Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015

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  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    Exception BadThe afrmatives reading o biopolitics through the jargon o

    exception neutralizes the abilit to resist state po!er"

    #gnorance o the origins o state po!er reproduces biopolitical

    violence through a lac$ o democratization !ithin and againstbiopolitics

    Jef %usmans &' Professor of Security Studies at the Open University,

    5/8/2008, The Jargon of !ception"On Sch#itt, $ga#%en and the

    $%sence of Po&itica& Society', (nternationa& Po&itica& Socio&ogy,



    3ontrasting $ga#%en4s reading of %iopo&itics +ith oucau&t4s is instructive* Si#i&ar&y to $ga#%en, oucau&t4s +or6

    on %iopo&itics, discip&ine and govern#enta&ity addresses the e#ergence and governance of &ife in its %io&ogica&

    e!istence as a for# of po+er that considera%&y di7ers fro# &ega&1constitutiona& understandings of po&itics oucau&t

    ., 200a,%9* :o+ever, un&i6e $ga#%en this &ife is not an e#pty, that is, un#ediated space or entity* (n

    oucau&t4s reading, &ife is rendered not pri#ari&y through %eing freed' fro# the po&itico1

    &ega& order %ut %y %eing constituted through, a#ong others, the #ediation of

    techno&ogies and professiona& 6no+&edges* The invention of po&itica& econo#y, 6no+&edge strugg&es+ithin psychiatry, the invention of history, etc* de;ned ho+ #odern &ife, its governance and its po&itics have %een

    constituted as a %iopo&itica& dispositifs*

    (n ana&y

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    po&itics fro# the inside"fro# the practices that have constituted it"+hi&e $ga#%en

    interprets the nature of #odern po&itics fro# its a%so&ute outside CDh&e 200.9* The

    idio#s of e!ceptionand e!ception1as1the1ru&e see6 to understand the nature of de#ocratic

    po&itics fro# the perspective of its co&&apse * or $ga#%en, the concentration ca#ps, that is, &oci+here the e!ception has %eco#e the ru&e, de;ne the #atri! of #odern po&itics $ga#%en 89* The concentration

    ca#p has %een the reference point of the a%so&ute &i#it of #odern, de#ocratic govern#ent in urope at &east since

    the #idd&e of the t+entieth century* Sch#itt de;nes the nature of po&itics through the specter of dictatorship* There&ation to a tota& ene#y and thus the possi%i&ity of tota& +ar as +e&& as in the e!istence of an a%so&ute nor#ative

    vacuu# in +hich the re&ation %et+een nor#s and ano#ie can no &onger %e %ridged %ut has to %e reconstituted

    de;nes the essence' of #odern po&itics* Aoth points of vie+ conceptua&i

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    %ana& regu&ations that see6 to structure the everyday practices of the guards, the ad#inistrators and the prisoners*

    The nor# setting is thus not pri#ari&y constitutiona& %ut ad#inistrative*

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    Bare (ie #mpact )Bare (ie oversimpli*es"#t is a matter o degree and value to

    lie is still possible

    Tho#as (em$e +' Professor of Socio&ogy at oethe University

    ran6furt, a&& 2005, $ Kone of (ndistinction' I $ 3ritiFue of iorgio$ga#%en4s 3oncept of Aiopo&itics', eno#ics, Society and Po&icy, Lo&*

    , =o* G, http)//+++*tho#as&e#6e+e%*de/eng&*M20te!te/$


    or $ga#%en the decision a%out &ife and death no &onger appears today as a sta%&e

    %order dividing t+o c&ear&y distinct

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    ,o -olvenc./ cant solve"-tate o Exception rests on an outdated vie!

    o politics that ails to account or a move to sovereign

    individuals as the tools o biopolitics

    Tho#as (em$e +' Professor of Socio&ogy at oethe Universityran6furt, a&& 2005, $ Kone of (ndistinction' I $ 3ritiFue of iorgio

    $ga#%en4s 3oncept of Aiopo&itics', eno#ics, Society and Po&icy, Lo&*

    , =o* G, http)//+++*tho#as&e#6e+e%*de/eng&*M20te!te/$


    $ga#%en sees the nove&ty of the #odern %iopo&itics in the fact that the %io&ogica&

    given is as such i##ediate&y po&itica&, and the po&itica& is as such i##ediate&y the

    %io&ogica& given' 8) 8@ e#phasis in orig*9* (n the po&itica& progra# of the

    =ahi&e there are pro%a%&y convincing reasons to state that in the present +e are one

    step further on the +ay to+ards a po&iticisation of nature, there are at &east t+o#a-or pro%&e#s that this conception of %iopo&itics fai&s to address* irst&y, $ga#%en

    does not ta6e into account that the site of sovereignty has %een disp&aced* >hi&e in

    the eugenic progra#s in the ;rst ha&f of the 20th century %iopo&itica& interventions

