Adenosine in exercise adaptation · Thiscanresult intheexhaustionstage ofthe general adaptation...

Br J Sp Med 1992; 26(1) Adenosine in exercise adaptation Richard E. Simpson and John W. Phillis Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201, USA By influencing the regulation of the mechanisms of angiogenesis, erythropoietin production, blood flow, myocardial glucose uptake, glycogenolysis, systolic blood pressure, respiration, plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine levels, adenosine may exert a significant effect on the body's adaptation response to exercise. However, adenosine's possible influence over the vasodi- latory response to exercise in skeletal muscle is controver- sial and more research is required to resolve this issue. Various popular exercise training methods, such as cyclic training, interval training, and the 'warm down' from training may increase adenosine levels and thereby might enhance the response of adenosine-influenced adaptive mechanisms. Among the several classes of drugs which may enhance extracellular adenosine levels and thereby might augment adenosine-influenced adaptive mecha- nisms, are the anabolic steroidal and some readily available non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Keywords: Anabolic steroids, angiogenesis, erythro- poiesis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Adenosine formation and metabolism Adenosine, a purine, is a metabolic product of ATP with a half-life in human blood1 of about 10 s. It is reformed into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and excess amounts are enzymatically converted via the purine catabolic pathway sequence, to inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine and finally uric acid (Figure 1). Many cell types produce adenosine, including heart2, skeletal muscle3 and brain4. Adenosine can be derived from AMP and ultimate- ly ATP (Figure 1) and because it has a short half-life, its release parallels metabolic activity in many cell types including heart2 and skeletal muscle4. These characteristics make this purine an ideal barometer of the local activity of exercising muscle tissue. A high rate of ATP breakdown, such as occurs during exercise, results in high levels of adenosine3 5. This adenosine can overwhelm the purine catabolic pathway (Figure 1) in the cell and the excess moves out, accumulating in the extracellular space and blood. Adenosine's enzymatic breakdown continues in the blood, its brief half-life resulting in a localization of higher adenosine concentrations in the areas experiencing the most adenosine synthesis. Lowering the rate of ATP use results in a net re-uptake of adenosine by the cells and subsequent enzymatic breakdown or reformation into ATP. High blood and extracellular levels of adenosine give this purine access to the body's extracellular regulatory receptors, through which adenosine may exert various regulative effects on the body's complex adaptation response to exercise. Immediate responses to exercise In many tissues, including skeletal muscle, heart and brain, adenosine is a potent vasodilator6. It dilates blood vessels in response to anoxia (low oxygen concentration)3'7 and possibly in response to hyper- capnia (high blood carbon dioxide concentration)8. This dilatory response takes place during even short bouts of hypoxia or hypercapnia (< 1 min) and is part of the body's initial response to metabolic stress. Since the half-life of adenosine is relatively short, those tissues that produce adenosine would be the primary target of benefits which may be derived from enhanced adenosine levels. This allows the body to make an appropriate, localized and graded, adaptive response to exercise stress. The effects of adenosine on skeletal muscle vasodilation are found to be dose-dependent and ischaemic exercise increases the plasma concentration of adenosine9. Furthermore, ischaemic contraction of skeletal muscle increases the venous concentration of adenosine within the ATP energy pathway Purine catabolic pathway ATP + ADP ++ AMP + adenosine inosine hypoxanthine I xanthine I uric acid Enzyme used for catabolism adenosine deaminase nucleoside phosphorylase xanthine oxidase xanthine oxidase Address for correspondence: Richard E. Simpson, Department of Physiology, Wayne State University. School of Medicine, 540 E. Canfield, Detroit, MI 48201, USA 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd 0306-3674/92/010054-05 Figure 1. A summary of the breakdown of ATP and the formation of adenosine with its subsequent reformation into ATP or enzymatic breakdown via the purine catabolic pathway (ATP, adenosine triphosphate; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; AMP, adenosine monophosphate) 54 Br J Sp Med 1992; 26(1) on February 20, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.26.1.54 on 1 March 1992. Downloaded from

Transcript of Adenosine in exercise adaptation · Thiscanresult intheexhaustionstage ofthe general adaptation...

