Aghora - A Book Review

- 0 - Vol. II No. 3 Date: 9 th July, 2012 Published By: SUDDHA SANATANA DHARMA SEVA SAMSTHA, Hyderabad, India. (This Magazine is for free circulation and not for sale) E-Mail: [email protected] Ph.No.: +919866445800 Aghora A book review

Transcript of Aghora - A Book Review

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Vol. II No. 3 Date: 9th

July, 2012

Published By: SUDDHA SANATANA DHARMA SEVA SAMSTHA, Hyderabad, India. (This Magazine is for free circulation and not for sale)

E-Mail: [email protected] Ph.No.: +919866445800

Aghora – A book review

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- Sanjay Bharatha

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A Book Review

- By : Sanjay Bharatha

AGHORA – At the Left Hand of God

Part – I

Dr. Rovert. E. Svaboda, Author

This is the first in the series of three articles

about the AGHORA Trilogy written By Dr. Robert

E Svaboda, whose amazing Teacher and Mentor

was an accomplished Aghori around whose life

and teachings these three books revolve.

Having lived amongst us only a few decades ago,

Sri Vimalananda, the said Aghori can be said to be

the latest and only authority in the outer world

on this much misunderstood subject at the

present time. And these books having come from

him contain an amazing and intricate details

expounded in a very lucid and inspiring manner.

Right from the very introduction this book opens

new vistas of understanding about life and its

ultimate purpose and how Aghora is the quickest

for those who are meant for it and dare to go all

the way facing all the odds. Even though the path

of Aghora is meant to be treaded by a select few,

it immensely helps one to understand this

Spiritual Science along with some of its

non-conventional practices so that, firstly, it will

eradicate all the misconceptions with which this

great science is associated and secondly, it

teaches a lot about the life and the existence as a

whole. This complete understanding helps us

relate effectively with ourselves, the world and

lead a life in such a way that we evolve speedily

and avoid the road blocks on our way to achieve

the purpose of our Life.

The first volume of this trilogy traces the life

incidents of Sri Vimalananda in his own words

midst his explanation about this Spiritual Science

of Aghora and what it takes to achieve by

following this path.

Sri Vimalananda belonged to a super rich

multibillionaire business family of Bombay and

his parents willingly relinquished all their wealth

for choosing to become the disciples of Sri

Haranath Thakur of Bengal as per his

precondition. Coming from such a spiritual and

wealthy family to becoming an Aghori who has to

roam as a naked Sadhu, is a very amazing and

breathtaking story where the mysterious world

of Tantra and Aghora unfolds, perhaps for the

first time with such authentic first hand details

coming from this great Siddha’s own lips.

[An Ashram of Sri Haranath Thakur is at a place

called Shivam, in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,

India and it was founded by the mother of Sri

Vimalananda for the benefit of her Guru Sri

Harnath Thakur’s Devotees. I happen to frequent

this Ashram in the past and had seen a picture of

Sri Vimalananda’s mother in this ashram. She is

greatly respected here and is referred to as

Vimalamma, which is her name.

Sri Harnath Thakur

In the year 1995 I enquired one very old devotee

called Sri Yashodamma, who used to stay in this

Ashram, about Sri Vimalamma and her family.

This old lady, she being advanced spiritually and

was also very senior who knew Sri Vimalamma

well, said that Sri Vimalamma’s Guru told Sri

Vimalamma that he would be born to her and that

he was actually born to her as per his word and

that no one knew this fact and that her son was

very much misunderstood to be a drunkard and

gambler but in fact he was none other than Sri

Harnath Thakur himself.

