Admin Essay 11-28-07

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  • 8/14/2019 Admin Essay 11-28-07




    Raymo nd RoqueHermilia Banayat-Nas

    Resida-Rose Rosario***


    In a republican state such as the Philippines, the government is divided into three great co-

    equal branches - the executive, legislative and the judicial branches. Each of these branches performs

    different and independent functions. To state the tasks of these branches in simple terms, one could

    say that the executive which is the President is the one tasked to implement the laws; the legislative

    branch which is the Congress, makes the laws; and the judicial branch interprets the laws. But in

    practice, the dynamics of government is rather a highly complicated matter. It is indeed too simplistic

    to say that the executive is the President since how can a single man or woman run the whole

    machinery of the executive department without the help of his or her cabinet and staff? In the same

    vein, how can the Congress, as the embodiment of the legislative department, perform their law-

    making function satisfactorily without relying on the battery of their researchers and secretaries? The

    same case also holds true with the judiciary. It is this complexities of governance coupled with the

    never-ending requirements of disposing public goods for the benefit of all citizens that prompted the

    creation of political bodies so called administrative agencies.

    In this essay, the authors attempt to examine the concept of administrative agencies in

    relation to other political concepts such as the rule of law, separation of powers and checks and

    balances and whether these concepts are in harmony with each other or are they antithetical. But

    before proceeding to the main inquiry, a brief discussion of each of these concepts is in order.

    *** UP College of Law Students, B2010

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    Rule of Law the phrase may sound familiar since politicians then and now have some kind

    of predilection in using it, whether in their rhetoric during election campaigns or during theirtelevision and radio interviews. Many of them would say that they would uphold the rule of law

    while some would say that they always act according to it. As students of law and Filipino citizens,

    the authors wonder if these people really have some clear concept of the rule of law.

    According to Brian Z. Tamanaha in his work entitled On the Rule of Law, he mentioned

    that rule of law is an exceedingly elusive notion. It is because world political leaders and famous

    theory experts alike hold vague and contrasting understandings of the concept.

    Nevertheless, one should not fret about the diverse and sometimes conflicting conceptions

    about the rule of law. It is because some of these definitions may be considered as subjective, shaped

    by the theorists own perception and opinion.

    The authors of this paper believe that for each and every person, the best way to define the

    concept of the rule of law is how each and every one of them experience it. And for his experience,he believes that the concept of Rule of Law simply means that in a certain community, laws

    promulgated for the benefit of every citizen should apply to every one of them without exceptions.

    As the famous clich goes, No one is above the law. And this includes even the entity that created

    it. In community where there is rule of law, every person acts in accordance with the laws and once

    someone violates it then that person must be punished or made liable accordingly. In a system where

    the rule of law prevails, every person gets what is due to him.

    Another reliable way by which one could define rule of law is to state what it is not, or to put

    it more accurately, what it would be like without it. To the authors, without rule of law, chaos reigns.

    Each and every person can take advantage of one another, injure one another and can enrich herself

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    at anothers expense WITHOUT IMPUNITY. As one traditional Filipino politician aptly remarked

    once, The law applies to all, otherwise none at all.


    The doctrine of separation of powers proposes that each of the three functions of government

    (i.e. legislation, execution and adjudication) should be entrusted to a separate branch of government

    (i.e. the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary, respectively). The principle of separation of

    powers, as a political idea can be traced back to political philosophers Locke and Montesquieu. Their

    writings are mainly reactions to the autocratic tendencies of French monarchs, who, at one time, did

    designate power to the hands of a single individual. In The Second Treatise of Civil Government(1690) Locke introduced the modern idea of division of power, but it was Montesquieu, in his

    famous work, The Spirit of the Laws (1748), who refined the concept. In this famed treatise,

    Montesquieu proposed the idea of separation of powers because he saw mans natural tendency

    toward tyranny. The rationale behind the idea can be also gleaned from the Federalist Paper Number

    51 alternately written by three great American statesmen. According to Publius:

    Ambition must be made to counter ambition... It may be a reflection on

    human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the

    abuses of government. But what is government itself but the greatest of

    all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government

    would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor

    internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a

    government, which is to be administered by men over men, the great

    difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the

    governed, and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

    This clearly establishes the pessimistic view of Thomas Hobbes of human nature; that man

    has a perpetual and restless desire for power after power, that ceaseth only in death.1 Experience has

    shown that the frailty of human nature easily succumbs to the temptation of power. And because of


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    this natural tendency to seek power, scholars saw the need to come up with a system of delegating

    governmental powers to more than one individual or entity. It is the bestowal of unfettered power

    on the any single branch of government which could lead into despotism that the principle guards

    against. It is on this score that separation of powers is said to be a complement to the concept of the

    Rule of Law.


