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Adults Acquiring Digital Skills - Digi4Adults 2015-1-FI01-KA204-008965 Newsletter #2 November 2016

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Adults Acquiring Digital Skills - Digi4Adults


Newsletter #2

November 2016

Dear Reader of this Digi4Adults newsletter!

The Digi4Adults project was conceived to create and disseminate training methods which

enable trainers in adult education to improve the digital competence of their target groups -

irrespective the main subject of a given training.

With these training methods - we refer to them as "caselets" - we aim to reduce the digital

competence dimension of the digital divide* so that a larger number of people are able to

take full advantage of digitally delivered products, content and services.

The main rationale of our approach is that digital competence training can be integrated in

any form of adult education, and can even enrich the delivery of learning across all thematic


With this second newsletter, we are pleased to present a first selection of caselets that were

developed by our highly dedicated team of adult education trainers. Further caselets will be

made available soon.

Everyone interested to use our caselets in any educational context is most welcome to do

so. If you have feedback or questions, please feel free to contact the author of a caselet

directly or the Digi4Adult project coordinator, Ms Henna-Riikka Ahvenjärvi (henna-

[email protected]).

Coming up next in the Digi4Adults project:

We currently develop a dedicated website on which all caselets will be made public

and look forward to launching this website in the near future.

Soon we will reach out to interested adult education practitioners in order build a

community of practice and solicit caselets made by you!

If you are interested in receiving further Digi4Adults updates by email, please drop a

line to Mr Matthias Themel ([email protected]).

We hope you will find inspiration in our caselets and look forward to hearing from you!

Your Digi4Adults Team**


*For a discussion of the term digital divide and an overview of European initiatives please see:

**Digi4Adults was initiated by TAKK (Finland) and is implemented in consortium with Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien (Austria), VUC Storstrøm (Denmark), CEPA San Bartolome de Tirajana (Spain) and Vuxenutbildning Sundsvall Timra (Sweden). The project is funded under Erasmus+.

Caselet No. 004 EN

Title: Photo editing and creating a blog

Author: Pirjo Sillman ([email protected])

Summary: Students can market their professional skills with good quality photos and blogs.

Output: Better-quality photos. Some students may be inspired to write a portfolio blog.

Educational context: Vocational education and training in the fields of Interior Decoration or Construction

Digital competence learning outcomes:

Participants know how to…

● transfer image files from camera or smartphone to computer

● edit photos using basic and simple tools such as Pixlr Editor

● save image to smaller file size ● organize photos according to customers'

needs ● try blog web software

(recommended for students with prior experience)

● sign in to WordPress and create own blog ● find more information and videos using

WordPress software

Context related learning outcomes:


● know why the photos are important in marketing

● can see good examples of blogs (quality of photos)

● use the images for the interior design plan ● can present their skills with photos in a

portfolio ● know that JPG is the most common format ● are informed: Pixlr Editor is free, online

image editor ● are informed: is free,

online web software - create website, blog or app

Required digital tools:

● Pixlr Editor tools: Open image, Crop tool, Adjustment/ Brightness&Contrast, Color balance, Auto levels, File/ Save image - choose My computer or Pixlr library (must sign) - change name - choose JPG - quality e.g. 10 (smaller file size)

● tools: Sign in, Dashboard, Publication, Articles, Pages, Themes, Media Library (photos, videos)

Required technical equipment:

● beamer ● computers ● camera or smartphone ● cables for data transfer


Max. no. of participants per group: 10-12

Time required: total about 12 hours

A - Preparation: 4 hours

The teacher/trainer researches good online blog examples in which the photos are good and exemplary, draws up simple instructions, and saves some photos/images files. Students can later use and edit these photos.

B - Main session:

The teacher/trainer presents the blogs (= motivate students) and demonstrates how to start Pixlr Editor and where they can find photos, which to edit. Those who want to take photos with the camera will be able to practice using it. Photo editing lessons take about 3 hours.

Creating blog lessons takes more time – about 4-5 hours. Students can try that software. I taught ten students and two of them choose this way to make their portfolio. They were interested and wanted to learn WordPress web software.

C - Closing:

Students can show each other their edited photos and/or blog portfolio. Final discussion about that experience.

Web resources: (Pixlr is a browser-based photo editor; language can be selected) (students must create a user account and log in to use WordPress)

Please save paper and print this caselet in double-sided mode!

About Digi4Adults:

In a nutshell, the Digi4Adults project encourages adult education trainers to work together in peer-

pairs with the aim of sharing and developing their skills in the application of digital tools. In our EPALE

blog, we collect Content and Digital Competence Integrated Learning CDCIL methods as small case

studies, i.e. "caselets", and invite you all to join us to apply them in new contexts, and moreover, to

produce your own caselets with us!

