

Transcript of Adjectives

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ATTRACTIVE - A person who is good looking.

(male or famale )

Example Sentence: Shakira is very “Attractive” woman.

BALD - A person who has no hair. Some bald people

shave their heads.

Example Sentence: The male actor Bruce Willis is bald.

He has a shaved head.

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BEAUTİFUL - A people who is extremely good loo-

king (mainly used to describe woman)

Example Sentence: The American singer Beyonce is very


BLONDE - A person who has yellow hair.

Example Sentence: The American celebrity Paris Hilton

has “Blonde” hair.

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CHUBBY - A polite way a describing someone

who is a owerweight.

Example Sentence: Russel Croew is looking a bit.

“Chubby” lately, isn’t he ?

HANDSOME - A man who is extremely good


Example Sentence: Brad pitt is very “Handsome”

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SHORT - Used to describe somone who isn’t

very tall.

Example Sentence: American actor Tom Cruise is

Fairly “Short”

WELL-BUİLT Someone whose body shape or size

Bigger than the average person

Example Sentence: Arnold Schwarzenegger is “Well-built”

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OBESE - Used to describe someone who is very fat

Example Sentence: Being “Obese” is bad for your


ORDİNARY - Someone who is very plain, or

Average looking; not especially beautiful

Example Sentence: Lady Gaga look very “Ordinary”

Without make up

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FIT - Someone who gets a lot of exercise and is very


Example Sentence:David Beckham is physically is “Fit”

SHAPELY - A curvy woman with a small waist

Example Sentence: Kylie Monigue is very “Shapely”

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BRAVE - Someone who isn’t afraid of danger

Exemple Sentence: Mario is a coastguard. He is very

“Brave”. His job is to rescue people

LUCKY - Someone who often has good fortune

Example Sentence: My brother is very “Lucky” He’s Always

Winning prizes in competitions

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TIDY - Someone who is very neat and well


Example Sentence: My sister is a very “Tidy” person

I’m the oppesite; I’m really untidy

SMART - Someone who is very clever

Exemple Sentence: Chia is very “Smart” she is one of the most

İntelligent people ı know

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SHY - Quiet and a little bit nervous around other people

Example Sentence: Claire is very “Shy” she doesn’t speak

Much in class

HARD-WORKİNG - Someone who Works very hard

Example Sentence: My brother is very “Hard Working” he

hardly ever takes a day off

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COWARDLY - (mildly negative) Someone who is afraid

of things (often described as “a bit of a coward”

Example Sentence: Sylvia is “a bit of a coward” she really

hates going to the dentist

FRİENDLY - Someone who is nice to other people

Exemple Sentence: The people in my Office are really

“Friendly” I love Working there

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FUNNY - Used to describe someone who is amusing

Exemple Sentence: Salem is really “Funny” He always

Entertaining us with jokes and stories

CHATTY - Someone who talks a lot

Exemple Sentence: Maria is very “Chatty” person she

always on the phone to friends

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LAZY - An inactive person who avoids work

Example Sentence: Pete is very “Lazy” He rarely gets out of

bed before mid-afternoon

NICE - Someone who is frienly and kind

Exemple Sentence: My best friend Lin is a really “Nice”

Person she is always there for me

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