Page 1: Adenosine in exercise adaptation · Thiscanresult intheexhaustionstage ofthe general adaptation syndrome, described by Selye as a stage where further resistance to stress becomes

Br J Sp Med 1992; 26(1)

Adenosine in exercise adaptation

Richard E. Simpson and John W. PhillisDepartment of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201, USA

By influencing the regulation of the mechanisms ofangiogenesis, erythropoietin production, blood flow,myocardial glucose uptake, glycogenolysis, systolic bloodpressure, respiration, plasma norepinephrine andepinephrine levels, adenosine may exert a significanteffect on the body's adaptation response to exercise.However, adenosine's possible influence over the vasodi-latory response to exercise in skeletal muscle is controver-sial and more research is required to resolve this issue.Various popular exercise training methods, such as cyclictraining, interval training, and the 'warm down' fromtraining may increase adenosine levels and thereby mightenhance the response of adenosine-influenced adaptivemechanisms. Among the several classes of drugs whichmay enhance extracellular adenosine levels and therebymight augment adenosine-influenced adaptive mecha-nisms, are the anabolic steroidal and some readilyavailable non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs).

Keywords: Anabolic steroids, angiogenesis, erythro-poiesis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Adenosine formation and metabolismAdenosine, a purine, is a metabolic product of ATPwith a half-life in human blood1 of about 10 s. It isreformed into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) andexcess amounts are enzymatically converted via thepurine catabolic pathway sequence, to inosine,hypoxanthine, xanthine and finally uric acid (Figure1). Many cell types produce adenosine, includingheart2, skeletal muscle3 and brain4.Adenosine can be derived from AMP and ultimate-

ly ATP (Figure 1) and because it has a short half-life,its release parallels metabolic activity in many celltypes including heart2 and skeletal muscle4. Thesecharacteristics make this purine an ideal barometer ofthe local activity of exercising muscle tissue. A highrate of ATP breakdown, such as occurs duringexercise, results in high levels of adenosine3 5. Thisadenosine can overwhelm the purine catabolicpathway (Figure 1) in the cell and the excess movesout, accumulating in the extracellular space andblood. Adenosine's enzymatic breakdown continues

in the blood, its brief half-life resulting in alocalization of higher adenosine concentrations in theareas experiencing the most adenosine synthesis.Lowering the rate of ATP use results in a netre-uptake of adenosine by the cells and subsequentenzymatic breakdown or reformation into ATP. Highblood and extracellular levels of adenosine give thispurine access to the body's extracellular regulatoryreceptors, through which adenosine may exertvarious regulative effects on the body's complexadaptation response to exercise.

Immediate responses to exerciseIn many tissues, including skeletal muscle, heart andbrain, adenosine is a potent vasodilator6. It dilatesblood vessels in response to anoxia (low oxygenconcentration)3'7 and possibly in response to hyper-capnia (high blood carbon dioxide concentration)8.This dilatory response takes place during even shortbouts of hypoxia or hypercapnia (< 1 min) and is partof the body's initial response to metabolic stress.Since the half-life of adenosine is relatively short,those tissues that produce adenosine would be theprimary target of benefits which may be derived fromenhanced adenosine levels. This allows the body tomake an appropriate, localized and graded, adaptiveresponse to exercise stress. The effects of adenosineon skeletal muscle vasodilation are found to bedose-dependent and ischaemic exercise increases theplasma concentration of adenosine9. Furthermore,ischaemic contraction of skeletal muscle increasesthe venous concentration of adenosine within the



ATP + ADP ++ AMP + adenosine




uric acid

Enzymeused for


adenosine deaminase

nucleoside phosphorylase

xanthine oxidase

xanthine oxidase

Address for correspondence: Richard E. Simpson, Department ofPhysiology, Wayne State University. School of Medicine, 540 E.Canfield, Detroit, MI 48201, USA

(© 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd0306-3674/92/010054-05

Figure 1. A summary of the breakdown of ATP and theformation of adenosine with its subsequent reformationinto ATP or enzymatic breakdown via the purine catabolicpathway (ATP, adenosine triphosphate; ADP, adenosinediphosphate; AMP, adenosine monophosphate)

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Adenosine and exercise adaptation: R.E. Simpson and J.W. Phillis

vaso-active range'0. Interestingly, dipyridamole, anadenosine agonist which inhibits cellular re-uptake ofthis purine and thereby promotes elevated extracellu-lar levels of adenosine"' 12, produces coronary bloodflow effects which approximate exercise13-'5 and isused in thallium-201 (201T1) perfusion scintigraphy inthe detection of coronary artery disease in patientsunable to exercise16'17. However, tissue blood flow isa complex response and other vasodilator responsesare involved as demonstrated by the adenosineantagonist caffeine which attenuates, but fails toabolish, the increased blood flow response to anoxia(low oxygen concentration)7 and hypercapnia (highcarbon dioxide concentration)8 in rat brain whereblood flow is thought to be largely influenced byadenosine under the above conditions.