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When she said this, I was very much surprised

and puzzled but upon reflection I could find an

interesting connection between Sri Harnath

Thakur and Sri Vimalananda, it was that both had

same Guru, the same Mahapurusha, who actually

is said to have cut Sri Harnath Thakur, who was

dead at that time due to an accident, into 24

pieces and after throwing away 3 pieces, again

joined the remaining pieces back and made Sri

Harnath Thakur live again. This story is familiar

to all devotees of Sri Harnath Thakur but only

those who read this book Aghora can know that

this Mahapurusha is none other than the Gurudev

of Sri Vimalananda, whom he refers to as

Mahapurusha in this book]

The fantastic story about Sri Vimalananda he

came to get the direct vision of the Mother

Goddess in the form of Smashan Tara, albeit,

owing to a conspiracy of one false and

treacherous Tantra practitioner called Jina

Chandra Suri, is in itself an awe-inspiring


Ma Smashan Tara

This auto-biographical narration is full of

warnings in the form of various anecdotes meant

for those non-serious, frivolous or just curious

types who might think of attempting these

dangerous Tantra and Aghora Practices without

the proper preparation and most importantly

proper guidance of a capable Guru to save the

practitioner in case of any crisis which are so

many for a novice on this intricate path.

Sri Vimalananda candidly explains about the

various elements and concepts of Aghora which

are actually very much relevant for any sincere

and serious spiritual practitioner because he

states all the universal truths about the basics of

nature and existence. The concepts dealt with by

him are such as, who is a Bhairavi?

What is the role and purpose of Pancha Makaras of

Tantra including Maithuna or Sexual acts, the

misconception about which gave a notorious

reputation to Tantra?, the concept of

Runanubandhana, the invaluable insights into

Cosmic Duality of Shiva and Shakti and the stories

about his incredible Mentors, whom he said he

was lucky to get, are the highlights of the first

volume along with the chapter about the all

powerful and omnipotent Prakriti Shakti , The

Ultimate Divine Power, which our India possesses

which is the guarding angle of our Country.

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A special reference is warranted to the topic of sex

in general and sex in tantra in particular. A whole

chapter is dedicated to point to us the finer points

about sex, its use and its abuse and as to how little

the modern world knows about this vital fact of

life in spite of all the so-called progress of science

and civilization.

To sum it up, the whole range of knowledge about

Tantra and Aghora with all the important

guidelines is distilled into this life story of the

great and mysterious Siddha Purusha Aghori Sri

Vimalananda. This will be one life changing book if

one is destined enough to get one. In India it is

published by Rupa & Co.

It should be interest to the followers of Suddha

Dharma to know that Sri Vimalananda in this book

hints about a particular sadhana of Mother

Goddess in which a devotee experiences all her

forms. He says that this was asked for as a boon

and achieved by only two individuals, out of two

Sri Vimalananda talks about only one and about

the other he says he cannot tell us (may be, he has

his own reasons). But he also says that that

particular Vidya is technically known as ‘Sarva

Vidya’. And we, the students of Suddha Dharma

know that the Supreme Goddess Sri Yoga Devi is

referred to as ‘Sarva Vidyadhi Devata’, i.e., ‘the

Supreme Goddess of Sarva Vidya’.

In this connection I found one more interesting

reference by Sri Vimalananda, when in he also

hints at a ‘Rishi Mandala’, a group of Rishis, who

actually control the whole of Cosmos and he says

that these are the one who are the lord over the

entire Cosmos and in fact it is they who loan the

power to the gods so that the gods can perform

their mandated tasks.

He also talks about the principal Rishi who sits at

the centre of this Mandala and who controls or

leads all the other Rishis. This is found to be

extremely interesting when I saw it in the light of

my awareness about the existence of Suddha

Dharma Mandalam.

This is one of the very few places, other than

Theosophical Society and the Organization of

Alice. A. Bailey, where I found any reference to

such a Mandala or Organization of Rishis who are

said to be the in-charges of the functioning of the


And my interest became even more profound

when I found in the literature of Suddha Dharma,

the mention of the section of aspirants of the

Mandala who are worshippers of Shakti, the

Divine mother, in her ten principal forms of Great

Goddesses. Sri Vimalananda is also the

worshipper of one among those ten great forms of

Mother Goddess, namely, Ma Tata, in her aspect of

Smashan Tara.

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AGHORA II – Kundalini Part – II

This is second book of the Aghora Trilogy written

by Dr. Robert E Svaboda. In this volume II of

Aghora Trilogy called Kundalini, the Art and

Science of Self Realization or the ultimate

achievement of Human Life is explained.

