Docs/3735... · Web viewFive experts where mean to share their knowledge and...

P LEASE USE THIS VERSION FOR PROJECTS SELECTED IN 2018 OR EARLIER APEC Project Completion Report SECTION A: Project profile Project number & title: PPFS 05 2018 - Strengthening Rural Areas as a contribution to Food Security in the Asia- Pacific region Project time period: January 2019 – December 2019 Date submitted: 14 October 2019 Committee / WG / Fora: Policy Partnership on Food Security (PPFS) Project Overseer Name / Organization / Economy: José Luis Romero / Bureau of Agricultural Studies and Policies / Chile SECTION B: Project report and reflection 1. Project description: In 3-4 sentences, please describe the project and its main objectives. Five experts where mean to share their knowledge and experience on five different themes: rural policies and the new paradigm, economic dynamism in the rural territory, fostering sustainable development in the rural areas, culture and rural identity relevance, and the Italian experience on rural development. And all the economies member where invited to share their rural experience. The project seeks to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing on specific issues related to the development of rural areas in the context of rural- urban linkages and its contribution to food security. 2. Meeting objectives: Describe how the project met each of its proposed objectives. Please outline any challenges you may have encountered in delivering the activity. First, the participants listen to the knowledge of all the five experts in the different themes named before. Then they listen to the experiences of all the economy member that where in the activity. With all of this learn contents, an intensive workshop was developed by the contractor, encouraging everyone to participate. The participants learn a lot of each other experiences, and they have space to share between them the learnings and feelings of the workshop. They took a lot of dreams, ideas and challenges to their home. 3. Evaluation: Describe the process undertaken to evaluate the project upon completion. (e.g. evaluation through participant surveys, peer reviews of outputs, assessments against indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.). Provide analysis of results of evaluations conducted and where possible include information on impacts on gender. How has the project contributed to APEC’s capacity building goals, objectives and operational principles? Evaluation data needs to be included as an appendix.

Transcript of Docs/3735... · Web viewFive experts where mean to share their knowledge and...

Page 1: Docs/3735... · Web viewFive experts where mean to share their knowledge and experience on five different themes: rural policies andthe new paradigm, economic dynamismin

P L E A S E U S E T H I S V E R S I O N F O R P R O J E C T S S E L E C T E D I N 2018 O R E A R L I E R

APEC Project Completion ReportSECTION A: Project profile

Project number & title: PPFS 05 2018 - Strengthening Rural Areas as a contribution to Food Security in the Asia-Pacific region

Project time period: January 2019 – December 2019

Date submitted:

14 October 2019

Committee / WG / Fora:

Policy Partnership on Food Security (PPFS)

Project Overseer Name / Organization /


José Luis Romero / Bureau of Agricultural Studies and Policies / Chile

SECTION B: Project report and reflection

1. Project description: In 3-4 sentences, please describe the project and its main objectives.

Five experts where mean to share their knowledge and experience on five different themes: rural policies and the new paradigm, economic dynamism in the rural territory, fostering sustainable development in the rural areas, culture and rural identity relevance, and the Italian experience on rural development. And all the economies member where invited to share their rural experience.The project seeks to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing on specific issues related to the development of rural areas in the context of rural-urban linkages and its contribution to food security.

2. Meeting objectives: Describe how the project met each of its proposed objectives. Please outline any challenges you may have encountered in delivering the activity.

First, the participants listen to the knowledge of all the five experts in the different themes named before. Then they listen to the experiences of all the economy member that where in the activity.With all of this learn contents, an intensive workshop was developed by the contractor, encouraging everyone to participate. The participants learn a lot of each other experiences, and they have space to share between them the learnings and feelings of the workshop. They took a lot of dreams, ideas and challenges to their home.

3. Evaluation: Describe the process undertaken to evaluate the project upon completion. (e.g. evaluation through participant surveys, peer reviews of outputs, assessments against indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.). Provide analysis of results of evaluations conducted and where possible include information on impacts on gender. How has the project contributed to APEC’s capacity building goals, objectives and operational principles? Evaluation data needs to be included as an appendix.