In addition, adenosine's role as a physiologicalvasodilator in skeletal muscle is not clearly estab-lished. Some observers have suggested that adeno-sine can contribute up to 40% of the vasodilationobserved during isometric twitch contraction of thecat gracilis muscle'8. However, other observers havereported that exercise hyperaemia of dog hindlimb isnot reduced by the antagonism of adenosine recep-tors19. Furthermore, some observers have suggestedthat adenosine influences skeletal muscle blood flowin high-oxidative-slow-twitch fibres but not in low-oxidative-fast-twitch fibres20 while others suggestthat more adenosine is released from low-oxidative-fast-twitch fibres than from high-oxidative-slow-twitch fibres of skeletal muscle21. Several otherreports have indicated that adenosine either is22-25 oris not 26-29 involved in the hyperaemic response toexercise. More investigation is needed on adenosine'spossible role as a skeletal muscle vasodilator.Adenosine also acts as a respiratory stimulant in

man as was first demonstrated in 19853°. Furtherexperiments have revealed that the increase inrespiration is principally due to an increase in tidalvolume with the inspiratory flow rate increased andthe expiratory duration decreased during adenosineinfusion

Subjects who receive high intravascular doses ofadenosine experience pain and discomfort, withmaximal pain or discomfort preceding maximal bloodflow rates9. Adenosine was confirmed as the sourceof pain or discomfort when glycerol trinitrate wasused to provoke a similar increase in flow to that ofadenosine, in the same subjects, but failed to produceany subject distress. These results suggest thatadenosine acts to alert an individual, via pain anddiscomfort, to the approach of maximal work levelsand that further large work increases are not possible.Additionally, elevated adenosine levels are found topotentiate insulin-stimulated myocardial glucose up-take in a dose-response dependent manner withmyocardial glucose uptake response to adenosinemore sensitive than the vasodilator response32. Thisallows the myocardium to use glucose in themanufacture of ATP at a faster rate and as a resultforestalls exhaustion. Adenosine also stimulatesglycogenolysis (glycogen breakdown) in the isolatedperfused rat liver33, promoting glucose formation,and thereby helps to maintain the energy supply tothe cell.

Other investigators have demonstrated that adeno-sine also increases heart rate, systolic blood pressure,plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine and it ishypothesized to be a part of the activation of thesympathoadrenal response34.

Long-term responses to exerciseAfter exercise metabolic rate falls but for some timeremains higher than in the basal condition. Since inskeletal and heart muscle tissue extracellular adeno-sine levels parallel metabolic activity, adenosinelevels also fall, but for some time remain higher thanin the pre-exercise state. These elevated postexerciseadenosine levels may continue to exert an influenceon the body's adaptation to exercise.One of these adaptations may be angiogenesis

(new blood vessel formation). Adenosine enhancesnew blood vessel growth in both normal and hypoxicconditions35 36. Adenosine-induced angiogenicgrowth in these studies was abolished by agentswhich antagonize the action of adenosine. Furtherevidence of adenosine's regulatory action inangiogenesis was demonstrated with dipyridamole,an adenosine re-uptake inhibitor. Chronic adminis-tration of dipyridamole results in angiogenic growthin both the heart37-39 and skeletal muscle40.4Another action of adenosine may be in the

regulation of the production of the hormone erythro-poietin. Erythropoietin is produced in the kidney andstimulates erythropoiesis (red blood cell production)in the bone marrow. Increased adenosine levelsenhance erythropoietin production in mice42-44.Theophylline, a chemical relative of caffeine, and anadenosine antagonist (as is caffeine), abolishesadenosine-induced increases in erythropoietin pro-duction44 and reduces erythropoietin production innormal individuals as well as in patients witherythrocytosis (excess red blood cell production) afterrenal transplant45.

Exercise adaptive mechanismsThe role of adenosine in influencing the aboveadaptive mechanisms has some important implica-tions in the field of exercise training.