    +ere #ain&y e!ecuted %y the state that contro&&ed the hea&th of the popu&ation or

    the hygiene of the race, %iopo&itics today is %eco#ing #ore and #ore a

    responsi%i&ity of sovereign su%-ects* $s autono#ous patients, active consu#ers or

    responsi%&e parents they de#and #edica& or %iotechno&ogica& options* Today, it is

    &ess the state that regu&ates %y direct interventions and restrictions, since the

    capacity and co#petence of decision1#a6ing is increasing&y ascri%ed to the

    individua& su%-ect to #a6e infor#ed choices' %eyond po&itica& authoritarianis# and

    #edica& paterna&is#* ?ecisions on &ife and death are &ess the e!p&icit resu&t of &ega&provisions and po&itica& regu&ations %ut the outco#e of an invisi%&e hand' that

    represents the options and practices of sovereign individua&s He#6e 2002%@ och

    20029* $ga#%en4s ana&ysis is too state1centred, or rather, it re&ies on a &i#ited

    conception of the state +hich does not ta6e into account i#portant po&itica&

    transfor#ations since the =a

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    $ga#%en4s 3oncept of Aiopo&itics', eno#ics, Society and Po&icy, Lo&*

    , =o* G, http)//+++*tho#as&e#6e+e%*de/eng&*M20te!te/$


    dited for o7ensive &anguage

    $ga#%en4s concept of %iopo&itics is #ar6ed %y a second +ea6ness that a&so

    de#onstrates his e!cessive&y &ega&istic approach* Aiopo&itica& #echanis#s confront

    not on&y those +ho have %een deprived of e&e#entary rights and reduced to the

    status of &iving %eings* The ana&ysis of %iopo&itics cannot %e &i#ited to those +ithout

    &ega& rights, such as the refugee or the asy&u# see6er, %ut #ust enco#pass a&&

    those +ho are confronted +ith socia& processes of e!c&usion I even if they #ay %e

    for#a&&y en-oying fu&& po&itica& rights) the use&ess', the unnecessary', or the

    redundant'* >hi&e in the past these o#inous ;gures inha%ited on&y periphera&

    spaces in the so1ca&&ed third and forth +or&d, today in a g&o%a& econo#y these for#s

    of e!c&usion can a&so %e found in the industria&i

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    (a! 0oodTheir criti1ue o the la! has no solvent alternative sstem

    Catthe+ -harpe 2' Professor of po&itica& phi&osophy and

    psychoana&ytic studies at ?ea6in UniversityEs Schoo& of (nternationa&

    and Po&itica& Studies, 200, ET:(=(= O T: RTBC S(TU$T(O= ***E O= T: => $=T(1TBBOB(SC H$>S, OB $$(=ST $ B3=T

    T:OBT(3$H $=? H$H9 BTUB= TO 3$BH S3:C(TT', 2 $ust&*

    e#inist H*J* 5,



  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    #aintain a distance fro# interventionist po&icies 200.9 nor %ecause, as radica&

    critics have argued, critica& theorists are si#p&y the theoretica& +ing of &i%era&

    interventionis# ?ouithin #a-or internationa& institutions, such as the U=, and in the po&icy and po&icy

    discourse of states the o&d certainties of the p&ura&ist security fra#e+or6 +ere %eing

    su%-ected to critiFue and rede;nition at the highest &eve& of internationa& po&icy

    #a6ing* (n fact, security po&icies and discourses are #uch si#i&ar than other+ise to

    the prescriptions of critica& security theorists*

    This suggests that contrary to the c&ai#s of conte#porary critica& and e#ancipatory

    theorists they are not engaging in the Where and no+4* :o+ever, engaging +ith

    structures and discourses of conte#porary po+er #ust %e funda#enta& to the tas6

    of posing a cha&&enge to those po+er re&ations and structures* This suggests that

    critica& and e#ancipatory theorists are idea&istic, %ecause their critiFue is not driven