The survey suggestion was not used, instead a different survey was applied, that was made by Mentimeter. Mentimeter is a website that allows the audience to use their smartphones to connect the presentation and answer questions, give feedback, and more; showing their responses in real-time, creating a fun and interactive experience.The details are in the Appendix 4, but the principal results of the evaluation were:

1. In the general aspects, the activities were evaluated with a 4.32, in a range from 1 to 5. Sowing a positive response.

2. The participants were very satisfied with the methodology developed, and we achieved the objective of sharing experiences and knowledge. Also, they were satisfied with the facilitator team.

3. Finally, they asked to include a field trip in a future activity, and to make shorter days.

4. Output indicators: Describe the main project outputs below. This may include workshops, tools, research papers, reports, recommendations, best practices, action plans..

Indicators (Edit or Insert rows as needed)

# planned# actualDetails or notes

# workshops / events 3 3 The planned activities were a conference, a panel, and a

workshop. All of them were completed.

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Indicators (Edit or Insert rows as needed)

# planned# actualDetails or notes

# participants (M/F) 40 178

16 of them were delegates of other economies, 40 were chilean delegates, and the other ones were invited. Only the delegates participated of the workshop.76 were women, and 107 were men.

# economies attending 10 67 The economies attending were: Philippines, Thailand, USA,

New Zealand, Viet Nam, Peru # speakers

engaged 6 5 We have the other speaker, but he cancelled his participation at last minute.

# other organizations

engaged0 0

# publications distributed

1 1

Strengthening Rural Areas as a Contribution to Food Security in the Asia-Pacific Region

# recommendation

s agreed on 0 0



5. Outcomes: Describe any specific medium-term changes to policy, processes or behaviour that can be attributed to result from this activity. Please include details on: What indicators were used to measure medium-term impact? (Example indicators:

type/number of policies/ regulations/processes changed, % of businesses conforming to new standards, change in sector’s commercial activity, # individual action plans developed, # agencies using resource or tools etc.)

How capacity has been built through the project. Monitoring plans in place and proposed indicators to measure impacts, including any

impacts on gender. Please summarise relevant information.

The outputs concluded were:

- The conference, panel and workshop, developed during 20 and 21 June 2019.- The final report with the main results and conclusions of the activities developed, that was published in October


- The publication in ODEPA’s website of the activity.

- The publication of all the pictures in ODEPA’s facebook.

During the activities, the delegates, experts and participants shared experiences, and could know more about rural policies in other economies. It was also an important creation of network; the New Zealand delegation planned future meetings with the US delegation, and the Peruvian delegate also planned a future meeting with a Chilean delegate.

6. Participants/ Speakers Summary Table (compulsory for events): Must be gender-disaggregated.

Economy(Insert rows as needed) # male # female Total

New Zealand 1 4 5

Philippines 1 1 2

Thailand 1 1 2

USA 2 2 4

Viet Nam 0 2 2

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Peru 1 0 1Chilean Delegates and Participants 64 98 162

Speakers 3 2 5

Comments: What was the approach undertaken for participant nomination/selection and targeting? Please provide details. What follow-up actions are expected? How will participants/beneficiaries continue to be engaged and supported to progress this work?

The approach for the participants nomination was representatives related with the rural development, of public and private sector.In relation to the follow-up actions, we send the presentations and pictures, to all the delegates. Also, we have a publication in APEC website that we are hoping it will be useful for other economies.

7. Key findings: Describe 1-3 examples of key findings, challenges or success stories arising from the project (e.g. research or case studies results, policy recommendations, roadblocks to progress on an issue, impacts on gender).

