AGARWOOD BIBLIOGRAPHY A COMPILATION OF …Agarwood, resinous dark-colored heartwood, is an...

AGARWOOD BIBLIOGRAPHY A COMPILATION OF ABSTRACTS ON AGARWOOD STUDIES Compiled by: Adi Susilo Denny Ministry of Forestry Forestry Research and Development Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Development in cooperation with International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) – CITES Phase II Project Bogor – Indonesia, 2014

Transcript of AGARWOOD BIBLIOGRAPHY A COMPILATION OF …Agarwood, resinous dark-colored heartwood, is an...



    Compiled by:Adi Susilo


    Ministry of Forestry

    Forestry Research and Development

    Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Developmentin cooperation with

    International Tropical Timber Organization(ITTO) – CITES Phase II Project

    Bogor – Indonesia, 2014


    Compiled by:Adi Susilo Denny

    Editors:Maman TurjamanAgustinus P. TampubolonAtok Subiakto

    Desain Cover:Agustina Dwi Setyowati

    Copyright © 2014 Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Development in cooperation with International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) – CITES Phase II Project

    ISBN 978-602-1681-22-0

    Published byCenter for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and DevelopmentInternational Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) – CITES Phase II ProjectJl. Gunung Batu No. 5 Bogor, IndonesiaTelp. +62-251-8633234, Fax. +62-251-8638111

    Printed by: IPB Press

    Bogor, Desember 2014

    This work was made possible by a grant from ITTO under its collaborative program with CITES ‘Support to ITTO: CITES Implementation for Tree Species and Trade/Market Transparency (TMT)’. Donors to this collaborative program include the EU (primary donor), the USA, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. The project was implemented by Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Development.


    Complied by:Adi Susilo Denny

    Editors:Maman TurjamanAgustinus P. TampubolonAtok Subiakto

    Desain Cover:Agustina Dwi Setyowati

    Copyright © 2014 Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and Development in cooperation with International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) – CITES Phase II Project

    ISBN 978-602-1681-22-0

    Published byCenter for Conservation and Rehabilitation Research and DevelopmentInternational Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) – CITES Phase II ProjectJl. Gunung Batu No. 5 Bogor, IndonesiaTelp. +62-251-8633234, Fax. +62-251-8638111

    Printed by: IPB Press

    Bogor, Desember 2014

    “Agarwood Bibliography: A compilation of Abstract on Agarwood studies” is one of the outputs of the “Promoting Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources of Aquilaria and Gyrinops Species in Indonesia”, funded by ITTO.

    The Bibliography covers 126 references of agarwood on ecology, genetic, silviculture, agarwood formation, chemical compound, and social economy that were published from 2000 to 2014. Included references range from published document, theses, dissertation, journal articles, to project reports and conference papers. The bibliography represents the collection of information concerning the progress of agarwood technology from various scientific publications.

    We hope that Agarwood bibliography will serve as a useful source of references to researcher, scientists and anyone who is interested in agarwood research.

    Director of CCR

    Ir. Adi Susmianto, M.Sc


  • Preface .................................................................................................................................iii

    Table of Content ................................................................................................................... v

    Executive Summary.............................................................................................................vii

    A. Ecology .......................................................................................................................... 1

    B. Genetic ........................................................................................................................... 8

    C. Silviculture .................................................................................................................... 18

    D. Agarwood Formation .................................................................................................... 38

    E. Chemical Compound ................................................................................................... 56

    F. Social and Economy .................................................................................................... 72

    G. References ................................................................................................................... 82

    Index ................................................................................................................................... 95

    Tabel of Content

  • Agarwood, resinous dark-colored heartwood, is an economically important natural product to produce incense, perfumes and traditional medicines. The most important agarwood-producing trees are Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp. on Thymelaeaceae. Because of the increasing agarwood demand, Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops spp. has become very rare in the wild. As consequences Aquilaria and Gyrinops species were listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to control commercial agarwood trade.

    This book, Agarwood bibliography, is a compilation abstract of published scientific research carried out by research institutions and universities in Indonesia and overseas. With the help of librarians from library of Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Ardikusuma Library), Ministry of Agriculture, Bogor Agriculture University (IPB: Institut Pertanian Bogor) and Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) published research studies of agarwood were collected. Further more, online database such as Proquest, Science direct, Google scholar and Infotract were also accessed to enrich the collected result. Keywords used were agarwood, Aquilaria and Gyrinops. With this method, 126 scientific publications were collected covering aspect of ecology, silviculture, genetic, agarwood formation, chemical compound, and social economy. Included references range from published document, theses, journal articles, to project reports and conference papers that were published from 2000 to 2014. Entries are arranged alphabetically by author and year of publication in each of topic classification.

    Gyrinops was poorly studied. From 126 collected scientific publications only 15 discussed on Gyrinops, 105 discussed on Aquilaria and the rest of 6 discussed both. In term of subject the most popular one was silviculture (29) followed by chemical compound (28), agarwood formation (27), Genetic (15), social economy (15) and Ecology (12). The bibliography represents the collection of information regarding the progress of agarwood technology.

    Executive Summary

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    A. Ecology


    Soehartono T, Newton AC. 2000. Conservation and Sustainable Use of Tropical Trees in the Genus Aquilaria I. Status and distribution in Indonesia Biological Conservation 96 (2000): 83-94

    Tropical trees in the genus Aquilaria Lam. are the principal source of gaharu, one of the most valuable forest products traded internationally. Although these species are the focus of increasing conservation concern, information on their status and distribution is lacking. Information from herbarium accessions, a national forest inventory (NFI), field surveys and gaharu traders was used to assess the distribution of Aquilaria species in Indonesia, indicating population concentrations in Sumatra and eastern Kalimantan. Analysis of NFI data indicated that population densities are relatively low, with values generally

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    populations of Aquilaria spp. were used to parameterize a matrix model, which was used to predict the impact of diverent harvesting regimes on population dynamics of the species. Values of the dominant latent root (l) were 1.22 and 1.20 for A. malaccensis in West Kalimantan and A. microcarpa in East Kalimantan respectively, indicating that both populations are self-sustaining in the absence of harvesting. Analysis of l under diverent harvesting scenarios indicated that for A. malaccensis, population expansion will continue if harvesting is set at a minimum diameter at breast height (dbh) of above 10 cm, but for A. microcarpa, a population decline will occur if trees with a dbh of less than 30 cm are harvested. Given current harvesting practices, it is, therefore, unlikely that gaharu is being sustainably harvested at present. These results suggest that the gaharu trade may have had a substantial impact on the population size of Aquilaria spp. in Indonesia, and their implications are discussed in the context of setting harvest quotas for regulation of trade, as required by CITES.


    Soehartono T, Newton AC. 2001. Reproductive ecology of Aquilaria spp. In Indonesia. Forest Ecology and Management 152 (2001): 59-71

    Aquilaria spp. (Thymelaeaceae) are the principal source of Gaharu, a valuable resin, yet information about their reproductive ecology is almost entirely lacking. Individuals of six species (Aquilaria beccariana, Aquilaria crasna, Aquilaria filaria, Aquilaria hirta, Aquilaria malaccensis and Aquilaria microcarpa) in cultivation in Indonesia were investigated to assess reproductive phenology, pollination, seed production and germination. Seed production and seedling dispersion were also assessed in natural populations of A. beccariana, A. malaccensis and A. microcarpa in Kalimantan. Most of the selected trees flowered during the dry season, fruits requiring between 36 and 72 days to develop, depending on the species. Twenty different species of insect were recorded visiting glowering trees. The probability of flowers developing into fruit varied between species from 0.04 to 0.43, although flowers from which pollinators were excluded never produced fruit. Seed production of A. malaccensis and A. microcarpa peaked at a dbh of approximately 40 and 50 cm, respectively, individual trees producing up to 19,000 seeds in a single season. Germination under nursery conditions was initiated 7-15 days after sowing: seeds of A. crasna had the highest probability of germination success (92%) whereas those of A. filaria had the lowest (53%). In natural forest, most seedling (>65%) occurred within 5 m of an adult tree, suggesting limited dispersal. These results indicate that Aquilaria spp. Have high reproductive potential, but suggest that seed dispersal might be limited in natural forest. The implications of these results for the management of Aquilaria spp. are discussed.

    Keywords: Reproductive phenology, Pollination, Ecology, Gaharu.


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    Kiet LC, Kessler PJA, Eurlings M. 2005. A New Species Of Aquilaria (Thymelaeaceae) From Vietnam. Blumea 50: 135–141

    A new species of Aquilaria is described from Vietnam and keys to the flowering and fruiting specimens of all species from this region are provided. DNA sequences of the nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region seem to confirm its status as a distinct species.

    Key words: Aquilaria, Thymelaeaceae, nrITS, taxonomy, Vietnam.


    Darmawan S, Sumardi. 2006. Penyebaran dan Keberadaan Inang Gaharu di Alam. Prosiding Sosialisasi Hasil Litbang Kepada Pengguna: Melalui Riset dan Iptek, Hutan Lestari Masyarakat Sejahtera pp 205-215

    Telah dilakukan penelitian penyebaran dan keberadaan inang gaharu di alam. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November 2004 di kawasan Hutan Timau Kecamatan Amfoang Kabupaten Kupang dan Kawasan Hutan Wanggameti, Kecamatan Metawai Selatan, Kabupaten Sumba Timur, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan survey dan wawancara terhadap masyarakat untuk mendapatkan data pengusahaan gaharu dan membuat petak berukuran 20 m x 20 m dengan jarak antar petak 200 m dengan sistem jalur untuk melakukan inventarisasi inang gaharu, pada lokasi tempat ditemukannya gaharu/inang gaharu maupun bekas eksploitasi gaharu/inang gaharu. Dari hasil penelitian di lokasi penelitian diketahui inang gaharu dari jenis Aquilaria malaccensis sulit ditemukan. Inang gaharu di alam pada tingkat pohon dan tiang sudah tidak dapat ditemukan, untuk tingkat pancang dan semai di petak analisis vegetasi masih dapat dijumpai dengan nilai indeks penting masing- masing sebesar 2,86 dan 8,28. Berkurangnya inang gaharu di alam disebabkan oleh perburuan yang berlangsung secara besar-besaran tanpa dilakukan upaya konservasi dengan melakukan budidaya inang gaharu.

