ADHD- Controlling The Mental Itch With Homeopathy

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Transcript of ADHD- Controlling The Mental Itch With Homeopathy

Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Every child deserves to live the life of his dreams,

Don’t let ADHD hamper his path towards greater glory

Help your Loved One Regain

Mental Stability, Quality Health and Peace of Mind


Amazing Facts and Figures

About ADHD

• Millions of children below age of 17 suffer from ADHD worldwide.

• 65% of children with ADHD are defiant, non-compliant or disobedient and throw

temper tantrums.

• 25% of students with ADHD have serious learning problems in at least one of

these areas: oral expression, listening skills, reading comprehension, and maths.

• Did you know that Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, and many

more great men also suffered from ADHD?

If your child is also one of them, do not worry!!

To find a Superior

What is ADHD?

• A neurodevelopmental type of psychiatric


• Child shows significant and persistent

problems with attention, with excessive

activity and/or impulsiveness.

• Affects their daily routine.

• It creates several problems in multiple

aspects of life including relationships,

social interactions as well in school or


• Usually begins between the ages of 6 and

12 years

Essential Features of ADHD

• Frequent and persistent pattern of inattention

and hyperactivity and/or impulsivity significantly

greater than other kids of similar age.

• Symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsiveness or

inattentiveness may develop before the age of 7


• There must be clearly evident disturbances in

social, academic or occupational functioning.

• The disturbance does not occur as a result of a

Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia,

or any Psychotic disorder.To know more, click

What happens in ADHD?

ADHD Symptoms




Every case of ADHD presents with a unique picture of its own. There is a myriad of

symptoms that can manifest in a patient.

The ADHD symptoms are broadly classified as follows:

What happens in ADHD?


• Inability to concentrate on one task

• Constant change of activity or task

• Difficulty in organizing tasks.

• Decreased attention span.

• Easily distracted

• Making careless mistakes, for example in


• Losing and forgetting things

• Being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious

or time consuming

• Inability to listen to or carry out instructions.

• Cannot sit still especially in calm or quiet surroundings

• Constantly moving legs and hands

• Unable to complete tasks in given time

• Excessive talking and physical movement


What happens in ADHD?


• Impatience

• Act without thinking about consequences

• Interrupting while others are speaking

• Inability to recognize potentially serious or dangerous

situations.To know more, click

What Causes ADHD?

Exact cause is not known. Some factors associated with

ADHD are:

• Heredity: ADHD tends to run in families.

• Artificial colours added to Food: Some researchers

have found correlation between ADHD and artificial

colours/preservatives although it is not conclusive.

• Exposure to toxins during pregnancy: Active or

passive smoking, alcohol and drug abuse by mother

during pregnancy affects neuropsychiatric

development of the child possibly causing ADHD.

What are the Risk Factors

for ADHD?

• Premature birth

• Trauma to the head during delivery

• Low birth weight

• Excessive exposure to television

• Male child is at greater risk than female


What can ADHD lead to?

Difficulty in coping up with life:

• Inability to define priorities.

• Lags behind in all fields of life, including

completing schoolwork, meeting

deadlines, being on time, etc.

Failure in academics and job:

• Hurried and impulsive behavior leads to

reduced productivity at school and


What can ADHD lead to?

Relationship problems:

• Behavioral problems like uncontrollable

anger contribute to erratic and anti-

social conduct that tend to strain

relationships with parents, siblings, peers

and colleagues.

Suicidal disposition:

• Inability to control behavior makes the

sufferer frustrated and makes him feel

that it is better to end this life.

Do’s and Don’ts


• Counseling is a must to the patient and

family of the ADHD children.

• Behavioral therapy on a long term basis

helps the patient to cope up with the


• Social skills’ training teaches the patient

to manage anger and impulsiveness.

Dos and Don’ts


• Meditation and exercises help to improve


• Sticking to a routine helps the child to

develop discipline and order. See that the

child goes to bed at the same time everyday

and wakes up at the same time in the

morning. Avoid computer games or watching

TV an hour before sleep to calm the mind.

Dos and Don’ts


• Never be critical of the child’s mistakes.

• Never tell an ADHD-afflicted child that

he is “suffering from a disease”. Instead,

tell him that it is a different side of his


• Never make a big fuss about ADHD. It is

completely manageable with the right


Diet and Nutrition

Food to Include:

• Fresh vegetables, fruits and salads provide

enough vitamins, minerals and anti-

oxidants which are good for the brain.

