Agenda- 9/2 1.Turn in notebooks/ review test scores 2.Current Events 3.Ch. 18 Sec.3 Lecture...

Agenda- 9/2 1.Turn in notebooks/ review test scores 2.Current Events 3.Ch. 18 Sec.3 Lecture 4.icivics Supreme Court Simulation 5.HW : Finish simulation

Transcript of Agenda- 9/2 1.Turn in notebooks/ review test scores 2.Current Events 3.Ch. 18 Sec.3 Lecture...

Agenda- 9/2

1. Turn in notebooks/ review test scores

2. Current Events

3. Ch. 18 Sec.3 Lecture

4. icivics Supreme Court Simulation

5. HW: Finish simulation

Notebook Check

1. Pathway to Success 40

2. Checks & Balances WS (pink) 15

3. Dividing the Powers WS (blue) 15

4. Const. USA Video Questions 15

5. Ch. 3 Lecture – Const. Princ. 15



Lecture Ch. 18 Sec. 3 The Supreme Court

How a case reaches the courta. Receives 8,000 cases a year… only hears less than 100/year

b. Writ of Certiorari – lower court send up for reviewi. if rejected, lower decision staysii. rejected means didn’t meet “Rule of Four”

(4 of 9 justices) c. Certificate – lower court asks supreme court if unclear of law or procedure in

cased. Most come from highest state courts and federal courts of appeal

Once there…

a. Briefs: i. written documents filed with the

court before oral argumentsii. detailed statements that

support one side of case and built on relevant facts and citation of previous cases

iii. amicus curiae briefs: by friends/supporters of a side with influence

b. Oral Arguments: lawyers on both sides present arguments

Snyder v. Phelps

c. Solicitor General: i. represents the U.S. in all cases

where it is the party in the Supreme Court

ii. decides what position the U.S. should take and which cases it should ask the Supreme Ct to review

d. The Conference (all)i. Meet in conference and consider

cases where they have heard oral arguments

ii. Chief Justice presides. Speaks first and how will vote. Others speak after, discuss

iii.1/3 of cases are unanimous, Court usually divided

e. Opinions (all)i. if the Chief Justice agrees, he writes the opinion of the

Courtii. If the Chief Justice doesn’t agree, senior

justice of other side writes it.iii. Majority Opinion – opinion of the Courtiv. Concurring opinion – make or emphasize

point not made in majorityv. Dissenting opinion – those who do not


Review: Path of a Supreme Court Case

Writ of certorai or certificate Rule of Four

Briefs (Amicus Curae Briefs)

Oral Arguments(Solicitor General)

ConferenceOpinions (Majority,Concurring, Dissenting)

icivics Supreme Court Simulation

Now that you have learned about the process a case takes through the Supreme Court, you are going to experience that process.

Take out your chromebook, go to, and await further instructions.