Aerobics the Big Lie



Aerobic exercise myths

Transcript of Aerobics the Big Lie



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    Aerobics: The Big Fat LieAs a personal trainer, I'm pretty well known for going against the grain with my approach to training and nutrition.

    Im also known as the personal trainer who transforms his clients faster than anyone else by teaching them to do the opposite of what they have always been told to do!

    Kasper V. Christensen

    Dear fellow fitness enthusiast.

    Youve probably found your way to this eBook from my blog, Facebook, Twitter or maybe a friend passed it along to you. Either way, Im happy youre here.

    I founded Fortius Fitness to help as many people around the world to reach their goals and steer clear of all the myth and flawed advice that are pushed at us everywhere.

    If I can help you learn just one thing that will help in your quest for fitness, the effort it took to compile this eBook will have been totally worth it.

    To all of my subscribers, followers and friends out there, old and new, thank you for the gift of your support.

    If at any point you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. You can best reach me on Twitter (@fortiusfitness), or on my Facebook Page.

    Even if you dont have any questions, Id love for you to come by and say hello!

    If you want to reach me in private you can email me at [email protected]

    To Your Success...


    First: The Basics -

    Cardio is short for cardiovascular exercise: exercise which requires work from the heart and lungs continuously for a prolonged time.

    Jogging, running, swimming, spinning and aerobic classes all involve cardiovascular exercise.

    It is commonly thought that cardiovascular exercise including aerobics is a good way to burn calories and lose weight.

    The problem withcardiovascular exercise is simple...

    ...It isn't actually a good way to lose body fat!


    The Evidence

    Cardiovascular exercise isn't good at burning fat. The evidence is all around us.

    Walk into any commercial gym in the world and you will find endless rows of treadmills, stair climbers, bikes and other cardio machines. Commercial gyms and fitness centres offer aerobic classes with exotic names like fatburner or spinning classes where dozens of people peddle their hearts out on bikes.

    Logically, all of these things are great for anyone who wants to lose weight. Cardio burns calories and aids fat loss, right?

    All these classes and gyms are packed with people desperately huffing and puffing away in an effort to shed a few pounds. They can't all be doing the wrong thing, surely?

    Take A Look Around!

    If only all these people would just open their eyes. They dont even have to look far! They just need to glance to their side at their fellow sufferers or straight in front them - at the instructors of these classes themselves. Most of them are straight up overweight or skinny fat. They step, spin and dance away for sometimes hours a day, yet theres no definition whatsoever to be found on their bodies. They never seem to actually get any more ripped, toned, or defined!

    If you ask people who ARE ripped and toned how they achieved their physique, they will tell you that they do heavy lifting besides their classes and watch what they eat.

    Why is it that people think they will get results, when the instructors themselves dont? They keep slaving away hours after hours hoping that some magic will happen, and the logic will start to work.



    I once read a pretty good definition of insanity.

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    - Albert Einstein

    I don't need to tell you that Einstein was a smart guy.

    Why dont people question their logic when it isn't producing results? If cardio is such a great way to lose weight, why does it fail so many people?

    Conventional Wisdom

    It amazes me that most people just copy what everyone else is doing, even when it obviously isn't working. Even personal trainers. What you hear about cardio seems to add up on paper. In practice, cardio doesn't produce results and sometimes even backfires, leaving people even more overweight. You have to wonder, if cardio isn't working now for these people, when is it going to start working? The simple answer is: never. More of the same wont help. Often, it will make the problem even worse.

    This e-book is about how bad aerobics or cardiovascular training is for fat loss, so thats what Im going to use as an example to illustrate my point.

    Most people know the following facts about cardio.

    Cardio burns calories during the actual session. Cardio burns calories after the session. Cardio raises the bodys metabolic rate. Cardio puts the body into a calorie deficit. And all in all, it supposedly burns body fat.

    The underlying logic is appealing you are told that aerobics and cardio burn calories, and you have to burn calories to loose fat. And this is absolutely correct. You need a calorie deficit to lose body fat. The problem is that the body is a lot smarter than people give it credit for.


