Africa RISING review of progress Ghana 2013

Africa RISING Review of Progress Ghana 2013 Asamoah Larbi, IITA Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting, Bamako, Mali, 3-4 February 2014


Presented by Asamoah Larbi (IITA) at the Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting, Bamako, Mali, 3-4 February 2014

Transcript of Africa RISING review of progress Ghana 2013

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Africa RISING Review of Progress Ghana 2013

Asamoah Larbi, IITA

Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting, Bamako, Mali, 3-4 February 2014

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Purpose of Africa RISING: Provide pathways out of hunger and poverty for small holder families, especially for women and children, through sustainably intensified farming systems that sufficiently improve productivity, nutrition, and income security and conserve or enhance the natural resource base

Africa RISING – Program

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Africa RISING – Intervention communities

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ARI Animal Research InstituteCBOs Community-based OrganizationsCRI Crops Research InstituteFRI Food Research InstituteGLDB Grains and Legumes Development BoardINSTI Institute for Scientific and Technological InformationKNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and TechnologyMOFA Ministry of Food and AgricultureMOH Ministry of HealthSARI Savanna Agricultural Research InstituteSEEDPAG Seed Producers Association of GhanaSRI Soil Research InstituteUDS University for Development StudiesUG University of Ghana

Africa RISING – Ghana: National partners

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AVRDC The World Vegetable Center

CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture

ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics

IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

ILRI International Livestock Research Institute

IWMI International Water Management Institute

Africa RISING – Ghana: International partners

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Approach: Farming Systems Research

Extension Agent


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Africa RISING Research Outputs Farming Systems Research Stages

Situation analysis Farming systems characterization


Integrated systems development Testing


Scaling and delivery Diffusion

Africa RISING Research Outputs vrs. Stages in Farming Systems Research

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Community analysis and mobilization

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Cropping systems - cereals

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Cropping systems – sorghum and millet

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Cropping systems – cereals-legume

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Cropping systems – legumes

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Cropping systems – vegetables

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Livestock – small ruminants

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Livestock – rural poultry and pigs

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Constrains to livestock production in the intervention communities and suggested solutionsMain problems Suggested solutions1. Poor housing Support in cash for housing construction or housing package

2. High disease and mortality Confinement of animals to reduce exposure and better access to veterinary services

3. Lack of improved breeds Better management of the local breeds, buying the improved breeds and the supply of these breeds in the form of support.

4. Conflict with crops farmers Confinement and herding of the flock5. Inadequate feed Collection and conservation of crops residue; subsidized concentrate

feeds and training in better feeding practices

6 Low prices offered by marketing agents and processors for animals

1.Formation of farmer groups to negotiate good prices for members; 2.Weighing of animals and sell according to animals’ weight.

8. Lack water in the dry season

Construction of dug-outs and small reservoirs and supply of materials for rain water harvesting.

9. Access to credit Formation of farmers groups and cooperative to facilitate access to credit and external support.

10. High cost of veterinary drags Government subsidy and support from NGOs in form animal health service package.

Livestock – production constrains and solutions

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Situation analysis (Research output 1) Leader1Community mobilization and innovation platforms IITA2Farming systems analysis WUR3Inventory of innovations IITA

Integrated systems management (Research output 2)4Improving cereal-legume systems IITA5Land management strategies CIAT6Agricultural water management IWMI7Improving cattle, sheep and goat production ILRI8Intensifying rural pig and poultry production KNUST9Improving farm household nutrition GHS, FRI

Scaling and delivery (Research output 3)10Comparison of delivery approaches MoFA, UDS

Africa RISING-Ghana: 2013 Work plan

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Cereals: rice yield gap

Farmer-managed Researcher-managed0








d gr




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1 2 3 4 5 6 70





Farmer practice Improved practice



d gr




Cereals – improved management effects on rice

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FV (Unn)



FV (Unn Manna)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Fruit yield (t/ha)

Vegetables: Okra fruit yield – farmers’ field day

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Landless Small Medium Large0







Tibali Tingoli

Wealth Category

% o

f the




Landless Small Medium Large0








Guo Papu

Wealth Category

% o

f the




Landless Small Medium Large0







Gia Bonia

Wealth Category

% o

f the




Northern region Upper West region Upper East region

• Landless household: No land, no livestock; • Small household : < 3 acre of land & < 6 ruminant; • Medium Household: 3 – 10 acre of land & 6 – 30 ruminant;• Large Household: > 10 acre of land & > 30 ruminant

Livestock – rural poultry and pigs

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Crop residues



Naturally oc-curing & col-lected forage



Crop residues16%

Cultivated fodder8%


Naturally occur-ing & collected


Crop residues22%

Cultivated fodder5%


Naturally occur-ing & collected



Bonia, Upper East Guo, Upper West Tibali, Northern

Livestock – sources of ruminant diets

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Regions Districts Communities

Upper EastBongo Samboligo

Kassena-Nankana Bonia, Gia

Upper West Nadowli-Kaleo Goriyiri, Guo, Goli,


Wa West Nato-Duori, Nyaggli

NorthernSavelugu-Nanton Jana, Libiga, Tibale,

Tolon-Kumbungu Gbanjong, Tibongnaayili, Kpirim, Cheyohi

Rural poultry and pig systems characterization

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Species Upper East Upper West Northern

Guinea fowls 100 76.3 64.3

Chickens 100 96.6 91.4Turkeys 0 6.8 0Ducks 19.6 15.3 4.3Pigeons 5.9 1.7 0

Species of poultry reared by farmers (%)

