Adding value in MFL GCSE

© Herts for Learning Ltd L O Show how you can be Outstanding Add fizz and sparkle to your lessons Engage, enthuse, motivate pupils Ensure Progress NQT Adding to your MFL teaching toolbox at KS4 Jon Meier (Verulam School, St Albans)

Transcript of Adding value in MFL GCSE

  1. 1. Herts for Learning Ltd L O Show how you can be Outstanding Add fizz and sparkle to your lessons Engage, enthuse, motivate pupils Ensure Progress NQT Adding to your MFL teaching toolbox at KS4 Jon Meier (Verulam School, St Albans)
  2. 2. Verulam All ability boys school GCSE June 2013: 140 entered A*-C: French 83%, German- 93%, Spanish- 100% Average 91%
  3. 3. Show you mean business Get them on your side Behaviour is the key Exam focus & grade awareness
  4. 4. What makes a successful GCSE lesson? Discussion 5 mins Clear objectives Pupils go out buzzing with a real sense of achievement Relevance Progress Enjoyment pace, variety They have moved a stage further towards achieving their targets Spiral learning building on prior knowledge All pupils feel confident and supported Pupils have played an active part in the lesson and have not just been leaking bottles They enjoy, respect and have confidence in the teaching End
  5. 5. Controlled Assessment Writing Top Tips Clear task, but not over prescriptive Task must not be too original or unconventional e.g. write a letter to a hotel in France/Spain Germany applying for a summer job. You could include the following: Why you are interested in working in the hotel Your qualities and character Previous relevant experience When you can start The type of work youd like to do Ask about times, days off / local amenities
  6. 6. GCSE Writing tips Build confidence & complexity and link to speaking, reading and listening skills Ensure plenty of mini paragraph practice along the way. Draft 1 2 & 3 Show them the mark scheme Give them practice tasks with the mark scheme Self and peer assessment (see handout) Use model answers at different grades (see handout) Use display work as models collective memory / running dictation tasks Practise - Paragraphing , neatness, spacing & use of prompt sheets
  7. 7. How do we use model answers? You have a piece of writing at Grade C no mistakes but its very basic - What do you do with it? Option A- Put clues round the room and get them to work in teams Option B- Put groups in charge of different areas: e.g. Tenses 6Ws Connectives & conjunctions Time tags Opinions and Justification Option C- Show them an improved version do messenger & scribe Option D- - show an improved version - See how much they can remember Option E- gap fill version (with/ without support) Option F- Group writing Having been through improvements & notes taken, all do a version collaboratively in groups but competing against other groups. Teacher takes one in from each group, at random and marks it before the end of lesson. Points & winners allocated. End
  8. 8. Bonjour je mappelle Henry Meadows et je voudrais travailler dans lhtel Splendide en t. Jai vu votre annonce sur le site Jai dix-sept ans, jhabite en Angleterre prs de Londres et jtudie le franais depuis cinq ans. Je ne parle pas trs bien et je voudrais amliorer mon franais Je suis actif, sociable, et travailleur. Je suis en bonne sant. Pour mon stage en enterprise jai travaill dans un htel qui sappelle Sopwell House. Jai travaill dans lhtel pendant trois semaines. Jtais dans la cuisine, dans le restaurant, la reception et jai nettoy les chambres. Jai beaucoup dexprience et jespre que vous pouvez trouver quelque chose pour moi. Est-ce quil y a une piscine dans lhtel? Est-ce que je peux dormir dans lhtel ou dans la ville? Merci et au revoir. Grade C
  9. 9. Monsieur Jai vu votre annonce dans le journal anglais The Times et je suis serais intress par votre offre demploi. Vous verrez bien que je suis anglais. Mes connaissances de la langue franaise sont pourtant assez bonnes et, bien entendu, jai envie de les amliorer afin de dcouvrir les plaisirs culturels (et gastronomiques) de la France. En plus je pourrais ainsi largir mon esprit et connatre dautres gens et une autre culture. Je suis actif, sociable et travailleur. Jadore galement voyager et parler avec dautres gens. Etant sportif, je suis en bonne sant. Grce un stage de trois semaines que jai dj effectu dans un htel renomm qui sappelle Sopwell House, jai rcolt bon nombre dexpriences pratiques et utiles. Par exemple, jai pass quelques jours travailler dans le restaurant o jai eu loccasion de servir des clients clbres tels que Wayne Rooney (qui a command un steak frites avec du ketchup) et Angelina Jolie qui na pris quune pomme et une carotte. Avant de travailler dans le restaurant, jtais dans la cuisine, o jai lav et pluch des lgumes. Aprs avoir pass quelques jours dans le restaurant, jai travaill avec le service de nettoyage et jai rang les chambres. Je viens de terminer un stage comme matre-nageur dans un club sportif priv.
