Advanced Course in Meditation

1st Edition Author: Kristofer Tengström This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Transcript of Advanced Course in Meditation

Page 1: Advanced Course in Meditation

1st Edition

Author: Kristofer Tengström

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Page 2: Advanced Course in Meditation

PREFACE This is the second part of my course in meditation that began with "Basic course in meditation", which aimed at opening up the crown chakra. In this course we will complete the transformation and get familiar with the spiritual realm. As this course is the second part out of two, I suggest that you master the first part before starting with this one. You should use the basic elements of single-mindedness and posture that you learned in the first course as foundations when you do the exercises in this course. If you have any questions or wish to contact me for other reasons, you may send an e-mail to [email protected]. WHAT IS THE SPIRITUAL REALM? While the basic course was mainly about opening the crown chakra, this course will go heavily into the purpose of that, which is to access the spiritual realm. What I refer to as the spiritual realm is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to define in any sort of extensional way. Instead I will attempt to describe it through its characteristics and thereby create an intensional definition of sorts. It is part of the manifested world but most humans do not consciously experience it as it is more subtle than our ordinary world of experience. It is also not subject to the same laws as is what we call the physical world, because it is not confined to space/time. There is no such thing as space or time in the spiritual realm, no experience of closeness or distance. Furthermore, in the spiritual realm manifestations are discernible through differences in their feeling-state/frequency rather than through differences in for example visual properties such as those described in Gestalt psychology. Lastly, the spiritual realm by default brings a sense of peace to the experiencer and it can also be used as a medium for spiritual activities. I believe that connection with the spiritual realm is a central component in the development of humanity and this is the reason why I have made it the focus of these courses.

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THE LOTUS POSITION In this course it is especially advisable for you to sit in full lotus position while you do your exercises. The reason for this is that it will keep you grounded and prevent physical damage while you engage in spiritual activities. In the lotus position you place your feet on the opposing thigh in this manner:

The hands may be placed in various positions called mudras, which cause varying effects depending on the position. For our purpose, the well-known gyan mudra will be satisfactory: Place your hands on your knees with the palms facing upwards and thumb and forefinger touching, like above. Relax the rest of the fingers. This is the position that we are going to use throughout this course.

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EXERCISE 1: TRANSCEND THE CROWN CHAKRA In this exercise we will complete the opening of the crown chakra. What I want you to do is to direct your energy through the chakra, like a pillar or an arm pushing open a circular door that opens much the same way a flower does. One way of doing this is to set a point at about 2.5dm (~10”) above your head, and then establish a pillar of energy starting from inside your body and ending at that point, completely ignoring whatever is in its path. Practice this until you feel that the top of your head is no longer an obstacle to your energy so that you can easily at will extend your consciousness to above your head in this way. EXERCISE 2: BE ABOVE YOUR CROWN CHAKRA If you’ve mastered the previous exercise, this one will be easy. It simply consists of placing your consciousness above your crown chakra and staying there. The hardest part is as usual to maintain your focus and not fall prey to distractions. Practice until you’re able to maintain this state for 20 minutes relatively easily. During this exercise you are likely to have extraordinary experiences. You may for example become aware of a big circular light, like a white sun or star, that you see when you close your eyes. This is the light of your soul. If you have this experience, stay with it as the next exercise is about connecting with the spiritual realm and this experience means that you’ve done that already so then you’ve got a head start.

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EXERCISE 3: CONNECT WITH THE SPIRITUAL REALM Very good! You’ve come a long way, my friend. Now we will take the final step and connect with the spiritual realm. The crucial change here is that instead of being above your crown chakra spatially, you use the crown chakra as a portal so that the world above it is the spiritual world rather than your ceiling. Many of you have likely intuitively taken this step already but for those who haven’t, here’s what you do. First, focus your awareness above your crown chakra as in the previous exercise but be careful to maintain the energy pillar down to your body so that you can feel your body. Then, present the intention to connect with the spiritual world. You should experience a shift, as though something clicks into place or something comes into your field of experience. At this point, just relax and let it transpire. What you experience now will likely be unique but one example is a brightness that comes from above and flows into you through the crown chakra and merges with you. Another example is the experience of a vast, dark space. The common denominator is the sensation of eternity. Now try to stay with this for a while. Make yourself aware of what it feels like, this will make it easier for you to come back to this state of being later. Once you feel like you’ve got the hang of it, you can experiment with rapidly disconnecting and reconnecting again. Eventually you should be able to easily connect no matter the situation. It’s actually possible to stay connected to the spiritual realm all the time, at least while you’re awake. In my experience you automatically close the crown chakra when you go to sleep so that may prove tougher. OPTIONAL EXERCISE: EXPERIMENT! Congratulations, you made it! The course is really finished now, the benefits such as peace of mind will automatically be granted as long as you stay connected, but as I said in the beginning the spiritual realm can also be used as a medium for spiritual activities. For example, try to

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communicate telepathically with the spiritual realm while you’re connected and see what happens. THE END