First, athletes in training may receive the greatesterythropoietic and angiogenic adaptive benefits bycreating high systemic levels of adenosine. Sinceadenosine production is dependent on the energystress level and the rate of use of ATP, it follows thatstressful training with high levels of ATP use per unitof time would increase adenosine levels and therebyenhance adenosine-influenced adaptive responses.This may be, in part, an explanation for the necessityof interval training. All athletes, even those whosesport requires an effort for a period of hours (i.e.marathon runners, triathletes, marathon cross-country skiers and road-race cyclists), require intervaltraining to achieve peak performance. The higherlevels of adenosine produced as a result of theincreased rate of ATP utilization per unit of timeduring interval training may promote adenosine-influenced adaptive responses necessary for theenhancement of performance.

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Adenosine and exercise adaptation: R.E. Simpson and J.W. Phillis

Second, exercise adaptation through adenosine-influenced regulatory mechanisms may also explainthe success of cyclic training. Cyclic training is thepractice of following a high-stress training periodwith one or more low-stress training period(s).Adenosine's influence is dependent on a high rate ofATP use. Glycogen is the chief carbohydrate storagemolecule in animals. Glycogen is converted toglucose via glycogenolysis (glycogen breakdown)with the resulting glucose being converted to ATP viaaerobic glycolysis (glucose breakdown) and the citricacid (Krebs) cycle (manufactures ATP). Although thelevels of intramuscular ATP are never fully depleted,presumably as a cellular protective mechanism,glycogen stores are much more variable. Severalconsecutive days of high-stress training bouts candeplete skeletal muscle glycogen reserves' andblood glucose levels47 thereby limiting the rephos-phorylation of ATP (ADP + P -3 ATP; Figure 1) whichreduces the rate of ATP resynthesis and potentiallyresults in an ultimate decline in both ATP andadenosine levels. Indeed, in a recent study, 3 days ofconsecutive running or cycling at 75% of VO2maxresulted in a reduction of skeletal muscle glycogenstores, blood glucose and uric acid synthesis (anadenosine metabolite; Figure 1) in human subjects47.This can result in the exhaustion stage of the generaladaptation syndrome, described by Selye as a stagewhere further resistance to stress becomes impossi-ble48, and results in a failure to adapt. Following ahigh-stress training session with one or morelow-stress training sessions gives the body anopportunity to replenish the glycogen stores fromwhich adenosine can ultimately be derived.

Third, the above evidence also supports thepractice of exercise 'warm down'. Exercise 'warmdown' is the practice of continuing to exercise for ashort time at a low level of stress immediatelyfollowing a high-stress bout of exercise. This reducedactivity would presumably produce some adenosineadding to the high-stress postexercise adenosinelevels and extending their recovery time to basallevels thereby promoting adenosine-influenced adap-tive responses.

Finally, no discussion of chemistry and athleticswould be complete without acknowledging thepotential for abuse. Many chemical agents reduce thecellular re-uptake of adenosine in animals49 and theyprobably act in the same manner in humans.Inhibition of the cellular re-uptake of adenosine iseffective in increasing adenosine levels as demons-trated by dipyridamole, an adenosine re-uptakeinhibitor, which increases adenosine levels whenadministered orally to human subjects"1. Drugswhich reduce the cellular re-uptake of adenosineinclude some of the drugs in each of the followingcategories: (1) anabolic and corticosteroids; (2) anti-convulsants; (3) antidepressants; (4) antihistamines;(5) coronary vasodilators; (6) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); and (7) some antibio-tiCS49. The two most likely categories to be involved inathlete abuse are anabolic steroids and NSAIDs.

Anabolic steroids are drugs which enhance athleticperformance and are banned in international athleticcontests. They have many actions, one of which is the

reduction of adenosine cellular re-uptake by some ofthese agents49. With regard to adenosine's activationof mechanisms which promote endurance perform-ance (i.e. angiogenesis and erythropoiesis), it hasbeen observed that androgenic hormone therapyincreases erythropoiesis in humans50. It is alsointeresting to note that when rats were 'sprinttrained' to deduce whether or not Ben Johnsonreceived benefits from anabolic steroid use in his 1988Olympic 100-m run, researchers from South Africaconcluded that he may have received endurance butnot speed benefits51. Whether or not he may havegained benefits in acceleration was not addressed bythese observers and will require further investigation.Many authors have written about the abuse ofsteroids in athletics. Some of the more undesirableside-effects of steroid abuse are altered liver func-tion52 and possible myocardial infarction53. A currentapproach to the steroid abuse problem is to educateabusers and younger potential abusers about theundesirable side-effects of the misuse of steroids andprovide alternatives such as strength training andappropriate nutrition54.

