ADF Upload Blob File in Table Column

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Transcript of ADF Upload Blob File in Table Column

ADF Upload Blob File in Table Column

Create Table with Blob Column

create table xx_attachment(fileId Number, file_name VARCHAR2(255), file_content_type varchar2(100),file_data blob, CONSTRAINT xx_attach_pk PRIMARY KEY (fileId));

Create EO,VO add it to AM.

Create below variable and accessor inside Managed Bean or Backing Bean.

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.UploadedFile;... private UploadedFile _file; public UploadedFile getFile() { return _file; } public void setFile(UploadedFile file) { _file = file; }

On JSF Page(jspx/jsf) or Page Fragment(jsff) 1)From DataControl unde XxAttachmentVO1 -->Operations --> Drag CreateInsert method and drop as ADF Button. (When you click this Button it creates Blank row).

2)From Common Components drag inputFile(af:inputFile) component and drop on page.Make sure you put value as #{.file}

3)From Common Components drag Button and drop after inputFile component.Write below code on Button action Listner.

4)Add Commit action method in Bindings.

5)For Page Form make sure usesUpload property is True.

import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;import;import oracle.binding.BindingContainer;import oracle.binding.OperationBinding;import oracle.jbo.Row;import oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain;import;import;import;import java.sql.SQLException;import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;... public String uploadAttach() { // Add event code here... //BindingContainer bindings = (BindingContainer)BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry(); UploadedFile myfile = (UploadedFile)this.getFile(); BindingContext bindingctx = BindingContext.getCurrent(); BindingContainer bindings = bindingctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry(); DCBindingContainer bindingsImpl = (DCBindingContainer)bindings; DCIteratorBinding iter = bindingsImpl.findIteratorBinding("XxAttachmentVO1Iterator"); Row row = iter.getCurrentRow(); // Upload File into Blob Column row.setAttribute("FileData", createBlobDomain(myfile)); // File Name String fileName = (String)myfile.getFilename(); row.setAttribute("FileName", fileName); // File Content/MIME Type String fileContentType = (String)myfile.getContentType(); row.setAttribute("FileContentType", fileContentType); //Commit Transaction OperationBinding method = bindings.getOperationBinding("Commit"); method.execute(); return null; } private BlobDomain createBlobDomain(UploadedFile file) { InputStream in = null; BlobDomain blobDomain = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = file.getInputStream(); blobDomain = new BlobDomain(); out = blobDomain.getBinaryOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead =, 0, 8192)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.fillInStackTrace(); } return blobDomain; }

To download file.

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HYPERLINK "" \o "Share to Facebook" \t "_blank" Share to FacebookADF Multi Select Options (af:selectMany)

ADF Code Corner

Create Master Detail Table create table xx_users(user_id NUMBER,user_name VARCHAR2(100), CONSTRAINT xx_users_pk PRIMARY KEY (user_Id));create table xx_roles(role_id NUMBER,role_name VARCHAR2(100),CONSTRAINT xx_roles_pk PRIMARY KEY (role_Id));Create EO,VO for above 2 tables.

create table xx_user_roles(user_role_id NUMBER,user_id NUMBER,role_name VARCHAR2(100), CONSTRAINT xx_user_roles_pk PRIMARY KEY (user_role_Id), CONSTRAINT xx_user_roles_fk1 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES xx_users(user_id)); Create ReadOnly VO based on Above table.

Add All VO instances into AppModule.

From DataControl Add CreateInsert Operation for XxUsersVo1 as Button on Page.From DataControl XxUsersVo1 as ADF Form.