    Kata kunci: Inang, Gaharu, Survey, Inventarisasi


    Anders J, Henrik M. 2008. Does Commercialization of a Non-timber Forest Product Reduce Ecological Impact? A Case Study of the Critically Endangered Aquilaria crassna in Lao PDR. Oryx 42(2): 214-221

    Aquilaria crassna, a tree species on CITES Appendix II and categorized as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, is the main source of the highly valuable, fragrant and resinous agarwood that is extracted in forests in South-east Asia, exported to East Asian and Arab countries, and used for a range of medicinal, aromatic and religious products. Based on interviews with local, non-local and foreign harvesters in Laos we examined the relationships between harvesters’ daily net revenue from

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    agarwood extraction, their degree of commercialization (i.e. their differential access to markets) and their ability to target harvesting towards the small fraction of trees that do contain commercial qualities and quantities of agarwood. For comparison we included data on number of trees felled during the most recent harvesting trip. The analysis showed that poor targeting ability and low degree of commercialization were associated with low daily net revenues, whereas good targeting ability and high degree of commercialization were associated with high daily net revenues. In the case of A. crassna in Laos it therefore appears that the activities of highly commercialized harvesters are less harmful to A. crassna populations than those of less specialized, local harvesters.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Aquilaria crassna, Gaharu, Laos, Non-timber forest product, NTFP, South-east Asia.


    Sumarna Y. 2008. Beberapa Aspek Ekologi, Populasi Pohon, dan Permudaan Alam Tumbuhan Penghasil Gaharu Kelompok Karas (Aquilaria spp.) di Wilayah Provinsi Jambi (Some Ecological Aspect, Tree Population, and Natural Regeneration of Agarwood Tree of Karas Groups (Aquilaria spp.) in Jambi Province Region). Jurnal Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam 5(1): 93-99

    Indonesia has the highest resources potency of the agarwood tree producer in the world. Naturally they grow at various condition of ecosystem and forest type. At the beginning people collected agarwood from the died tree, but due to the increased demand in the market and naturally selling price turned higher, people started hunting and cutting living tree. This activity endangers the agarwood natural population. Since year 2004, the genus of Aquilaria spp. and Gyrinops sp. have been put in the Appendix II CITES (Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna). In order to support the conservation effort, ecological study of agarwood tree producer is needed. The research was conducted through field survey in three sites namely site at 200 m above sea level. Each observation was replicated 3 times. The location of the study was in Tabir Ulu subdistrict on Sorolangun regency on Jambi Province. The results showed that air temperature range from 20-33º C, humidity range from 78-81%, light intensity range from 56-75% with rainfall range from 1,200-1,500 mm/year. Tree Aquilaria spp. Population in forest area according to altitude mean only 7 tree, the population potency of seedling nature average from each mother tree of the Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk mean amount to 287 seedling (20,3 m2 crown canopy) and for the type Aquilaria microcarpa Bail amount to 331 seedling (24,5 m2 crown canopy).

    Keywords: Karas, Agarwood, Ecologically, Ecology, Plantation


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    Zhang L, Brockelman WY, Allen MA. 2008. Matrix Analysis to Evaluate Sustainability: The Tropical Tree Aquilaria crassna, a Heavily Poached Source of Agarwood. Biological Conservation 141(6): 1676-1686

    We used size-structured Lefkovitch projection matrix analysis to predict future trends in the survival of Aquilaria crassna (Thymelaeaceae), a tropical evergreen forest tree that has been highly sought after for its valuable aromatic wood (agarwood) for millennia. Data on growth, damage to trees by poachers, fruit production, seed dispersal and seedling recruitment were collected from a 30-ha plot in Khao Yai National Park, central Thailand that had seen moderate poaching. The population asymptotic growth rate, I’.sub.a, and transient growth rate, I’, found from using the matrix to project the observed population 48 years, were 1.002 and 1.005, respectively, with 95% confidence intervals of [0.985,1.016] and [0.985,1.023]. The stable size distribution obtained from the matrix was reasonably similar to the observed size distribution, suggesting that at the time of the study the population was not far from equilibrium. Sensitivity analysis and simulations of poaching on adult trees indicate that both I’’s are very sensitive to the removal of adult trees and the growth of pre-adult trees. In particular, the increase in tree mortality and decrease in preadult growth rate caused by agarwood collection seen in some areas could cause extirpation of the population. While in such cases the population appears to be poised on the brink of decline, several factors that we could not evaluate could alter its fate. First, adult deaths could stimulate recruitment of young under the parent trees; second, there is marked year-to-year variation in fruiting success and possibly recruitment; third, there is considerable spatial variation in tree density and recruitment, suggesting that attempts to evaluate future success need to encompass larger spatial and time scales.

    Keywords: Population dynamics, Sensitivity analysis, Seedfall, Low recruitment


    Pratiwi, Santoso E, Turjaman M.2010. Karakteristik Habitat Pohon Penghasil Gaharu di Beberapa Hutan Tanaman di Jawa Barat (Habitat Characteristics of Gaharu Inducing Tree Species (Aquilaria spp.) in Several Forest Plantations in West Java). Jurnal Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam 7 (2): 129-139

    The research was aimed at collecting data and information of habitat characteristics of eaglewood (gaharu-inducing tree species) in three forest plantations to support gaharu plantation development in Indonesia. The research was carried out in Carita (Banten), Dramaga (Bogor), and Kampung Tugu (Sukabumi). Observed at characteristics included: topography, climate, physical and chemical characteristics of the soils. In addition, the underground vegetation were analyzed to obtain information on the underground vegetations composition of gaharu plantation. Results indicated that gaharu grew quite favourably in flat to undulating landscape,

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    low to high temperature (20-32oC), and high rainfall (> 1,500 mm/year), hard soil texture (clay), fast drainage, pH of about 4.5-5.1, very low to high base saturation (1.2-78.8%) and low toxic element. The dominant and co-dominant undergrowth species at Carita were jampang (Panicumdisachyum Linn.) and selaginela (Selaginellaplana Hiern.), while at Dramaga were pakis (Dictyopteris irregularis Presl.) and seserehan (Piper aduncum Linn.) and at Kampung Tugu were jampang (Panicum disachyum Linn.) and rumput pait (Panicum barbatum Lamk.).

    Keywords: Eaglewood trees, Aquilaria spp., habitat characteristics, forest plantation


    Rajoo KS, Arifin A, Hazandy AH, Karam DS, Jusop S, Jamaluddin, Aiza-Shaliha, Zhen WW. 2013. Assessment of Heavy Metals Uptake and Translocation by Aquilaria malaccensis Planted in Soils Containing Sewage Sludge. American Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (9): 952-964

    The objective of this study was to assess the potential of Aquilaria malaccensis to uptake and translocate heavy metals found in sewage sludge. The A. malaccensis seedlings were planted on six different planting media: T0/Control (100% soil), T1 (80% soil and 20% sewage sludge), T2 (60% soil and 40% sewage sludge), T3 (40% soil and 60% sewage sludge), T4 (20% soil and 80% sewage sludge), and T5 (100% sewage sludge) for the duration of 16 weeks. The growth performance of height and basal diameter was measured using diameter tape and vernier caliper every two weeks, respectively. Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer was used to determine the concentration of heavy metals in the planting media and the plant parts (leaves, stem and roots). The highest concentration of Fe in the roots of the A. malaccensis plant was in the T5 growth media (2,770.75 ppm). The A. malaccensis plant was found to be suitable for taking up heavy metals from sewage sludge especially Cd and Cu.

    Keywords: Aquilaria malaccensis, Phytoremediation, Heavy Metals, Sewage Sludge, Translocation Factor (TF), Bioconcentration Factor (BCF)


    Saikia P, Khan ML. 2013. Population Structure and Regeneration Status of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. in Homegardens of Upper Assam, Northeast India. Tropical Ecology 54(1): 1-13

    Aquilaria malaccensis, a critically endangered tree species of India, is cultivated in homegardens of Assam. We studied the population structure and regeneration status of this species in homegardens of Upper Assam, northeast India. Population structure of the species, was studied in 135 homegardens and regeneration status was studied in eight selected homegardens of Jorhat and Golaghat districts of

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    Upper Assam. In the studied homegardens, population density (individuals ha1) of A. malaccensis was 1,443, 4,060 and 33,917 for trees (> 3.18 cm diameter at breast height = DBH), saplings and seedlings, respectively. This pattern of density distribution (seedlings > saplings > trees) indicates good regeneration status of the species in homegardens. On the other hand, out of the eight selected homegardens, seven showed good regeneration status, whereas, one showed fair regeneration status for the species. Seasonal survival rate of A. malaccensis saplings was significantly different among the eight selected homegardens during all the four seasons (each season of three months) of the year but that of seedlings and trees did not differ significantly. Average seasonal growth rate of A. malaccensis (in terms of collar diameter for seedlings and saplings, and DBF for trees) varied significantly among the eight selected home gardens as well as between the tour seasons. The findings of the present study suggest that homegardens can save the species from the risk of extinction.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Basal cover, Coppice regeneration, Density, Growth survival


    Saikia P, Khan ML. 2014. Ecological Features of Cultivated Stands of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. (Thymelaeaceae), a Vulnerable Tropical Tree Species in Assamese Homegardens. International Journal of Forestry Research.