In contrast to steroids, NSAIDs are not banned ininternational competition and many are availableover the counter at a reasonable price. NSAIDsinhibit the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, responsible forthe production of prostaglandins (local hormones)55.This mechanism was first proposed by Vane in 1971who, in 1982, received the Nobel Prize partially inrecognition of this discovery. Since 1971, inhibition ofprostaglandin synthesis has been found to be thecommon denominator in NSAID actions with theirpotency of inhibition in vitro paralleling their anti-inflammatory potency in vivo. NSAIDs are usuallyabused in connection with relief from the pain ofinjury, e.g. those marathon runners who use NSAIDsto relieve pain from overuse injuries enabling them tocarry on training56. The potential exists for furtherabuse of NSAIDs by using them to enhanceadenosine levels and thereby realize an improvedresponse to the adenosine-influenced adaptivemechanisms involved in exercise. Although it has notbeen directly demonstrated that NSAIDs increaseadenosine levels, it is likely that some do sinceseveral are adenosine re-uptake inhibitors49, andinhibition of cellular re-uptake is an effective meansof increasing adenosine levels1' 12. Furthermore,dipyridamole acts as an analgesic57 as do NSAIDs.Dipyridamole's analgesic effect is probably due toadenosine's ability to depress the firing of centralneurones58. Finally, increasinm blood flow is aprimary action of adenosine and the NSAIDsindomethacin and meclofenamate have also beenshown to increase blood flow following sustained,maximal isometric contractions in dog gracilis mus-cles59. Similarly, the NSAIDs indomethacin andibuprofen enhance anoxia-induced hyperaemia (in-crease in blood flow) in rat brain, an action likely to bemediated by adenosine60.

Athletes might now have the ability to obtain anagent (NSAIDs) which may enhance athletic perform-ance, that is available over the counter, and easier toobtain than alcohol or tobacco. Furthermore, over-the-counter NSAIDs are commonly viewed by the

56 Br J Sp Med 1992; 26(1)

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Adenosine and exercise adaptation: R.E. Simpson and J.W. Phillis

general public as being largely without risk.An example of the problems this may generate is

the recent concern over the possible use of epoetin byathletes as a form of 'blood doping'61-63. Epoetin(Epogen, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, California, USA)is a recombinant DNA-derived form of humanerythropoietin which can increase haematocrit levels(red blood cell density)'M and thereby enhance theperformance of athletes who participate in enduranceevents61-63. Since elevated adenosine levels stimulateerythropoietin production42-4 and many commonNSAIDs reduce the cellular re-uptake of adenosine49and therefore are likely promoters of adenosinelevels, performance in athletic endurance eventscould be augmented with NSAID use during train-ing. This could present a unique dilemma for thoseinvolved in athletics. The interesting idea thatNSAIDs may, over time, augment performance viatheir agonistic effect on adenosine is unproven andrequires more research with exercising humans.

All commonly available NSAIDs, including acetyl-salicylic acid (Aspirin), acetominophen (Tylenol)(McNeil Consumer Products, Fort Washington,Pennsylvania, USA) and ibuprofen (Advil (WhitehallLaboratories, New York, USA) or Motrin (Upjohn,Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA)) reduce extracellularadenosine re-uptake by the cell49. They can causegastrointestinal microbleeding and the chronicNSAID abuser risks serious side-effects includinganaemia', hepatopathy (liver damage)66, nephro-pathy (kidney damage)67 and hearing loss68. Furth-ermore, a higher incidence of urothelial cancer(cancer of the urinary tract) is exhibited by NSAIDabusers69.However, the association between urothelial carci-

noma and NSAID abuse is not well defined and mayultimately be associated with other factors. Thepossible long-term side-effects of NSAIDs make theiradministration most acceptable for short-term useand indeed, the adenosine-mediated blood flow-enhancing effects realized with NSAID use59 mayspeed the healing of injuries70.Adenosine is likely to play a major role in the

body's complex adaptation to exercise. Althoughother adaptive regulators may exist, adenosine'sshort half-life and the fact that its formation parallelsthe rate of local metabolic activity make it an idealmodulatory agent for many of the mechanismsregulating adaptive processes. Since the current workon angiogenesis and erythropoiesis is based onnon-exercising animal and human models additionalresearch using exercising humans is required toconfirm the effects of adenosine enhancement orinhibition on the adaptive mechanisms of angiogene-sis and erythropoiesis. Future research may revealother roles for this purine in the human body'scomplex adaptation to exercise.

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58 Br J Sp Med 1992; 26(1)

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