From Data Control add XxRolesLOVVO1 as ADF Select Many Choiceas

On Button Pressed

public void addRoles() { BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent(); BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry(); JUCtrlListBinding allRolesList = (JUCtrlListBinding) bindings.get("XxRolesLOVVO1"); Object[] selVals = allRolesList.getSelectedValues(); for (int i = 0; i < selVals.length; i++) { //Integer val = (Integer)selVals[i]; String val = (String)selVals[i]; System.out.println("Int Val "+val);

// Insert into Table after getting selected Rows or your Code OperationBinding crRoleMethod = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsertRoles"); crRoleMethod.execute(); DCBindingContainer bindingsImpl = (DCBindingContainer)bindings; DCIteratorBinding iter = bindingsImpl.findIteratorBinding("XxUserRolesVO2Iterator");

Row row = iter.getCurrentRow(); // Insert Role Name row.setAttribute("RoleName",val ); //... } }

Use if you want to pull records based on Indices

public void addRolesUsingIndices() { BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent(); BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry(); JUCtrlListBinding allRolesList = (JUCtrlListBinding) bindings.get("XxRolesLOVVO1"); int[] selVals = allRolesList.getSelectedIndices(); for (int indx : selVals ) { Row rw = allRolesList.getRowAtRangeIndex(indx); Number id = (Number)rw.getAttribute("RoleId"); String val = (String)rw.getAttribute("RoleName"); // Insert into Table after getting selected Rows or your CodeOperationBinding crRoleMethod = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsertRoles"); crRoleMethod.execute(); DCBindingContainer bindingsImpl = (DCBindingContainer)bindings; DCIteratorBinding iter = bindingsImpl.findIteratorBinding("XxUserRolesVO2Iterator"); Row row = iter.getCurrentRow(); // Insert Role Name row.setAttribute("RoleName",id+" "+val ); //... } }

If the Choice List is Static eg.

Add below method call on Button Pressed


Add below code in Managed Bean or Backing Bean

private Object[] listValue; public void setListValue(Object[] listvalue){ this.listValue = listvalue; } public Object[] getListValue(){ return listValue; } public String getListString(){ return createString(listValue); } public String createString(Object[] arr){ if(arr != null){ String values = "["; for(int i=0;i Design --> Page Properties --> Component Binding Click Auto Binding if you want all components on page to be included in Backing bean with acccessors.

JSF ADF LifeCycle

Custom Phase Listener fragments you should extend oracle.adf.model.RegionController

Diif in af:commandButton,af:commandLink and af:goButton,af:goLinkCommandSubmit requests and fire action event when activated.Typically ued for internal validation.GoNavigate directly without server side actions.Do not use control flow rules.Typically used for external validation.

Implementing Security

ADF Working with Popups

Oracle Forms to ADF From Forms to ADF - When, Why, How? Forms --> Add Entity Level Validation(Business Rules)in ADF.

ADF Multi Choice List

ADF Date Format Conversion

ADF Using doDML protected void doDML(int operation, TransactionEvent e) { // super.doDML(i, transactionEvent); if(operation == DML_INSERT){ Date vDate = getCurrentDateWithTime(); setCreationDate(vDate); }

ADF Skip Validation on Page page definition file and select root tag in the structure window.Go to Properties window and search for SkipValidation property. Set SkipValidation to true:

Diff in Vo.getFetchedRowCount() and Vo.getRowCount()

To StringBigDecimal big = new BigDecimal("987654321");

String str = big.toString();

Export to PDF BI Publisher Integration or Jasper Reports

some of the links are on that threads.

Static Class or Static methods can not be instantiated.

System Files LocationC:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.

Popup Not Closing on clicking any button.Fix -- af:popup Auto Cancel Enabled

Column value entered in Popup and after Closing popup it removes all previously entered records. Fix -- Change Auto Submit property to True for previuos fields.

How to import custom classes from model to view controller in adf?

Right click your ViewController project > Project properties > Dependencies > Select Model and click the pencil. Here you select 'Build output' and press OK twice. Rebuild your application and you should be able to access classes from your model in your viewcontroller.

File Download selected table row number and total rows

Row #{(bindings.EmpVO1Iterator.rangeStart < 0 ? 1 : bindings.EmpVO1Iterator.rangeStart+1) + ( bindings.EmpVO1Iterator.currentRowIndexInRange == -1 ? 0 : bindings.EmpVO1Iterator.currentRowIndexInRange)} of #{bindings.EmpVO1Iterator.estimatedRowCount}

Summit Application

ADF Logger

ADF Refresh

Data Dirty{!bindings.Commit.enabled}#{!controllerContext.currentRootViewPort.dataDirty}#{!controllerContext.currentViewPort.dataDirty}#{!bindings.EmployeesView1Iterator.dataControl.TransactionDirty}

AM Handle from Bean

AM acces from VOViewObjectImpl.getApplicationModule()

ADF Performance Tuning Events

ADF Page Variables to Store Data.

