Africa lecture #4

Lecture #4 European Colonization of Africa pt. 2 the What Reminders: Weds/Thurs - Retakes for the map quiz (below 80% only) Fri - Reading Packet and Questions Due Friday Fri - Quiz on reading packet 15-20 Questions

Transcript of Africa lecture #4

Lecture #4 European Colonization of Africa pt. 2 the What


Weds/Thurs - Retakes for the map quiz (below 80% only)

Fri - Reading Packet and Questions Due Friday

Fri - Quiz on reading packet 15-20 Questions

European Colonization of S. Africa

What is taking place in this picture?

Colonialism-the control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people.

Dutch and British settlers hoped to exploit South Africa’s resources to increase the wealth of Britain.

Early Dutch Colonization

• In 1652, the Dutch colonized the country of South Africa and established the Cape of Good Hope.

• It was here that the Dutch set up the Dutch East India Trade Company.

Decades later, the British settled in South Africa in order to claim

its riches

British and Dutch compete over S. Africa

• In South Africa, tensions rose between the native South Africans, Dutch settlers known as Boers and the British.

• The British military was stronger than the Dutch and they are forced to leave the Cape Colony

Dutch = Boers

•After being forced out of Cape Colony, the Dutch Boers pushed inland, into territory that was traditionally held by the Zulu tribes.

•The Great Trek - the Dutch Boers movement from Cape Colony North into the Transvaal.

•1838 - the Dutch and Zulu fight the first of many conflicts. Dutch kill over 3,000 Zulu, which turned the Ncome river red with blood.

The Great Trek 1836-1838


• After the battle, the Dutch establish the Orange Free State and Transvaal territories.

• The Zulu tribal leader Shaka Zulu would lead several more attacks against the Dutch but could not push the Dutch out of the Transvaal.

• The ongoing conflicts would later influence the Afrikaner government and its policies.

Shaka Zulu 1785 - 1828


Cecil Rhodes

• Started De Beers diamond company which owned/sold up to 90% of the world’s diamonds in the early 1900s.

• Founded the country of Rhodesia which was later split into Zambia and Zimbabwe

• Used his position as Prime Minister in South Africa to encourage the First Boer War in 1880.

• His vision was a transcontinental railroad from Capetown to Cairo which would demonstrate British dominance of the African continent

First Anglo-Boer War 1880-1881

• Also called “Transvaal War” • Dutch (Boers) vs. British • Short conflict which the Boers won and re-established the

independent republic of Transvaal. • The discovery of gold + diamonds in Transvaal had attracted

British interest. British also desired Cape Colony to monitor and control trade to India

2nd Boer War 1899-1902

• Won by the British • the Boer republics including Transvaal and Orange Free State were transferred to British control

• War had high casualties due to modern weapons

• British will eventually set up the Union of South Africa (1910)

• Self-governing but run and controlled by the British

• the Boer Wars are considered one of the first modern “total” wars

Dutch Boers vs. British = British Victory


Lasting Horror of the War

• Dutch Boers often used guerilla warfare tactics to combat the British and hide their numbers.

• In reaction, the British used concentration camps to detain all Dutch S. Africans

• 26, 000 Boers died in these camps under British control

• Many were Women and Children

“The Colossus of Rhodes”

An image of British Domination of the African Continent