    Research was conducted in twenty-seven selected villages located in Jorhat and Golaghat districts of upper Assam, northeast India, for population estimation, quantitative ecological analysis, and evaluation of Aquilaria malaccensis (Thymelaeaceae). Vegetation sampling was done by quadrat method and A. malaccensis is the most dominant tree species in all twenty-seven different study sites of upper Assam contributing 10-54% of the total tree density with a mean of 34 % ± 2. Density of the species varied from 6,236 individuals ha-1 to 429 individuals ha-1 with a mean of 1,609 individuals ha-1 ± 217, whereas frequency of occurrence is very high ranging from 93% to 100% with a mean of 98 % ± 0.53 in different study sites. Distribution of A. malaccensis is found contagious in all twenty-six study sites on the basis of abundance to frequency ratio except in KBG, Golaghat, where its distribution is random with 0.04 abundance to frequency ratio. The widespread cultivation of A. malaccensis in upper Assam, northeast India, offers a potential ex situ reservoir for the future conservation and management of this threatened tree.

    Keywords: Aquilaria malaccensis, Quadrat method, Assam Northeast India


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    B. gENETIc


    Eurlings MCM, Gravendeel B. 2005. TrnL-trnF Sequence Data Imply Paraphyly of Aquilaria and Gyrinops (Thymelaeaceae) and Provide New Perspectives for Agarwood Identification. Plant Systematics and Evolution 254(1): 1-12

    The genera Aquilaria and Gyrinops (Thymelaeaceae, Malvales) are well known for the production of agarwood which is a highly wanted forest product of substantial economic value. The taxonomic status of Aquilaria and Gyrinops as separate genera is doubted as they are only distinguished by the number of stamens. We investigated their status by conducting phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from the plastid trnL-trnF spacer. Control of international trade of agarwood is currently hampered by the failure of traditional methods such as microscopy to identify samples to species level. We therefore evaluated the potential of molecular identification of agarwood by searching for species- and region-specific plastid DNA polymorphisms. DNA sequences were obtained from 31 Thymelaeaceae accessions encompassing 20 different species in six genera. Aquilaria and Gyrinops appear to be paraphyletic. Success in sequencing wood samples demonstrates that molecular markers provide new perspectives for agarwood identification.

    Keywords: Aquilaria, gaharu, Gyrinops, phylogeny, trnL- trnF


    Azwin. 2007. Evaluasi Stabilitas Genetik Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.) Hasil Kultur In Vitro. Skripsi IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)

    Gaharu (A. malaccensis Lamk.) adalah salah satu tanaman hutan tropis penghasil resin yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Meningkatnya permintaan gaharu dari tahun ke tahun menyebabkan terjadinya penebangan liar dari hutan alam tidak terkontrol. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, perlu dilakukan pengembangan tanaman gaharu. Teknik kultur jaringan adalah suatu metode alternatif yang dapat menghasilkan bibit secara genetik lebih baik dimasa yang akan datang. Keuntungan kultur jaringan dapat menghasilkan planlet dalam jumlah yang banyak dan dalam waktu yang singkat. Disamping itu, dengan teknik ini juga dapat menghasilkan tanaman yang homogen dan bebas penyakit. Meskipun demikian, teknik kultur jaringan juga dapat menyebabkan terjadinya variasi genetik atau variasi somaklonal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui perbedaan stabilitas genetik tanaman gaharu hasil kultur in vitro baik eksplan yang berasal dari tunas aksilar maupun eksplan dari tunas adventif, dan (2) untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi optimum zat pengatur tumbuh BAP atau TDZ untuk menginduksi tunas gaharu dalam kultur in vitro. Media dasar yang digunakan adalah media MS (Murashige and Skoog,

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    1962). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan konsentrasi BAP (kontrol; 0,50 ppm; 0,75 ppm; 1,0 ppm) atau TDZ (kontrol; 0,25 ppm; 0,50 ppm; 0,75 ppm), dengan 3 ulangan, setiap ulangan terdiri dari 4 botol, setiap botol ditanam satu eksplan yang berasal dari tunas aksilar atau tunas adventif. Teknik Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) telah digunakan untuk mengetahui variasi genetik dari pohon induk dan bibit (sebelum kultur) dan variasi somaklonal tunas aksilar dan tunas adventif (hasil kultur). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dua jenis eksplan yang ditanam secara in vitro pada media MS yang diberi perlakuan BAP 0,50 ppm atau TDZ 0,25 ppm menghasilkan jumlah tunas, panjang tunas dan jumlah daun yang terbaik. Hasil evaluasi stabilitas genetik tanaman gaharu hasil kultur in vitro menggunakan penanda RAPD menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik sebelum kultur (0,0729), hasil kultur (planlets) (0,0833), sub kultur I (0,0903) dan sub kultur II (0,0382), sedangkan keragaman genetik pohon induk sebesar 0,2454.

    Kata Kunci: Genetik, Gaharu, Aquilaria malaccensis


    Rahmawati D, Toruan-Mathius N. 2009. Analisis Keragaman Genetik Acremonium yang Berasosiasi dengan Tanaman Gaharu Menggunakan Teknik Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Jurnal Agro Biogen 5 (2): 65-70

    Agarwood or gaharu is a plant that has a high economic value in Asia, due to its use for production of incense and traditional medicines. The agarwood formation occurs in the trunk and roots of trees that have been infected by a fungus, such as Acremonium spp. Various fungi were associated with the agarwood formation. Acremonium is generally considered as highly polyphyletic, contains distantly related fungi. A study was done to identify genetic diversities in 10 isolates of Acremonium spp. from four different areas in Indonesia that are associated with Aquilaria and Gyrinops versteegii using the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Eight RAPD primers, i.e., OPA 02, OPB 04, OPB 07, OPB 17, OPC 11, OPD 03, OPD 05, and OPE 07 were used in the analyses. The results indicated that similarity index values of the genetic variation ranged from 0.21 to 0.97. Based on the Nei and Li’s similarity coefficients, these values indicating the presence of high degree of genetic variability. The lowest degree of genetic similarity were found between isolates F (Acremonium spp., which is associated with G. verstegii from Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat), and LM2 from south coastal area of West Sumatra. The highest genetic similarity value (0.97) was found between isolates Sr2 and Sr4 from Sorong, Papua. Results from the cluster analysis indicated that the isolates could be grouped into two major clusters that were associated with their geographical locations.

    Key words: Agarwood, genetic diversity, Acremonium spp., RAPD.


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    Siburian RHS. 2009. Keragaman Genetik Gyrinops versteegii asal Papua Berdasarkan RAPD dan Mikrosatelit. Skripsi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPB)

    Gyrinops versteegii merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil gaharu yang berasal dari Papua. Gyrinops versteegii yang dijumpai di alam memiliki morfologi daun yang agak berbeda, terutama pada daerah dengan ketinggian tempat tumbuh yang berbeda. Perbedaan morfologi ini menunjukkan tingkat keragaman genetik seperti yang umum dijumpai pada berbagai jenis tumbuhan lain. Informasi keragaman genetik, berupa tingkat dan distribusi keragaman yang ada pada suatu jenis sangat penting untuk diketahui berkaitan dengan penyusunan strategi pemuliaan (breeding) dan juga konservasinya. Keragaman genetik yang ada merupakan sumberdaya yang dapat memberikan peluang untuk dilakukannya rekombinasi, evaluasi dan seleksi. Informasi keragaman genetik dapat diperoleh dengan melakukan kegiatan inventarisasi genetik baik melalui pengujian lapangan (field trial) ataupun analisis dengan bantuan penanda genetik.

    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi genetik tanaman Gyrinops versteegii yang berasal dari dataran rendah dan tinggi (Manokwari dan Kebar) dengan menggunakan penanda DNA RAPD dan Mikrosatelit. Nilai keragaman genetik Gyrinops versteegii dalam populasi dengan menggunakan metode RAPD menunjukkan keragaman genetik populasi Kebar (He = 0,2944) lebih tinggi dibanding populasi Manokwari. (He = 0,2357). Hasil AMOVA menunjukkan bahwa sumbangan keragaman terbesar diberikan oleh keragaman antar individu yakni sebesar 89% dari total ragam. Analisis dendogram berdasarkan jarak genetik, menunjukkan bahwa populasi induk dan anakan dalam satu lokasi membentuk satu kelompok dengan jarak genetik yang kecil, sedang antar populasi induk Manokwari dan Kebar memiliki jarak genetik yang besar. Hal ini menggambarkan kedua kelompok tersebut terpisah dan diduga hal ini menjadi penghalang terjadinya aliran gen. Informasi keragaman genetik ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar strategi pengembangan konservasi dan pemuliaan.

    Kata kunci: Genetik, Gyrinops versteegii, RAPD, Mikrosatelit


    Fujino H, Kadota S, Katoh Y, Kenmotsu Y, Kurosaki F, Ogita S. 2011. Methyl Jasmonate-induced Enhancement of Expression Activity of Am-FaPS-1, a Putative Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase Gene from Aquilaria microcarpa. Journal of Natural Medicines 65(1): 194-197

    A cDNA clone, designated Am-FaPS-1 (1310 bp), was isolated from callus culture derived from the leaf tissues of Aquilaria microcarpa. This gene contains an open

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    reading frame encoding the protein of 342 amino acid residues with high homology to farnesyl diphosphate synthase from various plant sources. An appreciable increase in the transcriptional level of Am-FaPS-1 was reproducibly observed by the exposure of the cell culture to methyl jasmonate. The expression activity of the gene was also elevated when the cells were treated with yeast extract and Ca.sup.2+-ionophore A23187. These results suggest that Am-FaPS-1 and its translate play roles in methyl jasmonate- and yeast extract-induced responses of A. microcarpa, and Ca.sup.2+ functions as an important messenger molecule in these processes. This set of the results would support our hypothesis that the activation of Ca.sup.2+-cascade evoked by the elevation of cytoplasmic Ca.sup.2+ concentration is an essential early event in methyl jasmonate-induced responses of higher plant cells.

