agile transition in nsn

Agile Transformation in NSN Orit Karlin 2010 October

Transcript of agile transition in nsn

Agile Transformation in NSN

Orit Karlin

2010 October

ContentOverviewNSN - IDMoving to Agile in NSN MotivationMain Challenges in moving to Agile The Agile Transition processThe Transition Status: Achievements

and challenges

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Overview – Transition in a big companyA Transition is mandatory in a Big and

Successful companies. A transition in a big company is much

harder than in a small company…

IBM PC 1983 The first from 1981

Rainbow Digital 1982

NSN - IDName Nokia Siemens Networks

Fact Second largest telecommunications equipment supplier in the world

Date 19 June 2006

Established joint venture between Siemens’s com division and Nokia Network Business group

Operations In about 150 countries

Employees About 60,000

Location 5 central hubs: Finland, Germany, India, China and Portugal

World Leading Products

MBB, LTE, Building the best Network that will support best the future smartphones

Customer base More than 1,400 customers in 150 countries

Revenues More than 12.5 billion Euro

NSN – Sales in India

NSN – The Israeli site

More than 300 employeesMost from R&D and Research departments Networking expertsMost from Packet Networks Business LineManaging Beijing development center

Merge of Seabridg – Siemens and ATRICA

Dror Nemorivsky- Head of Packet Networks and the Site

Moving to Agile in NSN – Motivation

Top Management Decision in NSN

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Agile is indeed crossing the chasm….and its starting to show

Agile Motivation – Water FAll advantages

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

WF advantages in a big Organizations: Planning is possible Monitoring is possible Organization structure is clear Global management is

possible Commitment to the customers

Agile Motivation – Agile advantages

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Agile advantages in a big Organizations: Focuses on the customer needs Shorter development cycle Better quality Being Flexible for changes Delivering to the market a relevant product

Main Challenges in the Agile Transition in NSN 1/3

“Start-Ups” in a one big companyDepartments that are not part of the

organizationHaving Non-Agile Organizational Structure

Teams outside the transition

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Main Challenges in the Agile Transition in NSN 2/3

Global Agile development

Changing the Organization personality

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Main Challenges in the Agile Transition in NSN 3/3Global processCoachers from different cultures

The managers are between a rock and a hard place

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Agile implementation in NSN – ConsultingA local consulting company:Agile not as a “Religion” Not a “training company”Expert in SW development process

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Agile implementation in NSN – Step WiseStep Wise approach

Birth and youth phase Convincing and training Pilots Keeping the existing organizational structure Self contain and centralize features The top management are involved Partial Multidisciplinary Scrum teams MOO

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Agile implementation in NSN – N

Step Wise approach Maturity phase

Expansion of the MOO The organization terminology is changed Good results from the first phase and conclusions The whole development is in Agile mode More cooperation from different departments

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Agile implementation current statusSeparated Scrum teams in IL and BJNAgile planning:

Currently 55% of the development is in Agile80% will be until 06/1190% will be until 12/11

The organization structure is not changed

Most of the departments are involved in the process

The testing is not involved enoughPO from Marketing

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin






Daily work-technical discussion-changed content-Architecture -Development : code & documents -Testing

The environment Deliverables:• Translating “Programs”

into Sprint Deliverables• Align and agree features• Prioritize Product Backlog

Selected Model - Scrum teams environment


Final Testing Scrum environment

RM Planning



Agile Enablement ApproachDefine initial methodologyChoose the pilot wisely

Minimize the problem

Identify change-leaders - empowermentIdentify pockets of objections – WIFMTweak as you goCelebrate success, learn the lessons

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

The AchievementsWithin second sprint actual vs. planned

gap is smallBetter visibility of project statusMaintain predictability/forecastDemonstratable intermediate deliveriesBetter quality in intermediate deliveriesPrioritization worksLesser islands of knowledgeTeam expresses satisfactionGet marketing on-board

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Upcoming ChallengesFull QA integrationContinuous integrationIntegrated streamReduce islands of knowledgeDistributed ScrumScrum of scrumsTeam expresses satisfaction

NSN Israel SW Dev. Status Orit Karlin

Thank you

[email protected] of program NSN & Juniper JV