Advanced Queueing Theory - Department of Computer Science

1 Advanced Queueing Theory Networks of queues (reversibility, output theorem, tandem networks, partial balance, product-form distribution, blocking, insensitivity, BCMP networks, mean-value analysis, Norton's theorem, sojourn times) Polling systems (cycle times, queue lengths, waiting times, conservation laws, service policies, visit orders) Richard J. Boucherie department of Applied Mathematics University of Twente Queueing Theory/AQT.html

Transcript of Advanced Queueing Theory - Department of Computer Science

1 Advanced Queueing Theory •  Networks of queues

(reversibility, output theorem, tandem networks, partial balance, product-form distribution, blocking, insensitivity, BCMP networks, mean-value analysis, Norton's theorem, sojourn times)

•  Analytical-numerical techniques (matrix-analytical methods, compensation method, error bound method, approximate decomposition method)

•  Polling systems (cycle times, queue lengths, waiting times, conservation laws, service policies, visit orders)

Richard J. Boucherie department of Applied Mathematics

University of Twente Queueing Theory/AQT.html

•  Doe na de m/m/1 eerst even de M/E_r/1 expliciet uit notes

•  Laat dan expliciet zien dat generator een blok structuur heeft

•  Ga dan pas naar QBD


3 Advanced Queueing Theory Today (lecture 7): Matrix analytical techniques

•  G. Latouche, V Ramaswami. Introduction to Matrix Analytic Methods in Stochastic Modeling, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1999

•  Tutorial on Matrix analytic methods:

•  M/M/1 queue •  Quasi birth death process •  Generalisations

4 M/M/1 queue

•  Poisson arrival process rate λ, single server, exponential service times, mean 1/μ

•  State space S={0,1,2,…} •  transition rates :

•  Global balance

•  Detailed balance

•  Equilibrium distribution


0 =


7 Advanced Queueing Theory Today (lecture 7): Matrix analytical techniques

•  G. Latouche, V Ramaswami. Introduction to Matrix Analytic Methods in Stochastic Modeling, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1999

•  Tutorial on Matrix analytic methods:

•  M/M/1 queue •  Quasi birth death process •  Generalisations


Vector state process: example M/E_k/1 •  Let service requirement in single server queue be Erlang (k,) •  Augment state description with phase of Erlang distribution •  State (n,j): n= # customers, j = #remaining phases •  Transitions

(n,j)(n+1,j) arrival (rate ) (n,j)(n,j-1) completion of phase (j>1) (rate ) (n,j)(n-1,k) completion in last phase, dept (n>1,j=1) (rate ) (n,j)(0) completion for n=1, (j=1) (rate ) (0)(1,k) arrival to empty system (rate )

•  Picture •  Generator in block structure •  M/Ph/1


Phase and level


Quasi-birth-death process (QBD)

Qi blocks of size M x M



πi blocks of size M


Theorem: equilibrium distribution



Behaviour in phase direction

x stat distrib over phases

downward drift


QBD: Proof of equilibrium distribution

For the discrete time case, R(i,j) is the expected number of visits to phase j in level 1 before absorption in level 0 for the process that starts at level 0 in phase i




Proof, ctd


Computing R •  For computation of R, rearrange

•  Note that Q1 is indeed invertible, since it is a transient generator

•  Fixed point equation solved by successive substitution

•  It can be shown that


Example: Ek/M/1 queue

•  Let service requirement in single server queue be Exp() •  Let interarrival time be Erlang (k, ) •  Augment state description with phase of Erlang distribution •  State (n,j): n=# customers, j =#remaining phases •  Transitions

(n,1)(n+1,k) arrival (rate ) (n,j)(n,j-1) completion of phase (j>1) (rate ) (n,j)(n-1,j) service completion (n>1) (rate )

•  Picture •  Generator in block structure

21 Advanced Queueing Theory Today (lecture 7): Matrix analytical techniques

•  G. Latouche, V Ramaswami. Introduction to Matrix Analytic Methods in Stochastic Modeling, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1999

•  Tutorial on Matrix analytic methods:

•  M/M/1 queue •  Quasi birth death process •  Generalisations


Generalisations: different first row



Generalisations: GI/M/1-type Markov chains

•  Consider GI/M/1 at arrival epochs •  Interarrival time has general distribution FA with mean 1/ Service time exponential with rate

•  Probability exactly n customers served during intarr time

•  Probability more than n served during intarr time


Generalisations: GI/M/1-type Markov chains

•  Prob n cust served during intarr time

•  Prob more than n served during intarr time

•  Transition probability matrix

•  Equilibrium probabilities

•  Where σ is unique root in (0,1) of where A has distribution FA


Generalisations: GI/M/1-type Markov chains

•  Markov chain with transition matrix (suitably ordered states) of the form

is called Markov chain of the GI/M/1 type


Generalisations: GI/M/1-type Markov chains

•  Equilibrium distribution

•  Where R is minimal non-negative solution of

•  Computation: truncate

•  And use successive approximation


Generalisations: M/G/1 type Markov chains

•  Embedding of M/Q/1 at departure epochs gives upper triangular structure for transition matrix


Generalisations: Level dependent rates

•  For Markov chain of the GI/M/1 type, we may generalise to allow for level dependent matrices, i.e. Ai(n) at level n, i=0,1,2,…, n=0,1,2,…


References and Exercise

• •

•  Exercise: Consider the Ph/Ph/1 queue. Formulate as Matrix Analytic queue (i.e. specify the transition matrix, and the blocks in that matrix). For the E2/E2/1 queue, obtain explicit expression for R, and give the equilibrium distribution