    Keywords: Methyl jasmonate, Farnesyl diphosphate synthase, Sesquiterpene biosynthesis, Agarwood,Aquilaria microcarpa


    Ito M, Kumeta Y. 2011. Genomic Organization of [delta]-guaiene Synthase Genes in Aquilaria crassna and its Possible Use for the Identification of Aquilaria species. Journal of Natural Medicines 65 (3-4): 508-513

    The resinous portions of Aquilaria plants, called agarwood, have been used as medicines and incenses. Agarwood contains a great variety of sesquiterpenes, and a study using cultured cells of Aquilaria crassna showed that the production of sesquiterpenes ([alpha]-guaiene, [alpha]-humulene, and [delta]-guaiene) was induced by treatment with methyl jasmonate, which led to the cloning of [delta]-guaiene synthases. In the present study, analyses of genomic organization and Southern blotting of [delta]-guaiene synthase in A. crassna were performed in order to examine the genomic background of [delta]-guaiene synthases in Aquilaria plants. Genomic cloning and sequencing revealed five types of sequence in putative [delta]-guaiene synthases sharing more than 96% identity in exon regions, and that these enzymes belonged to the class III TPS subfamily with seven exons and six introns. Furthermore, Southern blotting revealed that at least five copies of [delta]-guaiene synthase existed in A. crassna. The hybridization of digested DNA of A. crassna and A. sinensis with probes made with a [delta]-guaiene synthase cDNA fragment resulted in different banding patterns for these two species. It may be possible to identify Aquilaria species by restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses with [delta]-guaiene synthase cDNA probes.

    Keywords: Aquilaria crassna, Agarwood, Sesquiterpenes


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    Gao ZH, W JH, Yang Y, Zhang Z, Zao WT. 2012. Selection and Validation of Reference Genes for Studying Stress-related Agarwood Formation of Aquilaria sinensis. Plant Cell Reports 31 (9): 1759-68

    Agarwood is a high-valued woody material for medicine, perfume, and incense production in Asia, Middle East, and Europe. The wild resources of agarwood-producing tree species, e.g., Aquilaria sinensis have been greatly threatened. The formation of agarwood is considered to be associated with the plant stress and defensive responses, thus it would be urgent and significant to investigate the molecular mechanism of these species responding to a variety of stresses. This is the first report regarding the reference gene selection of Aquilaria species for studying the molecular mechanism of stress-related agarwood production. Candidate reference genes were selected according to previous reports and the sequences were obtained from the 454 EST library of A. sinensis. To obtain the robust genes, we applied three independent programs depending on distinct assumptions and combined these results by a rank aggregation algorithm. The result supports tubulin, ribosomal protein, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase to be the most stable reference genes for quantification of target gene expression in the overall samples examined. Validation of these genes through normalizing the expression of a terpene synthase demonstrated that these three genes are reliable. The selective usage of three algorithms based on their characteristics was underlined. However, more robust genes could be identified if the results of all algorithms were combined by a proper method such as the rank aggregation algorithm.

    Keywords: Quantitative genes expression, Reference gene, Aquilaria sinensis, Agawood, Strees


    Kenmotsu Y, Yamamura Y, Kurosaki F. 2012. Expression of Specific Calmodulin Genes Isolated from Tissue Cultured Cells of AquilariaMicrocarpa in Response to Methyl Jasmonate and Yeast Extract. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology 48(6):627-631

    We found that the early cellular events which lead to the activation of secondary metabolism in appropriately stimulated plant cells, such as gene expression of monomeric GTP-binding proteins and their intracellular translocation, occur very rapidly, and are sometimes terminated within 30 min after the stimulation (Mitamura et al. 2011). Together with the results obtained in the present study, the physiological roles of plant CAM appear to be regulated by various mechanisms, such as differential transcriptional control of specific CAM paralogues and post-translational modification followed by intracellular translocation of the protein.

    Keywords : Aquilaria microcarpa, Calmodulin genes


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    Laswi I. 2012. Genetic Variation of Planted and Natural Agarwood Assessed by Microsatellite. Skripsi Bogor Agriculture University (IPB)

    Agarwood is one of the valuable Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) that contain resin with a specific fragrance, and is often used as raw materials of perfumes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, incense, preservatives as well as religious activities. Over exploitation of agarwood has resulted in scarcity of agarwood in the nature leading to the losses of trees of superior genotypes. This scarcity has led agarwood to be included into the CITES Appendix II list in which a quota system is imposed for trading activities. However, this quota still does not distinguish clearly between natural or cultivated agarwood, opening opportunities for illegal trading practices. It is therefore necessary to provide an effective attempts to control of the origin of. Nowdays, the use of DNA markers gains significant importance in the forensic activities such as verification of the origin of timber and plant materials. This tool is difficult to be manipulated. Therefore, a study was carried with aims to 1) cross amplify Aquilaria crassna microsatellite primers into other agarwood species (transferability study), and 2) to infer the origin of agarwoodbeing traded in the market. Materials for research were populations of agarwood from natural and planted forests and agarwood pieces of unknown origin. A.crassna microsatellite primers were used, namely 6pa18 (180-210 bp), 10pa17 (152-156 bp), 16pa17 (143-155 bp), and 71pa17 (152-224 bp). Results showed that agarwood samples from both natural forests and plantations could cross amplify with expected fragment size ranges. Result showed that genetic diversity (He) in the planted forest was 0.5443 a slighty higher than that of natural forest (He=0.4642). Information on the level of genetic diversities can be used as scientific basis for conservation program. Cluster analysis showed different groupings of agarwood originated from plantations and natural forests. Futher analysis showed that agarwood timbers with unclear origins clustered into agarwood group from natural forests indicating common existence of traded natural agarwood.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Cross amplification, Microsatellite, CITES, genetic diversity


    Tnah LH, Lee CT, Lee SL, Ng KKS, Ng CH, Nurul-Farhanah Z, Lau KH, Chua LSL. 2012. Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers for an Important Tropical Tree, Aquilaria malaccensis (Thymelaeaceae). American Journal of Botany 99 (11): e431-433

    Aggressive collections and trade activities in recent decades have resulted in heavy pressure on the natural stands of Aquilaria malaccensis and concerns over its long-term survival potential. To aid DNA profiling and assessment of its genetic diversity,

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    microsatellite markers were developed for the species. Seventeen polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for A. malaccensis using an enrichment protocol. The markers were screened on 24 samples from a natural population. The number of alleles ranged from two to 11, and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.042 to 0.957. No significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was detected after conservative Bonferroni correction. This is the first report on the development of microsatellite markers in A. malaccensis. The markers will be used to establish a DNA profiling database and to estimate the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of the species.

    Keywords: Microsatellite markers, Aquilaria malaccensis, Polymorphic microsatellite


    Kenmotsu Y, Asano K, Yamamura Y, Kurosaki F. 2013. Cloning and Expression of Putative Rac/Rop GTPase Genes, Am- rac1 and Am- rac2, Involved in Methyl Jasmonate-induced Transcriptional Activation of Farnesyl Diphosphate Synthase in Cell Cultures of Aquilaria microcarpa. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 31 (3): 539-546

    A homology-based cloning strategy yielded two cDNA clones presumably encoding Rac/Rop GTPases, Am- rac1 and Am- rac2, from callus cultures of Aquilaria microcarpa. Transcriptional levels of Am- rac1, measured using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, remained steady, while those of Am- rac2 increased dramatically following treatment of cultured cells with either a yeast extract or methyl jasmonate. These results suggested that Am- rac1 was a constitutively expressed homologue, while Am- rac2 was induced in A. microcarpa cells. Moreover, a farnesyl diphosphate synthase gene of A. microcarpa, Am- FaPS1, was transcriptionally activated in A. microcarpa cells grown in the presence of methyl jasmonate; however, expression levels were markedly lowered in the presence of various signal transduction-related inhibitors involved in Ca-, Rap/Rop GTPase-, or ubiquitin-dependent signaling processes. Whereas, expression of Am- FaPS1 was markedly increased, even in the absence of methyl jasmonate in A. microcarpa cells over-expressing Am- rac2. These findings suggested that Rac/Rop GTPase proteins played important roles in jasmonate-induced enhancement of terpenoid metabolism in A. microcarpa.

    Keywords: Aquilaria microcarpa, Farnesyl diphosphate synthase, Methyl jasmonate, Signal transduction


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    Xu Y, Zheng Z, Mengxi W, Wei J, Hongjiang C, Zhihui G, Chun S, Hongmei L, Xingli Z, Yun Y, Hui M, Li W. 2013. Identification of Genes Related to Agarwood Formation: Transcriptome Analysis of Healthy and Wounded Tissues of Aquilariasinensis. BMC Genomics 14(1): 1-16

    Agarwood is an expensive resinous heartwood derived from Aquilaria plants that is widely used in traditional medicines, incense and perfume. Only wounded trees can produce agarwood, and the huge demand for the agarwood products has led all Aquilaria spp. being endangered and listed in the Appendix II of the CITES ( The major components of agarwood are sesquiterpenes and phenylethyl chromones. Owing to a lack of genomic information, the molecular basis of wound-induced sesquiterpenes biosynthesis and agarwood formation remains unknown. Results: To identify the primary genes that maybe related to agarwood formation, we sequenced 2 cDNA libraries generated from healthy and wounded A.sinensis (Lour.) Gilg. A total of 89,137 unigenes with an average length of 678.65 bp were obtained, and they were annotated in detail at bioinformatics levels. Of those associated with agarwood formation, 30 putatively encoded enzymes in the sesquiterpene biosynthesis pathway, and a handful of transcription factors and protein kinases were related to wound signal transduction. Three full-length cDNAs of sesquiterpene synthases (ASS1-3) were cloned and expressed in Escherichiacoli, and enzyme assays revealed that they are active enzymes, with the major products being δ-guaiene. A methyl jasmonate (MJ) induction experiment revealed that the expression of ASS was significantly induced by MJ, and the production of sesquiterpenes was elevated accordingly. The expression of some transcription factors and protein kinases, especially MYB4, WRKY4, MPKK2 and MAPK2, was also induced by MJ and coordinated with ASS expression, suggesting they maybe positive regulators of ASS. Conclusions: This study provides extensive transcriptome information for Aquilaria spp. and valuable clues for elucidating the mechanism of wound-induced agarwood sesquiterpenes biosynthesis and their regulation.

