AGENDA - SRTC · 2017. 7. 2. · Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities...

For special accommodation/translation services, call (509) 343-6370 or fax (509) 343-6400, 48 hours in advance. SRTC assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. AGENDA DATE: July 18, 2016 TO: Members of the Transportation Advisory Committee FROM: Kitty Klitzke, Chair SUBJECT: TAC Meeting Monday July 25, 2016 3 p.m. SRTC Office, Paulsen Building, 421 W. Riverside, Ste. 500 1. Call to Order 3:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call/Record of Attendance 3:00 3:02 p.m. 3. Public Comments 3:02 3:07 p.m. 4. Approval of May 2016 Minutes 3:07 3:10 p.m. 5. Project Delivery 101 Guest Speakers: Steve Worley, City of Spokane Valley; Chad Coles, Spokane County; Brandon Blankenagel, City of Spokane; Keith Martin, WSDOT 3:10 3:35 p.m. 6. Horizon 2040 and Guiding Principle Update 2017 Staff: Eve Nelson 3:35 4:10 p.m. 7. TAC Member Comments/Roundtable 4:10 4:20 p.m. 8. Staff Report 4:20 4:25 p.m. 9. Future Agenda Items 4:25 4:30 p.m. 10. Adjournment 4:30 p.m. Next Meeting: September 26, 2016

Transcript of AGENDA - SRTC · 2017. 7. 2. · Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities...

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For special accommodation/translation services, call (509) 343-6370 or fax (509) 343-6400, 48 hours in advance. SRTC assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Civil Rights Restoration

Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


DATE: July 18, 2016

TO: Members of the Transportation Advisory Committee

FROM: Kitty Klitzke, Chair

SUBJECT: TAC Meeting – Monday July 25, 2016 – 3 p.m. SRTC Office, Paulsen Building, 421 W. Riverside, Ste. 500

1. Call to Order 3:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call/Record of Attendance 3:00 – 3:02 p.m.

3. Public Comments 3:02 – 3:07 p.m.

4. Approval of May 2016 Minutes 3:07 – 3:10 p.m.

5. Project Delivery 101Guest Speakers: Steve Worley, City of Spokane Valley;Chad Coles, Spokane County; Brandon Blankenagel,City of Spokane; Keith Martin, WSDOT

3:10 – 3:35 p.m.

6. Horizon 2040 and Guiding Principle Update 2017 Staff: Eve Nelson

3:35 – 4:10 p.m.

7. TAC Member Comments/Roundtable 4:10 – 4:20 p.m.

8. Staff Report 4:20 – 4:25 p.m.

9. Future Agenda Items 4:25 – 4:30 p.m.

10. Adjournment 4:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: September 26, 2016

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Spokane Regional Transportation Council Transportation Advisory Committee

Monday, May 23 2016, 3 p.m. The Paulsen Building, 421 W. Riverside, Ste. 500

1. Call to Order.

TAC Vice-Chair Brandi Colyar called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call/Record of Attendance/Introductions.

TAC Members Present Absences Year to Date Brandi Colyar Rosemarie Schmidt

1 0

John Dietzman 0 Paul Kropp 0 Greg Francis 0 Hank Greer Bob Race

1 0

Margaret Watson Jamie McIntyre

0 0

TAC Members Absent Ben Wick Kitty Klitzke Kennet Bertelsen Shawn Dobbs

1 1 1 1

Replacement TAC Members Present James Simon 1

Replacement TAC Members Absent Zachary Ziegler 2

Guests Rich Burnett, Citizen Karen Wigen, Spokane County Char Kay, WSDOT

Staff Ryan Stewart Staci Lehman Amanda Mansfield

3. Public CommentsMs. Lehman explained TAC is doing public comments at the beginning of the meetingto be in line with what other committees are doing but that there will be another

Agenda Item 4

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chance for comment at the end of the meeting under the “TAC Member Comments/Roundtable” item. There were no comments.