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System of productionSemi-intensive 100 94.9 97.1 97.3Free Range 0 5.1 2.9 2.7

HousingMud 78.4 96.6 87.2 87.4Wooden 13.7 0 11.4 8.4Others 7.8 0 1.4 3.1

FeedingGrains + scavenging 98 100 82.9 93.6Feed + scavenging 0 0 14.3 4.8Scavenging only 2 0 2.9 1.6

BreedingUncontrolled mating 100 100 100 100Incub. & brood. by hen 100 100 100 100

Poultry production systems and management practices (%)

UER: Upper East Region; UWR: Upper West Region; NR: Northern Region

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UER UWR NR Mean Sale 94.1 89.8 97.1 93.7No sale 5.9 10.2 2.9 6.3 Income (birds) 96.1 84.7 50 76.9Income (eggs) 3.9 5.1 44.3 17.8 Buying of food 86.3 79.7 78.6 81.5Paying of schools fees 72.5 54.2 70 65.6Health-care 35.3 49.2 24.3 36.3

Sale of poultry and uses of income (%)

UER: Upper East Region; UWR: Upper West Region; NR: Northern Region

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Pests and diseases 100 91.5 85.7 92.4

High keet mortality 78.4 69.5 68.6 72.2

Predation 82.4 69.5 61.4 71.1

Lack of knowledge 60.8 62.7 30 51.2

Feed shortage 56.9 62.7 25.7 48.4

Poultry production constraints (%)

UER: Upper East Region; UWR: Upper West Region; NR: Northern Region

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Breeds Upper East Upper West NorthernExotic 14.6 8.8 22.2Local 78.2 82.5 77.8Crosses 6.2 1.8 0 Source of breeds Local producers 70.8 88.1 88.9Other producers 25 7.1 11Breeding stations 8.4 5.3 9Relative/friend 8.4 0 0

Breeds of pigs reared and their sources (%)

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Upper East Upper West Northern

System of productionIntensive 27.1 7 88.9Semi-intensive 64.6 77.2 11.1Extensive 8.3 8.8 0


Enclosed structures 97.9 68.4 100Confinement 22.9 5.3 100Partial confinement 64.6 70.2 0

FeedingComplete feed only 23 24.6 100Scavenging+Supplement 35.4 64.9 0Scavenging only 8.3 1.8 0

BreedingUncontrolled mating 100 100 0Controlled mating 0 0 100

Pig production systems and management practices (%)

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Upper East

Upper West Northern


Internal parasites 72.9 36.8 100

External parasites 2.1 1.8 0

African Swine Fever 2.1 5.3 11.1

Diarrhoea 2.1 0 0


Veterinary officer 52.1 14 33.3

Comm. Livestock Worker 2.1 8.8 0

Farmer 20.8 15.8 66.7

Major diseases and their treatment (%)

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Upper East Upper West NorthernSale 66.5 70.1 88.9No sale 33.5 29.9 11.1 Middlemen 47.9 35.1 77.8Pito brewers 4.2 3.5 0Butchers 35.6 35.2 66.7Public 2.1 7 0 Profitable 87.5 73.7 100Not profitable 12.5 26.3 0

Pigs – sales, market channels and profitability (%)

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Upper East Upper West Northern

Pests and diseases 97.9 89.5 100

Housing materials 97.9 89.5 100

Feed shortage 87.5 82.5 100

Constrains – pig production

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Improving farm household nutrition

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Problem – wasting and under weight high among children

Causes Food insecurity Mal-nutrition – poverty, food processing, feeding practices

Solutions Improve quality food intake -crop varieties, livestock breeds Diversification – production, diets Processing – better cooking practices

Improving farm household nutrition

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Provide baseline data

Study food consumption patterns

Nutritional status of children and caretakers

Document food processing and cooking methods

Mineral profiles of leafy vegetables

Design appropriate nutritional interventions

Household nutrition survey

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Severely Moderately Marginally Normal

n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)Northern (n=201) 19 (9.5) 63 (31.3) 56 (27.9) 63 (31.3)

Upper West (n=149) 3 (2.0) 19 (12.8) 46 (30.9) 81 (54.4)

Upper East (n=146) 5 (3.4) 23 (15.8) 48 (32.9) 70 (47.9)

Total (N=496) 27 (5.4) 105 (21.2) 150 (30.2) 214 (43.1)

p-value= < 0.0001*

Stunting in children (0-60 months of age: HAZ score)

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Chayoli Tibali Zanko Goli Bonia Sambulgu0






Malnourished Nourished

Intervention community





Nutritional status of children (0-60 months of age)

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Stunting in children by sex

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Roots & Tubers





Fish & Seafoods






0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Upper WestUpper EastNorthern




Household consumption of different food groups

Households (%)

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Vegetable species Iron Zinc

Amaranthus leaves 54.02±6.34m 5.87±0.88jz

Sorrel leaves 49.42±4.70m 2.62±0.22xy

Bitter leaves 34.94±0.13k 9.58±0.57b

Pumpkin leaves 70.63±1.51p 9.38±1.31b

Micro-nutrient concentration–leafy vegetables (mg/kg, weight weight)

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Dissemination – farmers’ field day Upper West

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Capacity building – experimental design short-course

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MSc PhDUniversity of Ghana 3 0

Kwame Nkrumah Univ. of Science & Techn 1 2

University of Development Studies 1 0

Total 5 2

Capacity building – graduate training

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Technology development versus socio-economics..????

Focus on farming systems research

Integration of activities

Small-scale mechanization and post-harvest losses….???

Value addition…???

Looking ahead………..???????

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Forget your sorrows and

dance – life is short

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Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation