECIALIST IN THE TIIEATUENT OF MALARIAL DISEASES. OFFICE AT THE 8TI0KLE HOUHE, DOVER, N. J. O. UIEKWIIU'H, E. M, DOVEU, N. J. NALYSE3 OF OltEB iSDH1NCIULS, SUllVEYB 01? MINKS. L. W. THURBER, tBEINTENDENT OF PUH1.IC BOHOOLH OF M01UHS COUNTS'. OFFICE AT H. n , BKEKSR'i* STOKE, DOVEE, N. J. LY.THE TAILOR, EXl 1 TO PAIWEE &CLAIIK'a .-'0VKI1. liaii HulU made toonlcr Iron, ell to 9;iO, B»tB romptly d orkiiw ta STEAM ENGINES, THKlIt CELEUKATKD AIR COMPRESSORS, IRON liiij IIIIA88 CASTINGS. FOBQITO of ill BESRIPTTONR. UBE THE •'RISING SUN" YMST ! I'UIU;, HEALTJlFtfL, CHV.AP, HtYKIST, MJJ.A11LE, IJKST. The Seneca Falls Yeast Co., (LIMIT) 11.) ASK YOLK (iiUK'Ki: I'Ol. IT; BRUEN &BUNNELL, IloolLaWrty, 3V. *T., AHB AGENTS FOR A.DESNETr, M. D, HoucEorvnuc Pn^icnx AND EOTEB, N. J. Hotias.J H o 8 and 7to 3 P.M. in and iftor AprilUtVlll hivo hia oflic. oml floor of Hiirlioime Imildms- it ice, turner or GMtl ami Odeatiiut Htm [lit calls lit rottidonoo, A. J. DRAKE, GA^ENTEIt AND Bt'ILDEB, STANHOFE, N. J'. pontracts for buildings taken from tbo fc id of the cellar, anil miter.!.!* tnmmlicd, nil! pAo", 'Dllfadsi, U m M i n R e , Patula i Eelt aqdMantral,! italt'nalscoiititnritly FRANK GIBS, IIASON AND BUILDER. ing pro tHW II- 4 prompt tly ittc-pd ttention. arbei CIlESTBIl, N. J., DEAIKHIK BABBAPARILLA, BOEA WATER, BEGAItS, TOBACCOS, fto. POOL ANDBILLIARD TABLE. rtiopinconnt UNION HALL Hot Air Fu\f it th« IUICHI nodiiiurit iii arming iniljlie tad private asBurtioeiitiif Utoveu, i G0OK, J. 1 Alt LOU, STOVES, KEUOBIiNUOlIi. liANTWINS AS FKUIT TIN &JAPAN ¥ A T TOE POPULAR SUSSEX St. GROCER, ,till c.jQtluuuri tu ketp A (ill! and f r c ! . quau- tity at Groceries and Provisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS. 'oTi'hm nnd domcittic, the best grn(Je« o: :'ANMK1) (JOODH, mid all nuppliaH of th« iniuK.-bold in I'M lino. Cure will ulwuyn IJU tukfii If) B :if tliu bent (]iia)ity und e'|imt \ lln-ui fit ilm nirjbit reiwoniiblc maii •iihltut with tli<! imnliiiKinu ]'Hch. SUHS1-A rthe l, Uu "THEOLO»RMCH«JR" a it, I lore It, and win) dull din To ohlda iufortotingtie " Old Am Chairf" I'r. treaauf'd it long u a Uolj priae, l'TebedoVdlt irith lam aid embalmed it OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Grain and Garden Sued Drills, Walter A, Wood's Mowers, EEAPEKS and B1UDB3S. Thomas & Field Wheel Hay Rakes, AMERICAN HAYTEDDERS, Li oil's run Mill*, Tlmsheis, Clvuuvrs, &c, ami nil oLlji-r lirat-elim ranuiiiK SEEDS and FERTILIZERS, *-. VOORHEES BROTHERS, nllOKlUSTOWN, N. ,T. HEAGAN & Co. All Muds of and iinilntinn mini lK'i-!!'iits. Also self Alasktis I)ITS ill. prices. iuii! Hub- illll'iieliVC An immense as- sortment of HOLI- DAY SLIPl'EltS can now be seen in our cstnblisliincnt. •Tla bound by a thouaand banda to my baart; Nat >tie irill break, not a Unt will atari, Would yo laani the ajellt-a motbei aat tbere, And adored tUnj la lliat« Old AmObaii t" ID abildiuwd'a botaa, I lifliiwad near Tlie IiulIowM aeat with HM'nlng eat, And gentle wrda wliioli mother give Tofitme to die, andteaob metoUTO I Sbe told me ibatua would nerer Ijetlde, With truth for ay oreed asd Qod for ny guide) She taught lue tollap my eorlicat prayer A. I knelt bealde that" Old Am Chair," I Tlie H u n t SAool. Tlie apple tree uae itt ioouwomi and the ox its gadfir; busbaodii sometimes bave their curtain lecture!; Morraj lad Ilia deacon; BO almost etery cburcbhoe ilaaoold. Tliero ore tbe obnioli debt, theoburob madonna tie clmreb croaker —these three, and tbegreatMUf tbcae three is tbe ohureh oroaker. II yon eier wieh to know what ia going When her eyea grew dlm^andlberllooxa were tray, Ant! I Blinoet worabjp'd her when aho amiled, Aud turned from her Blblo to bleaa her child. Yoara roll'd <ta, but the laat oneapod,— My idol waa Bhattered, my earth-atar Hod, I learned hov mtteb tboheart can bear When 1aaw her die Iu the " Old A m Cliair.' "Tie poat, !rj| past, bit I gate on It now Witli quivering breath and throbbing brow; "Twaa there ahe mined mo, 'twaa tliero alio died, And memory fiowa with lava tide. , Say Itia folly, and deem me weak, While tbe aoaldlug dropB axart dowumy eheok; But 1 love it, I loto It, and cannot tear My aonl from a mother'a " Old Arm Chair." —Buu COOK. OPI\ 1)., L. k \Y. DEPOT, DOYKIt, N. J. lii.i! As.-nl. . YOUNG, ,SUCCAS1]NNA, N. J. :, Italian 'lir.™-,(t». Id. AlMi..n |iirK(!HitHl)rtm(?iiU.toLh(;rst.vl^ :ooklni!!liovra.HuiE" IVhir 8low», ie., HUSimu AMI 1VB1E1I C«E. Al<n, a i»-o HIIICI. ol HUltJWAIIIi. UIJTI.KIIV, SV/AIIFl. Oil C'tot'i? Uariutw. LsmrB. ml Oil in'in'oiI'lnBhp.l' AlaD. dr'alirnin COAI, lloofnif!, Pli:nibliiK inn! Juli ( Ver]i irunuitlv aui.'ii<li(l to. Fuirliaiik'e &u\lc* at naliolarlim.r'a prlcri. TIIL-V »I«O I I » « one ir tli<i alirivi: Brnlffl in frmil or HILT lilace ,it .Islilng. Olclli Best lino of Dress (Joods 014.0 Sflll VliiLVllilb. and Trimmings at PAHHEE &CIAIIK'S, llI,Af)KWKI,I, HT.. DOVKll. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Seeds, Fertilizers, ntliiDR for VXml AND GARDEN. OORHEES BROTHERS, Morristown, N. J, IND FOH 0ATAL0OUE. per, BiaBB.Load, naif nbEcLa take 96 WAGONS! H. P, SANDERSON, Han Bold Hiiec lit JntPMiiiTct thn iviii-ons of. tic. tOltriiANl>\V1\Qf.N(:OMl'AN.*281 1 L\T. FOKJia and (id UAHRUOE3. T!IP ijiiaiiiily anl.l la Hi(i evidenco D! liuiv well tlu p!i"|)l« lilio 111 era. I HAVE AFEW PLATFORM WAGONi AND CARRIAGES roon?ror"n)y C a'i;iKl.s, Rliifh will nr.ivu in a le»\lija. KQW IStOUItTlME to boy ALSO MATE1SUL9 OP ALL KINDS. H. P. SANDERSON, Dover. N. J. M. Y. B. SEARING. CARPENTER and BUILDER, DLJOKWELL ST., DOVEB, » . J . ufaiidDpcdlUcaliuuKl'ui'biillilingR.OaalraotB ukoimiKiumUirialafurniiituid. Slut.e Uoofiiig With buttar (noilitioB 1 nm ouablod to put I SLATE KOOFri chenper than ever lining me but tlio best qunlity of Hbite and em- oying flrat-o]anB mechanics. I can Ruar. iteo material and work in orery par|icu. 'lar Sboatbing ¥e\\ ^Iwaye bu hand. Dated QoCobor lSth. l«m. )LIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, removed toTlmrbrr'a nv* tlie irinftUO Central BalLoad chaw, lirklnj, - SEAK TBS OANAi, EABIS. t«j- jobhiuR anil rcpai Lndodto. AlcDKtizporieK Jsi itill. I lielluvt, enable jflion to all cnntmura C Cuntr uK promptly O in tlio biiit- to Rive satis- t tk d [iAVIKG AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, STREET, ip KANfllOK HOUriEacilDepot,) POVEH, N. J. I LD place litvn been eiHirely refitted In * ncs nnw. UDISH 1 mil ClilLDHEN'8 HAI TING A SPECIALTY. BALLENTIMTE'S SUPERIOR EXPORT LAGEJil BEER! St., E.ivcr, i opp. MollprV Oin;r.i Hoims. SELLING OUT AT HIRTY-FIVE CENTS 014 THE DOLLAR! Mycnliro stock d[ OtOTHING. HATS, CAPS, Gouts' Furnishing Goods, her IIUDRB tiro .mmnroim to Tnentimi bove imiHt In. anid <mnoodHQt orOOO e invK^ir witli ttuntlior brmioh"of bu*i GEO. IEI)EI| S iT H00H TU THE POST npf'lCE, PIANOS, OKGANS, AND ALL KINDS OP Musical Instruments! [ARTIN&BUCK, loss, Sign at! Diaantnt.1 Painters, ItS, UILDEH8 and PAPEH DAKO- OoutrtotB taken andmaterial fnraiKlied. ndqcgnlail In frcifne iljlcj. Hsrinc a UBliV'nowlp'lBft of lioiisc uua alsn palut- 'o feel competent t.. meet tue dpniaurti P.lnt allot over lliei White's milllncrj _ ... next to Toniibt *Sllliuni'i <lme •!•"> |0, Hoi 183. * .fncliHj- i:i»Oo ol atwu* OBttltlg. MABTIS. ' A. DBOK. F I MOLLER, EBBOKB TOA. IAH0UBE,) tlealfirg in JOTTLED LAGESS WATEaS, CIDES, mo.. «t WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL. eit lil.tifll in.laco- ffflrtiililiiKniMil Iliocniii Sen ummu '"111 tnrHU k c«!..ts |ier tvvik. WM. S. WRIGHT Blackwell St., Dover. N. J. 0. SHOADiSS, Nursery and Greenhouse: ^JJ. T. AJ;LEN. 8. J. PAL1IER, ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, i 2ST. 3". SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. County collector's Notice 1 PLANTS and HURSERY STOC OF ALL KINDS. FLOWER GARDENS L i ID OUT ASD CkOZD FOB. CUT FLOWERS AT ALL BE1B0S8. Thortrartfs Flower ;Seedi FOR BA1.E. E.DUNN&BEO. lunnrtqimniB i.f Improved Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus Stirts, Schools. Ghurcics, ml all manner nf prlvato anil pnulio tnililingi 104 MARKETSt,, NEWARK, J. J. VREELAND, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, DOTEft, S. J. O VTIt'Il adjo IUHV* mill lii D o n r Litm actHtnVcn, a II f SLATE ROOFING. Blato fiir:ii«lit!il frnra ;lie bi*nt iinnrrifB ld i t h t il C3rO TO Tur COOKING HTOVEH and H0C8E FUIi N1SHINU QOODS, 1 0 TO JOSEPH VOItK'S FOIt COOKINl Jf HiNqE^ AND KITCHEN pnpw-tiii & 0 TO IOB. YORK'S FOBTAIILOII *NL DINlNd BOOM AND OFTIOE RTOTIW STOraOFALLKISDS. OROCKEaY, 01.488-WAEE AND CEt^IA. sa; N, Ooty & Co., lADING HOUSE sm FA FABRICS! Co,or\Silk Department. i-To0»en tlic Fall ScaHnn. -iucli OUO(»GUAINi](ES3 1, every vurJ of which worth ».25. Black\jik Department. -To Open the Full Staiinii, . s truliP*vy QI10S O11A.IN, ,uilc, at J1.00 |»or jar" VEI.VE1EPAR7MENT. [jNO OUR I'ALL STOCK ii!re(l ri nt 1C LO\\T,ii (liiijllditcl to-iliiy. we Mil. lia»L«;ii ev, nml In »y Utr Dur iistwrtmciit ol most comi-ribtH- rli. ISAACS i»QTY^Co (t RY GOOttAND CARPETS, 159 All Market St., Ne4*, N. J. SPECIAJL SALE —OK— OVERCOATS FOB MEN, OVERCOATS FOB BOYS, OVERCOATS FOR CHILDREN, SUITS FOR MEN, Suits for Boys and Children, SUITS FOIt YOUTHS, WILL NOW HE SOLD 1IEL0W COVT TILL JAX. lal, Ii8i ALSO Rubber and Oiled Clothing! The Orr Overalls ! Blue Flannel. Shirts! Cassimere Shirts, all colors and shades I White Shirts, very low! Scarlet Undershirts and Drawers, all wool, at 90 cents each! White and Gray Undershirts and Drawers at 20cts. each. HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! ami CAPS in all styles and shades; prices way down TftUNKS AND VALISES, Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, linen and PnpRr Collars and CulT^, Silk Handker- chiefs—all colors ami shades, Gloves, Mittens, Socks, Ties and BOWB, and many other gs. too numerous to mention, contained in my store. COMIC (JOMMESIS. "I go tojoia my patients," said tbe good olddoctor as he passed peacefully away. Do clothes make the mac ? My sou, they do, Ttiey make lioi mighty bash- ful of bia tailor. BrcYity isanld-to betbo Boulofnit. wliioliqccoatits forttfuony writer always being "aliorl." NapoleoD, Nelson, Hoznrt, Hogortb, Sbakeapeare. and Mil to u all believed in old horsesliues for good luck. "You'll have to take the will for the deed," is what Uie lieir snid tothe law- yer wben the latter presented his bill. A. Cuauoctiout man recently killed a bat weighing a pound aad a half, Mimt mve been a brick-bat. Au Albany girl has three tongues. Nature never makes a mistake. She knew an Albany girl would never get through talking with one. No, Princess, wo cannot Bee tbe simi- larity between a loaf of bread and tbe sun, for one is set before it risea, and the other rises before it is eel. u.lsnmat I. l briu,: yoi y 11IP time ni> la with you. accounts for earthquakes on tie hypothesis that the infernal region is only a few miles below tho surface of the earth. An Ohio breaoh of promise salt brought: out letters on which the postsgl waa thirty-two cents, and ia whioh the word "darling" was used 620 times. Jennie YeamanB has made herself a great favoriu in Oalventon. Whenshe tiied to <eive town ahe was sent for aud brought buck by special offiaers, Oincinncti no longer opposes the bob- tailed car. MoBt of the drirers are near- sighted, and no pnaieiiger baa any trouble to get rid of bis counterfeit nickels. A scientific writer sajs tbe Americanof tot tbobilious man of fifty No ! Tho bilious miia ol SUSSEX STREET, DOVER, N, J. TWO DOORS I'llOM BLACK WELL ST., AND ^E<\HP., L. k W. today is jenra ngo DEMIST, DOVEL N. J- Freeman Wood, PIR.B INSURANCE AGENT, OKrlCH-NVriOSAi. UNION DISK BUILD. I>OVEK., TV. J. :al].v amtiorianl asent of ttin rollfffloe firm class Campania H.olioattn thoworlil: LONDON uml LIVERPOOL and OLODE, Cnjitiil 820,000,000. LASOASBIRE of JIAioilESlER, Cupttal 510,000,000. KOYA1 OF LlVEBPO'Mi, Carttul »10,000,000. FEANKLIN OF OTIIiSBELrHIA, C'apHil E5,l)O0,0O(l. HUDSON COUNTY, .lensey City, Capita! SilOO.OOll. J. B. PALMER, (mccE.,ou TO) BEEWIER &. PALMER COAL AND WOOD! THEB0N. NEW TO K. X884. Norlli BiitlKli .mil Mfr ol' Lniiilim MI<1 UilenlmiKl GHnmnU Fir- In..niaticcUo. oi 1 tM|Ul:ilH.IWn,O00. The London ABSiiriiuci Corv London, capital *r,,f.W,0D). Insuniioc, Do., lo nf Tm: RU t duringtli , HUll ItK'.Il Jll),()tW,001t Hew Yrn-k; WeatchcBter Fire Oooipfiny f ( Now York, cai>Hol »600,0». OEEMIH AMEBIOAK $1,000,00(1 H U E ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA. XH $3,G0O,O0( iM. - - - SOO.OOC Freeman Wood, ico at tho l'oacu Bint Pollen UfgUtrati 1111,1 II lliH1 ll.T 111 iiQiivtlotl tli lial jou it Urn ir.ifitM ,ily Vl/'liitlc nan Tunn un.v or.illfci n,d In molt o all its licnrt A himcstkovenimciit, uml •iiicli tlierefitro believus iLt the Rq lortj wiiHt tto, nn<l mmt U in this •Ciirofmir Lonl. 1881. \ " Ifvoukun^Ti|c SUk, 4n like it nlrondy, [ill'll jo» wfR reni. It with a^iHtomnd clllIgoHCO mat Ipta THE BEST PLACE of iU Uinil fur fujoyniumiu Iliiit Ffction ifi D. ROLLER'S BCSSE'JC S T . , {^EXTIJTIIEHIIIIKJE,) l)OVKIi,.\. J. HI rtft-ivetl »nil iilacct^i position TURKS Billiard ANM Pool Tables nton BIKI Lf.>.iiBh of a oiu Ooal tor'lmnnl miu f|)Iit rcQ^iy fur IIG Stones" Curbing. PHOSPHATES! A variety tif br»ailo of BtsnJanl Tcrtilizc STOCKBUIDUfi MiNI'ltCS, fifty jears ago succumbed to tha doctor long pro tLi3. " ToerriB huinau; to forgivi>, diviuc," ia a good old nilaga; but tbe Judya saya " it ianever quoted to us wheu wo make a tnislnke, "We lia^e to do tbo quoting for ourselves. Tlio wifa of no lonrn man isn't linlf BO prettj aa hlie vvus boforo be catoloaalj left two poum.a of powder on tho kitchen table. Ho tries to sootbo ber by Baying tbat ponder is only akin-deep. A. Conneotioot notunn lias written ti tbe Emperor of Brazil and asked him if i won't pinnae emanoipilte tbe slaves of tbut country. Ho will probably do so to oblige her. j Tie New York Christian Witness puli- Hsued tbo Ten Commandments the other week and DOWtha Texas papers are re- printing them under the head line of •'Pearls of Thought," credited to the Witness, A oat's cries wakened a canal boat cap- in nod family at NeffHaren. Tie boat bad fllledtmil was sinking. Sixteen lives were thus saved. The oat didn't carea drut for tbot, though, It yelled wholly on its own account. In Ban Francisco the oilier ctnjtho question, '^Whowoa the Futberof lili CountryY' was answered by one-balf tbe cbiidren, "George Washington." Tlie other half jelled, "Dennis Kearney." This snows tbat Kearney's influence is declining. An enterprising murderer can away anil stay away as long VTODg io the obniob, go to tbis com plainer. Ton cao get all tlie faults and fralltiea of the membere, and lean who is remiss in doty, andwho does too mnab, what feet minatbe path, and what faces carry oroolc. He will call attentioo to every screw looie, and point oat every fly speck on tbe chariot wheels. He hae tbe failings of every letter in tbe alphabet down through the whole catalogue at bis tongue's end! and can intone them with great feeling and solemnity us be makes confession for them. In prayer be makes oonfeisiontbat he and all men aremuer- abla sinners, and got-e out and does tlie best he can through tbo week to [irovn il-. Tbe clildrcu tbat come into tbe fold are too yonng to underatoDd the steps they ere takiog; tbe sdulta luve too little cmmolion of fiiti. Tbo BabWtb School spoils borne instruolion. Tbe yonng people are made too much of. and the singing is cot vhut Koih hnd iu tbe ark, The benevolence of the cboroli fails to go to bis pet object, and tbe wrong men sre promoted to office. There is a fable of a, pigwho visited a palace. He went into the ground, sud snuffed through tlie scullery and back yard and stable, put- ting liia uoBe in tbe slop-pail, turning over baskets of refuse, tind keeping his eyes on tbe ground, rooting up whatever woita mattei be came upon, snd finally went out diagUBted. He said be bnd heard there were penrh and gold in that place, and rielily famished apartments, bat ho bad been all through, and stack his nose into everything, and had fonnd notbiog like that whatever. He bad Been more offal and garbage there than a littler and no rubies or diamonds or magnifi oent rooms. Host unfortunate is it when tbochurch Gcoldis lbs minister, Many things may annoy and tempt him; tbe saUry may drag behind unpaid; the prayBt meeting may be thin and cold; certain evils may go through the church like it contagion, members failing to pi""'heir Blare and do tbeir pirt in the common work. But a complaining, scolding mannrr corrects none of the abases, and is asore evil. Men will not he driven to duly. They can not be growled and snarled into ser- vice. A nour, fault-finding way leads none into the kingdom of heaven. Sal- vation can not be foroed on men, Tbe Holy Spirit does not abide with a mur- muring ministry. The love ol Christ doea not stay where there is peevishness and taepiDg of thesensibilitietj. Tfcere is no goud done thia way, Aohnreb tbat is wrong cannot be scalded into the right. When a minister lectures bis pooplo liarebly, the ones who deserve it ate never there to hear it. The faithful ones, wbo do not need it, aro hurt by it. Scolding in tbe conduct of the church interests ia always a cold shoulder thrust into the glad ami glorious Gospel feast, only aggravating the evils. Many a miu- later hna lost bis influence and Im place by it. It may well be understood tbat if eaoaot got on by other methods, be certainly cannot by this. It ought to he. greed all orouud iu the church, by pas- tor and people, "No grumbling nuJ comjjlnimiig done hero." Whimany miitterw get cross-grained, ]ct them be kindtj met in tbo spirit of "sweeim nnd light," What tliis will not do iu letting things to rights will not bo easily rlplited.—The Advance. •+ -m + Lincoln onDuller. Some one aaked Mr. Lincoln why they bud tried Butler m so nuny places—Big Siitho), NowOrluaus, Pcuin sula, etc. It "remindud himof a story" 'When I was a young uiun 1 was a 'rail- He Felt Callnl Upon. A chap with big blae mittens on bis bandg, s comforter around bis neck and cap palled down over bis ears, entered the Qt-otiot Avenue Station house tbe rtliet dity and remarked to tie Captain: £ felt called upon tocome bero and report a little matter ibat happened up B a piece a few minute* ago. Owing to the cold I went into « saloon after a glsu of beer." "I see." "Wlieu I Feat out two chaps followed me. Ttiey rauted the loan of $1, but I felt c.i:k-J ipon to refpse," "That was rigbt." " They followed me over to the si J eel wbere I bad left my team, and waute.] in Bell me a watch. I didn't want i?, und then they wanted to borrow it^im. When tbey found tbat I bad myt.vos open, one of 'em grabbed me to bold UIL- up while tbe other went through me. I felt ctlled upon to remt. Did I <!., right?" "Oertninly yoa did." "I'm gltid of tlint. Was it perfectly propel Tor me to knoiik one of Vm vu<li'i' llio wagon?" "Indeed it was!" "Aud tt> pick up the other ouonud j.mttim igomet tbe burn until lie won limp?" 'Tee,rir.""Well, that'll wbnt I did, ind I'mglad If it was right and proper. Perhaps one of you bad better come up and give the fellows Borne advice."An ifflcer was dispatched toaccompany Mm, and when tbe abed wits reached one was |ust crawling out from ander the wagou, iis tose us large as bis elbow, and tbe other had a dreamy look as ho Bought to 1 on bis feel. The officer ordere 1 the pair to"move on" in a lively man- ner, and tbe farmer explained tothem, i they started: "Beully, now, but I felt Uled upon, you know, and tbe officer has assured mo that it was rigbt and proper. Good-by, gentlemen, and don't feel put out With me."—Detroit Free Prm. ••» De Nitlxt f<ndr. At a negro baptizing the other iluy a ilim preacher took a fat sister down into the waters of a bayou. Just 1 bo ami prtlo Brich, Litno, Com tcil Piaster, Hiir, Fira an.. Froul Brick, FJre City. OrderawiU bo prcniplljr Ulled »l the order •Abe,' get y y y g he plenfea. It is only porsoca who owo for hll h d splitter.' I wanted nu nx madt called on a blacksmith I knew ii to get bim to make one for mt 1 . said he, 'I have just tbopiece ol steel fur mch an W, and bnve beeu saviug it for Bome timo, thinking jou migUt need one.' Having said tbiu muoh lie put tlio piece of steel in tlio forgo und, liaviug rnised it to white beat, placed it on MB nuvil nnd beat it powerfully with bis hammer. The sparks flew nrouud, ami ill present bad to stand aside; but, utter working on it for some time, bo turnoil tQ mo with a rueful face and said: 'Abo, it won't make im ax, but it will a clevis I 1 Neit be again put it into tbe forgo, uml. having lieuted it as before, placed it ou tlio nnvil, tind, striking it with liia ham- mer, tbe spnrkB fleiv nruuml Hinartly, ui ill badto get out of tlio way of thei After a while hosiii.l Iome: 'Abe, I aorry to say it won't make n clevis, but it MASONS' MATERIALS! it 0»l-1 soa P ( ^ ua 8ht at wholesale, who dra^t o^t ,o^t detectives, re^niBiUon,8t Rftd llio entire ijo, incentive Unt Jasitoe, Circular SawMiU. Tor hnrd wooa Inwbcr oat to,any slza »ntl leoRlh dmreJ. ,, • . 40t) conU Boasoned wood for ula. > Addreis- -; ;. LOOK BOX 33, Dorer.N.JJ JfOHKSON, mBQQfiotnrorind dealer in. y p , 3 ll jo» wfTl wnil nwith ac, tHtoinnd diltgG d profit iltiriiiR what LA ro to ho tlie t k0m-1110 Sun, it la hi timo «0 O>» f\T3 r l T J T ? QT1T) TATVT UlWjJllibl.iliuJN Holies hemby l i n o tu>l Iji •Koo. ol UIB Bobicrlbtr, Qeootor ;r T a U J to dllta intllull work in Mrblo ind Qnoiu. All work ;f tho bout onVr and prices rm.Boi»l)l«. DLAOKWELL HT., DOTED, K . J . wee a return trip, with inTbeNhop, Wbat is that girl doing ? She is shopping. But sho just tola that clerk wbo bas been showing ber goodB for the last half lour that sbe didn't intend buying, Bbe only came in toinquire utjoat laces fora friend. Tea, tbe; OIWB^B snj tbat, B'lt does the'etok b#tieye her ?. Oh, j83^ the olcrk belterea everything that the professional Bhopper tells him. ProfesaioDul shopper. 'What is that? will answer for si bolt.' He aguin intro duced it i«to tie flic, nrj, after pound US it «n tbo anvil, nnd 'lie sparks flying from it us before, and ail present baving to Btund out of the way oi tliem, he, witli a most lugubrious expnssion Df connte- nance, Baid to me: 'Abo, it won't make a. bolt, but Ibaro is one thing I am d tl certain it will male,' and, baving Lcatcd it again as highly as be could, bo plunged it in abucket of water nnd exclaimed! 'It'll make abig flzzleV aad it did."— Venani dipped her onder the the water sbe •lipped from bis grasp nud glided under the root of a cypress tree, from which sad entanglement it WOB impossible to exlricate ber until life was extinct. The preacher, without tbe slightest ebowof nburrnssmaflf, raised bis handa and, iurning to the crowd, exclaimed : " The Lawd gibbath nn' da Land Ink- stli awny, blessed bede nntno of tie iwd." " Dot's all right HO fur as de Land's oODoerned," replied the drowned wom- an's husband, "bnt wbat'a I gwine to do ? I uin't got no 'jeetion to de LAWIVH taken* her away ef lie 'vide me anodder wife about the name size." "De Lawd knows his own business,*' mid tbe preaolier. "But dat ain't tbe pint." persisted the hnsbond, "I wan't a wife an' vmtils her right beab, Yerse'f tnuk dat 'omtm into de wattor, an l'se gwine to iiuld yerse'f responsible. I'll gin yep leu miu- utes ter git me a wife, an' ef at de end of dat time yon ain't dono madn 'raueo- ments I'll maul yer till yer couldu't bap- tize a cut. .Does yer beah?" Tlio prencher reflected for u inomcut nnd, addressing a statei', said : "Hister K«te, to keep down tliatnrliauco, won't jerse'f marry do geu'Jeniiiu?" Tbe aiatei ngrceil that immetliiito mut- rimouy was Bomewhat in her line; untl th«u tbo grief-itricltct. liuhbinul, turuing to tbo preacher, cxclainiod : "Dc suttle- nient am uutisfuetory, brnbder. Souse lie nuiit lady."—KaleiqJi 2ieir3 and Oh- I hi' Kiita of Lire. Tho milking worship nn end, h ttie- greut blunder of Ohi'isuans. The end ia cvLMi IBOI'O tlino a bltimelcss lift 1 . Tlio end is ii positively hitmauitariau cureer. "DJ unto others as you wctilil liuvo tbem tldunto yon," is n rulfi tn livo nud dioby. A mmcunnotbo imbued with true spirit of religion who is fnrevor irmling with his neigbboi'a. Think t Ctiristuin whu ia nhvuys tu Court! ink ot a Christian who is alwajs harsh bomol TbinkofftUliristian wlmm tlie ildri-ii hiiiL' ! Think ot a CtiriBtinn cao HCittea cooimmizi: nn oiitioe for tlio tposod glory of tbe church 1 It ia an tiirJily. It iscasitTtoboabanrd th:m bo coimislent—one ia luitiire, tlic ler grace. And wo don't gracefully ;o to grnei 1 . Let it not lie imagined. wrovcr, tbut tbo life of u good Ciirht.iii, 1st necessarily be a lifo of raduueholy ] glouminciis; fci" he only resigus me pleasures, toenjoy others inflnite- tcr. Keligion must have a body as a mul. The faith that does it throw a wiinntli as of snunncr urouud eayinpalliies atxl churitit-H of tho heart itl drop iuvigoi'ulions like showers tipuii jfloicaee and tbo will, i^ us false as in unsatisfying.—Kansas City Journal. It 19 ft bujB. ady who shops. She never NOTICE. Estate of George lloggar, F ttUlST oith IBt d deceased. ttiB order or tbo Barrccita DfHQiTitnB(IaDntlt But see, ibe baa stopped at another counter, Sheis looking at thoae beao- tifnl floor ruga. Sbe will not buy. Ton are wrong this time. I hear her tell tbe clerk to. send three of tb ber residence npon approbation. I tell yon she will not buy. Blie will If they unit her alter careful inspection. . < . . ' Yon ure rcry innocent She U tftta?f company, a patty per.U&jp, at hev boose k l l th bk to-night. •flritdiy of Haiitemtier, A. D. one Ihonitpd, •*•%. l.otiilred and clgbtj.three, notltjo Ii i to all por^nijB tyhrfat oiilmii r, Jito of the Mntthei.rao uliicriber, on 0! June neii, .'or«ildortor: ind toy creditor neglecting to bring in anil tiblblt till or ber oldtu. nn3er oifh or affirnu 1 on, iritlita Iho ilme ADllmltoa.'will bp ^rvve_ h»TTC(. of Mi or her 401104 tWsAir tgiioit wenty-ant 0»j ol SppUmber, A, SOPHIA HOOQAB, AJmlnlitrmtrii, j il those rags baqk tomorrow, I dop't understand. No, bnt tbe clerk does, He is doing the mgi tip for her. XcB;itis better tlmt be should do that thin apead bia wbofo (fay allowing ow pleasantly ha bids bet good da; 1 t»i it iff a Brent pleasure to bid liar good itoyl ; Paffed of plain rut fronts aro s -in- p Fort Oi»m, H.J. 1 tare of the new hnqucs and poloDo Fa MKHTO BBKSMBKB.—That olotnea don't make the man. That if they once get in debt the; maj never get oat of it. That parting hair in the middle brings on softening ol the braio. Tbat to deal honorably with all m< they nuBt begin with their vsahor romanl' , . Tb&t they need something 'moresal Buntiat than cigars, kid-gloves, nnd cane to Btart housekeeping with. | That, they can't reckon on their father' fortanetobringlhemthroaghlife. For tunes are dippery things—better bai something besides, to fall hack on. That 0 girl whet decks herself in tb< latest things out asd parades in fttieet white ber mother does the wash- ing, iu't wotfh wasting much love on. a fellow who, deliberately pro rosea matrimony to a girl when he oaft' anppott himself, is either a flrBt-clea hani or a foot— unless bemarries '' money and becomes her hired man. TTOR.—At 2 o'olcck tbamorninBttgentlemao WDB stnmblip along the boulevani. A guardian of " peace, paternally: "You'll never g< home if yoa walk backward mtbat way "If I nallt backward, I knowwhy "Parbleu, it's becmae yoa'fe taken drop tbo mnoh." "No ; i ' b nte too mach crabs ot sapper I" FA8IIIOS NOTES. Blnck Hussian hare will be « favorite iug fur fur winter cloaks und The "'Monica" iwlisse is of Itie newest moilelft ftir aulninn nnd winter rapa, Wisteria purple, Bulpher and flame- :olor aro fitvori^ colors tot matron's evening toilets. An excellent model for tho fashionable mked Bkirt with full breadths will be loand In the " Wanda" skirt. Ohenilte fringes, with or without jet beads, aro'tbe fashionable garnitures for relvet and brocade cloaks. Dill Oriental yellow, the color held saoredby the Brahmins, is a new and stilish shade much used in millinery. The "Greenway" wrapper is a decid- edly comfortably model for young inva- lids and occasional morning wear. Sarahs for aatumn and winter wear •e heavier than, the gammer qualities, and came iaall tho new tints and colors. Tailor-made jackets of Ottoman cloth, elaborately braided, are of medium length and single-breasted* and bave tbe qffleier collar. , lingerie of mall aad silk muslin trim- med with Oriental and Pompadour lace - seen ia the faint aurorv shades as well on white, Tbe "Rnssian" cirole will be a farorifxr winter garment made op in heavy gray, brown, or black cloth, trimtnefl witli a, fur border. Slides and bncklea of darkened iriron. pearl, or sbetl studded with 'ikiUticel rivets ateasod 00bonnets waist ribboDH. Tba "Bpotrix"- costnm-a is n design lor autumn street Jrcsres. Ttia skirt is quite foil[ ood plulo, bnt may be trimmed if prefeVred.





