Advanced Nurturing - Creating and Sustaining Content

Page 1 © 2013 Marketo, Inc. #mus13 Advanced Nurturing – Creating and Sustaining Content Lee Anne Wimberly, Intradiem Cyndie Beckwith, Marketo
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Building an advanced lead nurturing program is really just the start of a journey. Keeping content flowing in order to engage prospects and customers over the long-term is often the biggest challenge for organizations.

Transcript of Advanced Nurturing - Creating and Sustaining Content

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Advanced Nurturing –

Creating and Sustaining Content

Lee Anne Wimberly, Intradiem

Cyndie Beckwith, Marketo

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Meet Your Speakers

Lee Anne Wimberly Director of Marketing

Cyndie Beckwith Executive Director, Marketo

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Once Upon a Time

CLICKER!!! prospect


stakeholder champion

Dormant but valuable

Content Fan

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Great Perils

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Happy Ending

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• 50-person software company • Contact center intraday management • Direct sales with marketing sourcing 70% of pipeline

• Internal team • CMO • Director • 2 Managers • 3 Lead Generation Reps

• External • Agency for creative • Industry expert authors • Sales-focused content consultant • Journalist trained freelancer • Video content producer

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• Long sales cycle and low deal volume • Difficult to see revenue results quickly enough

to direct course

• Multiple stakeholders, inexperienced buyers

• Limited marketing budget

• Hodge-podge database, largely inactive

• A lot of eggs in the email basket

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What Holds Us Back?

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Overview of nurture tracks

• Each track has specific goal, aligned with buying stage

• Content sent should support the goal

• Leads promoted to different nurture tracks based on specific actions (success) or demoted, based on inaction


•Gain trust

•Thought leadership

•Blog type content

•Success = content consumption (3 emails )


•Integrate Intradiem messaging, gauge interest

•Intradiem papers, webinars

•Blog content

•Success = Attend appt.


•Educate/validate value prop

•Analyst reports

•ROI calculator

•Stakeholder info

•Success = Sales stage changed


•Stay in touch/reinforce sales efforts

•Case studies

•Intradiem impact

•Success = Deal closed

Buyer Goals Shifting: Latent Need to Risk Mitigation

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Resources by Content Type

•Internal team

•Sales content consultant

•Video Producer

•Internal team

•Sales content consultant

•Internal team



•Video Producer

•Internal team



General Early

Late Middle

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Tools: Editorial Calendar

• Editorial Calendar

• Yearly – broad topics (update as needed) • Quarterly – plan out big pieces and fill out plan • Bi-weekly editorial meetings • Write, rinse and repeat

• Evaluating Topic Themes: • Relevance: Is it related to your prospect’s

primary goals and the challenges they’re interested in addressing?

• Depth: Is it broad enough to be approached from several different perspectives?

• Significance: Does it reflect your strongest areas?

Credit: Content Marketing Institute

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Editorial Calendar Example

Theme Ideas Industry Company PR/Ads Depth Relevance Significance

Jan Different in












Feb Social



Pace Social




Mar Metrics that



y on




CCA's Call



CMIQ blog

Apr Back Office Research










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Integrating with Calendar

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Tools: Bi-Weekly Editorial Planning

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Tools: Contentinator

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Re-Use Webinar

Stats Article Case Study

Snippets Quotes Blog


White paper Article Infographic Fast Facts Webinar Conference Presentation

White Paper

Article Blog Conference Presentation

Snippets Quotes


Article Blog Case Study Press Release


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Folding It In






MP-Social Media



VH-5-ideas-minimize absences




Baseball vs basketball video





3 steps to help agents retain info

Convergys case study video

Dynamic delivery video

Performance-based assignments


Q: 15 minute sessions

Q: Prioritize assignments

Q: Existing technologies

Topical Blog New Video Webinar

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Example: Video

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Video Program

• Monthly sessions • 4 pieces

– Thought leadership – Tips – Product – Culture

• Live switch = quick turnaround • Feature different speakers

• Video-Lite • Phone or live audio interviews • Audio editing • Set backgrounds and formats • Key point call-outs • Product, best practices,


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• 7% increase in open reach year over year • Opened/Delivered

• Overall effectiveness metric

• By track • Email metrics for content

• Success metrics for track

• Active vs. Inactive

• Content engine • More

• Varied

• Efficient

• More testing opportunities

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Our Journey

Early 2012

• Scheduled blasts

• Mostly Early content

• Little targeted content – industry or title

• Mini welcome program

Fall 2012

• General Track launched

• Early Track Launched

• Transition existing leads based on behavior

• Expanded welcome program incorporating tracks

Winter 2013

• Middle Track Launched

• Late Track Launched

• Customized welcome program based on source

Spring 2013

• Fold in expanded product – Phase 1

• Improved measurement

Summer 2013

• Fold in expanded product – Phase 2

• Re-engagement program

Late 2013

• Fold in 4 new markets

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What’s Next?

• Lean Marketing Approach • Expanded Product Suite

• Additional Markets

• Pipeline velocity

• More general and early track stakeholder content

• Improved Measurement

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Content Rules @ Marketo

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Marketo Revenue Model & Stages

Early Mid Late

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Buying Stage & Content Types

Early Pre- Opp

Mid Pre- Opp

Late Post-Opp

How to be a

Better Marketer

Why Marketing


Why Marketo

• Research

• Funny videos

• Infographics

• Thought


• Buying Guides

• RFP Templates

• ROI Calculators

• Whitepapers

• Webinars

• Pricing

• Demos

• 3rd Party


• Case Studies

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Organizing Content

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1. Evaluate Content Performance Specific to Stage, and role if applicable

2. Some Content may not perform well in one stage or with specific role, but does in another

3. Test, test, test

Measuring Effectiveness of Content

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How To Measure

1. Organize Emails in Folders by Stage 1. Early Stage

2. Mid Stage

3. Late Stage

2. If segmenting by Role/Title add this into the foldering of the emails

3. Through RCA, run reports accessing the folder for results of all emails in that folder

Effectiveness of Content

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Measuring Effectiveness of Content

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Early Stage, Executive

27.0% Open Rate

13.3% Click to Open Rate (CTOR)

3.6% Click through Rate (CTR)

Subject: Executive Viewpoint: More

Predictable Revenue Through RPM

35.5% Open Rate

28.1% Click to Open Rate (CTOR)

10.0% Click through Rate (CTR)

Subject: Improve ROI of Your CRM

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Early Stage, Executive

27.0% Open Rate

13.3% Click to Open Rate (CTOR)

3.6% Click through Rate (CTR)

Subject: Executive Viewpoint: More

Predictable Revenue Through RPM

35.5% Open Rate

28.1% Click to Open Rate (CTOR)

10.0% Click through Rate (CTR)

Subject: Improve ROI of Your CRM

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Key Take Aways

• Get Started • Nothing is perfect, get started and evolve

• Align your content type to your Stage(s) • You don’t have to have all stages laid out

• Bust Up Your Content! • Produce one piece, bust up in to many


• Content Aligned to Title, Segment

• Test content in different stages

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Thank You!

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Lee Anne Wimberly Director of Marketing

Cyndie Beckwith Executive Director, Marketo

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• Check email or Text ‘mus13’ to 32075

• Session presentations will be posted to the Marketo Community within 2 weeks

• Questions? Visit the Marketo Booth in the Expo