advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx

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  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx








  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx



    Filtration means the capture and retention of

    small particles from a moving stream of either

    gas or liquid, with minimum resistant to flow.

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    What Is Filter Fabric?

    Filter fabric is a medium which do not allow the small particle to

    micro practical through it and purify the air or liquid.

    Nonwoven used for filtration is called nonwoven filter fabric.

    Typically, nonwoven fabric manufacturers supply filtration media

    having from 1 to !! microns mean flow pore "#F$% ratings.

    & non woven filter medium is a porous fabric composed of

    random array of fibers or filaments and whose specific function is

    to filter and separate phases and component of a fluid being

    transported through the medium or to support the medium thatdoes the separation.

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    Types Of Filtration Following are the three important types of


    1%. 'urface filtration.

    (%. )epth filtration.

    *%. +ltra filtration.

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    Surface filtration

    t is a screening action by which pores or holes

    of the medium prevent the passage of solids.

    The mechanisms, filtering and impingement

    are responsible for surface filtration.

    $articles are collected on the surface of the


    -ample is cellulose membrane filter.

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    Depth filtration

    This filtration mechanism retains particulate

    matter not only on the surface but also at the

    inside of the filter.

    This is aided by the mechanism entanglement.

    The solids particles are retained in the filter

    medium by its internal restriction properties.

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  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    Ultra filtration?

    +ltra filtration is a


    membrane transportprocess that has been

    applied, on both the

    laboratory and

    industrial scale.

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    Ultra Filtration

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    Mechanism Of Filtration By Non Woven

    Filter Fabric

    & simple fabric tends to clog more rapidly than mass of fabric that is in

    felt, non woven0s and bonded fiber wadding.

    t is seen that with the passage of time, the filtration efficiency increases

    and after some time, it almost reaches to the steady state. This increasing

    efficiency with time can be eplained on the basis of the fact that as thedust particle reaches the fabric surface along with air, deposition of dust

    particles occurs and as the dust particles deposition continuous, cae

    formation taes place which also act as a filter medium.

    t is important so that the filter cae should be formed immediately so

    that filtration taes place due to the resistance offered by cae then byfabric.

    This demand a fabric to have a high filtration rate and maimum

    filtration efficiency should be achieved in the shortest possible time.

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    pplication Of Non!oven Filter



    Food 3 4everages 5hemical ndustry

    n 6il 7efineries &s 6il Filter

    5oal Fired $ower 'tations

    Face #ass

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    The a"vanta#es of usin# non!ovens

    7emoval of a wide range of contaminants from water "bacteria, viruses,

    metals, minerals etc.%

    +niform structure

    Tear/ and puncture/resistance

    5hemical resistance

    2igh retention capacities

    2igh air permeability

    -cellent abrasion resistance

    Flame retardancy &bsorption of fats and oils

    2igh level of flow capacity

    2igh tensile strength

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    "vancement in Non!ovens $ impotance on


    Today customer wants better filter media so that their wors

    continue with better manner.

    5onventional filter has not included that property which customer

    want such as higher filtration efficiency, lowest cost.

    The most important is that this nonwoven protect human being

    from environment pollution and diseases lie 'wine Flu.

    ndustrial filters occupy an important place in industrial tetile.

    Nonwoven have proved to give a better performance and life than

    the woven and are also cheaper.

    'ynthetic fibers have proved to give better performance and lifethan the natural fibers.

    Nonwoven fabric contributions have been an important mainstay

    for the success of the filtration industry is very bright, the filtration

    maret has a large number of applications.

  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx


    Soli"s separation from li%ui" &surface


  • 7/25/2019 advancement in non woven (ali rezwan, waleed bhatti, ahmad raza).pptx