4. Approval of April 2016 Minutes. Ms. Colyar asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Francis made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Race seconded. The minutes passed unanimously. Ms. Colyar abstained as she was absent from the April meeting. 5. Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan: Target Zero (Karen Wigen,

Spokane County and Char Kay, WSDOT) Ms. Wigen described the origin and purpose of the Traffic Safety Task Force and stated that the Task Force follows the Governor’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan. She stated the goal was to have zero fatalities and serious injuries by 2030 (24 fewer fatalities and 120 fewer serious injuries each year). She stated they would achieve that goal through: education, enforcement, engineering, Emergency Medical Services, and leadership/policy as well as new technology. She reviewed what the Task Force does: strategic plan, meetings, and enforcement and media campaigns. She identified priority contributors associated with the largest number of fatalities in the state (at least 30%). Priority One: impaired driver involved, run-off-the-road collisions, speeding involved, young driver 16-25 involved, distracted driver involved, intersection related, traffic data systems. Priority Two: unrestrained vehicle occupants, unlicensed driver involved, opposite direction, motorcyclists, pedestrians, EMS and Trauma Care Systems. She stated we have gone up 105 fatalities in 2015 and up 8 in Spokane County. She stated that young drivers and distracted driving are a contributing factor and need to be focused on in the strategic plan. Mr. Dietzman asked how you differentiate when there are multiple factors involved. Ms. Wigen answered it counts under each contributing factor type. Mr. Race asked if they track DUIs between alcohol and marijuana. Ms. Wigen answered

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that they do. Ms. Watson asked for confirmation that the speed limit increase proposal to 75mph was not approved. Ms. Wigen confirmed. Mr. Kropp asked for an explanation for speed going down as a contributing factor in Spokane County. Ms. Wigen answered it has always been our number one factor but now it is not and that she did not know why. Ms. Char Kay presented on how WSDOT implements Target Zero. She stated WSDOT studies corridors and analyzes safety issues on those corridors. Ms. Kay described the US 195 Corridor Crash Analysis done through the Target Zero lens. Study objectives included: identifying hot spots and correlations between collisions and behaviors, as well as potential preemptive mitigation and countermeasures to achieve Target Zero goals. Countermeasures included low-cost engineering solutions such as: safe passing lane opportunities as opposed to lane expansion. They found that education targeted to students is a key countermeasure as well. She described their community engagement survey used to assess additional opportunities to mitigate accidents and fatalities (i.e. ITS solutions to educate drivers about weather conditions). She also noted the importance of funding additional EMT certification training so they are better equipped to administer medical services. She stated that Palouse RTPO applied for Washington Transportation Council grants to pursue some of the countermeasures identified. Ms. Kay also noted the importance of providing sufficient public transportation to persons who should not be driving. Ms. Watson asked what speed limit means to Ms. Kay. Ms. Kay answered that roadway design on high speed roadways (70 miles per hour) is able to provide for ten miles over the limit. She stated we are over-designing our roadways and that we could save money if we design roadways to fit the lower permitted speed. Ms. Watson asked if the Washington State Patrol would stop someone going 80 in a 70 mph zone. Ms. Kay answered they would. Mr. Race complimented WSDOT on the rumble strips and their positive safety impact. Ms. Kay stated that this is a very successful mitigation measure. Mr. Dietzman asked if there is data on how effective ITS solutions are, like automatic braking. Ms. Wigen answered that it is only safe if we all have automatic braking. 6. Draft SFY 2017 UPWP (action item) (Amanda Mansfield) Ms. Mansfield presented on the SRTC SFY 2017 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), highlighting the following:

the federally required components of the UPWP

the task categories that the work tasks in the UPWP are organized under

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the UPWP schedule

updates made to the document

the positive feedback received from FHWA, STA, and WSDOT at the on-site review meeting

Mr. Kropp asked that we make the following changes:

Clarify that the dates included after Expected Outcomes/Schedule are the anticipated completion dates.