  10. 10. Zap reader Paste some of the above text into zap reader and see what happens You can also use the online teleprompter here:
  11. 11. Logic starter A F B cinema C D HE G Theres a bakers to the left of the station Opposite the sports shop, theres a butchers The station is to the left of the butchers The cinema is opposite the station The music shop is to the left of the cinema The bookshop is next to the bakers, on the left The tourist office is also next to the music shop All descriptions are as were looking at it Answer A= bookshop B= bakers C=station D=butchers E= tourist office F= music shop G= cinema H=sports shop 1 minute!
  12. 12. GCSE Speaking Tips from the student room
  13. 13. GCSE Speaking Tips Build gradually Grade D/C: Prepare with a bank of core questions (about 15 ?) (but must be flexible) Grade B/A/A* use the core questions and encourage extended answers Ensure coverage of 3 tenses, time tags and conditional Lots of peer assessment Use FLA, parent helpers, sixth formers to help the pupils- plenty of 1 to 1and small group practice Relentless drilling of AVOCADO and 6Ws Spontaneity and target language (not just et vous, madame?) Keep the task simple but ensure it gives the more able scope to show off Get the pupils to practice with prompt cards, flashcards, snakes and ladders style games Train the pupils to ask the questions and do group learning Careful use of prompt sheets a valuable resource Presentations dont really show examiner what pupils can really do Use Popplet to practice ( see next slide) Pupils can record themselves, use prompt cards e.g. quizlet etc Ma villequizlet (part 1 around grade C):
  14. 14. Berufe
  15. 15. GCSE Reading Tips Do it as you go along; But blitz from Feb of y11 Onscreen textbooks are good e.g. Edexcel Active Teach Lots of revision workbooks are available Chunk the questions Do relevant questions to topics as you go along Do a full paper in trial exam and from March y11 Allow time for Instant feedback in the lesson + time to recap & review; A short reading extract makes a good starter Quiz format is good use Barryfunenglish + tools for a scoreboard Try wheeldecide to put keywords into a spinner- see also sandfields interactive resources
  16. 16. Dont waste time copying vocabulary Brainstorm it Test it Use it Quiz it Context is the key
  17. 17. Listening & Reading Lots of work on synonyms, Lots of work on negatives etc Positive or negative put post-it phrases into columns on the board / use IWB Mon profdhistoireesttrop strict. Il esttoujours de mauvaisehumeur Par contre, jai un bon prof de maths. Il est strict on rigoleaussidanssescours. Tense search look for clues: avant/ ; maintenant; plus tard, danslavenir
  18. 18. Same or different? A starter idea can be modified to suit the topic 1) Ma villeestlaideElle nest pas jolie 1) Il y a beaucoup de choses faire pour les jeunesIl y a trspeu pour les jeunes 1) Je ne vaisjamais au cinmaJe vais au cinmaunefois par an 1) Les restaurants sontchersIl fautavoir beaucoup dargent pour aller aux restaurants 1) Il ny a plus de bibliothquela bibliothque a fermily a deuxans 1) Je naime pas faire les courses avec ma mreFaire des achats avec mes parents, cela ne me plat pas
  19. 19. GCSE Listening Tips Dont ignore listening skills Short chunks Initially - Show listening as transcript; do it as a reading Pause and repeat, Pause and predict the extract Prepare and pre-empt the areas of difficulty Groups team competition Teach and practise word families: chmagechmeur Chaud chauffer chauffagechaleur Rouge rougir Customize your own exams e.g.
