AIESEC University in Tunisia, October 2011 Newsletter

AIESEC UNIVERSITY OCTOBER NEWSLETTER Issue 1 AIESEC University October Newsletter IN THIS ISSUE Dear members, students, partners and alumni of the association As usual, our local committee continues transmitting its evolution, activities and incoming events on our newsletter to connect you our life. For this first newsletter of the 2011-2012 mandate, I start by welcoming our new members, the leaders of tomorrow and I can only thank the executive board members of AIESEC University, and any old members who have striven with courage, sacrifice and determination to the accomplishment of the honorable results of our LC. Determined to go along the path for excellence with my local committee with a lot of hope and conviction, I know today that this is only the beginning of a fruitful year. So keep up the good work! AIESECly LMS’11 The Local motivation Seminar: the first local seminar for the new members. Page 3 Get Ready 2011 Biggest national event of the year, biggest AIESEC conference in the MENA region, the Get Ready 2011 was a success! Page 5 Word from the President Hayfa BEN MILOUD LCP AIESEC University


AIESEC University in Tunsia, October 2011 Newsletter

Transcript of AIESEC University in Tunisia, October 2011 Newsletter

Page 1: AIESEC University in Tunisia, October 2011 Newsletter


AIESEC University

October Newsletter


Dear members, students, partners and alumni of the association

As usual, our local committee continues transmitting its evolution, activities and incoming events on our newsletter to connect you our life.

For this first newsletter of the 2011-2012 mandate, I start by welcoming our new members, the leaders of tomorrow and I can only thank the executive board members of AIESEC University, and any old members who have striven

with courage, sacrifice and determination to the accomplishment of the honorable results of our LC.

Determined to go along the path for excellence with my local committee with a lot of hope and conviction, I know today that this is only the beginning of a fruitful year.

So keep up the good work!



The Local motivation Seminar: the first local seminar for the new members.

Page 3

Get Ready 2011

Biggest national event of the year, biggest AIESEC conference in the MENA region, the Get Ready 2011 was a success!

Page 5

Word from the President


LCP AIESEC University

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The recruitment campaign 2011 of AIESEC University is a corner stone to the success of the year, with quality members: impossible is nothing!

The Executive Board took care of selecting the most promising potential among the candidates, and it was not an easy task: over the 10 days of the campaign starting the 26 of September, over 400 interviews were held, to keep

150 candidates as a first selection.

The ” welcome afternoon” hosted 130 new members coming from different universities, in the FSEGT. It

was the first contact between the new AIESECers and the world of opportunities that AIESEC was offering them.

The members assisted to a presentation of the History of AIESEC, since its creation in 1948, learned the basics of the AIESEC way. Circles of discussions were held to talk over the values of AIESEC.

Recruitment campaign

Welcome afternoon

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Have you ever been questioning yourself if there is any way to become an active change agent in society? The answer is what you wish for: yes, it is possible, and one way to do that, is by integrating the biggest youth organization in the world: AIESEC.

Faithful to its traditions, the local committee AIESEC University welcomed its new members by organizing the LMS (Local Motivation Seminar), which was held the 15 and the 16 of October to introduce them to the concept of the organization: the AIESEC way and even more. 115 delegates were present at the event, including 87 new members.

We chose to pay tribute during the seminar to Steve JOBS namely the creator of APPLE and PIXAR, who left this world the 5th October 2011 and was the perfect embodiment of the change agent, who’s journey in life did not leave the world indifferent.

The conferences and workshops this time did not only go around the AIESEC way, but beyond that, it concerned the personal development of the participants, and stimulated them to go deep within themselves through interesting conferences and animated circles of discussions around many subjects, such as :communication, personality tests, time management and even more.

Of course, this wouldn’t be easy to accomplish without the great FACI (facilitators) team who did big efforts to make a success of the event and the alumni who enriched the sessions with their experience.

What marked the seminar was the energy of the new members who interacted well with the different activities and showed real interest in the organization and a promising potential that will make us even more passionate and eager to undertake more challenging activities to reach their expectations.

LMS’ 2011

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Malek Maroua Ben Charrada Ben Ammar

Faten Saâdaoui

Hayfa Ben Miloud Ahmed Baàziz Elyes Jabrani Khalil Teber Nedra Samir Yahiaoui Gnichi

Amal Amraoui Kais Abid Gisele Kouka

Discussion “circle”

The University Dream Team 11-12 11-12

Inspired by a session on the emotional intelligence in the LMS’11, a new member, Omar DAMAK, took the initiative of organizing a circle of discussion in the Local Committee.

He presented the concept with a detailed speech, and then, the members present debated the subject according to their points of view: they tried to give their own definitions of it, and discussed its usefulness and its limits.

The Executive Board encourages all the members to engage themselves in such activities, to take the initiative, and to unleash their creativity.

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Shortly after the local Motivation Seminar LMS’11, the Local Committee participated to the first annually national seminar, The Get Ready 2011, which was marked this year with a huge participation the other 8 Local Committees in Tunisia and an Algerian Delegation: the total number of participants was over 700! Something never seen in AIESEC Tunisia so far.

On site, after the Roll-Colls, the introduction of the chair and the facilitators’ team, the sessions of hard work started: there was very much to do and little time. The sessions were centered on the personal development, self-improvement and involvement in the community for the new members, for the oldies a parallel agenda was programed to deepen their training and discussions were held over many technical issues like conflict management and emotional intelligence.

AIESEC University in the event with over 80 delegates who represented well their

Local Committee during the workshops and in terms of discipline and assiduity, the seminar was also a good occasion for the members to know each other better and establish a good team spirit that we hope will last even after this mandate.

What marked the event was a simulation during the stress management course for the newbies where the Faci team simulated a very stressful situation: a military takeover in the country, the least that we could say is that the participants had to learn how to manage their stress the hard way! And it was a very useful initiative, because during the closing day, bad weather conditions and flooding made it impossible for the majority of the participants to go home, so they had to stay an extra night in the hotel, and despite the relatively bad conditions, the AIESECers managed to spend it in a good atmosphere.

Get ready 2011

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The IM & COM team is open to any feedback, critic, idea concerning the

Newsletter, in fact, we are waiting for them!

If You want to write about something (even not very relevant of AIESEC or

our LC) you are more than welcome.