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  • 7/28/2019 Agba et al


    Educational Research Vol. 1(6) pp. 178-185 July 2010Available online 2010 International Research Journals

    Full length Research Paper

    Teachers leadership style, classroom variables andstudents academic performance in Calabar metropolis,


    *Agba, A. M. Ogaboh1, Ikoh IM2, Noah I. Ashibi3

    1Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria

    2Lecturer, Department of Vocational and Business Studies College of Education, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

    3Student, Department of Educational Foundations, Guidance and Counselling University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria.

    Accepted 05 June, 2010

    This study examined the influence of teachers leadership style and classroom variables on studentsperformance in secondary schools in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. Three hypotheseswere formulated to guide the study. The sample size was 880 students offering accounting. Studentsperformance test and questionnaire were used for date collection. The data were analyzed usingPearson Product Moment Correlation. Findings revealed that, teachers leadership role, teacher-students relationship, and student-student relationship significantly influence student academicperformance. Based on these findings, improved teacher-student relationship among others wasrecommended.

    Key words: Teachers Leadership Style, Classroom Variables, Students Academic Performance


    As Nigeria entered the 21st century, considerableattention is being paid to education as a key tosustainable development, peace and stability. Suchrecognition makes education an indispensable means foreffective participation not only in the socio-economicdevelopment of Nigeria but also in the on-going rapidglobalization (Ikoh, 2007; Agba et al., 2007). TheNigerian National Policy on Education (NPE, 2004:4)refers to education as instrument par excellence foreffective national development. It follows therefore that

    the realization of national development lies on theeffective implementation of the countrys educationalpolicies, and the performance of both teachers andstudents at all levels of the system.

    Despite this truth, records have shown that studentsperformance in Senior Secondary Certificate ofExamination (SSCE) is quite below average (Ikoh, 2007).

    * Corresponding author E-mail:[email protected],phone: +234 8072727272

    This performance is blamed on teachers (Ashibi 2005)and government inability to effectively sponsor educationand motivate teachers to enhance their productivity(Agba et al., 2009). It could also be attributed toclassroom variables such as chronic absenteeism, peergroup influence and other environmental problems (Ikoh2007). The mixed feelings about the causes of pooacademic performance of our students in primarysecondary and tertiary institutions make this researcheven more imperative. To address this negative trend

    the researchers considered it necessary to explore theroles that teachers leadership style, classroom variablessuch as teacher- learnersinteraction and student-student interactive behavioucould play in that direction. These include:(i) Teachers leadership role has no significanrelationship with academic performance in accounamong senior secondary school students;(ii) Student-student relationship has no significanrelationship with academic performance in Principle oAccounting.

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    (iii) There is no significant relationship between teacher-students relationship and students academicperformance in Accounting.It is the researchers opinion that when this done, it willprovide veritable solution to the impending doom facingthe educational sector, thus, leading to the attainment of

    sustainable development in our economy.

    Study Area

    This study was conducted in Calabar Metropolis,consisting of Calabar South Local Government Area andCalabar Municipality. Calabar lies between latitude 04058 North and Longitude 8012 East. Calabar is the capitalof Cross River State. Indigenously, Calabar is calledObio Efik meaning the land of the Efik people (Charlesand Charles, 2004). Calabar people speak Efik andAbakpa as the native language and English as a commonlanguage. The major occupations of the people arefishing; farming, trading, craft work, while a few are civiland public servants (Ushie et al., 2010).

    Calabar has a population of 371,022 with an annualgrowth rate of 2.5 per cent (National Population Census,2006). The city which grows from an ancient slave port tobecome the first Nigerias capital between 1901 and 1906is today the centre of tourism, and other commercialactivities in the country. She is also the home of manyschools including 3 tertiary institutions, and over 24governments owned post primary schools among whichare the famous University of Calabar and Hope WaddellTraining Institute. The drive for tourism developmentattracts thousands of immigrants yearly, thus accelerating

    the development of private primary and secondaryschools to cater for the sky- rocketing population ofstudents in the metropolis. However, the achievementlevel of students in these schools like in other parts of thecountry is questionable and needs to be explored with theview for improvement.

