Adverse Effects of Creating New Provinces

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  • 8/6/2019 Adverse Effects of Creating New Provinces



    Adverse Effects of Creating New Provinces

    Submitted by:

    Saif Ul Islam,

    Ph.D Scholar,

    Deptt: of Political Science,

    University of Peshawar

  • 8/6/2019 Adverse Effects of Creating New Provinces


    Adverse Effects of Creating New Provinces:

    After the 18 th Amendment became a part of the 1973 constitution in which the name of Khyber

    Pukhtoon Khwah incorporated. In many parts of the country, a hue and cry situation arose for thedemand of new provinces. The HAZARA PROVINCE took shape of the agitation and movement, losing

    dosens of lives of people. The demand of the new provinces is no new. There are slogans for

    Bahawalpur province, Karachi province and Seraiki province etc and list will go on. There will be adverse

    effects of creating new provinces for the federation of Pakistan. Those will be as follows:

    1. D isintegration of the Country: The new provinces on the basis of language and race will

    become the sources of disintegration of the country. It will lead to the disunity of the people

    as the narrow strip of provinces will always shaky with others. It can reduce the country to anumber of fieldoms-vulnerable to subversion and economically unviable. 1

    2. Weaken Pakistani National Identity: If we go on the same line to make new provinces on the

    basis of ethnic identity, it will weaken our national identity-the identity of main four ethnic

    groups; Baloch, Pashtoon, Punjabi and Sindhi. The new entries will be unjustifiable because

    they are the sub part of the above identities. 2

    3. No Change in the Lives of the People: The creation of the new provinces will not be

    beneficial to the people, as it will not change the standard of the lives of the people. The

    problems, here, are the corruption and bad governance and in the new provinces, it will

    continue. 3

    4. More Conflicts among the units will prevail: With the advent of new provinces, most of the

    areas will come under conflicts among the new provinces. For instance, Tarbela D am is

    situated in Swabi and Haripur. If Hazara became the new province, the problem of royalty of

    the dam will prevail. There are many examples which will open Pandora box, and harm the

    state integrity. 4

    5. Fears of War among the ethnic groups: The demand for more provinces will also make fear

    among the people , it will lead to conflicts and bring different identities with mutual

    disagreement on different issues. The civil war between two ethnicities in Sindh (Sindhis and

    1 Farah Zia, It s a new Phase , The News Sunday, May 1 st 2011.2 Kunwar Idrees, Cavalier Behavior , D AWN, April 18 th 2010.3 Ghazi Salahuddin, Cloaks and daggers , The News, April 18 th 2010.

  • 8/6/2019 Adverse Effects of Creating New Provinces


    Mohajirs) , Seraiki and Punjabi in Punjab, Pukhtoon and Hindko speaking in Khyber

    Pukhtoon Khwah, Baloch and non-Baloch in Balochistan. These ethnic groups have different

    identities and will not create harmony but only disunity among the people. 5

    6. The Federation shape will change: Pakistan is a multi ethnic and language country,

    representing four major groups. If the provinces are established on ethnic basis, it will harm

    the whole country s structure. Then a time will come that people belong to different

    religious groups will demand new provinces on the basis of religion. Barelvi, Ismaili, Shias,

    D eobandis, all are present in the country in different parts. Ismaili in Chitral and Gilgit

    Baltistan will demand for new provinces. 6

    These are the major effects of creating more provinces in the country. The

    administrative and economic problems or adverse effects will be more apparent in the

    affairs of the provinces because the economic interests will clash with the other unit.The financial position of the new provinces will be very weak than the established one,

    which will create mistrust among the different units demand for more financial

    assistance from the centre.

    5 Anatol Lieven, Pakistan-A hard country, (London: Pehguin Books, 2011),P-261.6 Mohsin Hamid, Pakistan is Enough, D AWN, April 23 rd , 2010.