Advent Daily Devotion Booklet “THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS… · 2017-12-02 · “The light...

Advent Daily Devotion Booklet “THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS” 2017 First Presbyterian Church Benton Harbor, Michigan

Transcript of Advent Daily Devotion Booklet “THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS… · 2017-12-02 · “The light...

Page 1: Advent Daily Devotion Booklet “THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS… · 2017-12-02 · “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” –John 1:5 So,

Advent Daily Devotion Booklet “THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS”

2017 First Presbyterian Church Benton Harbor, Michigan

Page 2: Advent Daily Devotion Booklet “THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS… · 2017-12-02 · “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” –John 1:5 So,

Advent, 2017 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, This booklet was written by members and friends of the First Presbyterian Church in Benton Harbor for your use during this Advent Season. Elder Peter Helm created the art on the cover! Also, we are especially thrilled with the artwork contributed by our children and youth. We hope and pray you will use it each day—looking for the Light who is coming to shine in the darkness of our lives and world. The Spiritual Life Committee

Toward the Light by Ann Weems

Too often our answer to the darkness is not running

toward Bethlehem but running away. We ought to know by now that we can’t see where

we’re going in the dark. Running away is rampant. . . separation is stylish:

separation from mates, from friends, from self. Run and tranquilize, don’t talk about it, avoid.

Run away and join the army of those who have already run away.

When are we going to learn that Christmas Peace comes only when we turn and face the darkness?

Only then will we be able to see THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

Page 3: Advent Daily Devotion Booklet “THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS… · 2017-12-02 · “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” –John 1:5 So,

FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT: December 3, 2017 “The Light shines in the darkness. . . “ --John 1:5 “Mrs. Baur, Mrs. Baur! Look, my tooth fell out on the bus!” On a snowy and frigid January morning in 1999, the glowing 6-year-old boy came running to the office where I served as his school counselor. He proudly showed me one of his front teeth that had come out on the bus. He confessed that he had been “working on it” for a while, and it finally released! I rejoiced with him and suggested we walk to the office to get a special “tooth box” our school secretary had for just such occasions. He didn’t know that I almost didn’t make it to work that day. My husband had informed me the day before that he was leaving me for a more beautiful and younger model. After 17 years of marriage, I was crushed and knew my children would be crushed, too. I was worried about them and our ability to make it financially on my part-time salary. My face must have shown the puffiness of tears and despair. But this young man was so excited. And I was the honored person he wanted to share his joy with. As we were walking to the school office to get the “tooth box,” he stopped and grinned and showed me his mouth. “And look, Mrs. Baur, there is a new tooth already growing underneath! My mom told me that when an old tooth falls out, it is meant to make room for a new one.”

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I hugged the young man and cried. He had no idea the gift he had just given me. The thought that a “new something” might be growing underneath the thing that had just fallen out of my life was surely a glimpse of “light in the darkness.” The days and weeks ahead were still brutal, but this glimmer of light penetrated my soul. Isn’t it amazing how God brings us these “lights” at just the right time, reminding us that there is always light somewhere lurking in the darkest times of our lives? Because, after all, we are loved by God, and nothing in all creation can separate us from that. Prayer: Faithful and loving God, give me grace to see your light shining in the darkest places of my life today. As I begin my Advent journey, give me eyes to see you. Always. Thank you. Amen. -- Pastor Laurie

--drawing by Lois Van Beek

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FIRST MONDAY IN ADVENT: December 4, 2017 “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” --Marianne Williamson These words of Marianne Williamson remind me that no matter how dark the times, no matter how small one voice is in the din of 24-hour news and worries of war, poverty, and struggle, the people of God have seen a great light. Now is the time to stand firm. Now is the time to let our lights shine. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine! Amen. --Nancy Thompson

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dawns illumines renders sight, insight

settles reflects shines fills reveals


Think of other verbs we use when experiencing light. Write them here as you reflect on Christ, Light of the

World, the Light in our hearts and Christ-light to lighten our burdens.

Light of the world, we hail thee, flooding the eastern skies;

never shall darkness hide thee again from human eyes.

Too long, alas, withholden, now spread from shore to shore;

Thy light, so glad and golden shall set on earth no more."