    Literature Review

    Leadership Style of Teachers and StudentsPerformance

    The position of teachers in the classroom has beenbeautifully captured. Obviously, the teaching-learningprocess revolves among the teachers, with him taking thelead in process (Ashibi 2005). Teachers leadership stylecan be classified into autocratic, democratic and laissezfaire. The autocratic leader uses commands on thestudents and expects compliance from them. He or sheis dogmatic and positive and uses rewards andpunishment to exact compliance. On the other hand, thedemocratic leader employs participatory leadership style.He or she consults with his or her students and

    Agba et al. 179

    encourages participation from them. The laissez faireteacher gives the students high degree of independenceand economizes with the power in his/hers possession(Koontz, 1983).

    The teachers leadership style has wide implications onclassroom management and a great deal of influence on

    the student. This is because leadership involvesinterpersonal influence exercised on others throughcommunication process towards the attainment of certaingoal. Leadership entails social influence which effect onother results in the achievement of common goals (Porteand Applewhite, 1968; Davis, 1969; Byar and Rue, 1970)

    The classroom is compared to industrial organizationteacher wields some authority over the students just asthe factory manager does on his workers (Jenkins andLipitt, 1951). Authority is not without power (Walberg andAnderson, 1968). The teacher therefore has the power totake decisions, which influences the students. Theattitude of children could be altered when a change in theadult leadership of their group was accompanied by achange in psychological climate. When Walbberg andAnderson (1968) administered achievement tests onphysics to more than two thousand high school studentsthey discovered that students who grew the most inphysics understanding were from physic classes thawere democratically organized with little friction amongthe students.

    In Cogans (1954:96) study, teachers who exhibitedgood rapport with students in the classroom impactedpositively on students' school performances thanteachers who were authoritative and arrogant. Accordingto him when students undertook self-initiated work, theyare in effect adopting the teachers values as their own

    The self-initiated works performed by the students serveas an index to the degree of similarly between studentsvalues and those of the teachers. Battle (1958) observedthat, students with high achievement and attitude havevalues that resemble those of their teachers.

    An authoritative teacher is task-oriented, directive anddistant in his relationships with students. Such a teacheis the only one who determines what goes on in theclass, makes major plans, and dictates the activities ofthe students and their patterns of interactions (Krech andCrutchfield, 1962; Edem 1979). In such circumstancestension and anxiety are often noticed among thestudents. Frustrations, argument, outbreaks o

    aggression that may result in fighting have beenobserved (Ekpe, 1982).

    In his analysis of teachers leadership role, Clarizario(1976) warned against shouting and yelling at students inthe name of maintaining discipline; arguing that, manystudents attend class with varying attitude; somenegative and some positive toward specific goals andpurposes. According to Hart, (1969), the teachers role isto genuinely understand the students in order toengender positive and favourable attitude change towardlearning. Flander (1965), Fraser and Walberg (1981)

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    observed that, teachers who are have been found to bedominative, have no consideration for individual feelingsof their students.

    Teacher-Students Relationship and Students

    Academic Performance

    Schools exist to prepare students to take their placesocially and vocationally in the society. Achieving thispurpose depends to a great extent on the quality ofinteraction between teachers and students. Researcheson teacher-students relationship is quite revealing,scholars like Anderson and Walberg and Welch (1969),Ann (1974), Hofstein et al. (1979), observed that,classroom-learning environment can be made or marredby the interrelationship among students and theirteachers. The school has the duty to equip the studentswith the necessary knowledge and skills for a life in theadult world. The fulfillment of that duty is a function ofteacher students relationship; this relationshipinfluence attitude and achievement in any given subject.The teacher is more influential than anyone else in thesetting of the classroom variables. The teachersbehaviour is the central determinant of students outcome(Ann, 1974, Bergan and Dunn, 1976).

    Classrooms that are characterized by high-pitchedtension where the teacher behave as ringmasters, puttingthe students together through their acts with militaryprecision often result in students needs in the classbeing at odds with the group norms as determined by theteacher (Lindgren 1976). Physical setting, rules,classroom routine, interpersonal judgment and mode of

    communication both verbal and non-verbal are alldeliberate policies and factors which influences thenature of interaction between students and teachers(Donaldson and Elias, 1976). Facial expression, gestureand bodily postures are all important tools that help tocarry meaning implicitly to others and could have eitherpositive or negative effect on students academicperformance (Allport 1972). Since the instructionalprocess involves teachers and students, meaningfullearning is therefore achieved when teachers andstudents interactions are in harmony (Gronund 1985).