)B.» on BlwiwsU Btrert w i t floor to tinJationil Union Bank'





dealer.In DI1Y aoODBWJI'ltOVIBJONS, LEATHEI 1IJOOTB AKD BUOE8 Co fcl.r; W*, L.I.JC-(uii, HU.I in fael uvcrYtSiiiiiwtiiyll fceiitrullvtent ia a ccumry Blurt. ^ ttll fcmy li.-oitflat low tare.. Oil and Io mjfck bo



11 Oili IB Cllli S7 O'>

io ,,o| u on ai »i) 3" »»12 W| W 2 = 1 25 CO] 86 CM

i s Dili n m^5 1)1)1ID Hi

82 Oil] i l 00 |

ml 4r. on1)7 Bl1)7OS WMI8I)


Coruor of Bkelswoll and Ruasoi SIB.

DOVER. N. J.B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

IIor§on mul Cftrri^RtK to Let.

r A i i o N riTNEK,


1 E 0 . 0 . CUMMINb, M. J>..

0EHK11AL r l U C T I T I O N E l t ,














liaii HulU made to onlcr Iron, e l l to 9;iO,

B»tBromptly dorkiiw ta








The Seneca Falls Yeast Co.,(LIMIT) 11.)

ASK YOLK (iiUK'Ki: I 'Ol. I T ;

BRUEN & BUNNELL,IloolLaWrty, 3V. *T.,



HoucEorvnuc Pn^icnx ANDEOTEB, N. J.

Hotias.J H o 8 and 7 to 3 P.M.

in and iftor AprilUtVlll hivo hia oflic.oml floor of Hiirlioime Imildms- itice, turner or GMtl ami Odeatiiut Htm[lit calls lit rottidonoo,


STANHOFE, N. J'.pontracts for buildings taken from tbo fc

id of the cellar, anil miter.!.!* tnmmlicd,n i l ! p A o " , 'Dllfadsi, UmMinRe , Patulai Eelt aqd Mantral,! italt 'nalscoiititnritly


ing protHW II-4 prompt

tly ittc-pd



CIlESTBIl, N. J . ,







it th« IUICHI nod iiiurit iiiarming iniljlie tad private

asBurtioeiitiif Utoveu, i

G0OK, J.1 Alt LOU,






SUSSEX St. GROCER,,till c.jQtluuuri tu k e t p A (ill! and f r c ! . quau-

tity at

Groceries and Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS.'oTi'hm nnd domcittic, the best grn(Je« o::'ANMK1) (JOODH, mid all nuppliaH of th«iniuK.-bold in I'M lino.

Cure will ulwuyn IJU tukfii If) B:if tliu bent (]iia)ity und e'|imt \lln-ui fit ilm nirjbit reiwoniiblc m a i i•iihltut with tli<! imnliiiKinu ]'Hch. SUHS1-A

r t h e l, Uu

"THEOLO»RMCH«JR"a it, I lore It, and win) dull din

To ohlda iu for toting tie " Old Am Chairf"I'r. treaauf'd it long u a Uolj priae,l'TebedoVdlt irith lam aid embalmed it


Grain and Garden Sued Drills,

Walter A, Wood's Mowers,


Thomas & Field Wheel Hay Rakes,

AMERICAN HAY TEDDERS,Li oil's run Mill*,

Tlmsheis, Clvuuvrs, &c,

ami nil oLlji-r lirat-elim ranuiiiK



nllOKlUSTOWN, N. ,T.

HEAGAN & Co.All Muds of

and iinilntinn mini

lK'i-!!'iits. Also self

AlasktisI)ITS ill.


iuii! Hub-i l l l l ' i i e l iVC

An immense as-

sortment of HOLI-

DAY SLIPl'EltS can

now be seen in our


•Tla bound by a thouaand banda to my baart;Nat > tie irill break, not a Unt will atari,Would yo laani the ajellt-a motbei aat

tbere,And • adored tUnj la lliat« Old Am Obaii t"ID abildiuwd'a botaa, I lifliiwad nearTlie IiulIowM aeat with HM'nlng eat,And gentle wrda wliioli mother giveTo fit me to die, and teaob me to UTO ISbe told me ibatua would nerer Ijetlde,With truth for ay oreed asd Qod for ny

guide) •

She taught lue to llap my eorlicat prayerA. I knelt bealde that" Old Am Chair,"

I Tlie H u n t SAool.Tlie apple tree uae itt ioouwomi and

the ox its gadfir; busbaodii sometimesbave their curtain lecture!; Morraj ladIlia deacon; BO almost etery cburcb hoeilaaoold. Tliero ore tbe obnioli debt,theoburob madonna t i e clmreb croaker—these three, and tbegreatMUf tbcaethree is tbe ohureh oroaker.

II yon eier wieh to know what ia going

When her eyea grew dlm^andlberllooxa weretray,

Ant! I Blinoet worabjp'd her when aho amiled,Aud turned from her Blblo to bleaa her child.Yoara roll'd <ta, but the laat one apod,—My idol waa Bhattered, my earth-atar Hod,I learned hov mtteb tbo heart can bearWhen 1 aaw her die Iu the " Old A m Cliair.'"Tie poat, !rj| past, bi t I gate on It nowWitli quivering breath and throbbing brow;"Twaa there ahe mined mo, 'twaa tliero alio

died,And memory fiowa with lava tide. ,Say Itia folly, and deem me weak,While tbe aoaldlug dropB axart dowu my

eheok;But 1 love it, I loto It, and cannot tearMy aonl from a mother'a " Old Arm Chair."

— B u u COOK.

OPI\ 1)., L. k \Y. DEPOT, DOYKIt, N. J.

lii.i! As.-nl.


:, Italian ' l i r .™-,( t».

Id. AlMi..n |iirK(!HitHl)rtm(?iiU.toLh(;rst.vl^:ooklni!!liovra.HuiE" IVhir 8low», ie.,HUSimu AMI 1VB1E1I C«E. Al<n, ai»-o HIIICI. ol H UltJWAIIIi. UIJTI.KIIV,

SV/AIIFl. Oil C'tot'i? Uariutw. LsmrB.

ml Oil in'in'oiI'lnBhp.l' AlaD. dr'alirninCOAI, lloofnif!, Pli:nibliiK inn! Juli (Ver]iirunuitlv aui.'ii<li(l to. Fuirliaiik'e &u\lc* atnaliolarlim.r'a prlcri. TIIL-V »I«O I I » « oneir tli<i alirivi: Brnlffl in frmil or HILT lilace ,it

.Islilng. Olclli

Best lino of Dress (Joods 014.0 Sflll VliiLVllilb.and Trimmings at


llI,Af)KWKI,I, HT.. DOVKll.




per, BiaBB.Load, naif nbEcLa take


H. P, SANDERSON,Han Bold Hiiec lit JntPMiiiTct thn iviii-ons of.

tic. tOltr i iANl>\V1 \Qf.N(:OMl'AN.*2811L\T.FOKJia and (id UAHRUOE3. T ! I P ijiiaiiiilyanl.l la Hi(i evidenco D! liuiv well t l u p!i"|)l«lilio 111 era.


roon?ror"n)yCa'i;iKl.s, Rliifh will nr.ivu in ale»\li ja. KQW IStOUItTlME to boy •


H. P. SANDERSON,Dover. N. J.





Slut.e UoofiiigWith buttar (noilitioB 1 nm ouablod to putI SLATE KOOFri chenper than ever liningme but tlio best qunlity of Hbite and em-oying flrat-o]anB mechanics. I can Ruar.iteo material and work in orery par|icu.

'lar Sboatbing ¥e\\ Iwaye bu hand.Dated QoCobor lSth. l«m.


Carpenter and Builder,removed toTlmrbrr'a nv* tlieirinftUO Central BalLoad chaw, lirklnj,

- SEAK TBS OANAi, EABIS.t « j - jobhiuR anil rcpaiLndodto. AlcDKtizporieKJsi itill. I lielluvt, enablejflion to all cnntmura CCuntr

uK promptlyO in tlio biiit-

to Rive satis-t t k d


STREET,ip KANfllOK HOUriEacilDepot,)

POVEH, N. J.ILD place litvn been eiHirely refitted In * ncs

n n w . U D I S H 1 mi l Cl i lLDHEN'8 HAITING A SPECIALTY.



LAGEJil BEER! St., E.ivcr, i

opp. MollprV Oin;r.i Hoims.



Mycnliro stock d[


Gouts' Furnishing Goods,her IIUDRB tiro .mmnroim to Tnentimibove imiHt In. anid <m noodHQt orOOOe invK^ir witli ttuntlior brmioh"of bu*i




Musical Instruments![ A R T I N & B U C K ,

loss, Sign at! Diaantnt.1 Painters,ItS, UILDEH8 and PAPEH DAKO-

OoutrtotB taken and material fnraiKlied.ndqcgnlail In frcifne iljlcj. Hsrinc aUBliV'nowlp'lBft of lioiisc uua alsn palut-'o feel competent t.. meet tue dpniaurti

P.lnt allot over lliei White's milllncrj_ .. . next to Toniibt * Sllliuni'i <lme •!•">| 0 , Hoi 183.

* .fncliHj- i:i»Oo ol atwu* OBttltlg.MABTIS. ' A. DBOK.


tlealfirg in



eit lil.tifll in.laco-

ffflrtiililiiKniMil IliocniiiSen ummu '"111 tnrHU

kc«!..ts |ier tvvik.

WM. S. WRIGHTBlackwell St., Dover. N. J.


Nursery and Greenhouse:

^ J J . T . AJ;LEN. 8. J . PAL1IER,



SHOPS ON ESSEX ST.County collector's Notice 1




Thortrartfs Flower ;SeediFOR BA1.E.

E.DUNN&BEO.lunnrtqimniB i.f

Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus

Stirts, Schools. Ghurcics,ml all manner nf prlvato anil pnulio tnililingi



DOTEft, S. J.OVTIt'Il adjo

I U H V * milll i i

D o n r LitmactHtnVcn, aI I f

SLATE ROOFING.Blato fiir:ii«lit!il frnra ;lie bi*nt iinnrrifB

l d i t h t il

C3rO T O


1 0 TO JOSEPH VOItK'S FOIt COOKINlJf H i N q E ^ AND KITCHEN p n p w - t i i i



sa; N, Ooty & Co.,lADING HOUSE

sm FAFABRICS!Co,or\Silk Department.

i - T o 0 » e n tlic Fa l l ScaHnn.-iucli OUO(»GUAINi] (ES31, every vurJ of whichworth » . 2 5 .

Black\jik Department.

-To Open the Fu l l Staiinii,

. s t r u l i P * v y QI10S O11A.IN,,uilc, a t J1.00 |»or j a r "



ii!re(lr int1CLO\\T,ii(liiijllditcl to-iliiy.we Mil. lia»L«;iiev, nml In »y UtrDur iistwrtmciit ol

most comi-ribtH-rli.



159 A l l Market St.,

Ne4*, N. J.




SUITS FOR MEN,Suits for Boys and Children,


Rubber and Oiled Clothing! The Orr Overalls ! Blue Flannel.Shirts! Cassimere Shirts, all colors and shades I White

Shirts, very low ! Scarlet Undershirts and Drawers,all wool, at 90 cents each! White and Gray

Undershirts and Drawers at 20 cts. each.

HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS!ami CAPS in all styles and shades; prices way down

TftUNKS AND VALISES, Celluloid Collars and Cuffs,l inen and PnpRr Collars and CulT , Silk Handker-

chiefs—all colors ami shades, Gloves, Mittens,Socks, Ties and BOWB, and many other

gs. too numerous to mention,contained in my store.

COMIC (JOMMESIS." I go to joia my patients," said tbe

good old doctor as he passed peacefullyaway.

Do clothes make the mac ? My sou,they do, Ttiey make lioi mighty bash-ful of bia tailor.

BrcYity isanld-to be tbo Boulofnit.wliioliqccoatits forttfuony writer alwaysbeing "aliorl."

NapoleoD, Nelson, Hoznrt, Hogortb,Sbakeapeare. and Mil to u all believed inold horsesliues for good luck.

"You'll have to take the will for thedeed," is what Uie lieir snid to the law-yer wben the latter presented his bill.

A. Cuauoctiout man recently killed abat weighing a pound aad a half, Mimtmve been a brick-bat.

Au Albany girl has three tongues.Nature never makes a mistake. Sheknew an Albany girl would never getthrough talking with one.

No, Princess, wo cannot Bee tbe simi-larity between a loaf of bread and tbesun, for one is set before it risea, andthe other rises before it is eel.

u.lsnmat I.l briu,: yoi

y 11IP time ni>la with you .

accounts forearthquakes on tie hypothesis that theinfernal region is only a few miles belowtho surface of the earth.

An Ohio breaoh of promise salt brought:out letters on which the postsgl waathirty-two cents, and ia whioh the word"darling" was used 620 times.

Jennie YeamanB has made herself agreat favoriu in Oalventon. When shetiied to <eive town ahe was sent for audbrought buck by special offiaers,

Oincinncti no longer opposes the bob-tailed car. MoBt of the drirers are near-sighted, and no pnaieiiger baa any troubleto get rid of bis counterfeit nickels.

A scientific writer sajs tbe American oftot tbo bilious man of fifty

No ! Tho bilious miia ol


today isjenra ngo



Freeman Wood,PIR.B


I>OVEK., TV. J .:al].v amtiorianl asent of ttin rollfffloe firm

class Campania H.olioattn thoworlil:


OLODE, Cnjitiil 820,000,000.

LASOASBIRE of JIAioilESlER,Cupttal 510,000,000.

KOYA1 OF LlVEBPO'Mi,Carttul »10,000,000.


HUDSON COUNTY, .lensey City,Capita! SilOO.OOll.

J. B. PALMER,(mccE.,ou TO)




Norlli BiitlKli .mil Mfrol' Lniiilim MI<1 UilenlmiKl

GHnmnU Fir- In..niaticcUo. oi 1tM|Ul:ilH.IWn,O00.

T h e London ABSiiriiuci Corv

London, capital *r,,f.W,0D).

Insuniioc, Do.,

lo • nf Tm: RUt during tli

, HUll ItK'.Il


Hew Yrn-k;

WeatchcBter Fire Oooipfiny f(Now York, cai>Hol »600,0».

O E E M I H AMEBIOAK $1,000,00(1


X H $3,G0O,O0(

iM. - - - SOO.OOC

Freeman Wood,ico at tho l'oacu Bint Pollen UfgUtra t i

1111,1 II lliH 1ll.T 111

iiQiivtlotl tli

lial j o uit Urn n»ir.ifitM

,ily Vl/'liitlcnan Tunn un.v

or.illfcin,d In molt

o all its licnrtA himcstkovenimciit, uml

•iiicli tlierefitro believus iLt the Rqlortj wiiHt tto, nn<l mmt U in this•Ciirofmir Lonl. 1881. \

" Ifvoukun^Ti|c SUk, 4n like it nlrondy,[ill'll jo» wfR reni. It with a^iHtomnd clllIgoHCO


THE BEST PLACEof iU Uinil fur fujoyniumiu Iliiit Ffction ifi

D. ROLLER'SBCSSE'JC S T . , { ^ E X T I J T I I E H I I I I K J E , )

l ) O V K I i , . \ . J .HI rtft-ivetl »nil iilacct^i position TURKS


Pool Tables

nton BIKI Lf.>.iiBh of aoiu Ooal tor l .k i ' lmnnlmiu f|)Iit rcQ^iy fur IIG

Stones" Curbing.

PHOSPHATES!A variety tif br»ailo of BtsnJanl Tcrtilizc


fifty jears ago succumbed to tha doctorlong pro tLi3.

" ToerriB huinau; to forgivi>, diviuc,"ia a good old nilaga; but tbe Judya saya" it ia never quoted to us wheu wo makea tnislnke, "We lia^e to do tbo quotingfor ourselves.

Tlio wifa of no lonrn man isn't linlf BOprettj aa hlie vvus boforo be catoloaalj lefttwo poum.a of powder on tho kitchentable. Ho tries to sootbo ber by Bayingtbat ponder is only akin-deep.

A. Conneotioot notunn lias written titbe Emperor of Brazil and asked him if

i won't pinnae emanoipilte tbe slaves oftbut country. Ho will probably do so tooblige her. j

Tie New York Christian Witness puli-Hsued tbo Ten Commandments the otherweek and DOW tha Texas papers are re-printing them under the head line of•'Pearls of Thought," credited to theWitness,

A oat's cries wakened a canal boat cap-in nod family at NeffHaren. Tie boat

bad fllledtmil was sinking. Sixteen liveswere thus saved. The oat didn't care adrut for tbot, though, It yelled whollyon its own account.

In Ban Francisco the oilier ctnjthoquestion, '^Whowoa the Futberof liliCountryY' was answered by one-balf tbecbiidren, "George Washington." Tlieother half jelled, "Dennis Kearney."This snows tbat Kearney's influence isdeclining.

An enterprising murderer canaway anil stay away as long

VTODg io the obniob, go to tbiscom plainer. Ton cao get all tlie faultsand fralltiea of the membere, and leanwho is remiss in doty, and who does toomnab, what feet minatbe path, and whatfaces carry oroolc. He will call attentiooto every screw looie, and point oat everyfly speck on tbe chariot wheels. He haetbe failings of every letter in tbe alphabetdown through the whole catalogue at bistongue's end! and can intone them withgreat feeling and solemnity us be makesconfession for them. In prayer be makesoonfeisiontbat he and all men aremuer-abla sinners, and got-e out and does tliebest he can through tbo week to [irovnil-. Tbe clildrcu tbat come into tbe foldare too yonng to underatoDd the stepsthey ere takiog; tbe sdulta luve too littlecmmolion of fiiti. Tbo BabWtb Schoolspoils borne instruolion. Tbe yonngpeople are made too much of. and thesinging is cot vhut Koih hnd iu tbe ark,The benevolence of the cboroli fails togo to bis pet object, and tbe wrong mensre promoted to office. There is a fableof a, pig who visited a palace. He wentinto the ground, sud snuffed through tliescullery and back yard and stable, put-ting liia uoBe in tbe slop-pail, turningover baskets of refuse, tind keeping hiseyes on tbe ground, rooting up whateverwoita mattei be came upon, snd finallywent out diagUBted. He said be bndheard there were penrh and gold in thatplace, and rielily famished apartments,bat ho bad been all through, and stackhis nose into everything, and had fonndnotbiog like that whatever. He bad Beenmore offal and garbage there than a littlerand no rubies or diamonds or magnifioent rooms.

