Ahmad Racheha

Digital & Social Empowerment of the consumer Health Insurance Summit July 23 Ahmad Racheha Head of eCommerce & Online Marketing twitter: @web_native
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Transcript of Ahmad Racheha

Page 1: Ahmad Racheha

Digital & Social

Empowerment of the consumer

Health Insurance Summit July 23

Ahmad Racheha

Head of eCommerce & Online Marketing

twitter: @web_native

Page 2: Ahmad Racheha

Web 1.0

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

Web 4.0

Evolving digital landscape


• Brochureware / Marketing orientated • Transactional (banking)



Mid 1990’s



• Digital distribution and web strategy • Web strategy and e-commerce (e.g. retail, electronics) • Creating efficiency through web strategy (e.g. government)

• Mobile revolution • Social media • Power of analytics




Redefining face to face contact


Page 3: Ahmad Racheha

Three key themes



Empowered Consumers

Rapid Innovation

Page 4: Ahmad Racheha

Brands that have successfully responded to digital disruption

Page 5: Ahmad Racheha

Healthcare engagement and delivery is also being disrupted by greater

consumer empowerment

Page 6: Ahmad Racheha

Moving from quiet servitude to confidant

“ The ability to access your

data and transmit it

continuously is a basic civil

right, [but] there’s a lot of

resistance to it from the

medical community, who talk

in highly arrogant terms

about sequestering the

information and not allowing

people to have access to it.”

Leslie Saxon, USC Centre for

Body Computing

Page 7: Ahmad Racheha

Shift from doctors to trusted social networks

‘Dr. Google’ helps 50% of Australians to self-diagnose!

Page 8: Ahmad Racheha

People are also going online for inspiration and connection

Page 9: Ahmad Racheha

The quantified self - consumers are actively tracking and

managing their health and lifestyle

• 1.2B people use mHealth apps

• mHealth market value is US$23bn in 2017 (GSMA)

• 170 million lifestyle tracking devices are shipped in 2017

• New generations of mobile devices include wellness tracking

apps (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S4)

Page 10: Ahmad Racheha

Mobile has changed everything

Page 11: Ahmad Racheha

Why be social?

• 12M Australian users on Facebook.

• 2M Australian users on Twitter

• 75% visits daily to Facebook

• 4M Facebook check-ins per day

• 56M Facebook wall posts per day

• 53% of people on Twitter recommend products

in their tweets

• 90% of people trust online recommendations

from people they know

Sources: http://www.socialmedianews.com.au/social-media-statistics-australia-may-2013/

Facebook numbers 2013


Page 12: Ahmad Racheha

The world of Social Media is highly fragmented


Page 13: Ahmad Racheha

Multiple personalities


Page 14: Ahmad Racheha

A quick explanation different social media platforms

Page 15: Ahmad Racheha

Bupa’s digital journey into the unknown

We hire 1 full time

employee to manage

social media

We’ve launched our first

Facebook campaign to

support our sponsorship

We become a part of your conversation

We know you’re out there

– just listening to

conversations on twitter,

logs and forums

You’re talking about our ads and

we’re gathering so many


We start securing our

name across all the

social media channels

You are using social media for servicing




We’re running acquisiiton campaigns on

social media!

Page 16: Ahmad Racheha

We have actively grown and expanded our social media presence to



• Daily health content

• Monitoring and responding to our

community and service enquiries

• Sharing news on community

events and sponsorship activities

• Regular advertising

• Photo competitions

• Monthly Healthy Chat with a

health expert

• Drive current promotions

• Giveaways for health behaviour

Page 17: Ahmad Racheha


There are common challenges when it comes to social media...

• Organisations are struggling to define their social media strategy

• Is it a PR function

• Is it a servicing channel

• Is it Brand engagement

• How to manage interactions

• Marketers struggle to understand value

• Difficulties in understanding results of social media

• Crisis management as issues can quickly become viral

• Corporate culture

• Moving from corporate speak to social conversations

The question “What is your social media strategy?” is the wrong question

Page 18: Ahmad Racheha


Resourcing is the leading barrier to social media

Page 19: Ahmad Racheha

Key points – social media participation framework

•Recognise that social media is part of a

broader digital strategy

•Identify key stakeholders and their roles

•Create community guidelines

•Agree on your response strategy

•Define your posting strategy

•Determine escalation strategy especially

for crisis's

•Develop an Employee Social Media


Page 20: Ahmad Racheha

Facebook Twitter YouTube Linkedin Blog Foursquare Google + Slideshare Flickr















Not all social channels will be used the same way

Page 21: Ahmad Racheha

Swear words

Hide the comment or

post and let them know that

you have removed their

post because it is against

community guidelines. Still

help them if appropriate.

