Advertising is the Dissemination of Information by Non

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  • 8/14/2019 Advertising is the Dissemination of Information by Non


  • 8/14/2019 Advertising is the Dissemination of Information by Non


    Advertisement is a MESSAGE to large groups.

    It is in the form of NON_PERSONAL COMMUNICATION.

    It persuade the GENERAL PUBLICS to purchase the goods or services, advertised.

    It is PAID FOR by advertiser to publisher.

    Advertising messages are IDENTIFIED with the advertiser.

    Advertising includes the following forms of messages:

    The messages carried in-

    Newspapers and magazines;

    On radio and television broadcasts;

    Circular of all kinds, (whether distributed by mail, by person, thorough tradesmen, or by

    inserts in packages);

    Dealer help materials,

    Window display and counter display materials and efforts;

    Store signs, motion pictures used for advertising,

    Novelties bearing advertising messages and Signature of the advertiser.

    Advertising Objectives

    Each advertisement is a specific communication that must be effective, not just for one

    customer, but for many target buyers. This means that specific objectives should be set for each

    particular advertisement campaign. Advertising is a form of promotion and like a promotion; the

    objectives of advertising should be specific. This requires that the target consumers should be

    specifically identified and that the effect which advertising is intended to have upon the

    consumer should be clearly indicated. The objectives of advertising were traditionally stated in

    terms ofdirect sales. Now, it is to view advertising as having communication objectives that

    seek to inform persuade and remind potential customers of the worth of the product. Advertising

    seeks to condition the consumer so that he/she may have a favorable reaction to the

    promotional message. Advertising objectives serve as guidelines for the planning and

    implementation of the entire advertising programme.

    Advantages of advertising

    Advertising is considered multi dimensional.

    It helps number of marketing activities.

    It is a technique of sales promotion.

    Sales volume is increased by advertising.

    It helps and supports the salesman in selling the products.

    Consumer knowledge about the product is increase by advertising.

    It helps the consumer to save their time in purchases.

    It helps the manufacturer sell their products.

    It helps quick selling is possible which leads to more production at less cast.

    The relation between wholesalers and retailers is improved through advertising.

    Advertising introduces new products, stimulates markets regarding the

    existing Product and repeated sales
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    1It increase sales volume. On the one hand, it reduces the cost of production and,on the

    other increases profits.

    1. It helps easy introduction of products into the markets.

    2. It helps to create an image and reputation not only of the product but also of the


    3. Retail price maintance is possible.

    4. It helps to establish a direct contact between manufacturers and consumers.


    1. Easy sale of the products is possible since consumers are aware of rhe product and its


    1. It increases the rate of the turnover of stock.

    2. It supplements the selling activities.

    3. The reputation credited is shared by the wholesalers and retailers and alike.

    4. It enables them to have product information.


    1. Advertising stresses quality and very often prices. This forms an indirect guarantee to

    the consumers. Further more, large scale production assured by advertising enables the

    seller to sell the product at a lower cast.

    2. It provides an opportunity to the customers to compare the merits and demerits of

    various substitute products.

    3. This is perhaps the only medium through which consumers could know the varied and

    new uses of a product.

    4. Modern advertisements are highly informative.


    1. Introducing the product is made easy.

    2. Advertising prepares necessary ground for a salesman to begin his work. Hence sales

    efforts are reduced.

    3. The contact established with the customer by a salesman is made permanent through


    4. The salesman can weigh the effectiveness of advertising when he makes a direct contact

    with the customer.

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    1. Advertising in general is educative in nature. In the words of the late president

    Roosevelt of the USA, Advertising brings to the greatest number of people actual

    knowledge concerning useful things; it is essentially a form of education and the

    progress of civilization depends on education.

    2. Advertising leads to large scale production creating more employment opportunities.

    3. Advertising has made more popular and universal the uses of such inventions as the

    auto mobiles, radios, various household appliances. Advertising nourishes the

    consuming power of man. Its creates wants for a better standing of living.. It spurs

    individual exertion and greater production.