Host unfortunate is it when tbo churchGcoldis lbs minister, Many things mayannoy and tempt him; tbe saUry maydrag behind unpaid; the prayBt meetingmay be thin and cold; certain evils maygo through the church like it contagion,members failing to pi"" 'heir Blare anddo tbeir pirt in the common work. Buta complaining, scolding mannrr correctsnone of the abases, and is a sore evil.Men will not he driven to duly. Theycan not be growled and snarled into ser-vice. A nour, fault-finding way leadsnone into the kingdom of heaven. Sal-vation can not be foroed on men, TbeHoly Spirit does not abide with a mur-muring ministry. The love ol Christdoea not stay where there is peevishnessand taepiDg of the sensibilitietj. Tfcereis no goud done thia way, Aohnrebtbat is wrong cannot be scalded into theright. When a minister lectures bispooplo liarebly, the ones who deserve itate never there to hear it. The faithfulones, wbo do not need it, aro hurt by it.Scolding in tbe conduct of the churchinterests ia always a cold shoulder thrustinto the glad ami glorious Gospel feast,only aggravating the evils. Many a miu-later hna lost bis influence and Im placeby it. It may well be understood tbat if

eaoaot got on by other methods, becertainly cannot by this. It ought to he.

greed all orouud iu the church, by pas-tor and people, "No grumbling nuJcomjjlnimiig done hero." Whim anymiitterw get cross-grained, ]ct them bekindtj met in tbo spirit of "sweeimnnd light," What tliis will not do iuletting things to rights will not bo easilyrlplited.—The Advance.

•+ -m +Lincoln on Duller.

Some one aaked Mr. Lincoln why theybud tried Butler m so nunyplaces—Big Siitho), Now Orluaus, Pcuinsula, etc. It "remindud him of a story"

'When I was a young uiun 1 was a 'rail-

He Felt Callnl Upon.A chap with big blae mittens on bis

bandg, s comforter around bis neck andcap palled down over bis ears, entered

the Qt-otiot Avenue Station house tbertliet dity and remarked to t ie Captain:

£ felt called upon to come bero andreport a little matter ibat happened up

B a piece a few minute* ago. Owingto the cold I went into « saloon after aglsu of beer." " I see." " Wlieu IFeat out two chaps followed me. Ttieyrauted the loan of $1, but I felt c.i:k-Jipon to refpse," "That was rigbt."" They followed me over to the si J eelwbere I bad left my team, and waute.] inBell me a watch. I didn't want i?, undthen they wanted to borrow it^im.When tbey found tbat I bad my t.vosopen, one of 'em grabbed me to bold UIL-up while tbe other went through me. Ifelt ctlled upon to remt. Did I <!.,right?" "Oertninly yoa did." "I'mgltid of tlint. Was it perfectly propelTor me to knoiik one of Vm vu<li'i' lliowagon?" "Indeed it was!" "Aud tt>pick up the other ouo nud j.m ttimigomet tbe burn until lie won limp?"'Tee, rir." "Well, that'll wbnt I did,ind I'm glad If it was right and proper.Perhaps one of you bad better come upand give the fellows Borne advice." Anifflcer was dispatched to accompany Mm,

and when tbe abed wits reached one was|ust crawling out from ander the wagou,iis tose us large as bis elbow, and tbe

other had a dreamy look as ho Bought to1 on bis feel. The officer ordere 1

the pair to "move on" in a lively man-ner, and tbe farmer explained to them,

i they started: "Beully, now, but I feltUled upon, you know, and tbe officer

has assured mo that it was rigbt andproper. Good-by, gentlemen, and don'tfeel put out With me."—Detroit FreePrm.

• • • »De Nitlxt f<ndr.

At a negro baptizing the other iluy ailim preacher took a fat sister down intothe waters of a bayou. Just 1 bo

ami prtlo Brich, Litno, Comtcil Piaster, Hiir, Fira an.. FroulBrick, FJre City. OrderawiU bo

prcniplljr Ulled »l the


gety y y g he

plenfea. It is only porsoca who owo forh l l h d

splitter.' I wanted nu nx madtcalled on a blacksmith I knew iito get bim to make one for mt1.said he, 'I have just tbo piece ol steel furmch an W, and bnve beeu saviug it forBome timo, thinking jou migUt needone.' Having said tbiu muoh lie put tliopiece of steel in tlio forgo und, liaviugrnised it to white beat, placed it on MBnuvil nnd beat it powerfully with bishammer. The sparks flew nrouud, amiill present bad to stand aside; but, utterworking on it for some time, bo turnoiltQ mo with a rueful face and said: 'Abo,it won't make im ax, but it will a clevis I1

Neit be again put it into tbe forgo, uml.having lieuted it as before, placed it outlio nnvil, tind, striking it with liia ham-mer, tbe spnrkB fleiv nruuml Hinartly, uiill bad to get out of tlio way of thei

After a while ho siii.l Io me: 'Abe, Iaorry to say it won't make n clevis, but it

MASONS' MATERIALS!it 0»l-1 s o aP ( ^ua8ht at wholesale, who dra t o^t,o^t detectives, re^niBiUon,8t Rftd llio entire

ijo, incentive Unt Jasitoe,


Tor hnrd wooa Inwbcr oat to,any slza »ntlleoRlh dmreJ. ,, • .

40t) conU Boasoned wood for ula. >Addreis- -; ;.

LOOK BOX 33,Dorer.N.JJ

JfOHKSON,mBQQfiotnrorind dealer i n .

y p , 3ll jo» wfTl wnil n with ac, tHtoinnd diltgGd profit iltiriiiR what LA ro to ho tlie

t k0m-1110 Sun, it la hi timo «0 O>» f\T3 r lTJT? QT1T) TATVT


Holies i» hemby l i n o tu>l Iji •Koo.ol UIB Bobicrlbtr, Qeootor ;r

T a U J to dllta

intllull work in Mrblo ind Q n o i u . All work;f tho bout onVr and prices rm.Boi»l)l«.


wee a return trip, with

inTbeNhop,Wbat is that girl doing ?She is shopping.But sho just tola that clerk wbo bas

been showing ber goodB for the last halflour that sbe didn't intend buying, Bbeonly came in to inquire utjoat laces forafriend.

Tea, tbe; OIWB^B snj tbat,B'lt does the'etok b#tieye her ?.Oh, j83 the olcrk belterea everything

that the professional Bhopper tells him.ProfesaioDul shopper. 'What is that?

will answer for si bolt.' He aguin introduced it i«to t ie flic, nrj, after poundUS it «n tbo anvil, nnd 'lie sparks flyingfrom it us before, and ail present bavingto Btund out of the way oi tliem, he, witlia most lugubrious expnssion Df connte-nance, Baid to me: 'Abo, it won't make a.bolt, but Ibaro is one thing I am d tlcertain it will male,' and, baving Lcatcdit again as highly as be could, bo plungedit in a bucket of water nnd exclaimed!'It'll make a big flzzleV aad it did."—Venani

dipped her onder the the water sbe•lipped from bis grasp nud glided underthe root of a cypress tree, from whichsad entanglement it WOB impossible toexlricate ber until life was extinct. Thepreacher, without tbe slightest ebow of

nburrnssmaflf, raised bis handa and,iurning to the crowd, exclaimed :

" The Lawd gibbath nn' da Land Ink-stli awny, blessed be de nntno of tie

iwd."" Dot's all right HO fur as de Land's

oODoerned," replied the drowned wom-an's husband, "bnt wbat'a I gwine todo ? I uin't got no 'jeetion to de LAWIVHtaken* her away ef lie 'vide me anodderwife about the name size."

"De Lawd knows his own business,*'mid tbe preaolier.

"But dat ain't tbe pint." persistedthe hnsbond, " I wan't a wife an' vmtilsher right beab, Yerse'f tnuk dat 'omtminto de wattor, an l'se gwine to iiuldyerse'f responsible. I'll gin yep leu miu-utes ter git me a wife, an' ef at de end ofdat time yon ain't dono madn 'raueo-ments I'll maul yer till yer couldu't bap-tize a cut. .Does yer beah ?"

Tlio prencher reflected for u inomcutnnd, addressing a statei', said : "HisterK«te, to keep down tliatnrliauco, won'tjerse'f marry do geu'Jeniiiu ?"

Tbe aiatei ngrceil that immetliiito mut-rimouy was Bomewhat in her line; untlth«u tbo grief-itricltct. liuhbinul, turuingto tbo preacher, cxclainiod : "Dc suttle-nient am uutisfuetory, brnbder. Souselie nuiit lady."—KaleiqJi 2ieir3 and Oh-

I hi' Kiita of Lire.

Tho milking worship nn end, h ttie-greut blunder of Ohi'isuans. The end iacvLMi IBOI'O tlino a bltimelcss lift1. Tlioend is ii positively hitmauitariau cureer." D J unto others as you wctilil liuvotbem tld unto yon," is n rulfi tn livo nuddioby. A mm cunnotbo imbued with

true spirit of religion who is fnrevorirmling with his neigbboi'a. Thinkt Ctiristuin whu ia nhvuys tu Court!ink ot a Christian who is alwajs harshbomol TbinkofftUliristian wlmm tlieildri-ii hiiiL' ! Think ot a CtiriBtinncao HCittea cooimmizi: nn oiitioe for tliotposod glory of tbe church 1 It ia antiirJily. It iscasitTtoboabanrd th:mbo coimislent—one ia luitiire, tlic

ler grace. And wo don't gracefully;o to grnei1. Let it not lie imagined.wrovcr, tbut tbo life of u good Ciirht.iii,1st necessarily be a lifo of raduueholy] glouminciis; fci" he only resigusme pleasures, to enjoy others inflnite-

tcr. Keligion must have a bodyas a mul. The faith that does

it throw a wiinntli as of snunncr urouudeayinpalliies atxl churitit-H of tho heartitl drop iuvigoi'ulions like showers tipuii

jfloicaee and tbo will, i us false asin unsatisfying.—Kansas City Journal.

It 19 ftbujB.

ady who shops. She never


Estate of George lloggar,


I B t d

deceased.ttiB order or tbo BarrccitaDfHQiTitnB(IaDntlt

But see, ibe baa stopped at anothercounter, She is looking at thoae beao-tifnl floor ruga.

Sbe will not buy.Ton are wrong this time. I hear her

tell tbe clerk to. send three of tbber residence npon approbation.

I tell yon she will not buy.Blie will If they unit her alter careful

inspection. . < . . 'Yon ure rcry innocent She U tftta?f

company, a patty per.U&jp, at hev boosek l l th bkto-night.

•flritdiy of Haiitemtier, A. D. one Ihonitpd,•*•%. l.otiilred and clgbtj.three, notltjo Ii

i to all por nijB tyhrfat oiilmiir, Jito of theMntthei.raouliicriber, on

0! June neii,.'or«ildortor:

ind toy creditor neglecting to bring in aniltiblblt till or ber oldtu. nn3er oifh or affirnu1 on, iritlita Iho ilme ADllmltoa.'will bp rvve_h»TTC(. of Mi or her 401104 tWsAir tgiioit

wenty-ant 0»j ol SppUmber, A,

SOPHIA HOOQAB,AJmlnlitrmtrii,

jil those rags baqk

tomorrow,I dop't understand.No, bnt tbe clerk does,He is doing the mgi tip for her.XcB;itis better tlmt be should do

that thin apead bia wbofo (fay allowing

ow pleasantly ha bids bet good da; 1t»i it iff a Brent pleasure to bid liar

good itoyl ;

Paffed of plain rut fronts aro s -in-pFort Oi»m, H.J.1 tare of the new hnqucs and poloDo

Fa MKHTO BBKSMBKB.—Thatolotnea don't make the man.

That if they once get in debt the; majnever get oat of it.

That parting hair in the middle bringson softening ol the braio.

Tbat to deal honorably with all m<they nuBt begin with their vsahorromanl' , .

Tb&t they need something 'more salBuntiat than cigars, kid-gloves, nndcane to Btart housekeeping with. |

That, they can't reckon on their father'fortanetobringlhemthroaghlife. Fortunes are dippery things—better baisomething besides, to fall hack on.

That 0 girl whet decks herself in tb<latest things out asd parades infttieet white ber mother does the wash-ing, iu ' t wotfh wasting much love on.

a fellow who, deliberately prorosea matrimony to a girl when he oaft'anppott himself, is either a flrBt-cleahani or a foot— unless be marries ''money and becomes her hired man.

T T O R . — A t 2 o'olccktbamorninBttgentlemao WDB stnmblipalong the boulevani. A guardian of "peace, paternally: "You'll never g<home if yoa walk backward m tbat way"If I nallt backward, I know why"Parbleu, it's becmae yoa'fe takendrop tbo mnoh." "No ; i ' bnte too mach crabs ot sapper I"


Blnck Hussian hare will be « favoriteiug fur fur winter cloaks und

The "'Monica" iwlisse is of Itienewest moilelft ftir aulninn nnd winter

rapa,Wisteria purple, Bulpher and flame-

:olor aro fitvori^ colors tot matron'sevening toilets.

An excellent model for tho fashionablemked Bkirt with full breadths will be

loand In the " Wanda" skirt.Ohenilte fringes, with or without jet

beads, aro'tbe fashionable garnitures forrelvet and brocade cloaks.

Dil l Oriental yellow, the color heldsaoredby the Brahmins, is a new andstilish shade much used in millinery.

The "Greenway" wrapper is a decid-edly comfortably model for young inva-lids and occasional morning wear.

Sarahs for aatumn and winter wear•e heavier than, the gammer qualities,

and came ia all tho new tints and colors.Tailor-made jackets of Ottoman cloth,

elaborately braided, are of mediumlength and single-breasted* and bave tbeqffleier collar. ,

lingerie of mall aad silk muslin trim-med with Oriental and Pompadour lace -

seen ia the faint aurorv shades as wellon white,

Tbe "Rnssian" cirole will be a farorifxrwinter garment made op in heavy gray,brown, or black cloth, trimtnefl witli a,fur border.

Slides and bncklea of darkened iriron.pearl, or sbetl studded with 'ikiUticelrivets ate asod 00bonnetswaist ribboDH.

Tba "Bpotrix"- costnm-a is ndesign lor autumn street Jrcsres. Ttiaskirt is quite foil[ ood plulo, bnt may betrimmed if prefeVred.

TEE IRO if ERAThe Borer Printing Company,

Saturday, I)3C. 8, 1883.

THE SPEAKERSHIP.The content within the Democratic part]

for tbe Spcakerahip of the House of KeprawnUtiTa, which came to n cono.iis.imSaturdsr. was w«tolied witb iutereit by peo-pla of all parties, as it was goucnlly e<m<oeded that it would define the future poliejof the Democratic party upou the quentioffreetraie. Three candidates war* in tfield. OQS or Ibom, Randall, of Feni»?]vanift, ban in tbe past been a protectioniThe other two, Carlisle, of Kentucky,Cos, of New York, have been open and pro-noaoced free traders for jean. Mr. Badsjl'i friends claimed Ibat in tbe eventhi* election be would BO appoint bit Committeesaud, exert the icfiueucalof bis offithat tbe business of the country would n<be disturbed by any iaterferonoe witbpififent tariff. On (be other hand it wainrged by the friend* of Ooi and Carlislthat In cue (if tbe election of either, th<work of lowering tbe present tariff dwould be begun at once in the present Cot.grew. Mr. Carlisle stated his riewBphatioally: He did not believe that tlbusiness of the country etild stand auohradical change as the adoption of free tradtat onoo, but be was in fnvor of a graduand continual lowering of the duties on f<eignimporlacntil that end is finally attain*ed. When tbe caucus wan held ou Saturdaynight t ie question was settled in favorCirliele and free trade upon the first ballby a larger majority than any one expectedTbe South went for him almost solidly amtbe Western free tradn Denioorata gate hitheir uoUeJ support. Upon the first ballhe reeeived;iO7 ballots, to 44 for Handallnod 3G for Con. la his speech of acceptauMr. Carlisle frankly admitted that If tb<contest baa been a personal one be shoinot have suliceeded. He attributed bis eleotion nolelj to the foot that La represented iTilal principle in politic, which all h!bearers knew meant free trade.

As a political movement tba effect of MrOirlUle's election upon tbe country hui beeigreat Prominent Democratic protection!in the North pronounce it a fatal blandiaud leading Democratic newspapers like tlHun say that It Is but little short of politicsuicide, as it promises to ruin tbe Deicralio chanced ofaucceBa iu 1881. Onother band the Republicans are jubilanand confident of winn.DK tbe Presiiteiiliflght of next year. Thuy are glad for threason that the action unmasks the smallminority of Democrnle wlio claim that lparty Is for protection, and maken the qneBtlon the straight political issuo of ncitThe Democrats having taken an unequivocalstand for free trad'o tbe Republicans wiadopt a platform in favor of a protectivtariff, and on that iaroe will again sweeptbe country u they did In 18S0.

The analysis of tbe vote is interestingBlowing that the Eiu is correct In ossertiithat the Democracy [s a free trade party,Messrs. Carlisla and Cox, free traders, together received 14!) votes, while Mr. Ran-dall bad with him only 44 votes who thoughtwitb him that it would be (inadvisabledidtjrb tbe business of the country fnrtlby tariff agitation. Some of these are knovito be practically in favor of freo trade, Ludo not think it wonld be jiotitio to pueb tlquestion till after tbe next Presidential carpaigu. It is most fortunate fur the indutries of the country that tbe Beetle and tlPresident are still Republican,

THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE,The Annual Mewags of President Arthu;

submitedtoOongresslaHtTneBday, isaplaiibusiness-like document that deals clenrl,and directly with all affairs of pnblls concent. I t first reviews foreign rektionwhich are elated to be in a generally satis

—factory condition. Congressional attentliiBBpMiflllj called to tbe flhLery interest!pauper immigration, the vindicationAmerican pork products abroad, claimiagainst Bpaib, international congresses,the probable desirability of commercial retalhtlon upon nation* that discriminate egaiAmerican trade. The country's iDtlmntelationi with Mexico, its attitude toward Chiliand Peru, the Venemtla claims, treatiesHawaii, Corea, Serf la and other countries,Chinese Immigration, and theopening of Cen-tral Africa to ooratnewe, are dwelt upondetail.

The condition oT tbe National Treasury,ebown by the Bccretory's report, Is fully eeforth, tho surplus revenue question is dicussed, and. opinions expressed strongly ad-Terse either to paying off too debt loo rapidljby excessive taxation or to further readjtnent of the tariff and revenuo laws nntil tb<full effect of the recent changes ara full; ap-parent Itie nrged that steps he taken to pieTent contraction of the currency, that thtrade dollar be taken up, and that variouscnstotuB districts be consolidated.

The President advises immediate andradical improvement of sea-oout and harbordefences, encouragement of the militia, andtho reconstruction of the Nary. Hemends tho redaction of local leltir postsgirates to one cent per half canoe, disapproviof postal telegraphy, bet favors GovernmeulmpenUion of inter State corporations.•dvisM the abolition of tbe foe system In attoraeya' and narHhahV offices, tbe giving oFederal aid to primary education, and theestablishment of regular government iAlaska. As to polygamy in Utah, he wouldnave it attacked with the Btootest weaponsoonflUtntional legislation can fashion, beginning with tbe abolition of the preaent tentorial government and the planing of entirecontrol of tba Territory in tbe bands of Con-gress. Ttm preMrvatloa of forest* and thePresidential jnooession are urged upon theattention of Congress as demanding immedi-ate action, good progress fn Civil BerrEoeReform is reported, extension of tho vetopower is advised, and approval is promisedto legislation looking to enforcement of thecivil rights of the negro race.


.William Martin, Secretary of the Amojgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers,•ald't " I am norry for Mr. Carlisle's nom-ination, aa ho U a pronounced free trader.

Isaac Oline, Prwi ?ent of the National AKO-cUtkm of Window Obus Blowers, said"The election of Carlisle is .blow to theDemoatatlo party. There must be a new pro-tActfraport; formed, and it willcommand th"rapport* of every laboring man in the land.'

B. P. Jones, thebead of the iroa firm ofJane* ALattgtalln, said; "Pillowing tha eleotion of OarlislB, a further depression totbe Iron trade will occur, bat it will not helattUg. I think the iron trada is d o n tab « d pan now almost, battue ooaotrylaiogood condition, whiohis athinc to be thank'tnl for, : This more of the Democrats willhfilp tho ltepallicans in 1884.

• W& N. Hoarhead of Moorhead, HaoLeonlidot)^ronnannfaclnrers, said; "TbeirO"trade Is down to roofa a bads now tUtlflon'.think tbe election of Carlisle will hurt iianaH. His election it a good thing for thiBepabUoan party, however."

Jashaallliod«, President o Fennaylvonia-TnbeWorks,soldi "ThB election of Car-li«U will work disaster to the iron interestsof the eotmtry. I t cannot be otherwise, farbe tt aifrw ttsder,andonrlndnitriHdeinandamplelirotetitlai). Tberewillbeagreatdealof unoettalcty and a generaUj soaetUed oondJHon la Urn trade until bis policy is folly de-flned."

Olher manttfactnrers expres«d tbe namegeneral vlflwt.

The Bamoonita do not believe in freatrade. Ofcoononot. They elect a radicalfree trader for Speaker of the Homo orer aprotectionist j u t for the fan of the thing.

Tbe Xnglith press generally express dis-appointment that Premdent Arthur does notrecommend tariff i--Inction to tlie pratentOoogreof.

THE SECTIONAL QUESTION AGAIN.Aside from tba question of ftte trade in-

volved in the election of the Speaker of tbeHouse of BepreMQtativts then was anotherissue tbat attracted uo little attention. MrCarlisle tras empbaticall? tbe candidatetbe Solid South. He represented tbe pre-dominant Southern idea and carried allSouthern voles except-it. those lecalitieswhere tbe introduction of manufactures•caused a fear of free trade. The distrustwhich Northern men have or him is showoby the fact that North of tbe PotomaoEast of the Allegbaniea he received onlyvote, that of Mr, Morse, of Masiaobusetti.Mr. Carlisle's sectional feeling end aeotionBlviews are shown by tbe following extractfrom a speech he mule only a few years[a a joint debate between him and Col. I*n-drum, who was running against him foiCongrere:

"I lien v flint tlic Tutted SuitIt lx ii vicloii# ex*teni ibiit lina <]i'reien Btatea ituil oinm'iwctl win —people in the Smith. If II fitntclin* no rig]of Mwuiii)]]. ttlie certainly line tlic rljrhtrevolution. Tlie Rpjiulillemi party win(mother 1111.QSKl11.Pi1t to tin1 f'ouetitnHoiWhy do thev want ir I Is it wit thnt the Gflrniiwuit shall t ike tlic whod futnl iutonwit hanils. nnd nprmlut ti pominiHslotipr •«•nhnll ilip tcaelirr* niul weritiH nf itontn lie in thi; Hohwls. nnd vuur child nnir diilil lip denied thfl rfcht to lpnrn tlnljilinliflt except In mipli iibonk aa shall IPJVtbt'in to torjrpt Wusliiiifiion. .Tscknon, JcfftDnn nnd the state*men of Virginin uud tSouth?

HERE If COMES.The sttcoetB of tlie free trade eli

electing a Speaker baa prompted the Philsdelphia Record, tbe leading Democrat!'paper of Pennsylvania, to relieve itself as follows:

In the revision of ttsc tnrilTonM). tliethiito tip (kmi. inthf n-pml of tlio ilut.v of SITPIcfiit* a tun tin iron tnv viihich wna iiii|.0M>ilIlii' l»Ht Coii rcHM, A HIIIIII ninny y«irH ttho Htccl iiiHTiiifiiPtiiHTH (tf IVmiaylvaiiln «•cotii|iuti>nt iiprsopit to Smtlu niifl Africa tomuiiie lite iron ori's nf thorn1 TOirimitt, willon iuvf xtlicntion, veto .i-tini. HilmlriiMy ml aoJ Tor tlicirfiur]iofteft. But no DOOIIIT (lid tnlci'1 maim fact urer« begin to itiipiori HiurcB tlinii iiiliitr ofZOjier cent. n<l voloiwuttc1ii|>|u>ilu)iou thorn, not fur IYVPUIIU• 'uL-k tlm.r Import iitinik tliflr i

iftiiutautiirertt tofo 1

jirlt'dH tn mil

Is ml volotfin duty wan nut courtilMito hijrh iiuoueli, ami it wan IIIIWHSOII t.'rifle duty iifm-voiitv CMIUU ton iu thiimrkdliloti.rilTri'vUiiiuoflnBt Miirnii ' "'country is naked tonecept UH u in•<:e ul* ltyi»luthe wisdom.Ul right; go ahead, gentlemen. Thin

gooi Democratic doctrine, wo admit, bat itwill close every iron mine in New Jersey.But whBt of that ? Thi Democracy and fitrade muat come In, and tbe Kepubliciparty and protection must go.

Mr. Oarlisle Is to be the Democrat!*Speaker of tbe next House. We are gladit. Hia nomination, which uieanB his el<tion, is an approach toward a fraiik expres-sion of feeling on the part of tbe Democrats.Their party has no BICEHO for existence ifis not for free trade, nail unless it goes intthe National ennvass of 1884 onafreo tradiplatform it will be trying to rida two horseiat ouoe. If Mr. Itandall had been noininated, that would bavo meant an effort to ooncenl bis party's real purposes until after neilelection, Hut now we know that tho oargss will be on honest one, conductiquarely on the issues of Protection to Ameicnu industry or a pariug-down of the tariiand an approach to free trade. For thesreasons we think well of tbe nominationMr. OartJBle. It places his party on a plat,form on which we shall bo glad to right- N . Y. Tribune.

The New York Bun is scoring tbe Demo'cratio party unmercifully for electing a pro'

iced free trader for Speaker of tbeHouse of Representatives, and plainly tellthem they bave committed a blunder whiiwill probably lose them the PresidencTbe Sun only iterates what all other proteotion Democrats believe, but some of themwitb less candor conceal it, because theywould rather sacrifice their principles thidesert their party.