    The body only thinks in terms of survival: your body doesn't give a damn about how you want it to look! The body will burn as few calories as possible to make this happen. The more calories preserved, the better during times of famine. Remember, our current standard of living is a recent development which evolution hasn't caught up with. 10,000 years ago there were no supermarkets on every corner!

    The muscles in our bodies are the powerhouses that primarily dictate our metabolism.

    Our body is like a car.

    Muscle tissue is the most metabolically expensive tissue we have in the body, so it doesnt take a genius to figure out that if we build muscle through strength training we put a bigger engine in the body which will in turn require more fuel (calories) even at rest.

    A bigger engine in a car burns more fuel. Similarly, the more muscle you have, the more calories your body requires to function.

    Thats the beauty of building muscle it increases our metabolism which allows us to eat more without gaining body fat! It also allows us to burn body fat more easily if we have a negative calorie balance.

    Now back to the logic that if you perform cardio you burn calories. No arguments there. The BIG problem is that a lot more is going on. Cardio doesn't work in our favour when fat loss is the objective.

    Let's find out more...


    The 5 Big ProblemsWith Excessive Cardio

    It doesn't burn a lot of calories.

    It destroys muscle mass.

    It causes injuries.

    Cardio burns carbohydrates, not fat!

    No EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)

    Let's have a closer look.


    Problem #1It Doesn't Burn A Lot Of Calories

    Cardio equipment usually asks you to punch in your weight before you start your workout. You start the workout and continue until you have burned, for example, 300 calories according to the machine. This will take around 40 min if you burn 8 calories per minute. Now, have you ever wondered why the machines want to know your weight? If you answered to calculate how many calories you burn you are right. What you most likely failed to consider is the main reason it needs your weight is to calculate your basal metabolic rate.

    Lets say a person maintains his weight on about 2500 calories a day. That means they need 105 calories an hour at rest. So the 300 calories burned are NOT calories burned above your basal metabolic rate, they are calories burned INCLUDING your basal metabolic rate. So for your time on the treadmill, you burned about 195 calories above your baseline. If you did this every night for a week, you wouldn't burn enough calories to equal the amount stored in one pound of fat.

    Think about it...if we were so metabolically efficient as to burn 300 calories at the rate the exercise equipment says you do, would we ever have survived as a species?

    The calories that would be burned hunting and gathering would have caused us to die of starvation before we could ever have found anything to eat - at that rate of calorie burn, we would barely have enough metabolic economy to survive a trip to the grocery store.

    Let us assume that you have the determination and time to do such a workout 7 days a week. If we take the 300 calories burned and subtract the basal metabolic rate of 105 calories, we are left with 195 calories burned. There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. If you kept a stable calorie intake, it would take you 18 days to burn off ONE pound of fat with the extra activity. Thats nearly three weeks and a total of 12 hours to burn ONE POUND OF FAT! This is assuming that no other variables are present. Unfortunately there is a big variable that almost no-one accounts for...MUSCLE LOSS


    Problem #2It Destroys Muscle Mass

    In order to exercise long enough to burn 300 calories you have to perform cardiovascular activity at an intensity you can keep up for a prolonged time. Such intensity does not place much demand on the muscles, that is why it can be carried out for so long. The only thing the body senses is that its master demands traveling great distances. Your body settles down for a long period of slow exertion and begins doing something that many people don't expect...

    When you perform this type of exercise your body can adapt by actually losing muscle, making its engine smaller so it can preserve calories. Additional muscle is perceived as dead weight when you are on the move for a long period of time - muscle itself burns calories, so when the going gets tough your body responds by getting rid of as much muscle mass as possible to keep you going a survival mechanism.

    The body often responds in a way that seems counter-intuitive. Dont drink any water? Your body tries to retain water. Does weight training build muscle? No it doesnt. What actually occurs is a breakdown of muscle tissue and the body ADAPTS by building muscle.

    So, if you burn of calories doing aerobic training, that same body adapts to aerobic exercise by slowing your metabolism and allowing your body to store more fat. This means that as the body gets rid of muscle mass our metabolism is lowered and requires fewer calories to run. Continuing with the example above, the person in question now only requires 2200 calories to maintain their weight, as their muscle mass has deteriorated thanks to intense cardio.