The most important findings of the workshop were the common challenges identified:

1. Opportunities for collaboration between APEC economies:- Assessment of political dynamics in APEC economies.- How to encourage public-private partnerships in rural development.- Fostering cooperation between rural people from different economies.2. Focus on demographic segments:- Fostering and prioritising the development of indigenous/tribal groups/ethnic minority people in

rural areas.- Empowering rural based women in their families and communities.- Keeping youth in rural areas with a purpose + economic viability through entrepreneurship.3. Urban-rural dynamics:- Migration between rural and urban: want or need?- Understand urban-rural connections to improve policies that seek to improve the quality of life.4. Climate change:- Water.5. Reflection about policy planning:- There is never time for good planning and execution, but we spend lots of time and resources

trying to fix the unfixable.

And finally, the next steps proposed for the working groups during the workshop.

1. Assessment of political dynamics in APEC economies.- Think of the future of the economy- “Go beyond politics”- Case studies must contextualize the political dynamics of each economy- Asses internal dynamics- Move from “shopping list” to domestically determined crafting of programs- Policies that transcend politicians2. How to encourage public-private partnerships in rural development.- Joint planning- Responsibility sharing- Big farming groups- Contract farming3. Fostering cooperation between rural people from different economies.- Use technology to communicate between economies (Idea: social media to make virtual

communities digital)4. Fostering and prioritising the development of indigenous/tribal groups/ethnic minority people in

rural areas.- Diagnosis/assessment of current state- Language/definition- Incentives- A thousand cups of tea- Indigenous community involvement/led in whole process5. Empowering rural based women in their families and communities.- Better/specialized jobs in rural areas...but how?- Rural-based investment and economic development- Long-term projects and multigeneration thinking6. Keeping youth in rural areas with a purpose + economic viability through entrepreneurship.- Connecting entrepreneurs - Young farmers

Page 4: Docs/3735... · Web viewFive experts where mean to share their knowledge and experience on five different themes: rural policies andthe new paradigm, economic dynamismin

- Sharing stories, models, experiences (eg innovation centres)- Connecting urban universities to rural-distance learning “Future farmers of the APEC world”- Sharing of traditional/indigenous knowledge/practices/products. With a view to product

development, commercialisation and intellectual property-Networking- Agricultural programmes fostering entrepreneurship7. Migration between rural and urban: want or need?- Better/specialized jobs in rural areas...but how?- Rural-based investment and economic development- Long-term projects and multigeneration thinking8. Understand urban-rural connections to improve policies that seek to improve the quality of life.- Studying urban-rural connections- Improve connectivity between rural and urban areas (transportation, roads, internet … etc)- Permeate/publicize this new view at a domestic, regional and local level. Rural areas as places

that constantly grow/transform9. Water.- Rationing- Assessing the current situation- Changing habits (personal, local and political/government)- Innovation/new technologies to address water issues- Finding means to generate potable water- Differentiate water use (potable/commercial/industrial)- Filtration systems to produce potable water10. There is never time for good planning and execution, but we spend lots of time and resources

trying to fix the unfixable.- Markets- Strategic partnerships- Production partnerships- Future vision - Technological transference - Responsibility: with the use of resources and with the results.

8. Next steps: Describe any planned follow-up steps or projects, such as workshops, post-activity evaluations, or research to assess the impact of this activity. How will the indicators from Question 5 be tracked? How will this activity inform any future APEC activities?

The rural development department of ODEPA, is constantly developing activities related with the topics of this activities. We have all the participants contacts, and we created good networks, and, we have meet with some of them in other conferences. For example, New Zealand developed a workshop in Puerto Varas, Chile; we meet Bette Brand in the 12th OECD Rural Development Conference, and we share with Enrique Garcilazo and other economies, in the OECD annual meeting of the Rural Working Party.Finally, we hope to develop another seminar, like this one, and continue working with the delegates.

9. Feedback for the Secretariat: Do you have suggestions for more effective support by APEC fora or the Secretariat? Any assessment of consultants, experts or other stakeholders to share? The Secretariat examines feedback trends to identify ways to improve our systems.

The secretariat was very helpful, and always available to answer our questions and doubts. The only complication we have was the time difference, that makes the communication difficult and slower.

