ADP1003 Smart phones friend or fou




Transcript of ADP1003 Smart phones friend or fou

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Mobile phones have come a long way since the 1983; the first cell phones were too big to be considered mobile or smart phones today. They weighed 28 ounces, measured 10 inches high and sold for thousands of dollars in the U.S. Thanks to modern technology cell phones became smaller, compact, more sophisticated in terms of design and more affordable. Smart phones have taken over our lives in a good way, despite the disadvantages that accompany these devices. Whether or not you like smart phones, that your decision but one thing is for sure, smart phones are here to stay and whether you believe it or not their advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


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Psion_Organiser_II_MODEL_XP.6•8 bit processor•9V battery, it lasted for several months!•Develop own applications (OPL-language)•Memory extensions, plug-in modules


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1994: IBM Simon

•First real „Smartphone“•Touch screen•PIM, Data communication


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Mobile phone usage is rapidly growing among younger children. Twenty percent of U.S.A. children ages 6 – 11 currently own a cell phone, up from 11.9 % of children in 2005.

Comparison of internet usage with mobile devices

Cell phonesPS3,XBOX,WiiPortable gaming device

Mobile phone usage is rapidly growing among younger children. Twenty percent of U.S.A. children ages 6 – 11 currently own a cell phone, up from 11.9 % of children in 2005.



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A •A variety of recent studies have shown that integrating technology into schools can boost achievement in mathematics, literacy, and reading.

•Teachers in Escondido Union District in California are exploring the use of iPods to improve student reading. Students can record and then hear themselves reading, which helps them work on fluency and comprehension. Teachers can import student recordings and create time-stamped digital portfolios to track progress. Data from a group of fourth – graders has found that using iPods to practice reading resulted in more rapid improvement rates compared with a controlled class room.

B•In four North California schools in low income neighborhoods , ninth – 10th – grade students were given smart phones and special software to help them with their algebra studies. They used the smart phones for a variety of tasks, including recording themselves solving problems and posting the videos on to a private social network site for their classmates. Students with the phones performed 25% better on the end of the year algebra exam than students without the devices in similar classes.

C•A new study in the U.K. shows that text messaging helped children develop “phonological awareness” which is helping kids to learn how to spell. The kids who text more often (especially those who use abbreviations such as “plz” or “4ever”) Show higher scores on spelling exams.

•Researchers also found that kids who received mobile phones at younger ages were better at reading words and c patterns of sound in speech.


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Smart phones have their disadvantages in terms of the internet which is where people spend most of their time on smart phones especially children. This is what concerns parents and makes parenting that much harder for them. Their unable to monitor the content of media that their kids are exposed to and there are a lot of dangers to consider like online predators and the risk of someone accessing your personal information.


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•30% of people said it happened on social networking sites.• 29% said it happened while playing games.•Cyber bullying is especially prevalent in middle – aged kids (9 – 14).

The occasional hacker


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Admit to being cyberbu-liedNever Report itReport


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•22% of teen girls (ages 13 – 19) say they have sent nude or semi – nude photos or videos of themselves, either online or via text messages. •Messages are even more prevalent than images. Thirty – nine percent of teen boys and girls say they have sent sexually suggestive messages (text, email, IM), and 48% of teens say they have received them.


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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2008 there were 5870 fatalities and an estimated 515000 injuries in police reported crashes involving driver distractions, and the highest incidence of distracted driving occurs in the under – 20 age group.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2008 there were 5870 fatalities and an estimated 515000 injuries in police reported crashes involving driver distractions, and the highest incidence of distracted driving occurs in the under – 20 age group.


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•More than 35% of teens with cell phones admit to using their cell phones to cheat. •45% of teens say texting friends about answers during tests is a serious cheating offence, but 20% say its not cheating at all.•69% of schools have policies that do not permit cell use , but more than half of all kids ignore them


Lets face it, kids will always find new ways to cheat and we can’t blame technology but instead we should work on finding a solution like the integration of policies into the

school system that prevent the use of cell – phones during examinations.

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Should mobile relocation data,

Present I addresses, and other identifying

information be protected for children under age 13 – in the same way that name,

age, gender and address information are

protected today?

Do teens understand how their personally

identifying information will be used, and do they

need additional protections?

Will this identifying information be used to target kids and teens with new

behavioral advertising and

market campaigns?


Mobile phones with GPS capabilities can expose kids exact location. Many new programs and apps have been developed that allow kids to announce their

physical where abouts. This creates physical safety concerns

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One thing is for certain, we can not stop the development of technology. Despite the impact that technology has on the economy, though it might seem though it might seem that technology is making life harder for us, it is in fact not true we have been eluded to see it that way so in order hide the ineffectiveness of our system; the economy is In a direct conflict with the advancement of technology. Technology was created to make life simpler for us and that will also mean taking over the majority of the workforce and technology offers far more advantages,(which are long term) than the disadvantages.