Advert Deconstruction

Advert Deconstuction

Transcript of Advert Deconstruction

Page 1: Advert Deconstruction

Advert Deconstuction

Page 2: Advert Deconstruction

Poster Conventions• The band/artist sell themselves more than the album that

have just release.• There is always a main focus point to attract the viewers

attention, this generally will be one main image.• The colour schemes relate to the album they are promoting or

have just released.• The band/artist name are always the largest text on the poster.

Page 3: Advert Deconstruction

The largest sized text on the page is the band name. This allows people to see who the poster is about from a greater distance. As the font is plain and simple it makes it further easier to read and understand.

The poster has the same image as the album cover, this creates a continuity between the two different media types. Allowing people to easily be able to relate the different advertisements together.

The album name is the second largest text on the poster which is very important as it allows viewers to know what the title of the album is when it is released.

A good addition to the poster is by adding a website address ( to allow customers to pre-order the album as well as getting a free Mp3 version of the album. And as technology is changing adapting to the latest technology is important.The background image

follows conventions of a poster as it is the main focal point of the poster.

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Again the poster follows the conventions of having a very large title which displays the band name. Which apart from the background image is the most eye catching point on the poster.

The bright yellow background is different from anything you would usually see. This means that it would stand out against all backgrounds for example on a brick wall making it more eye-catching and more likely for the audience to take more notice of the poster, due to the way media is increasing being pushed upon us.

The release date can be found at the bottom of the poster however I feel it would be better if it was larger so that passers-by could quickly see when the album will be released.

The poster uses the same neutral brown colours which help to relate back to the indie rock genre. The brown text works well against the bright yellow background, allowing it to stand out against it.

At the bottom of the poster we see the release date for the album, however the text I feel is relatively small and stand out. But it does make the size of the band in the background larger and therefore seem more important.

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The poster has a very simple background colour, with the eye being drawn to the light bulb at the centre of the poster. This creates a memorising image which will make you want to look at it in detail.

Again the band name is the largest text on the screen and the easiest to read. With the white text against the black background it makes it easy to read from any distance.

The tagline “lights will guide you home” is selective text which relates to one of their songs and the use of the light blub suggesting the ‘home of music’ is Coldplay.

As technology has developed websites are the easiest way where the viewer can visit to get more information and the website is clearly shown at the bottom of the poster to see, however it is slightly small and maybe missed by some.

Unlike most poster the band don’t appear on the poster itself, thus challenging the conventions as they have used an object of a light bulb which when shown in the manner as it is on the poster, anyone who sees it will instantly recognise that it is for Coldplay.