Change order of following Expected Outcomes so that the January 2017 item is listed first:

o Initiate tasks to update the MTP (December 2017) o Develop and initiate a call for projects for the 2017 MTP (January 2017)

Mr. Kropp moved that the SFY 2017 UPWP be recommended to the Board for approval. Ms. Watson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Francis asked that the format be cleaned up in the budget table in Appendix A. Ms. Mansfield stated that the table would be cleaned up before it goes to the Board. Ms. Lehman asked to do the vote again to confirm that it was unanimous and there were no “nays” or abstentions.. Ms. Colyar asked if there were any more comments and asked for restate motion and second. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Tracking of TAC Work Program (Staci Lehman) Ms. Lehman reviewed the 2017 TAC Work Program items:

Member Orientation (completed January)

Federal Certification Review (completed; February email)

Project Tracking (completed; February email)

Year in Review (completed January)

2015 Plan Amendment Consistency Review (to be completed May staff report)

Horizon 2040 Implementation Toolkit Study Draft (completed January)

Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (February/March)

SFY 2017 UPWP (completed May with recommendation to Board)

Draft Horizon 2040 Amendment (completed March with recommendation to Board)

Upcoming TAC Meeting Topics:

July (TBD; we may bring Guiding Principles discussion/presentation to the TAC)

September (TIP)

November (TIP Guidebook)

Ongoing/Date TBD: o community engagement o development of SRTC website (behind schedule; SRTC is still soliciting


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o plan update/amendment consistency review (Ms. Mansfield stated that SRTC will be reviewing the updates through 2017 for the majority of the jurisdictions and perhaps through 2019 for smaller jurisdictions)

o Active Transportation Plan (Ms. Mansfield stated this is still in process) o presentation/education opportunities (Ms. Lehman stated we will fit them

in as we have time)

Mr. Kropp asked for a City of Spokane presentation on the Monroe St. project and Larry Krauter to present on Spokane International Airport and its myriad functions. Ms. Lehman stated she would follow-up with Mr. Krauter. Mr. Francis asked for a presentation on STA’s ballot initiative and Central City Line plans. Ms. McIntyre asked if we could look at community engagement and how to be more transparent to the general public. Ms. Lehman stated she would communicate with Ms. McIntyre more about that. 8. TAC Member Comments/Roundtable Mr. Dietzman asked for a handout on LOS. Ms. Mansfield stated she would speak about that during Staff Report.

9. Staff Report Ms. Mansfield June TIP amendment:

Spokane – Maxwell-Mission Ave. Lane Reduction, Maple St. to Washington St.

Spokane – Monroe St. Lane Reduction and Hardscape, Indiana Ave. to Klernan Ave.

Spokane Valley – SR27 (Pines Road) and Grace Avenue

Ms. Lehman stated that the amendment is on our website and the public comment period is open through May 29. SRTC LOS Aggregate of 2015 Comprehensive Plan Amendments:

SRTC is required to review LOS methodologies and certify transportation elements of comprehensive plans are consistent with Horizon 2040 & RCW including GMA

As part of the required process, SRTC reviews individual comprehensive plan amendments for consistency and for LOS and conducts yearly aggregate regional LOS analysis of amendments that have land use changes

Findings: no regional LOS failures (vehicular travel time and volume, vehicle miles traveled, vehicle hours traveled, system-wide transit ridership, regional bicycle and pedestrian mode share. If there had been a failure, SRTC would

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work with the jurisdiction to develop potential mitigation measures.