Visit us at:


Or contact the Digi4Adults Project Coordinator, Ms Henna-Riikka Ahvenjärvi (Henna-

[email protected])

Caselet No. 005 EN

Title: Job Interview Training by video

Author: Heike Angerer ([email protected])

Summary: Participants use their own smartphones to record and edit video

Output: Short videos, recorded and edited with a smartphone; the videos document a role-play in which a job interview is simulated.

Educational context in which the caselet was developed: Labour market activation training for young adults

Digital competence learning outcomes:

Participants know how to…

● record and edit a video on a smartphone

● transfer video data from a smartphone to a computer

● download required software ● share video files

Context related learning outcomes:


● know important standard questions of a job interview

● practice the interview situation based on a set of standard questions and possible answers

● experience themselves in the interview situation through video

Required digital tools:

● Video sharing: Bluetooth, Whatsapp ● Video editing on smart phone:

Vivavideo ● Alternatively, video can be edited on a

computer, e.g. with Moviemaker or Freemake video converter

Required technical equipment:

● Participants require a smartphone for filming and editing

● PC or notebook and beamer for the presentation of the videos to the group

● Cables for data transfer (HDMI, USB, etc.)


Max. no. of participants per group: XYZ

Time required: 3 hours including preparation, but excluding additional time for video editing. Video editing can take up to one hour per video, depending on familiarity with the video editing software.

A - Preparation:

Participants should have the required software available on their smartphone prior to the main session and should have familiarised themselves with the main features of the software.

Based on prior inputs and discussion, participants prepare a flipchart with several standard questions in job application interviews, as well as possible answers. The participants split in small groups of 3 persons: one being the "job applicant", one being the "employer", and one being director and cameraman/women.

B - Main session:

1. Each small group simulates a job interview and records the interview on video.

2. Participants edit the videos and transfer them to a computer for presentation to the group.

C - Closing:

The final videos are shown to the group and discussed, focussing on questions related to the context of labour market activation.

Web resources:

VivaVideo on app stores

Please save paper and print this caselet in double-sided mode!

About the Digi4Adults:

In a nutshell, the Digi4Adults project encourages adult education trainers to work together in peer-

pairs with the aim of sharing and developing their skills in the application of digital tools. In our EPALE

blog, we collect Content and Digital Competence Integrated Learning CDCIL methods as small case

studies, i.e. "caselets", and invite you all to join us to apply them in new contexts, and moreover, to

produce your own caselets with us!

Visit us at:


Or contact the Digi4Adults Project Coordinator, Ms Henna-Riikka Ahvenjärvi (Henna-

[email protected])

Caselet No. 007 EN

Title: Socrative

Author: Annika Styf ([email protected])

Summary: Participants use computers, iPads or smartphones to participate in a quiz with multiple choice or open questions, provided through the Socrative app. Feedback is provided right away or later.

Output: Quiz and open formal questions. Summary of the respondents' answers and knowledge in a particular area in which the caselet was developed.

Educational context: Whenever something new is to be learned in a given subject and/or for repetition of material that students have already learned.

Digital competence learning outcomes:

Participants know how to…

Install the Socrative app

Use the app when answering multiple choice questions or open answers questions

Context related learning outcomes:


Get instant feedback on their knowledge in a particular area

Can express their knowledge in specific areas of knowledge

Collaborate on issues related to different areas of knowledge

Required digital tools:

Computer Smartphone iPads

Required technical equipment:

Wifi Projector Computer Smartphone iPads


Max. no. of participants per group required: No limits, from one to......

A - Preparation: To design a quiz in Socrative takes from five minutes to one hour. In case open questions are used, it takes from half an hour to one hour.

B - Main session: It depends on the scope of the questions, and how much time the students are given to answer the questions. Most quizzes will take from ten minutes to one hour.

C - Closing: The result can be displayed individually and / or aggregated for the entire

class, depending on the settings chosen in Socrative.

Web resources:

Please save paper and print this caselet in double-sided mode!

About the Digi4Adults:

In a nutshell, the Digi4Adults project encourages adult education trainers to work together in peer-

pairs with the aim of sharing and developing their skills in the application of digital tools. In our EPALE

blog, we collect Content and Digital Competence Integrated Learning CDCIL methods as small case

studies, i.e. "caselets", and invite you all to join us to apply them in new contexts, and moreover, to

produce your own caselets with us!