---19th century hymn by John B. B. Monsel

--Isabel Jackson

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Recipe for Walking in the Light 2 large shopping bags of Gratitude for each new day 1 bushel of Kindness to be sprinkled generously throughout the day 2 cups of Support to a friend (when you would rather just throw in 2 cups of wallowing in self-pity) Infinite amounts of forgiveness (starting with self- forgiveness) 1 shopping cart of Laughter 1 NYC busload of Patience or a NYC cab-full will be sufficient when you can’t muster up any more patience for that cranky person in your life. 1 baby step of “Moving Forward” (when you are plum out of a whole step) 1 laundry basket full of Prayer, Reflection, and Mediation Mix all ingredients. Share your light with everybody who crosses your path. Prayer: Lord, as you your radiating light to the world, may we follow your example and spread our light joyfully and freely. --Margie Troike

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FIRST THURSDAY IN ADVENT: December 7, 2017 “In him was life and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” --John 1: 4-5 “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you?” - Matthew 5:14 (The Message) It’s not like there wasn’t already light in the world. But at Christmas, light came into focus in Jesus’ love. People who witnessed that light were certain that the world had never seen anything like it before; that he was one of a kind; that everything they thought they knew about God before just might be wrong. His love pointed directly at their hearts and lit them on fire. And then he said, “You be light, too.” Prayer: Jesus, how can I be more like you? How can I truly live into your command to be light? How can I love as you love? Only by your grace can I be transformed into a light-bearer. Give me your passionate love, your all-consuming love, your enduring love. You have placed your light in me. Let me bear that light anew. Amen. --Jeanette Holton

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FIRST FRIDAY IN ADVENT: December 8, 2017 “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” –John 1:5 So, my mom, Michelle Stone, said to me, “Hey Aaron, the Advent devotional this year has light as its theme. The Bible uses light as the presence of God and God’s blessings in our lives. Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus and the light of his life and his teachings. What does the light of Jesus mean to you?” My response: The light in my life means the end to darkness—the darkness of living in hell. I spent years of my life living in the darkness of school hell dealing with the hell of bullies. I couldn’t learn anything at school because no one would listen to me, no one cared. Bullies would attack me every day. I was physically attacked, cussed at and verbally abused every day. Teachers and principals wouldn’t protect me because they didn’t believe me. I didn’t want to go to the hell of school because I was scared all of the time. I was just a low life kid. I would ask God for help but no help came. But then Jesus did help me and brought light into my life. Jesus worked through you, Mom, and you took me out of school and away from the bullies. Now that I am home schooling with great teachers I can learn the things I need to know. My teachers are God’s light because they care about me. They listen to me. I can ask them questions and have some say in what I want to know. They ask me questions and care about what I think. It is so hard to learn things when you’re anxious all of the time. I am not so anxious now. Now I am not

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afraid that someone wants to hurt me. Now I want to learn and I want to go to school. Now I can learn everything. My teachers are the light of Jesus in my life. Thank God that I am being home schooled. Thank God the darkness is not here.


There's a light on in the attic. Though the house is dark and shuttered,

I can see a flickerin' flutter, And I know what it's about.

There's a light on in the attic. I can see it from the outside,

And I know you're on the inside . . . lookin' out.

By Shel Silverstein --Aaron Stone


Who "lights up your life"? "You Light up My Life!” When Debby Boone sings that 1977 song, she is singing a romantic ballad that idealizes "love" and how a person can light up another's life. Most of us remember that flush of first love, true love and the exciting feeling it gives us. However, the feeling soon fades as reality and the frailties and imperfections of our lives unwind the intense event. That often happens with believers who start out on fire for Jesus but cool in ardor as "real life" takes first place

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in our lives. The challenge is how to rekindle that original feeling and build on it for a secure future and effective witnessing (living sent). We are told in Ephesians: "to walk as children of the Light." Because we who were once in darkness (sin) are now not only in the Light but are the Light. So we have an assignment from our Lord and must immerse ourselves in His Word to strengthen our resolve to be His Light. Try to read the Gospels frequently to see how the Light lived and acted and how we should live to spread His light. Jesus did the hard things, suffered, and laid down his life to punctuate His message and gift (eternal life). If we can look at our own lives and compare our difficult situations with His, we should be smiling with gratitude! He has taken away the need to worry, fret, and fear. Let's put aside our doubts and fears and light up somebody's life in the name of the real LIGHT, JESUS! Put your faith into action and your love for HIM will blossom into light! Prayer: Lord, please give us your peace as we go into the world and act as your emissaries of Light. Rekindle our love for you as you walk with each of us every day. In Your Light, Amen. --Bob and Pat Barrett