  20. 20. Listening & Reading question types picture-vocab match Find 5 correct statements (out of 8) Summary; paraphrase (headline summary, who says what etc) Gap-fill Multiple choice comprehension Tense recognition Understanding for/ against arguments Traditional comprehension -answers in English Listening Extract 1- personal info Listening 2 - uniform Listening 3 - hobbies
  21. 21. List 5 correct facts Substitute Vrai/faux Gap-fill Reorder textivate Top/tail Convert Je to il Grammar analysis Comparison work
  22. 22. ing/higher/index.htm
  23. 23. Continuity Target language Mix of creativity and cramming Plenty of formal & informal testing Good quality A4L: feedback & follow-up Review and recap Theme and variations Well-planned, well-structured varied lessons From Feb of y11 focus on L & R papers Lots of exam questions along the way Past papers in chunks D/C interventions A/A* interventions Les secrets du succs
  24. 24. Watch and see how much you can remember
  25. 25. Tagxedowordle
  26. 26. Building from KS3 Dont take anything for granted Insist they learn grammar &vocab from the start regular mini tests Clear SOW with milestones and assessment points Give them the assessment criteria and refer to them frequently Teachers must read Examiners Reports Well-organised notes: draft- redraft -final Selected L & R questions topic linked make it active Show past papers early and practise questions regularly Give frequent model answers at Grade C, B A/A* - but make it interactive GCSE MFL KEYS TO SUCCESS
  27. 27. Encouraging independence Brainsbooksbuddyboss* Dictionary duel Find x words in 2 minutes on the topic:- the team with the most wins Beat the Teach- 1 point if you have it and the teacher has it 2 points if you have it and the teacher doesnt Common errors wear / where; there/ their; Bowl/ Bowel Phonics teacher says a word 2 pupils race to find the word Check the part of speech teacher reads a word e.g. Travail pupils look it up and find which part of speech it is (also: Fatigu, fatigant) false friends hunt pupils chase as many as possible librairie, bless, retard, bras, professeur, collge, demander, commander, gentil, crayon, rester, sale Dictionaries????? Whats wrong here? Jai haricot au cinma
  28. 28. AVOCADO Adjectives Verbs Opinions & Justification Connectives Adverbs Descriptions Originality & Interest (+ qualifiers & intensifiers) (Variety, tenses) (conjunctions) (time expressions, frequency & sequencing) (adj endings/ agreement, SACLAD -size, appearance, character, likes, activities, dislikes)
  29. 29. Charles, please provide fresh cucumber, orange juice, Daily Express and The Times, & make sure you bring IVY Connectives & conjunctions Past Present Future Conditional Opinions & justification Detail and extend Accuracy Time-tags & make sure you bring Interest & variety
  30. 30. Youre never too old for a Zondle game
  31. 31. 6Ws: Who what when where why what is/was it like? AVOCADO Model answers at Grade C, B A/A* Access to correct grammar notes and topic vocabulary Exam boards core vocab sheets time phrases: weave into everything from the start Syllabus summary assessment schedule Access to grammar Access to star phrases, & structures WOW! phrases (see handout) Past Paper Questions False friends lists great for L & R exercises Regular learning and testing on the above Revision mats, cereal packets, quiz-cards, displays, take-away menu Helpful displays + revision & grammar placemats - make these or see MFL Sunderland resources: What do the pupils need?
  32. 32. Suggestions: TV: la grille des missions Cinema + Rouen+ programme Subway Belgique McDonalds France Subway France Pizzas `a emporter Using Authentic materials
  33. 33. A* Phrases in French Activity: Make up similar lists for German and Spanish Si jtais riche, je Pour + inf Afin de+ inf Aprs avoir/ aprs tre + pp Avant de + inf Reflexive verbs Use nous / on instead of the eternal je Avant, jhabitais/ jaimais. maismaintenant Plus tardjhabiteraipeut-tre Venir de Avoirenvie de Avoirhorreur de Avoirpeur de Modal verbs je veux/ peux/dois/ Mais, par contre, pourtant Aussi = galement Ainsi /donc Qui and que used correctly Imagine! Au cin, jai vu la prof qui sappelle Mme Rollin cest la profque je dteste Les frites quejaimangestaient dlicieuses Je vaispouvoirperfectionnermonfr anais Je me passionne pour . Je mintresse A selection
  34. 34. TimephrasesfromLangweb Activity:MakeupsimilarlistsforGermanandSpanish
  35. 35. See also MFL Sunderland resources: sunderland/resources-fr-ks4-wks.htm
  36. 36. Smiley face/ multiple choice voter Download from here
  37. 37. ability groups for some activities
  38. 38. ability groups for some activities
  39. 39. extra support CD borderline A/A* Give occasional AS questions to the high flyers Use the FLA, parents etc to help What about the D word? Are the pupils learning or just doing? Are they making progress this lesson and over the week Are they engaged and enjoying the lesson? Are they understanding? (use your mini-plenaries)
  40. 40. Correct the mistakes collective corrections Correct each others Mark each others work against assessment criteria Mini whiteboards Flipcams Use authentic materials occasionally McDonalds, online Pizza menu, James Bond, cinema programme, football results, Subway menu Writing duel rough paper Revision planes / helicopters Paper-toss / fruit shoot! Post-its quiz questions Sentence auction- 6 or 7 groups of 3. Each group has a notional sum of money to begin with say 50 euros. Groups bid for and buy sentences displayed one at a time. Some sentences contain mistakes and are therefore worthless. Some are correct and are even A* sentences and so worth lots of money say 20 euros each . The winning group is the one with the most money at the end. Fun the pupils love it but you need to keep track of the money won/or paid out by each group.