WASHINGTON LETTER.Bffcmt till* will resell Vim tlio JBtli Conorill IIIIVO awwmbled, autl If nothing out of tin«. lumrao luijijieuf tbe law-umkiiij( niaahln

cry of bu in workingdir by tlic iBoiic «f ynur imptir. We have 1..loUofeKoltaiiieiit horutlie past week In thrlaying ariinliticsl wired, pulling of noliMttnl

ir, mid piiilcK fnr candidates. The can-

s wore held last Sntnnlny night in tlHouse of llepreHcntatlves, and Bam. Rnndall,Sunaot Cos and poor Sprlniier were loft tie-hind, and Carlisle wields thegivel and nrnnktthn whip ever tlio Domoeratlo Honsn of RapregoututivcR for tlin ensuing OonRresn, TinDotnnoratin caucus wwt open til liy 0«>n. TrnitiH, nnd Ohio fuminheil tlio Chnlrmat.. _.lobby and clonk rooms tvero jammud to suflb-fltinn by tlto vliippnrs In nnd the air wn«iluo with Btiitike from ttio hundreds of free.Igara fiirniahed hy tlio respective candidnte*

—not nttindaoeniontt, liut tosolncetliewenhours of wiiltinR ami uerru un the workersrcilniililml Pffort». Thrwii thnt fulled to findthpw ]ih>-Hi(>al boliifl la tlio vet'tl found oom-fort in " cold too," or In tho seduoinR liounjuelnf Cnrdnn Itoiifici or Drv Vcncnay. wblic nownml then In a iwolniled comer mi all t l>o seen n

ip luspootinj; a rwoullnr filmpdil vottnH, nmli tho nromn thnt nroso frnm it canned onrn nmiindcd of Blue Onws from " Old Kon-

....;." Tho crowd was an exciting one butkept within bounds, nnd liy three o'clock P.M. tlio victory WIM conccdod to Carlisle, yt\nvury one Tnared wiley Sura. Randall, nnd ntniifl know where SunnetV votMtnifsht fhll. U[o eevcii o'clock in tlio evonint; of the nigh Iif tho naucim the Uaudallitus were ofTerinR ttlet npingt odd* on tbf ir iavorite; yet tatporting men, who arc almost always sure Inlicatorn in tnntUri) of chance, have been frthe pnnt week risking Carlisle ngainBt thfield. So a lartcii amount of money obaugeiinnila upon the reimlt of the election nlSpeaker. The CQUOUH broke up a kind of noUticsl love feast, and the fun will oonuucnoithis week in apportioning the dtlTurout onnlrinaihfpt on the *ov*iral eommlttona.The Republlcau oanou« wan rathor a tnmo

affair comparoil t« the opposition. As it T B I ,the retiring Bpe>ker, K«lfer, had an oppo

mitynfloanungtJio oiilnion of many starng Hcpuldlonns att to hi* pait oourse In lnn-uage emphatin liut polito. So that It wan

>lnlnly ta be wen Mr. Fliclpi was not aloneIn tHilievinc Kclfur'fl retlromont would beijooil thins for tbo party. Mr. K. hoa ma<'mielf rory ohnoxiuus hy his post cnudui„ the Chair, nnd haa aniaaaulied the prcMrroBpectivo of party, against him; so thnt•ad ft not boon for overriding n long entab-

lUUwl prewdent Btmnker-that-waa-Reiferwould havo bnen noimllly relinked and a new

placed in noialnntlou for the compllmeitary vota ol the party.

There will be this week a gonerol IiotwuleaniuE ot otHehtla from the southern part oftho Capitol, nnd go-us-.vou.pleoie Trill be thounlcr ol tho day. Tlio Clerk is from Miasonr•nd the Doorkeeper from Texas. Each havt large nuiouht of patronngo to ilispene oanil the old Boldiora—nonie armolee* nnmaimed—will have to seek pasture* new; for

I>n h « « » < • _ » i .»_1—. L .1 1 . . . _^ IJ^J 1 _ . _

maimedwill hnve to seeho hungry workers mn*t /ideA and

)p warra tbeAuy of tlie •'([my"wi .wain, this winter that for wnnv past wintersinve been ably tilled hj.thoae who wore theilile, ' The HepubHciuiB must go " Is the ery/Mid with sixty•tbne clear Demneratio mMor-Ity over all tn the HoiiBe 1U inevitable.

Tliu and news that the sickneu of SenatorAnthony may prove fatal ha* postponed theluestiou of rcorganislnc, the Senate, but some

tion will be taken before your paper goea to. MW of which yon wlli be fnformea from theiresa despatches.Oar CougKtsnmn, \Y. W. Fhelps. is locate

i his bnose, prelerinfi to Ntret«h hti loitsutderhisownniahoKiiny. As Jim, Phelm hanot yet nrrlvrd he h™ nt* his jtnest Hr. CIIBLNordbolT, one nf ttie literati of our land.IVben Jtr. anil Mrs. Pholps set settled therecill not bu a more hoNpltalhlo mnnkion In thety than their*, and you can safely predict

that his career a* it Beprcwutatlve of the 6thtangrcuioDnl District will bo a marked andtoneiwdoue. for all here predict for onr youngeprBMintattve a front place in the minoritj

«l.lUftlieHou«% - J

yonng goullenwn from Now Jeweyother status have formed a olub and

.mod tt "The Coratut Club." They are-Quantly lituated riabt In tlie heart of thety nnd fronting un reniinylvania avenue. Ita social gathering and free from many of

.one obuoxlons feature* connected, with clublife. ItUaplwMwiti>la«e with comfortablesnrrouniiinKB to spend the long winter even-ing*. Gambling of every character isstrictlyprohibited, imr will tlie many tricks used toviolate t ie spirit of this wgutotion he allowed.tho spirit of this wg

Burnt ta not allowed Uturn the rooms, nor b a n" ' ' in the At

•Itim tho rooms, nor is a member pemii indolffA in the American obnoxious cuttonvT treating « fellow memlor. The olnb isilly organlHd, In it good financial condition

and strict sernttny iaeKerelsed in the selec-tiouofaddiUonstotheiticniuflrBliip. Snccessta the Comus clno.

Congrcumen Keen and Brewer have taeiiBadq.uarters at Willonl'd and.are BIWBYLlad to greet Jcneymnn who call upon them.Tbe firemen's parade oa Thanlugivtng wassuccess. Six large, powerfnl engines

-three Clapp and Jones and the others Amos-iragi-two tracks and Mveral hose tenden.

They diu not t**t the throwlDg powers of theirnparatus, and their line of march waavuort; fearing the alarm might sound wl

mute. Thoy luvo a rcnarkably good paidDepartment here and all imnrovemonU T.

-"raghlr teited are qmckiy adopted to rcn-tie department efflenrn. Tliere hoa

__ lately introdnoed the bnts allding pale,and it U a gnat ssvinf ot time, for tht laddiesIn getting to work.

Tiianlugtriiig day van duly observed here.Che OUtrlrt mUltary comitaulen all turucdrat and luokwl vory muchlike aoidlen. A

orgaaiiatiini hujust been formed heroedtlie Continentals, wearing m uniform

jh as was worn in T6—blue out away costawith buff facings, buckakln knoe brenliea,Uiree-eornemd liaU and top boots. They

iraed out with their brother soldiers andere tbe feature of tba parade. A fair U be-

ing held for tlie benefit of thfl Contiueutahanil frmuits outlook it large sum will 1* —lied for rt.rir benefit.

iT. Ilayamiid I...Belter at tho Rational,Htiraetion at the Funl'tt. Tlie eireu* ftocrDaver will n m o k r Hen Macinley. wk»rPin'«f*-(llT vbltnl your dlty ttttd aniuimlcrowd hr bia nnHc* no i-^^n nnii tni i^ttlw arnrdn*!. HA )• note filHns the rolenf 01Mi\A<tnn Iti Kftm*r>diln. vWrh rhr> fnmono .1«tiK. Owonvrnntoil.andiHMiiltn fnntebut liHflnunrt nf tVm<nini>rIn wiilrh O ttlii* mrt. Our Knvtfe Uitniiell amienn IHthe linawli tbU wtwk anA the J«r»H*v L1hnext w w l So our Con«rr«Mm»'n will HimnicTitv of <unuK«m«nt to Hiht^c the heavr dn-tiMinlarnd oa their shouldcw br their masten,tii-ntmnl*

Tliero U anlPU'Kd d»fb «h no tin if nn Hie Pn-t«mnc now and thi* ktnd nf t»mc U a gluttl V t t f t l 1 ) i n a B it on iu >int o

lkinds, frrai' the Httlo red-heml »n that «nlfmm •.dlKht. the cuiivan hseV, aw tofounii tn 1*ri[e qn»i>tltiei> ftltnnt five m<<i*4 Ilow tbp cltv mill iti un unnnmnifin debtwn Arnlen frnni the mnrkftt trvln* to g^t Tnf tdftlr siiiicrfl.inu* xtork by peddling wngoi

Tliennfiaiice of hnvin^ thf wiresfrom VIIh(ui It* d*v. A v»rv nnrruwfiU nttflnint<*onm>et nil tlie nnl(Hclnilliliiiff« tn thin oitvHnlit<>i>ii wlri>tila1<i nntlerRrniitid In" lieenonmnlUlied anil l>v the mnxt pxaftinn t*ttnowti io cWtriHniiH tho nlrnnltji hnvn b<">ifoind in mnnv reuwcts Iwttflr tlmn hv thnvovlifind nienniinthnuiHnir. wire*. Ono ifiil.Hr i!harn«ti>r ">n<\ a aond nnn i« Hint h r t11 lid prim nml in Mil nd HIP unnlnwniit flnannlnml oiK'kinar nf the Mrnhnne i* dniu> awwltli nnd tnlktnft aud bearing cosier nnd mo)iibtinir.

PORT MnRPlR.There wp^e union •prvlciw (n thn If.

rhiirph »t HtitnliOTtp, ThnnkxelvliiE. H»V. Mr.1>no1 fttlP. the nimtflr nf thn chnrcli. WH« tlmre,»* wn« Rrv. Mr. Anuvrann. nf Port Morris.HIT. Hr. Roiirdmnn. of the Prpf.bvtnri('hurr)i. nn'nohn.1 ih* ncrnioii, and I bnliwn (nl.l hy CTinpptflnt liulm's, ihnt It wnnc nf the wont rniiinrrliPiinivn rnvl"w«nrttisli nn.1 Ami>rirnn hUtwv. with a littleFn-ni-li thrown In. tn which it vna their ffifortune wer to hnve lintcnpd; dinidiivl]

Uttlfnf mlliiiousliinntrv n«p™ldhf> exrip«nl. The wlmic Honnmi «->IB itilf udnd tn olm•' tlio IIOPIIH of ft™1" in thn AliiPrli*"" Tlevn'itlim. It would mnhe a very ri>n.liilij*> nnnhntinntolilHtcirvifit were pvintnl, l.nt 1imt imiiifiHC to elvn even n ftytirtiiHin nf it.

A wtrtv from Port Ornm pur, n vnntnrKliinifiitt'H nml ono In the i«'flt offlcft nt RtImiio, »nvlni! thov would irfvn n m nut mil n•immnlic rntcrtfilnmnnt hi Cl-irk'* Ii»11Tlj"inJ(ai£lvlnir .n-oTjhii;. A Illtl" ndvortixlnin thcRiiA wnnlilprobnlilylinvo hrailelittin

would rtpfciui thp tn«t« whiuh urmnntPil «oinftlioStiiuhoiie IKIVS to keep their lint*,d II Hue tin- iicrriiniiniiep. mi'l i'wtlfy tfltnintiine nmlliflixl rhnpinR whlnli-were »lnfnnt fni'iipiilniiHP. Emimrh "aid,

Thorn i«n pnnil ili'nl of »tiifl which wouldn for now*, if It were true, that neeiliflrmiitton.

Thi\v liiul n wedding and a " sklmuiertonin Smith fitinihnpK tlio otitnr ultilit.

Thi'Tlinvulipni ki.l«nininln|! the depotWaterloo. It loottH whiter in conBupuonor.

Porlifipi I own it tn 'Squire Davis to any tunlKdiiicrond out iu>nr Rnrntoyn linn trloil thoKlectric Motive Pnwor mid detnrtnliieil tn nanIt hrraifttr. Tli»t IK nil vcrv well, lint whenflip, D., Lit, W..M.T.C. (VH. n. It. nndVAc iidopis it let ino know.

It la rppnrted thnt Turn Klniinn nnd his MBimd John Slunk, who has Iwun forsontotliiK11K> ennilnctorof Nnfl. 7 nnd S, linvo goneCalifornia on leave of nimnnoc. Oond lunttniul tlictn. Tom and .Tohn Sluok nro i:rnilrond mmi and ftiaoiic the liost ou tlieJ&E. nirifdnn. wboro the employees nronl

A Kiieeini train will run fmm Dover iUnceinbor U, nt 7 A, M., for tho ]inriinseniiToringtho folkswhoviaii to (rotfltlm:St. E. i>ivl«imi GmpioyeosBullftt Apnllo TinNewark, wlunilntt to Dover ntfl o'olnok tnext moniiuij. So 1 itin informed l>.v Pregldint Hall, (if thn Bflnovolent AHsoolutinn.

Thn n-indnwH for the now Eiilscnpal ChintRtnnliopuhnvoarrivotl.

I iiiiilemtniidthatJatneit O'Noal wan marrind liml finndav night, just boforo churoltime, liy Dr. lloarduiim. I think that VIIB Dlltmnbu mi's firnt marriage in lilst now Held ilnlinr, anil 1 Mtcnd my hearty oongratulitlrtiistoMr.O'Nnnl.

The HtaalmpB fulkintteudthu Pregliyteimator, Dr, Donrdmau, a .lotiivtion Inut Tuday oveniug, at bin house in Soutli Btnnho)•Uie Preshyterifliix did not do it ull, licw«v«IEKV. Mr. DnolitMe, pan tor of tho StmihojiM. E. Church, miwle tlie prcaontntion ape on IIn which lu Hoid nniouK other tilings, " tin'• i itlKthndUts Imd tho reputation of belnj

atty loud, but this was UielumleHt call hifrom them," or words to that oflTci

There In nn nld add nee which nnyx " Do nlook a gift Inii-Ho in the muutli." Hut I mu1 xtnwi if I tell your rendorsln oonfldenc-Jthcy must not ro|ieat it—thnt Ihoro WPTJust #113.B0 in thnt littio box lied up withstring, After the preHCntntiDn the ' '"took jiosai'twlon of the house and, I ,inimt tnive mil across tho 12 .uwknttt, for thn!• loavoB nnd 3 fluheit could never have turnedinto BUCII & lot nf biscuit, sandwiches, cakec#lerv, eoflon, etc.. ax they gave ui to cat.

Mr. French, of Waterloo, led tha erorc!*ef the Stanhope Reform Club lust Sabbath,wiu* not there, but they do nay Ike Shleldanut loose from bis base of supplies, burne.hii bridaos behind Mm and swung himsellfor enrtain.

I think the tcmiwranco iwoplc may takiemiraro when the message of the Presidentof the United States shows thnt mom thanthirtyninn inillluns of gallons of whisk' 'wnre modfl in the Unltod atatot in 18&

they do as well aa that every year for a whiletlie manufacturers will soon find a mere pro-ductive investment fnr t.iclr capital,

Mr. A. B. Cope, of Stnnbopc, fa yet oonfineito bis hnuse with his oyo.

Haw is It that n paper poHtcd at Do-, - .Muudfty nfternoon don't got to Port Morriiuntil ThitrMd&Vi and Boiiintimes not thenJoo Itcoil and t walked from Port Harris UDover once iu two hours and tf Uncle 8menn't get tho mull up bore in two days he 1tatter sell out. Yea; it has toknu a pou

il 3or 4 weoks to get from Kewurk to PortMorrlt, nmro than ouce to mv certain know-Imlge, nnd only tlmt the gcntlomau to wbnniItwiui atldroskd obtained knowindgs of i

otitB irtiui ecntlomon who bad recotvcMr onrdg nt other nlaoes. it would ha\

hcon much to his dctrlmont. Mnyue UnoSam can failt why thin is thus.

The uddiUou to the Methodist EpigcnnChurch in Stnuhope isncarlv complete!..

Mr. Wnt. Wright is adding another storto tbo hoiiao hD bought of tho Graff estabi aMain Btreet, Btanhope, now ooouplcd h" Colouol" Shauger,

The ladies of PBrt Morrii1 are nrrauging

rtioulara licroaft*r.

SUCCASUNNAFor iievcral veelcspast revival L .

teen In progress in tbe Sneoaaunna H. E,Church, which have resulted grandly In theoonvttntitD nf 30 BOUIRJ The meeting Is' projcrosi and nightly seekers are at the al-tar pleading fur mercy. Largo orowdsbavelicpn in attendance upon these service*, andlio uwHkcnlng npon theBubjeotof rellfilon

hnslicen -wido-gpread. Mm.Wm.U. Wowan earnest Methodist evangillit from JerseyCity, fur two weoka rendered the vnatar, cdent icrvlco. ThlBladyis M l y W o t e dths Lard's work, a woman i ' a in experience,nnd well-vprsed In the BDriifFUrea. -

llev. Isaac ThomuH Is closing bis paatoralof this church very pleasantly, and were Itnot for the many removals, on accountprostration in bunlnefw, he would leave

ntatly iuereasetl monibenhip and ovorfloW'ig congregation. ,,:

Weekly Iran ReportThe Engineering and Mining Journal of lasl

Saturday aayn: .AMKHIOJIH FIO.—There'- bat A been Kome

slliht ludientiom ot a hotter feeling | and tuably li> foundry IronB. there ton ttndeneygreater flrmttesa wliiaKhn* not yet, howoV<

oveloped into anything that will w r e n

in the situation can _ _to. Gray FurgeiH tn » relstively poOnr con-JI lion, hnyeriV holding off peralatenUy. i Wequota (30 Mid *32-B0 for No. 1; 91S.G0 and 919.

0 for No. i; and «17 and |10 for Gray Fi-me,nil nt tide-water, Bessemer. Pig i( dolt an<mchnnged, while Hplegelli weaker at *30 and30.60 for 30 per eent metal.At tie Exchange^ tlie following trunssotlonB

rere rueorded Wednesday: 300 tons No.],lurch, «20.2Q u d JOO tans No. 1, April, W0.M,


A palntmanufaetory is tobe bn^lt at Deckero w n . : i ' , - • • : , . • ' . • "

Them are 203 government pensioner* inWnrrca comity. :

Jnbn I. Blair, of Blairatown, Warren CL _^ty, is rated AS the rinhest man in tbo State.lie fa put down for |1B,000,000.

Sussex Courts openedon Tuesday, withro caies in the Supreme Court ami thirteen

_the Circuit. Iu charging the Unuid JuryJndffa Mario referred pnrticnlorly to tbolUleHMle el liquor.

The Bev.Ur.Tyaek, nfrSparta, ocenpiedthe pulpit of tbe Presbyterian eburcb st theDelaware Water Gap week ago laet Sunday.

He will probably receive aeadfrom the oongregatiou to become their pttatAr.

In tlie W a m n connty courts a jury gavnHr. Itinghart, of Vienna, a verdict of t>100against the U t H . j | . rallroiul company.

'.UloL _ __ _> » i appealed the ease, '• two farm* of tbe SfaieHa' estate, at

'uhliigfoa, sold for good prioea. James L.jislds bought the homestead farm, contain-

ing 1U63-1M seres, at « m p e r aere. Mrs.Borah K. Bovlby Iwught the adjoining farmof 136 83-100 acres, 'nt»180 per aere.

I W M U . Myers, of Carpentinvllle, went* into bL cow stable Katurdaybf fore last.~~agodnotl.Br mlssodblm. but being tooiflrra to leave the kansemitL, not sttrnct the

UoD of aneijlibor till Bnnday afternoon»_.___ her aon'i body was fennd tn the stable,

rhere he had <.lcd7 from heart dlMase,Thomas Carting, one of the canrlcts who **•

iped fromjail lu Belvidere. Pa., with Small,lebone thief, was .arrested Monday ifur-,

PliUwlelphu"lwlelpbla and ReadiI'a. Ho anyiheleftther's "

Ins Ballroad ingmull secreted

at Chain Dam, Horth-tmpton county.

A corps of civil engineers baa arrived iolatbrookville, Sussex county, making a sur-er fora new railroad from tho Dataware' s t c rdnp to * point on t le l lao oftht Newirk, Lake Erie andAVestcrn Ballmad ealled

larpenter'a Point, where tbe BlaU lines of'cnnsylvanta, Na«r York and New Jerseyone together. The new road will be tlilny-

m mile* long and will be built by tba J>eVre, Laekawanna and Western. I t williw tbe Delaware river the entire dUtanoe.

The ear shops built at SUoketirtown severnl yean ago, nnd never tucd, are to be re-moved to a new location, and rexnooeloa Iia public hall.

The Creatwt Pain Killer

Vet found for Cramp*. jCollo. Stitch in sidof back, XeunlaU, Rbeurantlim. Bpmini,Bruiwi.ctr.. b HaaiHton's Jamaica GinERfTonic and Pain Core. Bound on with hotwet cloths, it never falk to care. For Dy*nepiia, lQ%Hdnn, flkk Headaohe, Flatu-lence, Piarrbaa, DyHntery. Heartburn. BoutStomarh, Jtc., ft it uneqttallea'. Warrau'togive reltaf. U«d bofli iaternnllv and -teraallv. Warranted to care. Trrit. Priw3D and BO cenU. Bold br B. Len KUlgore.

Enrich the Blood.Hamilton's German Bitters are blghly re-

commended for all requiring a ctain and efficient tonic. EipeclaUy Indigtlon, Dyspepsia, want of appetite, lossstrength, lack of eoewy, &e. They enrlthe blood, strengthen t i e muscles, and givnewlifetotbenarrcs. Thejnct lifcf achflrrIn tbe digestive organs, reraore alt dyspeptiosymptoms, aud whenever the storaaoli U weakor there U a general loss of physleal vigor,these Bitters are just what you neeil. OnlySO oents per bottle. Bold by Bofcert KUlgore.

W. S. COLLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,MOBRIB STREET, DOVBIt, N. J.

HalrUsltraiies m ^ e to order and old mtrasssi mnrta over. Wfndow Rna<Jes murte ahnng. Oiilera for kit kinds or upbnlstenmneatly and promptly e ie tuM. Osrriine trlittnlng In all Us branches. Prices moderate

butters remaining unclalmIn the Post O0oe at Dover. N.J

Dover, N. J., Dec. 7,1883.

Bruce,Bumett, juiguime mini).

Ouiseppo CBrroiim, Aunio Moore," * «-.—- Arthur O. Pell,

.ThoB.Piisco,J, Doney. Pitviil Peli-rson,Hello C. Gordon, Krastus Potter, J8. B. Harrison, Jao. Snider,S. P. Losov, J' fSrmntruni,Manning Lyon, V. 11. Tregoniug,

Maria Q. AVilllnum.To obtain any ofthe abnvo letters say "ad

vcrtleed" and glre date ci tills list.G. 0, HINCHMAN, P. M.

FUNERALS!1l,rirBVitotn of Bmill Profits Appreciated.1VL Qnalitv md workmanstiip of the best.

Uy tbnnki for liberal patronage in tho paOrdors l>r telcgrapb moBsenger or tetepboi

attended to,JOHN JONES, Undertaker,

2-I5 Hookaway, N.

M A K H J K O .BEUOLER—CBAKE—At Ilooiiton. Nov. 28

by HOT. Tltomne Cartor, Albert Bruglur,ChnthHin, and Lnuru A., daughter ofWilson Crane, of Boontou.

gTROBLE-MAGATIIAN-At MorrlfttowiiNov. 29, hy Itev. C. 11. If. l'nnuoU, JohnStniltlo, of Chatlinm, nnd Snrnh Slngnthi

, 1-yH'v.Ett Mary Jan tLail.lin, Ezra Davii BHI) Mutt

MEUCK-FLEM1NO—V«v. Zl^t, at tb<»P»rRonaffo In Gorman VsiUfv, i>.v llev. H. MTnoriices, Gilbert 0. IIDMOW and AnulaFIi'mhiK, tiotli ot lelmnon, N. J.

D1BU.KANOUSE—Ifl Dover. Docomber 3d, LOUIL

daughter of Mr, mid Mrr. Alex. Knnouse,ujjed 15 years, 5 ltioutlis and 8 dnys.

MlNTON-AtBrooklvu. N. Y., DMctnherMm. J11IU Mlutou, widow of tho into MnjiWilliam Hinton, nf Dnwr, iipeil 82 yeuro.Fnuernt nt thd ruBidcnee of her son, 1)

Henry Minion, 165 Jornloinnii St., Bn>oklyiDoc. 8, at half-iinst nine, A.M. Inttrmeiit 1Kockaway, N. J.

MOERAY-Atlliokory Hill, December 81Rose, Infant <lnught«r of James nnd EllMurray, ugodS mini tlm.

WHITHOEE-At Panlppjiny, Deo. 3d, UnWhitmoru iuhorROth your.

LOSTAt tho 1>., L. k W. Depot, Dover. Tiiesdu;Dec. 4tli, a Green mul Klnck I'lnid SliaiThe finder will be suitably wwnnled by leu' ig it with

JOSKl'II B. WHITE,Ticket Agvnt nt tho Pcitot.

1 wk-p

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.On Hatnrdny, Duoember lHt, I found

Btrsying pig, Thu uwuer fnn Iinvu it h,r en

Ing on Patrick Cronin, near tbe new solioo

bouse at Rocfcawny, ttnd pnrlng ooati.l-li

FOR SALE.Tho farm known us tlio Chnrlcj) King farm,

nenrKerroraoiiti', in Mtirris County, oontnin-

ing 100 acres.J. II. NEIGHBOUK,

Dover, N. J.

JOHN DAWEhas at his restaurant ou Illaokwoll Rtroet afine stock of CIIKIBTHAH Tovs nnd CONPKC-TIONKBT, togetlier with full lines of TobnocoB,segara, CnlnlIeB, Ciumwl Gnods and Ovitnby the 100, quart orgnlhn. Orders promptattended to. ltcasouubln terms for bonnlet

National Union Bank.: " : , ; DoVBii, S. ,T, Deo. 4tti, 1S83.

ThB annnil mpelinji of Blockhalders or Hiuok will bo bill nt their uanMuti IIOUKO onTuesday, January Bth, IB84, fur tlio electlnot Directors, aud trnmiutiun of mch OIOLImxiaeis m mir le lironwhtb"f>re I', Pollswill bo open from 10 tu tl o'clock \ . M.l-6w QEO11OE D. MEEKEII, Cashier.