1)Create Page Variable in Page Definition P_INPUT2)Add Page Variable in Bindings as _var(Just to rename) P_INPUT_VAR3)On Input Text put as Value #{bindings.P_INPUT_VAR.inputValue}4)From Backing bean accessString vinput = (String)evaluateEL("#{bindings.P_INPUT_VAR.inputValue}");

public static Object evaluateEL(String el) { FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext(); ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory(); ValueExpression exp = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, el, Object.class); return exp.getValue(elContext); }

ADF InputText Field SuffixFrom Navaneetha

1) Ensure that the label for the component is set in the af:panelLabelAndMessage2) For the inner component, set simple="true" so that there is no label displayed for it.

ADF EL ExpressionCalling Method from EL Expression EL from Bean

ADF Search Form

ADF Programmatically Select check boxes

ADF Download FIle

ADF Regular Expression Validation by ADF OAF Tech at 6:13 AM No comments: Email This

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OAF Generic Questions

Difference between fire Action and firePartialAction?FireAction is used to Submit the whole Form and whole page will render again.FirePartialAction is user for Partial Page Rendering(PPR). It will not cause whole page to render again. It causes only partial refresh of page.

Fire Action will do the form submit , cause entire page to be rendered . FirePartial Action ( Similar to AJAX in java application ) only part of the page gets rendered or refreshed .

LOV firePartialActionif (pageContext.isLovEvent()){

//// if ("myLovInput".equals(lovInputSourceId))// {// logic begins here // }}

MOAC(Multi Org Access Control) in OA Framework

OAF Dynamic VO

In CO Pls Refer for details//First get the Application Module OAApplicationModule oam = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

//Lets say I need to get the description of FND_USER Names ANILPASSI String sWhereClauseValue = "ANILPASSI" ;

//Build the select statement for this on the fly view object String xxOnTheFlyVOQuery = "select description xxdesc from fnd_user ";

//Specify the Where Clause for the same xxOnTheFlyVOQuery = xxOnTheFlyVOQuery + "where user_name = :1 ";

//First see if this VO is already attached to view object ViewObject xxOnTheFlyViewObject = oam.findViewObject("xxFNDUserDescVO"); if(xxOnTheFlyViewObject == null) xxOnTheFlyViewObject = oam.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt("xxFNDUserDescVO", xxOnTheFlyVOQuery); //By now we are sure that the view object exists xxOnTheFlyViewObject.setWhereClauseParams(null); //Set the where clause xxOnTheFlyViewObject.setWhereClauseParam(0, sWhereClauseValue); xxOnTheFlyViewObject.executeQuery(); oracle.jbo.Row row = xxOnTheFlyViewObject.first(); //get the value of description column from View Object record returned if(row != null) { String mSupHierarchyUsed = row.getAttribute(0).toString(); System.out.println("Result from Dynamic VO is =>" + mSupHierarchyUsed ); } //Remove the view object, as this is no longer required xxOnTheFlyViewObject.remove();

Embedding Custom Region Inside Standard OAF Pages

OAF Generic

Integrating XML Publisher and OA Framework

Abstract Classess and MethodsAn abstract class can not be instantiated.Abstract methods must be implemented by subclassess.

When you declare abstract method, you provide only signature for method, which comprises name,argument list and return type. Abstract class does not provide body. Each concrete subclass must override the method and provide its body.

Public abstract class InventoryItem{abstract boolean isRentable();}

eg.public abstract class OAEntityImpl extends OAJboEntityImpl{...public abstract void setCreationDate(Date date);...}

Abstract classess can contain method that are not declared as abstract. Those method can be overriden by subclassess.

InterfacesAn interface is like fully abstract class.-- All its methods are abstract.-- All variables are public static final.

An interface lists a set of method signature without code details.

A class that imlements interface must provide code details for all methods of the interface.

A class can implement many interfaces but can extend only one class.