    %y an engage#ent +ith conte#porary po+er structures* (n chapter G ( e!p&ored this

    theoretica& pro%&e# in #ore depth, and argued that for conte#porary critica& and

    e#ancipatory theorists the source of critica& engage#ent +as in their o+n #ora&

    va&ues rather than engage#ent +ith structures of po+er* This points to a serious

    theoretica& &i#it to conte#porary critica& and e#ancipatory approaches* 3ritica& and

    e#ancipatory theorists are engaging in an e!ercise in idea&is#, this is sho+n

    %ecause their critiFue is not rooted in an engage#ent +ith, and critiFue of,

    conte#porary structures and discourses of po+er* Bather, the critiFue of critica&

    theorists is &itt&e #ore than a state#ent of their o+n #ora& va&ues*

    Their criti1ue ails"6orces !ithin the la! can transorm it

    $ntonio ,egri 7' (ta&ian Cora& and Po&itica& Phi&osopher, Spring 200,

    (tEs a Po+erfu& Hife) $ 3onversation on 3onte#porary Phi&osophy',

    (ntervie+ed %y 3esare 3asarino, $ssociate Professor Of 3u&tura&

    Studies $nd 3o#parative Hiterature $t The University Of Cinnesota,

    3u&tura& 3ritiFue, http)//+++*-stor*org/sta%&e/0.5

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    $=) >henever ( te&& hi# +hat ( have -ust ;nished te&&ing you, he gets Fuite irritated, even angry* ( sti&& #aintain,

    nonethe&ess, that the conc&usions he dra+s in :o#o Sacer &ead to dangerous po&itica&

    outco#es and that the %urden of ;nding a +ay out of this #ess rests entire&y on

    hi#* $nd the type of pro%&e#s he runs into in this %oo6 recur throughout #any of his

    other +or6s*( found his essay on Aart&e%y, for e!a#p&e, a%so&ute&y infuriating* This essay +as pu%&ishedorigina&&y as a &itt&e %oo6 that a&so contained ?e&eu

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    $=) iorgioEs #ain critiFueof #y positions consists of arguing that constituent po+er and

    constituted po+er cannot %e distinguished fro# each other according to any

    -uridica&1po&itica& criterion*>e&&, than6 you very #uchX ThatEs entire&y o%vious1and, in fact, #y ana&ysis ofconstituent po+er %egins precise&y fro# this pro%&e#* $&& -urists argue that constituent po+er does not e!ist un&ess

    it is codi;ed, that it ruptures the -uridica& syste# and its continuity, that it cannot co#e into %eing un&ess it has

    %een recogni

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    8/ Case

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    Terror ).

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    .T Terror 9eps:-ecurit ;8ur scholarship is sound"#t uses unbiased' in depth stud to

    prove terror threats real

    Cichae& J* BoleandJohn %organ&, Schoo& of (nternationa& Be&ations,

    University of St* $ndre+s, and, (nternationa& 3enter for the Study ofTerroris#, ?epart#ent of Psycho&ogy, Pennsy&vania State University,

    $pri& 2008, $ 3ase $gainst 3ritica& Terroris# Studies,' 3ritica& Studies

    On Terroris#, Lo&* , =o* , p* 51

    >e %e&ieve this is overstating the case* Hi6e #uch of po&itica& science, the study of

    terroris# has %een inNuenced %y the &ogic of Wpro%&e#1so&ving4 theory and inc&udes

    a strong dose of instru#enta& rationa&ity* Aut to i#p&y that a&& those +or6ing +ithin

    an e#pirica& tradition of research in terroris# studies do not cha&&enge the status

    Fuo, or suggest unco#forta%&e truths to those in po+er, is #is&eading* Cany of the

    serious scho&ars +ho +or6 in this ;e&d are sy#pathetic to the nor#ative goa&s that

    3TS scho&ars espouse, and are unafraid to spea6 truth to po+er +hen needed* ore!a#p&e, #any terroris# scho&ars do not hesitate to te&& govern#ents %&unt&y that

    unpopu&ar certain foreign po&icy choices such as the US invasion of (raF or the

    (srae&i occupation of the >est Aan6 and ae -udge that the current $#erican po&icy centered around the +ar in

    (raF is the #ost #isguided one since the Lietna# period, one +hich har#s the

    cause of the strugg&e against e!tre#e (s&a#ist terrorists* One resu&t has %een a

    great distortion in the ter#s of pu%&ic de%ate on foreign and nationa& security po&icy1

    an e#phasis on specu&ation instead of facts* Security Scho&ars for a Sensi%&e

    oreign Po&icy 20095

    The &ist inc&uded such +e&&16no+n terroris# e!perts as Jessica Stern, ?avid Bapoport