Solea atlauiloi! in full unourennonablc 001missions and witUfactlon jtunrnntced. /kinds of accnnil-hund goods for Bale.

FOIt SAI.K.-Lnr^u Ice Bos, large Cup-board, Belrioomtor, Mowing llnoblno, WireEjnfe. Tbo above goocls will bo sold at nayreasonable offer within the next ten days.[•wo Cook Btoves, ft each; two Urge ftlf

Pee4er«»7 «,d to | large daubl Heat $11[wo Cook

Pee4er«.;»7oneT old styl

ft each; two Urge ftllarge daublu Heator, $11liurniug Btom «2; c l l

Pee4er«.;»7 «,d to | large daublu Heator, $11;oneT old style wood liurniug Btom «2; cylln-tler store, W.

NEW BAKERY,Confectionery and. Restaurant,

I N C H E S T E R .

APGARreapefltfully anuouneeB tiiatho haa opened 111*new placa in Hie Hftnlln IlulldliiK, next t»tbe *Cheatcr HonBe, nuo ia sow re»l

""" i lrti i l l Mndaof Salduota and a very flun line of Confaounnerand Catea for tlio IloliilnT trade. In bis re,anrant OVSTERS irill be acrrnd, fine amreab/ in evcrr itvlo, or aold by tbe quart o00, nnd LUNCHES -will IK prepared at an'

boar of tbe -dar or evening. A- dull b reapeotfullr aolioiuid.

A apecralty ig made of aupplvinc weddinfta.partira and linlli with nU kiada of cakea, am

Moller's Opera House


will give ono grind concert,


Admits!on - • - - - 50 cts.

3biMren tinder IS jean of age . - 05 oti,

*a- Ikaerved teali now on eale at KILL.3ORE'S DliUQ STORE wllboat extra cbirge.


Estate of James S. Bicker?

son, deceased.

JURSOANT to the order of the Snrrogtleof tii* Onnrtty of Morrfi, made on tbe

ifrtieth d t r of November, A.D. one tbonundhl hnndrea and eighty three, notioe

b i t ll enani baring o l iliflhliTjer

n e a and eighty three,Riren ta all penani baring

Uocjt»UotJimeiBDIckflrou»RMDiUUocjt»UotJimeiB.DIckflrBou,UtcolIbe County of Marro, demand, to prenent l iestroe, aniieroathor tfflnnKtlon, to tha tab-loriber, 00 or before Hie. thlrlielb day ofAngoit next, being nlna months from ibeitoof nld order; and any creditor neeleol-g 10 bring In ind oibtfilt his or her elaim,nder calb or afflrmitioa, within the time uimited, will be forercr btrred ol hii or her

tloa thtrcfM igfcimt tbe Bxwator,ited tlib tblUiotb day of NoYomber A.D.J88S.


Ow O b e t U r . M . J .


Isaac N, Doty & Co,,Have nude a ipeoial ndtution in

prices for tlie HOUPAY SUMN. DressGoods sod Dre» Hilki, Telveii, Plaabesnnri Oloaliingi are marked down to ol tiethe season. All our Oloahi at reducedprice?. Xewtnurketi, Oirealars, Hovelocks, Jnckeia uncl Dolmann markeddown. Special bargains in Blaabets jprices ore 80 per cent. 1CM Jban lastpftosoD. Warm tJaderwenr, Hosier,? and0-*ovca it the lowest prices ever mode.NotaDie bargains in Lace, TorkprnaD andMiidrns Onrtnioi; alao in Saw Silk, Jutenod PIOBII Fnroitore CoveriaR. Bar-pnios in oar etook of Onrpetu, Bafts andMnla. closinp; out onr fall stock at greatlyreduced prices.

Special Holiday Attractions.Silk Umbrellas, Gossnmer Waterproof

OurmeDta, tuns, Ferfames, Haodker-cbitilB, Mnfflers, Piono and Table Covers,Luce Bed Sets, Tidies, Suarfe, Ties nodFancy Neck-wear, PortmonaieB, Shop-i U , Brass Tnbles, Sconces, Mirw aud Limps, Fiiiioy Knit

Oriental Goods, togetlier withraense Btocb of PoroijNovelties, especial]; dDAT ATTBAOnoMS. W*£stock ol Dry Goods and Carpels in tbeHtate, and to realize upon tuem prior toJanuary ioveolory, ve bava markeddown prices io every depart merit.


159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark. N. J.

Notice of Settlement.Nolloe la btreor given Hut l i t taaaU

tba aabaoiitai. AdmUabator of Elliit

<b. Borrojale. aoil nporlei lor IotDeOriinan.'CoaH oMlia Oonntv~or llirria,on Hoodar Uwronrtb aav otSitmarv an>.

iWdSof.nib.UU. i l l ,a4d»u,Oonr,lI.J.


FOB SALE,' .» HUE BiTBOBBE, 0 fern oU, umt

A. Mi Mod. flood iljle ud > plauntfr«s drivsr. Applr atIII! TUB D1OS EBi OFFIOE.

Notice to Tre>pa»«rs.

AH peraona a n forbidden to treapaaa onIT propertr witb borau, oowa, ftoflta. or oat.

.leor fswla of »nT Und> oa henafter tbe pen-altjrortbe law wiU beonbroad aialut allaoeb treapaaacia.


FORSALEIA T«ry promldag HAKE COLT, four

yean old l&it June—color, raabogany bay,irith darkpotabi itook one l«lf hsuilloto-nlan, atand>SSbandi, of beautiful eKrUjte,tndklnddl.poiltlon, well broken to .ln«l«|l Tin«el . rappl j to t lo M. E. ?;r-\

.K, J

liiton Bt, Dover.I nan iB Oofm oo Uu( I oler ofm;

THOSE FELT1 BTBIP8 AdAINI•Don' t "freoaeontla id ! »bila ion

bnm totber," bytbe oeld wlidablowln: In flu

,,.r O.iora and «lnduwa, "benf, uadt tljht by VjUptWipr lp i » neatly ajiplled by J,Ere N. J. gondapoatiileaid

la-unl. ol^f



Haia uian>l upon, tbe AOrUKK IB.DE «llh complrtlul rreah itocka ot an t f D ] l o l



flU YELTETS M l SILK YEL7ETEEKSsnd bare eicepHonillyflaBlines oftliew nuw popular goodt. In addition tre hsvo



and all tbe Uilngi that pertain to a veil itcmied DRY GOODS HOUSE, til of which nilito lOld i t tbe lowest poasiblo prices.

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Chancery of N*w Jersey -Between Barn*

lianO. Hurhn, coraptiinant. and George W.Hon-ell md Uarj 0. Howelt bin wife, StephenH Littlp, Eipoutor of Uo«es A. Brookfleld,'leccatsed; KOHCI TeUt, Bjnm 0. Querin,The Dorer Brink, Oiosr H. McUnrtiy. OnyMii:lon and Andrev Tan Sickle, dofeadauts.Pi, ft. far silo of mortRsged pmml'ei. Bo-tarnable to Fflbraaty term, A. D, 1681.

J. 8. SALMON, Bol'r.T>Y virtne of the nbovo Btated writ of fieri1 3 fnolisin niyhamls.lBhBll expose for tale>t public venduo. at tbe Court Hoate, in Mor-iBtown.H. J.,on

MONDAY, ibfl 7th dsy cif Jannsry next,\. D. IBHi. hotvreen tbe hours a( 12 5l. and 6>'clack I1. M-, ibst is t» say i t 2 o'clock In the.rterooou of md day, all those fonr oertsliola of laml >ml pren>l«fi situate In tbe Villsgi

of Ohesicr, in the County of Morrir:Tlic first lot is the e»mo that In described in

(Joiil Iron) luke I. Sioulonimrgli to Oeorcef. Hiwl), (tnlml March 1,1.1, 1870, m l le-

.>irded in tbe Uorris Ounnty Clerk's Jfilce, InDuok V 7 of Deads, pagei 01, &c., snd oonUlnsniiuQt two and one-qtwrter oerflc. Tbe secondInt it ibe »mo tlm\ is described in a doe<tirom LUKO I. BtnutPiibarRri to enid Qoortro W.Hunolt, dmoii Hppt. 9th, 1871, and reonrdod inmid Clerks Office, tn BnokDSof Deedi, piRes493, Ac, and coiitiim about Qve-eishths or an

ire. Tho third lot is the same detorlbed In ~;ed from Luke I. Htontenbiiruli Io said Oft

W. Hnncll. ditor, Hay 9itl>, 1878.iiri recordedIn saiil C .ii k1, ufliue, in Book V 8 ot De?d*.

10, &c, Mud coutaioi sumi' one and four-Jred arm titlT-threeone'tlioniisnditi sorep,hurtb lot ia Hie mnn. dcccrflHid In a deedi Luke I. (Uonlcn.innjh tn Raid OeorBe W.

HowoU, dated Annual 37th, 1878,and recirdedIn said Olork'i Office, In Book \ 8 or Deeds,p*ffe a, Ac, containing founeuu tlionsind

W1LUAM H. HOffELL, SberlfT.Dated Oct. 2Qtb, 1883. $7 30

PATENTSMCKS ft CO.. of llio BrrENTinc AitenirAK. eon-

-*«• SullolUiri Iiir liiluDtt, OITPUU, Twdo-••'it*, for t l i o " - •

;. (ki





Houses to Sent.A new double home on Eaux afreet, witlif

alx roomi on eaon aide. Will be rented i 't«ii«nt» at rerj low ratM.

AppljtoE. 81EBEE,

Bl-tf Cor. BlaekveU and Essex 8U I


The Trenton Tlmei for 1884.J t would take too JoDff to tell what T B I

T u r n hai done for tbe people and HIP Stale InI ta fourteen moatba of existence. SufflOB ft to;aa; tbat from the alart It h i i atlaoked aJiatof all Borti l i t i l ld l t l lR l lsnd independently fuarless, Ourraptionts itijbittereit enemy, £xt»vsg»noe in State ex-penditures bus been persistent.! fonelit. TEETIMES seonird, for one thinir, thB pauaRB of BPrinting Contract GUI tiirongb tho Laglalstnritbat will »ave the Ui-p»Tern of ilie Btslo »IcBhi t35,0O(H joir. l i b s i kept bail metofonccaodpntgnon men In.

1 HE THUS fnr 1881 will continue [ta fa*pendent, coptlntent conns. It wjlt wiUevery bill introduced into 1heLBj<:i»l*tnrBwill ventilatB DTery piecB of jobbery, whe•faatjubber;be the work of corpcntloi.Indtvidath.. It will Bght to tl o daatbcattempt to add to tbe taxauon nf tbe oIt nil! not be RDppnuaeil by politicians opontinan. llonopoliei mil bo viewed .•n'plcion. f lie people snd the people's ittsts will be tlio cipcclil can of THE Tmsi

All the news, slftbe view* and all the tr*> Iof tbo day will ba niveu in THE TIKIS. TIe*fora evertr ciMaeD ol the Slate or Now I""will need Inepsper. Those who Inw .wnlioot it In 1888 cannot afford to bs Wlmt

it In 1831. 'Taa DIILT Ti -

fifty cents a monlb. It will bo sun. - .tho itmiton of tlie Legislature, from J>W I1st to Ann I let. for one dollar and a h-

THE WEExuTujBt It two dollsi_fty ceots for tbe teislon of thi ~fiend sntnoripttanB always to




I Cffebrated Cough Drops.

1 S T M A S CANDIESofaUdeaoHptionB.

a IIIn a 1 ' "

L t o r orant them pun

ji,. J SUSSEX St., DOTER. '

WM. HARRIS,Watchmaker and Jewoler,

DOVER, If. J .nils ipecUl attantion to tla atnek or Booda

Suitable for the Holidays,

comprising the largeit stock of

GOLD WATCHESever offered tn thin partnf tbfi county.

hll.VElt WATCBES of e n r j dcacrip-lion; ,1 li'.VELRV, an elegant ill«iil»j;KINGS, i. new .look of all tkc noToltlcnof the BRUOn; EAR BINGB, CHARUIems, BUTTONS, STUBS, to .

CLOCKS, a good atool.

SILVEB-WASE, aeonpIeteUneofiowgooda for the ooeoalon.

GOLD l'ENS and FESCIL8. SPEC-TACLES to .nit ull nlirliii, Benalr-

tng of every deaorlption pertain-ing to the trade.

WM. HARRIS, Ruf.EX Sr., DurEB.


Illai!Tor Sets tf Clilldren, (China,)SalTttri, 1 bite ' Graulte andOlai»;thr i lizes of Krnlt Dlsli-

»ll klr • of Tumblers, Gob-cti, Wins lauei, Dccantcra,

IVHlSBV.fil. !BES,





, ; : : , : .j CHIMA LUSTRE PLATES,

Eoaonps, jMOWL8SE8 JUOS, •

: QI.«jS SETS, .: ;



SPITTOONS On OUSPlDOHBS,oflllklndiTOILET rETS.ol uilueit grata.

TUES! TASES!Immense Attractions!We calljthe special atten-

tion of customers to this

brunch of onr business. We

can sell Uicm cheaper than

any hon|e in New York.

Also oar, China Cnps and

Saucers, 'Decorated JTous-

tache Cqps, of all kinds,

and nnmcrons other goods.

We hare t|li week received anew itock of

Teas and Coffees

T]E PHOTOGRAPHER,lopra]>lia on tlio CLUB SYSTEM, an'l to cnnlile imiliOH tit IWIIR-^vaeuainKfSfliu a REOISTBIIED LBTTEII, TIllUTr,!^ TICKKT.^taD6etoorfcanlioa'.fiiyfleudlngC _ - — ,

* km for thirteen Joitn tolitrial l'lotograpli.. wlilcli I.IIOE TICKET FREE.


»de by tno now iaatuntHnfiOiw I.RII^KP, UV. In other wnnlw, 1iH'S PORTRAITS tire well known for llirir nuLR'Nor nl}

anil FBAMK. IiEllUCKD TOw la tho* to rieoure o

F(R THE HOLIDAYS!DONALDSON niannbunoea thnt lie him' lioiiplit for cn»h, at n great liarp




that haa ever beseen tUto side of Newark, imrt he in, tlicroforn, n1»l« to oflVr the jrHluditcemoiitB In thin IIIB liur.



BAKER.•UNIT GODS, for Winter wear, consisting ol Jacket., Hood.,

Nubian, Iftlnen Holier? and Mills at

Double ad Slntle ALL WOOL SHAWLS and Felt SkirU at



a, Ba.ket, Ores. Bud Twilled FLANNELS at

A (oo. auortment ol KOT1ONS. at reaionnole price., at

A reHiile rtocll of GROCERIES and PBOVISIORS at



we hare Lad iln

g to Doier.


i TEi CO.,WELL St.,

'ER. N. j .


BODY B-£insSEUS TAPESTRIES and INOBAIN CARPETSpi. Bt « « « Y o * Prtp.. •«




THE OBOCEEY DEPARTMENTreplete u nauil with all the nearts or lltt lio^i'lmlil, HIM !infi every dumaud iu ou

•took with fresh and JTOCKI articltm at n asou.iiilo rates.



D O V E R , 3ST.


of nil iitjlci ami











fcC, &L\, kv,

CRIPPEN, (The Popular Clothier and Hatter,)

No. 4 Brick Block, Dover, N. J.

HOLIDAYCnninlslDe Hi" smlntvirlctyot



CLOCKS,};';; -



Florentine Statuary, ,|v.l|;n( qnilil; ai,J |i , , ,c , „ „ to f o n n [ 1 a t

HAIRHOUSE'S,MiJmn.ln ol dtMialik pt.»™i», v.iyl, •• I,, ,|v.l|;n( qnilil; ai,J |i , , ,c , „ „ to f o n n [ 1 a t




£2r- WEH OQ






Saturday. Dec. 8th, (883.


.tint EUA next week.iVwtfUiAAvTi next Wtduesd, Council next JSouday wnnibeuins thin work tin; Utli J

Mlntioii iu fuelaat forty Y

.uJio].L- La

rabbltt wi l l ing four IHIUAn apple tlint b

d i f

Oar crowded oolunuu compel a eoiidtfou ol our thbi weak.

Mrs; Ca»e is a teacher In t te Hoekawny•cbool and not MM. Crane, u itsted Uetweek.

The aged widow of the late Hajor Mfnton,formerly of Dover, died in Brooklyn on Wed-nesday.

TlieU. 8. Hotel, Dociiton, la* been lease:by L. W. Lyon, who will o^eu it at a teciper-aacc lioiue,

lion, ffm, Walter Plinlpa U one of tbiupeakas at tic Yr.le Tb&ukegivliig Dinner UNew York to-day.

Mend1*. King, Lock, Baiiford and othcirailroad brethren art Id bo at t ic Buuknwn.TM, U, Cliiii'di tiext Sablmtb.

iu Ijodiiu of Guud T.-iuplars, No. 10, aiertcrilii

iilu1 kv

' tin- M. i

; ^ TUCfMMllnfCtfgyMi. EniroKi-^li yonr IWOA of l u t week, in

an article L«ded " Clorgymett -who Oiunfs,"thett were terenl mUtake* is t is figure* op-potlt* ewh nii&e dunftDf.fhe BMount ofwUry t t*» putori received latt jew, in-oludiog rental Talae of pantonage, or hotuerent; Peapack, F. Bloom, received «710, notKM; Clement, r350 instead of $850; Weriey Chapel, Sufferm,*te., A. J, ConkUn, received « t i instead of(5CO|Ci>ke*6urj sud Callfan T. 8. Hagerty1700, not 9775; Mecbanicarllle, D. Waltari,(743 aot»6T& New Qeraantown. J E. Hati-cock, fcfiO, not 8700) Weal-field, W. L. KOBJJ-land, ?U(V>, ui>t*2,5iK); Bnitaeilie and FreeUnion, J. V Fnrt, »70G, noi $300; [libernla and

•riuiile, 0. T. Jackson,'«72l>, not W7fi;:kawfty, K. H. C oiiklin, *S8Q. mil *S50. Tlieilukcia owia? to Hie writer tukiuj? Its fi(S-

J > ; ) ^ cf th t p o « rThe failure of t h i Dover Bilk CompanyUQWUMd. IM U»bUitlw « » IIW.MO. snft

the u w t i tm,000. Tbfi Company w«i tador-Viorttrf under t ie l«wi of th . State of KevJcr«y on De«Bpb«ra7Ui, 1881, with •& io-tiioriKa oftpiul of «0,000, of rluch $26,000wa* paid in. The prinokitJ lUMikUoldcra «r*WilUnm D. ;Holia«., Pr7itdj5Bt | Coruelini T A l h J Y l l

•s fro

taken fro

th,- Th should•d l l l l'..tlicl.i.


are layinoluirch.


Tiie Aci.lyi<-N nt St. Miir.


fiirilialiril wttlr

i. friend* cfK<>\

liim ii ilonntitHi m i




Sir. T

11.creel illlH ])1

cle* i;





nf it '


>, Thursday" <-VP

s Muiilli- Viillc;

2t),im twin at i>

payi l l f; in fmig

'i!r^itt!Iiu'iii«1 willil.i.IV. Willrr i».oiiofn lumilHo

npt-viy on Sout

liter odlifl cum

i vifn of Mr.

nu ofilimnljlp


i Newark Ailvf

;v, Fullicr H




T. C. Yiuiii^ will

at t!.r F.r^.liuf;

nK l IH-i-. SOIh.

,'rciimn-y him di

• Ilk «ml rn-nin Hi.'


• «




IK i.l.i.ut *7.(KK).

i l l IH-CUIlLllMMUffl

il iiiul 1'tilnint;-

mnt t" ommmmc

„ hrWk l.uil.liiiR



nn lii'Cii quite gi'i

Jurora I'*nua, of ^IV (iiiiiin, dlr-d very

j)j{ Day, Iravinji n



.li.EiiBf Bawwkagainst.

I t ir



Of Mr!

Jlrndiod i

(aiitilthnt Jlr. '

another biinilm


, Miirab.

i. liiiokloy, wife

II Nurrirtowii »

iner Ka¥n the rer'uvtliv iviiiii Si,

, Till 1»O WIDOW*

•idler, ui' (.'liicnfio

,r cnUnst'iit ftrhoi

c (y- -•iitl.r'i'iiirl

of Ilr*. Dr. Hue

tin-. 25th "li- Tli

K lv

t\ Mi




it tl)


d tinHTHl


,r,,ll l l l ^ l




TI:-.V ln';ii nil t h " Inotl I

tmiltiiiK it umt invih' i t .

.' v,'linbly iiilm

ny lulling mill

chat Fhndrr* will m

mid teadnr la the past

If hturmy, t h e n Urn

eet ot tlic yu

r, Ri>v. I), W.

IIKI rriilay

n lioli in i

ul apkflHitnt evcniiig'i1 '•, wiillfi tliey ivero. I

« plneft nt .he Tenlm

[Hit hi.'fiii^vMn a linfci

if-", when tlio iHiiiniiui'

-, ,i,m thr , IUIH I•,,.,-. II,

n mid Dr. I'ombVt dr

•*hwr(Bijil.vij) DID JH»

tirtc, nuly {UW. Siud

ul fj:>% but Wtt r lu i

f. f2.«M). (.'ciif-lil Ch

i)d Hu'.hry Sin-et, in

tle li]f»-r.-nes in tlio build-

mid Itrtmk, teiitnl v

icM-illc, ;i« ljirgu o li

HI'II nf tlic imrpoiiuy

if m KufUnway, *15tl,

t* frjii or iflMHt.

Hiiiiwrt 11ml -iiuf tlio

iii v i rmiivo Ui'esuiw of tlie thrco

Thi- uiimltur IM n«i»r]y

K'liiiwli-K-l~n on thD «»tin- .lerrtc-y City DUtrict,

^;,)»',)) imij ja (iu t])« Put«i

Vl'jHt f tliesa

ie npiioiiitnd, Itiu of

vill knuw.


mil Mrs. Alex. Km

, II. Alt> Kdis

n-k. .-nut Wm. II. h:iiiilM-t, n-ii>i:.f!i

c Kiulinrdfl, i»f Dover, vinlled Luko

in^ oil WtdiK'sduy In (•inniccr n]Hi

ug toH'urd (he loi^iiuu ul' it Jur^o In

ip»n llio jiroiicriy of Mr. AUCHIHHLII,

.iiiiug 110 aei'^, wliivli i\U,> ^(mtaliis tlio

rlinglBii House. Tin-y fmitfuiiiliite tin- r

DnuralarKoholcl.ciipahluor iirfi.mia.

ng nt li'iHt 3Uttj:iif*tH, on ihc fine prinrion:

mt Jfits into lho ink'.' [>i>i><>>ti(e the .Mt. Arl

DIIUUM!, nnd to cell tMtt^u ]ilnts npi>n

ko trout. After gwas over uiiil iu^fio'

e i>ro)ieity tlio.v dintd at Oiulrrdmik'a.

,cu liold »*bii«ne«it mi-ctiiiH. Sir- MKJr<

in etertwlC'liiiiriiinfi nnd Sir. IJ,-»<-fi<;r

loaen Seerrtitry. Alter diseasing this ]

p| llioroiighlj- it was rcnolvcil l(ui]i|ini

Tnuorer; Alpheua J. YoUman,Betwtar/) Alphfua Beemer, Sbevflnr £.ifD.^y.B.CuroiMdJchD W, Hnnl. Theyoarriod oo a iao4*T«t« trade, flona tlmithey failed to maet ft a>u, tad the towha* Neo looked for £>r tsma 4a/*. Ji..'aeksoa Itu b«n appointed rioalvet ftv tbeoni>era. - • ^

Ore Shipmsnt* for November.Tho following »e the inn ore Aipmsnt*

from various vulatt ia t3tU TicJaity fcr tlwmonth of

Over the HigUBfWRefiratidh of the CentralRailroitd, tl»roufifa to FniUlpaburg *a& paint*bo.VDud, 23,507 tonij looal to Stanhope, etc.,•2,8W torn and 10 cwt. Total 38,873 tOni10 owl. • ' :

Over the Mt Hope Mineral EaUroftd, 8,433tons nnd 16 owt.

Ov^r tlte Blbeniia Mine Batlxoul. 7,fiS3tons and 7 cwt.

Hoi day Toji-Aoinnpeotionoftht great dUplay of holi-ity toys at Mrs. 3. Xre^rtbu'i on B

Btraet, would bo ftpt tpmaltB one think It wassupply depot of old Bantu Claud hitn*olf

In dulls alone there are nearly 1,000 of allsize*', shapes and prices, (Deluding tlio won-l<rful»Iiiging(Ui)l,viilolii«wcll worth aselng.heu thei-n [4 oywythlng el«9 tlint a eliildtil4 think of or/use. I t would be intoiois t

try to tnumor&to, and •wo oan ouly adviao ouroM to jo there and MD tho great exhibi-

Where to Get Suited.It is nn vmqUGrtlotod foot that one of the

geentttt dry good* honwa is JJortbtirn NeJersey is tliat of W. 8. fljlibltt, Morrietow]His dock of goods is nlwaya B vast one, con-

as every lending nniZ eeataaalilo fabric,A lioatfl of lndy Blioppor* aro suited there ei

well that tlmy never Bad it ndyijsnule to go totlm city. . They fiud IIa1)bitt'« prioe* a» IDW asthoso of New York dDslore, and aavo them-

RCIVCS tho f u flud expense bi a cstty visit.

qS. II. UtTij'a Hardwnrc Store

Dont foiget It.s for Skates nnd Slodi IK a1

Holidiy Goods

iiHk. ftiili.T-ln-l«wiir\V, H.Viiili- u i-itrii-ii* iieniiU'ut one diijWliili' tii-niiixl tin* liciisii hoiiindoIMiniUVlt. IH'IIMIIJS liiit hip mid ie(i

'i'ii'»i)?ii!i'- Iln-Vi'i'li "liiyof't<\>ryfitr* punt ho hu*ct>M>rated himtailing KdiiHMNfliiriftilkHntl.voiimily. 1 liii)n> liiMvill luMilllo


ne riii'-l lrint


of ti u<o

al of g ml, and tn nmiV'V

et«. Ju.leiiiK lr.>»

• IIWIIIH vvli.i V...M- titc.

it is jivnlMll-lr Hint il i

i we "bail iinvc ailditiami

r...fnn(Mli>f our Bummer

,uil li

lih-li u»(traftod liicltoty n

: quality. The Idrn i» A now

liev-ps it will be raU-»f.ivfl.y i-

' . .ThuQmu.l Lriiilge «f Odd

Biato inia iwued nn pilift rn^

' »9ntoEnmijt»rit of n ilbtrii-C to

• ' Tlifs luiiDii Thanksgiviiij; wrvirp in Jtorrir.-

tfflwn wan Tidil in tlio Fir»t 1'rrnliytprtnii

elmrcli, wlicli was ilecomted witli fit:Id ]>tu-

duots armngwd in a ver j arHntic inaan&r.; iThoMorri8toivnY. M. C. A. PonminiPPMn

course of Ipctnron by Mcv. O. II. Yntinnti itnd

' ProF. A. D. Monrln, of Wewortr, iiwl J. r* 8uf'

"jihrni nnrtCol. K. L. DobMim, of M«rri»tnwn.