    Most people get confused. Why isnt cardio helping me lose weight? I run every day and I only seem to maintain my weight. Some days, I seem to again weight! People, knowing that cardio burns calories, blame themselves for not doing enough. They increase the amount of training they do, making the problem even worse!


    A good car is one that is economic with fuel. As you do aerobic activity to burn fat, your body becomes more economical. Like a good car, it needs less fuel to run which means you burn less fat the better you become at aerobic activity! This is hardly the reason why people start doing it!

    As you progress, eventually you'll need to do a huge amount of training just to keep your weight stable and keep the accumulation of fat at bay. Furthermore, the stress hormones that result from such overtraining also stimulate fat storage and weaken the immune system which opens the door for infections. Have you noticed how often long distance athletes complain of colds and sore throats? Anyone who has attempted such a program of weight loss can will end up feeling washed out, moody, and (worst of all) fatter. The truth is this: you cannot use physical activity to negate excess caloric intake.

    Does muscle mass really matter so much? Yes. The amount of lean muscle on your body directly helps dictate the speed of metabolism and how much food you can get away with eating.

    Less muscle mass, slower metabolism, smaller engine.Burns less calories = Constant struggle with excess body fat.

    More lean muscle mass, faster metabolism, bigger engine.Burns more calories = Stay lean with ease.


    This basic law of nature also applies to women. And no You will NOT become bulky. Muscle is a lot denser then fat meaning you will become SMALLER as you build muscle and burn of your excess body fat. More about this later...

    Think about what happens when you hit your 30s. Remember when you were a teenager and could eat everything in sight and not get fat? Somewhere in your 30's things changed. Now it seems like just looking at food can make you fat. What happened? The answer is simple: your muscle mass started to decline. This is natural. As we age we lose muscle mass unless we give it a reason to stay. And as stated many times now with reduced muscle mass our metabolism goes down. So if youre past 30, youre accelerating the aging process even more if you throw prolonged cardio into the fray.

    Your weight loss goals are like a carrot on a stick, and you are actually destroying the very thing that burns calories round the clock muscle mass.

    In weight training, as you get better, you add more weight or more reps and there is literally no finish line. In aerobic training, it will take less work to run 5 miles as you get fitter. So to continue to improve you can either go further (do more work for the same amount of calories) or you can run faster. Going further kind of defeats the purpose. Why run 40 minutes to burn the calories you once burned in 30 minutes? What kind of progression is that? Its the law of diminishing returns! And going faster isn't a solution either. Pretty soon you will run into another problem. You cant keep on increasing intensity - you have to slow down sooner or later.

    So, if we accept that muscle mass is a major factor in your fat burning engine - and aerobic training makes that engine smaller (i.e. it reduces the amount of muscle on your body) and more efficient at burning fat (remember more efficient means it burns LESS) - how can you hope to lose weight when the very activity that is supposed to burn fat makes you a smaller, more efficient fat burning (you burn less of it!) machine?


    Problem #3It Causes Injuries

    Long slow aerobic training remains the biggest practical joke in fitness. If you do long, slow cardio, its only a matter of time before you end up in a physiotherapists office with all the others that do too much of the same thing. Whether its running or spin classes, overuse injuries are far too common in the cardio world. I know of many people who run to get fit yet they have back pain, knee injuries, shin splints, muscle imbalances and other problems!

    The reason for this is that the overwhelming majority of people move poorly. When you take a body that moves poorly and move it this way for an extended period of time - add in ground reaction forces - and it's just a matter of time before you make lots of physical therapists happy, due to the constant pounding and repetitive stress that eventually causes inflammation on one or more of your joints.