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P L E A S E U S E T H I S V E R S I O N F O R P R O J E C T S S E L E C T E D I N 2018 O R E A R L I E R


Attach a detailed breakdown of the APEC- provided project budget, including: Planned costs: (using most recently approved budget figures) Actual expenditures Variance notes: An explanation of any budget line under- or over-spent by 20% or more.

All Figures in USD # of Units Unit Rate

Planned costs Actual expenditures

% Variance Variance notesAPEC Funding


APEC Funding Self-Funding

Direct Labour

Speaker’s Honorarium (government officials ineligible) 3 speakers 1.500 4.500 0 0 0 -100%

The variance was given because none of the speakers asked for honorarium payment. They just

needed the travel and per-diem to be paid.

Short-term clerical fees

(please provide details of scope of work and deliverables in Budget Note 1 - Direct Labour)

(# of hours) 0 0 0 0 0 0%

Contractor fees

(contractors Secretary’s fees to be included in cost and packaged together)


400 hours 50 0 20.000  0 20.000  0%  

500 hours 40 20.000 0  19.257 0  -3,72%

The variance was given by the exchange rate changes of the



Travel (Speaker, Experts, Researchers)

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Per diem (incl. accommodation and “75% additional payment”)

6 speakers, 3.75 days.

306 6.885 0  3.016 0  -56,19%

The variance is result of one less speaker, and one day less spend

in the seminar, by one of the speakers.

Airfare 6 speakers 4.000 24.000 0  2.273,64 0  -90,53%

The variance is result of two speakers that did not need airfare, because they were Chilean, and

travelled by car.

Travel for Participants (from travel-eligible economies only. Active participants only)

Per diem (incl. accommodations and “75% additional payment”)

20 participants, 3.75 days

306 22.950  0 6.090 0  -73,46% The variance is explained because, from the 20 participants expected, only 7 finally arrived at the Seminar and the airfare costs

were below to the estimated Airfare (restricted economy class) 20 participants, 20

round-trip tickets   68.000 0 29.466,21 0 -56,67%

Other items

Hosting (provide breakdown, e.g., room rental, stationery) 2 day seminar 10.000  20.000 0  12.291,20 0  -39%

 The hosting costs were below the prices we estimated.

Total:   166.335 20.000 72.394,05 20.000 -52%  

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Page 8: Docs/3735... · Web viewFive experts where mean to share their knowledge and experience on five different themes: rural policies andthe new paradigm, economic dynamismin

P L E A S E U S E T H I S V E R S I O N F O R P R O J E C T S S E L E C T E D I N 2018 O R E A R L I E R

SECTION D: Appendices

Please attach the following documentation to the report. Note that the contact list for participants/ experts/ consultants is a mandatory requirement for all Project Completion Reports.

Appendices Notes Participant contact list, including name, email address, gender,

organization (mandatory) Experts / consultants list, including name, email address, gender,

organization (mandatory) Event Agenda Reports, websites or resources created: links or soft copies The links are included

in the point 5.

Post activity survey or other evaluation data (raw and/or aggregated)

The raw information will be attached in the e-mail. Aggregated information is included in the appendix.

Other information or resources FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Were APEC project guidelines followed? Could the project have been managed more effectively or easily by the PO?

Page 9: Docs/3735... · Web viewFive experts where mean to share their knowledge and experience on five different themes: rural policies andthe new paradigm, economic dynamismin

P L E A S E U S E T H I S V E R S I O N F O R P R O J E C T S S E L E C T E D I N 2018 O R E A R L I E R

Appendix 1Participant contact list, including name, email address, gender, organization (mandatory)