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SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT: December 10, 2017 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

--Matthew 5:14-16

You are the light of the world! Whatever room you're in whatever part of the world you're in whatever employment you're in whatever moment that you find yourself in This is the time. There isn't going to be a better time or a later time. Use each moment to reflect God's perfect light He will use your experience He will use your time He will use your color Each moment that you bring that reflects God's perfect light. God's illuminating light. We the church are called to be the light When we put God's reflected light together It is an amazing light The collective light shines into the dark areas Reflecting God's peaceful light Calling on the beauty of the light Pointing out God's colors Illuminating health and growth

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We the Church, we are light-bearers We are disciplined We embody and reflect God's perfect light "Remember who you are and whose you are" You are the light of the world! --Jen Van Beek

--picture by Sylvia Van Beek

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SECOND MONDAY IN ADVENT: December 11, 2017 In daily living, we often find ourselves in darkness. Jobs, finances, physical or mental health, loss of a loved one, spiritual struggles and rocky relationships are just some of life's dark places. Long ago, the world too was in darkness, waiting for the Messiah to come. Picture a blackened sky, full of storm clouds. Then suddenly, a pinhole of light breaks through and everything looks different. Soon another pinhole breaks through, then another. Things no longer seem so ominous, do they? Why is that? Light is a wonderful thing. It illuminates, warms, and opens our eyes. Even in the darkest of rooms, a simple candle or night light reveals what otherwise may have tripped us, or held us back. On that first Christmas, God sent his son to a lowly manger, bringing us heavenly light so that we could be saved. In John 8:12 (NLT), Jesus tells us that "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life". Did you see all of the lit candles on All Saints Sunday? They brought tremendous light to the sanctuary. Though we blew them out at the end of the service along with the Christ candle, the light still remains in us. God's light illuminates the way for us, and He has told us to take this light, His light, into all the world. For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the

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Earth." (Acts 13:47 NLT). Who can you and I be a pinhole of light for today? And from the darkness we have light Which makes the Angels sing this night: "Glory to God, His peace to men, Both now and evermore." Amen. (Sussex Carol) --Cheryl Schadler

--A Christmas tree with lots of ornaments and lights by Jeremy Ealy

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SECOND TUESDAY IN ADVENT: December 12, 2017 “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not grow faint or be crushed until he has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his teaching. Thus says God, the Lord, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it. I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness, I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness. I am the Lord, that is my name; my glory I give to no other.” --Isaiah 42:1, 4-8a Our family is in a new period of waiting, the anticipation for life to get “normal” is here and we hope for greater things to come, as we all do during Advent. The nervousness, the anxiety, the butterflies of something wonderful that may happen. Or dread that another Christmas is coming and there’s no one to share it with, or family drama will once again seep into our lives. And we also look to our world and wait for it to get better, and we are discouraged. We seek justice and love, the building blocks of God’s creation, and we so rarely see it now. We see many things done for the good of one, not the good of all. We see things done for the good of few, and not for the good of many. We see

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things done for the good of “Todd,” and not for the good of God. The author of Isaiah 42 tells us that we are called to bring justice to our world, to the ends of the earth. We are part of the covenant God makes with the people who are in relationship with God. We are to be a light to the nations, God says. Yet we are not to use that light to shine into the eyes of our neighbors with accusations about their righteousness. We are to use that light to shine a way to freedom for the blind, the poor, the oppressed, the prisoners, those who cannot see or be free, both physically and spiritually. We often read Isaiah come Advent, we want to hear a prophetic voice telling us of Jesus and his birth. Maybe this Advent we hear from another part of the book of Isaiah, another prophetic voice telling us of our rebirth as children of God and a light to the nations. Amen. ~ Daniel Van Beek

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SECOND WEDNESDAY IN ADVENT: December 13, 2017 “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” -- John 1:4-5 Darkness has its benefits. It envelops us and helps us sleep. It makes for good movie watching and star gazing. It helps with contemplation. Great fireworks are impossible without it. But I seem to spend a good deal of my time seeking light. I yearn for light, feel the need for it in my bones and gut, and in my spirit too. This yearning I share with the cats I have known, though they like darkness too. Our current home ruler, Spicy, gravitates on sunny afternoons to the west side of our house and into my office, where she sprawls on the floor and soaks up the rays. Cats know what is true. My need for light becomes acute at this time of year as daylight grows shorter each day. I would not do well in an Alaskan winter. But just writing about light right now makes me feel warmer. And every Christmas Eve, only three days after the shortest day of the year, I am warmed to my deepest parts by once again hearing the passage from the book of John about Jesus. “The darkness has not overcome” this light. Nor will it. I once read or heard something along the lines that physicists say when our bodies have totally gone away we become particles of light. We’re on light beams bouncing around the heavens. Wow! I hope I got this

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right. I hope this is true. But I’m going to believe it anyway.