    In his longitude-affective analysis, Flander (1965)maintained that the teacher is paramount in the

    instructional process, and thus control the hidden andmanifest curriculum. It is therefore the teachers functionto use all available resources to cause the students tohave proper learning experience. Students regard theirteachers as sources of knowledge and models ofaspirations; thus a healthy teacher-students relationshipis imperative (Porter & Applewhite, 1968).

    Elsewhere, Aspy and Roebuck (1972) observed asignificant relationship between teachers positive regardfor students and the students cognitive functioning. AsMeryman (1962) argues, the class is the most powerful

    unit of social interaction in the school. Although theteacher may be subordinate to the school authorityoutside the classroom, within the class, the teacher issuper ordinates. The teacher is free to teach as he oshe wishes and to deal with the students in his or heown ways. They way the teacher conducts himself or

    herself influences interaction with the students.Other illuminating studies on student teacherelationship are provided by Brophy and Good (1970) andRist (1970). Students judged by the teachers to bepotential Fast learners always receive majority oavailable teaching time and the bulk of the teacherssupportive behaviour. Based on these findingsFeshback (1969) argued that teachers treat studentsdifferently, and that students neither get equal classroomopportunities or the same amount of praise from theteachers.

    Student Student Relationship and their AcademicPerformance Classroom interaction among students hasreceived considerable attention in the work of Blair et a(1975). In what they called "misery and maladjustmentamong students, the researchers argued that interactionsamong students involve insanity, crime and inefficiencyThis is because peer group in school as elsewherecomprises same age with short range and temporaryinterest. The role members play may be well defined butchanged frequently. If a child moves with a group that isconsiderable high in achievements he or she tries toachieve the height of his or her group and this goes along way to influence his or her academic performance(Bushwell 1963).

    The students' attitude could be influenced by positive onegative attitude of his and her peers. Negative attitudes

    often constitute catastrophes that affect the failure ofstudents to achieve satisfaction in schools group work(Bushwell 1963). Most students therefore needed theacceptance of their classmates to be able to become partof the group. Through such interactions and acceptancethe students' world views are broadened, he or sheturned from a family view of things to a social view. Thissense of belonging creates affections.

    In an earlier work by Walberg and Anderson (1968)students who excelled in the study of physics reportedthat they had close friendly relations with their fellowstudents and were not strictly controlled by their teachersLorber (1966) argues that students who are not socially

    accepted by co-students tends to display suchundesirable characteristics as showing off, attentionseeking, nervousness, emotional instability andrestlessness. Student-student relationships are thereforenecessary for good school performance, socialization andhealth development in terms of values formationsattitude and students' worldview.

    As the child moved away from the parents towardindependence, peer relationship becomes importantFrom peers, he or she learns many of the hinges he orshe needs to know to become adult (Bandura 1977).

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    Although students change their peer-group membershipas they go through different ages of development, poorstudent-student relationship is found to be a predictor ofpsychological disturbance. Such disturbances are oftenassociated with high anxiety, low self-esteem andemotional fears Lorber, 1966). Therefore, Johnson (1981)

    maintains that good student-student relationship is a sin-quo-non-for future psychological health as it provides thestudents avenue for inter-dependence and cooperativerelationship.

    Improved social relationships have several advantages.In Gonlund (1985) argument, it helps to free the studentfrom emotional tension, enables him or her toconcentrate on assigned tasks, increases the students'motivation to learn and clarifies and reinforcesclassroom-learning experiences. Satisfaction with fellowclassmate engenders high student affiliation in the class.Classrooms with positive interpersonal relationship aretherefore satisfying (Trickett and Moos, 1973).Achievement differences among students have beenfound to be associated with differences in their socialclass (Cronbach 1975).

    In the school every student is seen as a member of agroup: How he interacts with his group membersinfluence his performance. Groups that are consideredhigh in achievement consist of achieving-students astheir interactions are bound to influence their academicachievement (Inyang-Abia 2001). Students who succeedin social relationship with their co-students have beenfound to be successful in their schools work (Brembeeks,1980).