Exposing AM Methods to Controllerpackage;import oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule;public interface xxConthrrtAM extends ApplicationModule { int getConcReqId(String pAppName, String pCpName); int ContExistCheck(String ContSso); oracle.jbo.domain.Date castToJBODate(String aDate);}public class xxConthrrtAMImpl extends OAApplicationModuleImpl implements {In CO Useimport; int cReqId; cReqId = -9; xxConthrrtAMImpl amObject = (xxConthrrtAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean); String pAppName = "GEPSPA"; String pCpName = "GEPS_PA_CONTRATE_PRG"; cReqId = amObject.getConcReqId(pAppName,pCpName);

Using DFF in OA Framework

OAF Personalizations Information from Tables Form Personalizations and OA Framework Personalizations from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i to 12.1 [ID 1292611.1] PATH.PATH_DOCID PERZ_DOC_ID, jdr_mds_internal.getdocumentname(PATH.PATH_DOCID) PERZ_DOC_PATH FROM JDR_PATHS PATH WHERE PATH.PATH_DOCID IN (SELECT DISTINCT COMP_DOCID FROM JDR_COMPONENTS WHERE COMP_SEQ = 0 AND COMP_ELEMENT = customization AND COMP_ID IS NULL) ORDER BY PERZ_DOC_PATH;

Lov VO Personalization

Lov Vo Extension

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Oracle AME Notes

AME responsibilities in 11i.AME.A are assigned directly to the users. However, In R12 or 11i.AME.B and higher, AME responsibilities are assigned indirectly to users through roles.

The roles are assigned to the users by the SYSADMIN user using the User Managementresponsibility. Once the roles are assigned, the AME responsibilities are automatically available to the users without specifically assigning the AMEresponsibilities to the users.

Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide Rel 11i PartNo. B25324-01, MetaLink Note 336901.1

Oracle Approvals Management Developers Guide Release AME.B,MetaLink Note 289927.1

How to Implement the Invoice Approval Workflow, MetaLink Note269057.1

Oracle Payables Users Guide 11i Part No. A81180-07 Oracle Approvals Management Not Enabled? What does it take toEnabled It?, MetaLink Note 413300.1

About Oracle Approvals Management Minipack B, MetaLink Note336004.1


How to create Approval Transaction Type for AME.B or Higher Metalink Note 420387.1

How To Setup And Use AME For Purchase Requisition Approvals [ID 434143.1]How to Diagnose Issues in Building Requisition Approval List Metalink Note 412833.1

How to create the Approval Transaction Type for AME.A Metalink Note 420381.1

FAQ's on AME11i Metalink Note 431815.1

11.5.10 FAQ Approvals Management Integration for iProcurement and Purchasing Metalink Note 293315.1


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ADF call managed bean from EL Expression Language