    Aerobics are an extremely damaging form of exercise, yet for some strange reason, the ability to withstand pain has become associated with athleticism. The epitome of withstanding punishment by way of aerobic overload is the marathon. The story behind the Marathon Run is based on an ancient Greek legend of the soldier, Pheldippides, who ran 26 miles to tell the emperor that their army was victorious in battle over the Persians. Then he dropped dead. As much as I may admire the physical and mental toughness it takes to finish a marathon, it has little to do with one's health or appearance. It certainly won't enhance it. The ability to tolerate punishment and damage is not a very accurate gauge of one's health or strength. An activity such as running, besides being unnaturally stressing to the knees, ankles, and lower back, will also increase free radical damage due to the higher ingestion of oxygen. That means you age faster!


    Problem #4Cardio burns carbohydrates, not fat!

    We have three energy systems that the body uses.

    Fat-based: Used in low intensity slow activities such as walking and the muscles preferred fuel at rest.

    ATP-based: Used in high intensity activities such as sprinting for very short distances or lifting heavy things.

    Our third energy system is carbohydrate or glycogen based: used in medium intensity activities such as running, cycling or jogging for long distances. Its an inefficient and costly affair for the body to use this energy system. Carbohydrates or glycogen is stored in muscles and the liver, which can only hold 500-600 grams of glycogen - fuel for about an hour of continuous work. When these stores are empty, you will start cannibalizing your own muscle tissue for fuel or you can eat some simple sugars that hit the bloodstream fast delivering immediate energy. But why eat during exercise if fat loss is the objective?

    We just weren't designed to operate at medium intensity for long periods of time. We evolved to walk long distances, gathering food, tracking prey etc, sprinting occasionally to escape a predator or catch an animal to eat, climbing, throwing and lifting heavy things. We're meant to alternate periods of kicking back with short periods of kicking ass conserving as much energy as possible not running to keep the heart rate up or reach some type of fat burning/aerobic zone.

    How many animals jog? None! They walk and sprint occasionally.

    Yes, the body burns some fat during aerobics, but most of the energy thats burned is carbohydrates. Have you ever noticed bike riders and marathon runners always have their little energy gels with them? These are simple sugars that give instant energy to the muscles. If the primary fuel was fat, they would have eaten oils instead. Now, if you burn so much sugar during the activity, what do you think the body craves after the workout? Yep, sugar. And LOTS of it. Meaning that you will easily eat the amount of calories burned during the actual session...and probably more!


    Problem #4No EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption)

    If you compared a 45-minute cardio session to a 45 minute resistance training session, you'd find that you burn more calories minute-to-minute doing cardio than you do lifting weights. This is why most people are under the assumption that cardio burns more calories overall and is the most efficient approach to fat loss.

    However, what many trainees don't take into consideration is EPOC, which describes the calories you burn AFTER you train. Once again, the cardio logic begins to fail when we look at things in more depth!

    How many calories you burn during a training session is only a small part of a bigger picture.

    To get a real idea of what a training session is doing, you need to take a look at the total number of calories you burn inthe 24-48 hours afterwards.

    The common cardio logic doesn't take this into account. Most people simply think of the gym as an isolated experience in the day and ignore what happens after.

    When you run, step, spin or do other cardio activities you burn some calories, but as soon as you stop doing these things, nothing more will happen. Theres no damage to the muscles thats why you can do it every day. The time and calories required for the body to repair the damage are minimal.

    When you train with weights, you break muscle tissue down. Your body needs energy (calories) to repair and build them up again. Compare this to steady-state cardio, where there is little to no "spark" as far as metabolism is concerned and you can see which is more effective in terms of overall fat loss.

    So, in order to really burn body fat and not muscle the key is to think not just how many calories we can burn during exercise, but about how many calories we can force the body to burn round the clock.


    Spot The Difference!The principles described so far can be seen everywhere.

    Take a look at the following two men:

    Marathon runnerIn my opinion he looks sick.

    Sprinter Strong, lean, powerfuland healthy looking!

    Have you ever noticed how strong, ripped and powerful sprint and power athletes look? In comparison, long distance athletes appear thin, worn and older than they

    actually are.


    Everyone wants to look like a sprinter, and sprinters do almost ZERO continuous aerobic work, yet they have less body-fat than long distance runners. Logic tells us this shouldn't be the case. According to the common cardio logic they should be fat.