    3o1editor of Terroris# and Po&itica& Lio&ence9, and Cia A&oo#* (f terroris# scho&ars,

    inc&uding these, +ere so&e&y interested in te&&ing co#forting &ies to those in po+er,

    they +ou&d shy a+ay fro# these unco#forta%&e facts and +ou&d certain&y not

    pu%&ic&y identify the#se&ves +ith such an open&y critica& stance*

    Coreover, #any of the We#%edded e!perts4 identi;ed %y na#e in e!isting 3TS +or6

    have deep &i%era& concerns for econo#ic and socia& -ustice :o7#an 200.,

    >i&6inson .., and su%seFuent revisions9* Their a#%itions #ay not %e entire&y

    We#ancipatory4 Hin6&ater 9, %ut neither are they content to accept the +or&d as

    it is* Het us %e c&ear) +ithin the %road co##unity of se&f1ascri%ed terroris# We!perts4

    there are so#e char&atans +ho +i&& do +hatever they need to get c&ose to po+er

    and to so&ve pro%&e#s for the#* Aut these are not representative of the serious

    scho&ars in the ;e&d, and even those +ho do not adopt the &anguage of critica&

    theory often +or6 +ith the sa#e socia&, po&itica& and #ora& purpose of advancing

    socia& -ustice as 3TS scho&ars*

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    Serious and reNective scho&ars of terroris# a&so do not deny the o%servation that

    theory is often for so#e one, and for so#e purpose* >hat they do not share is the

    e!p&icit nor#ative and ideo&ogica& co##it#ent to We#ancipation4, ho+ever de;ned*

    One of our chief concerns a%out 3TS is that the precise #eaning of this co##it#ent

    to e#ancipation has not %een #ade c&ear, %eyond the %asic point that

    We#ancipation4 +ou&d invo&ve strengthening the voices of #oderation and increasing

    the po&itica& voice of so#e dissident groups Cc?ona&d 200., p* 25.9* These are

    +orth+hi&e goa&s, certain&y, %ut not uniFue to 3TS in any respect* So the ana&ytic

    va&ue of this #addening&y vague notion of e#ancipation in this instance is not yet

    o%vious to us* :o+ e!act&y does attac6ing the concept of Wterroris#4 generate

    greater prospects for freedo# in e!isting socia& re&ations, or produce a %road&y

    progressive outco#e Cc?ona&d 200., p* 25.9 (n part due to the fact that 3TS

    advocates have not yet #ade their onto&ogica& and episte#o&ogica& co##it#ents or

    their inte&&ectua& de%ts +ithin critica& theory c&ear, it re#ains unc&ear -ust +ho has

    agency in their account, ho+ We#ancipation4 +ou&d %e achieved, and to +hat

    su%stantive nor#ative and po&itica& goa&s We#ancipation4 is directed*

    8ur Terrorism studies are best"-el"9e

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    and #a6e #ore co#prehensive the resu&t of research on terroris#, not to g&ide over

    its #ethodo&ogica& and de;nitiona& fai&ings Sch#id and Jong#an 88, p* !iv9*

    Si#i&ar&y, Si&6e4s 2009 vo&u#e on the state of the ;e&d of terroris# research

    perfor#ed a si#i&ar function, high&ighting the shortco#ings of the ;e&d, in particu&ar

    the &ac6 of rigorous pri#ary data co&&ection* $ non1reNective co##unity of scho&ars

    does not produce such scathing indict#ents of its o+n +or6*

    One #ight counter that the pro%&e# is in fact that scho&ars of terroris# are not

    su\cient&y se&f1critica& in the theoretica&&y infor#ed +ay that 3TS ai#s to %e* $nd of

    course, there are certain&y instances of scho&ars +or6ing in terroris# studies +ho

    appear to %e una+are or &ess than critica& of their theoretica& foundations or +ho do

    not fra#e their criticis#s in theoretica&&y infor#ed &anguage* Aut it is not the case

    that the critiFues o7ered %y 3TS on this point are nove&@ critics have attac6ed

    scho&arship on terroris# for its %ias and Wsi&ences4 &ong %efore critica& theory +as

    i#ported into its study, and further so#e of the #ost trenchant criticis#s of

    terroris# studies co#e +ithout the &anguage and assu#ptions of critica& theory

    eorge , Cue&&er 200, respective&y9*

    =reer our studies"8ur scholars use rigorous methodolog and

    polic relevance is good

    Cichae& J* BoleandJohn %organ&, Schoo& of (nternationa& Be&ations,

    University of St* $ndre+s, and, (nternationa& 3enter for the Study of

    Terroris#, ?epart#ent of Psycho&ogy, Pennsy&vania State University,

    $pri& 2008, $ 3ase $gainst 3ritica& Terroris# Studies,' 3ritica& Studies

    On Terroris#, Lo&* , =o* , p* 51

    One of the tensions +ithin 3TS concerns the issue of Wpo&icy re&evance4* $t the #ost