    Keywords: Agarwood; GC-MS; Sesquiterpenes; Transcriptome; Wound signal transduction


    Chen C, Kuo TC, Yang M, Chien T, Chu M, Huang L, Chen C, Lo H, Jeng S, Chen L. 2014. Identification of cucurbitacins and assembly of a draft genome for Aquilaria agallocha. Genomics 15:578

    Agarwood is derived from Aquilaria trees, the trade of which has come under strict control with a listing in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Many secondary metabolites of agarwood are known to have medicinal value to humans, including compounds that have been shown to elicit sedative effects and exhibit anti-cancer properties.

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    However, little is known about the genome, transcriptome, and the biosynthetic pathways responsible for producing such secondary metabolites in agarwood. In this study, we present a draft genome and a putative pathway for cucurbitacin E and I, compounds with known medicinal value, from in vitro Aquilaria agallocha agarwood. DNA and RNA data are utilized to annotate many genes and protein functions in the draft genome. The expression changes for cucurbitacin E and I are shown to be consistent with known responses of A. agallocha to biotic stress and a set of homologous genes in Arabidopsis thaliana related to cucurbitacin bio-synthesis is presented and validated through qRT-PCR. This study is the first attempt to identify cucurbitacin E and I from in vitro agarwood and the first draft genome for any species of Aquilaria. The results of this study will aid in future investigations of secondary metabolite pathways in Aquilaria and other non-model medicinal plants.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Cucurbitacin, Aquilaria, Genome


    Jiao L, Yin Y, Cheng Y, Jiang X. 2014. DNA Barcoding for Identification of the Endangered Species Aquilaria sinensis: Comparison of Data from Heated or Aged Wood Samples. International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics, & Technology of Wood. 68(4): 487-494

    Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg is an evergreen tree and produces agarwood used for incense and as a uniquely precious medicine. It is in danger of disappearing due to illegal logging and its identification and protection is crucial. However, it is difficult or impossible to distinguish A. sinensis from other species of the genus Aquilaria and its closely related genus Gyrinops Gaertn. based on wood anatomical characteristics. Probably, DNA barcoding technology might provide an improvement in species identification. In this study, wood samples were tested, which were submitted to high-temperature drying and were stored for a long period in a xylarium. The factors should be identified that hinder the efficiency of wood DNA extraction from this species. The results indicate that the DNA from the wood tissues could be successfully amplified, apart from some DNA regions from the heartwood of the dried samples and the xylarium samples. The DNA sequences from the wood tissues mostly matched with the sequences of A. sinensis deposited in the Gen Bank. Moreover, analyses of phylogenetic trees based on trnL-trnF and ITS1 regions indicated that the wood tissues in the tests clustered together with the A. sinensis species from the GenBank, with bootstrap values of 74% and 94%, respectively. Consequently, it is feasible to identify A. sinensis wood on a species level based on the DNA barcoding technology.

    Keywords: DNA barcoding, Phylogenetic analyses, Wood anatomy, Wood identification

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    Xu Y,Juan L, Liang L,Xin Y, Zhang Z, Gao Z, Sui C,Jianhe W. 2014. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Three cDNAs Encoding 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate Synthase in Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg. Plant Physiology & Biochemistry 82: 133-141

    Agarwood is an expensive resinous heartwood derived from Aquilaria plants that is widely used in traditional medicines, incense and perfume. The major constituents of agarwood oils are sesquiterpenes, which are obtained from isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate precursors through the plastidial methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway and/or the cytosolic mevalonate pathway. 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase (DXS) is the first rate-limiting enzyme for sesquiterpene synthesis in the MEP pathway. In this study, 3 cDNAs of DXS genes were cloned and characterized from the Aquilaria sinensis (Lour.) Gilg. These genes represent 3 phylogenetically distinct clades conserved among plants. Functional complementation in a DXS-deficient Escherichia coli strain EcAB4-2 demonstrated that they are active DXS, which rescued the E. coli mutant. Their expression profiles in different tissues and in response to different treatments were analyzed by real-time PCR. All 3 genes are highly expressed in stem, followed by leaf and root. AsDXS1 was significantly stimulated by mechanical, chemical, and H2O2 treatment, whereas AsDXS2 and AsDXS3 only responded to chemical treatment and mechanical treatment, respectively. All three genes were oscillation in respond to MJ treatment, with expression peaks occurring at different time points. Our results suggest the conservation of DXS in evolution and imply their distinct functions in primary and defensive sesquiterpene metabolism in A. sinensis.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Aquilaria sinensis, Characterization, DXS, Expression, Sesquiterpene


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    c. SIlvIculTurE


    Meng-ling H, Shu-yuan Q, Lan-juan H. 2005. Rapid in Vitro Propagation of Medicinally Important Aquilaria agallocha. Journal of Zhejiang University 6(8): 849-852

    Aquilaria agallocha can produce fragrant agarwood used for incense, traditional medicine and other products. An efficient plant regeneration system was established via organogenesis from shoots developed from seedlings of Aquilaria agallocha. Shoots generated many buds on MS medium supplemented with 1.3 μmol/L BA (6-benzylaminopurine) in the first 7 weeks, and the buds elongated on MS medium with 1.3 μmol/L BA+0.5 μmol/L NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid) in another 7 weeks, 2.3 shoots 2 cm in length per explant were obtained within 14 weeks. Plantlets were rooted on 1/2 MS medium after being immersed in 5 μmol/L NAA for 48 h, 96.7% of the roots grew up two weeks later. All plantlets that survived acclimatization grew well in the pots.

    Keyword: Agarwood, Micropropagation, Aquilaria agallocha.


    Azwin, Siregar IZ, Supriyanto. 2006. The Use of BAP and TDZ for Propagation of Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.). Media Konservasi 11(3): 98–104

    Agarwood (A. malaccensis Lamk.) is one of the important tropical forest trees, which produces a high economically valuable fragrant resinous wood. The increase of agarwood demand from year to year leads to uncontrolled illegal harvest of this plant from its natural habitat. To encounter this problem, there is an urgent need to develop agarwood plantation. Tissue culture is an alternative method to provide genetically good seedlings for plantation in the future due to its short period and mass quantity of planlet production. In addition, through this method, its might also provide homogenous plant, and free pest and diseases. The objectives of the study were (1) to find out the optimal concentration of BAP or TDZ for inducing shoot multiplication of agarwood in vitro conditions. MS (Murashige And Skoog, 1962), was used as basal media. The experimental design of the research was completely randomized design with treatment of BAP concentration (control; 0,50 ppm; 0,75 ppm; 1,0 ppm) or TDZ concentration (control; 0,25 ppm; 0,50 ppm; 0,75 ppm), in 3 units, of replicate every units consist of 4 bottles, every bottle containing one explants coming from axillaries and adventitious shoot explants. Results indicated that two types of agarwood explants grown in vitro in MS basal media containing BAP 0,50 ppm or TDZ 0,25 ppm produced the highest number of shoots and leaves of agarwood plantlets, as well as its plantlet shoot length.Keywords: BAP, TDZ, Agarwood, In Vitro_________________________________________________________________

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    Indriaty. 2006. Respons Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula pada Aquilaria spp. Skripsi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPB)

    Aquilaria malaccensis dan A. microcarpa merupakan tanaman penghasil gaharu yang pengadaannya dalam bentuk bibit perlu ditingkatkan. Cendawan mikoriza arbuskula (CMA) diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui respons CMA pada bibit A. malaccensis dan A. microcarpa. Inokulum CMA yang digunakan ialah Glomus sp. ACA, Glomus sp. ZEA, Glomus clarum, Entrophospora sp., dan Gigaspora sp. Kolonisasi CMA pada akar A. malaccensis dan A. microcarpa terjadi sebelum minggu ke-7 setelah inokulasi. Inokulasi CMA efektif meningkatkan tinggi bibit, diameter batang, dan bobot kering total A. malaccensis dan A. microcarpa.

    Kata Kunci: Mikoriza Arbuskula, Aquilaria spp., Aquilaria malaccensis, A. microcarpa


    Rayan. 2006. Perlakuan Media Kecambah Terhadap Benih Tumbuhan Penghasil Gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa) di Persemaian BP2KK Samarinda. Prosiding Seminar Bersama Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Balai Litbang Kehutanan Kalimantan, Balai Litbang Hutan Tanaman Indonesia Bagian Timur dan Loka Litbang Satwa Primata, Samarinda 12 April 2006 pp 240-245

    Tumbuhan penghasil Gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa) termasuk suku Thymelaceae bernilai ekonomis tinggi yang selalu diburu dan ditebang orang jika ditemukan pencari gaharu di hutan karena banyak kegunaannya seperti untuk pembuatan parfum, kosmetik dan obat-obatan dan lain-lain. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Persemaian Balai Litbang Kehutanan Kalimantan dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui media perkecambahan benih tumbuhan penghasil gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa) yang baik. Parameter yang diamati adalah kecepatan berkecambah dan daya kecambah benih. Metoda yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Percobaan Acak Kelompok dengan perlakuan-perlakuan media perkecambahan yaitu: P1 (Media Perkecambahan Pasir) dan P2 (Media Perkecambahan Pasir Campur Kompos (1:1). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proses perkecambahan benih tumbuhan penghasil gaharu jenis Aquilaria microcarpa, mulai berkecambah pada hari ke 7 dan terakhir hari ke 22 dengan rata-rata kecepatan berkecabah selama 14 hari. Sedangkan daya kecambahnya rata-rata 77,67 persen, perkecambahan benih tumbuhan penghasil gaharu dengan pemberian kompos pada media pasir disamping dapat meningkatkan daya perkecambahan juga dapat mempercepat perkecambahannya yaitu penaburan benih pada media pasir rata-rata daya kecambah dan kecepatan berkecambah masing-masing 76,67 persen dan 14,46 hari, sedangkan penaburan di media pasir campur kompos (1:1) masing-masing berturut-turut 78,67 persen dan 13,54 hari. Hal ini disebabkan karena media pasir campur kompos lebih basah/lembab dibandingkan dengan media pasir tanpa

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    kompos dan salah satu syarat perkecambahan diantaranya harus kelembabannya stabil atau tetap terjaga dan setelah diuji secara statistik tidak menunjukan perbedaan yang nyata.