--Ted Hartzell

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SECOND THURSDAY IN ADVENT: December 14, 2017 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose.” --Romans 8:28 (King James Version) The summer of 2006, Kris Boysen was doing some yard work for me. He brought Lee with him to help. Kris shared with me that Lee could only write his name. Kris wanted to be a mentor to Lee; however, with his work schedule there were things during the day Lee needed assistance with. This is how I began helping Lee. He would assist with odd jobs. We would talk in my family room. He shared his wish to find his mother. I was not sure how to find her. One afternoon I told Lee we would drive to Dowagiac and look for her. When I go to Dowagiac, I usually went a specific way. This particular day I drove past my turn. We stopped and asked for directions. The gentleman said to go to the next corner and turn right. As we drove, Lee said, “I know where we are now!” Lee began giving me directions to his mother’s house. The last house on the road, I turned into the driveway. Lee got out of the car and a lady came to see who was at her house. The two fell into each other’s arms. He found his mother. Lee’s family was unable to include him in Thanksgiving dinner. Lee became part of my family; we shared Thanksgiving with him at Cracker Barrel with all the trimmings.

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As Christmas approached, I reached out to his mother to see if they were able to include him. She did not respond. I wanted to make sure this was a special Christmas for Lee. I reached out to the ladies of the church. They responded with necessary household items—paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent and cleaning supplies. Each of them was gift wrapped. Ken and Jeanine Rogers shared Christmas with Lee. Jeanine loaded up her car with many gifts from the church family and helped deliver them to his rented cottage. Lee told me later, “I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas, but I got what I needed.” --Margaret Beach (given to Gloria Winn in December of 2016. It was too late for last year’s devotional; what a joy to hear Margaret’s voice this year after her death this past May)

SECOND FRIDAY IN ADVENT: December 15, 2017

“The Light shines in the darkness.” --John 1:5 I was released from prison in 2006 and things were pretty dark. I had no place to go. No place to stay. Didn’t know anybody. All I had was a bed bug and roach infested hotel that the State of Michigan provided for two weeks until I could try to figure out what to do. Kris Boysen, a member of First Presbyterian at the time, got sick and couldn’t help me anymore and things started getting rough. I didn’t have anyone to turn to.

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Then, I met Margaret Beach, and she showed me that there is light at the end of the tunnel. She refused to give up on me. She convinced me that I had another chance and she kept saying, “Trust God and God will provide.” She kept saying that God would be the light at the end of the tunnel. But I think the light at the end of the tunnel was Margaret Beach, who showed me God’s light. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have met Pastor Doug Petersen and the church and other people who helped me. Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for everyone you have put in my life. Thank you for never giving up on me. Amen.

--Lee Hamilton

--by Amaurie Whiteside

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This Little Flashlight of Mine I am a seven-year brain cancer survivor. During my second surgery I suffered a stroke. The stroke affected my right side. I was unable to speak for 17 days. My doctor would come in around 9:30 pm after his rounds. In order to stimulate my speech my parents devised a game. They put some pictures on my hospital wall. They would ask me who my nurse was and I would use my flashlight to point to the nurse on duty sign. I could barely hold the flashlight in my left hand because my right hand was still shaky. My nephew had made me a poster with Tigger stickers on it. I pointed my flashlight when asked about my nephew. Also, my parents had found a calendar of miniature schnauzers. We had one when I was growing up. I would use my flashlight to communicate. It is in this dark place where the light of Jesus helped me to regain my voice. --Arianne Baker

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THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT: December 17, 2017

Briller comme des flambeaux dans le monde, portant la Parole, Parole de Dieu. ~French children’s song

(Translation: Shine as lights in the world, bearing the Word, the Word of God)