    %asic &eve&, there are so#e s+eeping genera&iithout giving any detai&s of +ho these Wcore4 scho&ars are, +here

    they are, +hat they do, and e!act&y +ho funds the#, his argu#ents are tanta#ount

    to con-ecture at %est* >e do not deny that govern#ents fund terroris# research and

    terroris# researchers, and that this can inNuence the direction and even the

    ;ndings9 of the research* Aut +e are suspicious of over1genera&i

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    unning 200.a9 a&so argues that research shou&d %e assessed on its o+n #erits,

    for W-ust %ecause a piece of research co#es fro# B$=? does not inva&idate it@

    converse&y, a critica&' study is not inherent&y good4 p* 209* >e agree entire&y +ith

    this* =ot a&& sponsored or contract research is #ade to Wtoe a party &ine4, and #uch

    of the +or6 co#ing out of o\cia& govern#ent agencies or a\&iated govern#ent

    agencies has &itt&e agenda and can %e ana&ytica&&y usefu&* The tas6 of the scho&ar is

    to retain one4s sense of critica& -udg#ent and integrity, and +e %e&ieve that there is

    no pri#a facie reason to assu#e that this cannot %e done in sponsored research

    pro-ects* >hat #atters here are the detai&s of the research I +hat is the purpose of

    the +or6, ho+ +i&& it %e done, ho+ #ight the +or6 %e used in po&icy I and for these

    Fuestions the scho&ar #ust %e se&f1critica& and insistent on their inte&&ectua&

    autono#y* The scho&ar #ust a&so %e #indfu& of the responsi%i&ity they %ear for

    shaping a govern#ent4s response to the pro%&e# of terroris#* =othing I not the

    source of the funding, purpose of the research or prior e#pirica& or theoretica&

    co##it#ent I o%viates the need of the scho&ar to consider his or her o+n

    conscience carefu&&y +hen engaging in +or6 +ith any e!terna& actor* Aut si#p&y

    engaging +ith govern#ents on discrete pro-ects does not #a6e one an We#%edded

    e!pert4 nor does it i#p&y sanction to their actions*

    Aut +e a&so %e&ieve that the study of po&itica& vio&ence &ends itse&f to po&icy

    re&evance and that those +ho see6 to produce research that #ight he&p po&icy1

    #a6ers reduce the rates of terrorist attac6 are co##itting no sin, provided that

    they retain their independent -udg#ent and report their ;ndings candid&y and

    honest&y* (n the case of terroris#, +e +ou&d go further to argue that %eing po&icy

    re&evant is in so#e instances an entire&y -usti;a%&e #ora& choice* or e!a#p&e,

    neither of us has any pro%&e# producing research +ith a #ora&&y defensi%&e %ut

    po&icy re&evant goa& for e!a#p&e, he&ping the Aritish govern#ent to prevent suicide

    %o#%ers fro# attac6ing the Hondon Underground9 and +e do not %e&ieve that

    engaging in such +or6 tarnishes one4s stature as an independent scho&ar* (#p&icit inthe 3TS &iterature is a deep suspicion a%out the state and those +ho engage +ith it*

    Such a suspicion #ay %&ind so#e 3TS scho&ars to good +or6 done %y those

    associated +ith the state* Aut to assu#e that %eing We#%edded4 in an institution

    &in6ed to the Westa%&ish#ent4 consists of %eing captured %y a state hege#onic

    pro-ect is too si#p&e* >e do not %e&ieve that scho&ars studying terroris# #ust a&& %e

    po&icy1re&evant, %ut eFua&&y +e do not %e&ieve that %eing po&icy re&evant shou&d

    a&+ays %e interpreted as +riting a %&an6 cheFue for govern#ents or as necessari&y

    i#p&icating the scho&ar in the %ehaviour of that govern#ent on issues unre&ated to

    one4s +or6* >or6ing for the US govern#ent, for instance, does not i#p&y that the

    scho&ar sanctions or approves of the a%uses at $%u hrai% prison* The assu#ption

    that those +ho do not practice 3TS are a&& We#%edded4 +ith the Westa%&ish#ent4 and

    that this so#eho+ gives the green &ight for states to engage in i&&ega& activity is in

    our vie+ un+arranted, to say the very &east*

    The &i#its of this #ora& responsi%i&ity are over&oo6ed in current 3TS +or6@ indeed, if

    anything there is an atte#pt to inNate the po&icy re&evance that terroris# scho&ars

    have* Jac6son 200.c9 a&&eges that Wthe direction of do#estic counter1terroris#

    po&icies4 are Wto a &arge degree %ased on orthodo! terroris# studies research4 p*

    2259* Vet he provides no e!a#p&es, &et a&one evidence for this c&ai#* Jac6son further

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    a&&eges Wterroris# studies actua&&y provides an authoritative -udg#ent a%out +ho

