Advanced Persistent Threats - what should you know?


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A threat that 68% of IT managers don't know about, but you should. Discover the characteristics of APTs and how to avoid them. Contact #TeamTaurus for more information about ICT security with our expertise in; IT hardware and software, internet connectivity, cloud and hosting, mobiles, telecoms and IT support. [email protected]

Transcript of Advanced Persistent Threats - what should you know?

Page 1: Advanced Persistent Threats - what should you know?

APT Advanced



68% of IT managers don’t

know what an APT is…

APTs are advanced persistent threats

to the security of your network

and any size business is vulnerable.


What can you do

to stay protected?


APTs can affect businesses of any size. If

the data is valuable to your business, it

will be valuable to some one else's.