# First Name Last Name Email Address M/F Speaker/Expert or Participant

Economy Organization

1 Lev Nikko Macalintal [email protected] M Participant Philippines Department of Agriculture

2 Toni Marcel Rimando [email protected] F Participant Philippines Department of Agriculture

3 Poomisakdi Rasri [email protected] M Participant Thailand Office of Agricultural Economics

4 Panee Boonyaguakul [email protected] F Participant Thailand Department of Agriculture Extension

5 Abigail Rockwell [email protected] F Participant USA US Department of State

6 Andrew Shaeffer [email protected] M Participant USA Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA

7 Nelson Ramirez [email protected] M Participant USA Office of Agricultural Affairs (FAS-USDA), US. Embassy

8 Bette Brand [email protected] F Participant USA Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA

9 Shontelle Bishara [email protected] F Participant New Zealand Te Puni Kokiri

10 Jared Pitman [email protected] M Participant New Zealand Te Puni Kokiri

11 Nicole Nepe [email protected] F Participant New Zealand Te Puni Kokiri

12 Keri Iti [email protected] F Participant New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries

13 Annette Gittos [email protected] F Participant New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries

14 Vo Thi Quynh Nga [email protected] F Participant Viet Nam International Cooperation Department, MARD

15 Truong Thi Thu Trang [email protected] F Participant Viet NamInstitute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development

16 Lincoln Marcelo Onofre Lagos [email protected] M Participant Peru Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

17 Nuri Gras [email protected] F Participant Chile Achipia

18 Daniela Villanueva [email protected] F Participant Chile Odepa

19 Mónica Rodríguez [email protected] F Participant Chile Comisión Nacional de Riego

20 Patricio López [email protected] M Participant Chile Ministerio de las Culturas, Artes y el Patrimonio

21 Paulina Contreras Hurtado [email protected] F Participant Chile Odepa

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22 Paloma Caro [email protected] F Participant Chile Odepa

23 Yenifer Aguilera Muñoz [email protected] F Participant Chile Municipalidad de Ninhue

24 Eduardo Becker Marshall [email protected] M Participant Chile Ciren

25 Alberto Valdes [email protected] M Participant Chile Odepa

26 Magdalena Traub [email protected] F Participant Chile Seremía Hacienda

27 Carlos felipe Orellana Rojas [email protected] M Participant Chile Indap

28 Tatiana Merino [email protected] F Participant Chile Indap

29 Fernando Ulloa Rojas [email protected] M Participant Chile Gobierno Regional Ñuble

30 Heidi Inostroza [email protected] F Participant Chile Ministerio de Energia

31 Josefa Cuesta [email protected] F Participant Chile Indap

32 Juan Garcia [email protected] M Participant Chile Indap

33 Ingrid Quezada [email protected] F Participant Chile ProChile

34 Juan luis Enríquez [email protected] M Participant Chile Indap

35 Gabriela Alejandra Navarrete Claveria [email protected] F Participant Chile Prodemu

36 Victor Vargas [email protected] M Participant Chile Infor

37 Leonardo Sotomayor Sanzana [email protected] M Participant Chile Odepa

38 Eduardo Caro [email protected] M Participant Chile Conaf

39 Maia Guiskin [email protected] F Participant Chile Odepa

40 Ricardo Asfura insunza [email protected] M Participant Chile Municipalidad de San Carlos

41 Eliecer Edmundo Gonzalez Barrientos [email protected] M Participant Chile

42 Jeanette Oehrens [email protected] F Participant Chile

43 Jaime Ovalle [email protected] M Participant Chile Odepa

44 Fernando Barraza [email protected] M Participant Chile

45 Martín Arrau [email protected] M Participant Chile Intendencia Ñuble

46 María Emilia Undurraga [email protected] F Participant Chile Odepa

47 José Luis Romero [email protected] M Participant Chile Odepa

48 Josefina Montero [email protected] F Participant Chile Odepa

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49 Matías Brahm [email protected] M Participant Chile Odepa