Replying to posts & comments guidelines


Who do you reply to and who do you ignore?

Spam or spammy behaviour

This is behaviour that ads no value to the

conversation, could be a security risk (just a link), is

not a member or constantly posts irrelevant tweets.

DO NOT click on a link where the post does not

make sense – it is likely to be spam

Hide posts that are


Delete and block (and

report if the spam is

sexually explicit or

offensive) so that they

cannot post to the page


Are against our community guideliness

and need to be hidden as we do not

want to offend other members of the





General comments that neither ask a

question, express an overly negative

opinion or questions about (eg.ads) or

are not about our company or

products or are not part of our

response process and you do not think

they are worth adding.


If a member posts or

comments about their

policy, the company

or someone enquiries

about our products or

initiatives then make

sure to reply within 15


Respond within

15 minutes and

according to the



Praise If people have nothing

but good things to say

about us

Respond as

quickly as

possible - thank

them, like the post

or RT the tweet.

Highlight the post

on FB

Unsure? Every now and then a comment or post

will come along that you may be uncertain

about how to respond or whether you

should respond

Ask your manager

Other businesses

soliciting our members If another business is responding to

members on our page and trying to

get their business, as stated in our

community guideslines, this will not

be tolerated.

Delete and block so that

they cannot post to the

page again



Page 22: Ahmad Racheha

Dealing with crisis – social backlash


• Monitor your brand constantly.

• Listen first and then act.

• Act Fast - United Airline’s response after 50,000 views on YouTube was “We’re

working to make what happened right“. In digital space your response time is only 24

hours. If not sooner!

• Use the same media and format where crisis started to respond. The

video that destroyed Domino’s Pizza (US) reputation was posted on YouTube so Patrick

Doyle, the company’s president, used this same channel to publish his apology.

• Let someone relevant or important respond. - It’s time for CEOs and/or senior


• Be generous with the information you provide - create open and transparent

information on your website with rich and relevant information resources. Show the global

community how engaged you really are.

• Think of the crisis as an opportunity

Page 23: Ahmad Racheha

Social media is providing a platform for customers to collectively

voice their opinions to drive change and transparency

Our members were very upset we had ads on the

2GB website after Allan Jones made inappropriate

comments on radio.

Our members were taking to social media to vent

their disappointment and after the overwhelming

number of complaints we withdrew our advertising

from 2GB

Lessons learnt:

• We were surprised by how powerful the voice of the consumer

• Social media is forcing transparency and giving consumers a megaphone to voice their opinions

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We also discovered social was great at changing customer


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eCommerce and social media grow old together

70% of consumers check out product

reviews prior to purchasing online

Of that, 60% purchase products from

websites that have reviews or ratings

by previous consumers

Sources: http://www.thinkbigonline.com/social-proof-and-social-media-marketing/

Page 26: Ahmad Racheha

What have we learnt and opportunities going forward


• There is no blueprint here and we cant participate from the sidelines

• We are making good progress in engaging customers

• It is a challenge for everyone but it does require a different mindset

• How to adequately support a growing channel

• You definitely need someone who is passionate about Social and also understands digital marketing and....

• Moving away from very corporate and marketing orientated speak to a more “social conversation” that is tailored to the audience and social channel being utilised.

• Continue testing new ideas

Page 27: Ahmad Racheha

Consumers have the power

“ Most consumers (83%) intellectually know

what they need to do to be healthy—eat right,

exercise and not smoke. More than half (58%)

also believe getting regular preventive care is

important, but this figure is down significantly

from last year (68%). Also down from last year

is the importance of having good doctors.

Together these declines may indicate a trend

away from depending on health professionals

as an avenue to good health and more toward


The Consumer Health MindSet Survey 2012

Page 28: Ahmad Racheha

Thank You

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