














Name: Quick Shop

Location: Seattle, Washington

Quick Shop is an application where an individual can write up his or her grocery list and it will pin point exactly where the products are in the store. It will create the most efficient path to get to the desired products. The idea behind this is to eliminate grocery store clutter and to get customers in and out of the store in the most efficient way possible. This in turn eliminates frustration finding products and the hassle of walking around the store aimlessly.

Quick Shop will be partnered with all grocery stores around America and eventually go international. Each store will give the exact coordinates of every product they sell using internal positioning software (isle / store side / etc) and Quick Shop will be able to scan this information into the application. Customers will then be able to access this via the stores wifi and/or the device’s wireless provider.

For example an individual may have to go to the store to buy bread, eggs, ice cream and beer. Each of these products are in different sections of the store. He/She opens the application and types in the store name, location and the list of products you are going to buy. This application will map out the most efficient way to get to each of these items, and will it act as a GPS. One just needs to follow the line to the products and eventually the checkout lane.



Tim Kraner:

Tim is president of Quick Shop. From Middletown CT, with a Masters in Business Administration and a focus in entrepreneurship from Harvard University. He started this campaign in the Summer of 2014 and has since provided the research necessary for this application to hit the ground running when it first becomes live. After spending several years studying human demographics, for fun, Tim has now become a master of society. He has spent years in Europe learning about foreign cultures and traveling the landscape in an attempt to connect with people and their lifestyles as much as he could.

In addition to his supreme skills in demographics, there is no one better to connect to the people. He, in his spare time, personally created Snapchat and Yikyak. His duties involved in these projects were to see where these applications would be most popular.

With his past record, Quick Shop is pleased to have him on our board of directors. He has just the type of motivation and expertise to contribute to the success of this application that we are looking for. He has shown his success through past applications, but also brings many new ideas to help make Quick Shop an instant success.


Anthony Vita, the mind behind the design, is a one of a kind Graphic Artist. With three degrees from Harvard in Strategic Communications, Graphic Design and Urban Planning, Anthony is a man of many talents. Upon his return from the Peace Core in 2012, Anthony was hired by the agency BBDO as their Executive Art Director for their Crown Royal Account.

After receiving 6 different awards for his “design excellence” while working the Crown Royal Account, Anthony became bored with his high-roller lifestyle. Teaming up with his friends and fellow Harvard Grads, Colin Reinhardt and Tim Kraner, Anthony used his immense wealth to single-handedly fund the initial startup of QuickShop. Now Anthony has almost fully committed his days to QuickShop; although he still takes personal time to fly to Africa in order to serve as a peace-keeping emissary between warring African tribes.

Colin Reinhardt:

From the tropical climate of Charleston, South Carolina, Colin Reinhardt, works with the same energy that all southerners display. With an undergrad in both Strategic Communications and Graphic Design; he graduated Summa Cum Laude from High Point University. Colin


continued on to grad school at Harvard, where he worked on masters in marketing focusing on advertising.

Around that same time he meet his current co-workers, Anthony Vita and Tim Kraner. Together, They had the idea to create a floor map app to making shopping a fun and quick experience. With the help of some other dear friends, and the financial backing of Google, QuickShop was created.

Today Colin is Vice President of Marketing and co-fouder along side Anthony Vita and Tim Kraner. As VP of marketing, Colin has assisted in some of the most amazing Photoshop and InDesign pieces ever seen in print media. Although Tim Kraner and Anthony Vita may be the image of the organization, the true brains reside with within Colin Reinhardt who has single handedly kept this company alive.




Larry Paige and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998. Paige and Brin met at Stanford University in 1995, and by 1996 they had created a search engine that allowed people to use links to determine the importance of pages. Google’s headquarters are located in California, however they have more than 70 offices in 40 different countries around the world.


Today, Google offers an abundance of different services including being the world’s number one search engine. Through Google, an individual has access to as much information as one can imagine. One can search for any kind of link or website that provides information about thousands of different topics. For example, if one needs new shoes, they would go to Google and type the brand, style, or color of shoes they want, and Google will provide them with different links to websites and corporations that service these products.