• High protein diet rich in eggs, fish, pulses,

meat, nuts.

• Food rich in omega 3 fatty acids like fish,

walnuts and milk.

Diet and Nutrition

Food to Avoid:

• Refined Food like sugar and gluten-rich

diet like wheat, refined flour, etc.

• Food containing artificial sweeteners,

food dyes, preservatives, caffeine,

ajinomoto (MSG).

Homeopathic Approach

• Homeopathy is the most scientific, time-tested and

natural way of healing.

• Homeopathy treats the disease in the gentlest way

and ensures eradication of the root cause.

• Homeopathy acts upon the mind and body of the

individual, thus providing a holistic healing touch to

the individual.

• Homeopathy is an individualized method which

treats each patient differently on the basis of his/her


Homeopathy for ADHD

• Homeopathy gives amazing results for the treatment of many psychiatric diseases

like ADHD.

• Homeopathy stabilizes the mind of the patient and provides an improved mental

as well as physical health.

• Homeopathy enhances the power of the mind and brain to heal and modify itself

for the better.

• Homeopathy reduces the aggressiveness, restlessness and obstinacy of the child.

• Homeopathy promotes a happy, constructive, productive, creative development of

the child.

For complete details of Homeopathic treatment,

Homeopathic Medicines

• Sudden onset of symptoms with extreme fear of imaginary things, violence; child

attempts to run away: Belladonna

• ADHD with impaired memory, absent mindedness and lack of confidence in himself:


• Children who want affection but unable to express their emotions: Aurum Met

• Headstrong children who are peevish and cross and show marked lack of attention:


We have numerous remedies which are differentiated based on different striking symptoms of

each individual case. For example:

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed in varying intensities

according to various individual cases.

Self-medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

• ADHD can manifest differently in different individuals. Each case is a unique one. How

can the medicines prescribed be the same for different individuals?

• There are more than 100 wonderful remedies for ADHD.

• Some of the commonly used medicines are


Anacardium Orientale



Aconitum ….and many more…..

Homeopathy for ADHD

Homeopathic medicines do not produce any side effects

Self medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

Homeopathic Medicines

• Great physical and mental restlessness.

• Acute sudden and violent behaviour changes.

• Fears of death, fears the future.

• Restlessness with inability to concentrate on the

task at hand.

• Music unbearable, makes him sad.

• Better in open air and worse in warm room.


Self-medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

Homeopathic Medicines

• Strong feeling that he is being let down or

betrayed by someone on whom he is

completely dependent.

• There is increased cerebral activity along

with lots of confusion and insanity.

• Patient is very irritable, violent and


• Desire to remove clothes and expose his

private parts.

Hyoscyamus Niger

For complete details of Homeopathic treatment,

Homeopathic Medicines

• Indicated for children who are violent and

yet fearful.

• Severely hyperactive patients who are easily


• Fear of the dark – sees ghosts, hears voices in

the darkness.

• Rapid changes in mood from happiness to

sadness to anger.

• Must have light and company.


You can see how each remedy is as unique

as every single individual in its own way..

Self-medication can harm you and must be strictly avoided

Benefits of Health Portal

• Save your precious time, efforts, and

finances in physically visiting your


• Avail services of globally acclaimed

doctors from our high-powered panel

• Gain health in comfort and

convenience of your home

• Avail round-the-clock 24x7 medical

services and guidance

• Online payment with easy and secure

payment options

• Medicines at your doorstep

• Anytime, anywhere access to your medical


• Add-on features such as:

clinical tips

health tips

do’s and don’ts

nutrition tips

health calculators

health reminders, etc……

to enrich your experience

Benefits of Health Portal

To maximize your health benefits,

Help your loved one to overcome his agitations and


Give him a life he would love to live, enjoy and


Help him to be amicable, cordial and attentive.

Secure your child’s bright future with the safest

medicine in the shortest time.

Go For Homeopathy -

Fast, Reliable and Accurate

Don’t let ADHD kill your child’s dreams,

Give him the freedom and balance to conquer dizzy heights!!

Choose Only the Best for your Loved One,

Choose Homeopathy @


Protecting and Enhancing Your Health, Always…..

• We have panel of expert doctors who have unique experience of treating

different clinical conditions like ADHD.

• Our commitment is to give Care, Results, Answers and Treatment that

you can always trust.

• Constantly creating New Standards of Excellence in Humane


For additional information about ADHD and its effective homeopathic management,