    #ay &egiti#ate&y %e 6i&&ed, tortured, rendered or incarcerated %y the state in the

    na#e of counter1terroris#4 p* 29* $gain, there is a tension here) Jac6son con-ures

    an i#age of terroris# studies +hich no #atter its conceptua& and e#pirica& Na+s is

    so#eho+ a%&e to inNuence govern#ents to the point of constructing +ho is and is

    not a &egiti#ate target* This i#p&ies that not on&y is there a secret ca%a& of terroris#

    researchers Fuiet&y pu&&ing the strings of govern#ent, %ut a&so that those engaged

    in terroris# research sanction a%use of hu#an rights and state directed vio&ence*

    This i#p&ies a #easure of %ad faith on the part of so#e terroris# researchers, and

    +e %e&ieve that 3TS advocates shou&d o7er a #ore nuanced portraya& of those

    engaged in po&icy re&evant search than this assess#ent a&&o+s*

    The criticism brea$s do!n intellectual cooperation and creates

    alse dualisms that !rec$ progress

    Cichae& J* BoleandJohn %organ&, Schoo& of (nternationa& Be&ations,

    University of St* $ndre+s, and, (nternationa& 3enter for the Study of

    Terroris#, ?epart#ent of Psycho&ogy, Pennsy&vania State University,$pri& 2008, $ 3ase $gainst 3ritica& Terroris# Studies,' 3ritica& Studies

    On Terroris#, Lo&* , =o* , p* 51

    Jac6son and his co&&eagues argue Wthe case for critica& terroris# studies depends in

    the ;rst instance on a credi%&e and co#pe&&ing critiFue of the current state of

    orthodo! terroris# studies4 Jac6son 200.c, p* 229* >e are not yet convinced*

    Hi#ited, narro+&y se&ective &iterature revie+s, %ased in part on research surveys

    conducted in the 80s, do not constitute va&id grounds on +hich to deve&op

    assertions a%out the scope and focus of research in this ;e&d in 200.* (n so#e

    instances, +e %e&ieve that the case for 3TS has %een %ui&t on an aggressive reading

    of the #ost easi&y identi;a%&e &i#itations of the progress of terroris# research, andhas do+np&ayed the di\cu&ties associated +ith research speci;ca&&y, the natura&

    &i#its of the data9* The Wcore set of concerns4 have a&ready %een articu&ated %y the

    very peop&e 3TS advocates identify +ith the Worthodo!y4, thus under#ining the

    c&ai# that 3TS is funda#enta&&y Wdi7erent4* (t #ight %e di\cu&t for so#e proponents

    of 3TS to accept, %ut perhaps +e are not so di7erent after a&&*

    This raises the Fuestion of +hy +e need an e!p&icit&y 3TS approach at a&&* (t is

    #anifest&y c&ear fro# the papers produced under the 3TS %anner so far that this is

    an inte&&ectua& pro-ect, designed to rec&ai# Wterroris#4 fro# Worthodo! terroris#

    scho&arship4 and to insist on a di7erent interpretation of its conte!t and causes* Aut

    in ca&&ing for the esta%&ish#ent of an e!p&icit&y Wcritica&4 terroris# studies, the onus

    of responsi%i&ity is on its advocates to #a6e a c&ear case for not on&y ho+ this is-usti;ed, and +ith appropriate, transparent, and c&ear&y articu&ated evidence, %ut

    a&so to de#onstrate ho+ the concerns i#p&icit&y c&ai#ed to %e characteristic of 3TS,

    are su\cient to distinguish it fro# +hat it says is the Worthodo!y4, +hich presu#a%&y

    is %ereft of such concerns* >e do not %e&ieve this case has %een fu&&y #ade in +or6

    pu%&ished so far*

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    (nstead, +e %e&ieve that so#e 3TS advocates have I rather ironica&&y I created a

    fa&se dua&is#, %et+een Wthe#4 and Wus4 +hich over&oo6s the si#i&arities %et+een

    %oth ca#ps* One particu&ar&y strand of critica& theory I represented in (nternationa&

    Be&ations %y the +or6 of Bo% >a&6er I is focused on %rea6ing do+n fa&se dua&is#s,

    &i6e inside/outside, identity/di7erence, ti#e/space, a#ong others >a&6er G, a&so

    Bengger and Thir6e&&>hite 200., p* 09* This raises an unsett&ing Fuestion* >i&& the

    creation of 3TS I as a #irror i#age of Wterroris# studies4 in its critiFue of the ;e&d I

    -ust rep&icate another unhe&pfu& dua&is# (s this not at odds +ith the point of critica&

    theory, that is, to e#%race open dia&ogue and to envisage a co##unity in this

    case, of scho&ars9 that does not e!c&ude a&ternative vie+s

    Jac6son and others recogni

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    those fa#i&iar +ith the progress that terroris# research has #ade, especia&&y