50 Ricardo Prado Cuevas [email protected] M Participant Chile Agroseguros

51 Daniela Álvarez [email protected] F Participant Chile Asprocer

52 Juan Carlos Domínguez [email protected] M Participant Chile Asprocer

53 Carolina González Moreno [email protected] F Participant Chile Acerca Redes

54 Edmundo Varas [email protected] M Participant Chile Surinnova Consultores

55 Erika Lamig Fritz [email protected] F Participant Chile Seygeagro

56 Fernando David Pinto Morales [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad Adventista de Chile

57 Hugo Acevedo [email protected] M Participant Chile Instituto Ifosana

58 Rodrigo Garcia [email protected] M Participant Chile RIMISP

59 José de la Cruz Lara Verdugo [email protected] M Participant Chile Comunidad de Aguas Vista Hermosa

60 Manuel Pedro Faúndez [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad de Concepción

61 Rodrigo Avilés [email protected] M Participant Chile Inia

62 Marcela Ledesma [email protected] F Participant Chile Copelec

63 M. Cecilia Varas Benavente [email protected] F Participant Chile Prodemu

64 Daniel Rey Pozo [email protected] M Participant Chile Corporación Agraria

65 Carlos Smith Croxatto [email protected] M Participant Chile Aprocarne Ñuble

66 Ernesto Eguiluz [email protected] M Participant Chile Fedearroz

67 Carlos Ruiz [email protected] M Participant Chile Inia

68 Daniela Silva [email protected] M Participant Chile Consejo Regional de Ñuble

69 Gonzalo Alejandro Chandia Tolosa [email protected] M Participant Chile Viña Riveras del Chillán

70 Rodrigo Muñoz [email protected] M Participant Chile Codesser

71 Jesus Paredes Calderon [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad de Concepción

72 Julián Caviedes [email protected] M Participant Chile FAO

73 Jaime Solano [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad Católica de Temuco

74 Haydee Parra [email protected] F Participant Chile Sello Sustentable

75 Paola del Carmen Bustamante Quilodran [email protected] F Participant Chile Agrícola VyP

Page 12: Docs/3735... · Web viewFive experts where mean to share their knowledge and experience on five different themes: rural policies andthe new paradigm, economic dynamismin

76 Yessica Salvadores [email protected] F Participant Chile Inia

77 Victor Kramm [email protected] M Participant Chile Inia

78 Oscar Roberto Avendaño Arriagada [email protected] M Participant Chile -

79 Viviana Becerra [email protected] F Participant Chile Inia

80 Gabriel Donoso [email protected] M Participant Chile Inia

81 Henry Gajardo [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

82 Domingo Sáez Beltrán [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio

83 Rodrigo Díaz [email protected] M Participant Chile Inia

84 Marcelino Claret Merino [email protected] M Participant Chile Inia

85 Nidia Casas Forero [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio

86 Cristobal Bustamante [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad Santo Tomás

87 Marcela Leal [email protected] F Participant Chile Unión Comunal de Agua Potable Rural San Nicolás

88 María Gabriela Quintana Alarcón [email protected] F Participant Chile Comisión Nacional de Riego

89 Sergio Brevis [email protected] M Participant Chile Agrícola El Carmen

90 Rodrigo Aranis [email protected] M Participant Chile EGT Rodrigo Aranis EIRL

91 Jeannette Calvet [email protected] F Participant Chile Acosoc Ñuble

92 Paulina Saravia [email protected] F Participant Chile Codesser

93 Ana María Soto Arias [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad Santo Tomás

94 Eve Crowley [email protected] F Participant Chile FAO

95 Katy Castellanos [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio

96 Barbara Gonzalez [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad Santo Tomás

97 Juan Carlos Arriagada Acuña [email protected] M Participant ChileCorporación Observatorio del Mercado Alimentario (CODEMA)

98 Loren Paola Macias Bu [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio

99 Maria Soledad Valenzuela [email protected] F Participant Chile Asesorías Agroalimentarias y Comercio Internacional10

0 Gloria Sánchez Sandoval [email protected] F Participant Chile Colegio de Nutricionistas Filial Ñuble

10 Daisy Mora Alvial [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio

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2 Carlos Ruiz [email protected] M Participant Chile Centro Regional Estudios Ambientales UCSC10

