AGM-2017-PP-Template - fileDr. Vonda Hayes MCCEE Medicine Test Committee ... • Ability to...

| © 2017 MCC | CMC #MCCam #aaCMC © 2017 MCC | CMC For the Medical Council of Canada 2017-2018: A look at the year ahead

Transcript of AGM-2017-PP-Template - fileDr. Vonda Hayes MCCEE Medicine Test Committee ... • Ability to...

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For the

Medical Council of Canada

2017-2018: A look at the year ahead

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Topics addressedat the

2017 AnnualMeeting


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Annual Meeting topics

Framing the future of MCC – Strategic planning

• Charting the future course of the MCC’s assessments, defining its in-practice

assessment role, forging new collaborations and alliances, and defining the

vision for the MCC’s Physician Credentials Repository.

• Next steps for MCC’s strategic plan:

◦ Reflection and consultation with Executive Board

◦ Further refinement of implementation strategies by MCC senior

leadership team and consultation with committees of Council

◦ Final plan will be presented to Council for approval at the

2018 Annual Meeting

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MCC governance structure

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Faculty members on Council and

Test Committees

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Faculty members on Council and Test Committees

Dalhousie University Dr. Simon Field University member of Council

Dr. Michel Chiasson MCCQE Part I Clinical Decision Making Test Committee

Dr. Vonda Hayes MCCEE Medicine Test Committee

Dr. Ann Hawkins MCCEE Pediatrics Test Committee

Dr. Shelagh Leahey MCCEE Population Health and Ethics Test Committee

Dr. Joan Wenning Objective Structured Clinical Examination Test Committee

Dr. Mohsin Rashid MCCQE Part I Pediatrics Test Committee

Dr. Fiona Bergin MCCQE Part I Population Health, Ethics, Legal and

Organizational Test Committee

Dr. Glendon Tait MCCQE Part I Psychiatry Test Committee

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Look at the yearahead for the MCC

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Assessment Evolution

• Monthly e-bulletins are issued

on upcoming changes to the

examination program that will

take effect in 2018 and 2019

• If you haven’t received these

updates and are interested in

receiving them, subscribe to

the MCC’s distribution list by

submitting your email address

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Assessment Evolution

NAC Examination – eligibility changes

Due to the launch of a flexible and internationally delivered MCCQE

Part I in the spring of 2019, the MCC is making several

complementary eligibility changes to the NAC Examination starting

with the March 2018 session:

• MCCEE will no longer be an eligibility requirement to apply to

the NAC exam

• International medical students may take the NAC exam at the

earliest within12 months of their anticipated date of graduation.

• Candidates who obtain a pass (or fail) result on the NAC exam

will be able to take it, up to a maximum of three times.

Candidates retaking the exam will, however, have to skip a

session before retaking it regardless of a pass or fail result.

These changes will support candidates, provide more flexibility and

enhance fairness.

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Assessment Evolution


• The enhanced MCCQE Part I based on the new Blueprint will launch in spring 2018

• The MCC will also be making changes to the results documents to align feedback to the new test specifications of the new exam blueprint

• A standard-setting exercise will take place in June 2018 to define an acceptable level of performance and establish the pass score for this new exam

• A new reporting scale will also be established in spring 2018 to mark the implementation of the new Blueprint. The new scale will range from 100 to 400.

• Please note that the release of the results for the spring 2018 session will be slightly delayed due to this standard-setting exercise. The release of results will be taking place in early July 2018.

*New MCCQE Part I test specifications/content weightings

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Assessment Evolution


Changes to candidate exam experience starting in 2018:

• 210 Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) (four hours) and 35 Clinical Decision

Making (CDM) cases (3.5 hours)

• Candidates will be required to make their language choice at the start of their

exam on exam day, and then take the exam in one language; the language

choice cannot be changed throughout the exam

• Ability to flag questions MCQs, and return to those questions at any point during

the MCQ portion of the exam (feature already available for CDM cases)

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Assessment Evolution

MCCQE Part I - Practice test pilot activities

• The MCC engaged final year Canadian medical students in

an initiative to pilot items for the MCCQE Part I practice tests.

Over 2000 students participated from March 20 to April 13,


• Collected data on performance of 384 newly created MCQs

• 20 locations administered the examination (total of 15


• In the winter/spring 2018, the MCC will be offering another

free piloting initiative for MCQs and CDM cases to final year

medical students. Feedback to participants will be provided

on the new Blueprint to prepare students to the new

examination in 2018.

• The MCQ Practice Test will launch in January 2018 and the

CDM Practice Test in fall 2018

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Assessment Evolution


• The enhanced MCCQE Part II based on the new

Blueprint will launch in fall 2018

• The MCC will also be making changes to the

results documents to align feedback to the new

test specifications of the new exam blueprint

• A standard-setting exercise will take place in

December 2018 to define an acceptable level of

performance and establish the pass score for

this new exam

• A new reporting scale will also be established in

spring 2018 to mark the implementation of the

new Blueprint. The new scale will range from 50

to 250.