    Kata kunci: Gaharu, Aquilaria microcarpa, Media kecambah, Daya kecambah, Kecepatan berkecambah


    Rayan. 2006. Pengaruh Media Terhadap Pertumbuhan Cabutan Anakan Alam Jenis Tumbuhan Penghasil Gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa). Prosiding Seminar Bersama Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Balai Litbang Kehutanan Kalimantan, Balai Litbang Hutan Tanaman Indonesia Bagian Timur dan Loka Litbang Satwa Primata: Samarinda 12 April 2006 pp 326-333

    Gaharu adalah gumpalan resin berbentuk padat berwarna coklat kehitaman sampai hitam dan berbau harum, yang terdapat pada bagian kayu atau akar dari jenis tumbuhan penghasil gaharu yang telah mengalami proses perubahan kimia dan fisika diduga akibat terinfeksi oleh sejenis jamur, serta merupakan komoditi elit dalam kelompok hasil hutan bukan kayu yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan untuk pembuatan parfum, kosmetik, dan obat-obatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di persemaian Balai Litbang Kehutanan Kalimantan, rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan berbagai media sapih, antara lain: M1 (media topsoil), M2 (media topsoil campur tanah gambut (3:1), M3 (media topsoil campur tanah gambut (2:1), M4 (media subsoil campur tanah gambut (3:1), M8 (media topsoil campur bokasi (2:1), M9 (media subsoil campur bokasi (3:1), M10 (media subsoil campur bokasi (2:1), penelitian ini diulang dengan 3 kali ulangan yang tiap-tiap ulangan terdiri dari 30 benih. Hasil penelitian penunjukan bahwa Rata-rata pertumbuhan tinggi mencapai 29,75 cm dengan diameter 0,28 cm dan persentase hidup mencapai 82,53 persen asal cabutan anakan alam selama 6 bulan di persemaian, pemberian gambut pada media sapih pada umumnya cenderung meningkat tetapi pemberian pada media subsoil belum dapat menyamakan kesuburan topsoilnya. Berbeda halnya dengan pemberian Bokasi pada media sapih disamping meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dan juga pemberian pada media subsoil dapat melebihi kesuburan topsoilnya. Yaitu pertumbuhan tinggi cabutan yang disapih pada media subsoil campur bokasi (M9, 32,7 cm) lebih tinggi dari pada media topsoil (M1, 29,74 cm)begitu juga dengan pertumbuhan diameternya yaitu cabutan anakan alam yang di sapih pada M9, 0,34 cm dan yang disapih pada M1 adalah 0,28 cm tetapi sebaliknya dengan persentase hidup yaitu persentase lebih rendah dengan pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi.

    Kata kunci: Gaharu, Aquilaria microcarpa, Media sapih, Gambut, bokasi


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    Wijayanti DR. 2006. Identifikasi Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula dari Rizosfer Aquilaria spp. Skripsi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPB)

    Aqularia spp. merupakan genus utama penghasil gaharu. Intensitas perburuan yang tidak terkendali menyebabkan Aquilaria spp. menjadi salah satu tanaman angka. Oleh karena itu, pelestarian Aquilaria spp. sebagai sumber plasma nutfah perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah kepunahan. Cendawan mikoriza arbuskula (CMA) telah digunakan sebagai inokulum dalam peningkatan pertumbuhan Aquilaria spp., tetapi informasi keberadaan CMA pada rizosfer Aquilaria spp. belum dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi CMA pada rizosfer Aquilaria spp. Contoh rizosfer tanah dan akar Aquilaria spp. diambil dari empat lokasi, yaitu Carita (A. malaccensis), Ciapus (A. filaria), Cifor (A. crassna dan A. malaccensis), dan Bantar Kemang (A. beccariana, A. crassna, dan A. malaccensis). Pewarnaan akar menggunakan metode Phillips dan Hayman (1970) yang dimodifikasi. Contoh tanah yang diambil segera dikeringudarakan untuk digunakan sebagai biakan pot dengan Pueraria javanica sebagai tanaman inang. Spora diisolasi dari biakan pot dengan menggunakan metode tuang saring basah dilanjutkan dengan sentrifugasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan struktur koloni CMA pada akar Aquilaria spp. berupa hifa eksternal, hifa internal, hifa gelung, arbuskula dan vesikula. Seluruh struktur koloni CMA pada akar Aquilaria spp. menunjukkan adanya asosiasi tanaman dengan CMA. Spora CMA yang berhasil diisolasi dan diidentifikasi dari rizosfer empat spesies Aquilaria spp. (tujuh contoh tanah) berupa empat spesies CMA, yaitu Glomus sp.1, Glomus sp.2 , Gigaspora albida, dan Scutellosporasp.

    Kata Kunci: Cendawan, Mikoriza Arbuskula, Rizosfer, Aquilaria spp.


    Firmansyah YV.2007. Pembiakan Vegetatif Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex. Lecomte) dengan Stek Pucuk. Skripsi Departemen Silvikultur Fakultas Kehutanan (IPB)

    Semakin tingginya laju degradasi hutan, menyebabkan bahan baku untuk industri pengolahan kayu menurun, sehingga pendapatan dari sektor kehutanan mengalami penurunan. Maka perlu alternatif pemanfaatan hasil hutan selain kayu, yakni dengan menggali potensi hasil hutan bukan kayu (HHBK). Salah satu HHBK yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan adalah tanaman jenis gaharu, karena gaharu adalah tanaman yang dapat menghasilkan minyak atsiri bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Pada beberapa tahun terakhir jumlah gaharu di alam semakin berkurang karena semakin maraknya penebangan liar tanaman gaharu di alam, untuk itu perlu tindakan budidaya yang intensif terhadap jenis gaharu. Fase berbuah dan berbunga dari gaharu yang hanya sekali dalam setahun, menyebabkan gaharu tidak dapat menghasilkan bibit setiap saat. Maka pembiakan vegetatif menjadi cara yang efektif, karena dengan pembiakan ini proses regenerasi dapat dilakukan setiap saat. Stek pucuk adalah salah satu metode pembiakan vegetatif yang efektif

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    untuk menghasilkan jumlah bibit dalam jumlah banyak, selain itu dengan metode ini juga dapat mempertahankan keunggulan sifat genetik induknya.

    Kegiatan penelitian stek pucuk gaharu, dilakukan di rumah kaca sistem KOFFCO di Bogor, dengan menggunakan rancangan percobaan pola 2 X 3 yakni 2 perlakuan asal bahan stek yang terdiri dari bahan stek dari tanaman dewasa dan bahan stek yang diambil dari tanaman muda (semai), serta 3 perlakuan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh (ZPT) Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) yakni tanpa IBA (kontrol), IBA 50 ppm, IBA 100 ppm. Sehingga didapatkan kombinasi perlakuan sebanyak 6 perlakuan, dengan masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan 3 ulangan, sehingga ada 18 unit percobaan, dan setiap unitnya terdiri dari 50 bahan stek, jadi secara keseluruhan digunakan 900 bahan stek. Kemudian untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari setiap perlakuan terhadap keberhasilan stek dilakukan uji Kruskal-Wallis. Parameter yang digunakan untuk mengetahui keberhasilan stek ini adalah persen hidup, persen bertunas, persen berakar, dan persen hidup setelah aklimatisasi. Hasil pengamatan terhadap stek gaharu menunjukkan bahwa persen hidup dan bertunas mencapai nilai 69,2 %, sedangkan untuk persen berakar sebesar 66,5 %. Untuk perlakuan yang terbaik pada persen berakar adalah stek yang berasal dari semai tanpa IBA (kontrol) dengan persentase 96 %, dan persen berakar paling rendah yakni 28,6 % adalah stek dengan bahan tanaman dewasa tanpa IBA. Kemudian setelah diolah dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan bahwa setiap perlakuan memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap keberhasilan stek. Namun dari nilai Z yang didapatkan dari uji Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan bahwa stek yang berasal dari tanaman semai memiliki Z yang nilai positif, sedangkan untuk stek dari tanaman semai hasil Z-nya negatif. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa antara sumber bahan stek yang telah dewasa dan semai memiliki perbedaan cukup besar, yakni stek dari tanaman semai memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang lebih tinggi. Setelah dilakukan aklimatisasi diketahui bahwa tanaman yang hidup setelah aklimatisasi sebanyak 573, atau terjadi kematian sebanyak 26 stek (4,3 %) bila dibandingkan dengan persen berakar. Dengan mengetahui besarnya nilai keberhasilan stek pucuk gaharu ini, maka metode ini dapat dijadikan alternatif yang tepat untuk pembudidayaan tanaman gaharu sehingga dapat menjaga kelestarian tanaman gaharu di hutan alam, dan juga mendorong peningkatan produksi minyak gaharu, dan pada akhirnya sektor kehutanan mampu memberikan sumbangan untuk meningkatkan devisa negara tanpa harus merusak lingkungan dengan eksploitasi kayu di hutan yang berlebihan.