The Science whose application results in meeting

of the Kundalini, which is made to rise up to

Sahasrara in the head from Muladhara in the

spine, where it was hitherto lying dormant, in

order to fuse with Shiva or the Supreme


On the cosmic scale this unity of Shakti or

(Kundalini) and Shiva is known as Sadashiva and

on the individual level it is known as



In this volume an extreme form of devotion, even

by the standards of Tantra, is explained as a

means to achieve this unity of Kundalini and Shiva.

This form of fierce devotion is called Aghora.

The Aghori, the practitioner of Aghora, as

presented by Sri Vimalananda in this volume is

required to create his whole being i.e., body, mind,

etc in such a way so as to experience the extreme

levels of consciousness and to tolerate the

enormous intensities of energies connected with

this process. If these energies are not dealt with

properly they result in varieties of problems

including madness. Hence this path is meant only

for those who are with ultimate zeal and utmost

devotion to Mother Goddess whose blessings are

imperative for success in this path.

The author writes that "Aghoris are psyche

explorers who go down into the blackness of their

individual conceits to find their way to true

freedom. Aghora literally means non- terrifying.

An Aghori takes the most terrifying experiences

possible and transmutes them into devotion to


This volume provides a very priceless and vital

knowledge for all those who are serious about the

science of self realization, irrespective of whether

he is a follower of Aghora path or not.

This Volume covers in amazing and never before

revealed detail, the following topics like in chapter

1 the details about the beginning of the spiritual

sadhana by purifying the fire element in our body.

Chapter 2 deals with Kundalini and related topics

like Ahankara, Nadis and Chakras, the raising of

Kundalini, Samadhi and Kula Kundalini. Chapter 3

deals with the preliminaries like food and its

importance, the role of Panchamakaras in tantra

in purification of Pancha Bhootas. Chapter 4 deals

with Sadhana, where various Sadhanas are spoken

of and especially Aghora Sadhanas. Also the

importance of Japa, relation between Name and

Form, Gayatri and the art making everything we

do into a Sadhana. Chapter 5 deals with all about

Mantra, method of practice of Mantra Yoga, rules

for the same, etc and the 6th Chapter deals with

Tantra, the important days and times for Sadhana,

the importance of Nyasa and Mental worship.

Chapter 7 is an interesting one about Music and

it's relation to Sound and Nadis, Nada Yoga, the

relationship between Sri Krishna & Gopis and the

Nadis and finally it’s relation to Shiva and Krishna.

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AGHORA III - The Law of Karma

This is the concluding part of a series of 3 articles

about the Books written by Dr. Robert E Svaboda

on the life and teachings of the extra ordinary

Siddha Purusha Sri Aghori Vimalananda.

This last book of this trilogy deals in detail about

the mysterious Law of Karma about which it is

said “Gahana Karmano Gatih" that means the ways

of Karma are deep and mysterious. This is the Law

which is responsible for the birth, existence and

dissolution of all the universes including the

individual human life. And it is on this mysterious

law that all the relationships are based and are

continuously determined and transformed.

In this book, the concept of Runanubandhana or

Karmic Debts and Balances is clearly explained

and it revolves around the life of various

characters in Sri Vimalananda's life and also those

in the stories which he tells to make us

understand this complex law of Karma.

In order to explain to us this Law of Karma, Sri

Vimalananda takes the backdrop of a horse Race

Course at Pune as a stage and various individuals

frequenting there as actors, including the horses

that run the races.

Sri Vimalananda refers to this Law of Karma as

being akin to Einstein's Third Law of Motion that

says every action has an equal and opposite


There are a number of stories and anecdotes in

this book by means of which the knowledge is

imparted in a delightful manner. The vital

knowledge that is necessary to learn the Art of

Living, which enables us to break free of the

Karmic bondage of the past and that which

teaches us how to lead our lives, is vouchsafed in

this book.

The author Dr. Robert Svaboda says that he got his

orientation towards reality from his mentor Sri

Vimalananda and this is evident from the words of

Sri Vimalananda who says that it is always better

to live with reality otherwise, without fail, reality

will come to live with you. In a nutshell this says

everything about the Law of Karma.

Chapter 8 deals with the Immortals, the Rishis,

Munis, Naths and the Siddhas and their hierarchy.