This report will go to the Board for informational purposes Mr. Kropp asked for confirmation that these amendments were for potential adoption in 2016. Ms. Mansfield answered that most were adopted in 2015 and we are calling them 2015 amendments based on when they were submitted to the jurisdiction. Mr. Francis asked if we had already done a review of Morningside and not found any significant issues along Indian Trail. Ms. Mansfield answered we reviewed each of the amendments individually for regional LOS impact and for consistency with Horizon 2040, RCW including GMA and with regard to this project did not find a technical LOS failure. Mr. Dietzman asked if the Morningside traffic study was used in our review. Mr. Stewart answered that the traffic analysis came out after SRTC conducted its analysis. He stated that SRTC looks at regional mobility corridors, which Indian Trail is not. Mr. Dietzman pointed out that Francis is and the Francis-Indian Trail intersection is part of the problem. Mr. Stewart stated that we established thresholds for the different LOS measures and that we have a lot of capacity for LOS within our system. He stated this amount of new residential coming into the area did not cause LOS failures on our regional mobility corridors and that there were changes but nothing that crossed LOS D, the threshold for some of our rural and urban corridors. He stated that the LOS threshold is dependent on whether corridor is urban or rural & uninterrupted or interrupted, definitions established in coordination with WSDOT & local jurisdictions. Mr. Dietzman asked if Barnes Road figured into our equation. Mr. Stewart answered that Barnes Road is not a regional mobility corridor. Mr. Dietzman stated that it is another source of traffic that may impact Indian Trail. Mr. Stewart stated there are certainly localized impacts, at individual intersections or certain links in the regional model but we are careful not to say that what the regional model outputs is what will happen on the street. Mr. Stewart stated SRTC takes exports out of the regional model and provides them to the jurisdictions who post-process the regional model data to use in a local traffic analysis tool (i.e. Syncro) to ascertain operational level impacts. They use that information for traffic impact analysis, which is a much more specific level of detail than SRTC provides. Mr. Dietzman asked for clarification that this detailed information will be in the traffic study. Mr. Stewart answered yes. He stated SRTC has seen indication that the draft is out there but that he is not sure if the City made it public. Mr. Kropp stated that the TAC has not had a chance to understand the whole MTP and asked for a presentation on the regional mobility corridors in July. Ms. Mansfield asked if he wanted a regional LOS mobility corridor presentation. Mr. Kropp answered yes and added that the TAC should hear how the corridors were chosen. Ms. Colyar stated we have new faces in the TAC and that Ms. Nelson’s Congestion Management Process (CMP) presentation could be revamped for the TAC as well.

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MTP Guiding Principles and Policies

Horizon 2040 is being updated and SRTC staff considering consolidating and editing the Guiding Principles (GP) and policies. SRTC staff will come to the TAC in July with a Guiding Principles 101 presentation and in September with proposed consolidation and edits to the principles and policies to obtain TAC input. Ms. Lehman stated this group was a leading force in putting together the GP, but with new people, it can’t hurt to revisit the principles and policies.

Mr. Dietzman asked when the Guiding Principles were approved. Ms. Lehman stated that Horizon 2040 was approved in 2013 and it was about a year before that the Guiding Principles were approved.

Mr. Kropp stated that the Guiding Principles tables are not always coordinated and asked that we be careful to address this next time. Mr. Dietzman asked how much of the Guiding Principles are dictated by the Federal government. Mr. Stewart stated when SRTC drafted the principles staff took into consideration high-level State and Federal transportation planning factors and State plan goals and objectives. He stated that SRTC also considered sustainability-focused Housing and Urban Development (HUD) goals. He stated that SRTC staff may have been too inclusive and as part of the Horizon 2040 update, will include the opportunity to refresh it, make sure it is relevant and that staff is able to implement it.

Ms. Lehman

Ms. Lehman stated that SRTC will be at Felts Field Neighbor Day on June 4, 9-5. Ms. Watson stated that the Aviation Museum will have soft opening as well.

Future Agenda Items

The group reiterated the suggestions for upcoming agenda items discussed earlier.

10. Adjournment

Ms. Colyar adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m.

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DATE: July 18, 2016

TO: Members of the Transportation Advisory Committee

FROM: Eve Nelson, Senior Transportation Planner

SUBJECT: Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Guiding Principles Update, 2017

Summary Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are required to review and update their Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) at least every four years in air quality maintenance areas to confirm the plan’s validity and consistency with current and forecasted transportation and land use conditions and trends. SRTC staff has initiated the process to update Horizon 2040 to fulfill federal requirements under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act by December 2017.

Horizon 2040 is both the MTP and the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the Spokane metropolitan planning area. It is a plan for integrated, accessible and multi-modal transportation through a 20 year planning horizon. In the chart below, staff has identified major work tasks and draft timelines for the development of the update. A new change in this update will be adding performance management and project prioritization to meet federal requirements. These tasks will incorporate coordinated and cooperative planning with SRTC committees, as well as including public outreach.