Passing parameters to managed bean methods using EL

ADF function call from EL statement in jspx page

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R12 GL Changes

R12-GL Tables and Changes


Table NameFeature AreaReplaced ByGL_IEA_AUTOGEN_MAPGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_CLEARING_ACCOUNTSGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_IMPORT_REGISTRYGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_INTERFACEGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_RECUR_BATCHESGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_RECUR_LINESGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_SEGMENT_MAPGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_SEGMENT_RULE_MAPGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_TRANSACTION_LINESGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_TRANSACTION_TYPESGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_IEA_TRANSACTIONSGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_INTERCOMPANY_ACC_SETSGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_INTERCOMPANY_ACCOUNTSGlobal Intercompany SystemAdvanced Global Intercompany System featureGL_MC_BOOK_ASSIGNMENTSSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPSGL_MC_CONVERSION_RULESSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_JE_INCLUSION_RULESGL_MC_REPORTING_OPTIONSSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_RELATIONSHIPSGL_OASIS_FIN_ASSIGNMENTSFinancial IntelligenceGL_OASIS_FIN_ITEMSFinancial IntelligenceGL_OASIS_FIN_METRICSFinancial IntelligenceGL_OPEN_INTERIMBalances and Related ObjectsGL_POSTING_INTERIMGL_SETS_OF_BOOKSSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGERSGL_SHARES_ACTIVITYFinancial IntelligenceGL_SHARES_OUTSTANDINGFinancial IntelligenceGL_SYSTEM_SETUPSetup Forms and ProgramsRelevant columns were moved to the GL: Number of formulas to validate for each MassAllocation batch, GL: Number of formulas to validate for each Recurring Journal batch and GL: Archive Journal Import Data profile optionsGL_TRANSLATION_RATESRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesGL_DAILY_RATESRG_DSS_DIM_SEGMENTSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_DIMENSIONSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_HIERARCHIESFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_HIERARCHY_DETAILSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_REQUESTSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_SEG_RANGE_SETSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_SEG_RANGESFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_SYSTEM_SEG_ORDERFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_SYSTEM_VARIABLESFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_SYSTEMSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_VAR_DIMENSIONSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_VAR_SELECTIONSFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_VAR_TEMPLATESFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productRG_DSS_VARIABLESFinancial AnalyzerEnterprise Planning and Budgeting productNew ViewsA number of new views have been added to support UIs and processing of new features. Some of the views are mentioned below.View NameFeature AreaGL_ACCESS_SET_LEDGERSSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_ALC_LEDGER_RSHIPS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_AUTOREV_CRITERIA_SETS_VJournal EntryGL_BUDGET_ASSIGNMENTS_UNIQUE_VBudgets and Related ObjectsGL_BUDORG_BC_OPTIONS_VBudgets and Related ObjectsGL_DEFAS_ASSIGNMENTS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_DEFAS_RESP_ASSIGN_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_ENTERED_CURRENCIES_VBalances and Related ObjectsGL_HISTORICAL_RATES_PERIOD_VRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesGL_JE_LINES_RECON_VJournal EntryGL_LEDGER_LE_BSV_SPECIFIC_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_LE_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_NAMES_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_NORM_BSVS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_SET_ASSIGNMENTS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_SET_NORM_ASSIGN_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGER_SETS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGERS_PUBLIC_ALL_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGERS_PUBLIC_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_LEDGERS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_REC_BATCHES_LOV_VRecurring Journals and BudgetsGL_SECONDARY_LEDGER_RSHIPS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_SETS_OF_BOOKSSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_SUMMARY_BC_OPTIONS_VSummarizationGL_SUMMARY_TEMPLATES_VSummarizationGL_TRANSLATION_RATESRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesChanged ViewsAll views used to support Discoverer workbooks have been updated as necessary to uptake the data model changes. Views that retrieve balances have been updated as necessary to retrieve entered ledger currency balances. A large number of other views have also been updated to uptake various data model changes. Some changed views are highlighted below.View NameFeature AreaBrief Description of ChangeGL_SETS_OF_BOOKS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsModify to refer to GL_LEDGERS instead of GL_SETS_OF_BOOKSGL_TAX_CODES_VSetup Forms and ProgramsModify to uptake new eTax data modelObsoleted ViewsA number of views related to Global Intercompany System and Oracle Financial Analyzer have been obsoleted. Some other obsolete views are mentioned below.View NameFeature AreaReplaced ByGL_ALL_JE_CATEGORY_NAME_VIEWSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_ALLOC_BATCHES_ACTIVE_VMassAllocations, Budgets and EncumbrancesGL_AUTOPOST_OPTIONS_CURRENT_VPostingGL_CONS_FLEXFIELD_MAP_HIGHConsolidation and EliminationsGL_CONS_FLEXFIELD_MAP_LOWConsolidation and EliminationsGL_JE_BATCHES_AP_VJournal EntryGL_JE_HEADERS_LOV_VJournal EntryGL_MC_BOOKS_ASSIGNMENTS_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_MRC_REPORTING_SOB_PROFILE_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_PERIOD_STATUSES_REV_BUD_VSetup Forms and ProgramsGL_TRANS_BUDGET_PERIODS_VRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesGL_TRANS_PERIODS_BSV_VRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesGL_TRANSLATION_RATES_CURR_VRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesGL_TRANSLATION_RATES_PERIODS_VRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesGL_TRANSLATION_RATES_VRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesGL_TRANSLATION_TRACKING_VRevaluation, Translation and Conversion RatesRG_REPORT_STANDARD_AXES_VFinancial Statement Generator