
Advertisements UNIT 1


NorthStar 3: Listening and Speaking Unit 1 Supplement

Transcript of Advertisements

Page 1: Advertisements

AdvertisementsUNIT 1

Page 2: Advertisements

What do you think about these ads?Please take notes as we watch them.

Page 3: Advertisements

Make small groups…

Arrange yourselves in alphabetical order by your first names (or nicknames).

Form groups of 3-4 students with those near you.

Page 4: Advertisements

Now look at the print ads in your group…

Who is the target audience? How do you know?

What techniques does the advertiser use to sell the product? A funny situation

A good song

Nice-looking people

A famous person

Information about the product

Another technique

Do you think this ad is effective? Why or why not?

How could the ad be more effective?

Page 5: Advertisements

Questions to discuss…

How do advertisers appeal to consumers? (there are many ways we will talk about next week)

Children are a big target audience for advertisers. Companies hope that if they start selling products to children at an early age, children will continue to buy the products when they are adults. Some people are against advertising to children. They say that children should not be targets because they are too easily affected by advertising. What is your opinion? Should advertisers be allowed to advertise to children? Why or why not?

Page 6: Advertisements

Homework: Choose one of these options…

Write a paragraph describing one of the ads you (or someone in your group) brought. Who is the target audience? Tell me how the company appeals to the target audience. What makes this ad effective?

Write a paragraph stating your opinion about advertisements targeting children. What is your opinion? Should advertisers be allowed to target children? Why or why not?