3 Danilo Fabián Gajardo Hernández [email protected] M Participant Chile Federación La Conquista Campesina de Ñuble10

4 Oscar Melo [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad Católica de Chile10

5 Rodolfo Campos [email protected] M Participant Chile Fundación para la Innovación Agraria10

6 Siegried Lillo [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio10

7 Guisella Tobar [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio10

8 Gustavo Mendez [email protected] M Participant Chile Fedefruta10

9 María Estuardo Guerra Valle [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio11

0 Francisco Guajardo [email protected] M Participant Chile Chile Organica11

1 Nailin Carvajal Mena [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio11

2 Belissa Cochachin Carrera [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio11

3 Alvaro Gatica Perez [email protected] M Participant Chile Asociación de Agricultores11

4 Alvaro Castro [email protected] M Participant Chile Fundación Huella Local11

5 Diego Schachner [email protected] M Participant Chile Balloon Latam11

6 Roberto Muñoz [email protected] M Participant Chile Secanomiel11

7 Andrés Castillo [email protected] M Participant Chile Viitacoop Chile11

8 Karla Cordero [email protected] F Participant Chile Inia11 Victor Toledo [email protected] M Participant Chile Marrón Andino SPA

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0 Veronica Agustina Cuevas Morales [email protected] F Participant Chile Prodemu12

1 Alberto Avila [email protected] M Participant Chile Infor12

2 Julieth Galdames [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad de Concepción12

3 Andres Mellado [email protected] M Participant Chile Acerca Redes12

4 Javier Iván Leiva Vega [email protected] M Participant Chile -12

5 Claudio Aguilera [email protected] M Participant Chile Banco Estado12

6 Nelson Badilla Rojas [email protected] M Participant Chile 12

7 Carolina Castillo [email protected] F Participant Chile Inacap12

8 Claudia Chiang [email protected] F Participant Chile Balloon Latam12

9 Jose Regino Escobar Concha [email protected] M Participant Chile 13

0 Luz Carolina Fernández Poblete [email protected] F Participant Chile 13

1 Maria Francisca Luco Quintana [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad de Concepción13

2 Alfonso Maturana [email protected] M Participant Chile Comfrut13

3 Francisco Puig [email protected] M Participant Chile 13

4 Sandra Quilodrán [email protected] F Participant Chile 13

5 Marcelo Sánchez [email protected] M Participant Chile Banco Estado13

6 Claudia Tramón [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad de Concepción13 Gutemberg Villarroel [email protected] M Participant Chile

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8 Carolina Lagos Bravo [email protected] F Participant Chile 13

9 Felipe Torres Sepúlveda [email protected] M Participant Chile Asesorías Agroalimentarias y Comercio Internacional14

0 Margarita Lara [email protected] F Participant Chile 14

1 Bladimir Sandoval [email protected] M Participant Chile Banco Estado

142 Claudia Moreno Martínez

[email protected] F Participant Chile Banco Estado

143 Enrique Parada Orellana

[email protected] M Participant Chile Banco Estado

144 Roger Cisterna Rondanelli [email protected] M Participant Chile Ministerio de Economia

145 Oscar Crisostomo Llanos [email protected] M Participant Chile Municipalidad Chillán Viejo

146 Anyel Kuschel [email protected] M Participant Chile ProChile

147 Rodrigo Orrego [email protected] M Participant Chile Seremía Agricultura

148 Cristian Pavez Carrasco [email protected] M Participant Chile

149 Ramón Troncoso [email protected] M Participant Chile

150 Patricio Riveros [email protected] M Participant Chile Odepa

151 Oriana Betancourt [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad Católica de Temuco

152 Felipe Pincheira [email protected] M Participant Chile Cavas Submarinas

153 Luis Bravo [email protected] M Participant Chile Indap

154 José Rojas [email protected] M Participant Chile Freego

15 Juan Saavedra [email protected] M Participant Chile

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6 Anali Rosas [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad de Concepción15

