
8/20/2019 Afterlife.doc 1/4 "Afterlife" is a song by Avenged Sevenfold. The song is released as the third single from their self-titled album. The song itself features a string orchestra and was written by the band's drummer, The Rev. It was voted the best song of the new album on the band's homeage. The single and a live-action music video were released in early !#. music by Avenged Sevenfold Definition of the noun afterlife $hat does afterlife mean as a name of something% noun - lural& afterlives . life after death o e(amles& I think Hitler will have an unpleasant afterlife. | He believes in an afterlife. | She doesn't believe in an afterlife. | He wasn't concerned with his afterlife. o le(ical domain& Time - nouns denoting time and temoral relations o synonym of afterlife& hereafter o more generic words& life life-time ) lifesan lifetime * the eriod during which something is functional o more secific terms& +ingdom come * the ne(t world immortality * eretual life after death If you are a fan of heavy metal, then you must know Avenged Sevenfold, or else you don’t know heavy metal. This American band mixes orchestral music with some eic shredding !courtesy Synyster "ates# and vengeful lyrics mixed with vocals meant to blow your head off$ Seriously, A%& is '() of the *)ST heavy metal bands in the world$$  History: This is the third trac+ from the self titled album Avenged Sevenfold. It was released to the ublic on anuary !/, !#. The song was written by the late immy Sullivan a.+.a The Rev. The video of this song has cut the starting violin  art, the bridge 0wherein The Rev has given his vocals1, and the ending violin outro. The original version has a duration of 2 minutes and 22 seconds, whereas the radio) video edit has a duration of 3 minutes and second. What it tries to convey to us: This song is about a man who dies at an early age and goes to heaven, but reali4es that he has much too do before he leaves earth. So he tries to escae this 5lace of eace of light6, i.e The Afterlife 07eaven1. 8ut when I listen to this song, it6s meaning is comletely different to me. I thin+ it6s an eternal love story between two lovers, wherein one of them dies and goes to heaven 0The Afterlife1. The dead lover tries to force the other to live with him)her,  but the other doesn6t want to. The lines 5I don6t belong here, I gotta move on dear9

Transcript of Afterlife.doc

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"Afterlife" is a song by Avenged Sevenfold. The song is released as the third

single from their self-titled album. The song itself features a string orchestra and

was written by the band's drummer, The Rev. It was voted the best song of thenew album on the band's homeage. The single and a live-action music video

were released in early !#.

• music by Avenged Sevenfold

Definition of the noun afterlife

$hat does afterlife mean as a name of something%

noun - lural& afterlives

. life after death

o e(amles& I think Hitler will have an unpleasant afterlife. | He

believes in an afterlife. | She doesn't believe in an afterlife. | He

wasn't concerned with his afterlife.

o le(ical domain& Time - nouns denoting time and temoral relations

o synonym of afterlife& hereafter 

o more generic words& life ) life-time ) lifesan ) lifetime * the eriod

during which something is functional

o more secific terms&

+ingdom come * the ne(t world

immortality * eretual life after death

If you are a fan of heavy metal, then you must know Avenged Sevenfold, or

else you don’t know heavy metal. This American band mixes orchestral

music with some eic shredding !courtesy Synyster "ates# and vengeful lyrics

mixed with vocals meant to blow your head off$ Seriously, A%& is '() of the

*)ST heavy metal bands in the world$$

 History: This is the third trac+ from the self titled album Avenged Sevenfold. It

was released to the ublic on anuary !/, !#. The song was written by the late

immy Sullivan a.+.a The Rev. The video of this song has cut the starting violin

 art, the bridge 0wherein The Rev has given his vocals1, and the ending violin

outro. The original version has a duration of 2 minutes and 22 seconds, whereas

the radio) video edit has a duration of 3 minutes and second.

What it tries to convey to us: This song is about a man who dies at an early age

and goes to heaven, but reali4es that he has much too do before he leaves earth. So

he tries to escae this 5lace of eace of light6, i.e The Afterlife 07eaven1. 8ut

when I listen to this song, it6s meaning is comletely different to me. I thin+ it6s an

eternal love story between two lovers, wherein one of them dies and goes to

heaven 0The Afterlife1. The dead lover tries to force the other to live with him)her,

 but the other doesn6t want to. The lines 5I don6t belong here, I gotta move on dear9

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:scae from this afterlife cause this time I6m right, to move on and on9 far away

from me6 ;ustify my version of the song. Ironically, The Rev also died at a young

age9 and he is the one who has comosed this song.