    The executive, legislative and judicial branches are, individually, greata characterization

    that recognizes the power that resides in each of them. While each power is distinct and separate

    from the other, each is equal in force and in strength. In a system of government where separation ofpowers exists there is no one sphere that could embody and dictate the course of governance. There

    are no segments of a sphere but the existence of threeunique spheres that have the same radius and

    incline. Each rotated in the same manner and each leaning toward the same end: the rule of law.

    And so the separation of power was defined and recognized. The most important component

    of which is not power but separation. The less important component, power, being more aptly

    described as distinct and not great.

    The contingency to be faced, in this type of government, is not the eventuality of loss of

    power but the eventuality of loss of separate powers. To preserve the separationof powers, there was

    a need to devise a system to keep one sphere from extending its radius while acknowledging the

    impenetrability of each. The answer to this need is the system ofchecks and balances. In the United

    States, where our government derives most of its ideologies, the threat of an all-powerful executive

    led to establishment of this system.

    The system of checks and balances preserve the separation of powers. The mechanism is one

    of oops and ahhs and might be likened to a movie shoot where actors are expected to perform

    their roles as is. Only, the call for a cut does not lead to another take. A cut is a cut in the system

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    of checks and balances. The system, however, does not merely prescribe the executive branch to limit

    its powers to the implementation of laws, the legislative to making laws and the judiciary to

    interpretation of laws as passed by the legislature. For, there is more to government than laws.

    There is the issue of accountability. While each of the three branches is accountable to the

    people, they are more directly accountable to each other. Thus, the judiciary, by its judicial power,

    may declare laws passed by the legislature invalid as being contrary to the constitution. It may also

    determine if the executive has exceeded its authority by scrutinizing the manner by which it

    implemented a law. Likewise, the legislature, places a limit over the actions of the judiciary by

    defining judicial jurisdiction. Without the concurrence of the legislature, some executive acts cannot

    be ratified. The executive has powers to veto important pieces of legislation and appoints members of

    the highest court. These examples show that each branch of the government is accountable to the

    other. The people places imprimatur to the actions of each branch through the constitution they have



    Awareness of power and paranoia of its abuse is, in essence, the starting point in defining and

    justifying a system of government. However, an addiction to discourse concerning government

    structures often leads to amnesia, if not ignorance, of the existence of the people, with the further

    resultant gap between government and people. Does it need to be asked what came first: the chicken

    or the egg?

    Although most see as a result of the New Deal, what it took for the United States government

    to realize the necessity of having a game plan that would directly involve and affect the people, was

    the Great Depression. To battle unemployment and widespread poverty it was necessary for

    government actions to reach the people. Because of this need, administrative agencies were

    established by the legislature to aid the executive branch to carry out implementation of laws.

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    As creations of the legislature to operate under the executive branch, administrative agencies

    cater directly to the people. Logically, these agencies deal at an arms length with complex and

    interlocking problems of the people which clamor for immediate resolution. And, as numerous

    problems confront different people everyday, an agency for almost every aspect of life has been


    The technical rules that bind the courts were permitted to be relaxed when actual

    controversies are brought for resolution to administrative agencies. Impliedly, these agencies were

    given the power to decide cases and, in time, they have acquired expertise over their fields. Rule-

    making powers were also vested in administrative agencies to further answer the need for the easy

    resolution of cases brought to them, if not the prevention of controversies.

    It is reasonable to say that administrative agencies were created primarily because of

    necessity. Their existence is evidence that the government has not forgotten the people it serves.