    Think about this: few people want to look like a marathon runner, but the common advice is that to look like a sprinter, you need to train the way a marathon runner does. How weird is that?

    We can even transfer this to the gym.

    If we look around the gym, where do we find the lean, muscular or toned physiques?In the weight room! NOT in the cardio section, spinning or aerobic classes.

    Strength training is a lot like sprinting (Professional sprinters do a lot of strength training in addition to their sprint training). Short burst of maximum intensity followed by rest. Running on a treadmill or stepping away in a class, is directly proportional to a long distance race.

    Every year thousands of overweight people complete triathlons and marathons. This alone proves that the nature of aerobic activity involved in such a pursuit has a limited or zero effect on fat burning.


    Case Study #1: Jamie Eason

    Jamie Eason, seen on the left, has the kind of body most women dream of.

    Most people assume she must spend every waking moment in the gym doing grueling cardio! Here's what she has to say:

    I'm not a huge fan of cardio. I prefer to eat clean. Most women overdo the cardio and avoid weights for fear of getting too big. That is a huge misconception!

    I tell women all the time that they can do cardio and diet all day long but they're never going to achieve the "tone" they're after. Without incorporating weights, they will likely end up just a smaller version of themselves.

    Some women, like Rachel Cosgrove, take Jamie's advice to heart... (next page)


    Case Study #2: Rachel Cosgrove

    Rachel Cosgrove used to do over 20 hours of cardio work a week.

    I worked my way up to doing over twenty hours of endurance training a week. I also kept track of every calorie I ate; making sure my nutrition was right on track. I thought I'd be able to eat whatever I wanted, but I couldn't. I had to watch myself to keep from gaining any weight.

    I now have first-hand experience that steady-state aerobics is absolutely, completely, utterly ineffective for fat loss. After working my way up to twenty training hours a week, I can tell you that long, steady-state endurance is NOT the answer for a defined, lean physique and it's a waste of time if your goal is fat loss.

    It's only the answer if your goal is to complete an endurance event.

    Today, Rachel spends 5 hours a week weight and interval training to maintain her toned look.

    I eliminated all steady-state endurance exercise. No running, biking, swimming, or anything else in the steady-state. In an eight-week period my body returned to being strong, defined, and lean.

    I no longer looked like a flabby endurance athlete, and I did it in a quarter of the time, compared to the aerobic training.

    Get off the treadmill, stop spinning your wheels, and push yourself in the gym if you want to lose some serious fat.


    Case Study #3: Me & My Girlfriend JoanI got into the best condition of my life in 2006 where I placed 3rd in a competition against 21 competitors (picture on the left).

    The only cardio I did was for the last 4 weeks where I did intervals 3 times a week to prepare for a 500 meter row that was a part of the competition. In preparation for previous competitions I did a lot of various cardio but never reached the condition I wanted.

    It was when I skipped the cardio that I was able to reach REALLY low body fat levels without losing muscle in the process.

    I trained my girlfriend (pictured on the right) with the same methods for the 2008 athletic fitness competition which she won and the 2011 body fitness competition where she placed second at the age of 40.

    We maintain a condition close to the pictures below using the strategies outlined in my comprehensive course Physique Mastery. We hit the weights 3 times per week to build and maintain muscle mass and let our nutrition take care of the rest.


    Scientific Studies

    Study #1: Schuenke MD, Mikat RP, McBride JM.Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications for body mass management.Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;86(5):411-7. Epub 2002 Jan 29.

    In this study a 30-minute circuit style metabolic resistance training session was put to the test. The result was a 38 hour increase in metabolism massive AFTERBURN.

    Lets put this in perspective: Say that you worked out at 8AM on Saturday. By way of metabolic resistance training, youd still be burning calories from that workout while sitting in front of the TV or out at your favorite sports bar watching football on Sunday.

    Study #2: Bryner RW, Ullrich IH, Sauers J, Donley D, Hornsby G, Kolar M, Yeater R.Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800 calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.J Am Coll Nutr. 1999 Apr;18(2):115-21.