    Kata Kunci: Pembiakan vegetative, Gaharu, Stek pucuk_______________________________________________________________

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    Sumarna Y. 2008. Teknik Perbanyakan Tumbuhan Karas (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk) dengan Stek Pucuk (Propagation Techniques of Karas Plant (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk) by Shoot Cutting. Jurnal Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam 5 (1): 79-87

    Increasing value of agarwood and its market demand at higher price has increased agarwood harvesting by falling the living tree. This condition made a strong call for conservation of karas (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk) population, which has high commercial value. For the conservation effort and sustainable production to supply market demand, a plantation should be established. One important problem in plantation is seedling production. In order to solve the problem, vegetatively propagated seedling, which have similar genetic quality as its mother tree, and in the hight quality, need to be raised. Experiment on vegetative propagation of karas (A. malaccensis) were done using split plot design, with 4 kinds of media as treatmens (main plot). The media consists of: A (soil), B (soil + compost 1:1), C (soil + cocopit 1:1), and D (soil + compost + cocopit 1:1:1). The sub plot treatment was different dose of Rootone-F as root inducer, i.e : (a) 0 ppm, (b) 10 ppm, and (c) 20 ppm. Results showed that the effect of media and dose of hormone, and their interaction were significant on survival percentage of shoot cuttings. The best media for shoot cutting, which gave highest survival percentage was mixture of soil + compost organic (1:1). The optimum dose was 10 ppm. The optimum interaction between media and Rootone-F dose was combination of media cocopit + organic compost, with 10 ppm dose of Rootone-F.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Conservation, Shoot cutting, Media


    Sumarna Y. 2008. Pengaruh Diameter dan Luas Tajuk Pohon Induk Terhadap Potensi Permudaan Alam Tingkat Semai Tumbuhan Penghasil Gaharu Jenis Karas (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.). Jurnal Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam. 5 (1): 21-27

    Tumbuhan karas (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk) tergolong salah satu jenis pohon penghasil gaharu yang potensial dan bernilai komersial tinggi. Semula produksi hanya dengan memanfaatkan pohon produksi yang mati alami. Akibat nilai guna yang berkembang selain sebagai bahan parfum, kosmetika, dan obat herbal serta nilai jual yang semakin tinggi, mendorong masyarakat untuk mencari gaharu dengan cara menebang pohon hidup. Dalam upaya konservasi dan melestarikan produksi agar tidak tergantung kepada hutan alam, upaya budidaya merupakan solusi yang perlu dilaksanakan. Dalam budidaya, kendala pengadaan bibit dapat ditempuh selain menggunakan benih juga dapat dibina dengan memanfaatkan anakan alam yang tumbuh di bawah pohon induk. Melalui pengamatan terhadap pohon induk alami dalam rancangan berblok dengan tiga faktor kelas diameter (D1 : ± 20 cm, D2: ± 30 cm, D3 : >30 cm) melalui lima plot pengamatan secara acak pada tiga ulangan

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    sesuai kelas diameter batang pohon induk, benih-benih yang jatuh setelah 2-3 bulan akan tumbuh menghasilkan anakan alam. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa potensi permudaan alam memiliki hubungan dengan diameter dan luas tajuk. Potensi anakan alam pada pohon induk Ø ± 20 cm dan luas tajuk 26,33 m2 : 5,082 batang, pada Ø ± 30 cm dengan luas tajuk 42,60 m2 : 12,397 batang, dan pada pohon Ø > 30 cm dengan luas tajuk 50,13 m2 menghasilkan 18,348 batang anakan alam. Hasil uji keragaman dan uji beda nilai terkecil, antar kelas diameter batang berbeda nyata (signifikan) terhadap permudaan alam. Sesuai hasil tersebut secara biologis dapat diasumsikan bahwa semakin besar diameter batang dan semakin luas tajuk pohon induk akan semakin tinggi potensi permudaan-permudaan alam yang dihasilkan. Dalam upaya pengadaan bahan tanaman dengan memanfaatkan anakan alam, secara teknis dapat diperkirakan sesuai kelas diameter serta luas tajuk pohon induk.

    Kata kunci: Gaharu, Permudaan alam


    Sumarna Y. 2008. The Effects of Seed Maturity Condition and Media Type on Growth of Agarwood Seedlings of KarasTrees (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.). Jurnal Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam 5 (2): 129-135

    Agarwood is categorized as a non-timber forest product which has complex use values, not only for perfume and cosmetics, but also for medicinal industrial materials. The products were initially taken from the dead trees, but people nowadays tend to cut down the trees to obtain agarwood which could lead to the depletion of the resource. Since 2004 the species of Aquilaria sp. and Gyrinops sp. have been listed as endangered species in the Appendix II by the Commission of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna). A number of reservation efforts to maintain sustainable production of the agarwood could be done through cultivation. Based on the biological nature of the plants, the agarwood seedlings can be cultivated either from the seeds which fall from the tree or from the seeds taken from the mature fruit. Technically, growth of the seeds in yielding good quality and optimal number of seedlings will be influenced by germination media type used. Through examination on seeds fall from the trees (A) and seeds taken from mature fruits (B) germinated by three media types, i.e. (a) soil, (b) soil + organic compost (1:1) and ( c) soil + zeolith sand (1:1), it can be suggested that growth percentage of seeds fall from the tree (A) was about 82.88% while that of seeds taken from mature fruit was only 70.33% after three months. The good germination media was indicated by the media treatment of soil combined with organic compost (b).

    Keywords: Agarwood, seed, media, seedling, cultivation


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    Sumarna Y. 2008. The Effects of Media Types and Nitrogen, Phosphor, and Kalium (NPK) Fertilizers on Growth of Agarwood Seedlings of Karas Trees (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.). Jurnal Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam 5 (2): 193-199

    Agarwood is classified as one of the non-timber forest products which possess a high commercial value. Product of agarwood can be obtained by picking it up from the trees which died naturally. Due to the difficulty in getting dead trees as well as market demand with higher price, people now look for agarwood by cutting down the trees and chopping up the stems to find parts of the wood that contain agarwood. The high exploitation of trees in some areas results in the depletion of the wild resource. One of the conservation efforts to maintain sustainable production of agarwood for the future is through cultivation conducted in various central production areas and suitable sites. The success of cultivation is mainly influenced by the availability of good quality of plants. Hence, the study on seedling maintenance in the nursery done by split plot design with the media as the main plot and NPK fertilizer dose treatment as sub plot can be expected to gain technical information on fertilization for good quality of seedlings. Observation on growth of karas (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.) seedlings with four media type treatments (A: soil, B: soil + compost (1:1), C: soil + sand (1:1), and D : soil + compost +sand (1:1:1)), and three NPK fertilizer dose treatments (a : 0 gram, b : two gram, and c: four gram), suggested that media B (mixture soil + compost (1:1)) and D (mixture soil + compost + sand (1:1:1)) with induction of two grams NPK fertilizer produced optimal percentage of growth and quick to reach age ready for planting.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Seedling, NPK fertilizer, Cultivation


    Syamsuwida D, Aminah A, Hidayat AR. 2008. Pertumbuhan Semai Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis Lamk.) Setelah Aplikasi Paklobu Tarazal Selama Penyimpanan. Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman 5 (1): 21-31

    Gaharu (A. malaccensis) merupakan salah satu dari 6 jenis penghasil gaharu berkualitas tinggi dan dikenal memiliki karakteristik benih rekalsitran sehingga sulit disimpan untuk jangka waktu lama dengan metode konvensional. Dengan demikian perlu metode penyimpanan yaitu menyimpannya dalam bentuk semai. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi beberapa bahan penghambat pertumbuhan, kondisi tempat simpan dan media simpan terhadap pertumbuhan semai gaharu selama penyimpanan. Bahan penghambat pertumbuhan yang digunakan adalah paklobutrazol, NaCl dan akuades sebagai kontrol.Kondisi tempat simpan terdiri dari rumah tumbuh, naungan berat dan naungan ringan.Sedangkan media simpan semai terdiri dari campuran tanah pasir (1:1) dan pasir saja. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan paklobutrazol berpengaruh

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    nyata terhadap penekanan pertumbuhan tinggi semai gaharu. Sementara kombinasi perlakuan bahan penghambat paklobutrazol 250 ppm, media pasir dan tempat simpan rumah tumbuh secara efektif berhasil menekan pertumbuhan semai gaharu selama penyimpanan dengan persentase hidup yang tinggi.

    Kata kunci: Benih rekalsitran, Kondisi tempat simpan, Media, Penghambat tumbuh, Ruang tumbuh, Naungan ringan, Naungan berat


    Adurachman, Lanniari I, Saridan A. 2009. Potency and Diameter Increment of Aquilaria malaccensis Labanan Natural Production Forest, Berau District, East Kalimantan. Jurnal Balai Besar Penelitian Dipterokarpa Samarinda. Kalimantan Timur 6 (1): 1-11

    Aquilaria malaccensis LAMK is one of the most important tree species which can produce agarwood or gaharu as non timber forest product in East Kalimantan. Agarwood has a high economical value. The objective of this research is was to get information on potency, distribution, and diameter increment of the trees. Such information provides an important input for genetic conservation purpose as well as for silviculture development. This research was conducted at Silviculture Technique for Regeneration of Logged Over Area in East Kalimantan (STREK) plots at Labanan natural production forest with a total area of 48 ha. The areas were divided into12 plots, where each plot has a size of 4 ha or 200 m x 200 m. The result showed that the total trees on each plot was between 1 to 5 trees, which meant that only 1 tree could be found in every two ha. The maximum diameter of the tree was 44.7 cm while the minimum diameter was above 10.0 cm. The average of diameter increment was 0.40 cm (± 0.402 cm) per year. Meanwhile, the maximum growth was 0.64 cm per year for diameter class >40 cm.