Visit us at:


Or contact the Digi4Adults Project Coordinator, Ms Henna-Riikka Ahvenjärvi (Henna-

[email protected])

Caselet No. 008 EN

Title: Recorded interview shared in Google drive.

Author: Mª Ángeles Alemán Rodríguez ( [email protected]) Spain

Summary: Students interview tourists in English, record the interviews with their

smartphones, transfer them to the computer and share the results in Google drive.

Output: Audios recorded with smartphones and shared with an analysis of the

answers in Google drive.

Educational context in which the caselet was developed: English as a foreign

language course

Digital competence learning outcomes:

Participants know how to…

record and edit an audio on a


transfer audio data from a

smartphone to a computer

download required software

share files in Google drive

Context related learning outcomes:


prepare and practice the questions

for an interview in English

do the interview in in a real context

do an analysis of the answers and

share it with the other students

Required digital tools:

Audio sharing: Bluetooth, Whatsapp

Required technical equipment:

Smartphones for recording

PC or notebook where to transfer

the audio files and share the results

of their analysis

Cables for data transfer (HDMI,


Projector to show the final products

in class


Max. no. of participants per group: 3

Time required: Four hours including the time spent carrying out and recording the


A - Preparation: With guidance from the trainer, participants prepare the interview

questions in class and practise them. Questions may include, e.g. "Where do you

come from?", "What do you like about this place?", "Would you like to visit this place

again?", etc.

They should have the required software available on their smartphone and should

be familiarised with the main features of the software. They should have a Google

account to use Google drive.

B - Main session: 1. Each group goes out to public places (e.g. a tourist attraction) and asks tourists for

an interview. Each group carries out several interviews. The interviews are recorded

with a smartphone. 2. Students transfer the audio files to the computer and analyse the answers.

C - Closing: Each group shares the results in a file in a shared Google drive and present them to

the other groups in class.

Web resources:

Google drive

Please save paper and print this caselet in double-sided mode!

About Digi4Adults:

In a nutshell, the Digi4Adults project encourages adult education trainers to work together in peer-

pairs with the aim of sharing and developing their skills in the application of digital tools. In our EPALE

blog, we collect Content and Digital Competence Integrated Learning CDCIL methods as small case

studies, i.e. "caselets", and invite you all to join us to apply them in new contexts, and moreover, to

produce your own caselets with us!

Visit us at:


Or contact the Digi4Adults Project Coordinator, Ms Henna-Riikka Ahvenjärvi (Henna-

[email protected])

Caselet No. 009 EN

Title: Students create videos for science education

Author: Pernille Skov Sørensen ([email protected])

Summary: Students use video production in science to present the nutrients to other groups.

Output: Short videos explaining science topics.

Educational context in which the caselet was developed: Secondary level science classes; topic: diet and health.

Digital competence learning outcomes:

Participants know how to…

record a video transfer the video to another

device (if needed) edit a movie in Movie Maker or

ex. iMovie. Save a movie project (not the

final movie) save the final movie in the

correct format

Teachers know how to…

record and edit a movie deal with video files

Context related learning outcomes:

Participants …

learn to make decisions in the group take responsibility for their own project Find information on their topic Explain content related information to

others Work with the features of explanatory


Required digital tools:

Movie editor program. (MovieMaker, iMovie)

Required technical equipment:

Mobilephone/tablet with camera Computer transferring cable or bluetooth, Wifi.


Max. no. of participants per group: Small groups

Time required: Depending on the task, the student will need approximately 120 minutes

the first time they try to make a video.

A - Preparation: The students will need some time to prepare what and how they want to show in their video. The teacher needs to be familiar with the same parts of the software as the students will be using.

B - Main session: The students work in small groups with the objective of making a short video about the selected topic. The teacher mostly supports with technical help.

C - Closing: The process ends with jointly watching the various videos produced. The students give feedback to each other, both regarding the content of the videos (science topic) and the way each video has been made.

Web resources: For the Danish version of Movie Maker:

Please save paper and print this caselet in double-sided mode!

About the Digi4Adults:

In a nutshell, the Digi4Adults project encourages adult education trainers to work together in peer-

pairs with the aim of sharing and developing their skills in the application of digital tools. In our EPALE

blog, we collect Content and Digital Competence Integrated Learning CDCIL methods as small case

studies, i.e. "caselets", and invite you all to join us to apply them in new contexts, and moreover, to

produce your own caselets with us!

Visit us at:


Or contact the Digi4Adults Project Coordinator, Ms Henna-Riikka Ahvenjärvi (Henna-

[email protected])