These are the words that first came to my mind when writing this devotional. As a child I sang this often, without really understanding its meaning. As an adult, I can confidently say that I still don’t fully understand these words. I am left in awe that our God, our Creator, the KING OF KINGS would let his Light shine through me- a broken sinner in constant need of God’s grace. I imagine myself as a shattered mirror- broken in so many ways. Yet, even when a mirror is broken, it still reflects. Sparkling flickers of light can dance around the room when that broken mirror reflects the Light. Somehow, in some small way, I too can reflect the Light shining in me- the Light given to me by Christ. And you can too. God's love and grace can shine through each one of us. It doesn't matter how unworthy we feel. God is still God and we are his masterpiece. When one reflects Christ, one is reflecting something so beautiful that words alone could never describe it. And how better to reflect the Light than by connecting to God’s Living Word. The Bible is a book we too often take for granted. If you haven't picked it up today, I'd encourage you to do so.

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I love the quote from Max Lucado: God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He is wanting to spend time with you. He is longing to be with his masterpiece. In this dark world, we need Light. How cool that we get to be a part of it! Prayer: Father, help me to shine as a light in the world, bearing your Word, the Word of God. Help me to not be overcome or overwhelmed by the darkness around me. Let me not be consumed by my own thoughts and desires that are not from you. Help me to see the Light, and be the Light. Help me also to see the Light in others. Amen. --Julie Brien

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THIRD MONDAY IN ADVENT: December 18, 2017

“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” --Psalm 119:105 “For once you were in darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light!” --Ephesians 5:8 During this season, we enjoy the beauty of the Christmas lights throughout the city and neighborhoods. Light is extremely important to our daily lives and is likewise of great importance throughout the Bible. A familiar verse in the Bible is John 8: 12, Christ, is the Light of the world. So, that leads us to considering more than one type of light. Physical light, such as an ordinary lamp, sun, fire, to the flicker of a candle lighting the sanctuary when we begin to share the light with others as we sing "Silent Night". And then there is His star in the East that led the Wise Men to the newborn King! All these forms of light are illuminating our world and guiding us in some manner. Spiritual light, Christ, the Light of the world, illuminates, guides, as well as exposes sin to enlighten and protect us. We all have our daily struggles and often rely on our own limited light, until we choose to live in Christ's light. Life becomes so much fuller when we live in His light, knowing He is beside us, leading as we choose to follow His light. Prayer: Jesus, you are the Light of the World. Thank you for loving us enough to come and light the way teaching, leading, and filling us with your peace and

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love. Strengthen us so we choose to live in your light. In Christ's name, Amen --Pat Barrett THIRD TUESDAY IN ADVENT: December 19, 2017

Dear Jewel, Missing you is a part of my heart I cannot control. Sunday mornings we pick you up to attend our church. You look at me as I enter the door of your new home and you say, “There’s my sister Darlene.” I see a smile on your face. I will love you forever. Prayer: God, thank you being with us in the toughest parts of our lives and giving us glimpses of light when everything seems dark. Thank you for Jewel. Thank you that she recognizes me sometimes. Amen. --Darlene Hawkins

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THIRD WEDNESDAY IN ADVENT: December 20, 2017 Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack, a crack in everything That’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen “Anthem” Our lives are not perfect…not our family, our workplace, our church community, our country, our love of God. Because we aren’t good enough, right enough, strong enough, smart enough to live life on our own… our lives crack. Like Humpty Dumpty we are broken and cracked apart by fear, privilege, prejudice, selfishness, anger… On our own, we can’t put back our lives back together again. But it is through those cracks the Light gets in. Then we can see our imperfection and our weakness. In the Light of God’s Grace we can confront our brokenness…and experience repentance and redemption. In the Light of God’s Grace we can find…and ring…the bells that still can ring...forgiveness, compassion, healing, peace, joy, love…

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of Lights.

Prayer suggestion - Ring the bells that still can ring….

--Gloria Winn

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As I prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ, I anticipate with joy what this means in my life, the lives of others and the world. This year we have been asked to consider this in terms of the Light that Christ brought to us. The verse that I have chosen is:

“But if we walk in the light, as he is the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” –I John 1:7-9

And as I pray to be forgiven of my sins as we do in the Lord’s prayer, I have to remember that I am praying to be forgiven as I am forgiving those who have sinned against me and others. This is often difficult. But I believe that if that is my desire, and if I ask, I will be given the power to forgive others, just as I pray that I will be forgiven. And that He will purify those who ask from all unrighteousness, if we ask.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for forgiving us as we forgive others. Thank you for the grace, truth and light to do this. Amen.

