Adolescence - Liberty Union High School District · 2016-01-03 · What is adolescence and how...


Transcript of Adolescence - Liberty Union High School District · 2016-01-03 · What is adolescence and how...


Warm Up

What is adolescence and how wouldyour life be different if people wereconsidered to be adults at the age of 13?


Write a short essay in which you explain the biggestchallenges/obstacles/hardships of an adolescent

You can write from personal experience or generalknowledge, or both


1-2 Pages

Learning Objectives

Analyze Physical and SexualDevelopment

Interpret the way in which maturationrates impact males and females

Build connections between the materialand your own lives


Transitional stage of physical and psychological humandevelopment that generally occurs during the period from pubertyto legal adulthood

Questions (Write the answers down first and then we will discuss)1. Do you agree with this definition? Should age be a determining

factor?2. What can you do by yourself in this stage and what can’t you do?3. What emotions/feelings would you use to describe this stage of

your life (according to the definition)4. What people are the most influential on how you develop in this


100 Years: Five For Fighting Why do you think the writer of the song picked the

different ages that are being talked about? What issignificant about these ages for the writer?

“15, there's never a wish better than this. When you onlygot a hundred years to live”: What do you think thismeans?

What is the message of the song?

Physical and Sexual Development

1. Physical Developmenta. Adolescent Growth Spurt: A period of 2-3 years in which abrupt growth

occurs during the stage of Adolescence2. Sexual Developmenta. Puberty: Specific developmental changes that lead to the ability to

reproduceb. Primary sex characteristics: Characteristics directly involved in

reproductionc. Secondary sex characteristics: Characteristics developed during puberty,

which don’t deal directly with reproductionWHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF Secondary Sex Characteristics?

Maturation Rates

Do you think it is advantageous or disadvantages tomature at a younger age or older age? Is this differentfor males and females? Why or why not?

Things to consider:a. Socialization/Relationshipsb. Athletics/ Extracurricular Activitiesc. Personality/Maturity/Responsibilityd. Expectations- Matching Mental with Physical Maturity

Maturation Rates: Differences amongMales and Females

Read the article and then answer thequestions on the back

Looking Ahead: Social Development

Pretend you are your parents orguardians. Identify positive and negativeaspects of your relationship with yourchildren (you). Describe what changesyou have seen in your child since theyentered Adolescence.

Warm Up: Complete the Sentence

“I can’t wait to be an adult and be justlike _____________________” because Iagree/like the way he/she_______________________________________(Identify three things)


Write a short essay in which you explain the biggestchallenges/obstacles/hardships of an adolescent

You can write from personal experience or generalknowledge, or both


1-2 Pages

Learning Objectives

Interpret how parenting relationshipsimpact Social Development

Analyze causes and effects of IdentityFormation, Crises, and Statuses

Build connections between material andeveryday lives

Breakfast Club: Adolescents andParents

1. Do you think Andrew developed earlier or later thanmost adolescents? Why do you think this?

2. Why does Andrew explain that he did this? Can yourelate to these feelings/emotions in any way?

3. Do you think Andrew’s father had bad intentions? Is hea bad father? Why or why not?

Breakfast Club: Adolescents andParents

1. How do you think Bender’s development wasimpacted by his parents?

2. Why do you think Bender voluntarily shares thisinformation about his parents?

3. What kind of parenting style is Bender reactingto? What does this say about the impact thisparenting style can have upon children?

Social Development: Parents

When adolescents search for independence, this often leads toproblems with their parents

More independence for adolescents DOES NOT mean that they stopcaring about their parents

Adolescents who are closer to their parents actually become moreindependent, do better in school, and can adjust better to changes

Parents and Adolescents usually share similar religious, political, social,and economic views

Most adolescents interact with their mothers more than their fathers, asthey see mothers as being more supportive and tolerant

Artistic Expression: Do you agree withthe statistics???