    Theoretical Consideration

    Cognitive development theory

    A French-Swiss named Jean Piaget first propounded thecognitive development theory in 1929 (Oladele 1984).'This theory deals with age related transition in pattern ofthinking, including reasoning, remembering and problemsolving. It holds the view that the learner has to progressthrough different stages of development which ischaracterized by distinctive way of thinking. They have toprogress from a state of not knowing to knowing, so as todevelop their mental process by which knowledge is

    acquired and utilized.Piaget views cognitive development as continuous

    process of unfolding which passes through a series ofmotivational stages or levels: sensorimotor stage,preoperational stage, concrete operation stage andformal operation stage. Each stage is characterized bydistinctive way of thinking. Whereas the sensorimotorstage is characterized by coordination of sensory inputand motor responses as well as development of objectpermanence with little or no capacity for symbolicrepresentation, the preoperational stage signals the

    Agba et al. 181

    development of symbolic thought, heavy reliance oninitiation with no understanding of conservation oreversibility. At the concrete operations stage mentaoperations applied to concrete objects and events as welas development of conservations and mastery oconcepts of reversibility concepts of reversibility evolved

    As children move into adolescence, they gradually beginto apply logical and systematic thinking. This signals theemergence of formal operation stage.

    In a Nigerian school setting, a child in the seniosecondary class is assumed to be within the formaoperational stage in terms of age that is 13-18 years oage. In this stage a child has moved into adolescenceHe/she gradually begin to apply logical and systematicthinking. The ability to go beyond physical reality into therealm of the hypothetical possibility is the hallmark of thisstage of development. They seem to be free from thebonds of concrete reality and can apply logical skills toabstract concepts. This means that the learner has todevelop logical skill to every learning situation.

    Based on this theory therefore, a teacher of accountingshould be aware of the developmental stage of whicheach child is functioning and each child should be taughtonly when the child is ready to learn at the present stageof development. The instructional method employedshould take into consideration the ability and skillsalready acquired. The curriculum should be planned insuch a way that it favours the level of cognitiveoperations and structures that children have successfullyattained in mind. Teachers should act as guides, workingwith the child as he interacts with the environmentensuring that the experiences are appropriate for thedevelopmental stage at which the child is functioning

    Teachers should adopt an authoritarian manner odiscussion with children however bizarre or senseless thechildren's argument. That is, the teacher should notprovoke outright hostility through direct confrontation withchildren, but should listen patiently, suggest alternativeapproaches and points of view.

    Gestalt theory of learning

    The Gestalt theory was propounded in 1912 by a Germanpsychologist named Max Wertheimer. This theory arguesthat the significance of a situation or pattern of stimuli is

    in the total pattern, not in its separate elements. Thetheory states that, for learning to take place, the followingmust be done:

    1. The teacher should start the teaching from known tounknown2. The Teaching should start from simple to complex.3. The teaching must be divergent and convergent.4. The learner should be encouraged to set out goals forlearning.5. The learner's mental capacity must be considered.

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    6. Time should be allowed for fumbling and unaidedsearch until the goal is realized.

    From the above theory, it could be deduced that Accountteachers should adopt the discovery method. Thelearners should be allowed the opportunity to solve their

    accounting problems through an intelligent restructuringof the total situation. The students should be allowed achance to perceive the solution to their problem in aflash. Also a chance for the students to be well organizedin their brain should be created. The student should beinstructed on how to build up meaning or understandingfrom their perception of relationship in the entire field andin handling of complex situation. For this to be achieved,the instructor must be well qualified and experienced tobe able to adopt an appropriate teaching and leadershipstyle in the class for an improved performance in thesubject.


    The research design adopted for this study was survey design. Theresearchers selected this design because it allowed for drawing ofinferences (Hart, 1969). Also, this design was opted for because itinvolved the collection of data to accurately and objectively describeexisting phenomena. The design also allowed the researchers toobtain a true picture of the present condition of the particularphenomena (Denga & Ali, 1998). A sample of 880 AccountStudents was selected using stratified random sampling techniquefrom the 24 public secondary schools in the study area. Thestratification was on the bases of class of study, schools locationand sex of respondents (students).

    The instrument used for the study was questionnaire and a simpleaccounting achievement test (SAAT). A thirty-nine (39) itemquestionnaire constructed by the researcher, collected data fromstudents on their perception of teachers, leadership styles, teacherstudents relationship and student interactive behaviour. The SimpleAccounting Achievement Test (SAAT) on the other hand assessedstudents performance in the school subject. Thus, the fouimportant variables identified for the instrument are teacheleadership style, student-student relationship, teachers-studenrelationship and academic performance. The Instrument has thefollowing components:

    a) Student-teacher relationship questionnaire (STRQ)b) Student-student relationship questionnaire (SSRQ)c) Teacher leadership style questionnaire (TLSQ).

