Aim: What factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Italy? Title: The Unification of Italy...

factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Italy? Title: The Unification of Italy Do Now: 1.Please take out last night’s homework, just need to check it . 2.Please place yesterday’s handout in front [part of last night’s homework]. 24:3

Transcript of Aim: What factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Italy? Title: The Unification of Italy...

  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Aim: What factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Italy? Title: The Unification of Italy Do Now: 1.Please take out last nights homework, just need to check it. 2.Please place yesterdays handout in front [part of last nights homework]. 24:3 Slide 3 Aim: What factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Italy? Title: The Unification of Italy Do Now [quietly please!]: 1. In your own words, define the term, nationalism. a. Be sure to examine some of the key elements connected to the term. 2. What are your views pertaining to nationalism? Would you classify it as a positive or negative force/movement? Prudence is absolutely necessary here: Think carefully prior to answering. Slide 4 Answer to # 1 Nationalism Nationalism is defined as pride in ones country Strong feelings for ones country. People who share a common language, history heritage. Nationalism causes people to join together Slide 5 Answer to # 1 Nationalism 6 bonds that unify [shake my hands dont worry, I used soap & water & afterwards, hand-sanitizer] a people: common religion common language common ethnicity or ancestry common history common land common culture Slide 6 24:3 Culture A shared way of life (food or dress) History A common past; shared experiences Language Different dialects of one language; one dialect is national language Territory A certain territory that belongs to the ethnic group; the land Nationality Belief in common ethnic ancestry that may or may not be true Religion A religion shared by all or most of the people Nation-State Answer to # 1 Slide 7 Answer to # 2 Nationalism Good Can work to bring people together. Give people a common goal. Pride or loyalty to ones country. Bad Can pull countries apart. Can cause revolts and wars within the country. Extreme nationalism can cause world wars because one country feels it is better then another. Slide 8 Answer to # 2 The Ideal of Nationalism Nationality as a common ancestry Loyalty to a people Nations with a right to independence 24:3 TypeCharacteristicsExamples UnificationMergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands 19 th century Germany 19 th century Italy SeparationCulturally distinct group resists being added to state or tries to break away Greeks in the Ottoman Empire French-speaking Canadians State-buildingCulturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture The United States Turkey Slide 9 Answer to # 2 Nationalism Nationalism can be like a bomb and split nations apart Russia Ottoman Empire Austro-Hungarian These nations/empires controlled vast numbers of different ethnic groups who wanted self government. Slide 10 Answer to # 2 Nationalism Nationalism can be like a magnet and bring people together to create nation- states. Places like Italy and Germany Slide 11 OBJECTIVE I: Italy and Nationalism - Why wasnt Italy united before the second half of the 1800s? * No writing is necessary here, just need a few volunteers to briefly list a few answers to the question above. Slide 12 Italy and Nationalism: Why wasnt Italy united before 1850s? After the fall of the Roman Empire, Italy had been a nation of small states. Napoleon united Italy into the Kingdom of Italy. The Congress of Vienna [worked towards undoing ALL of the grand changes made by Napoleon & Enlightenment philosophy wanted to resurrect absolute rule/monarchy] re-divided Italy and placed Italy under the rule of Austria. Italy continued to remain a country of small feudal states Slide 13 Antiquity: Roman Empire Slide 14 Middle Ages: competing city-states Slide 15 Congress of Vienna (1815): reorganized provinces Slide 16 Conclusion? Throughout the ages, Italy was split up into several different states and was independently governed by local/natives of the region or by foreigners e.g., France, Austria-Hungary, etc. (1859-1860) xcdcxwaswaswwwwwwwwas Slide 17 24:3 OBJECTIVE #II - Work on completing the handout: Exploring the road to Italys Unification Slide 18 Giuseppe Mazzini a. Giuseppe Mazzini Nationalist leader who founded Young Italy. Young Italy was a secret society hoped to form a free republic of Italy and established a republic in Rome. Was quickly defeated by the French in 1849. Slide 19 The Soul: Mazzini (1805-1872) The Duties of Man: O my brothers, love your Country! Our country is our Home, the house that God has given us, placing therein a numerous family that loves us, and whom we love The Idealist Patriot Slide 20 Italian Unification In 1849 the King of Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II and Count Camillo Cavour began to work for Italian unification Where is Sardinia again? Is it even part of Italy? Cant find it on a map of the mainland. Slide 21 Cavour Unites Italy The quest for unity Mazzinis Young Italy Sardinia and Italian unification Cavours goals Unification in the south Garibaldis Red Shirts Challenges after unification Regional conflicts 24:3 Count Cavour [The Head] Giuseppi Garibaldi [The Sword] Giuseppi Mazzini [The Heart] King Victor Emmanuel II Slide 22 The Brains: Cavour (1810- 1861) Unification of Northern Italy 1858-1859: Central Italy to the rescue demand unification! 1860: 1.Cavour returns & France re- pledges support 2.N. Italy unified (w/o Venetia) Slide 23 The Brains: Cavour (1810- 1861) Unification of Northern Italy 1850s: strengthen Sardinia 1858-1859: Quest to get Lombardy- Venetia from Austria! w/ France 2.goad Austria into war 3.Franco-Sardinian victory! 4.France pulls support separate peace w/ Austria: Italy gets Lombardy only 5.Cavour resigns Noble Statesman in Sardinian Government, 1850-1861 Slide 24 The Sword: Garibaldi (1807-1882) Unification of North & South Red Shirts 1860: 1.conquered Sicily 2.plan to invade Papal States stopped by Cavour 3.Cavour orders plebiscite S. states vote to join N Military Leader Slide 25 The Two Giuseppes b. Giuseppe Garibaldi: Lead a revolutionary group of soldiers known as the red shirts The red shirts invaded Sicily in 1860 and then started marching back North winning and controlling the areas as they marched. They eventually would connect with Victor Emmanuel at Naples where Garibaldi would turn over the lands he controlled to Emmanuel helping him become King in 1861. Why would I surrender the land I unified to Victor Emmanuel and not keep fighting north on my own? Slide 26 Italian Unification In the south Garibaldi started a revolutionary movement to drive the Spanish out of Italy Garibaldis followers known as Red Shirts began attacking the Spanish in Sicily In 1860 the Red Shirts and Garibaldi had driven the Spanish out of Italy Finally in 1870 the French withdrew from Italy leaving it a newly unified country Slide 27 Italian Unification By 1861 most of Italy was unified Victory Emmanuel II became king of the newly unified Italy Slide 28 24:3 Slide 29 Right Leg in the Boot at Last Garibaldi King Victor Emmanuel II What symbol is used to represent the soon-to-be nation of Italy? How is Garibaldi portrayed? This cartoon was published in Great Britain. What does the title say about the British attitude towards the unification of Italy? Slide 30 Government: Divisions between: Parliamentary monarchy ( Victor Emmanuel ) Limited suffrage [Right to vote] Social classes (rich/poor) Regions (N/S) What did the new, unified Italy look like? Slide 31 b. Major division between Northern & Southern Italy Northern Italy was industrializing and had the largest cities and wealthiest citizens. Southern Italy was rural and poor. Life in the North? Life in the South? a. Strong regional rivalries still existed. Challenges for Italia Slide 32 c. Problems with the R.C.C.: The Pope resented the Papal states being taken over and refused to recognize the new Nation and urged Catholics not to cooperate with the government. A small section of Rome, Vatican City [a country within a state, thats within a country], remained under R.C.C. control. Challenges for Italia