Admission note for print.pdf

past Hx Fx medical, surgery and drug history: Allergy DM/ HTN/ cancer/ stroke/ A B C Job PE: Impression / DDx Assessment, Management, Plan ( review Lab/Image to rule out )

Transcript of Admission note for print.pdf

  • past Hx Fx

    medical, surgery and drug history: Allergy

    DM/ HTN/ cancer/ stroke/ A





    Impression / DDx

    Assessment, Management, Plan ( review Lab/Image to rule out )

  • General : weight loss(-), weight gain(-), fatigue(-), weakness(-) appetite change(-), fever(-), chills(-), night sweats(-)

    Skin: rashes(-), pruritus(-), bruising(-), dryness(-) itching(-), skin cancer or other lesions(-),operation scar at abdominal(-).

    Head: trauma(-), headache(-), tenderness(-), dizziness(-), syncope(-)

    Eyes: glasses(-), photophobia(-), blurring(-), diplopia(-), inflammation(-), discharge(-), dry eyes(-)

    excessive tearing(-), changes in visual field(-), history of cataracts or glaucoma(-)

    Ears: tinnitus(-), pain(-), discharge(-), vertigo(-), history of ear infections(-), hearing impairment(-)

    Nose: epistaxis(-), obstruction(-), polyps(-), sinus problems(-),sense of smell loss(-), rhinorrhea (-)

    Mouth and Throat: bleeding gums(-), voice change(-), dysphagia(-), ulcerations or other lesions of tongue(-), gums(-),or

    buccal mucosa(-),Vocal polyp(-).

    Respiratory: chest pain(-), wheezing(-), dyspnea(-), cough(-), hemoptysis(-), sputum(-), history of pneumonia(-)

    or TB(?)

    Cardiovascular: dyspnea on exertion(-), chest pain(-), orthopnea(-),claudication(-), varicose vein(-), palpitation(-),

    peripheral edema(-), History of MI(-) or murmur(-),paroxysmal noctural dyspnea(-),

    Gastrointestinal: abdominal pain(-), heartburn(-), nausea(-), vomiting(-), hematemesis(-), diarrhea(-),

    indigestion(-),destension(-), constipation(-), hemorrhoids(-), jaundice(-), melena(-), intolerace for greasy

    food(-), change in stool shapes and color(-)

    Musculoskeletal: musculoskeletal trauma(-), arthralgia(-), arthritis(-), gout(-) redness(-), tenderness(-), back pain(-),

    numbness(-) joint swelling(-), limitation of range of motion(-), joint deformity(-)

    General appearance: acute ill looking.

    Conciousness: clear, Glasgow scale: E4V5M6

    BW: kg, BH: cm, BMI

    Vital signs T/P/R:

    Skin: papules with crust formation ove face, back, all extremities

    Lymphadenopathy: Neck (-), Axilla(-), Groin (-)

    Head: grossly normal

    Eyes: conjunctiva: pink sclera: not icteric pupils: pupil size, Light reflex: (+/+)

    Throat: normal Thyroid: not palpable Jugular vein engorgement(-)

    Chest wall: symmetric expansion, no tenderness. spider angioma(-)

    Lung: Breath sounds: clear accessory muscle retraction(-).

    Heart auscultation: clear PMI not palpable.

    Abdomen: soft and flat, tenderness(-) rebounding pain(-) muscle guarding(-)

    Bowel sounds: normoactive Liver: Spleen: Kidney: CV angle knocking pain(-)

    Extremities: no pitting edema. Passive/active ROM: normal