  41. 41. For/ against practice [SMSC sex drugs &rocknroll ] Avant / maintenant / danslavenir (plus tard) - good news- bad news Starter: grammar gym past pres future Add a time phrase Grade expander give a core sentence, pupils in groups have to come up with the best and longest variation. Group writing battle all do an exercise , groups mark each others and the teacher marks one; next lesson feedback on mistakes and misconceptions
  42. 42. 10+ Ideas for Starters 1) Unusual picture brainstorm ideas 2) Mr Bean Youtube cartoon 3) Top 10s e.g. BARB 4) a few lines grabbed from a GCSE reading comp (linked to topic area) 5) Two or three 3 pairs of Thinking skills /logic test same or different? e.g. a) Mon prof de maths nous fait toujoursrire b) monprof de mathsesttrssrieux 6) Selection of 3 or 4 sentences decide if they are Positive or Negative e.g. Il esttrop strict et, en plus, on napprendriendanssescours Good news bad news 7) Selection of sentences decide if Past Present or Future? Avant nous habitionsunebanlieue 8) tense warm up je joue au foot + P, F + time phrase They set one for each other 9) False friend task 10) Display a sentence - Find and correct the (3-5) errors Or Display a piece of writing - Guess the grade 11) Brainstorm and generate a Popplet spider diagram on a topic (like the one at the start)
  43. 43. 10 ideas for probing plenaries clock diagram with keywords linked to a topic 1 team to get all the way round See Popplet Grids: Staircase go up the steps, completing a set of tasks, Football grid, noughts& crosses Darts Blockbusters see Pass the fakephone, when music stops, pupils say something they have learnt Post-it quiz question or vocab item; also Coloured paper cut up as thought clouds pupils write quiz questions or concerns and queries Quiz buzzers + have I got a lesson for you Flipcams Teach the class password to get out of the door Deutsch machtSpa je me suisbienamus 10 questions/ tasks to unlock the door Remember the plenary should not be an afterthought- all the learning from the lesson should culminate in this so why not show the plenary at the start and say this is your challenge A better word? Learning check, recap
  44. 44. Online resources for your toolbox some of my favourites Audioboo, vokaroo, audiopal easy online voice recorders. Voki create a speaking avatar lots of great resources to use make up vocab tests, reveal hidden picture, countdown timer to music etc Online selection of fun countdown different timers to set 1 minute, press 1 then zero to move it 1 place left, then 0 again to move it again. Fotobabble add audio to a photo Image chef add short captions to a range of signs, T-Shirts, spaghetti soup etc Front Page me add your own image to a front page of a magazine Wordle create word clouds great for starters. Also: Tagxedo mindmapping boxes, great for extending topic work. Poppletis also good needs free sign up Star Wars Crawl Creator Google translate or TTS text to speech IM translator will speak back text displays scrolling text like a TV autocue Edexcel OLD past papers by topic
  45. 45. Play the Plenary Blockbusters quiz How much did you learn? game.aspx?game_id=79571 Aim: connect 2 sides of the board for your team, red or blue
  46. 46. Your homework: Discuss & share key ideas with the dept back at school make a revision placemat Or a take-away grammar menu Include the following Time-expressions key grammar star expressions & constructions [email protected]