Advertising techniques home work

Advertising Techniques Beauty Appeal Celebrity Endorsement Escape They used good looking woman/men to appeal to the opposite sex audience and to make the customer want to copy and to be like the person that is advertising the product. The reason why this techine is so They use celebritys endorsement in adverting to sell more produce to the customer. This is effective for the company and the celebrity because their They use picture’s like this to advertise calm and peacefully holidays which would attract customers to their compny because of this. Also why this is so effectful is that they advertising the best types of holiday such as tropical islands which Is peoples dreams .



Transcript of Advertising techniques home work

Page 1: Advertising techniques home work

Advertising Techniques

Beauty Appeal

Celebrity Endorsement


They used good looking woman/men to appeal to the opposite sex audience and to make the customer want to copy and to be like the person that is advertising the product. The reason why this techine is so successful is that the company wouldn’t of sold as many products if they hadent used models.

They use celebritys endorsement in adverting to sell more produce to the customer. This is effective for the company and the celebrity because their popularity increases from the advert so this would lead to people wanting to buy that product because of the person advertising it.

They use picture’s like this to advertise calm and peacefully holidays which would attract customers to their compny because of this. Also why this is so effectful is that they advertising the best types of holiday such as tropical islands which Is peoples dreams .

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They use this to advertising techine to only advertice their self and nothing else, this would be found in music ablums.

This is used to make the customer believe that their lifestyle would be better if they had this product and they wouldn’t be happy without it.

This is when company’s play with words and suggest that their product is better then their competitors, also what the companys wants to make you think about what you buy and think what is better.

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Peer Approval


Rhetorical Question

They uses nurture in advertment to link their product to environmental forces because most people like and care about nature and this would lead to the customers linking the advert to charitys and then they would donate the money to the company.

They use peer approval techine to say to the audience that if you buy this product you will be more popular and get more friends because you will become more trendy because most people would have it.

They uses this type of advertisement to suggest to the customers that they would come out of their comfort zone and buy something that they woundnt normally buy.

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Scientific / Statistical Claim

Unfinished Comparison / Claim

They use rhetorical questions in adverts to make the audience feel emotional because you know what the answer should be and so that makes them donate money to the charity/company. An example of this would be the RSPCA advert when they ask “ Would you leave a dog on the side of the road?” and most the time it makes the audience donate.

They uses statistic in advert to convience the customer that you can trust the product and it been proven to work. This makes the customer believe the company and the product because of the evidence.

They use the advert to promote their product by saying that theirs is the best and the safest to uses than other similar products. This makes the customer feel more safer buying this product than the others.