add He's adding salt and pepper to the soup. boil over Be careful when water boils over.

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boil over Be careful when water boils over

Transcript of add He's adding salt and pepper to the soup. boil over Be careful when water boils over.

add He's adding salt and pepper to the soup. boil over Be careful when water boils over whisk He's whisking some batter to make a cake. drain A colander is useful when you need to drain noodles or wash vegetables. cut He is cutting the pizza simmer Sauces can simmer in a saucepan for a long time. roast They're roasting hot dogs over a campfire. What fun! Fry I need to fry some bacon slice He slices potatoes flip Use a spatula to flip pancakes, hamburgers, and eggs. stir She's stirring some carrots into some vegetable soup. barbeque Use this little oven to barbeque things outside. prepare They're preparing some vegetable trays for a party. bake She is baking some cookies toss / mix The chef is tossing the salad, and mixing all the vegetables and the lettuce together. pour Pour some milk chop Hes chopping carrots peel Gladys is peeling some potatoes Blend Blend all the ingredients Freeze Melt Mash Im mashing the potatoes Sequency adverbs First Second Next After that Then Finally MEXICAN SALSA INGREDIENTS: 1 CAN OF TOMATOES 1 SMALL ONION 1 JALAPEO PEPPER 1 CLOVE OF GARLIC OF CHOPPED CILANTRO 1 TABLESPOON OF OLIVE OIL 2 TABLESPOONS OF LIME JUICE SALT PROCEDURE: First, open the can of tomatoes and pour it to a bowl. Second, chop the onion and the garlic Next, add the onion and the garlic to the tomatoes. After that, chop the jalapeno Then, add it to the mix. Next, add the cilantro, olive and lime juice and blend the ingredients. Finally, serve the salsa with nachos, tacos or tortilla chips.