    Jac6son and other 3TS advocates are correct@ any Worthodo!y4 shou&d %e cha&&enged*

    Aut as +e have atte#pted to de#onstrate in the preceding discussion, throughout

    the history of research on terroris# over the past forty years, there rea&&y is no

    Worthodo!y4 +orthy of the na#e to %e found* There #ay +e&& %e so#e#ethodo&ogica& orientations or theoretica& overtures that aspire to do#inance, and

    of course these can and shou&d9 %e de%ated and cha&&enged, %ut this is a #uch

    #ore genera& point and not reduci%&e to a sing&e portraya& of Wterroris# studies4* The

    cha&&enge facing 3TS is to o7er a fu&&y infor#ed theoretica& position, or set of re&ated

    positions* >e %e&ieve that a critica& theory approach to terroris# studies can de&iver

    such a theoretica& position, %ut on&y +ith a fu&& revie+ of the &iterature +ithout

    undue theoretica& or ideo&ogica& pre-udices &itera&&y, of course, pre-udg#ents9, and

    +ith due respect to the e7orts of those 3TS advocates c&ai# represent a di7erent

    set of concerns and va&ues than they do* $nd +e say to 3TS proponents direct&y I if

    this is done, you +i&& discover that you have #ore in co##on +ith us than you


    The terror threat is real and increasing"Their studies are not

    based in acts

    $&e! P* -chmid >'senior research fe&&o+ at the 3enter for the Study of

    Socia& 3onNicts, University of Heiden, 200, Perspectives on Terroris#,

    Lo&* G, =o*

    , http)//+++*terroris#ana&ysts*co#/pt/inde!*php/pot/artic&e/vie+/8G/ht


    (n the &ate 0s traditiona& >ar and Peace Studies +ere cha&&enged on the

    uropean continent %y Ycritica& po&e#o&ogistsY* Today, YOrthodo! Terroris# StudiesYare cha&&enged %y Y3ritica& Terroris# StudiesY 3TS9 * The critica& po&e#o&ogists +ho

    criticised aost e!c&usive&y =$TO %ut not the >arsa+ Pact have disappeared &ong

    ago* 3ritica& Terroris# Studies tend to %e eFua&&y one1eyed %y %eing Ycritica&Y #ain&y

    a%out >estern counter1terroris# rather than focusing a&so on non1state terroris#*

    (deo&ogy p&ays a &arge ro&e such disputes* or #any of the 3TS scho&ars Yo%-ective

    socia& science ]is a hege#onic pro-ect to sustain the status FuoY :*Toros ^ J*

    unning, p* 09 +hi&e Y3TS is at heart an anti1hege#onic pro-ectY B* Jac6son et a&,

    p* 22.9*

    The editors accuse, in their introduction Ythe orthodo! ;e&dY of orthodo! terroris#

    studies of functioning Yideo&ogica&&y in the service of e!isting po+er structuresY, +iththeir acade#ic research* urther#ore, they c&ai# that orthodo! scho&ars are

    freFuent&y %eing used Yto &egiti#ise coercive intervention in the g&o%a& South]*Y

    p*9* The present vo&u#e is edited %y three authors associated +ith the 3entre for

    the Study of Badica&isation and 3onte#porary Po&itica& Lio&ence 3SBL9 in the

    ?epart#ent of (nternationa& Po&itics in $%eryst+yth >a&es, U9* They a&so happen

    to %e editors of a ne+ Bout&edge -ourna& Y3ritica& Studies on Terroris#E * The

    Ycritica&Y refers principa&&y %ut not e!c&usive&y to the Yran6furt1via1>e&sh Schoo&
  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    3ritica& Theory PerspectiveY* The t+e&ve contri%utors are not a&& eFua&&y Ycritica&Y in a

    :a%er#asian sense* The progra##atic introduction of the editors is fo&&o+ed %y t+o

    so&id chapters fro# Cagnus Banstorp for#er ?irector of 3STPL, St* $ndre+s, and

    current&y ?irector of the 3entre for $sy##etric Threat Studies at the S+edish

    =ationa& ?efence 3o&&ege9 and $ndre+ Si&6e for#er&y +ith the U :o#e O\ce and

    no+ ie&d Header for 3ri#ino&ogy at the University of ast Hondon9* They %oth

    rightfu&&y criticiestern state

    prioritiesY p*809* or hi# Yterroris# is]a socia& fact rather than a %rute factY and

    Y]does not e!ist outside of the de;nitions and practices +hich see6 to enc&ose it,

    inc&uding those of the terroris# studies ;e&dY pp*.51.9* :e o%-ects to prevai&ing