    As mentioned, administrative agencies properly belongs to the province of the executivedepartment. Strangely though, these political bodies are vested with adjudicating and rulemaking

    powers. This is where the crux of the controversy lies. Many political theorists such as A.V. Dicey

    and Friedrich Hayek contends that administrative agencies with hybrid powers of the executive,

    legislative and judiciary blatantly violates the principle of separation of powers and made an assertion

    that the rise of administrative agencies contributes to the decline of the Rule of Law, at least in the

    West2. With the creation of these bodies it was said, the Chief Executive or the President was

    indirectly given powers which properly pertain to the other branches. It was somehow suggested thatthe concentration of powers into the same hands is the very definition of tyranny or despotism.

    Warning against the assumption excessive power by the Virginia legislature, Thomas Jefferson in his

    only book entitled, Notes on Virginia (1785)said that:

    2 BRIAN TAMANAHA, ON THE RULE OF LAW, 64-65 (Cambridge University Press)

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    All the powers of government, legislative, executive, and judiciary, result

    to the legislative body. The concentrating these in the same hands is

    precisely the definition of despotic government. It will be no alleviation

    that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a

    single one. One hundred and seventy-three despots would surely be as

    oppressive as one....As little will it avail us that they are chosen by

    ourselves. An elective despotism was not the government we fought


    In sum, the opposing view against administrative agencies is that it tramples upon the idea of

    separation of powers and it totally eschews the concepts of checks and balances. Moreover, its rise has

    a connection to the marked decline of the Rule of Law.


    Unlike economics, the peaceful co-existence of every man cannot be left to an invisible hand.

    In a state of nature, where survival dictates what is good, man versus man is inevitable. The necessaryexistence of man, taken collectively, brought about the creation and promulgation of laws. Because of

    laws, men became interdependent citizens.

    As with the existence of laws, much has been said about the creation and existence of

    administrative agencies. And, understandably, a jump from the raw definition of the principle of

    separation of powers brings about the assumption that these agencies violate the principle. We,

    however, believe that that is not the case. For us, administrative agencies are not evil creationsindicative of tyranny.

    The apparent mixture of the separate powers of government: implementation, adjudication

    and creation of laws, to make up the powers of an administrative agency can be justified. To start the

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    justification, one must remember the system of checks and balances inherent in a government where

    there is separation of powers. While the three great powers of government are found to exist in an

    administrative agency does not mean that an agency is accountable only to itself.

    As with administrative agencies, there are safeguards which are ever-present to prevent the

    absolute subjection to the willof a single powerful entity of all the powers in the government. First,

    administrative agencies are directly accountable to the executive: as the alter ego of the Chief

    Executive, cabinet members who violate the laws that the executive is tasked to enforce would not be

    allowed to remain in their office. It has been said time and again that cabinet members serve at the

    pleasure of the Chief Executive and thus, the latter can appoint and dismiss them as he or she pleases.

    Second, as administrative agencies are created through law enacted by the legislative department, the

    legislature, by implication, has the power to abolish an agency when it sees that the agency no longer

    serves the purpose of its creation. The Congress also has the power of appropriation, another method

    by which it can check the agencies. Third, the powers and authority which these administrative

    agencies can exercise are expressly laid down within the law of its creation. It cannot do any act or

    rules beyond the scope of its authority otherwise; the act is null and void. The duty to declare

    whether or not an administrative agency acted beyond its scope of authority is specially lodged with

    the judiciary. Finally, since an administrative agency is a necessary product of the needs of the

    people, the moment the need ceases, abolition of the agency can easily be justified.

    Unlike, then, the three great branches of government, which are accountable to three

    entities, administrative agencies are accountable to four. What the principle of separation of powers

    seeks to prevent is the UNFETTERED concentration of all governmental powers into the same hands.

    In the case of administrative agencies, there is concentration of the powers, but the same is not

    unfettered as shown by the safeguards just mentioned.

    The authors believe that administrative agencies are operating within the framework of the

    rule of law since there is a parallelism between the purpose for the creation of laws and

    administrative agencies: both are created out of necessity.

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    As with regards to the fear raised by A.V. Dicey and Friedrich Hayek, the authors submit that

    the same is understandable since they brought it up at the time when administrative agencies,

    generally, have not yet proven their worth. And if we consider their theoretical apprehensions side

    by side with what the administrative agencies have practically achieved nowadays, their position

    cannot be considered as tenable anymore.