Google, however, is a product and company of its own. I addition to their basic search engine, Google has invested money, time, and research into products which ease every-day living. For example, Google also offers “Google maps”. This is a way to type in your location, and, through Google, will find where you are and the address of where you want to go. It will even give you numerous options to ways of getting there (most of the time quickest ones first). Google even offers its own email. Millions of people can stay connected with one another with the option of a “Gmail” account. In addition, Google is constantly cooperating with application developers whom they see as having potential for success.


Competitors to Google are those that offer the same services, but through a different search engine. The top competitors to Google are Yahoo and Bing. Both of these other search engines offer the same types of services as Google does; however when trying to compare these companies, there simply is no comparison. A lot of times when searching within these other search engines, they provide less links to websites, but even links to Google’s website if you can’t find something. That is a clear example of how much bigger and more information one can get through Google.

Quick Shop, being a brand new product currently has no competitors. However, when it becomes more successful and open to the public eye, there are bound to be other applications created that say they will offer similar products, but at a faster pace or a cheaper price. Once this happens, Quick Shop will have to change its marketing plan and product design in an effort to keep providing information for the shoppers at the best and fasted rate possible. There is even an effort to move beyond grocery shopping and into the retail segment in future efforts. This will all happen when the time comes.


Agency Information:

Quick Shop is a new agency that will be partnering with Google in an attempt to release this revolutionary product. Google is the biggest and most established search engine on the Internet and there couldn’t be a better partner for Quick Shop. Quick Shop, like Google, is a way for people to get things done in the quickest and easiest way possible. This application is designed to provide users access to the most efficient grocery shopping experience known to man. The idea behind this partnership is, through Google, Quick Shop will be able to get more information to the customer and at a fast pace. It is a strategy for success.

Google has all the information needed to find each and every product within a grocery store, and with Google the opportunities are endless. For example, as Google provides more information, Quick Shop will be able to be updated to tell the customer exactly where the product is located, but also compare the product that they are searching for with other products that are similar. It will even be able to tell which product is the better deal and also will be able to compare each product in terms of health. Through Google’s information, there is no way this application can fail.

Market Segmentation:

Google’s market segmentation states that they want to “reach potential customers while they’re actively browsing, researching, or comparing the types of products you sell.” They have a mission to connect with those most interested in what you have to offer, using precise segments that classify users based on their demonstrated in-market behavior and purchase intent. Quick Shop is one in the same. They want to connect shoppers with enough information to get them in and out of the store as quick as possible. Through the connection with Google, this will give the shopper enough information needed to get their groceries throughout the store and back out the door in the quickest way possible.

Brand Image:

Quick Shop’s brand image will come to be one of the very best. Since it is a new application / technology, this product can create an image before anyone else. This is the best thing for us because we can focus on anything we want. Our idea is that we want to get grocery shoppers in and out of the grocery store with the easiest way possible. We do this by having access to all the store’s floor designs and where all their products are located. Through this, we can have the customer’s type in exactly what they need to buy and then it is our job to map out the easiest directions possible, throughout the store. It is a way to simplify the shopping experience.

Google has the same type of brand image. They want you to find your products in the most convenient way possible. They don’t want you to endlessly search for products, they want you to be able to type in a key word and deliver the best thing related to your search. It is Quick Shop’s goal to be the best, and the only way to be the best is to be partnered with the best.


The challenge that Quick Shop will end up facing is the technology barrier. Some of the older generation may not understand the purpose of this new application, but also not understand


how to use this. This is common for any application developer because the older generations simply don’t have the knowledge on using these types of services. Another challenge for Quick Shop is the fact that stores will / do change their floor plans a lot. It will be hard for the service to keep up with all these stores changing the location of their product. This will be something that will have to be a 24/7 job in calling and staying connected with all these stores around the country.


The needs of Quick Shop are simple. They need constant access to the most up to date information provided the companies partner them with, but also from Google. They need to have a close relationship with these two services in order for things to run smoothly. Also this is vital to our success. Customers using the application for the first time must have the most up to date store layout to ensure app reliability. Without constant and reliable product locations, an individual may tell his/her friends about how awful the product is, and through word of mouth, we lose our target audience and the application fails. This is a worst-case scenario, however it is something that we need to avoid as a company.


Quick shop will be aimed to target any audience that goes grocery shopping. Typically, this is anyone 20 years and older respectively. The main focus is to make the grocery shopping experience less hectic. This application will be $.99 so it is in no way out of reach to anyone who has a cell phone or mobile device. The target audience is this because these are generally the people who are shopping for their own goods, but also they are the people that grew up in the generation of technology. These early millennial are the foundation to Quick Shop’s success and they will single handedly make or break this company.