    Sales promotion consists of diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short-term designed to

    stimulate quicker and / or greater purchase of a particular product by consumers or the trade..

    Sales promotion includes tools for consumer promotion (for example samples, coupons, prizes,

    cash refund, warranties, demonstrations, contest); trade promotion (for example buying

    allowances, free goods, merchandise allowances, co-operative advertising, advertising and

    display allowances, dealer sales contests); and sales-force promotion (for example bonuses,

    contests, sales rallies).Sales promotion efforts are directed at final consumers and designed to

    motivate, persuade and remind them of the goods and receives that are offered. Sales persons

    adopt several techniques for sales promotion.

    Definitions of Sales Promotion

    W.J. Stanton defines sales promotion as all those activities other than advertising, personal

    selling, public relations and publicity that are intended to stimulate customer demand and

    improve the marketing performance of sellers.

    Purpose of sales Promotion

    Sales promotion tools vary in their specific objectives. A free sample stimulates consumer trial,

    while a free management advisory service comments along-term relationship with a retailer.

    From the marketers perspective, sales promotion serves three essential rolesit informs,

    persuades and reminds prospective and current customers and otherselected audiences about a

    company and its products. Because distribution channels are often long, a product may passthrough many lands between a producer and consumers. Therefore, a producer must inform

    middlemen as well as the ultimate consumers or businessusers about the product. Wholesalers,

    in turn must inform retailers and retailers must inform consumers. As the number of potential

    customers grows and the geographic dimensions of a market expand, the problems and costs of

    informing the market increase.

    Objectives of Sales Promotion

    The basic objectives of sales promotion are:

    i) To introduce new products
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    To induce buyers to purchase a new product, free samples may be distributed or money and

    merchandise allowance may be offered to business to stock and sell the product.

    ii) To attract new customers

    New customers may be attracted through issue of free samples, premiums, contests and similardevices.

    iii) To induce present customers to buy more

    Present customers may be induced to buy more by knowing more about a product, its

    ingredients and uses.

    iv) To help firm remain competitive

    Sales promotions may be undertaken to meet competition from a firm.

    v) To increase sales in off season

    Buyers may be encouraged to use the product in off seasons by showing them the variety of

    uses of the product.

    vi) To increase the inventories of business buyers

    Retailers may be induced to keep in stock more units of a product so that more sales can be



    Rationale of sales promotion may be analyzed under the following points.

    ??Short-term results

    Sales promotion such as coupons and trade allowances produce quicker, more measurable sales

    results. However critics of this strategy argue that these immediate benefits come at the

    expense of building brand equity. They believe that an over emphasize on sales promotion may

    under mine a brands future.

    ??Competitive Pressure

    If competitors offer buyers price reductions, contest or other incentives, a firm may feel forcedto retaliate with its own sales promotions.

    ??Buyers expectations

    Once they are offered purchase incentives, consumers and channel members get used to them

    and soon begin expecting them.

    ??Low quality of retail selling

    Many retailers use inadequately trained sales clerks or have switched to self service. For these

    outlets, sales promotion devices such as product displays and samples often are the only

    effective promotional tools available at the point of purchase.

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  • 8/14/2019 Advertising is the Dissemination of Information by Non


    may of Course also include shorter-term tasks such as announcing a new

    variation or promotion.


    Advertising: A firm as its basic of fundamental tool production uses it. It normally has long-term objectives like building brand awareness or building consumers loyalty or repositioning a

    brand. It helps sales by adding some durable and long-term value to the product. Advertising in

    mostly an indirect way for consumer to buy a product.

    sales: It is generally designed to supplement advertising and facilitates personal selling.It

    performs the immediate task of increasing current sales. It aids selling by temporarily changing

    the existing price value relationship of the product. Sales promotion is a direct and almost open

    inducement to consumers to immediately try the product.

    Thus from all the above studies it can be concluded that for the marketing of any product, the

    best way to increase sales is through the Sales promotion rather than advertising. It is sobecause in advertising a product there is many criterias, which are to be, fulfilled which is not

    an easy task. Thus it is easier to increase the sales through sales promotion