• Please note that the release of the results for the

fall 2018 session will be slightly delayed due to

this standard-setting exercise. The release of

results will take place in January 2018.

*New MCCQE Part II test specifications/content weightings

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Assessment Evolution

MCCQE Part II – Online OSCE orientation

The MCC is expanding its candidate resources with the creation of an

online OSCE orientation program, which will be launching in early 2018.

The program will cover the following:

• The purpose and format of the OSCE

• How to navigate through an OSCE on the

day of the examination

• How to demonstrate your knowledge and skills

in different types of OSCE stations

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Assessment Evolution

Updates to the Objectives for the

Qualifying Examinations

• With the upcoming changes to the Blueprint for the MCC’s Qualifying Examinations starting in

2018, revisions have been made to the MCC’s Objectives

• The Objectives describe the attributes expected of medical graduates entering supervised and

independent practice in Canada, and can be used by candidates preparing for MCC examinations

as well as by educators and medical assessment organizations in Canada and around the world

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MCC examinations


• A new pass score of 261 is now in effect for the MCCEE. This pass score applied to

candidates starting with the May 2017 session. The reporting scale of 50-500 remains


Limited exam attempts starting in January 2018

• Beginning in January 2018, candidates may take the MCCQE Part I and Part II up to a

maximum of four times. A one-year waiting period will be required between the third and

fourth attempt. After four attempts, in exceptional personal circumstances, candidates can

request to the Central Examination Committee for special permission to make a fifth


• Exam attempts before 2018 do not count towards the total limit; the count will start in 2018.

As well, a result of “no standing” will not count as an attempt. However, failing or a status of

“denied standing” will be considered attempts.

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MCC examinations

New test security video and webpage

In May 2017, the MCC published a webpage

dedicated to test security, featuring a video

for candidates that highlights the importance

of maintaining the confidentiality of its

examination content and outlines examples of

potential security violations.

Please help us by sharing the webpage and

resources widely within the medical


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Application for medical registration

(MRA onboarding)

• The latest medical regulatory authorities to start using

the Application for Medical Registration are:

◦ the College of Physicians and Surgeons of

Prince Edward Island

◦ the Yukon Medical Council

◦ College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba

• In total, nine medical regulatory authorities have

begun using this functionality in,

with more to come

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Assessment programs

MCC 360

• The MCC has embarked on a national project to incorporate multi-source feedback into physician quality

assurance and improvement programs. The project builds on a “360-degree” evaluation tool first developed

in 1999 by the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta with the University of Calgary.

• The tool uses surveys to collect feedback from the physician him- or herself, coworkers, colleagues and

patients focused on the physician roles of collaborator, communicator and professional. Following the

survey process, a report is produced to identify areas of strength and areas to improve.

• 500 Family Medicine physicians in Alberta will undergo an MCC 360 multi-source feedback assessment

between August and December 2017 as part of a proof of concept

• The MCC 360 project team is in the process of developing national guidelines and feedback support tools.

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Assessment programs

NAC Practice Ready Assessment (PRA)

• To support the ongoing work and ensure sustainability of the

NAC PRA program, the NAC will begin charging a fee of $1,750

(as of Jan. 1, 2018) for internationally trained physicians going through a provincial PRA

program. The fee will be incurred whenever a candidate enters the PRA clinical over-time

assessment period. The NAC will not charge the fee if:

◦ Candidates fail the initial screening or selection assessments

◦ Limited capacity prevents the candidate from being allotted a “spot” in the clinical over-

time assessment

• The fee was set taking into account projected candidate volumes and the corresponding

economies of scale. The program has been developed to be economically sustainable

and will continue to evolve to meet jurisdictional needs on an ongoing basis. Watch our

NAC PRA video to learn more.

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Assessment programs


• Enhancements to the Communication and Cultural Competence orientation program platform

are underway. A new landing page, enhanced menu for ease of navigation and new content

can be found online. The latest module, Professional challenges, launched in March 2017.

• Within the next few months, a content index and glossary of terms will be available within the

program. New high definition videos will replace the current videos to create a better user


• This orientation program can also be used by candidates preparing for MCC exams

(free of charge)

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Communications initiative website redesign

The MCC recently completed a

redesign of its website, The

site launched on Sept. 6, 2017. This

initiative was integral to the MCC’s

commitment to providing timely

information to candidates and


Happy browsing!

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Useful resources

The following resources provide additional context into

MCC business activities and highlights candidate exam

preparatory resources:

• 2016-2017 Annual Report

• June 2017 Echo newsletter

• Assessment Evolution timeline

• NAC PRA video

• MCCQE Part I preparatory resources

• CDM tips video

• MCCQE Part II preparatory resources

• Communication and Cultural

Competence orientation program

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