* F denotes final

Agenda Item 6

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July TAC – Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Guiding Principle Update, 2017 Memo 2

With this schedule in mind, SRTC is proceeding with an update to the Guiding Principles. Previously, the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) developed the Guiding Principles for Horizon 2040. The Guiding Principles address both federal and state planning factors and are specific statements to guide regional decision makers toward an envisioned future. Local agencies, both urban and rural and Tribes, are asked how their projects, plans and programs are consistent with the Guiding Principles of SRTC. This occurs in various project applications for funding as well as in the Comprehensive Plan review process.

In preparation for the Horizon 2040 update, staff is requesting the TAC to review the Guiding Principles to:

add new policies if needed;

eliminate any redundancy in policies;

ensure the policies are aligned with the core functions of the agency and do notreach beyond the scope of the agency; and

ensure mechanisms are in place to address the policies.

The attachment provided outlines the current Guiding Principle language and the specific subset of numbered polices. The attachment reports current policies, staff recommended notes on how to improve the policies, and newly suggested draft language. At the next few TAC meetings, staff will gather your feedback on each of the numbered policies within the Guiding Principles and the proposed new language. Some policies may require more in-depth discussions than others.

Public Involvement The MTP update will be subject to a public review. Additionally, SRTC will facilitate roundtable meetings to obtain feedback from the public and include a thirty day comment period before the plan is presented to the SRTC Board for approval. All committee meetings regarding the Plan update will be open to the public.

Policy Implications Horizon 2040 sets the direction for regional transportation planning and investments. The Horizon 2040 Guiding Principles will be revisited to eliminate redundancies, include missing policy areas, and to ensure the policies are aligned with SRTC core functions and are not beyond the scope of the agency.

Technical Implications The performance driven process in the updated Horizon 2040 will assist the SRTC Board to determine funding levels of various transportation programs and in selecting regionally-significant projects over the next 20 year horizon.

Prior Committee Actions This is the first informational meeting on this subject.

Requested Action For information and discussion.

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Guiding Principle Worksheets

Economic Vitality-Current Recommendation Notes Economic Vitality-Updated Draft


Prioritize transportation investments by mode that

enhance accessibility and connections between city

centers, regional centers, attractions, towns, and areas of

regional employment No change

Prioritize transportation investments by mode that enhance

accessibility and connections between city centers, regional

centers, attractions, towns, and areas of regional



Create an environment that support new and expanding

business opportunities

Generalize policy we do not track

business opportunities, 1a covers

this more generally, so remove.


Make transportation investments that support both

maintaining existing jobs and creating jobs

Add economic development

potential since those are areas we

can define, remove jobs since we

do not track maintaining or

existing jobs. Support areas of potential economic development


Improve transportation quality and efficiency in areas of

existing developments

Generalize policy , 1a covers this

so remove.

1e Support the efficiency of freight movement No change Support the efficiency of freight movement

Use these worksheets to evaluate the Guiding Principle descriptive language followed by the specific policies with numbers (e.g., 1a). Refer

to the memo for the reasons for this exercise. These worksheets indicate the current policies, staff recommendation for any changes

followed by newly updated draft language.

Economic Vitality-Investments and improvements in the regional transportation system will promote economic vitality by focusing on moving people,

freight and goods to enhance the global competiveness of the regional economy. Major transportation facilities, and the mobility they provide to, between

and within major economic activity centers, will stimulate commerce. Horizon 2040 should prioritize and coordinate regional transportation investments

aimed toward the development of a multimodal system that provides transportation opportunities that enhance accessibility and connections among city

centers, regional service centers and attractions, towns and areas of regional employment.

Typewritten Text
Agenda Item 6 Attachment
Typewritten Text
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Cooperation and Leadership-Current Recommendation Notes Cooperation and Leadership-Updated Draft


Provide leadership and facilitate coordinated, cooperative

and comprehensive transportation planning No Change

Provide leadership and facilitate coordinated, cooperative

and comprehensive transportation planning

2b Incorporate public processes in significant planning efforts No Change Incorporate public processes in significant planning efforts


Participate in the development and maintenance of

transportation-related information necessary to support

the functions and responsibilities of the agency.