^..Vcrt!.^'wtjjBkon in Hiwiug Hint Oliver

Council, O. f. A'. M. "lid not tnko purl in tin-

' ^yflcii(iti(in.Day iiiwmlc.' They cmttinm-il in

' the'inorcli as far ** Hilt utivet IIIHI tJjru

dropped Ant.

. Al. Briinaan.alirukcinnii mi the ore train

: oFtheUiglt Ihidpo Ilmnclt, Imd two of Iii*:)dri&rm stmutWd M Cnlifim lust S.ilunltiy.

'.ThU J« «lw fiftU UDIO Lu lian Wen injured <m

t i e rttilroad.

';.;.' TheLBICB AW Sop.iPtj- of tlm Mill Krook M.

E. CIiUNfa will hold "ii oy«fi-r ""((per at lite

: K»itlonfl6 of Mra. Mary E. Coo, on Weduewlny

^evouiug, Dec. 13tli. I'roccttlp for tins bi'iipfit

; ; of Ibo rliutfJ].

. A donalum visit wiil bn (riven Mr. Paul En-

ftieo-'atOtehmitonf Mr. I-'rrderirlc Fifliter,, at Unppr Longwtwtl, Tittmlny r.vening, DI>B.

18HI. All aro iuvili>d. If htoniiy, then tin*


' ' ' Ira Ayera anflTlii'odoM JEnH.ird inndi! tlio

. ,rj>and lrl;i frnni Slurristown In Newark on iv

bloyvbon Tluirttlay, in tltvo hotirs, tliirty-

olgnt iniuutCA, actual running tinn1, lvliidi

• hfiBto tb« record thus fur.

News dealers BIIOIIM HHUA iu ilirir UTAKTH at

ouca far extra nutnbvrs of t'1" HOI.ILAT Eiti,

which we think wn can safely nay will Vn out-

ftrtheprctticBt and luost lutorostiiig pupcrd

erer iuuod in tlie ruunly.

j-'lfoareorrfRpoiiilpiits-willBciHlin Hioir fii-

Vors one day oorlier tliuu uimol noi t xsevk

they will fireMlj- oblige iw. Thw wqnett is

' made neoesftnry by the work of waning; u in-

perpf donlilo sire next wci'k.

• Edwin nick* was found dond in bin Imil nt

Bt the Baker Hniine, Stnrrihtowu, on ThuukH-

jjivin^day. Ho wnB n brother ol Mrs. Ad-

inirnl Cniignton, mhian luiRlmiid died mill.

denly Qbont two we«kn bffnM.


liDliront of tiM-rnrcfnr tlio S(n>n1iCMliip nnri

• BB.VBit lnys brtwe-n Capt, Btoncy, oi Mon-

montli. Bud Tommy Flynn, of Piuiuir, wllli

tho chances in fnvor of Klmicy.

= Chancellor ftitiyoii him cUt-ndcd lo iim 151b

iB8t. the time nllowriltlm Si'nr JerHi.y Control

In wblct to file nn answer to llw lull of

A Iritil v

Jtii'k Fn

Tim I\nt Lilir

rill f.A.

y '>nry

(Hi rifXiMVHI

of Ki-vrtim a


Hull . N

•k nii i r

l l l l t l K M l t

i t . A !

tliy, Talk is n

y LItlsntibn About InS. S. Hiitmi'lim-np, "fNiiw York,


V .M.MHitrim [i.-.

iti-pet, Moriire ubonl II

Jltl-lt )'

i .h'lift

wnyM. E. {K. II. (,'iinkl


njjntl-'ox Hill, cm


llnp. HeluuljiHt

i nn ninifli1

•oil. Tin: ii

• mui <li<i

i-n- cxtiiiKiiislieil lief"

unipil, althoiiKli tiicuii]!

i, and tho WUIIH of tl

• iiiujji'il l»y Winer. Al". I

ima^t'd. In tlio luuist'

rtM r,f Mr. mnl MM llielnird

iivci-, Iml tlipy wcri» removed w

• injury. Tlic'iniiimiit ofMrs. >

i IlicLoiiKo liumi'it Ix'.m iixi-d

A Fino Concert.

tlm Im


. y rim lindHoiue Hi lay I1C.J;Blev wouidlifcu lulittve rc-•r liccii int«,rtii<-d tlint tin-oiiimli' t!].'.i|i|ii:iifli'iiu'iittil"..•iiiftil»ith«liil. "nmiKhft'ii"

•s]» lor tliii amiinp*. I


CHESTER.B of BDIUU tbe Botoijont da

With him. TOi K X * ""- _ nt of lsotU tDtarutthie fpqtottu, »BA anUd»tM the nu


their faUdota ajMouie«T m><t tbo n«opMiicimral ioiouglKtoNm! piuwlolIngmeh takmti-it ,n^n, abta to wakew ' - rfwriptutaltoplOt^.—

al, enoDwmfrfDK und In-

"'Ur."jol.j)MorrUBiid fumlly veto vMtiugrelatlTea At Boonlon on Thankftemug.

MJM funale JIattoJt, the fobool tonubeNew Votuop. "pent Thanlugiriiig withpnrentt in th» pUee.

WnUeTipiHittnadEldU. llal.ov,-wlm BKotteiid!ug Wtooi nt FongfakeepMie, N, V.,wen at Some on a few Atm' rauatlon k i t

w Jennie fowler, of Plucketnlsi has baateitlngherQulMolar

A. Apgar,School?, nt"lif

«ief,Mrt.Wni.Mott.tti audience greeted Prof. BI1U

t Superintendent uf PuhlleWurtnted Jt th

l d ' i lat iiU Wiutnted fcetB» ou tbff

"Olorioaof SwltierUnd" In tho Prrabytcriao~ eh on JIoDdaT evouitiff last. The lec-

WM UiatKilm In overy renxot and wn»well ni,|,tectatad.-*r]ie aevei-nl iilustraf ioa* ouoatiTnea wero fnMduatiop Iu the f.Vf-

-yohcwthwoliati Iteoutwoor Hiwood ia town. TIMWU who own „ . .y wlah to huTQthcmitruUictcil, urn advia-

... J> obain thorn, Ibril flm.Y nra nllowed torun, the «onitft|Utti.ce minlit I'o tin1 •ama us ttheotborg. Onu mnu hod H ynlmiblo bindo|( poisoned wMle out hunting niuw uu.v•e». It was Haiti ho vcunlJn't luivn tnki-i»lW)A»jrit. Tlie doaw>« vary quit*, BBTCImolested or disturbed any MID, nud might bo

jou at any time uronuil his inustor't liutiae.Juke HlnncntiTdbaB ncccpted n positiou in

tliec<«ahopritfDovor,mow baluW. Iti*a guodjob and TVD hupc Juke will llll the

indie 'moved tu JetwA*_ . v — —,, „ .4» Vfwk. A'«w, iwrc (aa ohauue fot»onii)',<(iLm to tAk« We jduce.

Mr. HsrrV Cuo kn<ltba lilKMiiropf mn._ _ ,a short rmi io hU reJativog nt JIackoLt«t<nvn

bio time. He attended charades Iu tlio Bcml-ury piirlors, and was olio nicccdlndy de-giitedwitfi tbe privilege of going thmuglis Soiiiinnry.Thoroda euapanrlad from the trails of UIL

sohoul biiUulngi a vary, tine picture of tliefldilioo, done by i liowjrtoii, the pho-togrnpnGt j afadby tliowny, we would eny ItoUi)otunlya'R6ou*n'rtlat,titit ndept in milti-pnHoa fruit and gnrrtaq vegatuklta. We ite-lipveiio tftkca tho iiromiiini on ulnckbcrriosud celery.Thnie was a WRttiUna on Tneadny evening.

Jr. Eira Dnviu was united iii niatriwony tolUias Marv J . Lnji, bi.tlt lniu« from tubplace. We have not yot reunited full partlu-

liiraoi tho affair, hut aummsa It was HU m-i.vablo one. We \vi»h tlmni a uujipy audijiioeful life.

Next Wertiiraday evi-nloj? there will be a[iiiiiti«n at tlifl M. K. PmiiiinntSB. i t U '~~'

liorii will )IB a Ihtgo utteiiduuop.Ou Tucndnv ovuimtg uf this wcelt, BOOKI ofir i'Oimis i*u]k» wont to Spftdwell tujmrtlui-

H iii'ur IIH nn can tluil out they liml nu c*.'Hunt tiuio, ntid eujoyed theunQlvcN aa welli could bu exjioctetl, A imuilier of yoaagdien and sentlenitn from Uorrlttowu were

tiTsout unit ml BeemtJil to bo bln»ly liloiutud.rhum •wore other jmrtii'i ffoiug from lioiu,io we aro inlorineil, Imt lor BOUIO trillinginime unknown they got in astute uf lyooii-iii>|iliy nnd did not ito.The f!i>d»oii family have moved ta Bloom-

i n h a l e nnd we hear alxu that Mr. JohnTlioutptoi! nnd fnnilly will move tliere too.

Tho I). L. & \V. ilejiothue Ueou ronplWiig amtiifjiaiiit, mnkiuKit look a HtMu btiWrurn it hiiH hcrotofoMi, nnd Hevornl Bettorsnve lict'ii plnuitil iu tho wuttiiig room whoroitc tichobcrt vrate iorracriy unod. 'j'lie PIU-<m in jionGrnfthiiik wo ought to have hut-irloiikinif stutlonH.MirwLuoy Daily hnn lifen visiting frioixU; Statcu iHlnnd add Lit tin Fulls.MUAunlo \VhDulcr,(<f»ng l turWr,Lon R

Islnuii, hnx been visiting liorrelmivDs i n tliisJIOCKAWAVABK.

MOUNT FREEDOM-Tlic Ketkadleta aro hoWlug WURUIW »er~

* every evmiiin, hoping lor Rood reunite.itcrimptiuuucntcrtaiiiinciiLwujutveii ourmunttne nuhbol bouso liwt WsdMid»jiiue, lieins TieWK nf the life of Christ, theUMiui 1 uud ten night* in n bnr room. 't\e

U'KH were well explained by n yoiius HIOLmveline with (Jioaj, whftiH! name we did not

TJiiwe In atf^ndiincsc seeiued wellclwillttLoei^rtjuMmont, ^•kniftii nrfl JK^V o u tin, ncw,telegt»|

ess- *

view no -_,.„\Umw With tb

muchgStyUd''^Vrd"tU;i^lmoat ^ n d m b l e , h . auooeeded Inlit petition bairever tar kbout one

tben the iuuediat«otuu of bit diuniual vaaRdiilioneitaot. Mr. KanWn who w u newlyblind Mnt him onfon one ojOMion to onllso

lie money to hi* own n « and' reporfed thebilii unpaTd. Aa «mt u Mr. Eantcio beoameftflqvmlntod with thia fact lie dlaoliarged himforthwith. He then west to Huckettatownand ortened a geoBnl mercantile atore,iu tlio mentitimft married tbe daughter of ^of lho mm wealthy and tiiHuoniial eiUzeuaitt nn ndjaeent Tillagfl: »bs was said to have

-) n moot amlBMfl lady, veil oduoate"ily aeoompliRhed and oondderably oldti hlniieIf,lnitlerflnanolaIu»oapMt wa*

apparently n anffietent balm for thlB objection.They had Uot lived together in HiokelWwii» great wJjJJe before B)JD awJciecly died;though ehe had been in Ul lioulth for a louttime, yot bur dooth appeared inyiteriouR amsseitod muob. eoiuintut, more e»poolally so

hdn It Iwoiinie knowuf ' ' * •"—*' -iro lie bod piiccktued adrngrirtinlliwtou. *

onoraiod, ' "

,.Witli thu cold weather maybe lieard thf

dying squeal of the poiker, and buckwheateokoH viu probably fiisnppoar uotwithatand-l t t nru two for u cent °eokoH viu probably fiisnppolog ttey nru two for u cent.

comineut, more e»poolally soo tnowu that a thart time Iro-

l d k f U f

at all event* t ie mutter wan al-> arop and nothing raorc come of It.ibutfon for evil deed* WPJ aoontohim, Ho purohBMft from purties io

• - » . - - i * l&rge qtiaatity afgoo&B which ho•amdly diipoaw! ofta vavl iu a very questloa-ible and imbuslneBBllko way. nnd then thewilding UD occupied burned down. Buspi-

Compound Tar Cou|Tho ee,n»on is nt hand for the use of tiife

Tahinblo oomnounu for tha .cure of rough*,oolds and oonauuiptlon. Ko family should beWithout i t Sold only at tho Brick DmfiStore.

of the fire, taoimven ogw["orV he»riB. .... .

demanded immedli

him M the biBttitatoremail ft never oould bo pontirely

_j»t aim. Ills creditors I" Newtag the rumor* afloat, cajiiq ou md

md mi

fiuont for their eomiaIsfy,

ail trim], cnuviotwl aud sotiteiidedif Ininrlsounicnt in the Wnrronat llolvlilera. WM!,, there lie

Lt V Hill 11 ll.iI they beg*iucrH. n.i

aemaniiea niraedintepayiuo „_vrbleliho icokred hiintolf uunblo to untie..,whereupon l>y BOIUO meana they procured hirrast] lie Waa tried, ''"' - ' — *) a term «"

wuuty Jail .._ . .liiruifld tbo nequnlntaiieo of thu 8hitrifi'>iiloiiD, who iiiwd fo enrrv blni hi* tuod, aud nillUii chut with him In hfa cell. Ity this niuaiisthey lieenmc vory Intimate, and nfter he hudserved ont hie tenteuae they were married

loved tu l'liituduliiliin winiaa» to^etlior as funov u:wan rcj,orteii to ho a. moat noble wooiau.worthy Ui every » I | K <et the lovHof u«,

fu onu could nccuunt for her tiifltfi i-- -eloctiaiiofnliiiHliKUil. It will 1* cibsen

cd thntin llio iotfiiulun, I!J« UHJUUHOI' U,tmrtifH nru not raciitioiicd; 1 hnv

lynii; tin;

linifuruodrtudrative however is f) tlic

'llio now tiiltKniiih linr now In pi-ocean ofniwtruatbn iroinWnphiiiKttiu D. (I. ti> linho-

witli im uirciidv i)»inp*"tcrt linn, imrweHdim/lythrouKli town, fol-

„ .-ilnHt. frumoiio end to tbo otherItU Mis etooittloii ol n deflorHon « i, from Auadeiuy St, ti. Mnidlmiu Avo.mvly niltkeiiiMtn, itrmcd with onm.|niiwdUoiinS"''11' I1'"™ l"'1'" J>'"n!(i ia)mMm

ordor Unit Hit, wires may be iti-etuhcdJOVO tli« slmcly trew that, einlioidor (ho aMn-•«ika aud Imtwetm which tlio \mstn nre mt.

°5S ".'M11 ]ant *wk tlM» wllNl1 ll01"l) ° ' M r -. W. Kelsoy eancht Uro from the ohlmneyid burned down: turtuniitnly no other dani-;o waa done. TIIIH struoturowaa only about.fnetfroiaWshoune.

MwUI was held at flwrnUmn etiSjuLindiihBrry. at Milltown, for the purpose

rniBiug funds to buy nn organ far the Mill->wn Suuriay BOhool. A parly of boys whowtiiduot greatly annoyed the company were.litoly requested to liehavo, but not Klring

any hoed ta the roqufftat thovw«re tlirubtoufof the hou w , they soon returned, when, en-

?t £" io ' ' a ^° "J00^ thoio n general row***t kioked up. Hr, liiudaberry went beforet h ^ r ?JU e ,v ^ d had nine warrant* issued;.urvou: tua OOJB for whom warrant* wote oli-

™ « • i S W e d B.nd h » v e «°* le t *w» «?»"•oreanrveil, and the hoynMR bimnr <>n Rnturdavi1 thHtrowu reoog-

m on WiHlifcda.villbuV1 ' l l t o'flookin lho leiiMinim,

^.("•Iioftwirii iml hie hm,»r i»,flKdiBgniri

•low-iili 1'iiflcci

rnWi. J»h» jwked hhn]>nrlii'N Unit ho iiu'iiiinui, " ; , I M U ; , , , N , . M.I.I lUrn

Hilt liv.•oft iK-jirly «>Mly tn hliii> nt » Klutlon. Inr^ii Irnati: lid tiakrd .Mr. K. ll'lir n.uld i-a-U ati('r]iol^,-()iof him, nn !..• wniiti-d to |iiiy a



rthebMii,wibtn «U cjwaeatd nhookmy html,

- _,, _ „ . m* yakoiat $a& offered « cUIr,»MdlD» »# jit while tbe.T pl»y«d in air,A umg by fit* tMMHW wa* ano^ TBW floe i" B.ara-t^U" were ttf «ord> all the time.V«ry fenny, iadwd, v*n the word*, I ffimt

niteet v m In O. Minor,lwM 1 MTir beard liner.

lad t t w n e w wuld nlay thw taidytbe aid of John and Bob Binflv,

firi» J N M »*a *bff »Jar«4 well bi; putW M the #tnrdy jonaf blwUmlth, Martin

And I mid to myMlf, " Lery couldn't beat

OTira Dare Boae tooted bia new B. Plat.Tell Bmith and Johnny and all the r u t

- nut trnly ta j did their level Heat.IVTion Loreneo piaya hla deep-moutaed bauPhe muale abioei out all over IU face,fheir leader .urely can fill the bUl-

A handsome young man-weV-koown M Phil.Ho where you will, nowhere in the laud

Can they beat Mt. Olive Eumk» Brui BandBut we oaunot occupy too miiou ipace with

poetry, as we have sometMag eUn to nayrlilcli the readers of the E»A innat upt ovor-cok or ntgloot. That li our donatloo, whloliake* place at t ie BBptbtperioiuige, Thurs-

day evening, Deo. ISfb. Wee "on abundance of good tbingi aa IftrRe attendanoe to make ftwA cordial JorJiafhiii it extended .

A oouplB from Clieat«r were married at tbeaptistpsrioaago on Saturday evenlue, nnd

med another «wrn Wednoiday e?eriftiK

Mr. ofield, of M&sstwbuMtU, faih'i1o appear at the ProBbytvriuu Cbnrcli 1H*1

Huhhalh, but word ha* beau received thai hiwill preach here next Sunday aud the Suridnfollowing. He is »u able preacher ami uuunaa it cauSitlate.

O r Wc»t*ni v- id tlioir auiieur;asreed with then

Witli thu coldd i l of




i pl&OG &t the BBpil»tji6rton*gt>r Tburs-ivening, DcclSfh. Weenec t to hure•undmceuf good tuingi and would like[e attendinoe to make ftwidial larJiafEoo It extendei

.. .ouplB from Cliestcr were nlaptiatpartonago en Saturday

Bey, Thou. Young performedetnony at Tranquility on Wednai

Eav Mr o-1---*1-1-' - * " r

Oyiters and Lunches.Prime oyflten in every style and flnt-ola

lunches will be a ipcoiolty every day atEuiory'a restaurant, Warren Street.

The Largeit Unalieatlng stovet, cook BIOTCD, rangiiH, fur-cei, ito,, »t tha lowest prloes at Allen He


Teeth Extractedir25contB. MeDavlt'a Dental Parlon.

Di:—J onrnl ymr afil, Tbe world tiaa'DD^rown yoxxt

o\i aarrantBod you moat bolp toe fill the stocking! wtiieh will be

h\iag by almost everj- ebimoej- in tbis broad land on Christmas Eve.

I want you all to sea tliatfjourj|owalfr!eui3»|nia relaliTea ore pro-

nritti auitiblo natlfapfiropritte Cirljtmw'prweot*. To rouke^

your tusk an easy Dud pteautut one I Lave induced a reliable busi-

ness house Io open a grand collection of rare, beactifa) and )oir-

pricBtl HOLIDAY PEB3ENTS right bt-re in your midst. Tueir

e&Ubiisuai(iUt bus grown BO Urge that it will reqnireecma time to go

turongb tlieir three Rreut floors aad tboroagUIy examiae nil tliey

Uve provided for yon. I refer, of worse, to B LINDSLEY &

BOK. in tlio Brick Block, next to Jolley's Hotel, Dover, with wbom

I have Uft buadreda of saiUble gitU in all articles of Furniture,

Dregs P-ilt&ms, Prelty Ctoaks und oilier QaimeDts, Lace Good a,

Qlares, HandkemliiefB, etc., and immense gtocks OD their HOLIDAY

nud TEN CENT COUNTEB8. They are ready and wailing to

supply all willi everything heart could wish. Therefore, oblige your

old frippd by procuring suitable prciienls for your loved ones offlmy

auttioiiKod Bgpota, and do it early, so AH to give all a cbance.

Yours Very Truly,


Millions of PertoniDin annually, who might be saved if atteii-

lon vnu given to tlie Hftle ills of life. BoroThxoat, CuiiKhu, Coldi. t o . ore enally cintdhv UBinn Hsmuton'fl Couah Balsam which

—-ica the tickling in the throat and tlgtit-crog* the oho»t, belps tn throw off tbIOUM matter amtkoalathe infinnied innin

rnnca. ImnietUuto relief will bo found L., Brondbttii. Wboopiug 'lougli, &«.,en in chrome Gnaoa nud lnnt nlago ofuptlou great relief is reoelvtttli for

ncipiont ei»uauraption (t workalikea ebann,•rt.te 2H and BO ceatt per botth ~ " '


Holiday Gifts

it euuauraptioi .2H and BO ceatt per WtiJo.tKillguro, Dover, H. J,

Are Your ChHdrm PeevishAuil sad eyed T Do they have nbnotiunl[il»tit«i and crave Food constantly t BewcireTvnniin, Very few ehililrtn esonjie their

ftvngea, No uhlld Can he happy or wellrliHo siiffeiliiB with wuruB. They nap tlio

ts Hla by preventing tho digestion nndmuiiliitloB at food. Tuere Ua euro remedy,h culled Paruolee's Bnntolilno Worm Can-nn. They ai-c perfectly himnleBs but willilokly jiennlve the worms und poss them offrougli the hovok. Uuy no otlier. Price itsntH per tox. Bold by Brtert KlUgore.

I'otliiT in I'lii-ijiimiiv..•a.niitiiin^iilSiV,.i;»,uinin,iityil ;i([liii(n inKt Sii!id«y i:


iiila oltlii Wnllr

fl-lllilll 11

Kit il

i i j i i IL'll 1

Oil IH tOtl

(in County. Tbe riiiertaiuiiieiit is HU-•ilin'etini'u.fMr.0. I1'. (i.Mo^ie. Smiu;nioit (HriliuauiriH-il v««'*li*tsof Xisw

mil Itmoklyn nr« <(i ng^eiir, and tin:•t will biiinierejipiwd with rendiiifM by


, the j

r. Mr. Mp«io w

this ^ 11.Him

tat*, In Mo l the I.'U tn (bo

. A little dauEbtor of flei.rgn Errey, whnliTes on the Millhrook road, (el\ dwn n flightof stnae sU-pn on TAnoAny, and nrusliP'1 ill bcr

, ohcckbniLn. Hoi cijmlitiim wan thought toboprecniloiiK at firM, but w« Irani that sheis Improving.

One 9f tlic most »lm[de lactiodn for unloon->' «ning a rusty eerew h 4a apply heni t« Itfl

it for a feif minnUa, irtU nmlet IU with-» l " b j » o r e 1 l i i

r * raonittr Uwrkd; frqt, Drttpcr BBJ. the

atmoiphere,' u d pt&ildt*of moUrt w which Bonorbed tho wlnr rays atMeVihlngfe'rtWdiiplvtteredMy Theg p v r d M y jjftmaatenon ii quite common in tie Alpt,

: tlic- tlm ighir Inud

iifSuitUcj-villi., X. ,1., i\

nril'M, Mount ll«i|.r; Kcv. I'lll. I'i ', K!t« ;, !<

•t'trt-f<l,,rl.i'lv Help f.r CWMimmijie; lirv. JI.l'. 0'fi.uniir, rvctwof Onr)dy liftp of L'iiUtinn'.. Kant Otwi(;p, aue-•tU I-'nthe.rMcCarthy in EnM Newark; Rev

A. llrjiily, un Ji.*-*i»tant at St. Atidinol'n, JcrerjCJly, in tniUHferrcd Io Ht. I W , EantNewark.

A New Enterprise in ChesterV, V. Ar-nnr, tbo Chester bnkur, has roinor-

ci> to his new iiuarterti in thu Hardin building,whero IIB bftfl nponed it line now bakery, oonffctioiiery and rflstaurnnt. It isjnst such*jiluci' an Cbostcr needs nod nhoald uollbcmlljsuin>ortcrt by the poaplo. «'Frank" took hold,of thn bikkery huslncM lolS7B afteroTeryhpdyelse had tnttdc a failure ofit, utdlyhUco*

priBflhnflmadeit a NnceeBt and a oonvenioooo U> the pooplo. Buob, *ing putronagc, and we adyiM oarpOQsntt hU advciniMtnent ebjewbexe v»d callon him wbentht-r want •tryiblogln'lna Uob

r .«»f*»»-, Uka Ontario Fiiht

VBterflih, nuh M PiAenl, Hiimon,fiab, Yellow pito. Cat flab, etfl., dirtwtfrL M k C l StLake qnurio., on Cftn*18t,n6aBtlM

Wicked Assault,itt wei-k, ayounj: f;iil. i

She- rt-piii-il i» tliu iimrmsitive mui was aboutto jiroi-eod on her way, wbtn ttift ftconmtrcltook liuM of her ami IJKI/KPJ hci- int*i tiifwood* She wrcamed, but be ulitccd hi*Imiiti nver liiTitiontli, nnd tbi-iMtrned tti killhar if nho niiuln nay noin«. He tliui «uiraged

be ran raj.iilly off We have not lchrueti t ieffirl'* nains, but tho fact a« stated -we hh\e

bl tlior*t —Tlulloiit

Confectionery and Fruits for the HolidaysIrs Trewarthn of Snsser 8ti*st,ho#i opened

for Llio holiday tnwle nn nnnnuolly fine stockif confefltionerr and fmlta. Her rundics areil tbe fined and ntoit Varied ktadi nnd to thokholcmile trade lho can offer evuu better In-

ducDmeatBintho wnj of lo* ]»rh»iyear The stock a)wAakuobud . _prangas, and olj kinds ol tluls growui-ull of

v d .itilW hllHlnCM«;I! bb family

loveil tm thevH'ft-H nhntittho liL'inl nuil

nut gi-t his

"hl'v , . ..tlmt tlMlippLvrbrlKUUriu

A dij( It Miiit h pending (K . __J. H. lllsjl, Kftqulrp, about some bnrk s»l<]

' by im Andovor man to the pruSt«iib«ii6 tannery. Tho diil'or

lleiuunl for tho same when bulledto about 92 30. Let Jutttica be


- -,E. ehureli last Snndi., - „after U\\\ Featf, I'reiiidiite Elilur Coitprcnohed Aiut '• The olmrth ol'God." Afterihe Rermoitbo flivornmontof the Lord's HUIJ-

,s *iiutsterBil. [nthe ovmiinir, tr.etnllilto n lull house nlont " Dealli,

rlitroent, hoavrn ntid hell."revlvlstm oontiuuea. ITio Bnnday

fig ootni-lfltion.ALPHA.

