Advertisements 2


Transcript of Advertisements 2

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Here each performer has their own pose to establish their different personalities. The costume presents the slogan ‘Burning up the charts, Burning down the house’.

In the center of focus we have the name of the band in bright colours and in bold font so that it captivates the audience quickly

The picture of the group is the centre of focus which grabs the attention of the reader instantly .

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The center of focus is on the name “Booty camp” which relates the the costume and the girls known phrase “Bootylicious”. This grips the audience and attracts the target audience. It also defines the group as it reflects their common phrase and their style.

This costume is genre related as it is typical wear for a RnB band.

The group are poised in formation which is typical for a girl band. The are also shown in Long shot to establish the girls as a girl band and to show their full costume.

The caption in the corner of the advertisement sums up the group in a few words . It is a good addition to the ad as it emphasizes the groups style and lets the audience feel like they personally known the band making it easier to reach the target audience.

The powerful image of the girls’ face represents female power along with the slogan ‘Boot camp” and their costume. This again establishes the group and the type of music they produce.