Campaign Theme:

Quick Shop will work when connecting to its target market. We are so confident when claiming this because our society is changing rapidly and it is on its way to becoming more efficient every day. Quick Shop will contribute to this efficiently and we are basing our product around this whole ideal because there is no better to connect with a community than contribute with the road that it is already on. We are trying to connect with the younger target audience (ages 20+) because that is where the most people have access to the most recent technology and also it is the generation where people are still able to explain how to use new applications and why to use them to the older generations without a huge gap of knowledge.

Partnering with Google, the most involved company in the world when it comes to connecting people with information only gives Quick Shop more of an opportunity to succeed. We want people to realize that society is asking for the most efficient way to do things, and we are incorporating efficiency with something that families and people do on an everyday basis. We are sure that this application will catch on like wildfire because it saves people time for them to do what they want to do and not to spend countless hours shopping.


Goals / Objectives:

Quick Shop is aiming to be launched quarter three of next year (fall of 2015). Between advertisements in magazines and also social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc); this application will be strategically distributed around college campuses in an attempt to have it catch via word of mouth. Revenue generated in the first quarter via application purchases is expected to reach $1 million. From the first quarter to second, that number is expected to double. If this does not happen, it will be up to the designing team to come up with different features within the application to make more user friendly. The expected date of release is aimed to be October 1, 2015 due to testing and preliminary research. We are expecting, pending the usage, to update this application twice a quarter to account for different merchandise locations and floor plans being changed. Also pending the application’s success, different stores will be added on to Quick Shop’s contract. We want to expect and tell the customers more updates will be coming as the success of this product grows.




Play Store (Samsung Device)

Considering Quick Shop is a sub agency of Google, this will be the main place one will be able to download this app. Google makes applications every day, so for the first 6 months this application is live, it will be on the most searched lists. It will also be located on the front page of this application during this time so that everyday Play Store users will be able to see what this app is / does every time they log on. There will also be an information portion with who to contact if in need of assistance, but also a link to the official website of Quick Shop.


In order to adhere to all customers, this application must affect Apple Product users. Quick Shop will partner with iTunes and all apple devices in an attempt to touch on each part of the market. It will be the same price and application, just for devices such as the iPhone. Like the Play Store, the first six months this application is live, the application will be on the front page of the most viewed / popular applications. It will be a way to advertise to customers and get the product downloaded to as many customers possible. There will also be an information portion with who to contact if in need of assistance, but also a link to the official website of Quick Shop.

Newspapers (local and national)

Within each newspaper, there is a section where one finds coupons. Quick Shop will take the first page of this section in attempt to draw the customer’s eye off the products and towards the application. There will be a strategic ad for Quick Shop on this and a QR code for people to scan and then buy this application. It is an idea to connect with the older generations who still read newspapers. It is a talking point for them to ask their younger family members what this application is and if it is beneficial for them to use. There will also be an information portion within these newspaper ads who to contact if in need of assistance, but also a link to the official website of Quick Shop.


Under this specific outlet, Quick Shop will be placed in magazines, which are targeted to individuals 20-29 years old. This age group is more socially active and technology focused than the older generations, but also is more likely to rely on technology to get them through their day-to-day activities. Younger generations are most likely to be still living at home, and older generations would be targeted through the newspaper outlets. An example of a magazine that can be used as a middle target (people within this ten year market and older generations) would be Consumer Reports. During our testing period, Consumer Reports testers


will be encouraged to use the ad and review it. People trust this magazine when buying things, and for any kind of recognition within this magazine will be beneficial to Quick Shops. Other magazines would be more focused within this target market (Cosmo / People / CNet / etc). There will be a QR code for people to scan and download within each magazine ad. There will also be an information portion in these magazine ads with who to contact if in need of assistance, but also a link to the official website of Quick Shop.

Once this application goes live, there will be a website specifically for Quick Shop. On this website, users will be able to learn more about the specifics of this application and why it is worth the dollar that they are spending to download and use it. Users will also be able to download the application from the website. The website will offer the most recent updates to the application as well as advertise new products from the creators of Quick Shop.


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