And also the Avatars, etc. This is very informative

and amazing chapter. Chapter 9 deals with

Esoteric Ramayana and it’s analogy with

individual spiritual progress. Chapter 10, the last

one tells elaborately about Gurus and Disciples

and their relationship and the discipline involved.

The book also has beautiful illustrations about

Natha Yogis and a number of Yantras too.

The Author of this Book, Dr. Robert E Svaboda,

says that His mentor Aghori Vimalananda believed

that real change can come only through those

individuals who are brave enough to examine all

of their reality assumptions and change those

which must be changed. Vimalananda wanted his

teachings to be spread to anyone willing to listen

and he charged the author with the responsibility

of presenting his musings to those willing to listen

and He also wanted the author to have something

solid to remember him by, so that whenever the

author wants to be with him again he only needs

to open the book.

With my experience of re-reading these books

almost every year I too vouch for this fact that

this is the best way to be in the benign presence of

this extra ordinary and mysterious being called

Vimalananda. Once you taste his benevolence and

amazing persona it is hard for you not to seek His

presence and guidance in all important matters of

your life, albeit, through these amazing Aghora

books. Hence I made it a ritual of reading these 3

books every year just to be within His Aura. I hope

all those who read these amazing and very

authentic books with love and devotion will find

that their spiritual life has developed wings to

take them soaring into the sky of bliss.

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Sri Vimalananda also drives his point home very

candidly that one should not try to force ones will

on others as it will create a series of karmas and

further entangle you for many many years. This is

made evident by the examples from his own

eventful life and a number of other stories that he

tells in course of his teachings.

I feel that it is impossible to describe the immense

good and usefulness of these books for the current

generation at this time and age, when the world,

including our individual lives, is in utter chaos.

And we have no idea what to make of this World

or Spirituality etc. These books act as amazing

guides to help us lead our lives according to

Dharma or the natural Law of the Universe and

lead a meaningful and successful life. Hence these

books need to be studied time and again as regular

parayana granthas, so that the wealth of

knowledge contained in these can be slowly


My sincere thanks are due to the Sri Vimalananda

for his presence and knowledge in the form of

these books and to Dr. Robert E Svaboda for

salvaging such a priceless knowledge and

guidance that came from Sri Vimalananda and

most importantly for presenting to us a glimpse of

peerless Sri Vimalananda.

Lord Sanishwara (Concluded)

Sri Vimalananda insisted that it is always wise to

cooperate with the Universal flow or Gods plan

and that whatever God does is for the best.

Sri Vimalananda followed Sankhya and taught that

our world or the Prakriti in which karma takes

place is as real as the Absolute Reality or Purusha

but Purusha is the only one who is outside the

ambit of Karma.

This books details Karmic classification minutely

by giving an analogy about rice. Here Sanchita

Karma is akin to rice that has been harvested and

stored. Prarabdha Karma is that portion of rice

removed from storage and readied for eating and

Kriyamana Karma (individual effort at any given

point of time) which includes Agami Karma ( that

which has to be experienced in future) is like the

rice that is now being planted in the field to

produce a future crop.

He writes that each time you are ready to be

reborn your Prarabdha Karmas forge for you a

mind and body and the conditions in which they

will live. This is the connection between our

karma and reincarnation.

The various facets of this knowledge of karma are

dealt in detail in this book, for example, the

intricacies of how our mind, body and samskaras

are formed depending upon our karmas and the

Runanubandhana and the karmic transfers that

determine the collective life in the society and

world as a whole. In this connection the section

about genetics is very interesting and awe-


The tale of how even large tracts of lands and

cities like Mumbai ( which is here referred to as a

City of Delusion or Maya) can also be affected by

the curses and keep tainting to the present day

even the very food that is produced there opens

new vistas of understanding this very complex

Law of Karma and it's mysterious ways of working

itself out, makes for a very interesting reading.

The important role of Sanishwara or planet Saturn

in this scheme of Karmic drama is also very

informative. And the fact of lives getting entwined

in complex karmas is brought home by the story of

Visha Kanyas and how Alaxander the Great was

poisoned by an Indian King by gifting him a Visha
