After the Death - Poetry

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  • 8/8/2019 After the Death - Poetry


    Poems & Poetry____________________

    After the death ...

    Many will cry ...


  • 8/8/2019 After the Death - Poetry



    ...And as it is appointedunto men once to die, butafter this the judgment...

    Hebrews 9:27

    (King James Version)

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    And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his

    right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first

    and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I

    am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and ofdeath.

    REVELATION 1:17-18

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    Go cry to "ufologists"

    They will also atheists cry

    Go cry all BuddhistsAnd many Jews

    Will cry the "freethinkers"

    Will cry the "pundits"

    Will cry the "defenders"

    In so many aberrations

    Will mourn the old witches

    Many singers will cry

    And the slaves of luxury

    Go cry in pain

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    Go cry abortionists

    Will cry the proud

    Satanists will mourn

    And Dictators "powerful"

    Go cry gays, lesbians

    Also effeminate

    People as "eclectic"

    And the depraved men

    Go cry

    Those who did not believe

    In thoroughbred

    The Lord Jesus

    As time went

    And did not realize

    They lived in darkness

    Neglecting the Light

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    There is still time...

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    Many women will weep

    Who sold their bodies in bed

    Many young people, widows and barren

    You will feel the sting of fire

    They will cry "Don Juan" and the good "lovers"

    Go cry feeling hopeless

    Who changed "gold" and "Diamonds"Their spirits and their souls for money

    Those who will mourn the hidden

    Robbed and killed his brother

    And those who left great "brands" and "wounds"Bitterly also there, weep

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    Will mourn those who did the bread to the poor

    Those who hid his hand denying relief

    You reader, help someone, before God it covers!

    Visit hospitals, slums and the hills

    As they will cry, the "madams" and the "princesses"

    Who dismissed the charge of her jewelry

    Workers who had nothing on their desksBesides a simple lunch box with its cool "float"

    The rich will cry because time is ripe

    They will cry that they loved the vanity

    The doom will not be a "fairytale"God will judge between the lie and the truth ...

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    Jesus waits for you ...

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    That you, dear reader, can give your life to the Lord

    Jesus, right now.

    Only Jesus can give eternal life and peace that he seeks

    his soul.

    Think about it.

    Thank you for your attention!

    JUNIOR OMNI 2010

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    JUNIOR OMNIBorn in 1979, on top of Mooca in greater Sao Paulo.

    He lived most of his childhood in Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo coast.In 1986, his parents moved to the city of Suzano, in So Paulo, where

    currently reside. It has always been passionate about the arts, music and literature.In 2001 he received the call of Jesus Christ, to preach the gospel.

    In 2006 he made theology at the National Seminar ITEJ-Brasilia-DF.As a simple Christian poet using the pseudonym OMNI JUNIOR his poems and

    poetry and its controversialtestimony ROCK N ROLL THE MUSIC OF HELL arespread around the Internet.

    To Jesus Christ all honor, all glory