    Ypro%&e#1so&ving theories of terroris#Y in favour of an approach that Fuestions Y the

    status Fuo and the do#inant acts +ithin itY p*..9* $nother contri%utor, J*$* S&u6a,

    argues, +ithout o7ering any proof, that Yterroris# is funda#enta&&y a product of

    socia& ineFua&ity and state po&iticsY p* G9* Aehind #any of the critica& theorists

    +ho %&a#e #ainstrea# terroris# research for ta6ing Ethe +or&d as it ;nds itE there is

    an agenda for changing the status Fuo and overthro+ing e!isting po+er structures*

    There is, in itse&f, nothing +rong +ith +anting a ne+ and %etter +or&d order*:o+ever, it is not going to %e achieved %y using an a&ternative discourse on

    terroris# and counter1terroris#* Toros and unning, contri%utors of another chapter,

    state that Ythe sine Fua non of 3ritica& Theory is e#ancipationY p* 9 and C*

    Cc?ona&d a&s puts Ye#ancipation as centra& to the study of terroris#Y p*29*

    :o+ever, there is not a sing&e +ord on the non1e#ancipated position of +o#en

    under (s&a# in genera& or a#ong the Ta&i%an and their friends fro# a&1_aeda in

    particu&ar* One of the strength so#e argue +ea6ness9 of >estern thin6ing is its

    a%i&ity for se&f1criticis# I so#ething &arge&y a%sent in the Cus&i# +or&d* (n that

    sense, this vo&u#e fa&&s +ithin a >estern tradition* :o+ever, se&f1criticis# shou&d

    not co#e at the cost of not criticising adversaries %y using the sa#e yardstic6* (n

    this sense, this vo&u#e is strange&y si&ent a%out the +or&dvie+ of those terrorists+ho have no se&f1dou%ts and attac6 the Bed 3ross, the United =ations, =Os and

    their fe&&o+ Cus&i#s +ith eFua& &ac6 of scrup&es* $ nu#%er of authors in the vo&u#e

    appear to eFuate terroris# uncritica&&y +ith po&itica& vio&ence in genera& +hi&e in fact

    it is #ore usefu&&y thought of as one of so#e t+enty su%1categories of po&itica&

    vio&ence 1 one characteri

  • 7/24/2019 Agamben Supplement - Northwestern 2015


    instance, reco##ends to e#p&oy Socia& Cove#ent Theory for the study of

    terroris#* :o+ever, that theory has %een e#p&oyed a&ready e!p&icit&y or i#p&icit&y

    %y a nu#%er of #ore orthodo! scho&ars, e*g* ?onate&&a de&&a Porta* Cany Ycritica&Y

    state#ents in the vo&u#e are unsupported %y convincing evidence, e*g* +hen 3*

    Sy&vester and S* Parashar state YThe Septe#%er attac6s and the ongoing +ar on

    terror reinforce gender hierarchy and po+er in internationa& re&ationsY p*09*

    Jac6son c&ai#s that the 6ey Fuestion for critica& terroris# theory is Y+ho is terroris#

    research for and ho+ does terroris# 6no+&edge support particu&ar interestsY

    p*229 (t does not see# to occur to hi# that he cou&d have studied this Fuestion %y

    &oo6ing at the practitioners of terroris# and study a&1_aedaEs ideo&ogica& +ritings

    and its training and recruiting #anua&s* (f 3TS is a ca&& for Y#a6ing a co##it#ent to

    e#ancipatory pra!is centra& to the research enterpriseY B* Jac6son et a&, p* 2289,

    3TS acade#ics shou&d %e the ;rst on the %arricades against -ihadists +ho treat

    +o#en not as eFua&s and +ho +ou&d, if they get their +ay, eradicate freedo# of

    thought and re&igion for a&& #an6ind* (t is sad that so#e &eading proponents of

    3ritica& Terroris# Studies appear to %e in fact uncritica& and %&ind on one eye*

    Their $no!ledge base is useless"6illed !ith logical allaciesand missapropriation o $no!ledge

    3har&otte %eath";ell 45, Beasearch e&&o+, University of >ar+ic6,

    June 200, 3ritica& Terroris# Studies, 3ritica& Theory and the

    E=atura&istic a&&acyE,' Security ?ia&ogue, Lo&* , =o* G

    3ritica& Terroris# Studies I and 3ritica& Security Studies, for that #atter I sho+ no


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    3TS and 3ritica& Security Studies, for that #atter9 sho+s no signs of recog nihi&e the pear&1;shing #ethod

    can often %e accepta%&e acade#ic practice, here it has &ed I it is argued I to &ogica&

    errors in the for#u&ation of e#ancipation +ithin internationa& re&ations*