 Review: The orchestral musics +ic+s off from the starting itself, and it6s +ind off

catchy. 8ut that6s ;ust meant for distraction. 8ecause the real song is yet to start.

At &#, Syn ma+es a roc+ing entry 0with what I can say1 with the lead guitar.

The awesome fact about Synyster <ates is that he is not only one of the most best

shredders of all time, but his solos have a rhythm that move you. =ou might be

familiar with erhas the most famous shredder of all time, 8uc+ethead. $ell, he

shreds li+e cra4y, but he doesn6t 5move6 you. >isten to the intro and you6ll +now

what I6m tal+ing about. The drum cover is totally insane?? The bass +ic+s in at

&@#, and the vocals start immediately from that oint. Shadows has vocals

that can ma+e you go absolutely bon+ers? 7e switches from innocent, slow vocalsto harsh, vengeance filled vocals almost effortlessly. The funny art of this song is

that Shadows has used a country style accent. =ou6ll definitely notice it when

he says I see a distant light, at around &. The bac+ground music is unchy

and energetic as always. The chorus starts at &!B and the whole tune of the song

comletely changes. It suddenly becomes sober, and the bac+u vocalists 0Syn

and Cac+y1 do a miraculous ;ob. In tyical ABD fashion, the first chorus is ended

halfway and abrutly, and the second ara starts immediately. Throughout the

song, The Rev +ees us enticed with his masterful drumming. Then begins the

instrumental at @&#. The orchestral music is such that the erson listening to this

song feels as if he6s dearting to heaven, and the orchestra band is wal+ing him to

the gates. Rev +ees the roc+ feel alive with his drum cover. The deleted bridge

starts after the instrumentals. After some haunting vocals, Syn ta+es over at 3&

and comletely nails it. I will guarantee that you will be at the edge of your seat

from 3& to 3&@#. The solo is sheer awesomeness.This is one solo you 7AE:

to listen to. After a mind blowing dose of metal shredding, Shadows ic+s u

from where he left and seals the deal with the final chorus. If you6re not ;uming

in your seat at the time of the last chorus, I6m sorry sir)ma6am, but you6re not a

heavy metal fan. The song finally ends at 2&22, and that6s when you descend

down and start to breath normally.

 Rating: Again, it6s a no- brainer, this. A ) is only ;ustifiable. For trulye(eriencing the song, I strongly recommend that you listen to it on a home

theater, with surround sound. R.I.G The Rev. ust wish <od would give you bac+

and ta+e ustin 8eiber instead?

<reat vocals by Shadows, blistering beats by The Rev, Tasty Rhythm by Cac+y,

8ooming bass by ohny9 and finally, a heart riing solo by Syn all seal the deal?

A comlete ac+age for a guaranteed head banging session?? R.I.G The Rev??

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>i+e wal+ing into a dream, so unli+e what you've seen

so unsure but it seems, 'cause we've been waiting for you

Fallen into this lace, ;ust giving you a small tasteof your afterlife here so stay, you'll be bac+ here soon anyway

I see a distant light, but girl this can't be right

Such a surreal lace to see so how did this come to be

Arrived too early

And when I thin+ of all the laces I ;ust don't belong

I've come to gris with life and reali4e this is going too far 

I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear escae from this afterlife

'Hause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here

A lace of hoe and no ain, erfect s+ies with no rain

Han leave this lace but refrain, 'cause we've been waiting for you

Fallen into this lace, ;ust giving you a small taste

of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be bac+ here soon anyway

This eace on earth's not right 0with my bac+ against the wall1

 o ain or sign of time 0I'm much too young to fall1

So out of lace don't wanna stay, I feel wrong and that's my sign

I've made u my mind

<ive me your hand but reali4e I ;ust wanna say goodbye

Glease understand I have to leave and carry on my own life

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escae from this afterlife

'Hause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here

<ot nothing against you and surely I'll miss you

This lace full of eace and light, and I'd hoe you might

ta+e me bac+ inside when the time is right

>oved ones bac+ home all crying 'cause they're already missing me

I ray by the grace of <od that there's somebody listening

<ive me a chance to be that erson I wanna be

0I am unbro+en9 I'm cho+ing on this ecstasy1

Jh >ord I'll try so hard but you gotta let go of me

0Knbrea+ me, unchain me, I need another chance to live1

I don't belong here, I gotta move on dear escae from this afterlife

'Hause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here

<ot nothing against you and surely I'll miss you

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This lace full of eace and light, and I'd hoe you might

ta+e me bac+ inside when the time is right