    This study compared aerobic exercise to heavy resistance training and found that the resistance group lost significantly more fat without losing ANY lean muscle even at an extremely low calorie intake (not so for the aerobic group).

    In fact, believe it or not, while the aerobic group experienced a decrease in metabolism (and lost muscle), the resistance training group actually increased overall metabolic rate.

    THATS the power of resistance training.


    Gyms & The Fat Loss FormulaGyms need members to survive. Its a lot easier and inexpensive to charge someone $30 per month and show them how to press 'quick start' on a cardio

    machine than it is to teach them how to train with free weights while simultaneously improving their nutrition! Do you think they could keep the low membership fee, if

    they should learn every member correct training & nutrition habits? If they even know how!

    So what works?

    If you haven't figured it out by now, resistance training is FAR superior compared to long duration aerobics or steady-state cardiovascular exercise for fat loss. It increases your metabolism not only by rebuilding of damaged muscle tissue but also the increase in muscle mass which raises your metabolism 24 hours a day. The more muscle you build the more your metabolism goes up. The jurys still out on how much a pound of muscle actually boosts your metabolism, but the results cant be argued with! These are the keys to burn body fat and keep it off. As you have just learned cardio training decreases it.

    Lifting weights is far more important to your long term fat loss success and to reshaping your body.

    You've now almost finished reading this book its my hope that you have learned what not to do if fat loss is your goal. Some exercise is better than none, so of course I do not recommend people stop their activity. I just want people to think! Question their logic! Open their eyes and see what happens right in front of them!

    Aerobics & cardio training are grossly over-rated and over abused. Over rated for health, over rated for performance and definitely over rated for fat loss. How sad it is that aerobics will not do what everyone is expecting it to do?

    It is NOT healthy. It will NOT increase your lifespan. It will NOT improve flexibility. It will NOT grow muscle. It will NOT strengthen your heart any more than weight training. It will NOT improve your appearance.

    And most of all, it will NOT help you lose fat. Aerobics are good for one thing and one thing only: they make you better at doing aerobics.


    Q. I'm female - won't I become bulky with all that strength training and increased muscle?

    A. If youre female don't worry about becoming the next female version of The Incredible Hulk. Muscle is a lot denser than fat.

    As you loose fat you become smaller even when you build muscle. This will give the toned look the majority of woman wants.

    Strength training increases cardiovascular fitness as well, but if you absolute want to make sure that youre covered in that department, all you have to do is throw some hard intervals into your routine.

    Q. Cant I just throw strength training upon our cardiovascular activity?

    A. No, because we have to take overtraining into consideration. You have to be really careful with your training economy. Strength training is hard for the body to recover from. Throw a lot of cardio in to the mix, will just have a negative impact on your results.

    And why bother.

    If 10 hours accomplish nothing, 2-3 hours wont add anything.


    The formula for fat loss success is pretty straightforward:

    If you do these 2 things correctly and with discipline, these simple steps will prove successful beyond your expectations and you'll blow away all of those poor souls stomping away in the cardio area. The sooner that's realized, the sooner you'll be on your way toward better progress. I know it's tough to accept. But changing a bad habit is a lot smarter than defending it. 3 Ways To Protect Yourself From the Negatives of Aerobic Training

    If you insist on doing aerobic training you should consider these research proven tips to minimize the negative health effects and improve performance. Always make use of tip #3 even if all you do is strength training.

    1) Be sure to do heavy strength training. This will reverse the bad effects of cortisol (a stress hormone that breaks down the body, covered earlier) by increasing anabolic hormones and preserving muscle mass.

    Simply adding the right strength training to an aerobic exercise program may reverse many of the negatives of aerobics.

    2) Do anaerobic training in addition to your aerobic training.Sprints have been shown to raise growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1, and produce a favourable testosterone to cortisol ratio.

    3) Get lots of antioxidants and omega-3s. Pay close attention to your nutrition and make sure it contains plenty of vitamin E, C & D, beta carotene, selenium, zinc, berries etc. fights inflammation and free radicals (a by product of the oxygen-rich environment created by increased respiration that goes with aerobic training) in the body.