    Keywords: Agarwood, Non timber forest product, Silviculture, Maximum growth


    Betrianingrum C. 2009. Kajian Pertumbuhan Eksplan Pucuk Gaharu (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) Domke) Melalui Teknik Ex Vitro. Skripsi Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan Dan Ekowisata Fakultas Kehutanan (IPB)

    Pada tahun 1985, jumlah ekspor gaharu Indonesia mencapai sekitar 1487 ton, namun eksploitasi hutan alam tropis dan perburuan gaharu yang tidak terkendali telah mengakibatkan species-species gaharu menjadi langka. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan komposisi media yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan eksplan dan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi hormon tumbuh IBA (Indole Butyric Acid) yang optimal bagi pertumbuhan perakaran eksplan pucuk G.versteegii melalui teknik ex vitro. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh informasi tentang media tumbuh yang sesuai dan konsentrasi hormon yang terbaik

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    untuk pertumbuhan eksplan pucuk G.versteegii (Gilg) Domke, sehingga dapat diterapkan guna mendukung pelestarian plasma nutfah.

    Dalam pelaksanaan penelitian, alat yang digunakan box mika, aqua gelas 240 ml, cutter, gunting tanaman, sungkup, paranet, papan iris, steples, sprayer, dan kertas label. Bahan yang digunakan antara lain eksplan pucuk G.versteegii, hormon IBA (400, 450, 500, 550, 600 ppm), Vitamin B1, bakterisida, fungisida, media (tanah, pasir, dan kompos), Antracol, zat perekat, CaCo3. Semua eksplan yang sudah direndam pada larutan (vitamin B1, sterilisasi, dan hormon dengan berbagai konsentrasi), serta dioles dengan pasta pada bagian pangkal eksplan, langsung ditanam pada masing-masing media (tanah tunggal, pasir tunggal, dan campuran tanah-pasir-kompos) yang sudah dimasukkan pada box mika. Selanjutnya box ditutup rapat dan disteples, kemudian simpan dalam sungkup.

    Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah presentase hidup pada perlakuan sebesar 66,67%, sedangkan pada kontrol sebesar 83,33%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan dengan hormon berpengaruh pada presentase hidup eksplan. Pertumbuhan tinggi pada eksplan sangat dipengaruhi oleh jenis media. Sedangkan hormon sangat berpengaruh terhadap perakaran. Persentase berakar pada perlakuan hormon sebesar 61,78% dan pada kontrol sebsesar 53,33%. Dilihat dari persentase berakar berdasarkan konsentrasi hormon, yang paling tinggi pada konsentrasi 550 ppm yaitu 14,22%. Namun, tidak jauh berbeda dengan konsentrasi 450 ppm dengan persentase berakarnya sebesar 13,11%.

    Dari hasil sebelumnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa komposisi media yang baik untuk pertumbuhan eksplan gaharu adalah media tanah dengan persentase hidup 89,33%. Sedangkan hormon yang optimal untuk perakaran eksplan pucuk gaharu adalah dengan konsentrasi 550 ppm. Namun konsentrasi 450 ppm juga baik untuk perakaran, walaupun tidak seoptimal konsentrasi 550 ppm. Tetapi konsentarsi hormon 450 ppm ini dapat mengefisienkan biaya.

    Key words: Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) Domke, Material, Hormone


    Karyantara ID. 2009. Pengaruh Beberapa Media Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria beccariana van Tiegh.). Skripsi Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan EkowisataFakultas Kehutanan (IPB)

    Gaharu merupakan salah satu komoditas hasil hutan bukan kayu yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam peningkatan devisa negara. Saat ini tidak kurang 17 (tujuh belas) jenis tumbuhan yang dapat menghasilkan gaharu diantaranya adalah Aquilaria beccariana. Meningkatnya permintaan pasar dan harga jual gaharu yang cukup tinggi, menyebabkan usaha pencarian gaharu oleh masyarakat di hutan alam meningkat terlebih masyarakat tersebut lebih banyak yang salah tebang. Cara

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    pemungutan seperti ini berdampak terancamnya kelestarian gaharu, tidak diimbangi dengan pembudidayaan dengan baik. Teknik pembesaran gaharu melalui kombinasi beberapa media diharapkan dapat memberikan pilihan terhadap usaha konservasi dalam pembudidayaan. Pengembangan gaharu yang dilakukan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengkonservasi dan sekaligus membudidayakan pohon penghasil gaharu agar dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi baik untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat terutama yang tinggal di sekitar hutan, maupun untuk meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah.

    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa kombinasi media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman gaharu. (Aquilaria beccariana van Tiegh.) Penelitian ini dilakukan di green house Komplek Kebun Raya Tamansari Bogor, dilaksanakan selama empat bulan yaitu dari awal bulan Mei sampai akhir bulan Oktober 2008. Bahan yang digunakan berupa media semai, media tanam, benih gaharu, obat pengendali hama/insektisida dan paranet. Alat yang diperlukan antara lain polybag, bak penampungan, bak pencampur media, timbangan, caliper, alat-alat tulis, sprayer, emrat, pengaduk media, sekop kecil, kamera digital, komputer, scaner, printer dan Program SPSS 15.

    Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pertambahan tinggi dan diameter batang rata-rata tanaman gaharu pada perlakuan kombinasi media tanam tanah-pasir-kompos daun kering menunjukkan hasil yang paling tinggi yaitu 2,42 cm, dan yang paling besar yaitu 1,34 mm pada minggu ke 18. Pertambahan jumlah daun tanaman gaharu ada kecenderungan tidak menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya pengembangan budidaya serta pelestarian gaharu yang siap tanam di lapangan.

    Kata kunci: Kombinasi media, Konservasi, Budidaya Aquilaria beccariana


    Lisdiantini D. 2009. Kajian Penggunaan Hormon IBA dan BAP terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Penghasil Gaharu (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg) Domke) dengan Teknik Kultur In Vitro. Skripsi Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan dan EkowisataFakultas Kehutanan (IPB)

    Hasil hutan non kayu terkadang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kayu, salah satu contohnya adalah gaharu. Permintaan gaharu terus meningkat, sedangkan semua produksinya masih menggantungkan pada produksi dari hutan-hutan alam. Akibat merosotnya populasi pohon penghasil gaharu di hutan-hutan alam, maka Pemerintah melalui Keputusan Presiden No. 43 Tahun 1978 menetapkan peraturan bagi eksportir gaharu yang mewajibkan mereka memiliki surat izin CITES. Perlindungan terhadap beberapa jenis tanaman penghasil gaharu semakin ditingkatkan, Aquilaria spp. Dan Gyrinops spp. termasuk Appendix II CITES pada tanggal 2-14 Oktober 2004 di Bangkok. Penelitian ini

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    bertujuan untuk mengetahui kombinasi hormon auksin dan sitokinin (IBA dan BAP) yang terbaik pada media dasar Murashige dan Skoog terhadap pertumbuhan kultur in vitro ekplan tanaman penghasil gaharu Gyrinops versteegii. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah pucuk eksplan steril G. versteegii. Eksplan ditumbuhkan pada media MS dengan penambahan perlakuan kombinasi zat pengatur tumbuh IBA dengan konsentrasi 0,00; 0,05 dan 0,10 mg/l dan BAP 0,00; 0,05; 0,10 dan 0,20 mg/l. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan metode statistika RAL Faktorial dengan jumlah 12 perlakuan dan ulangan sebanyak 6 kali. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 8 MST (minggu setelah tanam) terhadap seluruh eksplan yang ditanam meliputi parameter rata-rata pertambahan tinggi, jumlah ruas, jumlah tunas, jumlah daun, persentase tingkat kematian, proses pengkalusan dan kontaminasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media perlakuan IBA 0,05 mg/l + BAP 0,20 mg/l memberikan respon terbaik pada parameter pertambahan tinggi dan pertumbuhan tunas, yaitu sebesar 1,8 cm dan 3,17 tunas. Sedangkan media perlakuan IBA 0,00 mg/l + BAP 0,20 mg/l memberikan respon terbaik pada parameter jumlah ruas dan jumlah daun, yaitu sebesar 6,33 ruas dan 5,67 helai. Semua media perlakuan menumbuhkan kalus kecuali, pada media kontrol. Presentase jumlah eksplan yang terkontaminasi sebesar 6,94% (5 dari 72 eksplan). Kontaminasi disebabkan oleh adanya cendawan pada tabung. Pengaruh pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh IBA (0,00; 0,05 dan 0,10 mg/l) dan BAP (0,00; 0,05; 0,10 dan 0,20 mg/l) memberikan respon yang sangat nyata terhadap parameter jumlah tunas. Sedangkan pada parameter tinggi planlet, jumlah ruas, dan jumlah daun memberikan respon tidak berbeda nyata.

    Kata kunci : Gyrinops versteegii, in vitro, auksin, sitokinin


    Rayan. 2009. Pengumpulan Biji dan Perkecambahannya Selama Satu Periode Jatuhnya Biji dari Pohon Induknya dan Penundaan Pengecambahan Biji Aquilaria microcarpa Baill. diPersemaian (Seed Collection and Germination During One Period of Seed Fall from Its Mother Tree and Delay of Seed Germination of Aquilaria microcarpa Baill. at Nursery). Jurnal Pusat Litbang Hutan dan Konservasi Alam6 (2): 203-210

    The aim of this study was to find out germination quality in relation to time seed falling sequences (the first study) and delay of seed germination (the second one). The seeds derived from mother trees in Sempaja Arboretum, while germination study was conducted at the nursery of the Dipterocarps Research Center of Samarinda. The completely randomized design with factorial 2 x 7 was used for the first study. The first factor was germination medium consisting of sand without endomycorrhiza (E0) and sand with endomycorrhiza (E1). The second factor was time interval of seed collection consisting of P1 (seeds col