AFL - CIO How to Have a Convo on Race without Everyone Running Out of the Room.

How to Have a Convo on Race without Everyone Running Out of the Room

Transcript of AFL - CIO How to Have a Convo on Race without Everyone Running Out of the Room.

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How to Have a Convo on Race without Everyone Running Out of the Room


Meet Your TrainersRacial and Economic Justice

Carmen Berkley Civil, Human and Womens Rights Director, AFL-CIO Tiffany Dena LoftinSenior Civil & Human Rights Program Coordinator, AFL-CIO


Racial and Economic Justice

DEBRIEF THE VIDEO Why is talking about race and racism so challenging in the labor movement?

Why do we need to have discussions about race in the labor movement?Racial and Economic Justice

Debrief questions: Why is talking about race and racism so challenging in the labor movement?Why do we need to have discussions about race in the labor movement?




MALICIOUS RACISM Racial and Economic Justice

Many see racism as malicious racism. Malicious racism is ugly, violent and socially destructive. Most people will deny or condemn this form of racism.

Many see racism as malicious racism. Malicious racism is ugly, violent and socially destructive. Most people will deny or condemn this form of racism.


MALICIOUS RACISM Racial and Economic Justice

Insisting that racism can only take this one form is political strategy. This allows the right to claim that racism is largely in the past, and whatever they are saying and doing cannot possibly be racist because they dont regularly use racial swear words.

Insisting that racism can only take this one form is political strategy. This allows the right to claim that racism is largely in the past, and whatever they are saying and doing cannot possibly be racist because they dont regularly use racial swear words.


CODED RACISMRacial and Economic Justice

Both of these photos invokes ones rights to own a firearm. Whites are seen as innocent, hardworking, endangered, and the real Americans who deserve guns for their protection. People of color are predatory, lazy, dangerous, and perpetual foreigners. Undeserving of guns because they are a threat to society.

When you look at these families what do you see? What are the words that come to mind? 8

CODED RACISMRacial and Economic JusticeCoded racism works by invoking racial stereotypes. The coded part comes in when people deploy these stereotypes without expressly mentioning race. They seem race-neutral, but they incite powerful(often unconscious) Racial reactions.

When you hear the term welfare queen what do you think?What about the term anchor baby? 9

ROUTINE RACISM Racial and Economic JusticeFor most of us racism is routine. This may sound as if racism is no big deal, but the point is rather that racism is commonsense, forming part of our everyday understanding of the world, even for people who mean well, and even for people of color.

Example: All Black people