    The performance test is a simple objective test question of tenitems in Accounting, based on the syllabus requirement for thesenior secondary school certificate examination. A six-point Likerttype questionnaire modified from Anderson's (1973) LearningEnvironment Inventory (LEI) Trickert and Moos' (1973) ClassroomEnvironment Scale (CES) and Finalysons' (1970) School ClimateIndex (SCI) was used to construct questions for STRQ, SSRQ and

    TLSQ. The classroom, conceptualized as the human environmenconsists of the relationship dimension, personal developmendimension and the system charge dimension (Moos, 1974). Thelearning environment inventory (LEI) is already a populameasuring tool for classroom climate (Anderson, Walberg & Welch1969). The data derived from the questionnaire were coded for thevarious response options as shown Table 1.


    VSA = Very Strongly AgreeSA = Strongly AgreeA = AgreeD = DisagreeSD = Strongly DisagreeVSD = Very Strongly Disagree.

    A positive response to a positive question received a highest scoreof 6 for very strongly agree (VSA), while a negative response to anegative question received a highest mark of 6 for very stronglydisagree (VSD). Other scores followed this arrangement.


    Three null propositions guided the study. The results othe analysis are hereby presented on a hypothesis basis.

    Hypothesis One

    Teacher Leadership role (TLS) has no significanrelationship with academic performance of students inaccounting among senior secondary school students. Totest this hypothesis, Pearson product moment correlationwas used.

    The result is presented in Table 2. From Table 2, it isobserved that academic performance of students inaccounting among secondary schools student in CalabaMetropolis has a significant positive relationship withteachers' leadership style (r-cal = 0.908;df. =878, P< .05).

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    **+ *,* +-)**.







    *+) , **+ *,* +-)**.

    %(' *)


    Since 0.908 is greater than the table value of .195, P

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    184 Educ. Res.

    the order, both negative attitude toward the subjecttaught and poor performance are expected.

    This finding is consistent with Cooper and Harris(1994), and Umoinyang (1988). Attitude of studentstowards accounting could influence their performance. AsIkoh (2007) observed, attitude consists of likes and

    dislikes or satisfactions and dissatisfactions, objects,groups, situations and intangible ideas. They are mentalreadiness or implicit predisposition that exerts somegeneral and consistent influence on a fairly large class ofevaluative responses (Allport 1972). Given thisunderstanding it follows that students with positiveattitude toward accounting are generally those who likeaccounting and derive satisfaction from studying thesubject.If a student has a healthy attitude to work, he will performwell. If on the other hand, he has an unhealthy altitudetoward work his work will be affected negatively(Donaldson and Elias, 1976; Ikoh 2007). It is thereforenot surprising that students with positive attitude towardsaccounting performed highly on the subject irrespectiveof sex.

    Conclusion and Recommendations

    Based on the findings of this study, it was establishedthat there exists a linear relationship between studentsstudent relationship, teachers-students relationship andteachers leadership style and academic performance inaccounting. The contributions of student-studentrelationship and teacherleadership style were found tobe significant in accounting performance. The study

    demonstrated the importance of classroom on theinteraction among students and teachers. It showed theassociated learning gains and the critic areas thatteachers must be exposed to. Relationship betweenstudents and teachers appeared to have been moreofficial (impersonal) than personal. Such relationship hasthe consequences of making students evasive whichcould equally affect their performance in accounting. Theneed to discourage this is imperative and urgent.Based on these findings the following recommendationswere made:

    i) Accounting teachers should endeavour to make their

    classroom a home where every learner is made to feelaccepted and an important component of the classroomlearning process. They can do this by ensuring a positiverelationship between them and their learners. When thisdone, it will enable the student to develop positiveattitude and consequently the associated highperformance in accounting.ii) Teachers should appreciate individual differences andtreat each student as a learner that deserves help. Theuse of derogatory words to castigate students for theirpoor performance in the class should be discouraged.

    iii) Since student-student relationship enhances academicperformance, teachers involved in the teaching oprinciples of accounting should relate cordially withstudents and encourage student-student relationship.iv) Teachers must learn to focus on the need of studentsand the goal of teaching. As a good leader, the teacher

    should seek to accomplish group goals and also meeindividual and group needs of his students, by being asdemocratic as possible.


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