In order to fulfill 2a and 2b this

has to be completed and is

redundant and therefore can be



Promote regional transportation interests, plans and

projects to local, state and federal public, and private

entities No change

Promote regional transportation interests, plans and

projects to local, state and federal public, and private



Coordinate transportation relevant data for shared use

among regional stakeholders No change

Coordinate transportation relevant data for shared use

among regional stakeholders


Identify feasible funding sources and mechanisms beyond

those typically indentified in state and federal


This type of work is included in 3c,

can be removed


Strengthen avenues of involvement for low-income,

minority, and/or transportation disadvantaged populations

in the decision-making process No change

Strengthen avenues of involvement for low-income,

minority, and/or transportation disadvantaged populations

in the decision-making process

Cooperation and Leadership-Horizon 2040 will provide the forum to develop regional transportation priorities, to identify transportation funding needs and

to develop strategies to acquire funding in accordance with federal and state planning requirements. Horizon 2040 will help coordinate efforts to

communicate with business and community groups and give the public sufficient time to review and comment at key milestones in the transportation

planning process. These efforts will bring together all community stakeholders, transportation planning partners including Tribes in order to present a

unified voice in support of the region’s transportation needs.

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Stewardship-Current Recommendation Notes Stewardship-Updated Draft


Ensure transportation decisions minimize impacts to

natural resources and conserve non-renewable resources No Change

Ensure transportation decisions minimize impacts to natural

resources and conserve non-renewable resources


Make investments that maximize transportation benefits

and support federal, state and local goals

Add TIP language as this has not

been addressed in previous


Make investments that maximize transportation benefits

and support federal, state and local goals and maintain a

federally compliant Transportation Improvement Program



Develop a plan that provides for the responsible use of

public and private funds Add the words financial constraint

Develop a plan that provides for the responsible use of

public and private funds while demonstrating financial



Encourage the shared-use of infrastructure for

stakeholders and all transportation users No Change

Encourage the shared-use of infrastructure for stakeholders

and all transportation users


Use performance measures to evaluate how polices and

investments support key transportation objectives No Change

Use performance measures to evaluate how polices and

investments support key transportation objectives

3f Demonstrate financial constraint

Can remove as financial constraint

was added to 3c.

Stewardship-Transportation decisions should maximize a positive impact on the human environment while minimizing negative impacts to the natural

environment. Investments will follow federal, state and local transportation, environmental and land use plans and policies and federal and state goals as

adopted by statute, ordinance, resolution or executive order. Horizon 2040 will use performance measures to ensure coordinated regional policies make

progress towards established objectives.

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System Operations, Maintenance and Preservation-


System Operations, Maintenance and Preservation-

Updated Draft


Develop cost effective strategies; pursue alternative

funding sources and mechanisms No Change

Develop cost effective strategies and pursue alternative

funding sources and mechanisms


During winter weather conditions, ensure snow removal

and snow storage is regularly maintained for roadways and

sidewalks to keep the transportation system operational

Discuss with TAC is this within the

core responsibilities of the agency

as SRTC is lacking a mechanism to

address this? Can it be



During winter weather conditions, ensure snow removal and

snow storage is regularly maintained for roadways and

sidewalks to keep the transportation system operational


Maintain a Congestion Management Process to reduce and

monitor congestion and improve operations through ITS

technologies, transportation demand management, and

transportation system management rather than through

physical expansion of facilities No Change

Maintain a Congestion Management Process to reduce and

monitor congestion and improve operations through ITS

technologies, transportation demand management, and

transportation system management rather than through

physical expansion of facilities

4d Moved from Safety and Security

Support maintenance and preservation of the

transportation system

System Operations, Maintenance and Preservation-Horizon 2040 will strive to provide adequate funding for projects that address documented

transportation needs, reduce lifecycle operation and maintenance costs, conserve energy, and preserve and prolong the life of existing infrastructure. SRTC

and project proponents will use performance-based plans that provide for efficient system management. SRTC and project proponents should demonstrate

that projected revenues will sustain current facilities and services, and ensure sufficient population demand is anticipated such that new facilities are a

prudent application of fiscal resources.

