African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya!...

African Safari Night

Transcript of African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya!...

Page 3: African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya! Ticket 7.00 pm Mount Evelyn Kenya, Africa Kenya, Africa Fill in ready to board

Kenya Capital City: Nairobi

National Day of Holiday: Independence Day, 12th December

Kenya is located in East Africa, on the equator, and has two official languages - Swahili and English.


Language! Habari!


Kenya Girl Guide Association (KGGA)

Mision: To Provide opportunity for

girls and young women to develop to

their fullest potential as responsible

citizens of the world.


Rainbows: 3-6 years

Brownies: 7-10 years

Girl Guides: 11-14 years

Ranger Guides: 14-18 years

Young Leaders: 18-30 years

Trefoil Guild: 36-80+ years

Page 4: African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya! Ticket 7.00 pm Mount Evelyn Kenya, Africa Kenya, Africa Fill in ready to board


African Lion

African Elephant

Rhinoceros Giraffe


Nile Crocodile

As we travel through Kenya,

how many of these animals can

you find and complete the

activities for?

Page 5: African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya! Ticket 7.00 pm Mount Evelyn Kenya, Africa Kenya, Africa Fill in ready to board

Lion The heaviest lion on record weighed

an amazing 375 kg

The roar of a lion can be heard from 8


Male lions are easy to recognize thanks

to their distinctive manes. Males with

darker manes are more likely to attract

female lions

Lions in the wild live for around 12


In the wild, lions rest for around 20

hours a day.

Lions can reach speeds of up to 81

kph (50 mph) but only in short bursts

because of a lack of stamina.

Page 6: African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya! Ticket 7.00 pm Mount Evelyn Kenya, Africa Kenya, Africa Fill in ready to board


Elephants are the largest land animals

in the world.

Elephants can live to be over 70 years


Only one mammal can’t jump — the


Elephants can swim – they use their

trunk to breathe like a snorkel in deep


Elephants purr like cats do, as a means

of communication.

Elephants prefer one tusk over the

other, just as people are either left or


Elephants use their feet to listen, they can pick up sub-

sonic rumblings made by other elephants, through

vibrations in the ground. Elephants are observed listening

by putting trunks on the ground and carefully positioning

their feet.

Page 7: African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya! Ticket 7.00 pm Mount Evelyn Kenya, Africa Kenya, Africa Fill in ready to board


The giraffe's heart weighs 24


Giraffe footprints are 12

inches and 9 inches wide.

Giraffe footprints are 12

inches and 9 inches wide.

Giraffes are nonterritorial and

sociable. They live in loose,

open herds.

Newborn giraffe calves begin

their lives by falling 6 feet to

the ground

Giraffes are one of the few

animals born with horns.

A giraffe has just 2 gaits:

walking and galloping

Giraffa means "one who walks



Page 9: African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya! Ticket 7.00 pm Mount Evelyn Kenya, Africa Kenya, Africa Fill in ready to board

Nile Crocodile Nile crocodiles can live to be over 40

years old.

They can grow to be about 6 metres

long and can weigh over 700 kg

The Nile crocodile nearly became extinct in the middle

of the twentieth century, but they are now a protected

species and the population has risen.

Mummified crocodiles and their eggs

have been found in the tombs of

Ancient Egyptians.

Nile crocodiles are carnivores (they eat only

meat). They mainly eat fish, but will also go for

small hippos, zebras and birds if they get the

chance. They will also eat carrion (the meat from

animals that they haven’t killed themselves).

Page 10: African Safari Night - · African Safari Night . All aboard! We’re flying to Kenya! Ticket 7.00 pm Mount Evelyn Kenya, Africa Kenya, Africa Fill in ready to board


The name rhinoceros means ‘nose

horn’ and is often shortened to


Rhinoceros horns are made from a

protein called keratin, the same

substance that fingernails and hair

are made of.

Rhinoceros are herbivores (plant


A group of rhinoceros is called a

‘herd’ or a ‘crash’.

Rhino calves are born without


Rhinos have poor eyesight but excellent

sense of smell and hearing.

Small birds called oxpeckers have a symbiotic relationship

with the rhinos. They remove ticks from the rhino's skin,

and also make a lot of noise when they perceive a threat,

alerting the rhino to danger. The Swahili name for these

birds is "askari wa kifaru"