[liou^ltl it will dor kind tver In Bon

mid Ow-nr Joi

IEWP0UNDLAND.To be or It to Uo ia n question orlidtintod

in regard ([lie miuktfy at the Hew Vannd-i [Jeurgo, of Chnrlottouargb, in

ning from her recent HCVMO ill-

•eof Mr». Judjton KiJpnt-

thing far ibthoUfajt In paner

Teeth Ettn|oud. , .-^ the Brtek Drag 8tore.

Lcwi^ Hn-

rick, at I)rrltei-I(»wn, N. J.Later—.Tim mnu wlio Ml from the hridm

wns TliomiiH Cumpbrll of l'ntormn. 11» wilbe oroiiml again in a fuw daytt, Biov.

Tlicre i« s»mo talk uf the Sanday Mbonl'itaninc ngain Booa.ME. nougle,of Hu-keitBtoirn, la plnnting

reiini in our ttclghhonrhaod fatter (ban ournBlghlMiis plnnt maple trees Mn DanielSearls bus lately viirolio*Bd one, iritli therest

8omo onrn yot to hi»k on the monntninRAttcrbnrrinn I J

R ^ i Hr CoUglo uitijing to get nd oa M t J i iflTOHiaMcd a oarMouDtaJii

BoarU has iweQ qnlto ajak, int is im-

f lel

far'tnlnbiten to go ttwtt fhrti homo for/Wtrflfloiiiur the B'* and 10%.. We expect a

, counlo o( onr vkdally pill:Cullqw Jilt "

Weunderitanufthntlilr Win Buojon IIM^ittfa to Coiineeti*at to purohAM same tihonigar orgtni, which be hni uld. Axes.

fidrly r



pramhiaoacflis llnlilo.tti bo n»o nil tlirongh the unn-fnliUlnicnt

i purchMat sowicjr iBaobinc,Mra. Uwitliomvchani'» wire nt Stock-

holm, tiu ledntly imrohau&d n Uoilutonpi»BO.' 1 • • » ' ; - • • r . :

AuBwmiJcUoUBOiancnrty completed nt

Mr. Johnat tho >"enWin. Ollvttenchor '

There Wilgrand army

The nnnTbankiglvii

roi l i to TDDDominie

revival mce

•tork^Hofat some of


ulns.tlnin retire* an a teacher

oncdland pnblla Huhnol. Mr.will ooonpy tbo inmltlnn a»

a call for roeniitinR Io tbo\tuma. is who fanvo imlnlgcd in narkoy dJanornro jiiHt too num-

Irldo will flonttnue n -erica cfAtCnnUteer.

. hM tnyerted in more trottingonfly Intends to §wecp mnken">«il»B tnoo* ' " ' ;


: Lampi.irttnent of Lanpi, Banters,t Kerosene Oil at the Brtok

)• l W ( ( i v i n | | ) l v t , H . :t . , |ml i, if ,„. j , ,'„„„ l.nuou holn Hint l1,,. „,„„! v o r k , „

.nnrki-il riilsr. thin of Hit-ut, i;i f l t

R i l ! ilmiHnbnndaitily'ir Im ml H'd in thohl

ie OUII and rniriiiij

mirmriM Klin,

BARTLEYVIUE,in v m iher*

K mid fix fAdjounird l

t mitt«nf h


i tli.

..i(D(l f<Mlrntr[ilani>.,. ..„„.., „,„, „, „,.[,.,HBU prabaltlo coit ol suoh hnmw.and to n-oit.u. next mcoliiiir wliidi WIIM to ho on!lonth Inter than tlm wonnd meet ha- At tin;*t ttientim; we und mir worthy (>oinmittvi<«u, or nt least two of tlio threo, wilb n BUCCiciiiiDu to build ii houBt titix (cot ioiiR mnl

ii it moraliln i>nvtitiou in thu center' uf'ttii">Uflop oun-lmu of wliicli ia larso unoiiith lmio nicsunt wantb oi the duy «ebiwl, nud u>atlw older bairforkfiuiiday mlionl run',itll it Is ncrdeil Tor diatriot purpimcN. Wellinflior month wn« thought beat Vor cuiiMUerJon anil lost Friday rvenliis wm t]» li.,"' i,,

tetarnilno tho kiud of houni) to l,0 built. TilUtrict was rcjirenenU'd IM it hm nol li^-i,

vrrH bmuah forth ttj „.„lamr ol n Snnilny School room,UM Tils Io l»n tUirty-^Ijtbt feet l

vuuty-wxfeut Willy. UiiI-lniHt tliiiikiiHh«nin|orityofour!i™viei>l t»x•U I t » « . too ,,nall-mr.v little li.r

m m , itUck vn< Inilll !V,,tj ,t d t html iimriul' a

l d l l i k l | i

„n.l 1,

, U k vnrnltted tu hir

l iildlijlikcly wuhl liko It. AltoratlnK H voto WUH tukeght ••bb-' t l

id lioiii-d tlioy ireltvliot *Iefiai.,.B ,. . „ „ «Hn u.Bln HII,m*e wLo thought •Wwi ia not luruo eiioiij-lwre Io vote •inrRor." Well, tlm '.'lliirtvIfihU'; carried bj• atu ,p,,jority ; j™,1,yon(

iinil whilo the rlcik van ' ' 'ritJ. nnil .r tho BOhoiiI I mini

! got loflt. A motion wan uiitde l u ....jii they voted Io adjourn, nud did ui>t ml[til to any future tiiii?. A'ow, wlicroare wiUnrtlryvillc if those niinutca are not found.- wo compelled to build a little coop of ,« t h a t will not accommodate tho nvhrii

irlioodl Arc we eompeVled to go agnluxihea of our beavtent Ux payen winbuild Jor thupiuaeut nud tbe future.

g«f, aro wn vompetied to be governed hyhe turning over or one inan'a hand, wlio vnu

influence cnongh of hla followera Io get i.mutajority! Or are we compelled to Btmtagain wliere we did three or four woiitfn ago',

BUDO'S LAKE,:uoeBn't'iiMtn to he niueli In the. va\

' newa to chronicle. The lake waa frozei,;r«r on Uoodgr nlfcM for .tin total HnieShould It rumaln eo tfiere will bo a ohanco fo» meu of fifth ftara ite watciii befnra Uto let uinnonrj. Thn.theold law will take cffrrl.I It won not repealed when the imeolnl net•m paeaed. A tosd meal of «eh «i)uldn'l B,

fejwob UUi, ooViientH !• llolnjoslfciitklneiui In oxtreetinK tooth without oaa.

Hre.ChrlatlaitUoSoStalK.aanotrecovori'det from thn efeen of her fall, Imt la Improv.

alowly. obcufoaa oftuooldest.peraom;hla eommnultr.

Oar Bouuaj School met on Tnc lay mm-- to. praoUos lor the Carl«tmaa tree enter-


Toilet Articles, Perfumery Bottles,lnE. lot






— IT--

i o f iiL>tiEf"i3»'raii^Krtcs• JGL* JJiiiJLCxC X VS» -HARDWARE STORE

sicaoxr OP I'Arujoon. SOTOR. U. a1.


No. 3 Brick Block,DOVER, If. J.


v, qrhf> BROAD St., NEWARK. N. J.^ •••hitht... A CHOICE HUE OF

~u=3il «l h ^for Ladies and Children In all tlie latest stylet and I..

leadlni fabrlca at attractive prices. An elegant i loctj

—<*— SHAWLS - ^


plfalwlthi 'Itovcltiea, Sic. 0 Popular Drwu Oooil, Dfpnrtnum la agp.

-f Bimili) from 12c , , t t ynrd to SOo. per j»nt. 'A Inrgc HHHurtiurnt of

LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN^ UNDERWEAR,M,PuA?.Tia_00?.» !? A«F«y. CORSETS Hi all „„„„!„ ,,ra,,d,. , , „ , „ „ , . ,„„„.

B R O S . Ob X.TTECI3,

Bnwl St., STewar




Facts!•t^r of'Jlwya1 nnd Ctfl-

•n;« CLOTHING j . onft thatilnircH Rjuiciul wttontion on lho

tntt of a« (Mothm, nlway*" t'iri«!bildrfu to he hand-

h l 7 ^«"wd-«r at least to

chiiflmn wrar, wliilu lattice makoit « poii.t t« Mvqre 1JulliHy ..fK»ods uud durable workinnnitUpin tLft nmVe-up. It, Ord«r t« nat-

wctirsd a llna of WINTEROVERCOATS lot boy» ana OLU-dren tbat eoubfae 'newuiu ofatyle vitb th« be«t kind of fabrici.

hih-will nrnkc Ihc molfamvit

J(Q - ^ - 4 2 :

il tlicm, -mt enroful buyer

ntw; Mr. Qiierin promptlyt h i thehur»na

e mhtaka wilh a PlainBeidI-arty who luul SH lunoucutly gono off homowith the Dovi-rliorso.

the cmiKHly npuyl»K tho ei

boyn vrlio luul n nun oil the trouble.Hut thu umtU-r, It njijtuitra does not eml

bora. Tlio Iftwjer lmn .LrouRlit nult onainutMix Uuerlu, fllniinhig dniuiignii In Itio amountor fifty (.altars for time #|»ent innlBtaVu. Tlie trial U net ilowa for ttitHt. Imfur* S<inln Drake, nn<l vill nprovfl Mi InlemtiiiK nafte—t'lironlclp.

f(H\Aj iron Report.-ring nnd Mining Journal of tat

AMEitrcAN I'm,—Tho market tloei not re-Tent auy activity, Imt, oatbc other linuJ,«howa no nigon of wenknem. hulilRn havingnumerous inquiries forsmnll lot*, innlntalnisgprlccH fHlrlj well. With tlie eloie of the yearnt li&iid, then is, of course, no buying to oov-er any thing liatuumodiato-wunta. We eon-tinned quote«20and *20 50for K»,l;.)18.56aad $18-60 Tat No, 9; and fl7Bi»! *10 for GrayForge nt tUo-watar. BenMHiBr IMg !a dull at«M) nominally, wlillo Spiegel i« lower, oiTe»not Jtnlng higher thnn *» for 30 per font.

THE elillit wbu leave* the rolllnp; pin on tlidirtttlm for hi* fathtr to it«p on irlicn IM coweit(lawn in tho morning may menu iu> barm, \nt

rni't enuiB out. wall Christmas.

Call nnd iee tVe butdanuii! itack of NiT«ar rnlllng Mint* at the ERA offiw.

THE SONG OF THE HEN.A uiiutrcl am I of n siuglf lit}'

Hut I ninu ft tiie wlinle do? l«ug.In tb«- <WW<I«1 epop at tlu* I m w y TUT

p wy tol fOnly nirejg Hffhitt o W w

The mm butt no ]«uri mnrf fnir—And over tbut nj.b.-roi.l I ruckle LUIII .veil.

AndliolloT «nd wmtleand rear.

Oh, a . l r i j l / ^ k ihtDf! t» my ovate gem,Ai i t lie* in my »tran>liinil nest;

t tatHrakfdtli i 'orator, tiwroandstow,Wtitu it rutflii-tb him fin ill* ctr+L (goc*

Tliere it night In it* wmihucMt. nrni when itDown tLcafltTuoon <if lite.

It iftu lend n gtroiij: mini lt,v (UP uiiseWhin it tulxeth Ituclf lu tlw *trifo.

I ma no slugger; t i e Iitvwk that iweepiUiut bunt fur me under the tluitcli,

Aud yet in tbc field, or the noisy coupi,I alwa.yi eotun up tn the tu-ntteli.

So I sing tUe only lay that I know,In numliers Wcoiuinglj- meek;

Swaiuo. though " ray SOU inner «<!«." I knowThat my life wilt bo tnilcd nest week,

—BurHugtoii Hawkcye.

What IsToro.One huutlroi] loiters were written to

xnaay well-kuow "tbiukera" of Yiacenoi, requesting answers to the question" Wliat is love ?" Tlio result of the edltor's Inbors iadionUi. a confusing vnrieof opinion among the people of VinceiDei as to what love is. Followingtlio. aDBvpis.froni sixteen different perSODS

The most intercut ing and pardonablof human weakness.

A mere delusion that lias ruined man;men.

A. feeling of such cxqniBite lender;that it is too sweet for comparison.

I don't know anything about i t ; don1

think it amounts to mnofa.The sweetest and most passionate ex

citemcat known to mau—blocling tgetbei, liy lUo btroageal cords, Bex, kidrcd and uatioQfl.

Dou't know anything about i t ; I nev-er WBH tharc

I t ia eomotbing that no fellow oan finout—yet all /oil its power, more or ]BB».

A sweet and delusive imagination on],A dormant passion of the mind uron

ed by beauty or iutollwtual qualities isome one woman,

-- An undeflDBble principal wiiicu all bu-infri PM««W, and whlob lies at tlio foun<Halloa of all happiness.

A noble passion tbut envelops ouwhole being, and allows itself in evcrjtliougdt, won] and action.. True bliss—void of fancy—of uappiesl

Aa egotism ot two.A feeling that totes root iu the heart,

and ia only undo perfect vthaa it en torntjjespu]. - .

One of pne wowt diseases of the hear—Iniliaiiopolis Times.

T. H. Dudley on Protection.Tbwoiis E. Dadley, of Oamden, lee

tared last week In Hew York city to theAssociation for tho Protection of Amerioan Industry on "Tbe American Sys-tem ot Protection." Ho objected, heSaid, to Iriiihinen coming to ibis countryjoining llie.Demoaratia parly, and votinjfur free trade.' By doing this tbey werobenefiting tlie country which oppressedthem. He Bflid ttiat England oould notfeedlier people; (bemforo ii tros of im-portance to get food cheaply fromabroad, i By breaking down Americanuannfaoinres England wanted at the

'same ,Hrae to throw 4,000,000 of peopleengaged Ibeuio iuta agricultural par-suits and thus cheapen food. He madi

. a rigoroos ttltaot upon thaOabdenOiuh,and said that it hud ngcatBtntlm Col-leges of Yale, Harvard/; VaBsar and Wil-liams, lu-lBftl AmetiOab'oomineroe waua litlla over .&503,060,000. Lost year it

- w Jl,Mr,Q6o,Oo6. .ID:I860 American, manpfafltnros amounted to 81,885,000,-000,-jmg83 thesnaarecaired was f5,-

-* JaWMnoIiuiop If rv Dadley said it" Wenfftnt^it LotJ,Lo prptect labor and to do-Totop tlie Toaaorceg o t tbia countrywithout regard attiveaue. Bevemie is ofsecondary importance. We want to de-velop the resources oi tho country audto protect labbr. ao$ i[..w%hftyo flBgfflcfiplus, more than W^yj i j f r ja intimate re

la attHmJe toward Chili

How iiB MARRIED TWO WOI"Did you bear of that IOUD down tow:who married two women in one .asked Fogg at tbo tea table Ibo othiewniag.. "Isn't it afffull" eidaimitlie landlady.' " Do toll OB nil about iMr. Fogg," "Ob, tuure iwi't IUUCUtell," replied Fogg; "youkoow liiiwelt" " I know him! tlie vtlliausbrfeked tbe landlady. •' Don't nay tlwma'am," said Fogg, soothinR.j; "don1

May *hat. It WAS tlie Bee Mr, Textualyour beloved pastor, auu be wouldn'like tobeoryoti talk so about him. Anriby tbe by, be married the women totwo likely young fellows as there n»town." Tbe landlady rajs abe neecould bear Fogg.

Having the country : Der next micomeB in uad softly says : " Curl, voulyou like fo see Jer eiitreuis of Uetrokaee-deep mit plood ?" "Vhell,Sat makes der sleighing pooty badt,"Do you viiut to BOO 10,000 vMo\wnmans crying for bread V" "Ithinlnil. Dot makoH to much uoine,"you TBiit to see all tier workiDgmen ailtiag oa der sidewalk mit grief in Jehearts f" " I guens not, dot makes uiall walk in der middle of der ahlreet.'"Vhell, ifyoudoan'liketo aee all diyou must vote for der demogratio gandldate. He valis der man dot pullstlirough."—Detroit Free Press,

I beliere I'll have to redncoei, Jolm I" said & miserly Bosto

employer to one of bis help, tbe otixday. "What for?" was tho query

Because things are coming dowo,accessaries of life nro cbeaper, and yoicaa aflord to get along on smaller pay.1

I should like to know wliat neoeasariiot life are cheaper," aaid John. " Beis as iiigti QB ever, floor hasn't droppaa ceut, and coal is as dear ua ever.

We))," said the employer, as be tnrnetaway, " nt any rate, the price of postageBtnmps bas been reduced one (bird.1

Clergymen complain tbat tlieir milriage foes are not so heavy as tbey onewere. But clergymen should remembe!that tbey don't sucoeed in tying the kooleo Sraily as formerly. Where ia tbe useof emptying yonr puree into tbe minis-ter'B packet, whetx the ebnecos aro thaitlio divorce lawyer will be along iayour or two and untie tbo knot whoselieing has oast you BD dearly ?

A Sunday school lonoher once oeked" Wbat bird is large enough to carry oila man ?" Kobody knew i but one littleKirl suggested •» a lark." And tben sbexplained : "Mammasaid papa wouldn'tbe borne until Monday, because lie Ingone off on a lurk,*'

When a young uiuu tries for Ibrueminutes in chareli to brush a sunbeamiff Ijfa coat, trader tlie impression tint

it IB a streak of dnut, and than IOOVB upnnd Btjes a pretty girl laughing at him,be kind of loses tho thread of tbe ser-mon temporarily, as it were.— HartfordPost.

" Mary," said a mother to her dauglitor, " has Henry proponed jot ?" "Notjot, ma; but I think be will before manydays," "Wliat makes yon tWok so?'"Because beoaked mo if yon expectedto lire with me if I married, and I told

Tf your contribution is refused stopinking tho paper, find never IOTO a chanceof abusing i t This will make the editorgo out and bang himself, unless bis gro-cer refuses to trust him for a clothes

i.OoTH., ServU and other,OhinaBeimmigraUoa,sndtbDopeninf{ofCon-

9 dwelt upon in

The "Lakme" rediagoto makes upstylish in tbe new tnpeslry woolens ofdark colon, brown with bias or green,aud red with bine.

Bison cloth is of the new, heavilywilled woolen fabric*, and comes in all

•k colors, and also In doll luatreks*

rSntimlnT sight in tlio„„, , . .„ . tiveB. anil Sara.,rCns ami \ioor fljimtgw jrorc left hi>~

u, Cnrliolo wiulrti tlioRiivel anil oranlfHwhip ovw tlm Democratic Howin of Itn])-

[•ntutivcB for the eiieiiiug CanftreRH. Tht>Democratic enuens wrw oponwt Ivy Gen- " 1 " "wiiiin, HI.I1 Ohio rurnlalucl tin' <"*• 'inlibV anil clonk ro i l " " -ttotkn l ir lhi>- M » M •

!&w t fm and Garden Holes.Ptano late when tbe aap la down.Bye sown iu tho fall will mnke early



FAWttOSB &T1TIOI1:1» N«W Twtx, root of U\>etly 8)., Nuitb river.IN BBOOKJ.IK, (Brookljn Bridge Pier.)IH pHiumy-PHi*, tlepoti 8tb tod Green, and

3d »»d Serki 8ti.


Sew YorkBrooMrBflLfttttoc

SdftnTreotonNewarkB 1 l t l


tierraan Valley..!




11.09. 7.G9 ».ES. 8,06 1..08. 8.D9 '1.12

• 8.SO ll.Sd 4.19 6M• 8.15 11 HO 121 C.le

8.UU.M 4.JS e.«5Oarf'H 8,** 11.44 4.83 e.G8Dtileivlllo 8.(0 1.60 4.38 1MHeonl . . . . . 8 . 69 11.59 4..1 7.07PortOram B.M110] 4 9 ] 7.17Dover 9.07 U.OJ 4.S7 7J!1Bockawty... ..Arrive 9.15 W.1S 6.06 7.80

OIlL'Sl>au Vf t l loy . . . . . .icrirrive




A.M. A.8.30 U.851.15



Rackiwty _ _Dovor 8.2912.07 8.2B 6.6iPart Or&tu 0.88 13.18 8.83 6.158Kcmvl> 6 . 4 3 i a » S . J 3 6.0S

g g K ^ ^^4i «•««•«FltndenV.V.'..!

GflrraaiiVall'.y....Middle ValleyVernoyCilifonHiBli Bridge ABound Crook. . . .ElizabethNawarkTioiiton

Cor. 8<1 nnf Burks" Dili aud Qreou

8 . 2 12.81 863 6.100,8812,80 8.66 0 247.0012 44 4.00 8.997.07 13.M 4.07 fl.30714 414 047


0.17 9.076.43 9.300.1C

A.M.A.M.A. M,P. M, P. H0,50 8.US 11.00 3.B3 It.DO•J.Oi, $.20 11.IS 4M 0.15

_.aiD« leave Kcnvll for Hionlstnli am] LakoHopatcoDg at 0:00. i . H . ; 13:35.0:10 p. u . ForIU Btttiena (a Ogdea at 12:25 e. u.

OuDTojancus can bo procured i t GormanValley to and from SOIIODICV'B Mountain; ittFiaoJorg to anil from Smiil's' Lake,


i>r virtue or no onU-r of tlicOrpl.tmB'Coot the Cauntyutliuntt, ia the SUicof >Jorse j . mRiU on Iliu tbird dav or ScplemtA. D. 1BS8. Ilie iQtiicnbor, Adin'mUrratorMaurice HaDD,,dccesK(I, win lull i t PabliiVendiio to Ibu LiKltc^l bidder, on tlie premUi;>. on the road letiiilpg from HaokettitowttoWasbmst 'O, Boar tlio V.11*Ke of

MiTii .anBAnjftDiY, Decemlier Ut , A. V. 1883,

between the b w r i or twelve o'clock H. afive o'oiook P. V,, t in t In to «*r*t (be boar <3 o'olook P. M. or u l d d»y, tbo fiillowlpg di•orlbcd laod »ud real etUle of whict tLa u iH l 5 died, leljifl, iltuale in i

b t t O t HM 5aDn died, leljifl, iltuale

Towuililp or WubtDfiton, Ooanty ntami Bute of New Jer.oy, flz.:

F I M T A tract begiauing at | staF I M T - A tract begiaping it % stake ami a small brook, eon

IMI»»J kcrn'a uid Hubert O»»iieT,' dooeaiei)wood lot, (l)rDaifromtbeDoe aownuid liiooDOfth leven degreei WBII seven eluini »n(flflj" liait to » sttlte ani iton«, corner h ODDtre of MII] brook [ (3)nDrlu tvonty-ievpn i

. — ,„ m ebAtm Bnii (gj.j j jn k l (

j , oorDer lo mid liroobiilioe of Dr. BUckwell'i nnd ; (3) eaiiili nevni

Kilnke; {*) iiorlti aileen and tbrer-quarti1 - m *eit nlua chalet) lo a iluhe; (5>

j degree* east live cbMoi (tad for

of E*id broojt, near In a elieglnut tree ID D~ B i (8) dawn aalil brorfe TIII... _ . . dtRrcrg weil lourlceo obnand forlv-flce links to llae raludle of the 11conu'cDDjt; Oreeb; (7) tbeooo dotrn tbe i;Mii'conetcoDROreelnoiitliflfty-Be'iiconetcoDROrceliiontbflftjBeven dpR

est rourtcon oliaim to Ibe middle otl I B th l f r t c o n decrees o

llukti totlxecrattl l t B

nes rourtcon oliaim to IOrcoli; IB) theoce aoalli foutea chttn* nQeerit [nOrcoli; IB)tea chttn*

f tb d

all ftea httn* tnQeereiitT [onrllukof tbe romd lei (Jin B bain WiBlilt t t (9) tl (hf tbe romd lei (Jin B

ittitown ; (9) tlience Dld north clBbty^iifl

i i r t a l i

lncto(ho nitddlo of ai

th clBbty^iiflit degreei oast t inDcirortvavelinkato »«tftke»inleto

corner for William Baun ; (10) thence mrntHteen deRKea east twcntt-nioti oliains tiWDIlam M»iu's Hoe, jnonumcDl of i t one*, ecu-.DerforWilllaio Eaon ; (11) tbence north lev.

tVf d t it hi drorWilllaio

utV'four de^& U

) tbeixteol

e^rcea caet sixteoo chains and) Until to the placo or l'f(?iniiip((,tixtj-ono icret aat twoutf-thra

lundro^tGe ol an acre or land, aud ia tamo hml conveted to Bikl l lmrioe Hann )

1875, aud r«oordo(liby died dftlcO N

in iheMorriiOojntv He cordof Deedt, ia Book M 9, on pagci 215,

SECOKB—A Iraot beginning utaoonie . ._ ..middle or mutll brook, Foilv Hubs bolov Iliimraet of a lot of land convened to sala;ll by tbe Adminmtratpra of tbc

EABTON Oat High Bri\ E. WOO


SNKOTioNs—Connection i iFiQ to and from EBBMH.EH.Ucij. Mentfi

rDff lNG EE. W O O l t . U c i j . Mentfier.

H. V. BAr.DfflN.Gcn, EuHlorn Paas, Ag't.C O . U A N O O O K . Q D D . PiBe.AT'c'k Ag'l

(UOUUIH \NH KriHEi; UIVUION.)JJepolu in Now York, foot of JkrcU? 8t , »m

fuotof Christopher S t .8OM3IE11 AitHANQEMENTS.