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Safety and Security-Current Safety and Security-Updated Draft


Support improvements to roadway safety deficiencies in

order to reduce crashes within all modes of transportation No Change

Support improvements to roadway safety deficiencies in

order to reduce crashes within all modes of transportation


Protect critical infrastructure from natural and human

threats No Change

Protect critical infrastructure from natural and human



Promote safety through supporting education, outreach

and enforcement of the rules of the road for all modes that

use of the roadways No Change

Promote safety through supporting education, outreach and

enforcement of the rules of the road for all modes that use

of the roadways


Support transportation infrastructure and operational

strategies for emergency response No Change

Support transportation infrastructure and operational

strategies for emergency response

5e Support proper maintenance of the transportation system moved to 4d

Safety and Security-The regional transportation system will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to enable the healthy, safe, and secure

movement of people and goods. The system will enhance safe and secure choices, access and usage among all modes of transportation through best-

practice design, operational improvements, education and outreach, and technological strategies. Increased emphasis should be placed on maintenance

activities and education of all users as means of making the system safer.

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Choice and Mobility-Current

Combined "Quality of Life" and

"Choice and Mobility" Quality of Life (proposed title) Updated Draft

6a Strengthen connections within and between modes combined 6a, 6e and 6f

Incorporate complete streets policies into transportation

planning that enhance and expand bike, walk and transit

networks and their connectivity


Improve access and the quality of access to transit for all

persons including the disabled, seniors and young people;

the groups that traditionally struggle with transportation

added economically


Improve access and the quality of access to transit for all

persons including the disabled, economically disadvantaged,

seniors and young people; the groups that traditionally

struggle with transportation


Implement a High Performance Transit Network with a

variety of service levels and transit modalities within the


Combined 6c & 6d changed High

Performance Transit to transit to

generalize policy

Implement transit that improves frequency, span and

reliability of transit services with a variety of service levels

and transit modalities within the region


Improve the frequency, span and reliability of transit

services by implementing a High Performance Transit

Network Combined with 6c


Enhance & expand the pedestrian, bicycle and transit

network while focusing on moving people between centers combined 6a, 6e and 6f


Incorporate complete streets policies into transportation

planning combined 6a, 6e and 6f

6g Support transportation demand-management strategies combined with 7c

Support health-promoting transportation options for users

of all abilities to increase opportunities for physical activity

while improving demand-management strategies to reduce

Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) trips.




Discuss w/ TAC, is this within the

core responsibilities of SRTC or

are we lacking a mechanism to

address this? Generalize policy?


Support transportation designs that protect culture, values

unique characteristics of communities and contributes to a

sense of place

Quality of Life- Quality of life issues will be considered in transportation decision-making. Urban, suburban and rural neighborhoods will strive to offer safe

and convenient forms of healthy, active transportation options for people of all abilities. Decision-making will work toward creating viable transportation

choices through increased availability and improved service. Strengthening existing connections and creating new connections will improve mobility for all

users. This includes connections within street networks, to port, rail and airport facilities; and within transit, pedestrian, and bicycle modes. Shared use of

infrastructure will increase transportation choices and maximize returns for investments by increasing multi-modal connectivity. Context sensitive design

will strive to support social, cultural and commercial activity and protect unique or indigenous cultural and landscape features.

Page 17: AGENDA - SRTC · 2017. 7. 2. · Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. AGENDA DATE: July 18, ... the UPWP schedule updates made to the document the positive

Quality of Life Combined with Choice & Mobility


Support transportation designs that protect culture, values

unique characteristics of communities and contributes to a

sense of place Moved to 6h

7b Promote context-sensitive design 6a now covers it


Support health-promoting transportation options for

people of all abilities like walking, biking and transit that

provide options to reduce single-occupant vehicle use and

overall vehicle miles traveled

6g now covers it, context sensitive

design is included in the SRTC Safe

& Complete Streets Policy and


Now combined with Choice & Mobility with Quality of Life in items 6a-6h