    Supplement with extra omega-3s that are a well documented to fight inflammation, and they have been shown to significantly lower oxidative stress from aerobic exercise.


    About The AuthorAs a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist, I have more than 20 years of coaching experience and have trained over 10,000 clients from all walks of life.

    I'm known as the transformation specialist and is the goto body transformation coach in the Copenhagen area.

    I founded Fortius Fitness to help as many people around the world to reach their goals and steer clear of all the myth and flawed advice that are pushed at us everywhere.

    But before I could teach others I had to go through a spectacular transformation myself. You see, if you told me 20 years ago that I would become a fitness expert, I would have rolled my eyes and said, Whatever...


    I used to be nicknamed Skinny Kasper. I mean I was 128 pounds on a good day at 6 feet tall. I was weak, scrawny and insecure.

    If it wasnt for one of my friends that introduced me to weight training I cant imagine what I would be doing today, how my life would be or how I would feel.

    Fast forward and 50 pounds of muscle later Im a professional fitness coach, magazine model, gym owner and seasoned fitness competitor; achieving top placings in 7 fitness competitions WITHOUT the aid of performance enhancing drugs of any kind.

    I'm also the author of Physique Mastery - My premium and comprehensive courses where you'll find in-depth information about my highly successful methods and strategies strategies for fat loss, muscle building and to master the skill of creating the precise look you desire.

    Getting to this point wasnt without struggles and challenges that almost made me quit many times. You can read more about my own personal transformation here.


    As strange as it may sound Im happy for my many failures that are responsible for the success I have today.

    Im blessed to have discovered my higher calling as a fitness professional, so you dont have to make the same painful mistakes I did. Mistakes that many people are STILL making today and prevent them from getting ANY results, but so easily could have been avoided with the right information.

    My ultimate goal is to short-cut your journey to success and get results you thought was impossible to accomplish and realize how SIMPLE it actually is.

    When Im not helping people reach their fitness goals I spent most of my time with my beautiful girlfriend Joan and our kids. We like to travel, watch loads of movies or just kicking back and enjoy life.

    Thank you for being part of the Fortius Fitness family. I look forward to being a part of your success story.

    Founder of Fortius Fitness & Author of:Physique Mastery - Proven Blueprint to Body Transformation Success!

    Happy clients of mine:Cycling World Champ - Body Fitness Champion - Athletic Fitness Champion


    Copyright NoticeNo part of this website ( or the associated blog, e-books and programs contained and sold within may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever without explicit permission. All means of reproduction, whether electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying and recording are prohibited without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be prosecuted.

    DisclaimerYou must get the approval of your physician before beginning the exercise and nutrition programs presented on the FortiusFitness website ( and the associated blog and e-books found therein, including this one. Users of the FortiusFitness website, blog, personal training advice and e-books expressly accept responsibility for their own safety and well being.

    The recommendations in this e-book are for informational use only and do not constitute medical advice. Kasper V. Christensen and FortiusFitness assume no liability and cannot be held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information. The individual results obtained from the use of this e-book will vary from person to person and we make no guarantee as to the degree of results that you will personally achieve.

    You must consult your physician prior to starting any exercise regimen or diet, including any recommended herein, especially if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program and website are designed for healthy individuals aged 18 and older only.

    All forms of exercise pose some inherent risk. The author advises readers to take full responsibility for their own safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained. Recognize your own physical limitations and do not exercise beyond the safe level dictated by your own experience and aptitude. Follow any dietary regimen recommended by your doctor or physician.

    Dont lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Dont perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Dont perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm up prior to resistance training and interval training.

    See your physician before starting any of exercise or nutrition program presented by FortiusFitness. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including FortiusFitness. If you experience any light headedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

    You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you dont use FortiusFitness, please follow this recommendation.

    Please understand that there are links contained in this guide that I may benefit from financially.

    The material in this guide may include information, products or services by third parties. Third Party Materials comprise of the products and opinions expressed by their owners. As such, I do not assume responsibility or liability for any Third Party material or opinions.

    The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. The author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion at any time based on current information and research. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.

    If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.

    We have three energy systems that the body uses.