Ouisiniiucluir ilONDAY, JUKJE Itth, 186a.bKAV£ NUV. VOltK.

At7i»CA.M. t&aiun Mill Tra.u).canlotiEtf nitti tliti Boontoi) Itmuub i t DoiivjJJtriluuntou; tiitiCbeLtlurUriatioli atDuVerfuriooaiiuuuH uud Uhustcr; tlie dusnei llnlli

iiintj tlia IJ,, ii- i tf. it', U. tMVubfufi'toii'

duntntou, illutjLaintou, XJtioa,, IticbUeldpriugrj, Uumuir, UortUud, SjrnciiBO, Qmtgcud puititn uu tbb Lack lie tiuua anil JllooaiL-urg and Del»w»re »nd lluJiou Uulroade jIBO at fhilllpBbars with LefalKb YilUjr Hull-itid *ad Iietiltfit «Ed Susiiaebattat Biilrondir BotUlotiem.lIauoU Ubank, Boidicg »ndirrlsbaig.At 7<:»> A. M, (Duwiiag

[loom 0*re uttnoued) irotn New Ifork vii . Pat->rsou and Uoontoa, mug tbroagb to Waterlap, Utromltfburg, ttcra&ton, Qre»t Bendnd Hiughuutou, conooctiuu i t Dover iiheater HallroiJ, »t Waterloo with BUL

ilruid for Audorer, Nawtoa aad all s u -nn ; a t Dalftwiro with Blalritowa Ity., atraQtoD. nitlj ^loomBbarg DiTiulon f o r f i t t i -

OD, Kiugstou, Wllkeabarre. OanvIUo.Hortti-imberlaud, Ac. PaBBougoru tdbiog tbls

[lfiutii New IToTk, P»toreon audilnunloDoonneot »t WaiUtngton witb train forllpBburg. Ea i too , lietlileliem, \ l leotovn,rmburK »Dd points on t h s L e o ^ l i Valley,

hhlllll)»biirs witb Belviders BlTialot, of Pa! It.l .forUmbertvil le.Trentoo and Philadelphia.At u.uu A. U.Bnffi lo and OBWCUO £ii!rciB

Drawing Boom O»m) Water Qnp, Bliond*-- - . S c r n n t a a , BingUatutDii.Ottefio.llfaaci,

crly.JilmJri, Moniit UorrlB BDI] Euflalo.Hfnoaas aud Oawego, oonaecthg at

..liwntan far UUoa aad Biobflold BprJugB.At 10.10 A. J I . Dofor Aaoomtaodition,Al WiOO M. E M ton Bxproii ,At HOD g. If. Blu ln B I U H I , Drtwlnff UoomTaatUobftd runt tbroogli to W*l«r Qip, Stroadi-iB,BaruiUrii,l)liwliunM>a,S7nnuaMi

oaoBcUng»tBcn.ntonwltli Lack. * lib

S l B ^ l n a millions of n l l o n i of wlilaky 1«IBBere niadu in tho United Btotoa tu M B tlumi 1882. Tiint is soiiiothinE aooontpUilnd. Ifh d rtl iw taut every r««rjbc a r 1 1 1 -

,,i 1882. Tiint is soiiiothinE athe? do M n-rtl iw taut everythoinnnufaotiironi will Booa

Charles Btowart, dectnoci], In I lie lino or landof William ffapu, new tfin great road lead Iifrom Btepliunxburg to Ea?toD, ind runuliIbcaou (11 aeronB ealil r»a<1 mulh tncnlyaijno-fourlli decreesncet fuur cljuias und Iwely-fig lit linkrt to a malio and Blonea for a cua n ; ttiunco (2) non'li nUty-nino and tlircfourtlis decree* wctl tn a corner iu Raid broicue) in William Hunt 's Hue nloetf-flve !(«lifrom tlm olahu noil slono corner alorenaid amfltieen liohi on Die nine linu continued from:

o clieeluu i tree HQ tbo wt-etcrlj tide of Bk ; theuei' (8) u|i paid brnuk tbe saver»DB t litre of to tbo plnflo of bogliiiiiBK.oiILR sixty liuncJrcJlba or an ncro of ia

jifiUiiBawo inoro or Je«»; and lii (be *» (icDvtyeo la Iho tciid Miurtco Haun biEUOB 1 . Uirfkwell and wife, by deed dalNovember 27th, 18C7, and rcnordid in aRcconiotDectU,ii\ Souk]t 7,oa pJB«si?, A«

T B I U B - A trnct beginning fti a curner In tincpiitrcnf a small brouk near lo a cbt'Bliiutrue, and rtiUR from (lionoo ( t ) BoatH Beventy(lcBtPcs went flvo obainn and foriv-two linksto a Bliike far a cornur; tliencn (2) ttuntb flf-

ta H ftske tar & corpet; thence (8} north noi n t y d ' '•r eait scTon cliainn ondtbirly llnka

" ' ' bouooy fi n ond tb i r l ; l

tn a curve in tho centre of Bale! brnub 1 th(i) down tbo middle or aald brook Dorth tt j t d D l t l l

said brool!: tbenco (Si still b': uorth tliiriy aoil a naarter de

flreot west ilx OI)*,BB nnil fifteen lluk* to Ibiplioe of bpRlonlns, ooalatnlng five nores atxiiXty-nve hnnaredtliH of an aero of laud ; ntii• the BimB land convevol to llic nHX Ur~~'~Unn by ffill'atn rtsnn and wife, tiv

ditod Uay Ofllit, IBM, nnd recur (toil lii a»idHcconlof Deeds,In i !nokn7,on \n«PBli,&o,

Et'HBAfM WATEHt*,AdmiuiitrBtoi

Dated Sepl-2!d, 1B83. (1B.DD


The Bobfcrifcor, Ex^onlnr cf Ilio l is t will andtOFtament of Jemcs IIonce, deceased, will icllat Public Balu a t Urn Ulu reciucuce ' "aeceiBod, In Blpphonsljurg, K, J , , oa

PIllDAlf, Deoembor ?tii, 1B98,(lie following No. 1,House-nd Lot Hllnato in tlm fiiUpo or Siflplmusiiirfr. Tlio property ia well located end Hi

house ia w gootl rapilr. Nc», 2 S a m M a r iit Jot* ID BtepfacDHburg, nell loealed ant

. . . defirablo for bulldiiiK oorpoeBs. No. 0Is a lot fcnuwn SB (bo Peach Orcbird Lot, con-

ins about iweiity-olRiit a=rej, more or. No. 0 la i wood lot coulaimug ten acresIT tliree a tree of lvlilcL ig core red vlllL

? timber.

WlllbeioldLotwccn UID 1,kP.M.oi •



Colemnn Business College,Oppoillo Centre Market,

NEWARK,Becelna « Utaet L 0 0 4 L *n0 NATION.

liatroDBge oommniid than any othurOotutuulil BohSol in America.

The itteadnQce from B t « r and adJoialaaaiieals doable that of aay home lahood it employs moro (ban double thoteacheraWrite for the flaeat aciiool oatilogtn erei

lined.COLEMAH * PALHB, Proprietor!.


lias been attending tho recent "ttadi

aalea" in New Tor* and porouase

fargoly ia Domestics and Blauketa, Ii

domestics several coses of Ticks oi

good qaallty for feather beds and pil-

lows iaaj be bad at a reduction from Ih

regular urieeu of about seven cents per

yard. In GINGHAM a rcduotioa' of

bout tea pet cent, upon the regulai

wholeaala prlco of tlie beet goods on

bout two taonsand yards. In MUSLIN

blended and brown of about teu

per ceut. on standard brands. But tbe

coses of BLANKETS are decided t»i

s n-iiich ate BO rarely mot as to be

phenomenal; a splendid blanket may be

id at a reduction of about fifty per

!ent. OD tbe quoted price of the age

f them, Thare oan be no question

'Untevet to any one who bos seen thorn

as to tlio bargains we are offering ia al

f Iheae goods. Our Vatt styles in CAB-

PETS are daily arriving and the prici

re an lav as they have bean for years.

Dull and see the bargains. We propose

o sell these goods nnd have marked

hem to EOII,



OYSTERS!and EATABLES of all kinda supplied at

"EMORY'S"Favorite Restaurant,

Warren St.v,\ Dover, N. S.




Of UaorineryVod otlier*Heary OltH. Tiieie got>6» are tniDnfaotared b r na at oar worka, COS'aeqaantly m in?e tbera tlie benrtlt of oor RBrsonal inDarvlBiOB, and g a t n u t e a ibain to fluperfect i i t l i fu t loa , botb ia quality aaA prlco, or no a*1«uEi to Engine Oil. BrW Prensed Oil,Tallow Eonine Oil, W' B. Smrin Oil,No. 1 Engine, VI. E. Wnale Oil,Dark Engine Oil, Prime Neatafoot Oil,Sperm Machinery Oil, No. 1 Nmtslmt Oil.So. lMnobioelT Oil, B HeaflliRbtOil, 160',Dark Lnbrieitiw Oil, No. 1 Lart Oil,Bsllroaa Lnbrisator, W. Pnre BnUa Oil,HhafliDR Lubricator, Prime WWe, 115°,West Vireinis Oil, Onsoliiie, 90'," Grown" Won] Oil, Dark Oar Oil,Stninlau Spindle Oil, Boerm Parting Oil,Ifo. 1 Spindls Oil, Extra Pocktog Oil, . _._ .Steam Hcflnod Pauaie CvHndel Oil, Deodorima Naptbu, all Gravities.

iniiNrTiKrra. o i i i Tawaa. t*>o.A-*oxLtm Tax" Pramium CfaiToty oi.1,


" Grown" L, M Oamponod."Fanaffl" Dirk Compound.Balling Uill Gnue,Axle Crreau,Sncrm Signal O!!,W. Strained PHroeLnraOll,B. HeaaHfrMOil.l50°.P. Water White Oil. I20c.W. White Cotton Seed Oil,W, Yellow Cotton Serf Oil,Qasolino, 88a,Quaflilne. 86°,fiafotom' OIJ, "

CARPET WEAVING AND ( K G !The nndenlfrnwl will hnrnarter d^Trttn all till t lnn nn<T attsntlnn to the OA.RPET bnefnBm.

Firat-elami ttar\ ID all kUvh nt vntvln? an-1 the m&hfntr or felt e»rpet«. Hlubeit antth prloepaid for old rag*. A lone t n i eiteoatvo knowledge of the buulaesi etablai me to do tne beatwork iwia satisfy all cnntoinnn.

EHIOSON,WtKTOiS 8T.. TOTE11. (SEtB n. , L. * W. DEPOT.)



rti by elide or rotary1 ana danble. Osta-logoeonapplicatioi

pet raltei. Ko lou Irom [riotion, no In p

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical andPortable. Insurance policy with eaoh.



l a m arranged their busiims. fa three dcparlmmti, oompriiing

Three Large Storeswell ailed with the leading articles of trade in tbo n r i o u brdncheo. Tbe first depart-

ment embraces


CROCKERY AND PROVISIONS,na in eaob branch are m a a d replete slocks 0/ (pwds. The Beoond

large stock oC



30 BAYS,aiapclnsof ei.rjtlilig at • g»»l ««orl(

for Dash to aaKJ mrooyal of goodB.

.Men'sSuitsfromSS.SOtoSS,MEN'S and BOYS' SUITS,

Gents' FurnlsMng 6pods,Hate, Caps, etc.

t 0 m a k i o g tta

a winter or earl; alioop

orv farmer

Notice of Settlement.

winter. Get them into the h»bilpan

tiling ttsre tor them.SthB

REPAIRING DONE.Too eall » t J»»r B«»1IIK mn;lil»», P'»".

o S S Sp»W In «oo? order l.y

J. Ti BURKELL.tlio Wnger nuwblne

offiwTot. Dliwkwo **

FOB SALE.Well the tin


""«•"«'. I. PmSIBOH

l thii time ol «•<> jear, and lib. l . o t . l l « a i t

t « to,tai. Ita

BDIliDISG, 215immiiE, x

,ry. ale., HI 75.fart.

. Prlnolpal.yr, -yt, WIHHEB, S<iOTet««T.


>l!I">'»a r«!o« oome tiej o«n ba pnt inU, p l l c M , .Here tbej hrt

. . . . B «ou on aala a largo a»orl lasnt o[I fcadles Olotuanl JeneT Jwket.

Olotb and Diagonal f

CloaVi an* Paletote,CloH an<l Silt I

I Dalmaiu and Circular!, NewalarkeM, Dl>t«n> fc <

.lilhror+itraonanioaBHali CrtiiChUdreu'a OloaW. Hi T locks,

a n d Ulitera,jalnrteljoraijiiK. T|>« ••"?"'¥;Jn* "«"-^ f__ j _*,i tiiill ltd fn no IH tL_






AnotHer "SoMti and Very Inter-esting Fact About

PLOTJR.!Ai lnnf t e r (n «Bw Egyptttl b l f lFOOAi lnnf t e r (n «Bw Egypt was fortui

ftettlno a barrel of lFOOM3tIBaCE'Mtuedb i t t to •'entbnBo"nefol!orV«;

lu inlileb

:, Ne i rB j i jp t .K . J . , Jfinn 12,1BB3,

G E 5 W J—DoriCff tbe paat 27 ycurg I luveJBOII all tbe prominent briLuilti uf PLQV11 butbaTO never befora found BO DDtf^roi e. qu&liivM tbe"Oommerce ." flO perfnotly nda;iti.<]m y bind of pastry and enmiag oar uuivtiburtft«r to eio.RJm *! what uctatilut creamv wliilbmonllaix. bread you alwiyn Have a n i Ban igreeable (aiW.

l a m now asiDg my aeooud barrel endJavfalltffoulO cot prove as good as tbo oi

but ft Oftu&ot be tucalk'ii. Our mere ban tDOHrnew wutre i t wai made b n t a otrofllsfunra reveals " i t s borne." Every ouncti ala all altfee. In tho flret effueions of a v0giri'a affcotlom " i t ' i j a s t lovelj."

We BKJ stronfreri t* you but a launch frloiof your "Oonnnerct." Flour. I t in a wigtune for my family t> be without It.

JOHN 8. MALLORY,flen't Han'e 'r Oxford Park,



OMtraah taken ana laatoriala (aral,LM , „


K ° " " T <"""•


"ifou; tu suit tue UniQg, Vr ,




ORVILLE MILLING CO.K. A. WUfalnton, P rc i





>r tU Jciadi o/ buildings, am! tbe aonetrtmtiot

of bn l ld ion BEperintended.

Will be al bis office In Dover, 3d Floor o


WEEK, from 9:80 i . u . to B:30 p. m,

GEO. MANNFJIBB a oall fro

OLIHTON BTent lie Las a

si! Jjfe friends ( 0 )(fs p l « ^EET^bci-e for tlieir ainuie-

FINE POOL & well fitted and complcto

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYail new aud inLAGERS and ilEQAltS. All

well troatod.

perfect ctber driwho favis ftgroa

rdor. Alno tbn bobe, and the cboioer mo with 1 call wblf entertained an


f ISHBTO TACKLE,rtflixxi.oix's G-oodu.

pilt Daatboo, ZjancewatKl, Hornbeam• n d Common Trea t , Black !!>••

• l td F l o k e n l HODS.

KeolH, Lines, Files, l leoki , l lns tp ls , etc.A full assortment cocgtaDtl? ou hand of boat

ma common

Breeeh and ntnaale Loadine Otuitand all their uxturog.



for erory kind ot wear, embracing all that is n*w in paltem ana a rab le in eerri.The tli.rd deparlment IB aeToted to


MINING SUPPLIES,cany <j»mprelien8iTo Btocks oj BallUer's Hard-

ware, Blacksmith Hardwnre, Plumbers' Materials GnsPipe, MecUanlca' Tool., Steam Pitting«. Steam Drliu.

Slioiels, Plck«, Hammers, Fuse, and erer-"->'contained In Uie line ol limaware.

KTOTICES.Estate of Stephen Budd, dee'd.

3TJR9TJAKT to tbo oulcr of 'lio HnrrocBto. or Hie CoiintK of Morris, IHarfo on tho

-mnly. i l i tb d iy of Beptembor. A. D. OOGimuind tiBbt linndred ami dghly-tbreo,1™ la hereby e l r en to all peraona having

' " ' t Ilio ettitv of Stcnhr H J IMorri W

. . . before 11K ,u l u u u u ..^It, bolcg niue

datn ol Bald order; nndanv crotlilui

lama,•o Ibo .nb.crlbor,'Ixth day of J ofrom t idata



DOVEB, K, j .

ikUf.'CFjlcrrLTJJEE OF






WHOLESALE TRADEi daily Ijisrunsing. wliioli eiiowi be in RIVLI,Kiilinla«iiou to all Kin eustoiacrB, His

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSire ol tbo boal, and ho »i«liei tlm doalenliron^ljout tbtaaonnly ivuulil ulrotiitunmil.lvliicli will pay them) before buyiuo else-• nere. All orifer. aonl by mall mil retiiv.iremptatteiitloD,

J. J . B1OKOFF,DOTor, N. J;





naliTRyB on band & full AHJ irorii ilooirjaUndard gooda at


VIOLA BRAND,ind tabo no other. IL ia a!w»yB good-OMi birelied upou evory t ime . Sanaeraon on Ihiione brantl increaBed bis floor t rade MO p«



AND WESIEHNBAILlloADOOlipA»!til bo sold hereafter at tlio office of


_L lii tbo coutitr? L-I nt Went. Snoli

Bliod prompUy,

Y. 1'erBoas ILTinete for rates to ovetj.-.tlou will be for-


(Near Rlohard'H Store,.)DoTar, N. J.

RUPTURESCure.) by the O0LLINO81 METHOD In from

fln7*'tWrfc'«(iiliPnt *I'rinK *niH8 or etopping

anil will Bl


Carrel & Byram,Real Estate, Life and Fire Insurance Agents,


Estate of A4olph J .deceased.

10 order ot tbe SortDgatejot

day of October,



Tho beat work at lc»o.t prto



D. 8. BRINK'S Harnss ftjee,MORUISTOWN.BI. 3

tuut iy»Worka ,aa ld ; "IbedeoUonoIladairtuWorkdUaatertotbe iron Intemtaot tiia ennntq. It cannot ba otheniae, forha lift free traaer,andonrindailtrleademanilampls^r&teerlm Ttara wlllbe a great daalof tuuwtailttj and a genoraUj nnaetUedeon-d i t to b th« trads onUl hl» poUoy la lolly dt-Bneil."

Olkermairalaotararaeipreaaed too aana

eaiian] tlewe, ^ ^

Tka DemotraU do not bellem ID freatm)« Of coarse no t Tbejr elect a radicalfree trader for Speaker of the Bcuae over aprotaotiontat J«at for tbe ton oflhe Iblrg.

•Ot Eoguahpiea. gloerally eipres. dla-apmlntmeot that FraMent Arthur dons notnooaunmd larltl rtdaotloii to tte '

.mol^a bj Ue Wormona rlv«U tb.

unparntm, and their linf oi n t t la id ou her face,short: feftring tlio ularra inlain muni* w-...ven route. The? have a nmntknUj- K°°i P-»WDcpartmmt bcrt ami a)) IroproveutenU wbi-nthorough^ teitod arc (ininkly adopted to ren-der tlio 'department pfflctivc Tliero hnnbum lnt«lr introdnced tbo bnuM alitlinK nolo,and it In n great iwTfng of time, far the luAdte*In sottinfl to work.

T b l U d w u dtilj oiuK-rroil litre.Tlw District milltart i>niniiaulM all turmout BO.l lookwl Terj niucliHie soldierm.

loli ne win worn in r7R~Mae eat tiray eoattita w n i 7 yih ff racings, Tiueluldn knee lireraliH,

ihrmj-twriiered bat i and top lootn. Theyturned out with their brother wldiere andw e n tli« /eatnru or the parade, A fair fa be*

Horse Blaiketsa a t J i , BtjFALO K0BE8,

LUSrland FANC1AP tiOBEaBold at very lo- prloea. Snob

irMeTan » « * *»P«l»"l« ™ ""»brfore. Dott'l forgot the fee.

WASHINKON St.,JtfjM.rl.-own, N. J .

1858. THE 1883.









Pall and Winter Goods^ * The latest Btjleu and noweBt designs.

No troublo to sbow goods, Oivo her a call.T B B IBON E B I mi New York papom tan boround on her new counter.


i(Brm*tion, to tha m-Ibcrfl on OP beforfl ibo flBooad day of lw

iest bc'iui; nine months from tfaa d»le of nld,rdcr; and any crotiitor naglK'Jng to bringn and Qiliibit bis ft bor olatra, nnaar oil norffinnalion, nltliin the time BO limited, will beooiviu burred of Ills or her action Iherelor[Bafnsl tlio Jlxecutrli ana Eieontor .

Dated tbo eocond dny of Oolober A. 0.16®-RVAM. ZUCR, EtoontriUFBEDEB10K W. Z0CK, Eieoator.

Public Sale of Timber.OB in .irmly nWen tlifct by vjrtnoor*irranl ifntueil by Silni D. Bovltnd, ono

jTiaiGjaieficps of U)o I'oaOD, It and for IhoCouiiiy of Morris, lii mUko the -Use* MJfBfeflin t l iovcireiRiit trn hnndrod ami elghty-ou*anil two, in (lio township of JetToriun. in («acounty im unfmpro*ed and nnteO*a!«dJ«d*,slid «'„ landa temntcd by p w w m not tbe

will on TUESDAT, th» 18tb d» j ofDecembefocit, i t tbo boqr'ot 2 u'cloek B. » . > • Berk*• li.ra Valley Hotel, in IR14 lopoBljip, soil thotimber' iropil , lieibflgo and other yonaiblpproi ertv ftanil pn tl.p preifltjeF o? llff ntfvtnamed person to tsxoJ as arortsaiili *<! i 1 " "

" TEN ACRES called Ilio AyrfB eiWa,Hu«U(wi i 1 «I]owibBlw»a"« ' ' l i d f f W ' D 'nod olliora. ._

IIDITIUSNotice of Settlement.

Notiooia bsretyBl 'on tlial tbe aoconnl. of(he sabscribor. Sioontor ot Jueoph UiBlBrlu|o,dcceaMd, will bo audited aad alatoa ly heSurroRfcts and reported for settlement lo tlioOrphma' Court ot tlio Gounty or Morris, on

Hts tho fourth day of Februftrj- next.JOSTAH A. BANQHART.

Ud Hoy. ?tl>. tm- • c ° - D l T

Execntot'* P. O. Dover, N. J.

?3.5U WSI. J). HQ«MAN,OolIeo|Q»,


THE DOVER LUMEEE C°. . ii il _t««knrtnTiitieain tho pnrolinBe of LUMBEK

S ^ ^ » d h a e S p f f i S S L 0 W BiCES and the sreat

forked to Order


Beeda and B-ttllnera,


For the cominc season we present a LAHUEU, MOKEELEGANT ana BETTEH ASSOltTMENT than we IMYOever before shown.

MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS from $6 to $22 In the NewShanes, both sacks and frocks.

DRESS SUIT^ from * H to $3S

Real Estate at Public Sale,rrLL ha sold nt onbllo aalo at B '


liarn, wagon bonsfi, corn orloa, plJflffpVfaopli., r!>r». ebarfca, »o. iUo » ™iC8OllCIUltD on tlie plioo or about 8,QW trsel,wbleli «11 bo io teartog ooit jear, ™ jf™„ „ Rood atatto olinn ; oho iiood mdloallona of Iron oi

laaseniog theO n r

oEOBoa K. ToonnxKa. l B. TOOBIIXEl.



Confctionery,T&R OBOIDEST QB^B ov SEQA11S, TrIE


York,likoEH.S«dW»t.r«nanr«»;«Jl«dCarimuMr'a rotol, where til. State UnM ofl'oiiii.jlT»nl», New York and Now lenqr

e tosetber. Tlifl now mad will be Utirty-a X l n t Md will b . luilt by tta J &

»wa™, b i b n a l i ud Woaten.. It wUIfollow tfae Delaware rjrar thaeotfre d)it*nc«.

pains are taken<




f $3S, In Cloths, Dingoiin.s,Corkscrews, &c.

Tlie best shaped Three Button Cutaway ever shown.In BUSINESS SUITS and PASTS wo Invite your

Inspection of our Sawyer Cassimcrcs. These goods areabsolutely all wool and guaranteed in every respectto be A 1 Wo h»vo exclusive control of these goodsfrom the inannfaeinrcrB. Ask for them.

A full line of PERFECT FITTING PANTS at 81.50,$2?»? $2.75, $3 50, $4, 55, 55,50, S6 and 56.50, &c.

OVERSACKS for Fall and Winter, both Double and Singlebre&tted from $5 to 535, in all the latest colorinfls and styles.

We never had a BETTER STOCK of BOYS'and CHILDREN'SCLOTHING, and ask you to compare OTJB P R I C E Sbefore purchasing. Any selection made from our stock ifnot satisfactory, may be exchanged, or we will refund yourmoney, just as you prefer.

GREGOR S Co.,850 and 852 Broad St., Newark.



B U B I P : S T . , SCTCB, N. J.

DR. C. V. COCHEANjrooentlyof Btaabopo.S. J. , TequmU allper-

indobtod to blm to oall on tho nndot-eit immodiateiy and aettle the lame.

EB7. JOHN JAY CKANE,5M|w ' BW W Sttnlmp

1.1. BTOtff, AnolUmio.




offera mperior ' /ndDOtmont. In edneallogvontnnenaoalaaie i OatilocnoaorlOolHJn

Estate of John lone,

PmiSIJAHT to tbp order ot tbp 8»rroi'ljol tb» Conntj.of Moma, nafla o» » !

Ihlrlletb day ot Ootober, A. D . ono lbon>»«elRht honared anil olghly-lhre.. notlf" »hereby gUen to all pBrsotu navtng o'1"".anlnat tlia ritate of John l o n e , late °'tffa Ooooty of Uarrit, deceased, toviti^\Vtamo, under oath or affirmation, t o the i n ,aorlbor, on or fceforp tbe ibtrtloUi a l .Jol j n«xt, bolng nine montha trotH IM» 'ofaild ow»r | and In ) trafliaqr beibrlnula and eiblini bli or bor •oatb or affirmation, within tbe iuniwill be forewr barrp4,of bi$ or nar i .tbarefarKKainatthaBnoatrtx,

Dated tlio thirtieth i a j of Ootoblr, »•"•

' O,T.M1LLKB, PrUolfal.

Notice of Settlement.

Dated Oot. Jim, IBM.