Add a Pushbutton on the Application Toolbar of Report Selection Screen

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Transcript of Add a Pushbutton on the Application Toolbar of Report Selection Screen

  • 7/27/2019 Add a Pushbutton on the Application Toolbar of Report Selection Screen


    ReportingHow do I add a pushbutton on the application toolbar of report selection screen?Add the following code in appropriate events mentioned to display one button with label 'my_button' (You could have up to 5 buttons on the selection screen). Upon pressing the button, form 'f_my_button' get executed.

    tables sscrfields. "Fields on selection screens

    selection-screen function key 1. "button on the application toolbar

    initialization.* Populating button textmove 'my_button' to sscrfields-functxt_01.

    at selection-screen.if sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC01'.

    perform f_my_button.How do I indicate progress while executing a program?use function 'PROGRESS_INDICATOR'How do I pop-up my own selection values for a select-option/parameters?- Help View- code exampleHow do I let user display program documentation while on a selection screen?

    step 1:Create program documentation using the Documentation option on the SE38 screen.Documentation suggestions:Description : Lists and describes processing steps done in the

    program.Precondition: Lists any input and processing that is necessary

    before executing the program.Select Options: List all the selection options and values expectedOutput: Lists any output from the program.SAP function: List of sap functions used by the program.Transactions called: List of sap transactions called in the program.Programs called: Lists all programs called by the abap program.

    step 2:Add the following code in approprate sections/events:

    tables sscrfields. "Fields on selection screens

    selection-screen function key 1. "button on the application toolbar

    initialization.* Populating button textwrite icon_display_note as icon to sscrfields-functxt_01.concatenate sscrfields-functxt_01 'Help' into sscrfields-functxt_01.

    at selection-screen.

    if sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC01'.perform f_pgm_help.


    form begin of help_infos.

    include structure end of begin of dynpselect occurs 0.

    include structure dselc.

  • 7/27/2019 Add a Pushbutton on the Application Toolbar of Report Selection Screen


    data: end of begin of dynpvaluetab occurs 0.

    include structure end of dynpvaluetab.

    clear help_infos.help_infos-call = 'D'.help_infos-spras = sy-langu.help_infos-docuid = 'RE'.help_infos-report = sy-repid.help_infos-title = function 'HELP_START'

    exportinghelp_infos = help_infos

    tablesdynpselect = dynpselectdynpvaluetab = dynpvaluetab.

    endform. " F_PGM_HELP