7 Daniel Andrades [email protected] M Participant Chile SernaPesca15

8 Marcia Ortiz [email protected] F Participant Chile 15

9 Aurara Larrere [email protected] F Participant Chile 16

0 Jose Mendez [email protected] M Participant Chile Inia16

1 Pablo Jimenez [email protected] M Participant Chile Indap 16

2 Rodrigo Dinamarca [email protected] M Participant Chile 16

3 Pablo Neira [email protected] M Participant Chile 16

4 Vivianne Palma [email protected] F Participant Chile Centro Avanzado Internacional en Desarrollo Sostenible16

5 Carolina Navarrete [email protected] F Participant Chile Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales16

6 Mabel San Martín pavelnovios F Participant Chile 16

7 Andrés Nello [email protected] M Participant Chile 16

8 Juan Mellado [email protected] M Participant Chile 16

9 Susana Fischer [email protected] F Participant Chile Universidad de Concepción17

0 Osvaldo Caro Caro [email protected] M Participant Chile 17

1 Laura Mota [email protected] F Participant Chile 17

2 Claudio Soto [email protected] M Participant Chile 17 Fernando Borquez [email protected] M Participant Chile Seremía Agricultura Ñuble

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4 Carlos Quezada Celerino [email protected] M Participant Chile 17

5 Luis Antonio Arriagada Vallejos [email protected] M Participant Chile -17

6 Jorge Moreno [email protected] M Participant Chile Universidad del Biobio17

7 Gonzalo Rueda [email protected] M Participant Chile Fundación para la Innovación Agraria17

8 Andres Aruas [email protected] M Participant Chile

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Appendix 2Experts / consultants list, including name, email address, gender, organization (mandatory)

# First Name Last Name Email Address M/F Speaker/Expert or Participant

Economy Organization

1 Jose Enrique Garcilazo [email protected] M Speaker Spain OECD

2 Kelly Barry [email protected] F Speaker New Zealand Ngai Tahu

3 Alejandra Engler [email protected] F Speaker Chile Universidad de Talca

4 Gonzalo Valdivieso [email protected] M Speaker Chile Universidad Católica de Chile

5 Marco Leonetti [email protected] M Speaker Italy Strategia Nazionale Aree Interne

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P L E A S E U S E T H I S V E R S I O N F O R P R O J E C T S S E L E C T E D I N 2018 O R E A R L I E R

Appendix 3Event Agenda

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Appendix 4Post Activity Survey.

The aggregated answer that we have related to the experience and the activity were the following:

1. How do you evaluate the event in which you have participated?Rate from 1 to 5, considering 1 as the worst, and 5 as excellent.

Facilitation: 4,33

Translation: 4,11

Materials and Tools: 4,33

2. What was the best of the event?

- Workshopping, trying to learn/understand español!

- The food and making new friendships.

- Getting to know each other and their experiences.

- The contribution of the facilitators.

- You facilitated the group discussion really well, so people were actively sharing ideas. I loved the visual graphics you used.

- The way the workshop was organized and facilitated. And also the participants!

- To think together about important things.

- Sharing of experiences in rural development of APEC economies.

- Group working, experiences and friendships.

- The compromise of all the participants.

- Participating people - experiences from over many economies.

- Hearing the experiences of what is happening in other economies/economies.

- Meet such different points of view in a well-organized framework.

- We have chance to get more knowledge shared by other participants.

- Workshop together and change experience different many economies.

- Some of the longer speeches, conversations, and the range of methods used to create energy and draw out our knowledge.

- All experiences.

3. What is improvable?

- Water supply during the event.

- Cultural trips may be included in the program.

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- Sharing list of participants with updated contacts.

- Field trip could be in program.

- Include visit of communities/groups involved in rural development in Chile to see actual models.

- Longer workshop over more days rather than long days.

- If it is something to improve, I didn’t notice it

- Food.

- Speeches and discussions together throughout the day rather than day of speeches.

- Name tags we can easily see on.

- Time in the day for siesta.