On a separate sheet of paper, draw a graphic/image/picture/ thatshows how you see, or don’t see, these statements applying to your life

a. Wanting independence leading to problems with parents/guardians

b. Wanting independence does not mean that adolescents don’t lovetheir parents

c. Having a good relationship with your parents leads to adolescentsbecoming more independent, more adaptable, and doing better inschool

d. Adolescents relate/like their mothers better than their fathers

Identity Formation: Erik Erikson

Main task of adolescent stage: The search foridentity

Identity: A sense of who one is and what onestands for

How would you draw your identity? Useimages/symbols/words to draw your identity

Identity Crisis: Erik Erikson and JamesMarcia

Identity Crisis: A turning point in a person’s development when theperson examines his or her values and makes or changes decisionsabout life roles

Identity Status: Patterns of reactions and processes to identify crisesa. Identity moratorium- delay making choices in search of analternate selfb. Identity foreclosure- make a decision by shutting out other choicesc. Identity diffusion- constantly searching for meaning and purposed. Identity achievement- after exploring different options and dealingwith crises, the individual commits to a certain path

Identity Crisis: Thirteen

Discussion Questions1. How does it look the relationship with her mother

changed?2. What forms of rebellion are being seen here? Why

do you think the daughter is acting in these ways?3. What type of the four identity statuses do you think

she is in?

Role Playing and Acting

Eight groups

Each group is an adolescent in one of the four identity statuses

I will give you a scenario, and your group will act out the scenario, as if youwere someone in this identity status

Each group will write a script for the 3-5 minute play, which they willperform in front of the class

Each group member must participate in the writing of the script and theacting in the play

I will be collecting one script from each group

Scenario: High School Freshmen

You are starting high school You are going through puberty You are very good at Math and Science You want to be seen as “cool” You want to have more independence

Warm Up

Why is it important to be awareof your true identity? What stepsdo you need to take, or haveyou taken, to make thisrealization?

Learning Objectives

Collaborate with classmates to realize themany challenges/issues/problems whichadolescents face

Analyze different factors that impacts anadolescent’s Social Development

Build connections between the material andyour life

Twisted Sister: We’re Not Going ToTake It

-What is the message of the song?-Is Twisted Sister going through an identity crisis?Why or why not?

Homework Sharing

Find a partner, and share some of thechallenges/issues/problems you wrote about for homework

Write down three of the most commonchallenges/issues/problems which impact adolescents

We will rank these in order from 1-10 Identify causes for these challenges/issues/problems Identify whether these challenges/issues/problems impact

girls or boys more

Social Development

What is a “rite of passage”?

Name three examples of “rites of passages” that are common foradolescents

How do these impact relationships with parents and friends?

Cliques: Peer groups (5-10 people) who spend a lot of time with oneanother and do similar things

Crowds: Larger peer groups who don’t spend as much time with oneanother but share similar attitudes and group identity

Social Development: Discussion

Who do you believe impacts the SocialDevelopment of adolescents more: parents orpeers? Why?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

1. What are some cliques you see in this video clip?2. What challenges/issues/problems does the boy face?3. Do you think Patrick was making fun of the teacher to make the

Freshmen feel better or was he doing it for a different reason?4. How does the boy’s family impact his adolescent growth?5. Which type of identity status do you think the boy is developing?


Survey Classmates

Conduct a survey on your classmatesAsk the question: “How would you

describe a good friend?”Survey at least 5 classmatesWith the results, we will make a list of the

top ten characteristics which make agood friend

Three Stages of Dating

1. Meet people of the opposite sex (After-school events)

2. Group dating (Movies) 3. Traditional two-person dating

Brainstorming: Name threeadvantages/disadvantages of dating

Juvenile Delinquency Reading

1. What are risk and protective factors? What protective factors doyou have in your life?

2. What are the four domains that risk and protective factors aredivided up in the article? Which of these domains do you think hasthe biggest impact upon adolescents?

3. What is the relationship between risk factors and likelihood tocommit crimes as a juvenile?

4. What is the relationship between adolescents being exposed to riskfactors across more than one of the four domains?