--Sandra Thurlow

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THIRD FRIDAY IN ADVENT: December 22, 2017 I’ve come through many hard trials Through temptations on every hand Though Satan tried to stop me And place my feet on sinking sand Through the pain and all of my sorrows Through tears and all of my fears The Lord was there to keep me For he kept me in the midst of it all! ---Yolanda Adams, “In the Midst of it All” That says it all! --Charase Dorsey THIRD SATURDAY IN ADVENT: December 23, 2017

Faith is like a muscle, It grows by stretching. A. W. Tozer, “Moments/Meditations”

Prayer: Lord, thank you for loving me and accepting me. I pray that you will give me an added measure of faith today. Enlarge my ability to believe in You, Your Word, Your Promises, Your Ways and Your Power. Thank you for opportunities to trust in You. Amen.

--Marge Anderson

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In Genesis 1:5, God said, “Let there be light,” and there was created a great physical light. This light separated the night from the day. However, we have an even greater light, the light of Jesus Christ, to lead us and guide us.

Too often we are blinded by man’s physical lights: headlights, traffic lights, street lights, neon lights, and indoor/ outdoor lights. Let us not forget the glaring lights from computer, television and cell phone screens. These lights all keep us on edge as we race through the pressures of life.

Advent is especially a time to turn off man’s harsh and glaring lights and relax in the soft glow of the light of God, Jesus Christ. May each one find rest in the love, hope and joy that this season brings.

“Walk in the light, beautiful light. Shine all around us

by day and by night. Jesus the light of the world.”

--Lois Peeples

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CHRISTMAS EVE: December 24, 2017 “...they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” --Matthew 2:9b-10 That star, with its bright light, led the Magi to the place where Christ was born. They were pagan astrologers who somehow felt the pull of the power of Jesus, dropped everything, and found Him in that humble stable where they bowed down and worshipped Him. Today many of us are filled with awe as we sit outside at night, eyes toward the heavens, watching the glory of a sky filled with stars. In good times this magnificence fills us with joy for all the people and events of our lives that we have to be thankful for. In difficult times the sky and its stars remind us that Christ is the light that holds us in God’s hands and in our hearts. Just as the Magi followed the star by faith, not reason, we also hold fast the promises of Jesus by faith. He has promised that He is the “Light of the World”(John 8:12) and that each of us belong to Him. There is an Eskimo legend that goes as follows: “Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.” God gave us those magnificent night time skies, I believe, as a vivid reminder that His light will always surround us and the Eskimo legend reassures us that we are part of the great communion of saints.

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Prayer: Dear Lord, let us never forget that you come to us in many ways, at all times. May we go out tonight, eyes heaven bound, and feel your light all around us in your stars. Amen --Shirley Hagelberg-Klemish

--picture by Arianne Baker

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CHRISTMAS DAY! On this special day, baby Jesus was born. After traveling all the way to Bethlehem, they couldn’t even find a “hotel” for him to be born in. As you can see, he and his parents are inside of a manger along with a cow. This was the day when we all knew that Savior was born for us!!! Prayer: Thank you for coming to earth, Jesus. Come into my heart in a new way today. Thank you for Christmas. Amen. --Danny Jennings

--picture by Danny Jennings

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FOR AFTER CHRISTMAS “The dawn from on high will break upon us.” --Luke 1:78 In a world of shadows and yes, even the long dark of night, this is the season where we join the whole world in welcoming Jesus, who is the Light of the world. Welcome Christ’s light into the world, not just on December 25, but today, too! Welcome Christ’s light into your joy. Welcome Christ’s light into your laughter. Welcome Christ’s light into your loneliness. Welcome Christ’s light into your emptiness. Welcome Christ’s light into your fear and struggle. Welcome Christ’s light into your despair. Welcome Christ’s light into the world! Throw open your hearts that the light of Christ may fill you anew this Christmas Season. May the “dawn from on high” break upon all of us! With love, Pastor Laurie

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First Presbyterian Church 475 Green Avenue; P.O. Box 186 Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022


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The love of Jesus is stronger than anything that divides


We are rich, poor, black, white, young, old, straight, gay, educated, uneducated, conservative, liberal and

everyone in between. All are welcome. Really!